オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人



オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人(原題 Ondine  )はアイルランドの漁師が主人公。




Whenever you feel able to, tell me and I'll set it in motion. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


You only avail of the confessional. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


Just trying to help her get ahead of the game. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


 Does your wheelchair float? - I don't think it's amphibious. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


I don't suppose you want absolution? (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


hurley : A hurley or hurl or hurling stick (Irish: camán) is a wooden stick used in the Irish sports of hurling and camogie.

You look more like one of the trees they make hurley sticks out of. - Oh, an ash, yeah. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


Look, there's no point in beating round the bush. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


A guy was breathalysed. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


Basking on the rock. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


The Central Remedial Clinic (Irish: An Príomhchlinic Feabhais), commonly known and referred to as the CRC, is a non-residential national centre established for the care, treatment and development of children and adults with physical disabilities. It is located at Clontarf, Ireland.

Remember that thing we ordered from the CRC ? (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


Follow me to the Co-op(オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


My name's Syracuse, and I'm an alcoholic.

I've told you before, Circus, that confessional is not a chapter of AA. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


So we're to be friends, then? - We could be. If we play our cards right. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


Carraig :  a rock in Irish

That's where I found her Roan Carraig. - You know what it means? - Seal Rock. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


You've cleared a few in your time. 2,3杯は昔は飲んでたよな。(オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


This is the confessional, Father, we're not talking gossip here. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


The denizens of the deep. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


I drew her up in a net. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


You flipping clown. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


You fished me from the water ? (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


I've got kidney failure. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


You feckin' retard. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


Did he declare her to the Fisheries Board? (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


You're still in charge of your flipping vehicle, right? (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


Finders keepers. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


Up you get. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


A gill net. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


The brakes went. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


You wouldn't say a couple of Hail Marys on your way out, would you? (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


If I walk across the threshold of the house, you might put a hex on me. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


In the hold. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


hurley : A hurley or hurl or hurling stick (Irish: camán) is a wooden stick used in the Irish sports of hurling and camogie.

You look more like one of the trees they make hurley sticks out of. - Oh, an ash, yeah. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


knacker:  A knacker used to be a man who put down worn-out working horses, so to be knackered is to be so tired that if you were a horse, they’d probably shoot you. It’s also used of equipment which is broken down and probably can’t be fixed - e.g. “This car is knackered” means it’s probably only good for spare parts.

A "knacker" is a derogatory British slang term used to refer to a person of Irish descent, typically one who is poor or considered to be of lower social status. It is important to note that this term is considered highly offensive and should not be used. It is always important to be respectful and considerate of others, regardless of their ethnicity or background.

They don't serve knackers in this pub. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


To let on. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


Bad luck. A girl an a boat. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


My lips are sealed. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


Only if you want, like. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


My net brought her back to life. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


Where is she now ? - She's with her maker. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


Whenever you feel able to, tell me and I'll set it in motion. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


You can man the tiller. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


I am a prisoner and a drug mule. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


Would this go near you ? この服は君のサイズかな(オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


There's no AA chapter in this poxy town. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


What will they say? - Take your pick. 何とでもいうさ。(オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


on the piss〈卑俗〉飲んだくれて、酔って

Her mother out on the piss. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


You can't marry a seal, can you? You definitely cannot. Not in the real quotidian world anyway. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


I don't think it's a recreational vehicle. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


The regatta starts at three. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


Retractor. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


selkie〈スコ〉1. アザラシ◆【同】seal 2.アザラシ(の姿をした)人間◆スコットランドやアイルランドの民話に登場する。

Was she a Selkie then ? (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


If we're not straightforward, there's no point in being friends. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)




What a spaz! : 鈍くさいやつだな!



So it's only for spaz? (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


This town is what you'd call sartorially challenged. - What does that mean? - A supermodel's nightmare. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


They wear seaweed knickers and a scallopy bra. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


What kind of stories are you spinning? (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


She'd be a wee bit wet around the scratcher. あそこ(オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


You've sinned with her, I suppose? (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


Like Annie says, I'm a selk. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


The sea spat you out, did it? ;海で溺れなかったんだよな。(オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


You're my sobriety buddy. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


If I walk across the threshold of the house, you might put a hex on me. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


You can man the tiller. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


You don't get salmon trawling. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


I came back from a week on the trawlers. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


big top :  the main tent in a circus

I was twirling around that big top as a clown. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


Ten out of ten, Sherlock.ご名答(オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


Take me to his wake now. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


You fell off the wagon. - Big time. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)


I was always a good swimmer, but your Irish waves wore me down. (オンディーヌ 海辺の恋人)