『サハラに舞う羽根』(原題:The Four Feathers)は、2002年のアメリカ、イギリス合作の映画。
今回の英語に関してですが、主人公ヒース・レジャー は主にアメリカの映画界で有名でありウェス・ベントレー やケイト・ハドソンは皆アメリカ出身です。生粋のブリティッシュではないので、ブリティッシュを真似ているせいかリスニングは聞きやすい部類に入ります。
This has to be answered. (サハラに舞う羽根)
I don't know if an opportunity will ever arise to redeem myself. (サハラに舞う羽根)
Please leave these barracks immediately. (サハラに舞う羽根)
He's left our backs exposed. (サハラに舞う羽根)
One section will fix bayonets. (サハラに舞う羽根)
I believe most of my horses ended up in the bandstand. 観客席(サハラに舞う羽根)
He colors it in with a pen. (サハラに舞う羽根)
I thought I'd serve out my commission in a year or two. (サハラに舞う羽根)
Don't be so coy. You're amongst friends. (サハラに舞う羽根)
What would it have cost to listen? (サハラに舞う羽根)
Now Hassan is infinitely corruptible. (サハラに舞う羽根)
How many bullets?
-One. Better make it count. (サハラに舞う羽根)
A cavalry charge. (サハラに舞う羽根)
The British soldiers pay me three dirham an hour. (サハラに舞う羽根)
How differently I'd do things given a second chance. (サハラに舞う羽根)
God takes away what's dearest to our hearts to remind us how much we take for granted. (サハラに舞う羽根)
They finally made you captain, Miss Willoughby. All those decorations. 男性のWilloughbyに対する皮肉。(サハラに舞う羽根)
God has endowed the British race with a worldwide empire. (サハラに舞う羽根)
Thou God, who reigneth over all the earth who art the Lord of all our salvation give your ear unto my prayer. (サハラに舞う羽根)
Feathers of cowardice. (サハラに舞う羽根)
You wiped the floor with me. (サハラに舞う羽根)
What a godforsaken desert in the middle of nowhere. (サハラに舞う羽根)
The rebel tribes are gathering forces under the leadership. (サハラに舞う羽根)
It's high time this government ordered us out of Korti. (サハラに舞う羽根)
Don't leave us hanging on. (サハラに舞う羽根)
The enemy hounded us all the way. (サハラに舞う羽根)
The soldier's greatest comfort is to have his friends close at hand. (サハラに舞う羽根)
Forgive me for all the shame I've caused you. I can only imagine the indignities you must have suffered because of me. (サハラに舞う羽根)
You have shown yourselves willing to lay down your lives. (サハラに舞う羽根)
Can we have a nice, quiet wedding, please?
-Not on your life! (サハラに舞う羽根)
Did I get my head lopped off. (サハラに舞う羽根)
It isn't leave I want, sir. (サハラに舞う羽根)
Refuse him leave to marry Ethne? (サハラに舞う羽根)
Every man feels meanly about himself for not having been a soldier. (サハラに舞う羽根)
Nobody in their right minds could call you a coward. (サハラに舞う羽根)
Then say that to his face.
-I would've done only he left the barracks before I had a chance. (サハラに舞う羽根)
I will not pirouette.
-Dance with me. (サハラに舞う羽根)
Pledging one's life for one's country. (サハラに舞う羽根)
Why are you protecting me?
-God put you in my way. I have no choice. (サハラに舞う羽根)
I didn't mean to be a pig about it. (サハラに舞う羽根)
Now I have no choice, Ethne. God put you in my way. (サハラに舞う羽根)
Can we have a nice, quiet wedding, please?
-Not on your life! I want the full works, the church near my home and then a rousing speech from your father. (サハラに舞う羽根)
Merrily, we roll along, roll along, roll along Merrily, we roll along until the morning comes. (サハラに舞う羽根)
In the end hopeless, rearguard action. They were slaughtered to a man. (サハラに舞う羽根)
We will route the enemy. (サハラに舞う羽根)
Don't be rash! (サハラに舞う羽根)
Stand tall! (サハラに舞う羽根)
Self-proclaimed messiah. (サハラに舞う羽根)
God save the queen! (サハラに舞う羽根)
There's no one I'd sooner trust my life with. (サハラに舞う羽根)
Every report I receive singles you out for praise. (サハラに舞う羽根)
I was a scout for General Hicks. (サハラに舞う羽根)
The Egyptians have captured an enemy scout. (サハラに舞う羽根)
We sod 'em off, lads! (サハラに舞う羽根)
Send out the skirmishers, Mr. Willoughby. Send out the skirmishers! (サハラに舞う羽根)
The enemy hounded us all the way. The desert itself seemed to side with the enemy. (サハラに舞う羽根)
We even had to leave stragglers behind. (サハラに舞う羽根)
They bring them scraps of food. (サハラに舞う羽根)
Children who leave school unable to read and write are being shortchanged by their teachers.読み書きができないまま学校を出る子供たちは、教師から不当な扱いを受けている。
You'll get short changed if you ask the boss to prohibit smoking in the office. He loves smoking. オフィスを禁煙にしてほしいとボスに頼んだところで聞き入れてもらえないよ。
I thought the poison was supposed to kill me.
-Only for a while.
-You mean, you knew?
-I couldn't be short-changed. (サハラに舞う羽根)
I'm not going to waste the colonel's time by sending some half-naked savage in front of him with a tall tale. (サハラに舞う羽根)
Prepare for volley. Number One Company, two rounds volley fire! (サハラに舞う羽根)
Can we have a nice, quiet wedding, please?
-Not on your life! I want the full works, the church near my home and then a rousing speech from your father. (サハラに舞う羽根)
Do you, Harry Faversham take this woman to be your lawful, wedded wife? (サハラに舞う羽根)
You filthy wog! (サハラに舞う羽根)
The poison has paralyzed your body. It'll wear off soon. (サハラに舞う羽根)
Forgive me. I did you a great wrong. (サハラに舞う羽根)