
今回のイエスタディは 2019年のイギリス・アメリカ合衆国の映画。

世界中が停電になり、停電が収まるとビートルズの存在しない世界になっていたという設定。その停電の最中バスにひかれた、売れないシンガーソングライターの ジャック・マリックだけはビートルズの名曲の存在を覚えていて、名曲をコピーしてあれよあれよという間に世界的なスターになります。世界的なスターになっても腐ることなく無名の時から彼を応援してくれていた幼馴染のマネージャー( エリー・アップルトン  )に愛を告白、そして 最後ビートルズに関するすべてをライブ中に白状して偽りの自分から脱出します。概要なこんなところですが、コメディータッチの描写がおおく、今回も前回に引き続き笑わせていただきました。そんな中でもビートルズの名曲が流れるシーンではさすがに緩いコメディーが締まるので、今回はそのバランスがいいですね。今回のヒロインのエリー・アップルトンを演じているリリー・ジェームズはダウントンアビーにも出ていましたが、こんなきれいな人と恋仲になれるのであれば、すべての名声と巨万の富をすてて愛をとった ジャック・マリックの気持ちも、私がしがないおっさんなだけに分かります。最近鬼籍に入られたKANさんではないですが、愛は勝つです。




I've had the support act drop out. 前座が辞めた(イエスタデイ)


Consider being the opening act. (イエスタデイ)


Would it be annoying of me to point out we should be heading for the airport? (イエスタデイ)


I do believe I speak for everyone in attendance today when I say...(whistles) it is the climax of our careers. (イエスタデイ)


We are wiping our asses with solid-gold toilet paper. (= We are very rich.) (イエスタデイ)


You think working here is beneath you. (イエスタデイ)


Uh, yeah, it's been a blast. (イエスタデイ)


I only popped by for a quick bong. (イエスタデイ)


I'm sorry to barge in like this. (イエスタデイ)


Ginger hair and rap sounds a bit crap. Leave it to the brothers, that'd be my advice. (イエスタデイ)


Come on down, my baby bunny, (イエスタデイ)


Little, bonny England. (イエスタデイ)


Yeah, bin it. Yeah. Reject. (イエスタデイ)


Having a cheese and tomato baguette. (イエスタデイ)


Bang me backwards over a Buick.

Fuck me backwards! :  Jocular expression for surprise, said specially by British people (or at least I haven't heard any american saying it). (イエスタデイ)


I've got two bits of news. (イエスタデイ)


Our beautiful, blazing boy. (イエスタデイ)


I've never heard you say anything interesting before. I don't know why tonight would be the big breakthrough. (イエスタデイ)


It's been a blast. (イエスタデイ)


A valued cog in a well-oiled rock machine. (イエスタデイ)


Make sure everything runs like clockwork. (イエスタデイ)


Wow, somebody suddenly got very cocky. (イエスタデイ)


I really don't know what you're cross about. (イエスタデイ)


How did I get in the wrong column? How did I get in the "friend, manager, roadie" column, instead of the "I Love Her" column? (イエスタデイ)


What I'm offering you is the great and glorious poisoned chalice of money and fame. (イエスタデイ)


I need to hear you say, "Debra, I'm so thirsty. Give me the goddamn chalice." (イエスタデイ)


You are crowned. (イエスタデイ)


A one-night stand would be a strange new column for me to be in, Jack. (イエスタデイ)


Ellie from the "Fun chum" column. (イエスタデイ)


As chance would darn well have it, I've got two men backstage who claim that the songs are theirs. (イエスタデイ)


He puts me in the right column. (イエスタデイ)


You're just all clustering me and stopping me from being creative. (イエスタデイ)


I'll give the job to dozy Karen. (イエスタデイ)


Darning her socks. (イエスタデイ)


The song can't be anything you've written before. Like, nothing in your bottom drawer. Has to be new, tonight. (イエスタデイ)


We release an astonishing, era-defining double album that changes popular music forever. (イエスタデイ)


Where does she darn the bloody socks? (イエスタデイ)


Double our chances. you go that way, I'll go this way. 君があっちから俺がこっちから彼女を探せば見つかるチャンスも2倍になるよね。(イエスタデイ)


We've been developing some ideas of our own. (イエスタデイ)


This encyclopedic knowledge. (イエスタデイ)


I don't like you enough to let down the whole of year ten. 私のうけもつ高1をがっかりさせるぐらいあなたを好きというわけではない。(イエスタデイ)


Fair do's. (イエスタデイ)


Electricity flicked off for 12 seconds. (イエスタデイ)


I guess the girls are falling over themselves to sleep with you, now you're a famous musician? (イエスタデイ)


You're meant to be Face Timing. (イエスタデイ)


Ellie with the frizzy hair. (イエスタデイ)


Now upon us falls the mighty task. (イエスタデイ)


Fuck me backwards! :  Jocular expression for surprise, said specially by British people (or at least I haven't heard any american saying it).

Bang me backwards over a Buick. (イエスタデイ)


It all turned out just fab. (イエスタデイ)


Do you genuinely not know who The Beatles are? (イエスタデイ)


Bring on the ginger geezer. (イエスタデイ)


Actually, seriously, it is getting a bit grim, (イエスタデイ)


You've hit an extraordinary songwriting groove, (イエスタデイ)


How are Nick and Carol?

-Very unhappy.

- Excellent. I wouldn't know how to relate to 'em if they actually got on. (イエスタデイ)


Give it up for Jack, y'all. (イエスタデイ)


Give it up for modesty! (イエスタデイ)


It didn't have a lot going for it. (イエスタデイ)


Oh, you are having me on. (イエスタデイ)


Are you hungry? - As a big horse. (イエスタデイ)


A world without The Beatles, is a world that's infinitely worse. (イエスタデイ)


I'll put the kettle on. (イエスタデイ)



I was thinking lots of ketamine. (イエスタデイ)


I especially got a kick out of the song. (イエスタデイ)


In light of me having lost two teeth, (イエスタデイ)


I'm hoping to relaunch my music thing. (イエスタデイ)


I live locally, (イエスタデイ)


I would have loved her up like a lusty lion. (イエスタデイ)


Launch the album. (イエスタデイ)


Goodbye, lovebirds. (イエスタデイ)


Mushy peas. (イエスタデイ)


Have I messed up massively? (イエスタデイ)


This mind-bending album. (イエスタデイ)


I thought as much. (イエスタデイ)


We were very much neck and neck in the earlier days. 初期はライバル同士だった。(イエスタデイ)


You numpty. (イエスタデイ)


Hey, do you mind if I nick a couple of crisps. (イエスタデイ)


I've always known I was number two. (イエスタデイ)


Give Ellie one for me, yeah? よろしく伝えて。(イエスタデイ)


You being so off-putting. (イエスタデイ)


All right. Over to you, maestro. (イエスタデイ)


I'm feeling perky about it. (イエスタデイ)


I don't know what you guys are playing at, (イエスタデイ)


Those Post-it Notes aren't gonna mark the wallpaper? (イエスタデイ)


Let's think, plan C after plan A and B. (イエスタデイ)


You have been profoundly unsuccessful for ten years. (イエスタデイ)


A packet of crisps. (イエスタデイ)


Packaging everything together into one single, irresistible album. (イエスタデイ)


Jack Malik, local boy turned pop phenomenon, will premiere his highly anticipated first album. (イエスタデイ)


Jack Malik, local boy turned pop phenomenon, will premiere his highly anticipated first album. (イエスタデイ)


You need serious psychiatric help. (イエスタデイ)


I passed their amazing work off as my own so I could look like I was amazing, too. (イエスタデイ)


in light of me having lost two front teeth, looking like a sort of reverse rabbit. (イエスタデイ)


Well, rock on, Jack. (イエスタデイ)


That's the awful truth. The revelation. (イエスタデイ)


Okay, we're rolling when you're ready. (イエスタデイ)


A taxi rank. (イエスタデイ)


I've got two bits of news. - I'm riveted. (イエスタデイ)


I'm rubbish at my job. (イエスタデイ)


The song's a bit-bit sloppy, but it's sweet. (イエスタデイ)


The soon-to-be defeated, Mr. Jack Malik! (イエスタデイ)


Someone should probably shag him while they have the chance. (イエスタデイ)


Antonio Salieriアントニオ・サリエリ、1750818- 182557日)は、イタリアの作曲家。名前はアントーニオ・サリエーリと表記される場合もある。神聖ローマ皇帝・オーストリア皇帝に仕える宮廷楽長としてヨーロッパ楽壇の頂点に立った人物であり、またベートーヴェン、シューベルト、リストらを育てた名教育家でもあった。

You're definitely Mozart, mate. And I'm definitely Salieri. (イエスタデイ)


In my capacity as Jack's former musical mentor, stroke manager, stroke roadie, stroke driver. (イエスタデイ)


I hope you have a swift return. (イエスタデイ)


Welcome to my little beach shack. (イエスタデイ)


Maybe just a side of fries. (イエスタデイ)


Although there was one Russian. - That's nice. Was she stocky? (イエスタデイ)


It's superstar rights to treat the people that you work with like shit on your shoes. (イエスタデイ)


Oh, it's surreal, isn't it? (イエスタデイ)


Maybe we should do a slightly shorter set? (イエスタデイ)


I find a couple of pints midday sharpens my senses. (イエスタデイ)


Shall I tell them to sod right off? (イエスタデイ)


I let her slip away. (イエスタデイ)


I'm gonna spice up Ed's set with a couple of songs. (イエスタデイ)


What's tickin' and tockin' and rockin'? (イエスタデイ)


I'm gonna go from the top. (イエスタデイ)


I've only got the torch on my phone 携帯のフラッシュライト(イエスタデイ)


It looked so good online, so I just ordered it, and the most disgusting pink thing in history turns up. (イエスタデイ)


You make a ton of money. (イエスタデイ)


Can I maybe turn out the light? (イエスタデイ)


How long have we got? - Well, in real terms, minus an hour. (イエスタデイ)


See, here's my take, young Jack. (イエスタデイ)


That's a lot of information to take in. (イエスタデイ)


You called it "USSR," you know? It probably stopped being called that before you were born. (イエスタデイ)


Darn it, Ellie, I've been untrue. (イエスタデイ)


Nick is famously a world-class moron. (イエスタデイ)


This is the end of our long and winding road. (イエスタデイ)


You work in the wholesale warehouse. (イエスタデイ)


I'll always just be a warbling warehouseman. (イエスタデイ)


It is the guitar, it has to gently weep more. (イエスタデイ)


What does Liverpool have that L.A. doesn't? (イエスタデイ)


I thought I'd come and see the genius at work. (イエスタデイ)