ジンジャーの朝 〜さよなら、わたしが愛した世界

『ジンジャーの朝 〜さよなら、わたしが愛した世界』(原題:Ginger & Rosa)は2012年にイギリスなど4カ国で製作された青春映画。しかし登場人物はアメリカ人の役者ばかりで聞きやすいのですが、イギリス訛りはあまり感じられませんでした。ストーリーは感性豊かな10代の少女二人の苦悩を扱っていて共感できるところも多いのですが、以下2点に違和感を感じます。
貧しい家庭設定なのに 主人公 ジンジャー ( エル・ファニング)の母親はいつもメークばっちりで綺麗すぎだし生活感がなさすぎ。
主人公 ジンジャー の親友と エル・ファニングのモテモテの 父親が体の関係になりジンジャーの精神が乱れていき最後泣き叫ぶシーンがあるのですが、顔色一つ変えないで泣き叫ぶシーンに違和感。


The Defense Department of the United States government has arrived at estimates of casualties. (ジンジャーの朝)


Every man needs to struggle for his own authority, Ginger. For autonomous thought. Which is why you mustn't listen to a word I say. (ジンジャーの朝)


To avert the greatest calamity. (ジンジャーの朝)


Autonomous thought, personal truth, freedom of action. Well, these have been my guiding principles. (ジンジャーの朝)


I deeply believe in them,

and I was jailed for them. (ジンジャーの朝)


A girl's most important possession is a bubbly personality. (ジンジャーの朝)


How's school, by the way? Or are you still not really bothering with that at the moment? (ジンジャーの朝)


Boring old me. (ジンジャーの朝)


Anoushka must be crazed with worry. (ジンジャーの朝)


What on earth is that crucifix doing round your neck? (ジンジャーの朝)


So why don't you come out with it?

-Come out with what?

-If you want to shame me. (ジンジャーの朝)


It's one of the Ten Commandments. Thou shalt not kill et cetera, et cetera. (ジンジャーの朝)


I don't need a commandment to work that one out. (ジンジャーの朝)


Roland was in prison for being a conscientious objector. (ジンジャーの朝)


Sigmund Freud infamously referred to women's sexuality as a “dark continent” for psychoanalysis

My father named me Africa. He said it was in honor of Freud's theory of the dark continent of woman. (ジンジャーの朝)


Everyone else will be dead. Burnt to cinders. (ジンジャーの朝)


We understand each other. He confides in me. (ジンジャーの朝)


What's Natalie's view on death traps? (ジンジャーの朝)


Nat, ducky, we've got to get this sorted out for once and for all. (ジンジャーの朝)


She's an existentialist. (ジンジャーの朝)


I have directed the armed forces to prepare for any eventualities. (ジンジャーの朝)


I was wondering if, for example, there was any room. I don't know if it may not be feasible at all. (ジンジャーの朝)


All this protesting on the street is a front, you know. The girl may be seriously mentally ill. (ジンジャーの朝)


It's a bit kitsch. (ジンジャーの朝)


With some blonde student again for all I know. (ジンジャーの朝)


A prison cell is the ugliest expression of minimalism. (ジンジャーの朝)


Don't be fooled by such phony modernity. (ジンジャーの朝)


I'm not sure I'm father material, really. (ジンジャーの朝)


There would not even be the possibility of nuclear war, or any war if millions of men had been prepared to stand up against authority, as I did and refuse to join the army refuse to take orders. It's mindless obedience that's the killer. (ジンジャーの朝)


A nuclear war would probably obliterate us all if it happened. (ジンジャーの朝)


Make something for posterity? (ジンジャーの朝)


One is not a poetess, just as one is not a "doctoress" or a "physicistess. "(ジンジャーの朝)


Where the hell have you been?

-We were just, you know, roving about. (ジンジャーの朝)


This is a completely unsuitable environment for you in every possible respect. (ジンジャーの朝)


You're not a moaner, as a rule, thank God. (ジンジャーの朝)


Not that exams mean anything of reaI significance. (ジンジャーの朝)


See, you're an activist, not a supplicant. (ジンジャーの朝)


The only life is the one we have now, which is why we must seize it and live while we have the chance. (ジンジャーの朝)


It must be the strain of being so nice. (ジンジャーの朝)


I'm scraping to pay the bills, with the money. (ジンジャーの朝)


Why don't you sod off to your bloody yacht? (ジンジャーの朝)


They strip you of all human contact in prison. (ジンジャーの朝)


Is Nat doing all right? Not too many scenes or anything? (ジンジャーの朝)


Is this the famous Roland who holds us all in his theoretical spell? (ジンジャーの朝)


With the United States for world supremacy. (ジンジャーの朝)


Anyway, I learn more at these meetings than I ever do at school.

-That goes without saying, I think. (ジンジャーの朝)


Real love when it comes is like a siren call. One simply has no choice and one must surrender. (ジンジャーの朝)


I've spent my entire life fighting against tyranny. Not only the tyranny of government but also the tyranny of the "shoulds" and the "oughts" of so-called normal family life. (ジンジャーの朝)


Why do you twist my words? You make everything seem as if it's my fault. (ジンジャーの朝)


The transitory nature of cooking and eating offends you so much. (ジンジャーの朝)


You don't want me tagging along. (ジンジャーの朝)


It was just a thought anyway. (ジンジャーの朝)


What's dish soap?

-It's American. Washing-up liquid, Ginger. (ジンジャーの朝)