
イエメンと言ったら、砂漠のイメージですが、そこでダムを造り養殖鮭を飼育するという夢を追いかけるストーリーです。Salmon Fishing in the Yemenが原題。2011年の作品で、スコットランド出身のユアンマクレガーが主人公。彼はスターウォーズの若い時のオビワンを演じたり今や国際俳優ですので故郷のスコティッシュアクセントが鳴りを潜めているときが多かったのですが、今回の映画では彼の初主演のトレインスポッティングの映画でのこてこてとまではいかないにしても、強めのスコットランド訛りを披露していて、うれしくなりました。 今回の映画にはクリスティン・スコット・トーマスが出演していました。今回は首相広報官を演じています。  遠くを見つめるような目が印象的な 彼女は個人的に最も憧れる女優の一人で、イングリッシュペイシェントやミッションインポッシブルでの彼女にノックアウトさせられました。が今回はその目をなんと封印、もうドライなおばさんになりきっている。改めて女優ってすごいんですね。


Anglo-Yemeni cooperation. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


short-ass〈卑・軽蔑的〉ちび(の)、背の低い(人)= short-arse

You short-arsed little pen-pusher. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Look, this e-mail about the salmon thing. - Oh, yes. Did I miss April Fools' Day or something? 冗談だよね。(砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Freshwater aquifers. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Please advise which dates would suit you best. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


You might like to avail yourself of the fishing. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


He's missing in action. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Suffering from some kind of Asperger's. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Shove it up your unfeeling arse. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


The great thing about people with Asperger's is it's very difficult to hurt their feelings. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Submerge the Ark of the Covenant. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I just don't wanna be an army barracks joke in the morning. Please be nice to me. 兵士のあなたとの一夜だけの関係はごめんよ。(砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Bail them out. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Boy, did I put a hurricane up that woman. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I should stop talking bollocks. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


bang on time時間ぴったり

We're bang on schedule(砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)




1. 〈フランス語〉つまらないこと、些事

2. 〈フランス語〉《音楽》バガテル主にピアノ用に作られた、特に決められた形式を持たない小品。

3. 〈英〉〔ゲームの〕バガテルビリヤードに似たテーブル・ゲーム。小さなキューでボールを突き、台の一方に開けられた幾つかの穴に入れるもの。ビクトリア朝時代に家庭やパブで流行した。

The bagatelle of a man with more money than sense. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


These are the companies that have bid for the contract. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


This gravel here is perfect for salmon to lay their eggs in between. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Anyway, down to business. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)



I'll maybe have another wee pass at the caddis fly paper. 見直しておく(砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


A caddis being eaten alive by a spider. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Rattle their cage, did I? (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Say a command. (automated voice coming from a cell phone) (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


So I suppose we should just crack on and get things started now? - You can't hold me to this. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


You'd just better come through on this, Jones. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Unless you do this with an open heart, I don't think anything will come of it. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


They're obsessive crazies. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


cheeky chappie (colloquial) A cheeky, likeable man or boy. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)

So, who were all those little chippy-chappies, huh? (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


A debrief in the canteen. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I can't help sometimes imagining that this crazy enterprise might just come off. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I've got this wonderful Swiss mountain Comté from a little shop round the corner in Geneva. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


This is all coming together very nicely. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


It's in the very core of their being to head upstream. 鮭は本能で産卵期に上流に向かう。(砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Right on cue. ちょうどいい登場よ(砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)



Are you dollies trying to get me fired? (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Arab-Western cultural détente. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


So give it a go, eh, dolly? (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I defer to your expert knowledge, Dr. Jones. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Temperatures are not too dissimilar there. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


If your sheikh wants to pour his money down the drain. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


You are struck dumb by my naivety. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Nicely done, sir. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Doolally as this entire enterprise clearly is, I've had the most pleasant day. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I've seen a fly fisherman wade into a river and try and drown a canoeist just for passing by in a Day-Glo jacket. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Well, don't dilly-dally. Our end is coming along. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


What, ditch the whole thing? (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Up to my ear in reports. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Yemen gets up to 250 millimeters of rainfall a month in the wet season. It gets the edge of the monsoon. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Assign yourself exclusively to the Yemeni salmon fishing project with immediate effect. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


The PM's keeping a close eye on this one. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


EA = Environment Agency

So you get on to the EA 環境省(砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


The effing Yemen. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


The gentle fisher folk are not so effing gentle after all. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Keep it secret. Total press embargo. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I just had another e-mail from the FCO today. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I'll open a bottle of something fizzy. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


You feel me? I'm your fucking mother! (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


It's the first-stage payment. 第1回の支払い(砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Fly tying:  This is the process of producing an artificial fly used by fly fishing anglers to catch fish.

Dr. Jones invented a famous fly.

Well, it's a sentimental habit that some fly-tiers have of calling a fly after their own names. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


The rich are frightened of the poor. The poor are frightened of the rich. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I'm more of a facts-and-figures man myself. - You're not a religious man? (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I have put my feet in it. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Flash-flood scenario. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I know it's probably just a terrible folly. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Job cuts. Cuts everywhere. ls the Environment Agency a frontline service? - Oh, that is a threat. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Their forebears for two generations. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Farmed fish. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


It was over in a flash, really. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


We don't need native river fish. We'll be all right with farmed salmon. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


They're no fools, these Arabs. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


You can just flip off back to Transport. (今の外相の職から)交通相にまた移動よ。(砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


The fruits of all our efforts. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Kick something into the long grass :  To delay dealing with something, especially because you want people to forget about it: It is disgraceful that the Treasury had kicked the task force's report into the long grass.

I did not say kick it into the long grass. I said do it! (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Step we gaily. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Three Gorges Dam. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I want to know, is it a goer? - Goer? (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I took a guess. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


On we go. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


My father's like very stiff upper lip and don't make a fuss about anything, but I'm more of a gusher. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


No-goer. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I got the heads-up. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


It would allow your sheikh to hoick the fish out of the water to his heart's content. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


So I suppose we should just crack on and get things started now? - You can't hold me to this. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I'll be heading up the whole operation. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Don't you worry about that, Fred. It's all in hand. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I intended to create a small miracle. Something to glorify God and bring our tribes together. Sometimes I wonder if we haven't created something that glorifies man. It is a very fine line. Hubris. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)



Shut up, hacks. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


How this challenging project might be initiated and resourced. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


An improvised explosive device detonated. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


You are most definitely, most definitely one of the most rightest people that I've had the good fortune to come across. If you'll forgive the grammatical inadequacies of that sentence. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


journo【可算名詞】《英口語》 =journalist

At least there's no bloody journos around (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Talking to an answering machine is no madder than chatting to koi carp. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Fly life indigenous to the northern European. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Dame Vera Lynnデイム・ヴェラ・リン (本名:Vera Margaret Welch (ヴェラ・マーガレット・ウェルチ), 1917320- 2020618日) は、第二次世界大戦期に称賛を受けたイギリスの歌手、女優。

We'll have Vera Lynn strapping on her suicide belt in sympathy. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Well, it's a bit of a long shot to be honest. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


line managerライン管理者[マネージャー]◆製造や販売などの現場で働く人の、直属の上司となる管理者の総称。

My line manager asked me to come here. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I'm not one of your bitches from the Baltimore low-rises. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Please allow me to show you a delightful lie just around the corner. 場所(砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Lead on. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


We're just part of a lavish practical joke. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


We have gone out on a bit of a limb for you. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


We must have faith, Dr. Alfred. - Well, that's a very laudable sentiment. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I don't much like them. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


We could grow watermelons, maize, cotton.

Mairi's Wedding (also known as Marie's Wedding, the Lewis Bridal Song, or Scottish Gaelic: Màiri Bhàn "Blond Mary") is a Scottish folk song originally written in Gaelic.

Step we gaily, on we go, Heel for heel and toe for toe, Arm and arm and row on row, All for Mairi's wedding. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


metric ruler目盛付き物差し(砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)

Up his arse with a meter ruler. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


The sheikh's English has a certain tendency towards the mystical. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Can I borrow your pen? - No. It's my special one with the italic nib. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)

You could stay on at work and I could bring up the nipper. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


You are struck dumb by my naivety. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Note taken(砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Well-oxygenated water in which to spawn. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Is that the best you puffed-up Oxbridge-educated moronic buffoons can come up with? (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


You're on. - What? - You're on. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Have you any idea what an outcry there would be. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)



1. 《魚》パー淡水に生息する生後1年から2年までのサケの幼魚で、体に黒い斑点の模様が数個ある。【参考】smolt

2. 〔サケ以外の魚の〕幼魚

It’s necessary for the juvenile salmon, or parr, to survive. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I've put duck liver pâté in your sandwich. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


to take another pass at something : In BE it means to try to do something again because you got it wrong the first time. (It isn't used very much). But in AE "to take another pass" would mean, probably, to try to make sexual advances to someone again.

I'll maybe have another wee pass at the caddis fly paper.



Is that the best you puffed-up Oxbridge-educated moronic buffoons can come up with? (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Oh, they haven't pensioned you off yet. まだ退職してなかったのね。(砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


extreme prejudice

1. Lethal force, applied extrajudicially with the intent to kill.

Osborn was involved in the liquidation program and cites an example of a Vietnamese operative being liquidated with extreme prejudice on orders from higher headquarters.

2. Severe treatment.

Without a real market to determine the price, such suggested prices should be discounted with extreme prejudice by any potential investors.

I am asking you with extreme prejudice to take a meeting with Harriet Chetwode-Talbot. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


This is plainly ridiculous. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I don't really think it's my place to explain the sheikh's motivations. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


lose the plot: (idiom UK informal) to no longer be able to act normally or understand what is happening:

I can't believe Stuart did that. He must be losing the plot.

They're really losing the plot in Geneva. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


We're a party of policy not personality 党は個人問題ではなく政策を論じます(砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Rape and pillage of our national rivers. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Farmed fish are tired, bloated pretenders. 養殖魚(砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


She said that I was genetically programmed to return to a dull pedestrian life. That it was in my DNA. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Get ready for the photo op of a lifetime. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


If you don’t, I would question your judgment. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


How this challenging project might be initiated and resourced. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Righto. I'm off to bed. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Need something racy for the cover. Something to rev up the YouTube generation. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Need something racy for the cover. Something to rev up the YouTube generation. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Fitzharris & Price represent the sheikh's assets in this country. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


For future reference. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


My Mandarin is very rusty. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I was upset. - And rightly so. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


The debt will be repaid. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I would like to seek a meeting with you. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Migratory salmonoids. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


The lunatic is an oil sheikh. Got money pouring out of his arse. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


We'll certainly bend every sinew to the job I'll set up a working party immediately. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Did you like my little swipe at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office wonks? (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Do you want sparkling or still? (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


If your sheikh wants to pour his money down the drain. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)



Fitzharris & Price will be paying your salary while on secondment. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Matter of principle. I have a standing in the scientific community(砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


The sheikh is so looking forward to meeting you. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Tabloid sensationalism. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Spearing a leaping salmon. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I don't think she got the right end of the stick there. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


It is kind of her to spare you. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


The Environment Agency stripped British rivers of 10,000 salmon. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I was at something of a loss. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


My father is ex-army, so he's like very stiff upper lip. My upper lip's never been very stiff, I'm afraid. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


"Missing in action" is Army-speak for dead? (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


You'll fly back on the sheikh's private jet immediately. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Open the sluices. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


snake roll cast  スネークロールキャスト. スペイキャストの一種でフライラインを空中で一回転させて投げる

I did a right-handed snake roll. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I trust you had a nice weekend. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Lord, the tendrils of this busybody government. 何にでも首を突っ込む政府の奴ら(砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I don't want to leave on bad terms. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Getting this country back on track in times of economic hardship. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


suck one's teeth舌打ちする

Don't you suck your teeth at me, young man. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Fifty million from Sheikh Muhammed thingammy. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


You think Al Qaeda are a threat, think again, mate. アルカイダ以上だぞ(砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


On a technicality. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Time and tide, as I am sure you are aware, waits for no man. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


When things get tricky in my life, I talk to my fish. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Your turrets on the castle are blocking my reception. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


This is a mid-life crisis. It's textbook, it's pathetic. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


You are tireless. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Update me on fish. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


They are running upstream, look! (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I would go so far as to describe him as a visionary man. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Are they the kind that vote our way? - They vote for those that best look after their fish, in my experience. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


I've very important work to do here, as you can very well see. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)



Oxygen-controlled holding tanks built into a wadi that would, hallelujah, open during the rainy season, allowing the salmon to migrate upstream for, say, 10 kilometers(砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


The fish will all die. Well, unless we feed the wadi all year round using the dam. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Ms. Mrs. Happily married. Details in Who's Who. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


Build the holding tanks at the downstream end of the wadi. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)


More fun to catch fish without waders. (砂漠でサーモン・フィッシング)