
パイレーツ・ロックは (原題: The Boat That Rocked)は、2009年のイギリス・ドイツ映画。アメリカ公開時のタイトルは『Pirate Radio』。「The Boat That Rocked』は、60年代の若者たちとポップミュージックとのロマンスを描いた群像コメディ。英国を魅了し、一時代を築いた音楽をプレイし、クラシック音楽以外は電波に乗せないという政府に立ち向かった、悪党DJの一団を描いている。 北海のど真ん中にある海賊ラジオ局「ラジオ・ロック」のボスで、ロックンロールDJの多彩なクルーが所属するクエンティン、正当な地位を取り戻すためにアメリカへの麻薬ツアーから戻ってきたばかりの英国一のDJギャヴィン、皮肉屋で知的、そして残酷なほど滑稽な共同キャスターのデイヴ、そしてかつての大国の麻薬密売人や脱法者たちを血祭りにあげようとする恐るべき英国政府高官。


Jugular, my arse! (パイレーツ・ロック)


I hate to be abrupt. Can I ask you a very serious question? (パイレーツ・ロック)


You have done almighty work here. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Arse! Arse! What arse! (パイレーツ・ロック)


A little bracing sea air would sort you out? (パイレーツ・ロック)


I'm busting for a wee. (パイレーツ・ロック)


You're probably still at school, it's 20 to 3:00. Or you might be bunking off, in which case, good on you. (パイレーツ・ロック)


You gotta think outside the box. (パイレーツ・ロック)


You're beefy. (パイレーツ・ロック)


You're a nice clean bird. (パイレーツ・ロック)


The bottom-bashing fornicators. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Welcome to our Boat of Bliss. (パイレーツ・ロック)


So how long have you guys known each other? Two weeks. Yeah, it's the old proverbial thunderbolt. (パイレーツ・ロック)


There I was, just minding my own business, having a quiet drink. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Over trots this blonde bombshell. (パイレーツ・ロック)


It blew a hole in the ship’s blooming side. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Not that I don't want babies. I do. I want a dozen. You'll be in bits by the time I'm done. (パイレーツ・ロック)


You got me beat. = You defeated me. You win.

I've got you limeys beat. (パイレーツ・ロック)


How long are you here for? - Only Boxing Day. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Will you stop badgering me? (パイレーツ・ロック)


Have the moral backbone. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I intend to celebrate the back catalog. 昔の曲をラジオで流すつもりだ。(パイレーツ・ロック)


I have been waiting with bated breath to hear the news (パイレーツ・ロック)


Expelled? -That's right. -What for? - I suppose smoking was the clincher. (パイレーツ・ロック)


The Chart Show :   (also known as The ITV Chart Show between 1989 and 1998) is a popular weekly syndicated music video programme which ran in the United Kingdom from April 1986 until August 1998, with revivals in 2003 and 2008–2009.

Last Sunday's chart show. (パイレーツ・ロック)


The closest I've ever come to a snog is when I was once licked on the face by a horse. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I can't walk out of there stark-bollock naked and walk back in fully clothed, can l? (パイレーツ・ロック)


Gosh, you're quite chunky, aren't you? (パイレーツ・ロック)


The only conclusion I can draw. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Then what other conclusion can I then draw? (パイレーツ・ロック)


Jesus Christ alone knows why she's marrying him. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Spoken like a five-star chicken. すっげー臆病者だな。(パイレーツ・ロック)


Cry-baby! (パイレーツ・ロック)


I have been catastrophically wrong. (パイレーツ・ロック)


We got that off our chest and out of the way, aren't you? (パイレーツ・ロック)


Everyone who works on them, and indeed everyone who listens to them, will be in contravention of the new law. (パイレーツ・ロック)


We thought we'd never die. But we can't fight city hall. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I hate Scrabble. - Me, too. Absolutely loathe it. Hate it. Cluedo, on the other hand, is. . . (パイレーツ・ロック)


We are wondering whether or not you have indeed misplaced your crucial cherry tonight. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Now don't you get cocky. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I've been closer to finding friendship than I've ever been in my life. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I dig the dream. 理解する(パイレーツ・ロック)


I'll be playing definitive rock 'n' roll here on Radio Rock. (パイレーツ・ロック)


If they try to defy the law, we take them out. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Look at his doe-eyedness. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Dearie me. (パイレーツ・ロック)


How's your mum? -She's fine. Not over-fond of me at the moment. (パイレーツ・ロック)


In whose department does this fall? (パイレーツ・ロック)


There's no "fuck" so small it won't fuck us up. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I still think I'd like to freshen up. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Findus: This is a frozen food brand which was first sold in Sweden in 1945. (パイレーツ・ロック)

Findus Frozen Fish Fingers. (パイレーツ・ロック)


The advertisers will simply flock back. また戻ってくる。(パイレーツ・ロック)


flat-track bully (Britain, Australia, sports) A sportsman or sports team that dominates over inferior sides, but fails to beat opponents of similar or higher standing.

flat track bully自分より格下の相手に対しては、素晴らしいパフォーマンスをできるが、各上の相手に対してはめっぽう弱い選手/

He's a bit of a flat track bully. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Now shut that filth off! (パイレーツ・ロック)


Do you think you could ever love a man with a funky Fu Manchu? (パイレーツ・ロック)


Pardon my French. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Every group needs a fall guy, and yeah, sure, you've been it. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Politicians will do fuck all to make the world a better place. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I think the technical term is a fuckload of boats. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Do you want to get down to it, then? (パイレーツ・ロック)


I leave it in your capable hands. (パイレーツ・ロック)


By hook or by crook, they'll find a way to close us down. (パイレーツ・ロック)



Morning, hepcats. (パイレーツ・ロック)


A show of hands. 挙手おねがいします(パイレーツ・ロック)


I'm an American citizen, and I don't give a hootenanny God damn about your nitpicking limey laws. (パイレーツ・ロック)


All hands on deck. (パイレーツ・ロック)


We've got a small hiccup onboard Radio Rock. (パイレーツ・ロック)


How did you get all them girls?

-Simple. Don't say anything at all. Then, when the tension becomes too much to bear, you finally, finally, you just say. . . "How about it, then?" (パイレーツ・ロック)


I understood all. I get the ins and outs of it. (パイレーツ・ロック)


When does she arrive? - Tomorrow. She was always very impromptu. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I'm in with a chance. (パイレーツ・ロック)


We go, sir, for the jugular. (パイレーツ・ロック)


They're not actually breaking any law that we know of. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I've got a tiny knob, actually. But I rather like it. It means I can wear smaller underpants. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I keep myself to myself. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Felicity, who is of the lesbionic tendency. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I've had to stir myself from my traditional languor and do something to make the station more attractive. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I would definitely be using the "F" word to describe the level of this good news. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I just leapt at the opportunity. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I think I've got some pretty big news for you.

-Cool. I'm in a pretty loose mood, think I can handle it. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I hate Scrabble. - Me, too. Absolutely loathe it. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Lezzer :  Slang word for a female who is attracted to other females. Derived from the word "lesbian."

Look at her, she's kissing another girl! She must be a lezzer!

It's a shame you're a lezzer. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I will put my mind to it. (パイレーツ・ロック)


You don't miss what you've never had. (パイレーツ・ロック)


You must be the Count. - I am he. - I wonder what that makes me, the king? (パイレーツ・ロック)


I'm a lesbian. -Groovy! Always or mostly? -Absolutely always. -So you say. (そうは言ってるけど本当か) (パイレーツ・ロック)


Listen to this. This will make you moist. 女を興奮させる。(パイレーツ・ロック)


The medium waveband. (パイレーツ・ロック)


That might be an ever so slightly monotonous experience for the listener? (パイレーツ・ロック)


I've got a bit of nougat lodged in a molar at the back. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Your birthday is coming and I haven't got you a present yet. It's difficult. What do you give the man who has nothing? (パイレーツ・ロック)


What I have done is find you a noose. (パイレーツ・ロック)


In a negligee. (パイレーツ・ロック)


The end is nigh. We bid you farewell with dignity and pride. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Sleep tight! Off with the lights now, please. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I must be obeyed. (パイレーツ・ロック)


They're not in fact outside of the law at the moment, sir. (パイレーツ・ロック)


You look suspiciously square to be a fan of this boat's output. この船のクルーのファンにしてはお堅く見えるね。(パイレーツ・ロック)


Love is, as the Everly Brothers so wisely observed, strange. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I said to her, it's absolutely not on and now she's left. (パイレーツ・ロック)


The powers that be have decreed that the "F" word is a word too far. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I've come to get you out of your predicament. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Unused pencil-sized penis predicament. (パイレーツ・ロック)


It's pitch black. The pope could walk in and poke her. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Disc jockeys are always practicing our patter. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Just one little pop. 一発セックスをやった. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Holocaust is simply a playground skirmish next to what you're about to experience. (パイレーツ・ロック)


The problem being that my wife then came home I got into quite a lot of trouble for pooing in the bed. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Peckhamペッカムはロンドン南東部にある地区で、サザーク ロンドン特別区内にあります。

I have somewhere else to go, but it's Peckham. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Run the condom under the tap, rinse it out, use it again. (パイレーツ・ロック)


We have them on the ropes. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Tell her Muddy Waters rocks. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Hey, right on, brother. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Sitting in their slippers. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Cigarette? - No, thank you. - Spliff? (パイレーツ・ロック)


Robin Hood ! Why didn't you just say he lived in Sherwood Forest and has a bow and arrow? (パイレーツ・ロック)


I can't walk out of there stark-bollock naked. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Better be getting back to the sounds. (パイレーツ・ロック)


We would cut off the boats' cash with one fell swoop. (パイレーツ・ロック)


There has been a serious squeeze put on our advertisers by Her Majesty's Government. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I've had to stir myself from my traditional languor and do something to make the station more attractive. (パイレーツ・ロック)


He is more than capable of filling those enormous shoes. (パイレーツ・ロック)


The most beautiful and succulent woman in the history of mankind. (パイレーツ・ロック)


We have our smoking gun. (パイレーツ・ロック)


You look suspiciously square to be a fan of this boat's output. この船のクルーのファンにしてはお堅く見えるね。(パイレーツ・ロック)


Get public opinion on our side. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I find alcohol rather sharpens my mind. (パイレーツ・ロック)


It's a bit queer that your mum sent you here to get on the straight and narrow when this is obviously the worst possible place in the world to do that. (パイレーツ・ロック)


We are gathered here in the sight of God, apparently, which is scary, to witness the wedding of this man and this total goddess. (パイレーツ・ロック)


sweep over 1. 〔場所などを〕掃く、さっと通る 2. 〔感情などが〕(人)を圧倒する

You may now kiss the bride, poor girl. Yes, the full sweep over. (パイレーツ・ロック)


quick-sticks 「すぐに」「急いで」

She was tired. I was a little overexcited. If I'm honest, it was a bit quick sticks. But we don't need to blow it all on one night, do we? Do we? はやく彼女との初夜は終わってしまった。(パイレーツ・ロック)


It is understood the split is due to musical differences. (パイレーツ・ロック)


It ain't simple being cool, but it's cool being simple. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I know a chicken when I see one, and I'm looking at one right now. (パイレーツ・ロック)


A shag well shagged. (パイレーツ・ロック)


As far as I can recall, he was clean-shaven. (パイレーツ・ロック)


We could, you know, play Scrabble, if you fancy it. (パイレーツ・ロック)


This is obviously a trick and the ship's scarpered. (パイレーツ・ロック)


fuck me sideways:  It is usually used as a joke but it is a very dirty and inappropriate expression

Well, excuse my language, but fuck that sideways, sir. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I’m Bob Silver, the Dawn Treader. I do the early, early, early morning show. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Tweaking the nation's nipples! (パイレーツ・ロック)


We have their testicles in our hands. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I think you may have trouble hanging on to your testicles. - Are you threatening me? (パイレーツ・ロック)


Over trots this blonde bombshell. (パイレーツ・ロック)


We thought he was a bit of a posh tosser. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I'm slightly worried where my increasingly powerful sexuality will take me. (パイレーツ・ロック)


It transpires that the lifeboats are useless. (パイレーツ・ロック)


You've left your mike up in the studio. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Government plans to undermine us have failed spectacularly. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Voila! (パイレーツ・ロック)


A total immersion in the vinyl, you know? (パイレーツ・ロック)


The man who climbs the mast furthest is the victor. May the best man win. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Wowzer. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Wry Sir Bob. (パイレーツ・ロック)


I let go a little bit of wind. Did so, and realized it wasn't wind. It was diarrhea. (パイレーツ・ロック)


Not wanting to sound rude or anything. (パイレーツ・ロック)


The way I look at it, the world couldn't survive without my comedy. (パイレーツ・ロック)


On the radio I'm fine. In the flesh it's something that people just don't warm to. (パイレーツ・ロック)