
1960年代、ニュージーランドの南端に位置する田舎町インバーカーギルとアメリカユタ州が舞台。といっても大半がアメリカが舞台になります。ニュージーこてこての訛りを期待してました。主演のアンソニーホプキンスはイギリス出身ですがアメリカの映画にでまくっているし、 インバーカーギルの地元の人々もニュージーの訛りが、ほぼありません。アメリカの俳優がニュージーランド人を演じているのには違和感がありまくりで、関西アクセントを埼玉県民がまねているようなこれじゃない感があります。消化不良です。

夢を追いかけないなら、植物人間になったほうがいい。(If you don't follow through on your dreams, you might as well be a vegetable.)
行きたいときに行かないと、気がついたらいなくなっている。(If you don't go when you wanna go when you do go, you'll find you're gone. )
バイクで5分間は、人によっては一生のうちで生きている時間よりも長くなる。(You live more in 5 minutes on a bike like this going flat out than some people live in a lifetime. )
危険は人生のスパイスだ。たまには危険を冒してみることも必要だろ?それが人生を価値あるものにするんだ(You know, danger is the spice of life and you've got to take a risk every now and again haven't you, son? You know that's what makes life worthwhile.)



Are you angling for a present or something? (世界最速のインディアン)


You've had an attack of angina. (世界最速のインディアン)


They grind the antlers into dust and they eat that stuff must be some sort of aphrodisiac or something. Puts lead in your pencil. (世界最速のインディアン)


All I know is the man's the genuine article. (世界最速のインディアン)


Isn't there some way we can accommodate him? (世界最速のインディアン)


I just, you know, bung them in cold water. (世界最速のインディアン)


I just, you know, bung them in cold water and Bob's your uncle. (世界最速のインディアン)


He is so briskly alive. (世界最速のインディアン)


My old timer would trash the backsides. = kick the arse(世界最速のインディアン)


That's $5 (bob) (世界最速のインディアン)


This giant dried up lake bed and it goes for miles and miles and it's dead flat. (世界最速のインディアン)


If the butterflies in my stomach were cows, I'd be able to start a dairy farm. (世界最速のインディアン)


Some beer money. (世界最速のインディアン)


blimmin' (UK slang.) A polite alternative to "bloody" and "bleedin'". Akin to "bloomin'" when used in conversation.

Why are Eddie Murphy's newer movies all so blimmin' awful?

Yes, it's a blimmin' miracle. (世界最速のインディアン)


I've got a spot of bother with my trailer, lost a wheel. (世界最速のインディアン)


I always figured a man's like a blade of grass. He grows up in the spring, strong and healthy and green and then he reaches middle age and he ripens as it were and in the autumn he, like a blade of grass, he finishes just fades away and he never comes back. (世界最速のインディアン)


Just like a blade of grass. (世界最速のインディアン)


You come all this way to bite the dust. (世界最速のインディアン)


Blood is worth bottling. :  If an Australian says to you "Your blood is worth bottling", he/she is complimenting or praising you for doing something or being someone very special. (世界最速のインディアン)


bash hat = crash helmet

Simmons should wear his bash hat when on his bike

Me bash hat.

-Bash hat?

-Yeah, crash helmet. (世界最速のインディアン)


Once I've cracked 200 mph I'll be quite happy to piss off back home to New Zealand and Bob's your uncle. (世界最速のインディアン)


A carving knife. (世界最速のインディアン)


The centrifugal force expands the tire. (世界最速のインディアン)


You're the old codger. (世界最速のインディアン)


You're on. You old coot. (世界最速のインディアン)


Looks like they've chickened out. (世界最速のインディアン)


Dad says to call us collect. (世界最速のインディアン)


Who's Confucius? (世界最速のインディアン)


You come back in one piece.

-I will, cheerio. (世界最速のインディアン)


Stone the crows! (Informal British): an exclamation of surprise or shock. (世界最速のインディアン)

Stone the crows! (世界最速のインディアン)


That's why you were so crabby last night. Don't you ever get any sleep? (世界最速のインディアン)


Customs holding area. (世界最速のインディアン)


In fact, if you can find cars like this any cheaper, they're probably stolen. (世界最速のインディアン)


Crank her now. 車のエンジンをかけろ(世界最速のインディアン)


Your consignment has suffered some damage. (世界最速のインディアン)


Can I call collect? (世界最速のインディアン)


Burt, what do you want to ride that contraption for? (世界最速のインディアン)


Cannibalize the stuffed axel out of that old Ford. (世界最速のインディアン)


Personally I don't smoke and I don't drink.

-Sounds like you're on a one man crusade there grandpa. (世界最速のインディアン)


Got any of those critters over there? (世界最速のインディアン)


Sounds like you're cutting your finances mighty fine. (世界最速のインディアン)


Thanks a lot, you yanks are classic you know that? (世界最速のインディアン)


Look, we carry the cans for the decisions around here. (世界最速のインディアン)


Sounds like we're a bunch of chicken shits if you want my opinion. (世界最速のインディアン)


I mean I'm half the age of some of those characters out there. (世界最速のインディアン)


I kind of feel sorry for the old cooty. (世界最速のインディアン)


This contraption of yours is registered for the road? (世界最速のインディアン)


All dressed up for the do tonight. (世界最速のインディアン)


The dough from last night and the pension money. (世界最速のインディアン)


The deed of title to your property. (世界最速のインディアン)


The doer of deeds could have done them better. (世界最速のインディアン)


What's the damage?

-$28, plus bag. (世界最速のインディアン)


Burt, what do you want to ride that contraption for?

-That's a good question. Well, I guess the reward is in the doing of it. (世界最速のインディアン)


We were doing 95 mph and he left us in the dust. (世界最速のインディアン)


When you opened up there in top gear, you sure left us in the dust. (世界最速のインディアン)


Fill her up, would you please?

-Regular or Ethol? (世界最速のインディアン)


If you don't follow through on your dreams, you might as well be a vegetable. (世界最速のインディアン)


Don't forget to feed the fowls. (世界最速のインディアン)


Well, the old Indian lives to fight another day. (世界最速のインディアン)


I guess it's all that fun and games. (世界最速のインディアン)


Getting old ain't for the faint of heart. I'll tell you that. (世界最速のインディアン)


If you don't go when you wanna go when you do go, you'll find you're gone. (世界最速のインディアン)


I thought it was a goner. (世界最速のインディアン)


Down the gangway there. (世界最速のインディアン)


There's the galley. (世界最速のインディアン)


That blokes backing into that geezer’s car. (世界最速のインディアン)


The bills all look the same to me. They're all green.

-Yes, that's why we call them greenbacks. (世界最速のインディアン)


Just slice the top of it, through where the gudgeon pin goes. (世界最速のインディアン)


Unfortunately, I think your motorcycling days are over.

-Like hell they are. (世界最速のインディアン)


It's in the hold of the ship at the moment. (世界最速のインディアン)


I tell you I've had a heck of a night.

-Welcome to Hollyweird. (世界最速のインディアン)


That's a cowboy and a half. (世界最速のインディアン)


Look at these hairline cracks on the tire. (世界最速のインディアン)


We are gonna have a hell of a lot of trouble on our hands. (世界最速のインディアン)


We're thinking we're gonna organize a handling run for you. 試走(世界最速のインディアン)


Considering your case we thought a few extra dollars would be more appreciated. So we passed the hat around. (世界最速のインディアン)


Would you feel inclined to accompany an impeccable young gentleman to a local duo tomorrow night? (世界最速のインディアン)


Ten tons of fertilizer was inadvertently loaded on top of your box containing your bike. (世界最速のインディアン)


My luck's in then. (世界最速のインディアン)


Take care of the old jalopy, won't you? (世界最速のインディアン)


You show 'em Kiwis can fly. (世界最速のインディアン)


Kill the lights. (世界最速のインディアン)


I've got to knockup a trailer to drag my bike over to Bonneville. (世界最速のインディアン)


Give us the lot will you? (世界最速のインディアン)


Have they levelled the town? (世界最速のインディアン)


On the downward leg anyway. 折り返しのルート(世界最速のインディアン)


You live more in 5 min on a bike like this going flat out than some people live in a lifetime. (世界最速のインディアン)


I guess you're legitimate Mr. Munro. (世界最速のインディアン)


Where do I take a leak around here?


-Yeah, a pee. (世界最速のインディアン)


He did his level best. (世界最速のインディアン)


You should say break a leg. (世界最速のインディアン)


They grind the antlers into dust and they eat that stuff must be some sort of aphrodisiac or something. Puts lead in your pencil. (世界最速のインディアン)


Burt will put the Southland Motorcycle Club on the map. (世界最速のインディアン)


Why don't you chaps put your money where your mouth is then? (世界最速のインディアン)


Look at the color of your hands. What's the matter with them. You're gonna wash those mitts. (世界最速のインディアン)


let the moths out of your purse :  Originally and chiefly American English, the imperative phrase let the moths out of your purse, or wallet, and its variants, mean don’t be so niggardly with your money. The negative phrase don’t let any moths out of your purse, or wallet, and its variants, mean be careful not to waste money.

Open your wallet and let the moths out. (世界最速のインディアン)


wipe the muck off your pluck:  essentially means "Be brave"

Get some of that muck off your pluck. (世界最速のインディアン)


I'm home on leave from 'Nam.


-Vietnam? (世界最速のインディアン)


Would you?

-You're on. (世界最速のインディアン)


Tell you something, mate, you don't want to get old around here. こんな場所には住みたくないね。(世界最速のインディアン)


Double occupancy?

-No, just me, myself and I. (世界最速のインディアン)


Alright, eggs over easy. (世界最速のインディアン)


Before I fall off the perch as it were. Before I ah, kicked the old bucket. (世界最速のインディアン)


I'm supposed to do a job to work my passage to Los Angeles. (世界最速のインディアン)


I'm no Pommie, I'm from New Zealand. (世界最速のインディアン)


I've got a touch of prostrate trouble, you know. (世界最速のインディアン)


We'll get a new wheel on there pronto. (世界最速のインディアン)


Well, at least I gave them a good run for their money. (世界最速のインディアン)


Yeah, yeah, right as rain. (世界最速のインディアン)


Yeah, I've lost a wheel, help me get my rig back on the road, will you? (世界最速のインディアン)


Rooster 気取り屋、気取った男、うぬぼれの強い人

Has she seen some smoother rooster? (世界最速のインディアン)


I'll give you a run for your money young fella. (世界最速のインディアン)


I mean, after all it's my ruddy life, isn't it? (世界最速のインディアン)


You're gonna get rolling. (世界最速のインディアン)


I had to feed her more juice, up the revs a little. (世界最速のインディアン)


All blown to smithereens. (世界最速のインディアン)


Got to get out of here before the neighbors spot me. (世界最速のインディアン)


You have arterial sclerosis.

-And what's that?

-It's a narrowing of the arteries from the heart. (世界最速のインディアン)


You know, danger is the spice of life and you've got to take a risk every now and again haven't you, son? You know that's what makes life worthwhile. (世界最速のインディアン)


The tree fell on him and killed him stone dead. (世界最速のインディアン)


Strewth! (世界最速のインディアン)


Hey there are stacks of cars here. (世界最速のインディアン)


Keep your shirt on. (世界最速のインディアン)


I don't know what I would have done without you today. You're the real salt of the earth you know that? (世界最速のインディアン)


siree /səˈriː/ : exclamation (Informal North American)exclamation: sirree used for emphasis, especially after yes and no.

He's not the type to treat young employees like mud, no siree.

Yes sirree. (世界最速のインディアン)


The surface of the salt lake is like coarse sand paper. (世界最速のインディアン)


Mike McFarlane used to give me milking machine parts to make my sprockets with. (世界最速のインディアン)


I may have this saggy skin on the outside but on the inside I'm still 18 years old. (世界最速のインディアン)


That's my salubrious accommodation. (世界最速のインディアン)


What are you doing?

-Well, the soft shoe polish fills in the cracks makes the tires... Look spick and span, good as new. Cheaper than new ones anyway.

-I didn't see that. 見なかったことにしておくよ。(世界最速のインディアン)


It's just starting to sink in and I've got a problem a big problem. (世界最速のインディアン)


have one's ass in a sling〈卑〉げんなりしている、塞ぎ込んでいる、困っている

He sure got his arse in a sling this time, don't you? (世界最速のインディアン)


get the Spanish archer:  is a British slang term for being fired. Why? Because a Spanish Archer could be referred to as “El Bow”, by someone who wasn’t terribly good at Spanish. So, to “get the el-bow” = to be removed from your position, or job.

give someone the Spanish archer : To dismiss, to sack. A pun on the 'Spanish archer' being called El Bow, thus 'give someone the elbow' (dismiss someone). E.g."I found out she was having it away with the milkman, so I gave her the old spanish archer."

We're going to have to give the lead brick the old Spanish archer.

-Spanish archer?

-Yeah, the big elbow, you know. (世界最速のインディアン)


My goodness, you've made this place look spiffing, mate. (世界最速のインディアン)


Well, you know, that gives the tea a nice tang of titanium, doesn't it? (世界最速のインディアン)


This should do the trick. (世界最速のインディアン)


I have everything ready. Spectacles, testicles, watch and wallet. (世界最速のインディアン)


It's good Kiwi tucker. (世界最速のインディアン)


Are you a Triple A member?

-Never heard of them.

-Never heard of Triple A? (世界最速のインディアン)


There's many good tune played on an old Banjo as they say. (セックスは年老いても大丈夫)

-And what we don't use, we lose. Well, that's what they say. (世界最速のインディアン)


Have my bike timed. (世界最速のインディアン)


His bike didn't even come close to passing tech inspection, Jim. (世界最速のインディアン)


I can officially run my bike on the track and have it timed? (世界最速のインディアン)


So you got any more problems you want to tell us about?

-Oh yes, yes, my old ticker. (世界最速のインディアン)


You've got a bad heart? (世界最速のインディアン)


At my age any day above ground and vertical is a good day. (世界最速のインディアン)


I don't think it really matters one way or the other. (世界最速のインディアン)


Not a bad set of wheels for $250 bucks eh? (世界最速のインディアン)


Lucky for you I've got some welding gear. (世界最速のインディアン)


You've got as much chance of writing yourself off as I have in the race. (世界最速のインディアン)