妻の浮気を疑った会計士である夫が、探偵 クリストフォルー を雇って妻を尾行させるのですが、この探偵が変人で曲者。
今のご時世だとストーカー扱いされてもおかしくない状況で、 にわかには信じがたいのですが、この映画の制作は1972年なので、当時はさもありなんということなのでしょう。
そんな隙間に クリストフォルーが入ってきてこの二人のありがちないつもの逃走劇がどうせ始まると予想していたのですが、期待は裏切られました。
最後、夫が 妻の愛情を取り戻すためクリストフォルーと同じ行動をすることになったくだりは笑ってしまいます。
この映画の世界観はすべて クリストフォルーの突飛な行動と発言によるところ大。
I lie awake at nights thinking about it. (フォロー・ミー)
In the final analysis. (フォロー・ミー)
How appalling. I'm really agonized. (フォロー・ミー)
If you take away music and art and painting, people don't amount to much, do they? (フォロー・ミー)
Our company gave new hope to all whose love life was ever ruined by acne. To all them poor lads and lasses with lumps and blotchy skin. (フォロー・ミー)
When you went to the altar, you could have eaten a small cow for your lunch. 結婚したては食欲旺盛だったのにね。(フォロー・ミー)
I found you aimless in London. I gave you direction. (フォロー・ミー)
It tells me, alas, beyond any doubt, that you still want your husband. (フォロー・ミー)
To bed down with a different partner every night. (フォロー・ミー)
I thought you wanted me to enter into the conversation. - You certainly did, with a bang. (フォロー・ミー)
Those bloody scoundrels are after me for 30,000 pounds in back tax. (フォロー・ミー)
Our company gave new hope to all whose love life was ever ruined by acne. To all them poor lads and lasses with lumps and blotchy skin. (フォロー・ミー)
Your wife's affections weren't stolen. They were going begging. (フォロー・ミー)
We broke pleasure together, like bread. (フォロー・ミー)
Beside this eye, the eagle is blind, the puma needs spectacles. It possesses the most watchful iris,
the most attentive cornea, the most perceptive retina in the Northern hemisphere. And for ten days, it was focused exclusively on you. (フォロー・ミー)
We seem to be talking at cross-purposes. (フォロー・ミー)
Chattering away, (フォロー・ミー)
Witness copulation. (フォロー・ミー)
Perfectly understood Victorian phenomenon, The confirmed bachelor. (フォロー・ミー)
I took her to a restaurant of my choosing, (フォロー・ミー)
What is it? - Guess. - Um, a royal Persian pastry cutter. - Cold. はずれ (⇔warm) (フォロー・ミー)
Circlet of the moon. (フォロー・ミー)
You don't even know me. - Oh, we could correct that. じゃ知合いましょうよ。(フォロー・ミー)
It was built in the 1520s by a courtier of Henry VIII. (フォロー・ミー)
Do you find its style too composed? (フォロー・ミー)
The diplomatic corps. (フォロー・ミー)
Chop sueyチャプスイ◆八宝菜(のようなもの)。もやし、タマネギ、しいたけ、薄切り肉などを炒め、ごま油で香りづけしたもの。中華風アメリカ料理であり、中華料理ではない。〈話〉ごちゃ混ぜ(フォロー・ミー)
We have never had the police called in to our family. (フォロー・ミー)
Cement a marriage. (フォロー・ミー)
Renew your courtship. (フォロー・ミー)
conditioned reflex 条件反射
Conditioned reflexes, you know. (フォロー・ミー)
It's not despicable to be jealous. (フォロー・ミー)
Your name is Cristoforou? Yes. It's a little downbeat, I admit. (フォロー・ミー)
I'm hardly noted for my patient disposition. (フォロー・ミー)
You may discard as many garments as you please. (フォロー・ミー)
Some dreary little debutante. (フォロー・ミー)
There are even one or two dollies who kept an excellent pillow. 性的関係を持った人はいた。(フォロー・ミー)
What's a doge? Well, sort of a king of Venice. (フォロー・ミー)
A double bill of horror films. (フォロー・ミー)
Young, handsome, no doubt. Debonair. The look of a diplomat. (フォロー・ミー)
Why don't you just dick off ! (フォロー・ミー)
When we were dumb, we understood each other. (フォロー・ミー)
Could you enlarge a little on these doubts? これらの嫌疑に関してもっと説明できますか?(フォロー・ミー)
Your earliest would be Tuesday morning(フォロー・ミー)
Don't you think you were a little excessive in there? ちょっと言いすぎじゃなかった?(フォロー・ミー)
Everything's got to be earned. (フォロー・ミー)
Go ahead and make a public exhibition of yourself. (フォロー・ミー)
This is Julian Cristoforou at this end. (フォロー・ミー)
You need a girl who is not a frump and not a floozy. (フォロー・ミー)
I must say you have a formidable menu. - We pride ourselves on it. (フォロー・ミー)
It's a sirloin, with peaches and peppers flared in brandy. Blackberries flared in whiskey. (フォロー・ミー)
It's not easy setting a detective on your wife. It must seem rather bad form to you. (フォロー・ミー)
She's in the foyer. (フォロー・ミー)
I was at fault. I admit it. But the faults were on both sides. (フォロー・ミー)
My gay young pupil vanished. (フォロー・ミー)
You've become so picky and gritty. (フォロー・ミー)
You have a go at me if you want. (フォロー・ミー)
You look ghastly? (フォロー・ミー)
Granulated sugar. (フォロー・ミー)
If I ate one teeny little anchovy, I'd be coiled like a hoop all night. おなかが痛くてまっすぐ立てない。(フォロー・ミー)
Hudson's Bay Company, HBCハドソン湾会社は、歴史的には北米大陸(特に現在のカナダ)におけるビーバーなどの毛皮貿易のため1670年5月にイングランドの勅許・国策会社として設立され、現在は本社をカナダ・オンタリオ州トロントに置く多国籍企業である。
You know, my dear, people aren't necessarily drags just because they don't go about disguised as motorcyclists or Hudson Bay trappers. (フォロー・ミー)
Two pounds a head. (フォロー・ミー)
She hails a taxi. (フォロー・ミー)
This seems to you improbable? (フォロー・ミー)
How imposing they look on the shelves. (フォロー・ミー)
I don't really like Tuesdays. They are an indeterminate sort of day. (フォロー・ミー)
Indulge me if you like. (フォロー・ミー)
I was idly wandering around looking for a new place to eat. (フォロー・ミー)
Your wife, Mr. Sidley, is very partial to it. So, as a matter of irrelevant fact, am I. (フォロー・ミー)
He's what you call "with it," I suppose. Well-dressed. (フォロー・ミー)
That iceberg language of yours. I can't stand it! (フォロー・ミー)
Is that utterly incomprehensible to you? (フォロー・ミー)
I felt invisible. When I caught a glimpse of my reflection on the window, I was surprised there was anyone there. (フォロー・ミー)
Indian rope trick : The Indian rope trick is a magic trick said to have been performed in and around India during the 19th century. In the simplest version, a long piece of rope is left in a basket and placed in an open field, usually by a fakir. The rope levitates, with no external support. A boy assistant, a jamoora, climbs the rope and then descends. A more elaborate version has the magician (or his assistant) disappearing after reaching the top of the rope, then reappearing at ground level.
Winnie Carstairs used to disappear regularly for three days every Easter. They used to call her the Indian rope. (フォロー・ミー)
Unbearable. Simply jigging with hippies. (フォロー・ミー)
Thousands look to him to save them from poverty, ruin and despair. (フォロー・ミー)
Ah, forgive me. I was lapsing. (フォロー・ミー)
Journeying, as it were, into a colder latitude. (夫婦の関係が冷えた) (フォロー・ミー)
Certain actions indicating lightness of heart. (フォロー・ミー)
Your wife has slept outside her marriage bed. 不倫した。(フォロー・ミー)
All the same, matey, I don't think we should have started without her. (フォロー・ミー)
I really am a superb detective. You see, it's one of the few jobs where being a nondescript is an advantage. I attained nondescript a long time ago. (フォロー・ミー)
As a result of playing all those nose flutes. (フォロー・ミー)
Would you oblige me by answering a few questions? (フォロー・ミー)
The law has gone soft, like an overripe melon. (フォロー・ミー)
Orpheus tried to lead his girl out of hell by not looking at her. (フォロー・ミー)
If you don't take the plunge soon, mate, you're going to end up as an Old Mud. Masculine for an Old Maid. (フォロー・ミー)
There are even one or two dollies who kept an excellent pillow. 性的関係を持った人はいた。(フォロー・ミー)
Have you nothing plainer? (フォロー・ミー)
He's so pruny-looking. (フォロー・ミー)
I tried to become less pruny. (フォロー・ミー)
These basic differences between us began to grow until they were all out of proportion. (フォロー・ミー)
Your wife, Mr. Sidley, is very partial to it. (フォロー・ミー)
I made no bloody provision for it. (フォロー・ミー)
I suppose I'd have put him down as some kind of a nut. (フォロー・ミー)
To be his paramour. (フォロー・ミー)
I became a detective, a public eye. (フォロー・ミー)
He was a little pompous, I know. (フォロー・ミー)
Agreeable. It is a prim little word. (フォロー・ミー)
Put yourself under my orders. (フォロー・ミー)
Could any prospect be more lovely than that? (反語) (フォロー・ミー)
One's quarry hails a taxi and there isn't another one in sight. (フォロー・ミー)
I just don't seem to be able to relate to any of your friends. (フォロー・ミー)
At any rate. (フォロー・ミー)
That's rather rich, coming from you. (フォロー・ミー)
The client looks down on the whore who relieves him. (フォロー・ミー)
He shows great restraint at all times. (フォロー・ミー)
Are you sure you haven't got pneumonia? It's raging through London. (フォロー・ミー)
A man is totally run-down. (フォロー・ミー)
To universal regret. (フォロー・ミー)
The rustle of my own emotions growing. (フォロー・ミー)
Inland Revenue are holding me to ransom. 重税を課してくる。(フォロー・ミー)
I'm a square, and squares have no feelings. It's as simple as that. (フォロー・ミー)
That's the soonest you can manage. (フォロー・ミー)
No stone unturned, no pound unearned. (フォロー・ミー)
Are you sure you wouldn't like a macaroon? They're very sustaining. (フォロー・ミー)
I'd felt myself slipping away into middle life. (フォロー・ミー)
I bet I'm the single most ignorant person you've ever met. (フォロー・ミー)
The trendy set used to wear them in India. (フォロー・ミー)
We need a return to the old-fashioned law enforcement. Bring back the pillory and the stocks. (フォロー・ミー)
All the same, matey, I don't think we should have started without her. (フォロー・ミー)
Subject collects hat and emerges wearing it. (フォロー・ミー)
Subject in exquisite green hat. (フォロー・ミー)
Subject enters a cinema playing a double bill of horror films. (フォロー・ミー)
For someone who's trying to be honest, you make a pretty rotten showing. (フォロー・ミー)
You set me on your wife. (フォロー・ミー)
Setting a low, sneaking, prying detective on her. (フォロー・ミー)
I'm always in transit. That's my life. I've just been to India. (フォロー・ミー)
My real name's Janet. Isn't that tacky? (フォロー・ミー)
She reacted to a little tactful reform. (フォロー・ミー)
This is a really beautiful example of a Tudor home. (フォロー・ミー)
They've used terracotta instead of stone. (フォロー・ミー)
When you're in the throes of courtship and honeymooning, you're not conscious of them. (フォロー・ミー)
Doing turns in front of the mic. (フォロー・ミー)
Your wife is being sexually unfaithful to you. (フォロー・ミー)
Walks east without undue hurry. (フォロー・ミー)
There is no sin in the world more unpardonable than denying you were pleased. (フォロー・ミー)
The Jacket is unflattering perhaps, but helpful. (フォロー・ミー)
I'm not the village idiot. (フォロー・ミー)
He keeps everything to himself. Vintage Englishman. (フォロー・ミー)
The man whose face goes all veiled with joy when he hears Mozart. (フォロー・ミー)
My wits are scattered when they should be most collected. (フォロー・ミー)
It was a very plain meal. We began with whitebait. シラス(フォロー・ミー)
I'm getting a little weary of that word. (フォロー・ミー)
Wilted lettuce. (フォロー・ミー)
You can buy anything there from a watering can to a weeping willow. (フォロー・ミー)
I was at my wit's end. (フォロー・ミー)
All you want is to find your way back to him. - Oh, stop it. All that magazine-y language. - I've got a magazine-y mind. (フォロー・ミー)