『マイ・レフトフット』(My Left Foot)は、1989年のアイルランド・イギリスの伝記映画。出演のダニエル・デイ=ルイスがこの映画で、
- 第62回アカデミー賞主演男優賞を受賞したとのことですが納得です。生まれつき脳性麻痺で左足しか動かすことのできないクリスティ・ブラウンを演じています。アイルランドが舞台なのでリスニング的にはハードなはずですが、脳性麻痺の主人公に話しかけているシーンが多く全体的には聞きやすい部類に入ります。
- 以下感心したフレーズをデータベースに入れましたのでここでもご紹介します。
Oh, my humble abode. (マイ・レフトフット)
You're all very welcome to my humble abode. (マイ・レフトフット)
Is Tom not up yet?
-It's all right! I'm up! I'm up ages! (マイ・レフトフット)
All Souls' Day (n. Roman Catholic Church): November 2, the day on which special prayers are offered for the souls in purgatory.
Every time that you light a candle on All Souls' Night, you have to say five Our Fathers and five Hail Marys and five Glory Bes, and then a soul flies up out of the flames of Purgatory and goes straight up to Heaven. (Glory (be)! (やや古・略式)なんとまあ(◆驚き・喜びを表す;Glory be to God の略)) (マイ・レフトフット)
Christy, do you know all about All Souls' Night? (マイ・レフトフット)
A brick hit the foreman in the head accidentally on purpose. (マイ・レフトフット)
Anyone not abed?! (マイ・レフトフット)
Athetoid cerebral palsy. (マイ・レフトフット)
The wine's A1. (マイ・レフトフット)
I'll kick you in the only part of your anatomy that's animated. (kick your crotch) (マイ・レフトフット)
So I'll anaesthetise myself. (マイ・レフトフット)
I am acutely conscious sometimes of my own isolation. (マイ・レフトフット)
Ah, Christy, you may be a great painter but you'll never be a brickie. (マイ・レフトフット)
I'm not beaten yet, bejesus. (マイ・レフトフット)
It was my blue period. 悲しい時期だ(マイ・レフトフット)
Da was a bricklayer. (マイ・レフトフット)
Your son was born a couple of hours ago. There's been some complications. (マイ・レフトフット)
God help her, He's a terrible cross to the poor woman. (マイ・レフトフット)
He loves that auld chariot. (マイ・レフトフット)
Athetoid cerebral palsy. (マイ・レフトフット)
I specialize in cerebral palsy. (マイ・レフトフット)
Conscience does make cowards of us all. (マイ・レフトフット)
I hope to see you again, Christy. Before closing time. 酒でも飲もう。(マイ・レフトフット)
Looks can be deceivin'. (マイ・レフトフット)
D is for dunce. (マイ・レフトフット)
Hope deferred maketh the heart sick. (マイ・レフトフット)
Kids, do you not fancy of drop of ice cream now? (マイ・レフトフット)
Enough to feed an army. God, you'll never go hungry, Christy. (マイ・レフトフット)
You frightened the life out of him. (マイ・レフトフット)
A lot of people say that Christy is a great crippled painter. I think that's an insult to Christy. Christy is simply a great painter, full stop. (マイ・レフトフット)
Fair play to you, missus. (マイ・レフトフット)
Filthy rich. (マイ・レフトフット)
Take me out to the firing squad so. (マイ・レフトフット)
Glory (be)!: (やや古・略式)なんとまあ(◆驚き・喜びを表す;Glory be to God の略))
Every time that you light a candle on All Souls' Night, you have to say five Our Fathers and five Hail Marys and five Glory Bes, and then a soul flies up out of the flames of Purgatory. (All Souls' Day (n. Roman Catholic Church): November 2, the day on which special prayers are offered for the souls in purgatory.) (マイ・レフトフット)
Poor, unfortunate gobshite. (マイ・レフトフット)
What in the name of God is going on here? (マイ・レフトフット)
The native hue of resolution. (マイ・レフトフット)
Jesus suffering Christ. (マイ・レフトフット)
This man deserves a jar! (マイ・レフトフット)
Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Christy! (マイ・レフトフット)
Are you goin' to tie a knot in it? (マイ・レフトフット)
The daughter that couldn't keep her knickers on! You dirty, sleazy bitch! (マイ・レフトフット)
I have to take him into the library. (マイ・レフトフット)
You're the nicest of the lot. (マイ・レフトフット)
Bring me in me level, will you? (マイ・レフトフット)
A shut mouth catches no flies. 黙っておけ。(マイ・レフトフット)
His father was nothing but a mouth. (マイ・レフトフット)
Nah, don't be gettin' notions into your head, woman. It won't do anybody any good trying to put ideas in his head. (マイ・レフトフット)
Don't push me nerves any further, all right? (マイ・レフトフット)
A broken body's nothing to a broken heart. 壊れた体は壊れた心に比べれば何でもないことだわ。(マイ・レフトフット)
Well, Christy, that's the nearest he'll ever come to saying he loves you. (マイ・レフトフット)
Now I'm not going to ask you to put your hands in your pockets, not yet, because we're going to start the evening with a little concert. (put your hands in your pockets お金を出す) (マイ・レフトフット)
You can get out of Purgatory but you can never get out of Hell. (マイ・レフトフット)
Your beautiful eyes are splendid pools of blue, in whose depths I swim regularly. (マイ・レフトフット)
You get more like your father every day. All hard on the outside and putty on the inside. (マイ・レフトフット)
I'm parched now. Do you want a cup of tea? (マイ・レフトフット)
I heard this terrible bangin' and rushed over. (マイ・レフトフット)
Aye, there's the rub. (マイ・レフトフット)
The lady who brought him to public recognition. (マイ・レフトフット)
Raspberry ripple: is a popular flavour of ice cream particularly in Great Britain and also elsewhere. It consists of raspberry syrup injected into vanilla ice cream.
Some raspberry ripple. (マイ・レフトフット)
I believe it's the end of the road for you in the breeding stakes. 子を産むという賭け事。(マイ・レフトフット)
You can't be sticking to me like sticking plaster forever. Christy. (マイ・レフトフット)
The letter's only an auld squiggle. (マイ・レフトフット)
There's a nursery rhyme about an old woman living in a shoe:
There was an old woman
Who lived in a shoe,
She had so many children
She didn’t know what to do;
She gave them some broth
Without any bread,
She whipped them all soundly
And put them to bed.
The old woman that lives in the shoe. (マイ・レフトフット)
The daughter that couldn't keep her knickers on! You dirty, sleazy bitch! (マイ・レフトフット)
sickly (verb sicklied; sicklying; sicklies transitive verb): to make sick or sickly
Thus, the native hue of resolution is sicklied over with the pale cast of thought. (マイ・レフトフット)
That's where JM Synge was born, at the foot of the mountains. (マイ・レフトフット)
That's her finished. (マイ・レフトフット)
He's too uncontrolled for me. (マイ・レフトフット)
I must say I'm really honoured to be asked to give voice to the words of Christy Brown. (マイ・レフトフット)
Christy! You're wanted. (マイ・レフトフット)
I'm going to wheel you out of this restaurant. (マイ・レフトフット)
Wreck the pub! (マイ・レフトフット)
Is he good-looking?
-Yeah, in his own way he's nice. (マイ・レフトフット)
fast worker 仕事の速い人 抜け目なく行動する人 〔異性に〕手の早い人
You're a fast worker, aren't you? 手が早いのね。(マイ・レフトフット)