『007/慰めの報酬』は前作 『007/カジノ・ロワイヤル』(2006年)の直接の続編。アクション映画の本道を前回同様、つっぱしっています。その通り映画いきなりカーチェイスから始まります。加齢とともに動体視力が顕著に落ちたと思うのですが、この手の映画は当方のようなおっさんにはしんどいものがあります。 いきなり車酔いではないですが、画面酔いしました。
It feels like ants under my skin. (007慰めの報酬)
Are you still after this General's head for your mantel? (007慰めの報酬)
Mr. Greene's interests and ours now align. (007慰めの報酬)
You know what burns more than all your bullshit? (007慰めの報酬)
Doesn't bode well for you, I'm afraid. (007慰めの報酬)
This man and I have some unfinished business. (007慰めの報酬)
Well, what's the bet that Dominic Greene has friends in the police force? (007慰めの報酬)
The Russians aren't playing ball for the oil. (ロシアは石油を売らない) (007慰めの報酬)
You're gonna get botulism if you keep drinking that. (007慰めの報酬)
Have I got my facts crossed? (007慰めの報酬)
Come on, lighten up. You're cramping my style. (007慰めの報酬)
How much did you pay him? - Well, he wanted you, but I left him the car as collateral. (007慰めの報酬)
The way you boys have carved this place up. (007慰めの報酬)
Dominic Greene's gonna suck this place dry, and then he's gonna move on, and you're gonna be left picking up the broken crockery. (007慰めの報酬)
Have you ever killed someone? Your training will tell you that when the adrenaline kicks in you should compensate. (007慰めの報酬)
You only need one shot. Make it count. (007慰めの報酬)
Deposed dictators. (007慰めの報酬)
A very powerful man in his day. (007慰めの報酬)
They've been duped? (007慰めの報酬)
I need you to come in and debrief. (007慰めの報酬)
My entire police force is at your disposal. (007慰めの報酬)
The CIA doesn't care about another dictator as long as they get their end. (007慰めの報酬)
Well, they say you're judged by the strength of your enemies. (007慰めの報酬)
We've done a complete forensic analysis. (007慰めの報酬)
My country's not some flyspeck in the middle of the Caribbean. (007慰めの報酬)
We should shift our focus to the Canadian. (007慰めの報酬)
The agent guarding the door in the garage was dead. (007慰めの報酬)
Gordon's gin. (007慰めの報酬)
Gone such a short time and already forgotten. 少し姿を消すとすぐ忘れられるとは。ちっぽけな存在だな。(007慰めの報酬)
When someone says we got people everywhere, you expect it to be hyperbole.
We introduced tagged bills into Le Chiffre's money-laundering operation We traced money through several of his bank accounts around the world.
-At the rate money changes hands, you could probably find a fake tenner in my wallet with a tag. (007慰めの報酬)
His entry documents have him staying at the Hotel Dessalines. (007慰めの報酬)
You infiltrated Greene's organization by having sex with him. (007慰めの報酬)
Then give us time to gather enough evidence so you can make informed decisions. (007慰めの報酬)
You are so blinded by inconsolable rage that you don't care who you hurt. (007慰めの報酬)
You're a better judge of character than I am. (007慰めの報酬)
The military junta. (007慰めの報酬)
I was trying to uncover a leak. (007慰めの報酬)
I hope this figure is to your liking. (007慰めの報酬)
Our moneymen went through every bill in Mitchell's wallet and house. (007慰めの報酬)
You don't need another Marxist giving national resources to the people, do you? (007慰めの報酬)
A woman?
-Yes. But it's not what you think.
-Your mother?
-She likes to think so. (007慰めの報酬)
I don't think you're half as cynical as you make out to be. (007慰めの報酬)
We're acting out of necessity. (007慰めの報酬)
I heard a rumor you'd gone native. (007慰めの報酬)
We'll pay off the right officials. (007慰めの報酬)
Greene's been doing a lot of philanthropic work. (007慰めの報酬)
I need a passport and matching credit cards. - And MI6 ran out of plastic? (007慰めの報酬)
Fingers in many pies, and they don't leave any prints. (007慰めの報酬)
There are people in this country spending half their paycheck just to get clean water. (007慰めの報酬)
Tell me you didn't drop by tonight just to piss on my parade. (007慰めの報酬)
The Americans will put him down. (007慰めの報酬)
You're removed from duty and suspended pending further investigation. (007慰めの報酬)
Something to sweeten the deal. (007慰めの報酬)
We are teachers on sabbatical. This fits our cover. (007慰めの報酬)
We are in a spiral of environmental decline. (007慰めの報酬)
He sells us out. (007慰めの報酬)
Now you and I need to see this through. (007慰めの報酬)
The slide of the gun's caught. (007慰めの報酬)
You tell them to check their seals. They have a leak. (007慰めの報酬)
I straightened things out with the Americans. (007慰めの報酬)
We introduced tagged bills into Le Chiffre's money-laundering operation We traced money through several of his bank accounts around the world. (007慰めの報酬)
Large tracts of land for ecological preserves. (007慰めの報酬)
It takes something to admit you were wrong. (007慰めの報酬)
Who's to say he hasn't been turned? 寝返った(007慰めの報酬)
I could give a shit about the CIA or their trumped-up evidence. (007慰めの報酬)
It's a utility company. (007慰めの報酬)
I can't go in there unarmed. (007慰めの報酬)
The planet's vegetated surface has been irreversibly degraded. (007慰めの報酬)
A world on the verge of collapse. (007慰めの報酬)
Your willing replacement standing over you. (007慰めの報酬)