『しあわせはどこにある』(原題:Hector and the Search for Happiness)は、2014年のイギリスの映画。 ロンドンの精神科医ヘクターは完璧な恋人クララと何不自由なく暮らしていたが、日常に物足りなくなり ヘクターは世界を旅する。中国やアフリカでトラブルに巻き込まれながら、やはりロンドンでのクララとの生活が一番であると気づく。
身近にある幸せというのは空気のような存在で、普段は気づかないが、溺れて初めて空気の偉大さが分かる。こんな話はなじみがありますよね。 今回もありきたりの設定。予想通りの展開で興ざめです。有史以前から人類だけが冒険という名のもとに無謀なことを繰り返していますが、それはありきたりの日常に感謝するためなのかと考えたりしています。ひょっとしたらね。
We should concern ourselves not so much with the pursuit of happiness, but with the happiness of pursuit. (幸せの追求ではなく、追及する過程に幸せがあるべきだ。)。
You know you could always stay awhile. (しあわせはどこにある)
I sometimes feel like psychiatry comes with affluence. You know, the richer the city, the more psychiatrists there are per square mile. (しあわせはどこにある)
It's the Aurora Borealis. (しあわせはどこにある)
You can't just come out with a question like that. You have to build up to it. You know you have to have a preamble. (しあわせはどこにある)
Every time I blink there's another fundraiser. 募金集めはたくさんあるよね。(しあわせはどこにある)
There's a big difference between being here and being here to be photographed being here. 実際に住むのと自己PRで来るのとでは違う(しあわせはどこにある)
I'm just some kind of box you had to check, aren't I? (しあわせはどこにある)
You're an open book. (しあわせはどこにある)
It shows on the screen sunny yellow-happy, ice blue-sad, battery acid green-fear. (しあわせはどこにある)
Channel what's to come. See the future. (しあわせはどこにある)
Wait, are we off the clock? 診察時間外ですか(しあわせはどこにある)
Avoiding unhappiness is not the road to happiness. You hold all the cards, Hector. (しあわせはどこにある)
I was in and out of consciousness for days. (しあわせはどこにある)
Now, we become a colony of adults. (しあわせはどこにある)
Out you come. (しあわせはどこにある)
A child witnessing his parents gunned down in a drive-by shooting. (しあわせはどこにある)
I’m like an armchair traveler dishing out worldly advice without knowing the world. (しあわせはどこにある)
When the dust settled. (しあわせはどこにある)
That's the kind of guy that drags this country into shit. (しあわせはどこにある)
I'm just a good diagnostician with an awesome toy. (しあわせはどこにある)
Nipples just aren't an erogenous zone for men. (しあわせはどこにある)
Far be it from me, and forgive me for asking, and I don't mean to pry. (しあわせはどこにある)
Wife? - Old flame, university. 大学時代の恋人。(しあわせはどこにある)
From this point forward, I swear (しあわせはどこにある)
I'll bet what I farm makes more people happy. - Drugs. (しあわせはどこにある)
Would one of you gentleman mind just making sure this gold pen finds its way back to my dear friend. (しあわせはどこにある)
You bust a gut, you earn enough money, you retire. (しあわせはどこにある)
Get over yourself. うぬぼれないで。(しあわせはどこにある)
imodium 【商標】イモジウム◇下痢止め薬。強い薬効で知られる。海外では薬局などで入手可能。
imodium 下痢止め(しあわせはどこにある)
It could be the source of her immediate problem. (しあわせはどこにある)
Functional electrical impedance tomography. (impedance《電気》インピーダンス、電気抵抗) (しあわせはどこにある)
Any lapse was swiftly rectified. (しあわせはどこにある)
I was way out of line, you know, saying that your job was meaningless. (しあわせはどこにある)
I have lost my psychic mojo. All my clients will leave me. (しあわせはどこにある)
Have you taken your meds? (しあわせはどこにある)
Everyday, you're just going through the motions, never being authentic. (しあわせはどこにある)
I just went totally off the map. (しあわせはどこにある)
memory foamメモリーフォームは、身体に接触する部分のパッド用途から電子機器のパッキング用途に至る、あらゆるクッション用途において柔軟に対応できる保護材です
Down or memory foam?
- What?
- The pillow. Did you order memory foam? (しあわせはどこにある)
Now, you know every kind of happiness money could buy. (しあわせはどこにある)
You want to talk about it?
- Have we met?
-Oh, right, you're Hector, of course, you don't. (Have we met? 私のこと知ってるでしょ。) (しあわせはどこにある)
The mysterious minutiae of human emotions. (しあわせはどこにある)
I wanted to be a mother. Just not yours. 子供が欲しかっただけなの。あなたの母親みたいふるまうのではなく。(しあわせはどこにある)
Just making a name for himself. (しあわせはどこにある)
Jane, fucking own it! (しあわせはどこにある)
You can't just come out with a question like that. You have to build up to it. You know you have to have a preamble. (しあわせはどこにある)
Stop projecting. (しあわせはどこにある)
Champagne, sir.
- Is the Pope circumcised? 儀式でもあるの?いただくよ。 (Except for our first pope, Peter, who was Jewish, it is probably safe to say May, 2003 145 Page 4 that most of our popes (including the present one) were left intact, i.e., NOT circumcised. Christians have no religious obligations to circumcise their children.) (しあわせはどこにある)
The kind of person I normally would avoid like the plague. (しあわせはどこにある)
Why would you wish to prolong anyone else's misery? (しあわせはどこにある)
Would you mind if I just wrote that down just for posterity if you kill me? (しあわせはどこにある)
You know when you put someone on a pedestal or on hold or to the side or whatever you want to call it. Do you think that's a compliment? (しあわせはどこにある)
We should concern ourselves not so much with the pursuit of happiness, but with the happiness
of pursuit. (しあわせはどこにある)
You're knocking it out of the park. (しあわせはどこにある)
The end of your rope! (しあわせはどこにある)
Tell her that I referred your wife. (しあわせはどこにある)
So, you are ready for sweet potato soup?
-I've never been readier in my life. (しあわせはどこにある)
For the remainder of our journey. (しあわせはどこにある)
His happiness book is going through the roof. (しあわせはどこにある)
I'm going to need to stow your bag. (しあわせはどこにある)
She must have snuck it into my bag. (しあわせはどこにある)
You and Aggie, you seemed so solid, what happened with that? (しあわせはどこにある)
She sees a shrink. (しあわせはどこにある)
I sometimes feel like psychiatry comes with affluence. You know, the richer the city, the more psychiatrists there are per square mile. (しあわせはどこにある)
saw bit (design engineering) : A bit having a cutting edge formed by teeth shaped like those in a handsaw.
With a severe case of the saw bits. (しあわせはどこにある)
Soldier come, soldier go, but barrack remains. : This is a phrase very common to the Nigerian populace. This is used to indicate that even in the face of fundamental changes, there are still some things that remain constant.
A losing soldier, that I will never be. Soldier go, soldier come. Barrack remain. (しあわせはどこにある)
She's not a skank, okay? (しあわせはどこにある)
You know what smothering is, Clara? It's mothering with an S. 母親みたいにふるまうことだよ。(しあわせはどこにある)
Skanky bitch. (しあわせはどこにある)
Tit-for-tat. (しあわせはどこにある)
How did the call go with Clara? - Oh, so horrendous. Terminal. (しあわせはどこにある)
Functional electrical impedance tomography. (impedance《電気》インピーダンス、電気抵抗) (しあわせはどこにある)
That single moment of untarnished joy. (しあわせはどこにある)
The happiness area on the screen, verging on ecstasy. (しあわせはどこにある)
The color of grim despondency on the screen, verging on suicide. (しあわせはどこにある)
I'm trying to find the means by which to make my patients happy. (しあわせはどこにある)