
ブリジット・ジョーンズの日記の主演のゼルウィガー演じるビアトリクス・ポターには婚約者がいたのですが、ノーマン・ウォーン(ユアン・マクレガー)がいつの間にか急逝してしまうくだり、なんなの。なにしろ様々な映画で主役級のあのユアン・マクレガーを殺しておいて、まわりの味気ないドライな反応は何なのか。ビアトリクス・ポターとの信頼を築きはじめて恋に発展したと思いきや、手紙一枚でハイ亡くなりました!だと。もっと丁寧に描いてほしかったところです。今回はボヤキから始めてみましたが、『ミス・ポター』(Miss Potter)は、2006年に公開された米・英合作で、児童文学作家であり画家でもあったビアトリクス・ポターの伝記映画。 ピーターラビットの作者であり、彼女のピーターラビットのインスピレーションはイギリスの湖水地方の影響を受けて生まれたのかと思いきや、ピーターラビットで得た莫大な印税を得た後、湖水地方に移り住んだとのこと。イギリスの観光名所の一つとして日本からも訪れた方が多いと思うのですが、かく言う私も学生時代、訪れました。当時ピーターラビット博物館や湖水詩人のひとり 、ウィリアム・ワーズワース記念館的なものを訪れた記憶があります。当時若い私は湖水地方のウサギも詩も全く関心なかったと思います。むしろ連れの女性陣への関心のほうが高かった不純野郎。女性陣はあのウサ公に多大な関心を示していて、自分もそれに調子を合わせてぬいぐるみまで購入する始末。内心とても疲れた記憶が。しかし一歩外に出ると、見渡す限りの田園風景。これぞイギリスの田舎といった感じで、また訪れたいです



Their perfectly appointed dining room table. (ミス・ポター)


Our association is coming to an end. (ミス・ポター)


Hugh Whitteford bearded me in the club and rattled on for hours. (ミス・ポター)


You know old Hugh, jowls all aflutter. おしゃべりだ。(ミス・ポター)


I'm afraid I've never had much aptitude for cards. (ミス・ポター)


The rabbits travel through the woods to the well-appointed burrow of their cousins where a warm fire is waiting for them. (ミス・ポター)


Your mother wants what is best for you, as do I, Beatrix. (ミス・ポター)


If you care for this man as much as you say you do, then in a few months the ardour will still be there. (ミス・ポター)


Amelia sends her fond love and wishes for us all to be together again, as do I. (ミス・ポター)


I've got pigs running amuck up there. (ミス・ポター)


The two farms adjoining mine are for sale. (ミス・ポター)


Jackets with brass buttons. (ミス・ポター)


Fast as you can, old boy. (ミス・ポター)


My mother badgered my father into spending the summer in the Lake District, as did other fashionable families. (ミス・ポター)


Prince Charming himself couldn't resist such a bonny wee girl. (ミス・ポター)


Whom should he meet, but Mr. McGregor! (ミス・ポター)


I'm beginning to feel quite ill with all this bonhomie. (ミス・ポター)


I have to better myself somehow. (ミス・ポター)


Men are bores. (ミス・ポター)


Hugh Whitteford bearded me in the club and rattled on for hours. (ミス・ポター)


The rabbits travel through the woods to the well-appointed burrow. (ミス・ポター)


Norman Warne is a gentleman of comfortable means, and not one bit beneath us, and I intend to marry him. (ミス・ポター)


You can marry with our blessing and our love. (ミス・ポター)


Another great farm falls, but this one breaks your heart. (ミス・ポター)

-Really? Why?

-Now, miss, a body would have to be a poet, which I certainly am not. 詩人ではないのでうまくは言えないですが。(ミス・ポター)


She has allowed her emotions to get the better of her. (ミス・ポター)


Keep a social calendar. (ミス・ポター)


We shall give them a bunny book to conjure with. (ミス・ポター)


Johnson, come and get the charms, would you? (ミス・ポター)


I told you about you a changingly child? (ミス・ポター)


A tablespoonful of camomile tea. (ミス・ポター)


No-one listens to a crotchety old lady. (ミス・ポター)


My mother may be crotchety, Miss Potter, but she does have an eye for beautiful things. (ミス・ポター)


Ashton's a crack shot. (ミス・ポター)


What's the matter? A cloud just passed across your face. (ミス・ポター)


How charming of you to be so punctual! (ミス・ポター)


Mr. Warne will have to read it first as he is my strict censor. (ミス・ポター)


As my confidante. (ミス・ポター)


Who'd want to be cooped up in London when they could be up here in the Lake District? (ミス・ポター)


My mother and I have come to an understanding. (ミス・ポター)


We don't often give the pigs names, Miss Potter. Makes it a bit hard, come slaughtering time. (ミス・ポター)


It won't do to be late. (ミス・ポター)


I'm rather dreading it. (ミス・ポター)


Thank heavens. Norman sometimes deigns to read to me. (ミス・ポター)


Your reputation is now officially dented. (ミス・ポター)


You have something to confide? How delicious! (ミス・ポター)


You haven't disinherited Bertram for running off with the girl. (ミス・ポター)


You surely do not think we would deny you happiness. (ミス・ポター)


A derelict property. (ミス・ポター)


I brought you the executed deed for the farm. (ミス・ポター)


There's something delicious about writing the first few words of a story. (ミス・ポター)


The young entomologist. (ミス・ポター)


Enchanting drawings. (ミス・ポター)


I should expire of loneliness. (ミス・ポター)


Peter, you naughty boy! Look what an example you're setting. (ミス・ポター)


They've fobbed you off on me. (ミス・ポター)


If they intended to fob me off, as you say, then we shall show them. (ミス・ポター)


We poor forgotten folk. (ミス・ポター)


How festive! (ミス・ポター)


Wiggin is fallible. ウイギンも人間なのね。(ミス・ポター)


Amelia sends her fond love and wishes for us all to be together again, as do I, multiplied a hundredfold. (ミス・ポター)


Traipsing with a gaggle of friends. (ミス・ポター)


It was most gracious of you to invite me. (ミス・ポター)


I love flowers shockingly.

-That's why you have the hands of a greengrocer. (ミス・ポター)


grounds-man / groundsman(地所や公園や運動場の)グラウンドを整備する人。

The grounds man's son, who was always interested in my stories. (ミス・ポター)


I'm an impeccably genteel, unmarried lady, Mother. (ミス・ポター)


Before we part for the evening, I could share a glimpse of the unfinished tale. (ミス・ポター)


I'm afraid I won two guineas from him. (ミス・ポター)


going once, going twice :  Said before closing the bidding for a particular item in an auction, giving other bidders a final opportunity to bid for it.

Are we all done at £3,000? Going once, Going twice, Sold to the lady, £3,000. (ミス・ポター)


Goodness me! (ミス・ポター)


They have done me the great honour of assigning your book to me. (ミス・ポター)


Some of the gentlemen would like to play a few hands of cards. (ミス・ポター)


I make a terrible hash of the song too when I try. (ミス・ポター)


What about all the blessings of being alone? - Hogwash. (ミス・ポター)


When did we become so high and mighty? (ミス・ポター)


We are not convinced. Yet, neither have we hearts of stone. (ミス・ポター)


Have you decided to make an honest living? (ミス・ポター)


I am no longer in the habit of being lectured to. (ミス・ポター)


The Impaler. (ミス・ポター)


Impeccably good family. (ミス・ポター)


Be still, little imps! (ミス・ポター)


I'm an impeccably genteel, unmarried lady, Mother. (ミス・ポター)


Our company will do everything in its power to ensure that our tragic loss causes you the least possible inconvenience. (ミス・ポター)


How would you feel about calling me William instead of this infernal Mr. Heelis? I sound like an undertaker. (ミス・ポター)


I thought it best not to bring this, but then the picture jumped into my hand as I walked out the door. (ミス・ポター)


kettle drumティンパニ

Did you hear my heart? It was a kettle drum. (ミス・ポター)


That is a knife in my heart. つらいことだ。(ミス・ポター)


Call me Millie, and that's to be the last of Miss Potter too, I'm afraid.

-Absolutely. Beatrix, by all means. ミスポターではなくビアトリックスと呼んでください。(ミス・ポター)


Dear Miss. Potter, I enclose with great pleasure the latest in what I hope will be a long line of tales. (ミス・ポター)


I have taken the liberty of adding a splash of brandy to our coffees. (ミス・ポター)


Legend has it that wherever the rabbits find themselves on Christmas Eve, they get together and throw a jolly party! (ミス・ポター)


Thank you very much indeed. Messrs. Warne, for your time. (ミス・ポター)


He makes a muck of it. (ミス・ポター)


I am a published author. I have means of my own. (ミス・ポター)


The beauty of this place seems magnified somehow with you in my mind. あなたのことを考えているとこの場所がより一層美しく見える。(ミス・ポター)


I am no longer content to stay at home and play nursemaid solely because I am the youngest son. (ミス・ポター)


You've made a nuisance of yourself, demanding a chance. (ミス・ポター)


A sweet-natured boy like you does not need to work. (ミス・ポター)


I think the nursemaid is under strict orders never to leave my side. (ミス・ポター)


We do make rather a good team, don't you think? (ミス・ポター)

-Provided, of course, we prove them wrong. (ミス・ポター)


You're just a pig-headed girl. (ミス・ポター)


The large farms are being broken up into small plots and sold off. (ミス・ポター)


Men are bores. They're useful for only two things in life financial support and procreation. (ミス・ポター)


Before we part for the evening, I could share a glimpse of the unfinished tale. (ミス・ポター)


We're parvenus, Mother. Social climbers. (ミス・ポター)


Our lives are pretension and social aspiration. Sir this and Lady that! (ミス・ポター)


Praise the day when I can wake up to find you beside me. (ミス・ポター)


Run a fine home. (ミス・ポター)


A ready appetite. (ミス・ポター)


Bedtime my young reprobates. (ミス・ポター)


My mother's taste in books runs to the melodramatic. 母の本の趣味はメロドラマ系です。(ミス・ポター)


I'd like to enquire about my royalty earnings. (ミス・ポター)


Chronic illness, I'm afraid. Recurs several times a month. (ミス・ポター)


Rose and Crown :   a popular Pub name

Chronic illness, I'm afraid. Recurs several times a month. Usually after a night at the Rose And Crown. (ミス・ポター)


Oh, I say! (ミス・ポター)


Suddenly, there came a scuffling noise from the kitchen. (ミス・ポター)


Which other books have you supervised, Mr. Warne? (ミス・ポター)


Like an animal released from its cage, I fell under its spell. (ミス・ポター)


I love flowers shockingly. (ミス・ポター)


The pigs' swill bucket. (ミス・ポター)


This behaviour shows scant regard for your father's money. (ミス・ポター)


Sandhurst. 地名. サンドハースト英国。英国陸軍士官学校

I went to Sandhurst. (ミス・ポター)


We have achieved what we set out to do. (ミス・ポター)


My family summers in the Lake District. (ミス・ポター)


Are you skulking? (ミス・ポター)


She would bring me no more suitors. (ミス・ポター)


The house shimmers with lights, my darling. (ミス・ポター)


Such scintillating conversation. (ミス・ポター)


Set out on a journey. (ミス・ポター)


I look forward to your speedy return. (ミス・ポター)


Not a bad outlook, Miss Potter. - It's sublime. (ミス・ポター)


I should never have encouraged you with Norman. I'd have saved you all this terrible grief. (ミス・ポター)


A city slicker. (ミス・ポター)


She has squandered any possibility of profit from that farm. (ミス・ポター)


Traipsing from publisher to publisher. (ミス・ポター)


I think we can turn a small profit. (ミス・ポター)


I'd like to avoid that dreadful Gothic typeface your children's books usually have. (ミス・ポター)


Being in a temper puts such a rose into her cheeks. (ミス・ポター)


I'm just all fingers and thumbs! (ミス・ポター)


I wish you wouldn't invite trades people in to the house. (ミス・ポター)


I don't think a thrashing will be necessary. 罰は必要ないでしょう。(ミス・ポター)


The 12 times table :  This is the multiplication table of the number 12.

I'm trying to remember my twelve-times table. (ミス・ポター)


He always wanted to be an artist, but the family disapproved. So, he took up law. (ミス・ポター)


If someone came along who loved me and whom I loved, I would trample my mother. (ミス・ポター)


I suggest you take up knitting. (ミス・ポター)


Thank you very much, Mr. Potter, for taking the time out of your very busy day. (ミス・ポター)


Norman Warne is a tradesman, Beatrix. No Potter can marry into trade. (ミス・ポター)


Your mother trotted out countless suitors. (ミス・ポター)


We simply doubt that this marriage will do the trick. (ミス・ポター)


All of my thoughts are with you, my darling. (ミス・ポター)


How are you taking to your new home? (ミス・ポター)


He seems to be taking to the place. (ミス・ポター)


That's unsightly. Change her clothes into something decent. (ミス・ポター)


I am utterly, utterly speechless. (ミス・ポター)


I'll just leave the window in the nursery unlatched tonight. The fairy beasts will take care of the rest. (ミス・ポター)


They sit around all day, gossiping and unaccountably bursting into tears. (ミス・ポター)


I know I'm unannounced. アポなしで来たのはわかってる。(ミス・ポター)


Beatrix, if I could undo anything. - There's nothing to undo. (ミス・ポター)


What you have so vehemently expressed. (ミス・ポター)


I am, in every way, my dear lady, at your service. (ミス・ポター)


So we wheedled, cajoled, and absolutely insisted that Norman bring you round for tea. (ミス・ポター)


I warn you, I am prepared to like you very much. (ミス・ポター)


What is this stain on your blouse? Jane says it won't wash out. (ミス・ポター)


I don't suppose you play whist, Mr. Warne? (ミス・ポター)


Sir Nigel disapproves of the way I play whist. (ミス・ポター)


Respect our knowledge and the worth of our opinions, Beatrix. (ミス・ポター)


Is it a working farm? 今も作物を作っているのですか(ミス・ポター)


I've asked Mr. Canon to stay on and run Hill Top as a working farm. (ミス・ポター)


You're working the land. (ミス・ポター)


water hen《鳥》バン◆【同】moorhen《鳥》アメリカオオバン

Watch the water hens feeding. (ミス・ポター)


Your observations are woefully inadequate. (ミス・ポター)


Yours affably, Norman Warne. (ミス・ポター)