『静かなる男』(しずかなるおとこ、原題: The Quiet Man)は、1952年に公開されたアメリカ映画。 主演ジョン・ウェイン。アメリカを離れて自分のルーツであるアイルランドに移り住む主人公ショーン・ソーントンの話。時代が時代だけに出演者のほとんどはすでに鬼籍に入っています。舞台がアイルランドということもありますが、そこまで強烈なアイリッシュは感じませんでしたが、今回は音響のせいかリスニングにかなり苦戦。集中力が切れたあたりから、居眠りしてしまったこともあり、今回は消化不良です。
You've a tongue like an adder. (静かなる男)
I'll rest awhile. (静かなる男)
The banns have been read. (静かなる男)
The men of Inisfree bid you welcome home. (静かなる男)
If you were half the man you think you are, you wouldn't begrudge a Thornton the right to his birthplace. (静かなる男)
The banns having been read and no man objecting. I'm permitting this man to court me sister. (静かなる男)
A belated wedding present. (静かなる男)
Non-belligerents will kindly remain neutral. (静かなる男)
She had neither chick nor child. (静かなる男)
I could tell you blood-curdlin' stories about him. (静かなる男)
He says it's all one to him even if you come in the clothes on your back, or without them. 君が文無しだろうがなかろうが彼にとっては同じことだ。(静かなる男)
I've got such a small congregation, just 2-3 people at the service. (静かなる男)
This is damn... darn... awfully nice of you. (静かなる男)
He'd as soon put his fist into my teeth as bid me the time of the day. (静かなる男)
I don't suppose there's a drop in the house. (静かなる男)
You'll have your dowry. (静かなる男)
Are you a man of such eminence? (静かなる男)
on one's ear
1. 〈俗〉怒って
2. 世間の注目を集めて
I don't blame Mr Danaher for gettin' on his ear.
-Who's on his ear? (静かなる男)
Enter into formal negotiations. (静かなる男)
Without further eloquence, I will give you a toast to myself, who is soon to be wed. (静かなる男)
Tony Gardello was a good egg. With nice little wife and a home, a couple of kids. (静かなる男)
Married? That one?
-Not likely. And her with her freckles and her temper. (静かなる男)
It's a good grip you have. I always hated a flappy handshake myself. (静かなる男)
You had your chance and you flubbed it. (静かなる男)
By fraud and falsity. (静かなる男)
If we put a good foot under us, we'd be back by suppertime. (静かなる男)
I'm as fresh as a daisy. (まだ喧嘩いけるぞ)
-You look more like a black-eyed Susan to me. (静かなる男)
Shut your gob. (静かなる男)
I go about me own business(静かなる男)
Don't sit there gawking. (静かなる男)
wigs on the green つかみ合いのけんか
Danaher versus the Yank. It'll be weeks on the green this time. (静かなる男)
With a face as dark as the black hunter he rode. (静かなる男)
Now that you know, I wish you'd keep it under your hat. (静かなる男)
Impetuous! Homeric! (静かなる男)
We could sell that hunter of yours. I'll buy another horse for the ploughing. (静かなる男)
I'm buying this drink.
-High time. (当然だよな)皮肉(静かなる男)
I don't give a hang about the money. (静かなる男)
It's Homeric, that's what it is, Homeric. (静かなる男)
The sale of all intoxicating and alcoholic drinks will cease. (静かなる男)
So, the IRA is in this. (静かなる男)
And salmon! The last one I got, I expected Jonah to pop out of his mouth. (静かなる男)
He's got a tremendous right hook and a jaw of granite in a boxing match. (静かなる男)
He took liberties that he shouldn't have. (静かなる男)
Who gave you leave to be kissin' me? (静かなる男)
shillelagh 【名】〈アイル〉こん棒
I lathered him with me shillelagh. (静かなる男)
You're the only one I can level with. I gotta talk to somebody, or I'll blow my top. (静かなる男)
I've taken quite a liking to you. (静かなる男)
It's only a mirage brought on by your terrible thirst. (静かなる男)
There will be no locks or bolts between us, except those in your own mercenary little heart. (静かなる男)
Don't be getting any notions in your head. Put it out of your mind. (静かなる男)
Pay no attention to her at all! Take no notice. (静かなる男)
The proprieties must be observed. (静かなる男)
I didn't go in there to outbox him. I went there to beat his brains out. (静かなる男)
Steel, and pig-iron furnaces. (静かなる男)
Australia, in a penal colony. (静かなる男)
Playing patty fingers in the Holy Water? 処女に手を出したのか(静かなる男)
Patty fingers: becoming fresh with a woman inappropriately. But in context of another era when putting your arm around a girl whom you had just begun to court might be “too fresh”!
There will be no patty fingers on the first date with my daughter. Is that clear , Young Man? (静かなる男)
I'll try one of those black beers.
- Oh, the porter. (静かなる男)
Me mouth is like a dry crust, and the sun is that hot, and me pate. (静かなる男)
You're a well propertied woman. (静かなる男)
A rich, propertied man. (静かなる男)
No patty fingers, if you please. (静かなる男)
A collection of furnishings, linen, and pewter goes with the sister. (静かなる男)
My own china and pewter shinin' about me. (静かなる男)
No patty fingers, if you please. The proprieties at all times. (静かなる男)
We call it quits. (静かなる男)
The Marquis of Queensbury rules will be observed on all occasions. (静かなる男)
He reneged on you. (静かなる男)
Ah, now you're talking sense. (静かなる男)
Hey, was I tellin' you about that trout I got two summers before last? (静かなる男)
A shack near the slag heaps. (静かなる男)
He had shoulders on him like an ox. (静かなる男)
Little squint. (静かなる男)
Don't soil your knuckles on the man. (静かなる男)
I'm no pauper to be going to him in my shift. (no shirt on my back 一文無しで) (静かなる男)
My spinet over there, and the table here, and my own chairs to rest upon. (静かなる男)
shillelagh 【名】〈アイル〉こん棒
I lathered him with me shillelagh. (静かなる男)
Put more shame on her. (静かなる男)
You spawn. (静かなる男)
I hope that Thornton beats him senseless. (静かなる男)
Perhaps charge tuppence a visit for a guided tour. (静かなる男)
You little tattletail. (静かなる男)
We sprung the trap. (静かなる男)
The trashing party. (静かなる男)
tiddlywinks: is a game played on a flat felt mat with sets of small discs called "winks", a pot, which is the target, and a collection of squidgers, which are also discs.
Have you tiddled your last wink? (静かなる男)
Do you play tiddly-winks? (静かなる男)
Watch your muddy boots! (静かなる男)
Pay no attention to her at all! Take no notice.
-You do, and there'll be a fine wake in this house tonight. 殺されてこんやお通夜よ。(静かなる男)
I said "that's a lie".
-That's a word I take from no man! Put up your fists. (静かなる男)
You've got a wallop. (静かなる男)
That won't be easy. Oh, as well I know it. (静かなる男)
The wintry sea. (静かなる男)