It's all legal and aboveboard. (フランク)
It's like an aviary. (フランク)
Tuna in brine. (フランク)
You bummed out? - Little bit. (フランク)
Flattered grin, followed by a bashful half-smile. (フランク)
It'll buy us enough time to make the album. (フランク)
You're bindweed, chickweed, pit tramp, abscess, absence, vacuum. (フランク)
With my knee-socks and Chelsea's beanie. (フランク)
Syd Barrettシド・バレット(1946年1月6日 - 2006年7月7日)は、イギリスのミュージシャン。プログレッシブ・ロック・バンド、ピンク・フロイドの初期の中心メンバー(ヴォーカリスト兼ギタリスト)であったことで知られる。本名はロジャー・キース・バレット(Roger Keith Barrett)。1967年にピンク・フロイドの一員としてデビューするが、薬物中毒および精神病で体調を崩しバンドを脱退。
Clara Wagner, our very own Syd Barrett, was arrested today and charged with assault after stabbing me in the leg. (フランク)
They played a barnstorming set. (フランク)
I made a casserole. (フランク)
Something cherishable. (フランク)
Cuzzi? : The slang word for jacuzzi(フランク)
People who chance upon us. (フランク)
cognitive behavioral therapy 認知行動療法
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that can help you manage your problems by changing the way you think and behave. It's most commonly used to treat anxiety and depression, but can be useful for other mental and physical health problems.
In cognitive behavioral therapy they say face your fears. (フランク)
I lost my poor lover by courting too slow. (フランク)
delegate〔他者の代わりに行動する権限を与えられた〕代理人◆【類】agent ; deputy
Delegates really like it when bands go unplugged. (フランク)
I shall have to earn my place in the band. (フランク)
Frank refuses to record the album until we have perfected each and every detail. (フランク)
You're all totally erratic and shit. (フランク)
He is wearing the mask. He sucks liquid food through a straw that he funnels up under the neckline. (フランク)
It's grownut. (フランク)
At the heart of it all is Frank. (フランク)
A hastily arranged warm-up gig. (フランク)
With my knee-socks and Chelsea's beanie. (フランク)
Raw limby sausage. (フランク)
Clacket Lane is pretty labyrinthine, isn't it? (フランク)
Legions and multitudes of already adoring fans shall gather. (フランク)
I'm delighted to be launching our album here. (フランク)
Creating extremely likeable music. (フランク)
I think that we could push the likeability of the music even further. (フランク)
He is to live off of your talent like a tick. (フランク)
He can sound really muffled under the mask. (フランク)
I can't wait to dive into the creative maelstrom. (フランク)
Kiss me, Nefertiti. (フランク)
He swallowed a lot of seawater. He'll have to have his stomach pumped. (フランク)
Bobbing poulet. (フランク)
Rehearsals proper have begun. (フランク)
There's already a palpable sense of free expression. (フランク)
Lips pursed together as if to say "enough frivolity." (フランク)
He can be pitiless. (フランク)
Don't presume to tell me how I think. (フランク)
You gave me the little push I needed. (フランク)
It turns out the worst thing to do with something like Frank’s mask is to pander to it. 最悪なのは諦めてその状況に合わせてしまうことだ。(フランク)
This is your living quarters. Nice panoramic view of the lake here. (フランク)
Should we run through the songs? リハーサルする(フランク)
The R.A.C. Membership stall. (フランク)
We've had to start rationing the food. (フランク)
They shall receive our music in rapture. (フランク)
Hello. Prepare for rapture! (フランク)
People rolling around on the floor. (フランク)
So Lucas has been sectioned and we need a new keyboard player. 入院した(フランク)
Frank, with all his issues, is without a doubt the most 100%- sanest cat I've ever met. (フランク)
Let me hop in the saddle. その椅子に座らせてくれ。(フランク)
The stillness of the winter night. (フランク)
Something inside me is beginning to stir. (フランク)
Let's make that stomp a bit more. そのメロディーをもっと足踏みさせたくさせるようなものにしよう。(フランク)
They've got a new discoveries strand. (フランク)
With that many people staring at you, I would be shitting myself. (フランク)
Seagulls by the score. たくさんのカモメ(フランク)
Stay away from my fucking theremin. (フランク)
A few teething problems. (フランク)
This little tuft in the carpet. (フランク)
I'd be so nervous on the stage. - Oh, it goes with the territory. (フランク)
tree surgeon 樹木医
I'm the tree surgeon. (フランク)
Unplugged! Me on guitar, you on vocals. (フランク)
Stale urea. (フランク)
Wakey-wakey, eggs and bakey. (フランク)
I haven't warmed up my hands. (フランク)
Oh, that means the world to me, thank you so much. (フランク)
Can I get a quick word with you? (フランク)
Just wayward stuff, man. (フランク)
zeitgeist : the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time.
The story captured the zeitgeist of the late 1960s.
I may be closer to the zeitgeist than certain people gave me credit for. (フランク)