今回は1998年の恋に落ちたシェイクスピア。前回マスターアンドコマンダーで船舶の語彙にけちょんけちょんにされましたが、今回は恋愛もの。リスニング的には私の最も得意とする分野なのだ。さっそく私の養分にしてくれてやろうと今回視聴。さっそくましたがましたが。これは英語のリスニングとしては絶対おすすめできません。 ロミオとジュリエットになじんでいない限りですが。約2時間の映画ですが、その半分は ロミオとジュリエットの戯曲そのまま引用されています。 1時間は奮闘しましたが、今回は途中で中断。サブタイトルをつけましたよ。thee, thou, thine, doth, canst などまだまだかわいいほうで、語彙もそうですが、文法も現代文法とかなりことなりサブタイトルをみても正直心に響かなかったというところが、正直なところです。原題英訳がなければ本当に気が狂うところでした。そう今回生き延びたのはすべてこのサイトwww.litcharts.comのおかげです。
She is always Aphrodite. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
You writing? - A comedy. All but done. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I will cut your throat anon. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Madam! - Anon, good nurse, anon. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Oh, Master Shakespeare. シェイクスピアさんですか。
- The same, alas. 本人です。残念ですが。
-But why "alas"? なぜ残念なのですか。
- A lowly player. あなたと比べて身分の低い俳優ですから。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
ay【1間投】〈文〉ああ、やれやれ◆ay meの形で用いられ、悩みや後悔の念を表す。
Ay me. Sad hours seem long. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I have not seen Act Two. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
arms紋章◆【同】coat of arms
Your children will bear arms. あなたの子は貴族になるだろう。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Is she a Capulet? - Oh, dear account! My life is my foe's debt. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
(Shakespeare is using a metaphor here wherein Romeo compares his meeting and falling in love with Juliet to a ledger, or a record of debts and payments. Romeo has just learned Juliet's identity. She is a Capulet, his families sworn enemy. So, when he says, "Oh dear account! My life is my foe's debt," what he means is that he is forever in debt to his enemy for bringing him his love, Juliet. The account is dear in two ways. Juliet is dear to him. Also, the debt is dear, meaning very costly; he fears his enemy Capulet will not accept his "payment" of love and gratitude--that Capulet will keep him from his dear Juliet.)
Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye than 20 of their swords. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
l am afeared being in night, all this is but a dream. この夜の出来事はすべて夢だとしたら、終わってほしくはない。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I am writing an apothecary, a small but vital role. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The message goes astray. メッセージが伝わらなかった。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
He drew from poets the literature of the age. 時代を代表する文学を詩人から引用した。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Those whom God has joined in marriage, not even the queen can put asunder. 神によって結ばれたものは女王でも引き離すことはできない。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I am a dead man, and buggered to boot. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Here is a bangle found in Psyche's temple on Olympus. Cheap at fourpence. Write your name on a paper and feed it into the snake. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Give my friend a beaker of your best brandy. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
You're speaking about a baggage we never even meet. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Master Will, poet dearest to my heart, I beseech you banish me from yours. 私のことは忘れてください。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
If I could write with the beauty of her eyes, I was born to look in them.
Can a lady of wealth and noble marriage love happily with a bankside poet and player?
-Yes, by God! Love knows nothing of rank or riverbank. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Love denied blights the soul. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
What light through yonder window breaks? ちょっと待て。あの窓から漏れる光はなんだ(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
What man art thou that, thus bescreened in night, So stumblest on my counsel? (=Who are you, hiding in the darkness and eavesdropping on my private thoughts?) (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
My bounty is as boundless as the sea. My love as deep. The more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite. (=My generosity to you is as endless as the sea, my love as deep as the sea. The more love I give you, the more I have. Both are infinite.) (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Stay but a little. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
old boot〈英俗・軽蔑的〉見にくいばばあ
The queen Gloriana Regina, God's chosen vessel, the radiant one who shines her light on us is at Greenwich today and prepared during the evening's festivities to bestow her gracious favor on my choice of wife. And if we're late for lunch, the old boot will not forgive! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I swear by your britches. (The funny thing is that normally one swears by one's OWN britches.
like "I swear by my honor." In this case it's comical because the speaker is betting someone ELSE's pants! If he's lying it's the other person who will lose his pants!) (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
A black day for us all! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I never met the fellow but once at your house. 一度だけあの男に屋敷で会った。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The bill? Oh, vanity, vanity! - Not the billing, the bill! 劇場のクレディトではなくて勘定のことだ。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I saw her bubbies. おっぱい(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I saw him kissing her bubbies. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The Master of the Revels despises us all for vagrants and peddlers of bombast. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I bade her come. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Love that binds two hearts together, come hellfire and brimstone. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
consumptive 【形】 消費の、消耗の 〈古〉《病理》肺病の 【名】〈古〉肺病患者
The consumptives plot against me. Will Shakespeare has a play. Let's go and cough through it. 肺病が私の敵になって劇場で作品を公開できない。行って作品を公開しよう。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Yet did not this coldhearted cur shed one tear. この犬は涙も流さず。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Well played, Master Crab! I commend you! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Love that overthrows life. Unbiddable, ungovernable, like a riot in the heart, and nothing to be done, come ruin or rapture. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Burbage says you have a play.
- I have, and the chinks to show for it. 劇のために金ももらえた。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
l would like to do a speech by a writer who commands the heart of every player. 役者の心をとらえる(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Is Master Shakespeare not handsome?
- He looks well enough for a charlatan. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Is she obedient? - As any mule in Christendom. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Cut around him for now. 彼のセリフをとばせ。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
suffering catfish (dated): An exclamation of disgusted dismay.
suffering cats : Alternative form of suffering catfish
Suffering cats! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Madam, your mother craves a word with you. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I tell you, he that can lay hold of her shall have the chinks. 彼女と結婚したものはお金がたっぷりもらえます。彼女の家がお金持ちなので。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Is she a Capulet? - Oh, dear account! My life is my foe's debt. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
(Shakespeare is using a metaphor here wherein Romeo compares his meeting and falling in love with Juliet to a ledger, or a record of debts and payments. Romeo has just learned Juliet's identity. She is a Capulet, his families sworn enemy. So, when he says, "Oh dear account! My life is my foe's debt," what he means is that he is forever in debt to his enemy for bringing him his love, Juliet. The account is dear in two ways. Juliet is dear to him. Also, the debt is dear, meaning very costly; he fears his enemy Capulet will not accept his "payment" of love and gratitude--that Capulet will keep him from his dear Juliet.)
I have night's cloak to hide me from their eyes. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
What satisfaction canst thou have tonight? (=What satisfaction could you have tonight?) (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Is it courtly love? (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Want one word with us?
-Couple it with something; make it a word and a blow. 話と喧嘩はどうだ(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I would exchange all my plays to come for all of his that will never come. 彼が死んだことによりこの世に出なかった作品のために私のこれからの作品をすべて犠牲にしてもいいくらいだ。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Calf-love. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
On my word we'll not carry coals.
-We should be colliers. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
We be in choler. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
We'll all be put in the Clink. - See you in jail. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I'll see you all in Clink, in the name of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Doubt that the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I gave you three pound a month since.
- Half what you owe me. I'm still due for One Gentleman of Verona. 私に払うべきだ。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
My days as a hired player are over. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I hear you are a drunkard's drunkard. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
She's a beauty, my lord, as would take a king to church for the dowry of a nutmeg. 王でさせ持参金なしでめとるほどの美しい女性です。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
If you are the man to ride her, there are rubies in the saddlebag. 彼女と結婚するならば持参金を付けます。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Now listen to me, you dregs. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Silence, you dog! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I'll know his grievance, or be much denied. (=I'll find out what is wrong with him, or he will have to refuse to answer the many questions I will ask.) (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars as daylight doth a lamp. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Draw, if you be a man! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Let me have a dram of poison. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The brave vessel is dashed all to pieces, and all the helpless souls within her drowned. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I thought you the highest poet of my esteem. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Ere 前~の前に 接続= before
Oh, by this count I shall be much in years Ere I again behold my Romeo. (=Oh, by this count I’ll be so much older before I see you again, my Romeo.) (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Words will flow like a river. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Is she fertile? - Oh, she will breed. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
fortunes fool : The phrase suggests that he believes his fate is controlled by fate or luck, and that he is a victim of circumstance.
Oh, I am fortune's fool. I will be punished for this. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
It starts well, then it's all long-faced. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
better fortune開運 : to pray for better fortune 開運を祈る(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Better fortune, boy. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I need 4,000 pounds to fit out a ship. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The friar marries Romeo and Juliet in secret. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
feat of arms武勲
Do you love stories of kings and queens? Of feats of arms? (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
strike [catch, tickle, take] someone's fancy(人)の興味をそそる、(人)の心を捉える、(人)にとって魅力的である[気に入る]
Tell me your story while I tickle your fancy. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
make a good fist of A (英略式・やや古)A(物・事)をうまく[へたに]やる -
He has a good fist for lettering. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
God be praised. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
You will go far. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
That's, what, 500 groundlings at tuppence a head. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
God be praised. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
when you were green and grateful. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
How long has it been? - A goodly length in times past. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
God save you, and good night. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
God save you, Mother. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I will wait. - Much good may it do you. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
good-den: Corruption of good e'en, for good evening. Interjection
Gentlemen, good-den! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
If you be married, my grave is like to be my wedding bed. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
A woman? You mean that goat? (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Handmaiden = handmaid: a female servant.
Theaters are handmaidens of the devil! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Love that binds two hearts together, come hellfire and brimstone. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
It's like trying to pick a lock with a wet herring. (not easy) (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Are you lately humbled in the act of love? 性行為中に最近支障がありましたか。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I was a lad of 18. Anne Hathaway was a woman half as old again. 2倍年上(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I will see you hanged for a pickpocket. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Home-keeping youth have ever homely wits 家庭的な若者には家庭的な知恵がある。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
How goes it, Will? - Wonderful. Wonderful. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
How your mind hops about. なんてくだらないことを。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
She has cut my strings. (heartstring) (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
By my head, here comes the Capulets. = By God, Here come the Capulets. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Where's that thieving hack that can't keep his pen in his own ink pot? 女に手を出したあの泥棒へぼ詩人はどこだ。(Do not dip your pen into the company's ink. : The phrase is an idiomatic expression that means "Do not become romantically involved with someone you work with.") (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The Rose Playhouse harbors the ass that shits on my name! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Come hither, man. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The wild waters roar and heave. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
inn yard: The rectangular yards of inns, surrounded by galleries or balconies, were sometimes used for theatrical performances during the sixteenth century.
My actors are forced to tour the inn yards of England. 地方巡業させられている。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The natural condition is one of insurmountable obstacles. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
ilium : The word has several meanings. In anatomy, it refers to a bone in the pelvis. In ancient Greek literature, the city of Troy is also called "Ilium."
Was this the face that launched a thousand ships and burnt the topless towers of llium? (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The queen wants to inspect you. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Do not dip your pen into the company's ink. : The phrase is an idiomatic expression that means "Do not become romantically involved with someone you work with." It is often used as a warning to employees to avoid getting involved in romantic relationships with their coworkers, as this can lead to conflicts of interest, gossip, and other problems within the workplace. It is important to maintain professional boundaries and avoid any potential conflicts that may arise.
Where's that thieving hack that can't keep his pen in his own ink pot? 女に手を出したあの泥棒へぼ詩人はどこだ。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
It's a house of ill repute. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Jocund day stands tiptoe on the misty mountaintops. 霧のこもった山頂に日が昇っている。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The queen of England does not attend exhibitions of public lewdness. So something is out of joint. 女王はこのような場所には普段来ないので、来たということは何かがおかしいということだ。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Burbage has my keeping but you have my heart. バーベッジが私の生活費の面倒を見ているが、心をつかんでいるのはあなたよ。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
If you love her, you must do as she asks.
- And break her heart and mine?
- It is only yours you can know. 彼女が心を痛めるかはわかりません。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
A famous victory! Kegs and legs open, and on the house! 思う存分酒と女を楽しめ(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
When the plague lifts. 疫病が終わり次第。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The players breed lewdness in your wives and wickedness in your children! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
law of the land : a phrase used in the Magna Carta to refer to the then established law of the kingdom (as distinct from Roman or civil law); today it refers to fundamental principles of justice commensurate with due process. 当時確立した法(ローマ法または民法を除く)を示す、マグナカルタで使用された言葉。今日、それは適正手続きにふさわしい裁判の基本原理を指す。
The United States Constitution declares itself to be the supreme law of the land. 米国憲法は、それ自体が『国の最高法』であると宣言する
The law of the land has our heroines being played by pipsqueak boys in petticoats. (法律上女性は舞台に上がれない。) (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
What sadness lengthens Romeo's hours?
-Romeo: Not having that, which, having, makes them short. (Not having the love of Rosaline is that which makes the hours seem long, because if I had her love, the hours would seem short.) (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Play the lute. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
You are a lordly fool. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
A great light has gone out. 大きな光(才能)を失った。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
What envious streaks do lace the severing clouds in yonder east. 意地の悪い朝のひかりが雲の裂け目をふちどっている(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Let's to church. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Licentiousness is made a show! Vice is made a show! Vanity and pride likewise made a show! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The fatal loins of these two foes. A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life. 2つの敵対する家柄からの恋人がお互い恋に落ち自殺します。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Give me leave awhile. = Give me some time alone. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The queen of England does not attend exhibitions of public lewdness. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
It is all locked safe in my head.
-As soon as I find my muse. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The Master of the Revels: was the holder of a position within the English, and later the British, royal household, heading the "Revels Office" or "Office of the Revels". The Master of the Revels was an executive officer under the Lord Chamberlain. Originally he was responsible for overseeing royal festivities, known as revels, and he later also became responsible for stage censorship, until this function was transferred to the Lord Chamberlain in 1624.
The Master of the Revels favors us. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
He is a stone, a very pebble stone, and has no more pity in him than a dog! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The theaters have all been closed down by the plague by order of the Master of the Revels. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The theaters are reopened by order of the Master of the Revels! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
A pig's foot marinated in juniper berry vinegar. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
mandragora : the mandrake, especially when used as a narcotic.
Get me to drink mandragora.
-Straight up, Will? (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The baby stolen from the cradle and fostered to manhood. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Good morrow, cousin. おはよう(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Their love should be minded by each. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I was the more deceived of the two of us. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Maligned fate. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
It was the lark, the herald of the morn. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Now, by my maidenhead at 12 years old, 12歳当時のの生娘の名にかけて(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Methinks I see thee now, thou art so low as one dead in the bottom of a tomb. = It seems to me that, standing down there as you are, you look as if you are lying dead in the bottom of a tomb. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Love that binds two hearts together, come hellfire and brimstone. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I could cause a riot in a nunnery. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I hold your nuts in my hand. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Now, pay attention, nursie. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Every one of you ne'er-do-wells that stand in contempt of the authority vested in me by Her Majesty! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I'm still owed money for this play, Burbage. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
overparted (British) (of an actor or singer) having too difficult a part or role or too many parts or roles to play.
A sadly overparted soprano. We are six men short, and those we have will be overparted ranters. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Our guests are upon us! 客人が我が家に向かっています。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Would you oblige me with 50 or so in gold just to settle my accounts? (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
No, no, we haven't the time. Talk prose. 詩っぽく話すのはやめてくれ(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The law of the land has our heroines being played by pipsqueak boys in petticoats. (法律上女性は舞台に上がれない。) (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The law of the land has our heroines being played by pipsqueak boys in petticoats. (法律上女性は舞台に上がれない。) (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I have an ancient name which will bring you preferment. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Now listen to me, you dregs. Actors are ten a penny(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
What of her bosom?
-A pair of pippins as round and rare as golden apples. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Palm to palm as holy palmers kiss. : is a phrase from Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet." It is used to describe the act of touching palms as a sign of respect or reverence, similar to the way pilgrims might kiss the hands of a holy figure. It is not a commonly used phrase in modern language, but it is used as a literary reference to convey a sense of reverence or respect.
Saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch and palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I am proof against their enmity. Their hatred would not be able to touch me. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
For God's sake, cease your prattling and get out! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
penny-a-liner へっぽこ文士
A theater poet? An insolent penny-a-page rogue! 三文詩人(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
You better look for her at the playhouse. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
She's been plucked since I saw her last, and not by you. It takes a woman to know it. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Shakespeare! Upstart inky pup! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I'll show you your place, which is in hell! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
My story starts at sea, a perilous voyage to an unknown land. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
It’s as if my quill is broken, as if the organ of my imagination has dried up. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
quicklime : Used to adjust soil pH and improve soil fertility.
I want the playhouse plowed into the ground and sown with quicklime! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The Rose smells thusly rank by any name! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
He's readying the Curtain playhouse. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The Ravens of the Tower of London : are a group of at least six captive ravens (currently nine) resident at the Tower of London. Their presence is traditionally believed to protect the Crown and the Tower; a superstition holds that "if the Tower of London ravens are lost or fly away, the Crown will fall and Britain with it."
I was a poet till now, but I've seen beauty that puts my poems at one with the talking ravens in the Tower. 彼女の美しさの前では、私の詩などあのカラスと同じだ。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
A sadly overparted soprano. We are six men short, and those we have will be overparted ranters. (overparted (of an actor or singer) having too difficult a part or role or too many parts or roles to play.) (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
What is this rabble? (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Well, that will have them rolling in the aisles. 笑い転げる(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Will you read in for me? (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The Master of the Revels despises us all for vagrants and peddlers of bombast. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
My husband will have the bargain for the marriage settled tonight. Stamped, sealed and celebrated. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
By all the stars in heaven. なんてことだ。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Draw, if you be men! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Gregory, remember thy swashing blow! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Stutterers who should be sent back to the stews. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I'll leave the scene in your safekeeping, Ned. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I have a sonnet to write. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May. (“Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May” shows that the poet sees the summer climate as a blow to the spring flowers. He wants to show just how much better his beloved's beauty is compared to that of summer.) (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Piety is for Sunday! And two hours of prayer is not piety, it is self-importance.
It would be better that you return tomorrow, my lord.
-It would be better if you'd tell her to get off her knees and show some civility to her six-day lord and master! 日曜の礼拝の日以外は夫に任せろと言え(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Gentlemen upstage Ladies downstage 男性は上手へ 女性は下手へ(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
A skirmish of words and swords. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The house is stirring. It is a new day. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Some of thee work's speakable. 言葉に発する価値のあるセリフだ。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
What man art thou that, thus bescreened in night. So stumblest on my counsel? = Who are you, hiding in the darkness and eavesdropping on my private thoughts? (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Stratford-upon-Avonストラトフォード=アポン=エイヴォンは、イングランド中部のウォリックシャー(Warwickshire)にあるタウンかつ行政教区。 エイヴォン川に面している。 2019年の人口は3万466人。文豪ウィリアム・シェイクスピアの故郷として世界的に知られており、多くの観光客が訪れる。年間250万人の観光客が訪れる。
You are a gentleman. - And you are a Warwickshire shit-house. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Don't spend yourself in sport. 体力を(セックスで)消耗するな(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
We shall send you back to Stratford to your wife. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Spare me. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The poison makes us seeming dead. 死んだように見えさせます。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The show must-- You know. - Go on! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I am sped. = I’m done. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
It's a crowd-tickler. 喜劇(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
In addition, 400 backsides at threepence, a penny extra for cushions. 後ろ400席はひとつ3ペンス、クッション付きでもう1ペンス。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The Rose smells thusly rank by any name! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Well, I to my work, you to yours. それぞれ仕事にとりかかろう。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
My lady. The tide waits for no man, but I swear it would wait for the lady. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
It was the nightingale, and not the lark, that pierced the fearful hollow of thine ear. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
It is some meteor that the sun exhales. To be to thee this night a torchbearer. And light thee on thy way to Mantua. = It’s some meteor sent from the sun to be a torchbearer in order to light your way to Mantua. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Let me be ta’en. Let me be put to death. = Let me be caught. Let me be put to death. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Art thou gone so? = Are you gone just like that? (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Oh, happy dagger, this is thy sheath. 胸がお前の鞘(今から自分を刺して死にます) (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I have hurt you, and I'm sorry for it.
-If my hurt is to be that you write no more, then I shall be the sorrier. 私が傷ついたことであなたがこれ以上書けないのであれば、私のほうがもっと残念です。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Love that overthrows life. Unbiddable, ungovernable, like a riot in the heart, and nothing to be done, come ruin or rapture. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I'm unmanned, unmended and unmade. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Ay, so I fear, the more is my unrest. “the idea of staying longer. makes me uncomfortable”. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I will go to Wessex as a widow from these vows as solemn as they are unsanctified. 認められないが厳粛な愛の誓いとともにワセックスに行きます。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
APOTHECARY: Such mortal drugs I have, but Mantua’s law is death to any he that utters them. = I have such deadly poisons. But those who sell poison receive the death penalty in Mantua. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I say this theater is closed! For lewdness and unshamedfacedness! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Love knows nothing of rank or riverbank. It will spark between a queen and the poor vagabond who plays the king. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
The queen, Gloriana Regina, God's chosen vessel, the radiant one who shines her light on us.
Every one of you ne'er-do-wells that stand in contempt of the authority vested in me by Her Majesty! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
My wordwright. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
My sleeve wants for a button, Mistress Rosaline. Where were my seamstress' eyes? (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
My father weeping; my mother wailing. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Oh! I'm not so wellborn.
-Well-monied is the same as wellborn. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
What light is light if Silvia be not seen? What joy is joy if Silvia be not by? (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I would thou wert so happy by thy stay. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Her lips. The early morning rose would whither on the branch if it could feel envy. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I nursed her daughter that you talked withal. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Wherefore art thou, Romeo? (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
You are a gentleman.
- And you are a Warwickshire shit-house. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
I bear witness to the wager. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
dip one's wick (vulgar slang)(of a man) have sex.
Master Kent, You have not yet dipped your wick. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Wilt thou be gone? It's not yet near day. もう行くの。夜明け前よ(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
what ho (Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, colloquial, dated) An exclamation of greeting, summons, or surprise.
What ho! Apothecary! (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Have a care with the queen’s name. You will wear it out. みだりに私の名前を出すな(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
What is yon gentleman? (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Nightly she sings on yon pomegranate tree. (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)