
今回タイトルからしてラブロマンスだと分かるのですが実は、障害者の自殺幇助・安楽死を扱った作品でもあります。『世界一キライなあなたに』原題はMe Before You。事故で下半身不随になったウィルは自殺願望があり合法的に自死するためにスイスへ行く計画をしているのですが、両親に当然のごとくとがめられ、一縷の望みをかけて彼とは非対称的な能天気なルーをウィルの世話係として雇い、彼に希望を与えるといった話なのですが、後半予想をはるかに裏切られました。今回ルーの恋人役のパトリック( マシュー・ルイス 演) はハリポタのあのネビルですよ。ルーが5年以上交際しているそのパトリックを捨ててウィルを選んだのは以下の理由によるものかと邪推してみました。









This is the annex. (世界一キライなあなたに)


You do all those exercises with him to stop his muscles atrophying. (世界一キライなあなたに)


I was an ass. (世界一キライなあなたに)


That's big of 'im! (世界一キライなあなたに)


How big of him! (世界一キライなあなたに)


You don't run with him? - I am not exactly built for running. (世界一キライなあなたに)


The first bout of pneumonia hit. (世界一キライなあなたに)


My favorite outfit was the glittery boots and my bumblebee tights. (世界一キライなあなたに)


A bucket list. Show him how good this time can be. (世界一キライなあなたに)


I'm gonna go and place my bet. (世界一キライなあなたに)


It's too 'booby'? - Way too booby! 胸を見せすぎよ。(世界一キライなあなたに)


It's his fourth bout in two years. The last nearly killed him. (世界一キライなあなたに)


There’s something bad around the bend. (世界一キライなあなたに)


You can't be a part of this. It's no better than murder. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Your face is all pink and blotchy. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Live boldly. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Wonders'll never cease. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Spare me the cod psychology. (世界一キライなあなたに)


The sky is clearing. Should we get some air? (世界一キライなあなたに)


It wasn't a cry for help, Camilla. He meant it about committing suicide and you know that. (世界一キライなあなたに)


What have you come as? (世界一キライなあなたに)


A curtsy will be fine. (世界一キライなあなたに)


I thought that I could crack this and then go back as if nothing had changed. (克服できると思ってた。)(世界一キライなあなたに)


You take care of him. He's a good one Take it from one who knows Four marriages and counting.その数は増え続けているわ。(世界一キライなあなたに)


Is there alcohol in that? - Rum, vodka and Cointreau, sir. (世界一キライなあなたに)


I've got everything covered. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Your life's even duller than mine. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Bring us a fan and a damp towel, quick. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Develop a crush on the riding instructor. 乗馬インストラクターに恋心を抱いた。(世界一キライなあなたに)


I can shift things around in my diary. (世界一キライなあなたに)


There's something digging into my collar. - It’s the tag. (世界一キライなあなたに)


She was not bright enough to stop herself getting up the duff. (世界一キライなあなたに)


She dumped me a week later, for a boy who worked at the local shop. (世界一キライなあなたに)


He was her chance, you know. only one of that lot, that was worth a damn. 彼女に適した男は彼だけだった。(世界一キライなあなたに)


You've been on the drink. (世界一キライなあなたに)


People here believe think excitement is a new 'please be quiet' sign going up in the library. 図書館の静粛にサインがニュースになるような田舎町だよ。ここは。(世界一キライなあなたに)


We're going to paralyze your eardrums w:ith the loud music. (世界一キライなあなたに)


EuroStarユーロスターは、英仏海峡トンネルを通ってイギリスと大陸ヨーロッパとを結ぶ国際列車である。 ロンドンとフランスのリール、パリ、およびベルギーのブリュッセルとの間で運行されており、最高速度300km/h の高速鉄道

We could get on the EuroStar right now! (世界一キライなあなたに)


Pretty French girls give me the eye. (世界一キライなあなたに)


The familiar sound of Louisa Clark making an entrance. (世界一キライなあなたに)


It is actually your duty to live it as fully as possible. (世界一キライなあなたに)


The chicken processing factory. I'm still having nightmares about those giblets. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Right, well I'll leave you to get on. (世界一キライなあなたに)


You're a god awful singer. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Sometimes you just have to go with your gut. (世界一キライなあなたに)


I do most of the heavy lifting. (世界一キライなあなたに)


You can only help someone who actually wants to be helped. (世界一キライなあなたに)


His temperature goes haywire. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Take up jogging when he hits 40. (世界一キライなあなたに)


handovers: Handovers are where you are picking the kids up from your former partner to spend time with you, or when you are dropping them off again.

There were a lot of divorced handovers at the cafe. (世界一キライなあなたに)


This restaurant is for Premier badge holders only. (世界一キライなあなたに)


I had it made, specially. (世界一キライなあなたに)


This is an impressive list of hobbies. (皮肉) (世界一キライなあなたに)


He's in and out. 意識があったりなかったりの状態です。(世界一キライなあなたに)



There's not chance of Jay-Z? (世界一キライなあなたに)


kapow 擬声語で、喧嘩などで相手を拳骨で「ガツン」と殴るとか、平手で顔を「パーン」と引っ叩いた時の音の擬声語

Oh, kapow! (世界一キライなあなたに)


You and Will can work out your level of interaction yourselves. (世界一キライなあなたに)


A leprechaun drag queen. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Lose the scarf. (世界一キライなあなたに)


We'll leave you be. (世界一キライなあなたに)


One of those chairs that never sit quite level on the pavement. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Knowing you still have possibilities is a luxury. (世界一キライなあなたに)


You can't just mope around. (世界一キライなあなたに)


My Left Foot :  原作者C・ブラウンの実話を映画化した作品。生まれながらの重度の脳性小児麻痺により、左足が少し動かせるだけで、後は植物人間同様の生活を余儀なくされている不遇の主人公が、その絶え間ざる努力の末、やがて言語能力を取り戻し、わずかに動く左足を使い絵を描けるようになるまで成長していく姿を描く。

Has he done his Stephen Hawking impression yet, or stuff about "My Left Foot"?(世界一キライなあなたに)


Things are manic at the office. (世界一キライなあなたに)


If you do the "My Left Foot" thing, I will drive home. (世界一キライなあなたに)


I must mingle. 行って交流しなきゃ。(世界一キライなあなたに)


Just dropping off some meds. 薬を届けに来ただけです。(世界一キライなあなたに)


I was paralyzed from the neck down? (世界一キライなあなたに)


I think he wants to know who I'm spending all these late nights with. (世界一キライなあなたに)


I even nicked a sword from one of the exhibits. (世界一キライなあなたに)


He's constantly open to infection. (世界一キライなあなたに)


I'm on my mobile, if you need me. (世界一キライなあなたに)


They have out-Bonded James Bond. (世界一キライなあなたに)


I outgrew them. (世界一キライなあなたに)


That oboe solo. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Your husband's paraplegia, quadriplegia could be solved? (世界一キライなあなたに)


I'm just popping out. (世界一キライなあなたに)


How's the Physio and stuff? (世界一キライなあなたに)


You pop a tire. (世界一キライなあなたに)


I don't want someone to stay with me out of pity. (世界一キライなあなたに)


He has never had pesto sauce before! (世界一キライなあなたに)


He's threw everything into physio in the first year. And all we got was slight movement from his thumb and finger. (世界一キライなあなたに)


A pinched-face man. やつれた顔の男(世界一キライなあなたに)


Develop an insane Pilates habit. (世界一キライなあなたに)


She got put up two years at school, didn't she? And she overtook our Lou. 2年飛び級した(世界一キライなあなたに)


The pleasure has been all mine, really. (世界一キライなあなたに)


power pack電力供給を特定の器材で要求された電圧に変える装置 a device for converting a power supply to a voltage required by particular equipment.

My wheelchair power pack that won't charge in a French socket. (世界一キライなあなたに)


The tall blonde girls with the endless legs and the big hair, the ones who can smell an expense account at forty paces. (An expense account they can use to buy dinners or similar on expenses for the company they work for. It could also be talking about a job candidate who knows that a given position will afford them an expense account. Forty paces is like "I can smell a liar a mile away" for example.) (世界一キライなあなたに)


Do you have experience with quadriplegia? We are talking about complete loss of the legs and very limited use of the arms and hands. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Did you find a good quad support group I could join? (世界一キライなあなたに)


All the best entrepreneurs, they fight their way back from rock bottom. (世界一キライなあなたに)


You're running late. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Nathan, will show you how to use the ramp. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Just go and raid your grandma's wardrobe. (世界一キライなあなたに)


I am just amazed that you could reach the ripe old age of 26. (世界一キライなあなたに)


I'm just amazed that at the ripe old age of 31, without having been locked in a cupboard

- for being such a snob. (世界一キライなあなたに)


The first kiss I ever had, was on that rampart. (世界一キライなあなたに)


You're getting oil everywhere. They're gonna be soggy again. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Anti-spasm tablets. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Muscle spasms tablets. (世界一キライなあなたに)


The rest are in the drawer if you'd like to snoop around further. (世界一キライなあなたに)


I've done my fair share. (世界一キライなあなたに)


I'll make myself scarce. (世界一キライなあなたに)


I don't want those pictures staring at me. (世界一キライなあなたに)


It's a spinal cord injury. (世界一キライなあなたに)


I told you what he said back. (世界一キライなあなたに)


That ship already sailed. (世界一キライなあなたに)


He feels like somehow he got suckered. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Nothing like being spoon fed in public.(皮肉)(世界一キライなあなたに)


You're still sharp as a tack. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Put yourself first, for once. 自分を優先しなよ。(世界一キライなあなたに)


Spoil sport. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Let's give these tossers something to talk about. (世界一キライなあなたに)


You swan off with another man? (世界一キライなあなたに)


You are a something else, Clark. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Once he'd set his mind to something…(世界一キライなあなたに)


You are scored on my heart, Clark. (世界一キライなあなたに)


I'll be walking beside you every step of the way. (世界一キライなあなたに)


work like a Trojan (idiom, chiefly British, old-fashioned): to work very hard

She's worked like a trojan in that café. (世界一キライなあなたに)


He's threw everything into physio in the first year. And all we got was slight movement from his thumb and finger. (世界一キライなあなたに)


I toast the tea cakes. (世界一キライなあなたに)


You don't have to talk across me, mother. My brain isn't paralyzed yet. 僕本人を抜きに話す必要はないだろ。(世界一キライなあなたに)


Did you turn down the gas on my veggies? (世界一キライなあなたに)


You don't think much of her then? (世界一キライなあなたに)


I can't have you tied to me. (世界一キライなあなたに)


I tore my heart out in front of you. (世界一キライなあなたに)


I’ll have to sue you for undue distress in the workplace. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Did you turn down the gas on my veggies? (世界一キライなあなたに)


He used to sing the Malahonkey song. - What? - The Malahonkey song. I thought everyone knew it. - Trust me Clark I am a Malahonkey virgin. (世界一キライなあなたに)


We tried beautician. It turns out hot wax is NOT my friend. (世界一キライなあなたに)


You might need to do something about your wardrobe for this job. (世界一キライなあなたに)


Could we strike a deal whereby you are very 'unchatty' around me? (世界一キライなあなたに)


My mum got me a pair of glittery wellies for my birthday. And I refused to take them off. I wore them in bed in the bath. (世界一キライなあなたに)


You stayed there six years. Way to go! (世界一キライなあなたに)


I'm basically just on suicide watch. (世界一キライなあなたに)


A wind concerto? - I've been assured it doesn't involve farting. (世界一キライなあなたに)


You gonna give me a whirl? 踊ってくれえる(世界一キライなあなたに)


I don't think I can be witty today, Clark. (世界一キライなあなたに)