『博士と狂人』(原題:The Professor and the Madman)は、2019年のアメリカ合衆国のドラマ映画。
今回はスコットランド出身のマレー教授夫妻を除いてオーソドックスなブリティッシュ英語です。ですが!!! 今回の登場人物たちは辞書編集にかかわる、その道の猛者たち。私の50年分の語彙力を総動員しても聞いたことのないような語彙が飛び交っています。個人的にはリスニング難易度がとても高く感じました。
I am an autodidact, self taught. (博士と狂人)
The august Delegates of the Oxford University Press, have been attempting to make this dictionary for last twenty years. (博士と狂人)
With our debates ad nauseam about the scope, the mode, the purpose of these words have all but thrown ourselves down in supplication before it, bathed in abject defeat. (博士と狂人)
Doctor Richard Brayn. Alienist superintendent. (博士と狂人)
The time has come to accord this great language of ours the same dignity and respect as the other standards defined by science. (博士と狂人)
Luckily, our local surgeon is well versed in Lister's latest asepsis. (博士と狂人)
Antisepsis methods. (博士と狂人)
Written! In the Athenaeum! In a single sentence! (博士と狂人)
Amativeness, 8 incline. (博士と狂人)
The adjoining cell. (博士と狂人)
How can a man of such high breeding have regressed through disease so far back to animality? (博士と狂人)
I shall read it avidly and treasure it forever. (博士と狂人)
We'll have to start anew. (博士と狂人)
I was brought onto the press to modernize the commerce of academia to sell. (博士と狂人)
You are on the verge of all out cancellation. (博士と狂人)
The amassing of words with addended quotations. (博士と狂人)
Accord Dr. Murray full visitation privileges. (博士と狂人)
We'll form an addendum. (博士と狂人)
I'm adrift. (博士と狂人)
William Minor, the mad professor will be struck from all acknowledgments. (博士と狂人)
He has drawn its guns, sharpened its bayonets. (博士と狂人)
We bathed in abject defeat. (博士と狂人)
The Home Secretary wouldn't be bamboozled into accepting. (博士と狂人)
An entire army covering the breadth of the Empire and beyond. (博士と狂人)
The man is positively baying to be a part of this little world of ours. (博士と狂人)
We can bear the language aloft. (博士と狂人)
What of all the bamboozles and wouldn't, shouldn't and couldn'ts to come in the future? この先、どのような "お騒がせ "が待ち受けているのだろうか?(博士と狂人)
How can a man of such high breeding have regressed through disease so far back to animality? (博士と狂人)
The largest trading English dominion ever known. If one wishes to participate, one bows down to Her Majesty and one speaks her tongue. English. (博士と狂人)
I swore that I would bend at nothing to make it happen. (博士と狂人)
My life belongs to you. I made it so that night. I took a life and by dreadful bargain placed my life in your hands. (博士と狂人)
You've been a bulwark for us, Doctor. (博士と狂人)
Your vibrant mind has so critically given the breath of life. (博士と狂人)
Remove the blackguard from the list. (博士と狂人)
I blagged the rest for myself. (博士と狂人)
The matter here begs a different question. (博士と狂人)
Now and forever beyond. (博士と狂人)
Dr. Minor reached for his service revolver and gave chase. (博士と狂人)
the Scottish clog dance. (博士と狂人)
All of suddenly, with a real crack at it. (博士と狂人)
There's a cloying eagerness to him. (博士と狂人)
That madness itself could be countered. (博士と狂人)
A set of suggestions on how to curb the scope of the work. (博士と狂人)
As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.
-Scripture. You're a man of God. I should not be surprised. (博士と狂人)
You are not alone, good doctor. We are linked now.
-Brothers. (博士と狂人)
This is severe catalepsy. (博士と狂人)
No language can ever be permanently the same, James. Not if it springs forth from life. Generations after you will continue this work because you have showed them the way.
-But it will never be completed. (博士と狂人)
This is a closed meeting. I'm afraid you'll have to leave. (博士と狂人)
Under what conditions did he enter catalepsy? (博士と狂人)
I will not release Dr. Minor. The prime minister won't countenance it. The public won't stand for it. (博士と狂人)
He failed to discern the difference. (博士と狂人)
I have recently submitted my paper on the declension of German verbs. (博士と狂人)
The largest trading dominion ever known. (博士と狂人)
Dumbfounded. (博士と狂人)
Decussated. Formed with crossing lines, like an X. (博士と狂人)
The makers of this grand folly also deign it beneath them to include the nouns and adjectives denoting countries in your dictionary. Hence no mention of African, Arabian, American and so on. (博士と狂人)
What is absurd is your dogged, bullheaded approach. (博士と狂人)
I'd need new dunnage. (博士と狂人)
I would stack the deck. 手段は選ばない。(博士と狂人)
stack the deck
1. 《トランプ》不正な切り方をする
stack the cards [deck]
2. 不正工作をする、不正な手段を用いる、いんちきをする
They will stack the cards [deck] in their favor by getting rid of most of the competition. : 彼らは、ほとんどの競争相手を排除して、自分たちに有利なように不正を働くだろう。
stack the deck against
1. 《トランプ》自分に不利になるように札を切る
stack the deck [cards] against
2. (人)に不利な状況を作りだす、(人)を不利な立場に置く
stack the deck [cards] against
3. 〔物事が〕(人)にとって不利な[良くない・悪い]方向に進む
stack the deck [cards] against
stack the deck in favor of
1. 《トランプ》(人)に有利になるように札を切る
stack the deck [cards] in somone's favor [in favor of]
2. (人)に有利な状況を作りだす、(人)を有利な立場に置く
stack the deck [cards] in somone's favor [in favor of]
3. 〔物事が〕(人)にとって有利な[良い]方向に進む
stack the deck [cards] in somone's favor [in favor of]
Ensanguined mules!
- That's it. You're off!
- What's wrong with "ensanguined?" (博士と狂人)
I've never known how to resist it. Your exuberance. (博士と狂人)
The book must inventory every word, every nuance, every twist of etymology. (博士と狂人)
We're about to embark on the greatest adventure our language has ever known. (博士と狂人)
That grating Scottish lilt. Why do you suppose he doesn't try to conceal it for the sake of our eardrums? (博士と狂人)
For months now, my pleas for help have fallen on deaf ears. (博士と狂人)
We are watching with a concerned eye. (博士と狂人)
Enclosed you will find the quotations that you have requested. (博士と狂人)
Our gathering, so far. Meek, but poised to inherit the earth. いままで集めたデータです。まだまだですが、世界で受け継がれるでしょう。(博士と狂人)
How does an American come to eye these gates? 君のようなアメリカ人がどうして塀に閉じ込められるようになったのか。(博士と狂人)
Expectantly, James. (博士と狂人)
They criticized your dictionary. In the same breath, expounding the virtues of their competing dictionaries. (博士と狂人)
How many of the words in your all encompassing book? (博士と狂人)
Any politician espousing his cause is certain to face public outrage. (博士と狂人)
The whole thing has escalated into a siege. (博士と狂人)
Let America manage her errant son. (博士と狂人)
Fenian! (博士と狂人)
This is not the Fenian? (博士と狂人)
make a fist of : To do (something) reasonably successfully.
He had a go at the restaurant business and made a fairly decent fist of it.
Can you define it and tell us its history?
-I'll make a fist of it, uh, on the hoof, as it were. (博士と狂人)
If I am to fashion a book, I will need a spine. (博士と狂人)
Lay down proper pronunciations and firm up correctness of speech. (博士と狂人)
We will chase them, hunt them, and ferret them out. (博士と狂人)
I'll make sure to fish out some more later. (博士と狂人)
Such a fart little baby. (博士と狂人)
King James Bible. It has sold. Everywhere. In every backwater and morass where an Englishman is doing God's work in a frock. (博士と狂人)
You cannot fathom the impact of both your offer and your timing. I am your grateful recipient. (博士と狂人)
Let paper and ink be our flesh and blood until we are privileged to meet. 会えるまで手紙をやり取りしよう。(博士と狂人)
Mr. Bradley, can I have another fascicle please? (博士と狂人)
Fruit of our labour. (博士と狂人)
The last fascicle is already complete. (博士と狂人)
In the brief and fleeting time. (博士と狂人)
That grating Scottish lilt. Why do you suppose he doesn't try to conceal it? (博士と狂人)
There is a real generosity in your visit today. (博士と狂人)
How did you gain entrance? (博士と狂人)
I will garner my thoughts. (博士と狂人)
on the hoof
1. 〔家畜が食肉処理されずに〕生きた状態で
2. 〈英話〉〔判断・意思決定などが熟慮せずに〕その場に応じて 即座に
He made a decision on the hoof. : 彼はその場(の状況)に応じて即断しました。
3. 〈英話〉〔ある行為が〕歩きながら、他のことをしながら
Can you define it and tell us its history?
-I'll make a fist of it, uh, on the hoof, as it were. (on the hoof その場に応じて 即座に) (博士と狂人)
My dictionary will need as many volumes as these to house the entire language. (博士と狂人)
Who would you have do the permitting? (博士と狂人)
go like hot cakesどんどん売れる、飛ぶように売れる
Your autograph would probably sell [go] like hot cakes. : あなたのサインは恐らく飛ぶように売れるだろう。
I was brought onto the press to modernize the commerce of academia to sell. And do you know where the first hotcake I found was? (博士と狂人)
The height and depth of literature. (博士と狂人)
Where and into which hands would misguided compassion release him? 彼を釈放してどの手にゆだねるというのか。 There is nowhere else. This asylum is his home. (博士と狂人)
An armed gang of Latvians have holed up in a building. (博士と狂人)
You are safe at its helm. (博士と狂人)
We need something more than impassioned advocacy. (博士と狂人)
I have an intimate knowledge of the Romance tongues. (博士と狂人)
The book must inventory every word, every nuance. (博士と狂人)
The marvelous maze of our inter-netted post. (博士と狂人)
I know of one other whose joy in seeing it would be immeasurable. (博士と狂人)
Are you expected?
- Oh, no, I came on impulse. (博士と狂人)
So you see gentlemen, you are inculpating the wrong man. (博士と狂人)
Forgive me, that was insolent. (博士と狂人)
Their system falls to pieces if they don't abide by the rule’s silly intricacies. (博士と狂人)
No doubts, James, no jitters. (博士と狂人)
I wish to state that I possess a general lexical and structural knowledge of the languages and literature. (博士と狂人)
I have an intimate knowledge of the Romance tongues, Italian, French, Spanish, Catalan and to a lesser degree Portuguese, Vaudois, Provencal and other dialects. (博士と狂人)
Once again, lend yourself to me. (博士と狂人)
That grating Scottish lilt. Why do you suppose he doesn't try to conceal it? (博士と狂人)
Your ligation held, hemorrhaging was low. (博士と狂人)
Superficial lacerations multiple to the face. (博士と狂人)
Volunteer we've ever leaned on. (博士と狂人)
His lackey. (博士と狂人)
I did what I could in there, but they're a tough lot. (博士と狂人)
The last time he was lucid. (博士と狂人)
Look here, levers can be pulled. Get you a hearing. (博士と狂人)
Just a hint at which way you lean. (博士と狂人)
You'd better be prepared to lay it all on. (博士と狂人)
You should be detained in safe custody at Broadmoor asylum for the criminally insane, until her majesty's pleasure be known. (博士と狂人)
The task is gigantic, monumental. And impossible. (博士と狂人)
I want my gun.
-Perhaps, we'll give that one a miss. (博士と狂人)
Good morning, sir.
-Not so good I'm afraid, Henry. (博士と狂人)
King James Bible. It has sold. Everywhere. In every backwater and morass where an Englishman is doing God's work in a frock. (博士と狂人)
I suspect he is just the ticket for a more malleable pair of hands at the helm. 我々の言いなりになるだろう。(博士と狂人)
Thus they, in lowliest plight, repentant stood praying; for from the mercy-seat above, prevenient grace descending had removed the stony from their hearts, and made new flesh. Milton. Paradise Lost. (博士と狂人)
We most need to be resisted. (博士と狂人)
He sees the world with its myriad choices. (博士と狂人)
I'm not from the papers. Or the police or naught. (博士と狂人)
It's nasal hair. (博士と狂人)
Like Orthrus, a two-headed dog. (博士と狂人)
Orthognathous jaw. (博士と狂人)
Every ounce of him shrieking. (博士と狂人)
I have a few hours before my little ones wake for Christmas morning. (博士と狂人)
I am afraid that nothing short of a panacea is called for.
Aramaic Arabic, Coptic and Phoenician. (博士と狂人)
You don't think he's a follower of that awful German-born pamphleteer, do you? (博士と狂人)
Was the wound swabbed and dressed in phenol? (博士と狂人)
Rest assured. We will do everything in our power to ensure your safety. (博士と狂人)
I needed to make sure you got it right personal. (博士と狂人)
Philoprogenitiveness, 4 decline. (博士と狂人)
I wonder if it's time to ease our gentle Scotsman off his little perch. (博士と狂人)
Thus they, in lowliest plight, repentant stood praying; for from the mercy-seat above, prevenient grace descending had removed the stony from their hearts, and made new flesh. Milton. Paradise Lost. (博士と狂人)
There is another book purports to do just that. (博士と狂人)
You know, there is another book purports to do just that. It has already beaten you to the punch. 先を越されましたね。(博士と狂人)
My husband has this silly little leather parchment. (博士と狂人)
What price justice? What price mercy? 正義の代償は? 慈悲の代償は?
-Expensive to your first. Cheap but unpopular to your second. (博士と狂人)
A queen and a clown. Together a perfect whole. しっかりした妻と陽気な夫(博士と狂人)
Avoid not the quotidian for every word in action becomes beautiful in the light of its own meaning. (博士と狂人)
Forgive me for rattling on. (博士と狂人)
Our volunteers, as rungs in the ladder, we may elevate English even unto the gates of heaven. (博士と狂人)
The patient could be rendered entirely immobile. (博士と狂人)
My resolve is greater than ever. (博士と狂人)
A superabundance of redundancy, Dr. Murray. We need focus. The language is escaping you. You are losing. (博士と狂人)
The guilty make recompense to the victim. (博士と狂人)
The story runs tomorrow, sir. (博士と狂人)
Dr. Maynor has come to our shores seeking sanctuary. (博士と狂人)
On that fateful night of 17th of February, the defendant woke with a start. (博士と狂人)
With our debates ad nauseam about the scope, the mode, the purpose of these words have all but thrown ourselves down in supplication before it, bathed in abject defeat. (博士と狂人)
I have sufficient knowledge of Hebrew and Syriac to read at sight the Old Testament. (博士と狂人)
Now that it's started, let's see it through, steadfast and resolved. (博士と狂人)
Scriptorium. That's a room like in medieval monasteries where monastic scribes used to copy manuscripts. (博士と狂人)
Words come down to us through the ages, twisting and turning, weaving their way. Their meanings, slipping and slivering, fishlike, adding and shedding subtleties of nuance to and from themselves. (博士と狂人)
Let me look him in the eye, see if I can stomach him. (博士と狂人)
No language can ever be permanently the same, James. Not if it springs forth from life. Generations after you will continue this work because you have showed them the way.
-But it will never be completed. (博士と狂人)
Tell me what specific words at present shimmer and fade at your grasp. (博士と狂人)
Listen to the leaves scratch at the air. (博士と狂人)
I borrowed the proof from the scriptorium. (博士と狂人)
We have the reputation all sullied by some lunatic. (博士と狂人)
Try to maintain a semblance of decorum. (博士と狂人)
Satisfaction for an injury done. (博士と狂人)
With a sprat? (博士と狂人)
I would like ask permission to say a few words in his stead. (博士と狂人)
I must get back in, father. - I know. In a tick, boy. (博士と狂人)
In the Teutonic branch, I am familiar with German. (博士と狂人)
Dutch, Danish and Flemish. (博士と狂人)
Look at Paradise Lost. Our language took a crucial turn with Milton. (博士と狂人)
Let useful others troll the oceans with their nets cast wide. I shall throw my line and pluck the very quotes that evade you. 他の者にも言葉を拾わせよう。私も君が見つからなかった言葉の引用を探すよ。(博士と狂人)
Their whole lives are made of tomorrows. (博士と狂人)
I think on it. (博士と狂人)
As a testament to our friendship. (博士と狂人)
Then I resign.
-There will be no need for such theatrics. (博士と狂人)
I won't thieve any more of your time. (博士と狂人)
I'm an untutored linen draper's boy. (博士と狂人)
Your book, Mr. Murray, is going to be an unassailable contribution to English scholarship. (博士と狂人)
The means to conceal the unpalatable. (博士と狂人)
Luckily, our local surgeon is well versed in Lister's latest asepsis. (博士と狂人)
He said a demon vaporized off the page and went up his nostrils. (博士と狂人)
The soul has already left the vessel. (博士と狂人)
Words come down to us through the ages, twisting and turning, weaving their way. (博士と狂人)
I can fly out of this place on the backs of books. I've gone to the ends of the world on the wings of words. When I read no one is after me. When I read, I am the one who's chasing. Chasing after god. (博士と狂人)
I'll need a sheet of zinc. (博士と狂人)
I am a friend of Dr. Minor's. Yet only through the post. (博士と狂人)