舞台は 舞台はニューカッスル。イングランドの北東です。それを聞いただけで私の聴覚戦闘モードをマックスまで研ぎ澄ます必要があります。2つ前に視聴したミスポターとは対極にある発音といっても過言ではないでしょう。 『わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク』(I, Daniel Blake)は、2016年のイギリス・フランスのドラマ映画。
ニューカッスルの発音はジョーディを呼ばれており、日本の東北地方のと関東の発音ぐらい違いがあります。慣れてないと聞き取るのは至難の業なのですが、今回の主人公は ベテラン大工であったダニエルはただいま休職中ですが、老人の域に入っているので ジョーディ のわりには 比較的聞きやすい印象をうけました。その他のわき役たちも役所関係の人たちが結構出てきますので、お役所的なはっきりした
Owt you want here? とかI can fix owt, me.とか分かります? owtはanythingの代わりにこの東北地方で多用されるのですが、前者はAnything you want here? 後者はI can fix anything by myself. となります。その他イギリス東北地方で必須単語 canny(very) divvent (
don't ) daresn't( dare not ) ganning(going) nowt (nothing) owt(anything) pet( フレンドリーな呼びかけ ) youse ( あんたら)は知らないとこの映画おいていかれるでしょうね。
ということで今回はリスニング的には非常に疲れました。が最近のIT化した社会の波に乗れていない東北地方の 頑固おやじのダニエルと自分の姿が、かぶり深く共感しました。
The walls are all nicely painted and that. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
What you need to do is get your cursor.
- "Your cursor"? It's a fucking apt name for it. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I'm absolutely sick of young'uns. Half the time they divvent turn up. When they do, they cannot be arsed. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Dylan was just climbing the walls. Honestly, like boxed in like that. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Stop it, man, I've got brittle bones. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
They look the same. - Bang on. その通り。(わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
The brass neck of the bloody pair of you. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Well they've picked the wrong one if they think I'm gonna give up. I'm like a dog with a bone, me. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Well it's the only way I can get me benefits, you know? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Benefits? So you prefer to be on benefits than do a day's graft? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I loved her to bits. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
bedroom tax : an informal name for a UK government policy introduced in 2012 that reduced the amount of housing benefit (= money to help poorer people pay their rent) paid to people living in houses that were considered to have more bedrooms than they needed
I've got no pension and I've still got the bedroom tax. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I think if we just continue you on the same dosage. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
You don't know how to fix a cistern, do you? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
What you need to do is get your cursor.
- "Your cursor"? It's a fucking apt name for it. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
This is the Claimant Commitment form. You must commit yourself to spending 35 hours a week looking for work. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
D'you know how long we'll be waiting?
-Oh, a canny long time, I reckon. We've been here ages already. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I've got one or two things I'd like to get off me chest. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
If we divvent get to the point. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Daft as a bloody brush. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
double-O-1-5 = 0時15分(わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
You've been deemed fit for work. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Divvent you agree? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
You've been deemed fit for work. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
We're digital by default. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I hear this all the time on the phone, "I'm digital by default." Well I'm pencil by default. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Unless you are diagnosed as dyslexic. - With computers I'm dyslexic. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
This keeps darting all over the place. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
You divvent know what I've done here, do you? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
D'you have any dependent children aged under 20 living with you? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
You divvent need to think about them either. Aye? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
You just need to put your signature here. I shall date it later on. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I'm absolutely sick of young'uns. Half the time they divvent turn up. When they do, they cannot be arsed. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Could you do a juice and a biscuit, please? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
You've done amazing. Dumped up here, on your own with two kids. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I'd murder a pint, mate, but I daresn't. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
This is a call from the DWP decision maker. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
When you lose your self-respect, you're done for. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
If I divvent get my appeal date, I'll be here every day doing this. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I paid my dues, never a penny short. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Do you ever experience any loss of control leading to extensive evacuation of the bowel? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Fucking posh Eton twats. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
We might need to look at fitting you with a defibrillator. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
You, you gave us a big fright, you know. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
What I'd like you to do now is to format your CVs. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Is this the queue for the food bank? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
He's flat out. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
tug at / touch your forelock (idiom) : to show respect to someone in a higher position than you in a way that seems old-fashioned
I don't tug the forelock, but look my neighbor in the eye and help him if I can. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Right, grub's ready. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Gannning = going
Is there anything ganning on around here? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I was wondering if you had anything ganning on? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Have you got any jobs ganning? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Listen, we're ganning, erm...We're away down the pub the night. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
There's a load of us ganning. There's a band on, you know. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Done this graft before? You got any experience? (graft : job) (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Your accent's not from here. - You're not a Geordie girl. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Can you understand the Geordies? - Almost. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Look, you'll get through this, darling. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Benefits? So you prefer to be on benefits than do a day's graft? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I was gonna put some graft your way. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
All it does is humiliate me, grind me down. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Some updated reports here from your GP, your own consultant and your physiotherapist. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
He's a handful, in't he? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
homeless hostels: They are an important short-term housing solution for many people who are experiencing homelessness.
We was in a homeless hostel for about two years. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
They'd have cost me 150 quid on the high street. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
All of these have to be typed up in a clear font in hard copy. And we're also gonna need a digital version for online. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I can turn me hand to owt. (owt=anything) (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
There's no harm done. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
You gotta keep a hold, you know. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I went to the library. Did my head in. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Please be aware that this call may incur a charge. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
He was in and out the hospital. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
It's just so bloody confusing, all the jargon. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I'm a joiner. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
It's a huge decision to come off JSA without any other income coming in. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
We're pretty much knackered. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Well, I've done that but they've knocked us back. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I'll be able to tell all me mates I knew both of you お前らは俺の誇りだな。(わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I've been knocked back by some quack. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I'll have the lads drop it by for you. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I'm sorry, love, but you are gonna have to go. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
They're moving out the likes of me. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I couldn't have Dylan boxed in like that. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
That lass made me laugh. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Keep yourself warm like. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
We called you loads of times. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Can we just talk about me heart? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
It's me fucking heart. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I was looking after the missus. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Are you all right? - I'm on the mend. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I mucked up a little bit at school. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
There's nothing on the meter. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
This is driving me mental. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
A mandatory reconsideration. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Mind you don't burn yourself. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
You must prove that you've done this as well, mind. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I'll sort that out on me own. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I'm just looking for some work, you know. Not at the minute. Er, all manned up. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
There's no middlemen. Straight from the factory. That’s why they cost you less. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I'd murder a pint. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
at the minute今
He's one of the greatest actors in the world at the minute. : 現在彼は、世界最高の俳優の一人です。
So how'd the interview go?
-Oh, nothing's working out with the school times at the minute. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
It's a monumental farce, isn't it? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
A miscarriage of justice. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
There's nowt wrong with me arms and legs. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
There's nowt wrong with me fingers either. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Well nowt's happening now. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
There's nowt here, mate. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
It's got nowt to do with the store. All right? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Nae more rubbish. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
It's nae bother. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
You're gonna go up and get into bed and wrap up nicely. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
The walls are all nicely painted and that. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Sit down nicely then. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Nae chance. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Phone 999. Somebody, please. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
"Owt" and "nowt" are both colloquial terms used in some parts of the UK, particularly in the north of England. They are used to indicate the presence or absence of something."Owt" is a shortened version of the word "anything" and is used to indicate that there is something present. For example, "Have you got owt for me?" means "Have you got anything for me?""Nowt" is a shortened version of the word "nothing" and is used to indicate that there is nothing present. For example, "I haven't got nowt" means "I haven't got nothing". Both terms are informal and may be considered slightly old-fashioned, but are still in use in certain regions.
Owt you want here? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I can fix owt, me(わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
She recorded it off the radio. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
You've been of good character in the past. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Oi! What are ye playing at? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
A physio team. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Well, put us down for that, then. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Put him on now. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
You give me a plot of land, I can build you a house. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Thanks, pet, thank you. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I'm fine, pet. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Excuse me, pet. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
The thing is you're setting a precedent. It's not acceptable. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Are, are you taking the piss? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Good boy. There's yours, poppet. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
So I went to some of the agencies and put my name down on the waiting list. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
You're doing your kids proud. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
What are you fucking playing at? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Some updated reports here from your GP, your own consultant and your physiotherapist. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
They call this a "pauper's funeral" because it's the cheapest slot, at 9:00. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Dan wasn't a pauper to us. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
He gave us things that money can't buy. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Answer your query. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I'm running late. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I'm referring you to the decision maker. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
She's gonna refer me for a sanction. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Exactly the same quality. Continuation of the same run. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Then you will be referred for a sanction. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I'm afraid I'm gonna have to refer you to a decision maker for a possible sanction for four weeks. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Would you like me to write you a referral to a food bank? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
You haven't given us a row about leaving the rubbish out. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
If youse had done your job like you should have done, I wouldn't have had to resort to this. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I nearly fell off the scaffolding. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Well, give us a shout if you need anything. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I tell you what, ye talk shite! (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I'm not gonna sanction you. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Are you gonna put me in for a sanction? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
You've created a scene. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I've created a scene? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
We just had to stick it out. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
It's taken me bloody days to get this sorted out. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
D'you want a shot at the screwdriver? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
We're gonna sink a few pints. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Why don't you just sod right off! (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
He's been sat there for about 15 minutes. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Not good enough, Sheila? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
They call this a "pauper's funeral" because it's the cheapest slot, at 9:00. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I am not a shirker, a scrounger. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Just got a text to go to work. I'm late. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
How's the old ticker? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
These candles'll take the chill off the room. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Are you taking any blokes on, mate? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
D'you know if anybody's taking anybody on round here? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I'd murder a pint, mate, but I daresn't. I've been telt to lay off the sauce, you know. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
See you then. Ta-ta, see you. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Roll right over. I'll tuck you in. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
All the fucking Tories, man. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Can you walk more than 50 meters unassisted by any other person? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Three units up on the left there. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
That works a dream. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Dylan was just climbing the walls. = crazy(わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Wagon Wheels : They are a sweet snack food sold in the United Kingdom as well as other Commonwealth countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand and India.
We only have one Wagon Wheel left, so I cut it into four. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Are you two winding me up? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Can I get a quiet word? (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I wanna sail away, Dan, with the wind at me back. 追い風(わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
I mean, we all need the wind at our back every now and then. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
If youse had done your job like you should have done, I wouldn't have had to resort to this. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
Listen, youse are all gonna be out of a fucking job anyway. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)