
『1000日のアン』(英: Anne of the Thousand Days)は、1969年公開の歴史映画。16世紀のイングランド国王ヘンリー8世の妃アン・ブーリンの物語。


ヘンリー8世にとってきれいで従順な女性たちと浴びるほど関係をもったであろうヘンリー8世にとって女性は人間というよりも所有物のような感覚ではなかったのでしょうか。歯向かうと斬首という状況下の中でイングランド王ヘンリー8世の2番目の王妃であるアン・ブーリンは物おじせず言いたいことをいうので、ヘンリー8世にとってとても新鮮で魅力的に映ったのではないかと思います。女たちが王に愛を提供するのは税金でも払っているかのようだ。素のままの私を愛してくれる女性に会いたい。(Women give love to the King like paying taxes. I wish to be loved for myself.)というセリフからもヘンリー8世の女性たちへの気持ちがうかがえます。



What ails you? (1000日のアン)


Marriages of the nobility are affairs of State. (1000日のアン)


It is sometimes my duty to anticipate his desires. (1000日のアン)


Spare His Majesty any annoyance. (1000日のアン)


That caused me great anguish. (1000日のアン)


In the end you agreed that I should sign for you and affix your seal. (1000日のアン)


The English Church cut off from Rome is without an anchor. The only anchor I know is the King. (1000日のアン)


All is not well with them. (1000日のアン)


I am accursed! (1000日のアン)


Speak now without lying, for it will avail you nothing. (1000日のアン)


She has borne you a useless daughter and a dead son. (1000日のアン)


As for young Percy, he'll do as I bid him. (1000日のアン)


Are we to bed together? (1000日のアン)


We have had the King in the bosom of this family for some years. My sister Mary is with child by the king. (1000日のアン)


In his bowers. (1000日のアン)


Do you also offer me up to this royal bull? (1000日のアン)


The royal bull can't force you. (1000日のアン)


I will not take the King to my bed! (1000日のアン)


Remarkable women you breed, you Howards. (1000日のアン)


That blundering... (1000日のアン)


You dare to treat me like a bawling boy in front of my court. (1000日のアン)


Now she's past the age of bearing children. (1000日のアン)


What has this barren marriage to do with you and me? (1000日のアン)


How they all tremble when the king bellows. (1000日のアン)


I think of nothing but you, of you and me playing dog and bitch, horse and mare. つがいになることだけを考えているんだ。(1000日のアン)


In a month you'll have breached her. (1000日のアン)


This Pope bends to the wind. よく考えを変える。信用ならない。(1000日のアン)


I’ll come bluntly to the point. (1000日のアン)


I shall speak against it while I have breath. (1000日のアン)


I beseech you. (1000日のアン)


So much for your boastful promises. (1000日のアン)


I’ve kept every part of the bargain. (1000日のアン)


Those are lungs that will out-bellow the Spanish Ambassador. Ey, Nan? (1000日のアン)


I have borne you a daughter, Your Majesty. (1000日のアン)


What has love got to do with begetting of a king? (1000日のアン)


The last reply, but one. ''Well, yes, all right, I do love her.'' 最後からひとつ前の返答を繰り返してみろ。(1000日のアン)


Brace yourself, girl. I have a warrant for your arrest. (1000日のアン)


Elizabeth, child of Annee the whore and Henry the bloodstained lecher, shall be Queen. (1000日のアン)


The Queen despised her marriage and indulged her carnal lust. (1000日のアン)


child-bed: archaic term for childbirth.

The outcome of the child bed. (1000日のアン)


Go and commune with the devil(1000日のアン)


Bored with my Spanish cow. (1000日のアン)


You have feet of lead, a northern clodhopper. (1000日のアン)


There's a clump of deer in the meadow. (1000日のアン)


Do they exchange confidences, do you think? (1000日のアン)


I was surrounded by gallant, captivating, exquisite French courtiers. (1000日のアン)


It is sometimes my duty to anticipate his desires. Even in carnal matters. (1000日のアン)


I’ve heard what your courtiers say. (1000日のアン)


The moment you're conquered, he'll walk away. (1000日のアン)


My father coupled my brother Arthur with Catherine for the Spanish Alliance. (1000日のアン)


The good Cardinal is devoted only to the King and to England. (1000日のアン)


Your brother was 15 and had not consummated the marriage. (1000日のアン)


That butcher's cur, Wolsey, who put it in his mind. (1000日のアン)


My conscience is deeply troubled. (1000日のアン)


My conscience is clear. (1000日のアン)


My marriage to your brother was never consummated. (1000日のアン)


Out there are my bishops, my courtiers and my loyal subjects. (1000日のアン)


I do not wish to marry another woman for carnal pleasure. (1000日のアン)


The one cardinal principle he taught me was, always keep the Church on your side. (1000日のアン)


I intend to bring before Parliament matters which have concerned us greatly. (1000日のアン)


Cardinal Wolsey, the greatest Churchman of our land is cast down. (1000日のアン)


I gave up my chain of office today. (1000日のアン)


Keep your heart, then! Preserve your special chastity. (1000日のアン)


You're his concubine. (1000日のアン)


Pinch your cheeks and give them colour. Sit up and smile. (1000日のアン)


Your butcher cleaver man knows that. (1000日のアン)


I rob, murder and commit sacrilege at your command. (1000日のアン)


The rumours that she has a lover.

- Annee? A lover? I, a cuckold? (1000日のアン)


You are a foul liar, and the judges are your creatures. (1000日のアン)


Did you have carnal relations with the Queen? (1000日のアン)


Where did you couch with the Queen, my wife? (1000日のアン)


Where the dove is, the hawk will not be far behind. (1000日のアン)


You're a fool because you gave him everything and asked for nothing. What His Majesty is denied, he goes mad to obtain. What he gets freely, he despises. (1000日のアン)


Defender of the Faith? (1000日のアン)


lead a dance(人)に余計な面倒をかける、(人)を引きずりまわす

The boss led us a (merry [pretty]) dance by changing his mind. : あのボスに引きずりまわされたよ。コロコロ気が変わるんだから。

That witch has been leading him a dance for two weeks. (1000日のアン)


None of my doing. (1000日のアン)


The devil take him. 彼を消してくれ。(1000日のアン)


The Pope granted you a dispensation to marry Catherine. (1000日のアン)


It delights my heart to see you privately after so many months. (1000日のアン)


I shall send dispatches back. (1000日のアン)


She'll let her case go by default. (1000日のアン)


Every man to the devil his own way. 悪事は皆働くものだ。(1000日のアン)


I thought it was your doing. (1000日のアン)


I shall teach him to ride, wrestle, draw a bow. (1000日のアン)


They hate me for despoiling the monasteries. (1000日のアン)


I am dining you, as I will dine others, to get to know those whom I may trust. (1000日のアン)


Now you try to dance out of your promise. (1000日のアン)


We shall entertain no more such petitions. (1000日のアン)


Your Grace could be excommunicated! (1000日のアン)


It would mean excommunication. It would mean a break with Rome. (1000日のアン)


I shall be excommunicated. Everlasting damnation. (1000日のアン)


With your feet on the devil's fender. (1000日のアン)


You will obey or your estates will be forfeit. (1000日のアン)


My breath is foul. (1000日のアン)


While mistresses forsaking. (1000日のアン)


For form's sake. (1000日のアン)


Any son His Majesty may father out of wedlock. (1000日のアン)


I will marry Annee if it breaks the Earth in two and flings the two halves into the void! (1000日のアン)


The child is perfectly formed and in good health. (1000日のアン)


Sir, with Catherine's death, Annee is too firmly the Queen. (1000日のアン)


Tell the musicians to play my galliard. (1000日のアン)


What I do is God's will and my prayer always is that He will allow no thought to enter my heart or mind that is not His will. (1000日のアン)


You'll grow to love me. (1000日のアン)


Men prefer women who laugh and are gay. (1000日のアン)


God be praised. 神に感謝する(1000日のアン)


How much were they paid to cheer?

-A groat each. (1000日のアン)


She was sent away under guard. (1000日のアン)


My heart and my eyes are glad of you. (1000日のアン)


Gone to bed, kissed hotly, but hung embarrassed and unable. (1000日のアン)


Few of us marry where our hearts lie. (1000日のアン)


I go down on my hunkers and pray. (1000日のアン)


Banish her from the court and house her at your own expense in some remote place. (1000日のアン)


What the King of England wants, he should have without hindrance from abroad. (1000日のアン)


You did not heed my advice. (1000日のアン)


Take heed. (1000日のアン)


I have a hag for a wife. (1000日のアン)


Heralds, play! (1000日のアン)


That half-witted Seymour who is always so tongue-tied. (1000日のアン)


That little sheep won't hold the royal bull beyond the first encounter. あの小娘は国王を長くはつなぎ留めておくことはないだろう。(1000日のアン)


High or low, they will sign. (1000日のアン)


You must not be heard. 意見を述べてはならない。

-Well, then I will not speak. (1000日のアン)


hail-fellow-well-met なれなれしい

hail-fellow-well-met attitudea ~》なれなれしい態度

raise hail-fellow-well-metどんちゃん騒ぎをする

raise hail-fellow [hail-fellow-well-met]

adopt a hail-fellow-well-met attitudeなれなれしい態度を取る

adopt a hail-fellow-well-met attitude to~に対してなれなれしい態度を取る

adopt a hail-fellow-well-met attitude to [toward]

develop a hail-fellow-well-met attitudeなれなれしい態度を示す[見せる]

develop a hail-fellow-well-met attitude to~に対してなれなれしい態度を示す[見せる]

develop a hail-fellow-well-met attitude to [toward]

in a hail-fellow-well-met attitude なれなれしい態度で

That put on, kindly, hail-fellow-well-met of yours. (1000日のアン)


Your Grace, can you all leave talking of virgins to look at the venison?

-Yes, yes. Come, come. Next to the haunch of a virgin, there's nothing like a haunch of venison. (1000日のアン)


Stable hands. (1000日のアン)


Such grave fears invest my conscience. (1000日のアン)


The Queen says no court in England can be impartial. (1000日のアン)


Item. The Oath of Allegiance to the King of England sworn by you all.

Item. The Oath of Allegiance to the Pope of Rome sworn by the Clergy.

Question. Whom do the Clergy serve? Pope or King? (1000日のアン)


I have discovered an impediment to my marriage to Annee. (1000日のアン)


I had a child by her sister Mary. That, too, is incestuous. (1000日のアン)


Your Highness, you are accused of high treason in that you, being the lawfully wedded wife of our Lord the King, did commit adultery. (1000日のアン)


You are accused of high treason in that, on certain days and dates here specified, you did commit adultery with Annee, Queen of England. (1000日のアン)


Do you recognize these two here accused known as Annee and George Boleyn as issue of your body? (1000日のアン)


You'll speak with those who can jog your memory. (1000日のアン)


Knighthoods, revenues. You shall dispose of them exactly as you please. (1000日のアン)


If you show further disloyalty, it's doubtful how long you'll live. The Duke of Buckingham

lost his head for less. (1000日のアン)


When Henry of England turns his eyes on a girl, she can hardly look away. (1000日のアン)


Shall I dismiss the chaperones?

- By your leave. (1000日のアン)


I command you to be lady-in-waiting to my wife. (1000日のアン)


A game we ladies-in-waiting play. (1000日のアン)


Papal Legate in England. (1000日のアン)


The most powerful layman. (1000日のアン)


What livings would you shed to prove your loyalty? (1000日のアン)


He's a sickly fellow. I doubt if he'll live out the year. (1000日のアン)


A houseful of lusty sons. (1000日のアン)


I am a lawyer who has read the law. (1000日のアン)


Your Majesty has taken from my shoulders a load that would sink a navy. (1000日のアン)


Your Grace, can you all leave talking of virgins to look at the venison? (1000日のアン)


You will be lodged. (1000日のアン)


Did you lie with the Queen? (1000日のアン)


A misspent life. (1000日のアン)


In England we make muddy mysteries of such things. (1000日のアン)


A maid?

-I couldn't swear to it medically, but it's young and it's wild. (1000日のアン)


As matters stand, you are but half the King. To say that Rome may dictate this matter is to say that Rome may dictate the succession to the Crown. (1000日のアン)


Not content alone with misappropriation of property and money, Rome now seeks to interfere with the laws and statutes of this realm. (1000日のアン)


Never give in to him, never melt to him. (1000日のアン)


She has miscarried of her saviour. (1000日のアン)


Your Grace, can you all leave talking of virgins to look at the venison?

-Yes, yes. Come, come. Next to the haunch of a virgin, there's nothing like a haunch of venison. (1000日のアン)


The Spanish Emperor's got him by the nose. (1000日のアン)


There are hundreds of my Order who in good conscience cannot take this oath. (1000日のアン)


You must outbid him. (1000日のアン)


What do you want of me? (1000日のアン)


When may I smell this pretty posy of yours? (1000日のアン)


If you truly want her, make her believe that you are potent only with her. (1000日のアン)


Could you tell me why the King sent an old Church pander to give me my orders? (1000日のアン)


All wives are accessible. Any husband can be placated. (1000日のアン)


hail-fellow-well-met なれなれしい

hail-fellow-well-met attitudea ~》なれなれしい態度

raise hail-fellow-well-metどんちゃん騒ぎをする

raise hail-fellow [hail-fellow-well-met]

adopt a hail-fellow-well-met attitudeなれなれしい態度を取る

adopt a hail-fellow-well-met attitude to~に対してなれなれしい態度を取る

adopt a hail-fellow-well-met attitude to [toward]

develop a hail-fellow-well-met attitudeなれなれしい態度を示す[見せる]

develop a hail-fellow-well-met attitude to~に対してなれなれしい態度を示す[見せる]

develop a hail-fellow-well-met attitude to [toward]

in a hail-fellow-well-met attitude なれなれしい態度で

That put on, kindly, hail-fellow-well-met of yours. (1000日のアン)


Her father's patent of the Earl of Wiltshire has not yet been drawn. (1000日のアン)


I’ve looted and plundered. I’ve ripped and torn the bodies of my friends. (1000日のアン)


Put your questions. (1000日のアン)


The Queen is at prayer. (1000日のアン)


If I am to rule, keep my sanity, and hold England off the rocks. (1000日のアン)


Tell the King what rubbish you please. (1000日のアン)


I want to do right by God and the Church. (1000日のアン)


We don't come out of a rainbow at 17. 子供がどうやって生まれるか17歳の時には知っていたわ。(1000日のアン)


The King refuses you permission to marry. (1000日のアン)


With her you rouse up, you're a man again. (1000日のアン)


I can render nothing but my thanks, my prayers and my unending loyalty. (1000日のアン)


I leave such details to the boatman and other riffraff. (1000日のアン)


She would rather her son sat on the throne than mine. (1000日のアン)


At 15, I was rogering maids right, left and centre. (1000日のアン)


At 15, I was rogering maids right, left and centre. (1000日のアン)


Remove yourself from my sight. You're unfit for office. (1000日のアン)


Render up the Great Seal. (1000日のアン)


If I weaken in my resolve, remember I am but a man. Give me Your heavenly strength for my intended journey and resolve my doubts. (1000日のアン)


The King's passion for the lady is blind to all reason. (1000日のアン)


Did your heart race? (1000日のアン)


I shall rid myself of her. (1000日のアン)


The Queen betrayed you and stands condemned. (1000日のアン)


She struck down a few herself. 処刑した。(1000日のアン)


I have a mind to put you all to shame. (1000日のアン)


That's a swathe of folk to satisfy. (1000日のアン)


No sooner do I return than I fall in love with a... (1000日のアン)

- "Clodhopper", said His Majesty. (1000日のアン)


A half grown steer and a leggy girl. (1000日のアン)


I have no spleen against you, I am only a messenger. (1000日のアン)


I’ve followed your spoor so close there was scarce time to close the window you left by or change perfumes to put me off the scent. (1000日のアン)


Speak on, your lure, your most seductive. (1000日のアン)


Render up the Great Seal. (1000日のアン)


They open like… Never mind the simile. (1000日のアン)


We live all too brief a span. (1000日のアン)


All kingship on one side. Women give love to the King like paying taxes. I wish to be loved for myself. (1000日のアン)


Your poetry is sour. (1000日のアン)


It sings what is truly in my heart. (1000日のアン)


Your royal favours showered on me are more than I deserve. (1000日のアン)


God knows he lied like a Trojan, in season and out. (in season and out of season (時を選ばず)いつも, 間断なく) (1000日のアン)


Rome is sacked. The dead in their hundreds lie unburied in the streets. (1000日のアン)


Shall you in your conscience accept the annulment of the marriage? (1000日のアン)


Are we to have no evidence but bedroom sniggering and gossip? (1000日のアン)


The penalty for those good men who could not stomach your law. (1000日のアン)


You're a man without scruple, lawyer.

-Entirely without scruple. (1000日のアン)


We must free ourselves from the interference, influence and direction of the See of Rome. (1000日のアン)


If Parliament so chooses? (1000日のアン)


She has the face of a simpering sheep. (1000日のアン)


Now so say I. (1000日のアン)


Let me shift for myself. (1000日のアン)


Justice must be seen to be done. (1000日のアン)


We can never have a son now, God has spoken. (1000日のアン)


My blood will have been well spent. 死んでも悔いはないでしょう。(1000日のアン)


You keep time like a deaf man. 音楽のテンポに合っていない。(1000日のアン)


There is always a temptation for a man in my position to regard the nation as his own trough and to eat from one end to the other. 権力を持つと国のすべてを食い尽くしたくなるものだ。(1000日のアン)


Eat the trough dry. (1000日のアン)


If you give yourself to me this whole kingdom will turn around you. (1000日のアン)


When the King is hungry he's in an evil temper. (1000日のアン)


Why do you taunt me? (1000日のアン)


Is the tide with or against us? (1000日のアン)


in season and out of season (時を選ばず)いつも, 間断なく(1000日のアン)

God knows he lied like a Trojan in season and out. (1000日のアン)


It is treasonable to say that the Pope is a higher authority than the King. (1000日のアン)


I learned my trade under Cardinal Wolsey, Your Grace. (1000日のアン)


I have stabbed, fought and clawed my way through tissues of the Church and State. (1000日のアン)


Perhaps he is jealous and testing my faithfulness by bringing me and my old lover together. (1000日のアン)


I, Henry, take thee, Annee to my wedded wife to have and to hold for better, for worse in sickness and in health till death us do part and thereto I plight thee my troth. (1000日のアン)


You crawling toad. (1000日のアン)


Can you walk with a train? (1000日のアン)


I am to take you to the Tower. There's to be a trial. (1000日のアン)


She's a Tudor. (1000日のアン)


It is a love match.

- Un-match them. (1000日のアン)


Whatever villainy was lacking in the world when Henry VII was born, he invented. ヘンリー7世がたくさんの悪事を思いついた。(1000日のアン)


Suppose I command you to give me a son?

- Would to God I could, Henry. (1000日のアン)


Wilt thou take Henry, here present, to thy lawful husband? (1000日のアン)


You do me wrong. (1000日のアン)


What little we have should not be wasted. (1000日のアン)



Already my beloved father's eye has started to wander again. (1000日のアン)