マリリン 7日間の恋

『マリリン 7日間の恋』(原題: My Week with Marilyn)は、2011年のイギリス映画。


She drinks?

- Amongst other things. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


She's the greatest piece of ass on Earth. With tits like that, you make allowances. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


I've spent half of my professional life in abject bloody terror! (マリリン 7日間の恋)


I was on the picket lines in 1926, you know. Now that really was a strike. We were all Bolsheviks then. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


Her only talent is buttering up Marilyn! (マリリン 7日間の恋)


I wouldn't buy the "little girl lost" act if I were you. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


My advice to you is quit before you get burned. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


Blow us a kiss, Marilyn! (マリリン 7日間の恋)


Open the door, bubbeleh. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


What is that, my beloved? (マリリン 7日間の恋)


Well, how do I get into the union?

-By getting a job on the film. It's called a closed shop. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


They're terrified their cash cow will slip away. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


She just wants a chum, that's all. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


She was the daughter of one of the king's courtiers. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


She's quite wonderful. No training, no craft to speak of. No guile, just pure instinct. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


Marilyn's cured me of ever wanting to direct a movie again. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


They like to keep her doped up. It makes her easier to control. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


I can't work. I can't think. She's devouring me. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


I don't think that quite does it, sir. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


Oh, Colin. And you, an old Etonian. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


There's no need to fall out over something so trivial. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


An actress has to be pretty tough to get even a tenth as far as she has. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


What frame of mind was she in? (マリリン 7日間の恋)


Christ, what have I got myself into? (マリリン 7日間の恋)


I'm the third assistant director. So, it's a gofer, really. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


Goodbye, Mr. Chips





チップス先生さようなら◆英1934年《著》ジェームズ・ヒルトン(James Hilton)

A chum? Jesus Christ, what is this, Goodbye, Mr. Chips? (マリリン 7日間の恋)


Who built this place? Hansel and Gretel? (マリリン 7日間の恋)


You are an angel and I kiss the hem of your garment. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


They wouldn't stand for this nonsense at the Hippodrome in Eastbourne. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


When it comes to women, you're never too old for humiliation. 女が何歳になっても恥をかかすんじゃないぞ。(マリリン 7日間の恋)


It is my especial pleasure to introduce a woman who clearly needs no introduction. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


You understand her inside out. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


She thought I could smash all her insecurities. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


I wanted to renew myself through her. But all I see reflected in that magnificent face is my own inadequacy. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


It was the lightest of comedies. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


Let's keep it low key, shall we? (マリリン 7日間の恋)


Such a lark. I long to see her. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


You were Elsie to the life. I wonder, could we practice our lines together later? (マリリン 7日間の恋)


First love is such sweet despair, Colin. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


She's nuts about the Method. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


I'm gonna learn to make matzo-ball soup. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


You do look, in a moved sort, as if you were dismayed. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


I was the youngest in a family of overachievers. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


One does get so terribly nervous. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


She is quite what I would call "old hat." (マリリン 7日間の恋)


She's completely off limits to you. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


There won't be a film unless Miss Monroe gets her splendid posterior out of bed. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


I was on the picket lines in 1926, you know. Now that really was a strike. We were all Bolsheviks then. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


That one's pretty damn good. You knocked it outta the park. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


The camera's ravishing you. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


Her behavior is reputedly a little erratic. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


He's ready for the read-through. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


They're all randy little buggers. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


A season in rep. 劇団

Do you know what would make Marilyn Monroe a real actor? A season in rep. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


You know I don't just rev it up like a Model T. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


Our revels now are ended. We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


I found my solace in the small cinema. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


You got this film idea out of your system. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


May we strive to create a work of art. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


You're amongst friends now. Just plain "Larry" will suffice, really. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


At my great age, it's just so hard to make the lines stick. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


There was a male voice choir serenading Marilyn under our window. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


I know what a dreadful slave-driver he could be. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


He talks awful to me. Like he's slumming. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


I don't care if he fucks her sideways. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


You're not taking him to Marilyn. That would drop us all in a whole ocean of shit. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


Snuggle up. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


Are you somebody, mate? 有名人

- No. I'm no one. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


Hurry up, slowpoke! (マリリン 7日間の恋)


Writers scribble all kinds of things. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


This is nice. It's like spoons. I used to do this with Johnny. (体を横に重ね合わせて添い寝すること) (マリリン 7日間の恋)


That old black magic has me in its spell. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


Never touch the talent. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


Women get uppity-oh. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


Trying to teach Marilyn how to act is like teaching Urdu to a badger! (マリリン 7日間の恋)


V&A略=Victoria and Albert museumthe ~》ビクトリア&アルバート博物館現代美術、古美術、工芸、デザイン等、収蔵400万点を誇る、英国の国立博物館。名称はビクトリア女王とアルバート公が基礎を築いたことに由来する。

I can always get you a research position at the V&A. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


We could go to Windsor Castle, if you like. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


Cut. That's a wrap. (マリリン 7日間の恋)


Yardley of London (usually referred to simply as Yardley or Yardleys):  is a British personal care brand and one of the oldest firms in the world to specialise in cosmetics, fragrances and related toiletry products.

Is it true you wear nothing in bed except perfume?

- Ooh. Darling, as I'm in England, let's say I sleep in nothing but Yardley's Lavender. (マリリン 7日間の恋)