
The aforementioned essential items. (ブラス)


We are capable of going through to London. The first time in our history. The Albert Hall. (ブラス)


I didn't think you'd still be -Alive and kicking? (ブラス)


I didn't think you'd still be...

-Alive and kicking? Oh aye love, just about. (ブラス)


'aporths : Alternative spelling of halfpennyworth (=ha'porth, hap'orth, halfp'orth)

halfpennyworth (plural halfpennyworths) (abbreviation ha'p'orth) (Britain) A negligible amount. One's opinion or thoughts; one's two cents.

He's never been a ha'p'orth of bother.

FoIIow them two daft 'aporths. (ブラス)


He is late as per bloody usual. (ブラス)


We can carry our heads high and march on to the Albert bloody Hall, all right? (ブラス)



Ay up, Andy. (ブラス)


talk out of one's ass〈卑〉〔きちんとした内容ではない〕ばかな[適当な・くだらない]ことを言う、くそ発言をする

TaIk out their arses. (ブラス)


You'd be up in bloody arms. (ブラス)


He'll gave bugger all to do. (ブラス)


We'll all have bugger all to do. (ブラス)


If he goes barmy, it's not our fault. (ブラス)


If Danny doesn't like it, bollocks to him. (ブラス)


We're shitting bloody bricks. (ブラス)


I know there's a spot of bother at the pit. (ブラス)


Tell them bollocks to them. (ブラス)


Poor biddies. (ブラス)


I'm going to go frigging barmy. (ブラス)


Sat there like a couple of old biddies. (ブラス)


No bloody gumption, them two. Soup for brains, the pair of them. あの二人は能無しよ。(ブラス)


Too bloody bevvied to stay on. (ブラス)


get blood out of/from a stone (idiom)  to make someone give or tell you something, when it is extremely difficult because of the character or mood of the person or organization you are dealing with:

Persuading Chris to buy a round of drinks is like getting blood from a stone.

It's like getting blood out of a stone. I feel like I'm flogging a dead horse sometimes. (ブラス)


He'll go frigging barmy. (ブラス)


bang goes something (informal) : said when you have just lost the opportunity to do something:

He says I have to work late tonight - so bang goes my trip to the cinema.

Bang goes the Deportment Prize, any road. (ブラス)


It is buggery. (ブラス)


I hope you budgeted for booze. (ブラス)


Us winning this trophy won't mean bugger all to most people. (ブラス)


AII in the name of progress and for a few lousy bob. (ブラス)


You heard of Grimley Colliery Band? (ブラス)


In the present climate, to tighten our belts, like, and only spend money on essential items. (ブラス)


Then we wake up in Casualty. 殴られるだろうな(ブラス)


There's always Mr. Chuckles. ピエロ(ブラス)


Bit clumsy with the crockery. (お皿を投げつけてくることに対してユーモラスにコメント)(ブラス)


We can't have a colliery band without a bloody colliery, can you? (ブラス)


Big chance to swell the coffers tomorrow 資金を膨らませるチャンス(ブラス)


Dangling a carrot. (ブラス)


Come the ballot. (ブラス)


Daft old codger. (ブラス)


If it weren't for band, he'd pop his clogs. (ブラス)


He'd be dead chuffed with a visit from you lot. (ブラス)




common-or-garden events 〈主に英〉〔特別ではない・人の興味を引かない〕ありふれた出来事

common-or-garden namea ~》〈主に英〉〔特別ではない・珍しくない〕ありふれた名前



They're just ordinary, common or garden honest, decent human beings. (ブラス)


They're doing it, then? For definite? (ブラス)


I play the flugel. Well, sort of dabble. (ブラス)


Shift up, duck. 席を空けて(ブラス)


Didn't realise we were going this posh, I'd have got dolled up. (ブラス)


Still, it doesn't make her the devil incarnate, does it? (ブラス)


Stop being a drama queen. (ブラス)


Those good eggs at Head Office have been very fair. (ブラス)


The event was etched forever on me brain. (ブラス)


l wouldn't apologise for having work, flower. Not round here. このあたりでは仕事があるだけラッキーよ。(ブラス)


Regretfully, we feel obliged to tender our resignations forthwith. (ブラス)


Every flaming time. (ブラス)


Don't you fret, pet. (ブラス)


Don't you worry, flower. (ブラス)


I wondered if you fancied some grub? (ブラス)


I'm not forking out for a new trombone just for one performance. (ブラス)


I'm sorry. Fumblings of a fourteen year old. (14歳のガキだったので当時性の知識がなくてごめん)

-What did we call it? Top half only. 上半身だけ(ブラス)


Gloria on good form, is she? (ブラス)


A flaming flugel. (ブラス)


You haven't flogged my musical instrument, have you? (ブラス)


gale-force wind  (in British English / meteorology) : a wind of force seven to ten on the Beaufort scale or from 45 to 90 kilometres per hour.

Bad weather with heavy rain and gale-force winds of up to seventy miles per hour.

Fart in a force ten? (ブラス)


You daft gawpheads. (ブラス)


-l hope you feel as good as you look. (ブラス)


Go on, in you get. (ブラス)


If they were alive today, they'd turn in their graves. (ブラス)


Hundred bloody years hard graft. (ブラス)


I've never known him gush like that before.

-Aye, well I suppose that's what Yorkshiremen are famous for. Not showing their feelings. (ブラス)


A house nobody'll bloody buy, mortgaged up to the bloody hilt. (ブラス)


Blimey, you been on holiday or what? (皮肉。あたまがお花畑か)

-How do you mean? Well it may've escaped your notice, like, but pit's under threat. (ブラス)


We're making money for'em hand over fist, we are. (ブラス)


We dug us heels in, didn't we? (ブラス)


You don't half know some funny women. おかしな女性の知り合いがよくいるね。(ブラス)


Does she remember?

-Does she hell as like. She couldn't even remember my name. (ブラス)


What's that on your hankie? (ブラス)


It's like getting blood out of a stone. I feel like I'm flogging a dead horse sometimes. (ブラス)


Oh, hiya. - Hi, Andy. (ブラス)


halfpennyworth (plural halfpennyworths) (abbreviation ha'p'orth) (Britain) A negligible amount. One's opinion or thoughts; one's two cents.

= 'aporths, ha'porth, hap'orth, halfp'orth (Alternative spelling of halfpennyworth)

He's never been a ha'p'orth of bother.

FoIIow them two daft 'aporths. (ブラス)


When you're near that sound, it doesn't half grab you, doesn't it? 好きになるわ。(ブラス)


It's your first job for them, isn't it? (isn't itはイングランド北部ではインティッと発音) (ブラス)


I'd get better value now. - Well that's inflation for you. (ブラス)


You jammy git. (ブラス)


Don't be handing over any kitty money. (ブラス)


Logo on her key-ring. (ブラス)


We have loan-sharks on our backs. (ブラス)


This is the biggest disaster of the lot. (ブラス)


Leave it out. 喧嘩はよせ。(ブラス)


Lay off him. (ブラス)


It were like lights just went out. (ブラス)


Land of Hope and Glory「希望と栄光の国」は、イギリスの愛国歌のひとつ。

エドワード・エルガー作曲アーサー・クリストファー・ベンソン (Arthur Christopher Benson) 作詞、1902年発表。(ブラス)


I feel sorry for old Danny, mind. (ブラス)


mind (you): You use mind you to emphasize a piece of information that you are adding, especially when the new information explains what you have said or contrasts with it. Some people use “mind” in a similar way.

They pay full rates. Mind you, they can afford it.

I got substantial damages. It took two years, mind you.

You need a bit of cold water. Not too cold, mind.

Well, mind you do. (いい、必ずそうしてね。)-What do you mean "mind you do"?(ブラス)


Got our minds on other things(ブラス)


Still got your mind on that pit? (ブラス)


We had no option, lover, honestly. -No bollocks, more like. むしろ根性がないわね。(ブラス)


You don't mess around with words like that.

-Aye, l'm sorry, Andy. Take it back. (ブラス)


I could murder a bunch of grapes. (ブラス)


Keep playing like that and we'll murder them at bloody finals. きっと勝てる(ブラス)


You lost your marbles? (ブラス)


There's nowt I'd like better than to hear you playing all night long. (ブラス)


Down the pit, frightened of nowt. (ブラス)


All end up with nowt. (ブラス)


Nowt wrong with a bit of vocal support. (ブラス)


You've nowt to be ashamed of. (ブラス)


There's nowt but dole coming in. (ブラス)


Now you just do nowt. (ブラス)


You in a bit of trouble, son? -It's nowt, Dad. (ブラス)


Poor sod's got nowt left to live for. (ブラス)


There's three grand in there. If nowt else, it'll get you to Albert Hall. (If nowt else = If nothing else) (ブラス)


Tonight's origami class. (ブラス)


Hey oggle-eyes. へい、そこのじろじろ見てるやつ! (ブラス)


You know one thing more than owt else here that symbolises pride? (ブラス)


You off back down south, then? 南部に帰るのか(ブラス)


You never did owt to prove it. (ブラス)


Owt in? -There's a machinist wanted. 何か仕事ある? (ブラス)


That trophy means more to me than owt else in the whole world. (ブラス)


not one of them with an ounce of bloody hope left. (ブラス)


Jim and Ernie packing in the band. (ブラス)


We're packing the band in. (ブラス)


Government's pit closure programme. (ブラス)


ln the last few weeks, 7 pay-off packages have been offered to 7 pits. (ブラス)


Don't be a pillock. (ブラス)


His lungs packed in in '79. (ブラス)


Don't you fret, pet. (ブラス)


Don't they know they're pissing into the wind like rest of us? (ブラス)


Are we playing or are we packing in? (ブラス)


We'll play on while pit's open. -Minute they close it, we pack it in. (ブラス)


I wondered if you fancied some grub?


-Don't know. I'll go posh if you want. (ブラス)


Didn't realise we were going this posh, I'd have got dolled up. (ブラス)


Your report is vital absolutely paramount. (ブラス)


What do you think you're fucking playing at? (ブラス)


You were so fuIl of fight. Packed full of passion. (ブラス)


Me old man's poorly. (ブラス)


What's he sodding playing at? (ブラス)


double or quits: a gamble to decide whether a loss or debt should be doubled or cancelled.

DoubIe or quits? - No, best not. (やめとくわ) (ブラス)


Want to survey my quantity, love? (俺のナニを調べてみるか)

-Well I do say "no job too small" (ブラス)


A redundancy offer to the workforce is believed to be imminent. (ブラス)


Couldn't let my musical instrument go to rust, could I? (ブラス)


So, any road, lads. (ブラス)


Hey, suspended I were. It took that lot a year and a half to get me reinstated. (ブラス)


With legs like that, you don't stop and ask for a reference, do you? (ブラス)


all over the shop

(1) ほうぼう, 至る所に[].

He looked for a key all over the shop. 彼はそこいらじゅうかぎを捜した.

(2) 乱雑に, 取り散らして.

Everything was all over the shop. 何もかもめちゃくちゃに散らかっていた.

Andy lad, all over the shop, you were. (ブラス)



1. a subscription. (British)

The annual sub for the golf club will be £200.

2.  a subeditor. (British)

The chief sub would be responsible for the look of the paper.

3.  an advance or loan against expected income. (British)

I've got no money. - Want a sub?

I know subs aren't much. (ブラス)


stits:  small tits, fried eggs.

Wow! She’s pretty. - Bollocks, she’s got stits.

What's your name?

Gloria. - GIoria? Stits. - Glorious tits. (ブラス)


Clever old sod. (ブラス)


Get stuffed. (ブラス)


That redundancy offer's gone up three thousand from a twenty grand maximum to twenty three with a five grand sweetener. (ブラス)


Looked like they were going to smack you. (ブラス)


I reckon it were sommat to do with bollocks that got us to stay. 俺たちがとどまるのは勇気と関係があるよな。(ブラス)


Shift up, duck. 席を空けて(ブラス)


Bits of trombone flying all over the shop? (ブラス)


I'd say get summat cheap. (ブラス)


Hardly summat to be ashamed of. (ブラス)


Me and sums, not what you'd call the best of friends. Me and money, total frigging strangers. お金に縁がないのよ。(ブラス)


What time do they announce result? -About five-ish or summat, l think. (ブラス)


I can know that I did summat. (ブラス)


At least it were summat. 少なくともそれは意味あるものだった。(ブラス)


Shift, will you? 動いてくれる。(ブラス)


Get him summat he wants, eh? (ブラス)


Are you set for one finial performance? (ブラス)


shit off a shovelVery Fast. In the days when trains had a driver and a fireman to load coal and it was necessary to answer a call of nature you would shit on the coal shovel and then throw it in the fire as quick as possible because of smell and hygiene. As the shovel had coal dust on it, the shit did not stick. Interestingly the same shovel could be cleaned with steam and could be used to cook bacon and eggs.

A motorcyclist in a collision. He shot off his bike like shit off a shovel.

That car is fast it goes like shit off a shovel. (ブラス)

ls the sound going like shit off a shovel? -If by that you mean fast, yes it is, rather. (ブラス)


ShouId've brought me flowers or summat. (ブラス)


Let you get some shut-eye. (ブラス)


They say when they opened up his lungs, there were nowt in there but coal dust. Slack. Slack everywhere. Took them a week to get the slab clean. (ブラス)


l told them to stuff it. (ブラス)


If your help comes to summat then, you're a hero. 君の助けが意味のあるものならばヒーローになるな。(ブラス)


It’d cost three grand or summat. (ブラス)


They won't let me out. For one sodding day. (ブラス)


I'd sooner see him sad than not see him at all. (ブラス)


l just wanted to show you summat. (ブラス)


Not what I'd call a light traveller, are you, pet? (ブラス)


Solidarity. Thick and thin, and all that. (ブラス)


What are you up to now, then? -This and that, y'know, keeping busy. (ブラス)


Course the offer's attractive. It's tantamount to bribery. (ブラス)


It depends on that review thingy. (ブラス)


I reckon it's got to be ta-ra now. (ブラス)


Seems as good a time as any. (ブラス)


I'll say ta-ra, then. (ブラス)


How'd he take it about us packing in? 俺たちが辞めるという知らせを彼はどう反応した?(ブラス)


If he were up and about, we'd all be in intensive bloody care. (Causality ward)  彼が退院したら、病院送りにされるぞ。(ブラス)


I'd prefer any future visits to be made in visiting hours. (ブラス)


I’d bring you the viability study. (ブラス)


Whole-hearted support for the cause. (ブラス)


I'm a bit wobbly still. (ブラス)


Stop this racket? You'll wake up in the next ward in hospital. この騒動を止めようとしたら、病院送りにされるぞ。(ブラス)


I'll be out of the hospital in time for the finial. One way or the other. 死んで運び出されたとしても。(ブラス)


You've got to tell him you know. -There's a while yet, isn't there? (ブラス)


Come and have a wet with us. (pint) (ブラス)


You've got to buy your way out of it. 買収して逃れる。(ブラス)


We used to sing that hymn: Gloria in XL. That's her, except she's far from chubby now, Iike. 昔は太っていることをからかった。(ブラス)