
I've got two new American acts doing a tour of England sans they all need backup. (ロケットマン)


A bulimic. (ロケットマン)


I've had to throw your dinner in the bin! (ロケットマン)


Won't break me down. Won't brick me up. Won't fence me in ♪(ロケットマン)


He'll be bald as an egg by the time he's 20. (ロケットマン)


My sister looks cute in her braces and boots. (ロケットマン)


I haven't even got a backing band yet. (ロケットマン)


No, I've sorted the backup band, don't worry. (ロケットマン)


It's gonna blow your mind. (ロケットマン)


You lit the blue touch paper. How we can all see you shooting light and color and magic into the night sky. (ロケットマン)


Don't be a bummer. (ロケットマン)


I have worked my balls off to get us out of the shit. (ロケットマン)


Raising Cain. (ロケットマン)


How are you, Ivy? - Like you care. そんなのどうでもいいくせに。(ロケットマン)


Crumbs! (ロケットマン)


Real love's hard to come by. (ロケットマン)


coked out:  It means "you're really high," implying that the person did a lot of drugs (specifically cocaine.)

The record's coked out, (ロケットマン)

You are totally coked out. (ロケットマン)


I started acting like a cunt in 1975. (ロケットマン)


He's quite a dish. (ロケットマン)


I'll not have a doss house around here. (ロケットマン)


You're gonna have to talk to your parents about your homosexuality. Make sure they know what to say. Those are the first doors reporters knock on. (ロケットマン)


You first dangled your fat little legs in front of a piano. (ロケットマン)


I've extended our stay. (ロケットマン)


Get him out from under my feet. 彼を追い出した。(ロケットマン)


Have you got a fag? たばこ(ロケットマン)


One frothy coffee, no froth. (ロケットマン)


Ray knows fuck all. (ロケットマン)


They just flew in from England. And boy, their arms are tired. (ロケットマン)


We'll kill the fatted calf tonight. (ロケットマン)


I don't live my life in black and white. And I do not want your fucked up frigid ideas about anything. (ロケットマン)


I always get him back on his feet, don't I? (ロケットマン)


It'll take you a couple of vodka and tonics to set you on your feet again. (ロケットマン)


I get high in the evening sniffing pots of glue. (ロケットマン)


big-grossing形 大ヒット[大当たり]の[をしている]、大きな興行収益を上げている

blockbuster grossing総売り上げ_ドルという大ヒット

highest-grossing filmthe ~》最高の興行収入を挙げた映画

top-grossing [highest-grossing] movie [film]

highest-grossing film ever madethe ~》映画史上[これまでに製作された映画の中で]最高の興行収入を挙げた映画

top-grossing [highest-grossing] movie [film] ever made

highest-grossing moviethe ~》最高の興行収入を挙げた映画

highest-grossing movie ever madethe ~》映画史上[これまでに製作された映画の中で]最高の興行収入を挙げた映画


Top Gun is the top-grossing [highest-grossing, biggest-grossing, largest-grossing] military movie of the 1980s. トップガンは1980年代最高の売り上げを記録した軍隊映画です。

largest-grossing casino in Americaアメリカで最高の収益を上げているカジノ

top-grossing 形 最高の興行収益を上げている[上げた]

top-grossing blockbuster興行収益トップの大ヒット作

top-grossing filmthe ~》最高の興行収入を挙げた映画

top-grossing [highest-grossing] movie [film]

top-grossing film ever madethe ~》映画史上[これまでに製作された映画の中で]最高の興行収入を挙げた映画

I'm about to embark on the highest grossing tour in rock history. (ロケットマン)


Wouldn't get your hopes up. (ロケットマン)


You really are a heartless monster. (ロケットマン)


Tell them I'm indisposed. (ロケットマン)


Copyright indemnity. (ロケットマン)


I played roadside joints for ten years. (ロケットマン)


You told me to hire a jet and fly them over for the gig. (ロケットマン)


Don't get your knickers in a twist. (ロケットマン)


There were people lined around the block. (ロケットマン)


You are underreacting. They are the geniuses of American music. I can't go out there in front of that lot! (ロケットマン)


Next time I'm there, I'll look you up. (ロケットマン)


My hands are like midget boxers. (ロケットマン)


You'll have to pay rent. I'm not made of money. (ロケットマン)


I'm not having you moping around here all day. (ロケットマン)


Would you mind signing this? Would you make it out to Arthur? (ロケットマン)


MOR:  middle of the road. 気楽に聴ける音楽を総称していう。 これといった音楽のジャンルにこだわらず,クラシックをポピュラーにアレンジしたものやイージー・リスニング,ムード・ミュージック,軽いロックやボーカルなどを含む。 バック・ミュージックとして気にならない程度の軽い音楽。

The record's coked out, MOR's shit. (ロケットマン)


I can maintain some objectivity in your self-indulgent, myopic little world. (ロケットマン)


You misread my meaning when I met you. (ロケットマン)


I've taken every drug known to man. All of them. D'you know what? I enjoyed every last minute of it. (ロケットマン)


All right, don't break your neck sucking your own cock. (ロケットマン)


I can see by your outfit that you are a cowboy. (ロケットマン)


It's time for you to be out front. (ロケットマン)


Now my client is quite entitled to take on outside representation. 代表者以外を雇う権利がある。(ロケットマン)


A celebration is in order. (ロケットマン)


I'm a juvenile product of the working class (ロケットマン)


We have many piano players, I've got ten a penny, mate. (ロケットマン)


Do that, and I'll put on ten quid a week. (ロケットマン)


No one's getting phased out. だれも首にしはしない。(ロケットマン)


You fucking poofter! (ロケットマン)


Don't you wanna just go out there and sing without this ridiculous paraphernalia on your clothes? (ロケットマン)


I'm going back to my plough. (ロケットマン)


The Royal Academy of Music? It has a nice ring to it. (ロケットマン)


You can be anyone you want. And it's gonna be a wild ride. (ロケットマン)


Don't be soft. (ロケットマン)


I may sink a little drink. (ロケットマン)


The sounds of a switchblade. (ロケットマン)


I've got two new American acts doing a tour of England sans they all need backup. (ロケットマン)


You are a shit hot piano player. (ロケットマン)


It's nice and tidy and that's how I want it to stay. (ロケットマン)


I better go take a shave. (ロケットマン)


You can't just spring the Troubadour on me. Troubadourライヴを俺に押し付けるな。(ロケットマン)


A rising star of rock and roll. (ロケットマン)


The review from the L.A. Times has been syndicated. LA タイムズの評が他紙にも載った(ロケットマン)


The papers have been sniffin' around. We can't give them anything to speculate on. (ロケットマン)


You self-indulgent prick. (ロケットマン)


My loyal subjects. Hello, Australia! (ロケットマン)


They're so spaced out. (ロケットマン)


Time stands still before me. (ロケットマン)


Write me tunes that gray-haired old tramps'll whistle in the street. (ロケットマン)


I'm gonna go in the teepee with Heather. (ロケットマン)


Sniffing for tidbits. (ロケットマン)


Elton John, a 23-year-old whose debut at the Troubadour was in every way magnificent. (ロケットマン)


Do your worst. In fact, take me to court. (ロケットマン)


Yellow Brick Roadthe ~〕黄色いレンガの道(童話The Wizard of Ozでオズの都に至る道)

follow the Yellow Brick Road幸福[成功]の道を行く

So goodbye yellow brick road. (ロケットマン)