主人公のジェス・バームラ役のパーミンダ・ナーグラはアメリカの医療ドラマERの女医ニーラ。何十年も前に観た際あんな綺麗なインド人がいるのかと思っていたので覚えていました。改めて彼女はとてもチャーミングですね。 ライトコメディ の中 今回も誠実なキャラクターを演じている彼女は共演の あのキーラ・ナイトレイより光って見えました。まぁ、主人公だから当たり前ですが。
I hope I get my two As and a B for uni. (ベッカムに恋して)
My trousers caught alight (ベッカムに恋して)
The coach is ace. (ベッカムに恋して)
We're going to a football match, not Ascot! そんな豪華な格好やめてよ。(ベッカムに恋して)
Who's your friend with the gorgeous bod? (ベッカムに恋して)
It's up to our coach, but l know we could do with some new blood. (ベッカムに恋して)
l never bunked off school. (ベッカムに恋して)
That's a bit backward. (ベッカムに恋して)
You must think I've got shit for brains, lying about a job and all that. (ベッカムに恋して)
Even these mosquito bites will look like juicy, juicy mangoes! (breast size) (ベッカムに恋して)
All these pictures of big butch women on the wall. (ベッカムに恋して)
Mahavatar Babaji : マハー・アヴァター・ババジとは、ヒマラヤで隠棲している不老不死の聖者、ヨーガ行者。マハーは、「偉大な」を意味し、アヴァターは、「神の化身」を意味し、ババジは、「聖父」を意味する。
Swear by Babaji.
- l swear on Babaji's name. (ベッカムに恋して)
I'm sorry to barge in on you like this. (ベッカムに恋して)
I don't want you to build up Jesminder's hopes. (ベッカムに恋して)
Your mam's a barrel of laughs compared to me dad. (ベッカムに恋して)
I owe you big time. (ベッカムに恋して)
I'll end up a solicitor, bored out of my mind. (ベッカムに恋して)
He's been playing and captaining England. (ベッカムに恋して)
That looked like a body check there, but he's shrugged off the defender. (ベッカムに恋して)
I hope his mum wears a cardy over her three stomachs tomorrow! 三段腹の上にカーディガンを着てるといいんだけど。(ベッカムに恋して)
Beckham or what? Can we chest it like him? Chest it, Jess, go on. Chest it! (ベッカムに恋して)
A body like that should come with an X-certificate warning! 凄いいい体。X指定が必要よ。(ベッカムに恋して)
Make round chapatis. (ベッカムに恋して)
choli : 【名】チョリ◇インドのヒンズー教徒の女性がサリー(民族衣装)の下に着る、丈の短いブラウス
I want my choli more fitted. (ベッカムに恋して)
Cooee! (ベッカムに恋して)
Give yourself three cheers. Ηip, hip!
- Ηooray! (ベッカムに恋して)
Jess, you could have cost us the tournament. (ベッカムに恋して)
My mother chose all my 21 dowry suits herself. (ベッカムに恋して)
I wouldn't be seen dead in that clothes! (ベッカムに恋して)
No more dawdling. (ベッカムに恋して)
I bet she was with some dykey girl from her football team! (ベッカムに恋して)
Do you really want to be the one everyone stares at every family do (ベッカムに恋して)
Mum and dad have come to eat dirt. (ベッカムに恋して)
My dad's on earlies at Heathrow. (ベッカムに恋して)
I gotta go to the shop for my facial. Laters! (ベッカムに恋して)
Ηe is so fly! (ベッカムに恋して)
Look at the state of my fuchsias! (ベッカムに恋して)
Why don't you just get off her flamin' back? (ベッカムに恋して)
She's the kind they'd like to flaunt and take to dinner. (ベッカムに恋して)
You stupid flippin' cow! (ベッカムに恋して)
He's quite fit! (ベッカムに恋して)
She fouled her! (ベッカムに恋して)
English people are always complaining when we're having functions. (ベッカムに恋して)
Maybe you could handle her long face, l could not. (ベッカムに恋して)
He gathers the ball on this right-hand touchline. (ベッカムに恋して)
Εy, who's that gori watching her? (ベッカムに恋して)
At least she hasn't got off with half of Ηounslow like you two. (ベッカムに恋して)
I've watched you a couple of times, you got on really good. (ベッカムに恋して)
He must be gutted he can't play with his injury and all. (ベッカムに恋して)
That good-for-nothing man. (ベッカムに恋して)
These bloody goras in the clubhouses made fun of my turban. (ベッカムに恋して)
I didn't know they wanted to take us out clubbing. l bet it's to gloat. (ベッカムに恋して)
Losing to the Jerries on penalties comes natural to you English. (ベッカムに恋して)
Do you think Mum and Dad would still speak to me if I ever brought home a gora? (ベッカムに恋して)
Gruyere: a firm, tangy cheese.
I've just made some cheese straws with real Gruyere. (ベッカムに恋して)
You fancying your gora coach is OΚ with me. (ベッカムに恋して)
Dad, I can't believe it! It was amazing! My eyes just glazed over! (ベッカムに恋して)
gori : a word used by Indians to describe white girls as opposed to gora which is in general for white people. Not particularly offensive and is used quite a lot in the popular film Bend It Like Beckham.
Who's that gori watching her?
That gori's well fit!
What's that gori going on about you being a lesbo? (ベッカムに恋して)
That's a fine header, and she's scored! (ベッカムに恋して)
We're supposed to be at my cousin's.
- I didn't hear that. それは聞かなかったことにしておこう。(ベッカムに恋して)
Ηere's a kit. Don't be afraid to get it dirty. (ベッカムに恋して)
We can pick up the kit on the way. (ベッカムに恋して)
I mean as a job, like? (ベッカムに恋して)
come into line
1. 一列に並ぶ、列につく、同じ行動を取る、行動を共にする、共同歩調を取る come [fall, get] into line
2. 〔考え方などが〕一致するcome [fall, get] into line
3. 同意する、同調する、従う◆人の考え方・方針・規定などにcome [fall, get] into line
She's coming into line now! (ベッカムに恋して)
You take care, all right? Laters. (ベッカムに恋して)
So, it's the opportunity of a lifetime for Jess. (ベッカムに恋して)
MOT : In Britain, an MOT is a test which, by law, must be made each year on all road vehicles that are more than 3 years old, in order to check that they are safe to drive.
My car is due for its MOT in two days' time.
It's only our men that have a big engine and full MOT, eh? (ベッカムに恋して)
I'm over the moon about that. (ベッカムに恋して)
made up: Used in the North of England particularly Liverpool and Merseyside, meaning delighted, happy about something, over the moon! Though it can also be used as a sarcastic retort.
When I found out I'd got the job, I was made up!
Her face lit up when she opened her present, you could tell she was really made up with it.
Jess is well made up with your team. (ベッカムに恋して)
Martina Navrátilováマルチナ・ナブラチロワ(チェコ語発音: [ˈmartɪna ˈnavraːcɪlovaː], 1956年10月18日 - )は、チェコスロバキア(当時、現在チェコ共和国)プラハ出身の元女子プロテニス選手。ウィンブルドン選手権の大会史上最多優勝記録(9勝)、WTAツアーの最多優勝記録(シングルス167勝、ダブルス177勝)など、数々の歴史的な記録を樹立した名選手
ナブラチロワは数々の政治運動や社会運動に積極的に関わっている。著書『Being Myself』の中で、レズビアンであることをカミングアウトして以来、差別と自己否定に苦しむLGBTの若者たちを勇気づける講演活動を続けている。
l was cheering for Martina Navratilova as much as the next person. (ベッカムに恋して)
Blimey, that's not on. (ベッカムに恋して)
I could find a bloke just like him that wasn't off limits. (ベッカムに恋して)
You knew he was off limits! 彼には手を出さないことになっていたでしょ。(ベッカムに恋して)
He's dominating proceedings here. ボールを支配している(ベッカムに恋して)
She scored the goal. Planting the ball beyond the goalkeeper's left hand. (ベッカムに恋して)
They're all the rage, poppet. (ベッカムに恋して)
Will you both pack it in?! (ベッカムに恋して)
painters and decorators: slang for the time of the month in women, commonly used in the UK.
Girl 1: Wanna go skinny dipping.
Girl 2: Can't painters and decorators are in.
Girl 1: Aw, they're in next week for me.
Painters and decorators are in. いま生理中なの(ベッカムに恋して)
Put me off beans on toast for life. (ベッカムに恋して)
Everyone I know's a prat. (ベッカムに恋して)
They sent me off packing! (ベッカムに恋して)
Piss off, Paki! (ベッカムに恋して)
No more pulling pints. バーでの仕事は卒業(ベッカムに恋して)
We've finally found the missing piece of the jigsaw. (ベッカムに恋して)
Queens Park Rangers Football Clubクイーンズ・パーク・レンジャーズ・フットボール・クラブは、イングランド・ロンドンに本拠地を置くサッカークラブ。通称QPR。愛称はフープス 。
We've got QPR in the final. (ベッカムに恋して)
Don't rub it in, all right? (ベッカムに恋して)
Mum's making the samosas. (ベッカムに恋して)
We're not all slags like you lot! (ベッカムに恋して)
Do you play for any side? チーム(ベッカムに恋して)
I play for Ηounslow Ηarriers girls' side. (ベッカムに恋して)
He busted his knee, so he can’t play in the boy’s side. He set up a girls' side. (ベッカムに恋して)
Ηe really knows his stuff. (ベッカムに恋して)
They're due for a good stuffing. 奴らは私たちによって負かされるわ。(ベッカムに恋して)
That's a stunner. (ベッカムに恋して)
I'm a right sob story, aren't l? (ベッカムに恋して)
Why do l have to wear a sari? (ベッカムに恋して)
I was too slight to play. (ベッカムに恋して)
You know the score, yeah? (ベッカムに恋して)
For the men's side next year. (ベッカムに恋して)
l've just made some cheese straws with real Gruyere. (ベッカムに恋して)
(Gruyere: a firm, tangy cheese.)
I don't want you to be in a strop with me. (ベッカムに恋して)
l'm not in a strop! (ベッカムに恋して)
Ηow was she?
- A right stroppy cow, actually. (ベッカムに恋して)
go spare 〈英話〉激怒する、カンカンに怒る
You're mad! My mum and dad will go spare! (ベッカムに恋して)
Ηe is so tick, man! セクシー(ベッカムに恋して)
They're a bit tatty, but they'll do. (ベッカムに恋して)
You've really hurt me, Jess! That's all there is to it! You've betrayed me! (ベッカムに恋して)
She fouled you. She tugged your shirt. (ベッカムに恋して)
I talk myself out of it. (ベッカムに恋して)
trackie /ˈtraki/ plural noun: trackies (Informal British): a tracksuit.
trackie bottoms
tracksuit trousers
Mother, just because l wear trackies and play sport does not make me a lesbian! (ベッカムに恋して)
Are your folks up for it? (ベッカムに恋して)
She told me her folks were up for it. (ベッカムに恋して)
Just cos she's still a V, man, She thinks she's better than us, innit? (ベッカムに恋して)
The Old Trafford crowd warming now to the way Beckham is taking over. (ベッカムに恋して)
l could put in a good word for you. (ベッカムに恋して)
Oh, you're such a wuss! (ベッカムに恋して)