
今回は衝撃。この世界観、他の追随を全く寄せ付けないような孤高の作品でした。『プリシラ』(The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert)は、1994年製作のオーストラリア映画。トランスジェンダーのショービズにおいて3人の心の葛藤を描いています。

3人のトランスジェンダーの男性が、オーストラリアの人里離れた砂漠のリゾート地、アリス・スプリングスのリゾートでドラァグショーを披露する契約を結ぶ。彼らはシドニーからラベンダー色のバス、プリシラ号で西のアリススプリングスに向かうのですが、超保守的な田舎町に滞在。超化学反応が起きないわけがないですね。町中を闊歩する3人は, 劇中のセリフ曰くまさしく天王星からきた異星人のようでしたが、同時に自分らしく生きることの大切さを感じます。

まずは『アンコール!!』で頑固なおやじを演じていたテレンス・スタンプは 今回バーナデットを演じていますが、あのしわがれた声で話さないとすーげー美人です。しかしあのはげおやじがここまで変わるとは。 100分の一ときめいた自分いるので混乱します。


Fine. You asked for it. (プリシラ)


I'll smack his face so hard, he'll have to stick his toothbrush up his arse to clean his teeth. (プリシラ)


We're the cabaret act from Sydney. (プリシラ)


Going bush. (プリシラ)


You sound like two fat slags at a pie bake-off. (プリシラ)


bunny-hopバニーホップ自転車などのジャンプ技術 前輪と後輪の両方が地面から離れる。

Are we bunny-hopping all the way to Alice? (プリシラ)


At least this explains your abysmal batting average. (プリシラ)


Blushing bride. (プリシラ)


Why don't you just light your tampon and blow your box apart? Because it's the only bang you're ever gonna get, sweetheart. (プリシラ)


What sort of bent childhood did you have? (プリシラ)


I now know less about motors than when I first lifted up that bonnety thing. (プリシラ)


Let's not think about it and eat brekkie. (プリシラ)




Whales beach themselves. (プリシラ)


Sort of bent status symbol. (プリシラ)


Two bobs to start with, all right? お尻を振る(プリシラ)


That must have been 30 years back. (プリシラ)


We've only recently discovered young Anthony here bats for both teams. (プリシラ)


I'm meeting the boys at the old drive-in for a booze-up. (プリシラ)


Stop flexing your muscles, you big pile of budgie turd. (プリシラ)


Spent 30 years wandering around the world only to find that I was better off where I started. (プリシラ)



I couldn't stand being bagged for two weeks. (プリシラ)


You butch thing, you. (プリシラ)


I coaxed the bus out of them for 10,000 bucks. (プリシラ)


This budget barbie camper. (プリシラ)


Chookers. - Chookers. 乾杯(プリシラ)


Look what the cat dragged in. (プリシラ)


It's so funny, you'll laugh so hard your lashes will curl themselves. (プリシラ)


I'll be back with the cavalry in a few hours. (プリシラ)


I think we just crashed a party. (プリシラ)


corroboree 【名】 カラバリーオーストラリア先住民のお祭り 〈豪〉お祭り

What could have possessed you to wear that to a corroboree? (プリシラ)


Your gas tank's chock-a-block full of crud. (プリシラ)


Right, this calls for a celebration. (プリシラ)


Christ, you should see what this woman 's wearing. It's a piece of corrugated iron. (プリシラ)


A catchy tune. (プリシラ)


Well, three cheers for you. (プリシラ)


Couple of hundred clicks far. (プリシラ)


Come on, cabanossi tits.

オーストラリアのスーパーで良く売られているカバノッシ(Cabanossi) 赤いウインナーの長いサイズで乾燥したソーセージフィンガーフードとしても良く食べられます (プリシラ)


I often wondered why your dance card was so empty. ダンスのお誘いがない。(プリシラ)


Don't worry about it, dolls. (プリシラ)


main drag 〈米俗〉メインストリート、本通り

One lap of the Broken Hill main drag in drag. (プリシラ)


So, all dolled up and nowhere to go. (プリシラ)


I was drawing up the will. Come and meet our saviours. (プリシラ)


I saw her ducking into the ladies I ducked into the cubicle, only to find she'd left me a little gift in the toilet bowl. (プリシラ)


ding-a-ling 〈俗〉ばか者、愚か者、あほ、間抜け、能なし

You got little ding-a-ling. (プリシラ)


If we break down, we break down. I'll stick to the main drag. (プリシラ)


donut puncher:  A crude but often humorous reference to the male rectum. Often, it is in reference to anal sex with a male, thus the "punch" part of the definition. Also can be a reference to male fisting.

Hey, you do know that guy is a donut puncher, right?

Oh, so we're a doughnut puncher after all. (プリシラ)


You'll have to drop that shit if you're gonna be a good father. (プリシラ)


How long is the run?

-Four weeks. Equity minimum, two shows a night, accommodation included. (プリシラ)


Believe me, Bob, these days gentlemen are an endangered species. (プリシラ)


You always end like that? (プリシラ)


Jean-Paul Gaultierゴルチエ[1952~ ]フランスの服飾デザイナー。独学でファッションを学び、ピエール=カルダンに認められアシスタントとなる。1976年、パリコレクションで自身のデザインを発表。1980年代にはアンドロジナスルックなどで注目を集める。

In a full-length Gaultier sequin, heels and a tiara. (プリシラ)


crack a fat 〈豪俗〉勃起する

They siphon the fat from your love handles and inject it into your wing wang. I suppose it gives a whole new meaning to "cracking a fat" though. (プリシラ)


Come on, 'fess up. (プリシラ)


Who is the fish that runs this hotel in the middle of nowhere? (プリシラ)


Fairmont :  The place you go to and lose everything. A state of emptiness.

I feel like I'm going to fairmont.

Fairmont Boys :  A bunch of punk ass wanna be gang bangers that sit around playing with each others pathetic little peckers, all the time wishing they had graduated high school and done something with their lives instead of living off of their Mama's welfare checks. Or at the very least, having the balls to join a real gang like the Crips or Bloods.

That'll teach you to take on the Fairmont Boys. (プリシラ)


Shut your face. (プリシラ)


New faces are rare out here. (プリシラ)


Keep up the compliments. Flattery will get you everywhere. (プリシラ)


Right, where do I sleep? - Oh, anywhere that takes your fancy. (プリシラ)


Right, where do I sleep? - Oh, anywhere that takes your fancy. The roof will do me fine. (プリシラ)


Stop flexing your muscles, you big pile of budgie turd. (プリシラ)


The man to help is a fair way away. (プリシラ)


Let's get frocked. (プリシラ)


You gutless pack of dickheads. (プリシラ)


Jean-Paul Gaultierゴルチエ[1952~ ]フランスの服飾デザイナー。独学でファッションを学び、ピエール=カルダンに認められアシスタントとなる。1976年、パリコレクションで自身のデザインを発表。1980年代にはアンドロジナスルックなどで注目を集める。

In a full-length Gaultier sequin, heels and a tiara. (プリシラ)


You got us into this. (プリシラ)


Facial products designed for the more heavy-duty woman in us all. (プリシラ)


Well, your contribution to the conversation hasn't exactly made headlines. (プリシラ)


Benny Hillベニー・ヒルは、イギリスのコメディアン、俳優。イングランド・サウサンプトン出身。 1969年から1989年まで出演したテレビシリーズ『ベニー・ヒル・ショー』により、一世を風靡する。美女を使った下ネタを得意とする。

What is this? Outback With Benny Hill? (プリシラ)


I'm as jealous as all hell. (プリシラ)


his and hers (of matching items) for husband and wife, or men and women.

His and hers towels.

I would have bought you lovely hers and hers bath mats or something. レズビアンまたはドラグクイーン用の(プリシラ)


Here's hoping they have a decent cocktail bar. (プリシラ)


I like seeing people get hotheaded. Gives me a kick. (プリシラ)


What a nice dog. If she's good, she'll heel. (プリシラ)


Practising your little hearts out. (プリシラ)


Some things are said in the heat of the moment. (プリシラ)


Why is my brother named Soaring Eagle? The Chief replies, "When your brother was born the first thing I did was take him outside, and saw an eagle soaring through the air." The boy then asks, "Why is my sister named Sitting Bull?" The boy’s father says, "When your sister was born I brought her outside and the first thing I saw was A bull sit down in the field. Why do you ask Two Dogs Fucking?" (その少年が生まれたすぐ後に見たものが、2匹の犬が交尾しているのを見たので、名前がTwo Dogs Fuckingとなったというオチ)

Well, once upon a time, many moons ago, there was a famous bunch of Indians called the Fukawie Tribe. One day, the son of the great chief asks his father, "Dad, why's my friend Little Hawk called Little Hawk?" (プリシラ)


- And his father says, "Why d'you ask, Two Dogs Fucking?" (プリシラ)


Always good for a supper invite. (プリシラ)


Watch it with the innuendos. (プリシラ)


The joint bank account ran dry. (プリシラ)


Get back in your kennels, both of you. 喧嘩は止めて(プリシラ)


There was a Kmart there. (プリシラ)


Just lay off. (プリシラ)


What you blokes need is a new gas tank. - Don't suppose you have one lying around? (プリシラ)


I can spot a fluttering lash from 300 paces. まつげをパタパタさせてあの男にアピールしているのはすぐにわかるわ。(プリシラ)


This lump on my head is getting bigger by the second. (プリシラ)


Lay it on the line, conceal nothing. (プリシラ)


Mowing those lawns must've been murder on your heels. (プリシラ)


Now, listen here, you mullet. (プリシラ)


Well, once upon a time, many moons ago, there was a famous bunch of Indians. (プリシラ)


I love lamb with meringue. (プリシラ)


The thought hadn't really crossed my mind. (プリシラ)


We dress up in women's clothes and parade around, mouthing the words to other people's songs. (プリシラ)


Assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups. (プリシラ)


The flowers were being mangled. Thought I'd rescue them for you. (プリシラ)


If I win? - Name your price. (プリシラ)


Nobody's ever outdrunk old Shirl before. (プリシラ)


We're a bit starved of entertainment. - Glad we could oblige. (プリシラ)


open season

1. 解禁期、猟期、漁期

2. 厳しい批判にさらされる時期

I wonder if he feels like it is open season on him. : 彼に対する攻撃が解禁になったような感じなのだろうか。

It becomes open season on ~が解禁になる

We won't open our mouths until you give the word. Then it's open season. (プリシラ)


Put away (informal): consume food or drink in large quantities. (プリシラ)

Did you see how much food he put away?"

Put it away! (プリシラ)


pink bits:  slang for vagina

Anna show us your pink bits! Pink means pussy!

Show us your pink bits. (プリシラ)


He was peroxiding his hair at home again

and he asphyxiated on the fumes. (プリシラ)


A trip to the outback would help me get over this little phase I'm going through. (プリシラ)


I'll join this conversation on the proviso that we stop bitching about people(プリシラ)


pressieとは"present"が変化してできた、イギリス英語のスラング。 「プレゼント」や「贈り物」という意味で使われます

So, was it a big wedding? Get lots of pressies, did you? (プリシラ)


At least that bump's bigger than your prick. (プリシラ)


It doesn't mean you wear the pants. (プリシラ)


raw prawn

1. 生の[調理していない]エビ

2. 〈豪俗〉だまされやすい人、ばか

You're a raw prawn. : 君は、だまされやすい。

3.the ~》〈豪俗〉ペテン、詐欺

Oh, don't come the raw prawn with me. (プリシラ)


So, who's gonna show me the sights? - Be my pleasure. (プリシラ)


My son's got my profile. 横顔(プリシラ)


Well, your mother was always prone to exaggeration. (プリシラ)


D'you think an old queen 's capable of raising a child? (プリシラ)


How long is the run? -Four weeks. (プリシラ)


My mascara keeps running. I look like a racoon. (プリシラ)


ring pirate: A Gay person. A male who wears his cock ring all the time. (cock ring :A constrictive interlocking device placed at the base of the penis, to prevent blood from escaping and to strengthen erection.) (プリシラ)


Give it a rest. (プリシラ)


Keep breeding like rabbits. (プリシラ)


Bit of R and R. (プリシラ)


God knows I need it. (プリシラ)


Let's get this show on the road. (プリシラ)


Racoon time again. 涙で化粧が台無しになるわ。(プリシラ)


Which one of you bitches shat on my dress? (プリシラ)


I spent half my life and all my savings trying to snag a sympathetic husband. (プリシラ)


I've got a splitting headache already. (プリシラ)


Serves you right for staying out all night, slut. (プリシラ)


What did she do for kicks? Put a bucket on your head and swing off the handle? (off the handle:  Being crazy, insane or stupid.) (プリシラ)


Here's to a secret very well kept. (プリシラ)


Haven't got any kids stashed away out there. (プリシラ)


In that seething cesspool mouth. (プリシラ)


I sure as shit am not sitting here all evening. (プリシラ)


Stoli : (slang) Stolichnaya vodka

Could I please have a Stoli and tonic. (プリシラ)


sealed road (Australia, New Zealand) a road with a hard, smooth surface of tarmac, concrete, etc.

Alice Spring was, by then, totally accessible by sealed roads.

If we stick to the sealed road, we'll be at it at least another two days. Take the short cut. 舗装道路を行くともう2日損するわ(プリシラ)


Come on, girls, off your snatches. 立って(プリシラ)


We're a bit starved of entertainment. - Glad we could oblige. (プリシラ)


Don't ask how many times we kiss At a time like this who keeps score? (プリシラ)


We all sit around, mindlessly slagging off that vile stink hole of a city. (プリシラ)


Quite a wife you've got. What does she do for fun? Sandbag oil-tanker hulls with her tongue? オイルタンカーの船体を舌で押すぐらい。(プリシラ)


Come on, snap out of it. (プリシラ)


Give me a clear shot. (プリシラ)


He sure as shit isn't. (プリシラ)


OK, smarty-pants, you give it a go. (プリシラ)


spirit gumゴムとエーテルで作られた接着剤溶液で、以前はつけ毛と皮膚に接着する際に使われていた(an adhesive solution made of gum and ether and used to attach false hair to skin)

We're not even gonna spirit gum at this rate. このぶんだとつけ毛をつける時間もないわ。(プリシラ)


Who's been playing hide the sausage? (プリシラ)


Four fat trannies. (プリシラ)


You've got another think coming. (プリシラ)


Right, from the top. 最初から(プリシラ)


Oh, shut your twat.  (=Shut your face.) (プリシラ)


Map of Tasmania :  The term “Map of Tasmania,” is slang in Australia for women's pubic hair.

Who wants to see my map of Tasmania? (プリシラ)


Don't let it drag you down. Let it toughen you up. (プリシラ)


It's my turf. (プリシラ)


Time is against us. (プリシラ)


The understatement of the century. (プリシラ)


Where did you ladies come in from? Uranus? (プリシラ)


OK, we may as well put the time to good use. (プリシラ)


We're going to unleash the best in the business. (プリシラ)


Would you like Vegemite or jam with that? (プリシラ)


We're unplugging our curling wands. (プリシラ)


wing wang  : slang for a penis

My wing wang is the best friend with my right hand!

Kevin had a liposuction penis enlargement. They siphon the fat from your love handles and inject it into your wing wang. (プリシラ)


witchetty grub:  The witchetty grub is a term used in Australia for the large, white, wood-eating larvae of several moths. (プリシラ)


You'll be fine, take my word for it. (プリシラ)


lovie:  another term for a friend who you care lots about, but not in a romantic way. Typically not a straight guy's term.

Hangin' out with my lovies tonight

Nice one, lovie, nice one. (プリシラ)


Xanadu is a musical comedy with a book by Douglas Carter Beane and music and lyrics by Jeff Lynne and John Farrar, based on the 1980 film of the same name, which was, in turn, inspired by the 1947 Rita Hayworth film Down to Earth. The title refers to Xanadu, the site of the Mongolian emperor Kublai Khan's summer palace.

Give me a clear shot.

-You call dressing up like a Xanadu production number a clear shot? (プリシラ)