Your poor father would be appalled at your lack of promotion. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Tuttle has wrecked an entire flat and sabotaged adjacent Central Services. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Perhaps the machine's on the blink. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Braised veal in wine sauce. (未来世紀ブラジル)
They turn a blind eye. (未来世紀ブラジル)
I'll blast your fucking head off! (未来世紀ブラジル)
You probably think I'm bonkers, right? (未来世紀ブラジル)
I'll soon be up and bounding about like a young gazelle. (未来世紀ブラジル)
This is a black eye for the department. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Until this all blows over, just stay away from me. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Recruiting the brightest. (未来世紀ブラジル)
I brought you a bottle of barley water. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Close-quarter combat fighting. (未来世紀ブラジル)
You're a good man in a tight corner. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Someone, somewhere, is trying to make us carry the can. (未来世紀ブラジル)
We've got a crack team. (未来世紀ブラジル)
It's a great Niagara of perspiration coming down. I'm lucky. I've got these thick eyebrows. That keeps it up and channels it out to the ears. (未来世紀ブラジル)
You have to go through the proper channels. (未来世紀ブラジル)
A very clear delineation of picture. (未来世紀ブラジル)
We remove the excess derma off your face. (未来世紀ブラジル)
The population census has got him down as dormanted. 該当者なし(未来世紀ブラジル)
Faces are a doddle for a plastic surgeon, compared to tits and ass. (未来世紀ブラジル)
I know her age and distinguishing marks. (未来世紀ブラジル)
This is Information Retrieval, not Information Dispersal. (未来世紀ブラジル)
I'll deactivate her. (未来世紀ブラジル)
I hereby inform you, under powers entrusted to me. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Security has got him down as excised. 抹消(未来世紀ブラジル)
The flaccid tissues under the eyes. (未来世紀ブラジル)
The morning found me miles away. (未来世紀ブラジル)
I always wondered if she wore falsies. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Computers are my forte. (未来世紀ブラジル)
fall at the first fence : If something falls at the first fence, it goes wrong or fails at the first or an early stage.
All I can say is don't fall at the last fence. The finish is in sight. See you in the paddock. (未来世紀ブラジル)
In free society, information is the name of the game. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Would you like to be Surgeon General? (未来世紀ブラジル)
It's been confusion from the word go. (未来世紀ブラジル)
You seem to have rather a lot to get on with yourself. (未来世紀ブラジル)
They love to get their hands on Harry Tuttle. 逮捕したい。(未来世紀ブラジル)
Here's looking at you, kid. - Here's looking at you. 君に乾杯(未来世紀ブラジル)
I just don't want you to be under any false impressions. (未来世紀ブラジル)
We're all in it together. (未来世紀ブラジル)
These bandages will be off in a jiffy. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Juggle the books. (未来世紀ブラジル)
They don't take kindly to sabotage. (未来世紀ブラジル)
They'd get a lot more out of life. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Let a friend tell you your life is going wrong. (未来世紀ブラジル)
I think I've broken a bone. My wrist is all limp. (未来世紀ブラジル)
We should take the lorry and get away! (未来世紀ブラジル)
You don't think Tuttle and the girl are in league, do you? (未来世紀ブラジル)
Between you and me, mademoiselle. (未来世紀ブラジル)
In six months, she'll look like Grandma Moses. 老婆に見えるよ。(未来世紀ブラジル)
Looking like they've been mugged. ひどい見た目だ。(未来世紀ブラジル)
It's impossible to get noticed. (未来世紀ブラジル)
I keep his name alive. (未来世紀ブラジル)
It's a great Niagara of perspiration coming down. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Care for a little necrophilia? (未来世紀ブラジル)
There was certainly a bit of an own goal. (未来世紀ブラジル)
A most perceptive choice, if I may say so. (未来世紀ブラジル)
I've just had the transport pool onto me. 苦情?(未来世紀ブラジル)
I'm going to leave you two lovebirds in peace. (未来世紀ブラジル)
There are rigid parameters laid down to prevent such things happening. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Don't think you can intimidate us with your friends in high places! (未来世紀ブラジル)
I'm doing everything within my power. (未来世紀ブラジル)
We're fielding all their strokes, running all of them out. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Are you boys giving me the runaround? (未来世紀ブラジル)
Like a Rembrandt etching. (未来世紀ブラジル)
I've been told to report to Mr. Warrenn. (未来世紀ブラジル)
I want this order rescinded. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Knocking them for six. (未来世紀ブラジル)
We'll have everything shipshape in a jiffy. (未来世紀ブラジル)
The electrics here are up the spout. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Didn't expect to see you slumming it. (未来世紀ブラジル)
It's your mother, isn't it? Pulling strings again. (未来世紀ブラジル)
I'd tell you where to stick it. (未来世紀ブラジル)
The Ministry is very scrupulous about following up and eradicating any error. (未来世紀ブラジル)
You've had that scab Tuttle here. (未来世紀ブラジル)
You stupid sod. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Best to take things slowly where some women are concerned. (未来世紀ブラジル)
These helmets make your scalp itch. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Now shape up! (未来世紀ブラジル)
I'm a bit of a stickler for paperwork. (未来世紀ブラジル)
up stumps《クリケット》スタンプを引き抜く、プレー[試合]を終了[中止]する
Okay guys, up stumps. : よーしゲーム終了だ。【同】We're finished.
Sam, I think I ought to tell you. I'm afraid she's upped stumps and retired to the pavilion. Thrown in the towel. Dead. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Gift tokens. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Tier reorganization. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Personnel transporter. (未来世紀ブラジル)
In triplicate. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Quick thinking. Excellent work. (未来世紀ブラジル)
The Ministry of Information has become too large and unwieldy. (未来世紀ブラジル)
I want nothing unsavory. (未来世紀ブラジル)
He'll take you under his wing. (未来世紀ブラジル)
She's got what's-her-name with her. (未来世紀ブラジル)
I'm a bit of a whiz on that thing. (未来世紀ブラジル)
I won't look at your willy. (未来世紀ブラジル)
They'll be lying in wait! (未来世紀ブラジル)
It's more than our job's worth. (未来世紀ブラジル)
He has wrecked an entire flat. (未来世紀ブラジル)