


Room 19 is not finished yet.

-What can carpeting achieve that a good pair of slippers cannot? スリッパをはけば改装中の床は大丈夫でしょ。(マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I'm the advance party. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Mitigate the amplitude of the extreme highs and lows. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Obviously you've both been at it like rabbits for weeks now. セックスしまくり。(マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


The apple of my eye! (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


You and everyone in this market blend the yarn into silk to give it more body. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Break out the champagne! (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


He's not the fastest fox in the forest. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I was just about to brave the city on my own. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


It is the most recent addition to our burgeoning empire. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


What's biting your bum today? (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


You're going to have to drive some pretty hard bargains. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


What a busy little pensioner bee she is. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Oh, bollocks to that! (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


It is something to behold. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Kush and my brother are choreographing our dance. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Cracking job, bit of bank in my pocket. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Turns out I'm rather catnip to the ladies. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Your command is my wish. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Forgive me for the cursory nature of my greeting. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


The six weeks of warm rain that constitute an English summer. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Our concourse with boulevards. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


He crowned his achievement with the magnificence. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


The cards stay close to your noble chest. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


We're not messing this up.

-Categorically not. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I didn't need to be carrying on with any of these men. 男たちと関係をもつ。(マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


It doesn't mean I was celibate. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


My position is totally compromised here. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


He gets plenty wrong but never when it counts. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Convention dictates that I should wait. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Dunking the tea in the lukewarm piss water. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Host is looking dapper. Very spruce. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Something of a dry spell. 男日照りよ。(マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


She's taking a diversion to see her old man. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Another good party dies a death. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I'm not good with special occasions or the gifts that go with them. So you'll have to make do with this letter instead. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


We came to you first.

-We do have competitors.

-Not in our eyes. 他社には興味ございません。(マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


It's about getting older, really. And all that entails. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


What we want and what we fear is the width of an eyelash. 紙一重(マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I've started doing clerical stuff, Tuesdays and Thursdays just to keep the ends meeting. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I don't find Kush attractive. His ears are too close to his head. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


he is fragrant. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Sent to decide if we are to be franchise or footnote. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


He's not the fastest fox in the forest. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Both suitors at the same party does give one rather a frisson. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


She is totally frosting him. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


You're on fire today. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


You think her white hair is going to fluster me? (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I'd rather walk naked through the fiery flames of hell. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


This tool called a gudgeon pin remover.. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


The hearing's gone then. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


To keep growing, you've got to have somewhere to grow into. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


glad rags : (Informal British) :  clothes for a special occasion; one's best or most showy clothes.

She changed out of her glad rags and tugged on old jeans.

You got your glad rags ready? (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I can do heavy. 重いものも運べますよ。(マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


talk the hind leg(s) off a donkey (British, informal) : to talk for a long time

She rarely spoke, but her brother could talk the hind legs off a donkey.

You can haggle the hind legs off a donkey. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I think I might have taken out a hit on my girlfriend. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


You've done nothing but show her the back of your hand since she got here. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I'm around to impart what little wisdom I learned. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


You don't care, do you?

-Only insomuch as it matters to you. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


We are most assuredly getting our kicks! (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Let the klaxons sound! (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Then go and knock them dead. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I trust everyone's ordered the Chilla pancakes. You haven't lived until you do. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


How I wish I could prevail upon you to stay.

-Always leave them wanting more, Nimish. 私はいつもじらすのよ。(マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Like lemmings they come to the cliff edge. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Mrs. Muriel Donnelly. ムリエルさんいますか

-What's left. 残りかすだけいます。(ジョーク)(マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


What are you doing here?

-(SCOFFS) I think that's my line. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


There are some people into whose laps the good things in life fall. I'm not one of them. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)



sake lees酒かす

wine lees酒かす

drain the lees

drink [drain] (to) the lees完全に飲み干す

drink [drain] (to) the lees辛酸をなめ尽くす

I will drink life to the lees. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


You, dear lady, are nearer the menopause than the mortuary. 老婆というより中年ですね。(マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


So how's the new room?

-Monastic. Which I prefer. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Kushal is machinating against me. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Might I have some of that, please? (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I admire what you've made of yourself here. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Such is the level of my victorious magnanimity. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


You only make progress when you stick your neck out. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Thank you.  

- Nothing I haven't done before. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


They're on to us. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Lordy lord, have mercy on my ovaries. セクシーな男ね。(マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


People who outstay their welcome. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


While her language may be salty, it has great economy and pith. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


A fine, genuine pashmina. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


How I wish I could prevail upon you to stay. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


In your hand, I'm nothing but putty.

-If you like it, you should put a ring on it. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I have a large nose. It goes well with my poppy-out ears. = pop-out ears(マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Your little poppy-out ears. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Find any polyps up there? (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


She was in an accident and needs many hours of physiotherapy. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I'm a little young to be staying at the Marigold.

-Either that or your plastic surgeon's a genius. どちらにしても若いですね。(マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Are you pimping out your own mother? (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I'd know which one I preferred, which port in the storm I'd choose. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I nevertheless plunged the night into darkness. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Which option are you plumping for? (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Earl Grey tea with pasteurized milk. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


So kind of you to put me up. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Don't put that on me too. それを私のせいにしないで。(マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I fly tomorrow morning. It's a punishing itinerary, I'm afraid. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


There's no present like the time. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


We take a roll-call every morning. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


What is rightfully ours. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Our plans for expansion have hit a roadblock. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I ran my fingers through my hair. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


They were riveted. Riveted, they were. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


How will you rate us? (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


It's a testament to the to the reservoirs of affection. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


A bride as radiant as this one deserves a more splendid setting. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Her language may be salty. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I should have stern words with your assistant. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


We would like you to be in charge of sourcing for our whole operation in this country. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Can't afford slip-ups. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


This perfect specimen and I were planning to spend the day alone together. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Where is he?

Scattered on holy waters. ガンジス川に散骨しました。(マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


A ray of sunshine on a dark day. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


throw shapes: (idiom UK humorous) to dance, especially in a way that attracts attention:

On a Saturday night, you'll find her throwing shapes on the dance floor.

You must join him on the dance floor to throw some shapes. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I rather snubbed his kind invitation. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


That's a sorry state of affairs. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


What exactly is your job here?

-Sourcing fabrics. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Money doesn't stretch as far in Reigate as in Rajasthan. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


The surreally haphazard nature. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Well, you're still in one slightly sagging piece, I see. よれよれの老いぼれね。(マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


We would like to wish the two of you all the love and luck in the world. And so say all of us. Drink to Sonny and Sunaina! (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


My clothes precisely walk the tightrope between casual and relaxed formality. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


A cup of tepid nonsense. You know with the teabag lying beside it. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I've got to stay here and count up the meager takings. わずかながらの稼ぎを数える。(マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I'm told the Chilla pancakes here are not to be missed. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


We know it was a test run. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


How was America?

-It made death more tempting. 死んだほうがましよ。(マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


The meals tickle even your most talented taste buds. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


Some of the food for the party tonight is slightly on the turn. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


His tongue is forked. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


We rather painted the town red. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


trip [roll, slip] off the tongue 発音しやすい、言いやすい、語呂が良い

What exactly is your job here?

-Sourcing fabrics and liaising between the merchants and the company I work for.

-Ooh, doesn't that just trip off the tongue. 楽しそうね

-Oh, it's easier to say than to do. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


What about that twitchy little witch at the club? (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


down on (one's) uppers :  Having no money; broke. The phrase was originally used to describe people who were so poor that they had worn their shoes down to the uppers (the part of the shoe above the sole).

I am down on my uppers this week, so can we go out for drinks next week after I get paid?

The local expats club. Which is, shall we say, a little down on its uppers. 経営が傾きかけて(マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I uncorked the wine myself. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


The future unfolds. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I'm Chet and I'll be happy to valet your car. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I think the absolute world of her. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


A few drops of the medicine works wonders. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


I'm older and wiser.

-19 days older.

-That's the entire lifespan of a wasp. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


He's done what people do when they've been bruised. He circles the wagons, he shuts down. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


We will also take the Supreme Quality Hotel under our wing. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)


There's nothing I admire more than someone planting trees under whose shade they may never get to sit. 謙虚な人を尊敬します。(マリーゴールド・ホテル2)