今回の見どころは全体的に機知にとんだセリフ。ロンドンをどう思うという質問に対してアメリカ人のPJ・プズナウスキーが文字通りGreenlandを右に曲がってきたと返すジョークなど全体的に気を緩めることができません。キャメロン・ディアス演じるPJ・プズナウスキーが強烈アメリカ南部アクセントかつところどころ入れてくるスペイン語(mamacita / cajones / mano a mano
などなど)とスラング (heine / nick and dime / phoney up などなど)でワイルドなカウガールとは対照的にコリン・ファース演じるハリー・ディーンはラテン語、ドイツ語、フランス語由来の外来語を使用したり、語彙のレベルが高い。このギャップ明らかに狙ってますね。
System armed. システム作動中(モネゲーム)
I was leafing through the advance. (モネゲーム)
Let's hope that doing business on a first-name basis will be conducive to plain speaking and clear understanding.
-Amen to that, Lionel. (モネゲーム)
The painter ain't exactly churning out his works, what with his being dead an' all. (モネゲーム)
The man we’re dealing is not above mixing the professional with the personal to get what he wants. (モネゲーム)
Those charges have been assumed as of 4:17 this afternoon by another party. これらの請求額は他の人によって既に支払われました。(モネゲーム)
Charges accumulating prior to this evening. (モネゲーム)
I am of drinking age and voting age and the age of consent. (モネゲーム)
Are you slipping into something more approachable? (モネゲーム)
All sense of shame is well and truly atrophied. (モネゲーム)
There's people like Lionel with big deals and big cars and manners an' all. (モネゲーム)
ass-backward 【形・副】〈卑〉あべこべに、でたらめな
You have things arse-backwards. (モネゲーム)
It was a bloody chore hiring him. I had to advance him two years' salary. (モネゲーム)
Anyone with an eye can see that something is amiss here. (モネゲーム)
An absolute brute of a fellow. (モネゲーム)
Rough-riding, bronc-busting sort of thing. (モネゲーム)
Shabandar rolled all his competitive impulses into a ball and outbid his great rival, Akira Takagawa.敵対心の塊となりオークションでライバルを打ち負かした(モネゲーム)
For years now, Shabandar has been seeking Haystacks, Dusk with a passion bordering on monomania. (モネゲーム)
I bent down to pick something up, bookshelf in the way. Hello, bango. 本棚に顔をぶつけました。(モネゲーム)
Either we keep laying on the bamboozlement or we might as well pack it in and go home. (モネゲーム)
Harry's out on his butt, huh? クビですか?(モネゲーム)
Have that credulous boob's confidence. (モネゲーム)
Your whole cockamamie scheme just went blooey. (モネゲーム)
The boot is on the other foo. 立場が逆になった
My little friend Takagawa screwed me a dozen times. Well, now the boot is on the other foot.
-So, it's kind of like a grudge match. (モネゲーム)
I can have anyone I want up to my room cos you ain't your boarding house. (モネゲーム)
You should scratch it if it itches even if it's in your britches. (モネゲーム)
Sorry to have to break it to you like this. (モネゲーム)
You are a boor, sir. And a bully. (モネゲーム)
You did your bit. I owe you your wages. (モネゲーム)
Money transfer to the Swiss Bank is so much better than having to count it all. I'd have got it all bollocksed up before I got to ten million. (モネゲーム)
I'd have called this Shabandar a cad. (モネゲーム)
I'd have called this Shabandar a cad. Now the prevailing parlance for a fellow of this type is, I believe, shitbag. (モネゲーム)
It'll be five, no, six years ago, come May. (モネゲーム)
The painting was carted off. (モネゲーム)
Cerulean blue and cadmium yellow. (モネゲーム)
Well, why be coy? (モネゲーム)
If ever she finds herself in London, I'd be happy to carve out a few minutes for a chat. (モネゲーム)
They were contemporaries. 同世代(モネゲーム)
Staff seems pretty can-do. (モネゲーム)
Let's hope that doing business on a first-name basis will be conducive to plain speaking and clear understanding. (モネゲーム)
The painter ain't exactly churning out his works, what with his being dead an' all. (モネゲーム)
Let's see if we mightn't find some common ground. (モネゲーム)
He's going to curate my private collection. (モネゲーム)
His coffers near empty, he was forced to contemplate desperate measures. (モネゲーム)
Yet he could allow no chink to appear in the plan. (モネゲーム)
Listen here, I have invested thousands of pounds in this little caper of ours. (モネゲーム)
Your whole cockamamie scheme just went blooey. (モネゲーム)
Our little caper is far from over. (モネゲーム)
Rumour has it he's built himself a bit of a house of cards. (モネゲーム)
Running around all desperate and cockamamie. (モネゲーム)
Certain unforeseen wrinkles in my plans have conspired to diminish your confidence in me. (モネゲーム)
You've decided to consummate our little transaction. (モネゲーム)
You sure do have some big old cojones. (モネゲーム)
The painting was carted off to Carinhall. (モネゲーム)
for the delectation of his eyes only. (モネゲーム)
Nose been broken so many times, 2 years ago, he had the cartilage taken out so there wouldn't be so much downtime between bar fights. (モネゲーム)
do-re-mi: A slang and somewhat dated term for money.
Yesterday I somehow got lucky enough to find do-re-mi on the floor - 20 bucks.
Good anywhere, I reckon, if you got the do-re-mi. I don't mind shelling it out. 金があればどこも住めば都よ。(モネゲーム)
double-wide (North American) a semi-permanent mobile home consisting of two separate units connected on site.
I respect your origins, your entire double-wide way of life. (モネゲーム)
It's a pleasure to meet you all.
- And that goes double for me. (モネゲーム)
I don't suppose you could dash down and get my trousers? (モネゲーム)
He is a degenerate nudist. (モネゲーム)
It's quite an ingenious system. I dreamt it up myself. (モネゲーム)
There was an equestrian tourney in the area. (モネゲーム)
Quite the equestrian. Man had horse blood in his veins. (モネゲーム)
The élan with which you played your small but vital part. (モネゲーム)
One ignored the elephant in the room at one's peril. (モネゲーム)
Nose been broken so many times, 2 years ago, he had the cartilage taken out so there wouldn't be so much downtime between bar fights.
-An expedient we might consider if we spend much more time in Texas. (モネゲーム)
Equestrienne. (モネゲーム)
Her invigorating lack of decorum would have enraptured my younger self. (モネゲーム)
You fail to see his manners are completely ersatz. (モネゲーム)
Let me remind you who's running this little enterprise, madam. It’s Moi. (モネゲーム)
I think it's real relaxing going naked. I understood you to have said once that you attended the Eden Retreat. (モネゲーム)
PJ could well have been mauled and all to no end. (モネゲーム)
No few eccentricities かなりの変人(モネゲーム)
Back in a flash. (モネゲーム)
The fact to the matter I can authorise no further payments against my credit card. (モネゲーム)
We're going to have to throw her out on her ear. (モネゲーム)
I bid you a semi-fond farewell. 半分感謝のさよなら。(モネゲーム)
Mr. Deane had a plan. To be grandiose, a heist. (モネゲーム)
We were given to understand that. (モネゲーム)
Various rowdy goings-on? (モネゲーム)
What makes you so certain she'll be game? (モネゲーム)
The artist has used a light ground true to Monet's habit. 絵画の下塗り(モネゲーム)
Mr. Deane, for all his talents, was given to one particular flaw. (モネゲーム)
Turn left to Greenland. : This is how you got to America from UK.
So tell me, How did you find America.
-Turn left to Greenland. (hah) アメリカをどう思うという質問に対して文字通りGreenlandを左に曲がってきたと返すジョーク。
So, how do you find London?
-Well, everybody knows the answer to that one. You turn right at Greenland. (モネゲーム)
With an auto tranny, a CD deck and graduated tint on the windshields. (モネゲーム)
We'll take a look at the painting at the gala. (モネゲーム)
The boot is on the other foo. 立場が逆になった
My little friend Takagawa screwed me a dozen times. Well, now the boot is on the other foot.
-So, it's kind of like a grudge match. (モネゲーム)
Miss, I've had sufficient of your mother's gnomic utterances. (モネゲーム)
Take Lionel for a gazillion dollars. (モネゲーム)
granny knot: a type of simple knot that can be easily unfastened
Are you sure the lion's secure? - That's a double granny. (モネゲーム)
He can't work out of that. (モネゲーム)
Once you trip 'em up, they're gravy. (モネゲーム)
It's gone through. うまくいった(モネゲーム)
Let's put some hands together for the monkeys! (モネゲーム)
Best to let the fish work the hook in himself. カモに自爆させよう(モネゲーム)
Heigh ho, friend. (モネゲーム)
It cost me a ridiculous amount of money. Rather put me in a hole. (モネゲーム)
Ms. Puznowski. - Howdy. (モネゲーム)
You can call me PJ. That's my rodeo handle. (モネゲーム)
We are rather hemmed in at the moment, sir. (モネゲーム)
You know, hoss, I don't think it's gonna work out. (モネゲーム)
Don't young lady me, hoss. - Don't you hoss me, young lady. (モネゲーム)
He introduced me to some stuck-up heinie. (モネゲーム)
We have to fight the heftiness! (モネゲーム)
Give her the old heave-ho. (モネゲーム)
Seems like a busy little fellow. - Not so little (penis), I would hazard. (モネゲーム)
Howdy. - Good evening. (モネゲーム)
Somebody's been having you on. (モネゲーム)
knock it on the head〔今やっていることを〕やめる、中止する◆命令形で使われる
We're knocking it on the head. (モネゲーム)
A rather hackneyed portrait. (モネゲーム)
Understood, sir. No hard feelings. (モネゲーム)
Fancy trying your hand at Picasso? (モネゲーム)
The master impressionist finished two oil paintings: "Haystacks, Dawn", "Haystacks, Dusk".(モネゲーム)
Owing to his considerable fortune and my not inconsiderable knowledge, he has now assembled the most important collection. (モネゲーム)
It's the very incongruity of it. (モネゲーム)
When it comes to the impressionists, the man is a hopeless ignoramus. (モネゲーム)
Consider that you might still have an obligation, having incurred considerable expense. (モネゲーム)
Your timing is impeccable. (モネゲーム)
Monet. Inimitable. (モネゲーム)
The difference between a pig and a javelina. (モネゲーム)
You will kiss him off? - Quitting, yes. (モネゲーム)
Give me a loupe. (モネゲーム)
Unrestricted economy fare.
- That's what they call it, sir. Of course, they use the word "economy" with a certain looseness. (モネゲーム)
The lion's share of the world's media. Hear us roar. (モネゲーム)
Mr. Deane would require a firm hand to bring her into line. (モネゲーム)
I can get his lackeys to sell me their 220 television channels. (モネゲーム)
I become the third largest provider of premium cable in the whole of Asia and the Shabandar lion can finally roar over Japan. (モネゲーム)
What on earth were you doing larking about up here? (モネゲーム)
Henri Matisseアンリ・マティス(アンリ・マチス、フランス語 1869年12月31日 - 1954年11月3日)は、フランスの画家。フォーヴィスム(野獣派)のリーダー的存在であり、野獣派の活動が短期間で終わった後も20世紀を代表する芸術家の一人として活動を続けた。自然をこよなく愛し「色彩の魔術師」と謳われ、緑あふれる世界を描き続けた画家であった。彫刻および版画も手がけている
Paul Cézanneポール・セザンヌ(1839年1月19日 - 1906年10月23日(墓碑には10月22日と記されているが,近年は23日説が有力[注釈 1]))は、フランスの画家。当初はクロード・モネやピエール=オーギュスト・ルノワールらとともに印象派のグループの一員として活動していたが、1880年代からグループを離れ、伝統的な絵画の約束事にとらわれない独自の絵画様式を探求した。ポスト印象派の画家として紹介されることが多く、キュビスムをはじめとする20世紀の美術に多大な影響を与えたことから、しばしば「近代絵画の父」として言及される。
A fellow in the pub expressed a preference for Matisse over Cézanne. (モネゲーム)
Mamacita! (モネゲーム)
The Major would be aroused. (モネゲーム)
Let me remind you who's running this little enterprise, madam. It’s Moi. (モネゲーム)
Instant gratification is her modus vivendi. 目の前の快楽(モネゲーム)
You know, break some bread, mano a mano. (モネゲーム)
You're a bit of a marvel. (モネゲーム)
A cynical manipulator of those less powerful. (モネゲーム)
PJ could well have been mauled, and all to no end. (モネゲーム)
nickel and dime: To be extremely cheap with someone or demand every last dollar.
If you're gonna nickel-and-dime me, we can call this whole thing off. (モネゲーム)
Just nipping down the hall for some ice. (モネゲーム)
Gentlemen. Found some nourishment, I see. (モネゲーム)
A man of outsized appetites. (モネゲーム)
I certainly don't want to seem overly eager. (モネゲーム)
Still, we can't count our pennies, won't we?
- Oh, no, sir. Not with millions in the offing. (モネゲーム)
How to bear the onus of your ridiculous expenses. (モネゲーム)
Could you not contrive to neutralise him simply with a gun? It's too outlandish. (モネゲーム)
Do your orgiastic impulses know no limits? (モネゲーム)
I'd have called this Shabandar a cad. Now the prevailing parlance for a fellow of this type is, I believe, shitbag. (モネゲーム)
Our plan would all fall nicely into place. (モネゲーム)
She works in a poultry processing plant for minimum wage. (モネゲーム)
Have them proof it quick as possible. (モネゲーム)
You plank. (モネゲーム)
The first division of Patton's army. (モネゲーム)
That was the heartbreaking fraud perpetrated on the Austrians. (モネゲーム)
All present and correct. (モネゲーム)
He's a speech pathologist now. (モネゲーム)
The precedential value. (モネゲーム)
The painting’s provenance is promising. (モネゲーム)
Pork and beans アメリカで昔からある、みんなが大好きな素朴な家庭料理。決しておしゃれでトレンディーなレストランで食べるものではなく、日本のお袋の味、ほっこり、ほっとするお料理。アメリカでは缶詰のポークビーンズがよく食べられている。
Money and manners are the pork and beans of personality. (モネゲーム)
party downとことん楽しむ
Let's go wild and party down. 騒いで、パーティーを楽しもう。
You kind of party down with him. (モネゲーム)
For Pete's sake. (モネゲーム)
I can hardly put it more plainly! これ以上簡単に説明できない。(モネゲーム)
There are certain things, you know, that you cannot phoney up. (モネゲーム)
Cold feet, moral qualms again? (モネゲーム)
Various rowdy goings-on? (モネゲーム)
You boys OK, huh? Faces still on rightways round? 殴られて顔の位置は変わってない?(モネゲーム)
I render a definitive opinion. (モネゲーム)
The Major gave me a rag to dry this. (モネゲーム)
I happen to think he's quite charming.
- Charming? He's really charming in a thoroughly reptilian, repulsive sort of way. (モネゲーム)
I'll run you another key, sir. (モネゲーム)
He told me of countless insults suffered at the hands of his employer. (モネゲーム)
Sunday painter. 趣味は絵画をかくこと(モネゲーム)
A picture acquired at auction 20 years ago in spirited bidding. (モネゲーム)
Thanking you for the self-possession. (モネゲーム)
Sounds like you really wanna stick it to this guy. (モネゲーム)
Could you slide a little closer to your grandmother? (モネゲーム)
I snuck an advance peek at it. (モネゲーム)
In Shitbird, Texas. (モネゲーム)
So, looks like if you want the set, I got you by the short and curlies. (モネゲーム)
I really don't think it's a situation of one party trying to subdue the other. (モネゲーム)
He is a little shifty, a little weak. (モネゲーム)
I might just order up some surf 'n' turf. (モネゲーム)
Flogged with a birch switch. (モネゲーム)
It'll just be two shakes, sir. (モネゲーム)
Out snogging about. 外でキスしまくって。(モネゲーム)
Lay your sleepy head. (モネゲーム)
Unlike your shenanigans, there's a sensible plan governing my behaviour. (モネゲーム)
Stroke of luck. (モネゲーム)
Third row in the stalls, aisle seat. (モネゲーム)
Right, shan't bother you again. (モネゲーム)
spring into action: It means to start doing something quickly.
He was sprung for action. (モネゲーム)
There's a big old spread on the table over there. Our boy Lionel pulled out all the stops. (モネゲーム)
You had time to make the switch(モネゲーム)
You steaming turd? (モネゲーム)
There was an equestrian tourney in the area. (モネゲーム)
Before we throw you into the thick of the scheme, I should give you a bit of the history. (モネゲーム)
The art world's most tantalising mysteries. (モネゲーム)
Do you ride?
-I have ridden. A birthday party. They had ponies. Little Shetland ponies. We traipsed around in a circle in the garden. (モネゲーム)
Based on the fact that it was hanging on the wall of a bloody caravan in Texas.
-There is that. そうですね。(モネゲーム)
Not sure I follow you, old thing. (モネゲーム)
I want £12 million for this here picture. That's 6,000 tons if I've done my math right. (モネゲーム)
With an auto tranny, a CD deck and graduated tint on the windshields. (モネゲーム)
Hold on. What's the tariff? (モネゲーム)
I pluck chickens, so there ain't a lot of call for me to be traipsing around tweetin' and bloggin' you know. (モネゲーム)
These are the moments that try men's souls. (モネゲーム)
Are you tapped out? (モネゲーム)
Trash-talkin' my origins! 私の出身をバカにしてるわね。(モネゲーム)
I'm pretty tuckered out. (モネゲーム)
Only person I've seen traipsing round London in their underwear is you. (モネゲーム)
I hope he's not stupid enough to have gone up there. Then again, we are talking about Deane. (モネゲーム)
I guess Harry here told you about this painting I'm aiming to unload. (モネゲーム)
An obligation I never undertook and do not propose to undertake now. (モネゲーム)
Maybe you could ungrit your teeth a little bit every once in a while. (モネゲーム)
You can uncrate the painting in the gallery. (モネゲーム)
His ownership of the one has merely whet his appetite for the other. (モネゲーム)
Jolly well played. (モネゲーム)
Gonna open a can of whup-ass on you now. (モネゲーム)
All sense of shame is well and truly atrophied. (モネゲーム)
In fact without wanting to overstate things, I would say it may be my favourite. (モネゲーム)
Your wanton behaviour. (モネゲーム)
Certain unforeseen wrinkles in my plans have conspired to diminish your confidence in me. (モネゲーム)
Yippee-ai-yay. (モネゲーム)
I don't mind being seduced, chased after by a multi-zillionaire. (モネゲーム)