
ブーリン家の姉妹は歴史上悪名をはせた人物として必ず上位にはいるイギリスの国王ヘンリー8世をとりまくストーリー。絶対的な権力を盾にしてやりたい放題なのは、時代は変われど現代でもいたるところで見受けられるのは周知のとおり。  彼の非道ぶり。簡略化しても次の通り。ヘンリー8世の最初の王妃キャサリン・オブ・アラゴンに男児が生まれないとわかるや否や、難癖をつけて離婚。 王妃キャサリンの侍女メアリー・ブーリンは ヘンリー8世と関係を持つが、また男児が生まれないことに愛想をつかされ今度は処刑される。なんとその翌日ヘンリー8世 はメアリー・ブーリン のまたまた侍女であったジェーン・シーモアと婚約。これだけでも同じ人間と思えない罪深い獣。しかもそれは氷山の一角。


今回上昇志向の高い メアリー・ブーリンを演じているのは映画レオンのナタリーポートマン。


終始おどろおどろしい雰囲気の映画でした。それに拍車を変えているのはオーストラリア映画”チョッパー”主演のの エリック・バナ。世の中には近寄ってはいけないまたは目を合わせてはいけない人たまにいますよね。そんな雰囲気を演じさせたら彼の右に出る人はなかなか思い浮かびません。

以下感心した( 震えあがった!? )フレーズをデータベースに入れましたので、ここでもご紹介します。

She's not a simple, uncomplicated girl. She's anything but. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


We're alone in knowing this. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


It's one thing to catch a king, quite another to keep him. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


I would not presume to interfere in affairs of state. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Not by stamping their little feet but by allowing the men to believe that they, indeed, are in charge. That is the art of being a woman. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


You chose Mary above me. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


All may be well. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


For appearances' sake only. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


It's getting more and more difficult to arouse him. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Well, he's betrothed. - Betrothed is not married. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Have me bed him instead? (ブーリン家の姉妹)


The king will be here betimes. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


As his wife, of course, I would do his bidding. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


The king came out of your room besotted. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Wedded and bedded. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Banished abroad in disgrace. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


God turned his back on all this a long time ago. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


So you must return as your uncle bids. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


If I give the king a son, he will not bear the name "bastard." (ブーリン家の姉妹)


I am Katherine, queen of England, the king's one true wife and mother of the heir to the throne. Beloved of the people, and beloved of a king. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


The king and queen, once happily married now barely speak. The failure to provide a male heir has consumed them. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


They gave me a commission. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Everyone was prepared to concede defeat. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Charmed life in the country. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Don't concern yourself with me. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Damn you. Not a single detail was left to chance. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


We are speaking in whispers. Hardly conducive to passion. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


His prior betrothal to you was actually consummated. 前の婚約時に初夜をともにした。(ブーリン家の姉妹)


You want me to creep away and become a nun? (ブーリン家の姉妹)


So your concern has just cause but keep your counsel for now. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


You'll look after Elizabeth? 私の死後エリザベスをお願い。- It won't come to that そうはならないわ(ブーリン家の姉妹)


You are advised not to do so again. You will not be shown the same clemency a second time. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Sweet Jesus, I commend my soul to thee. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


To be mistress of the king of England is by no means to diminish yourself. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Divert him. Beguile him. Enchant him. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


I'm lied to a hundred times a day. One learns how to decipher a face. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


I receive regular reports from the dowager queen. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Now that Anne's back, you can be doubly jealous. 2重に嫉妬するであろう。(ブーリン家の姉妹)


As long as we remain unmarried any child I gave you would be dubbed "bastard." (ブーリン家の姉妹)


I am forever in your debt. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Freed yourself from the decadence of a corrupt Church. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Married before your older sister. I'm eclipsed. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


You must excel at that. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


He's requested that you come to court with immediate effect. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Look, she has her eye on you. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


I'm in exile. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


I hope you kept your ears shut. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


I think you've earned that privilege. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


I will be excommunicated. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


We must influence him in our favor with whatever means we have. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Mistress Boleyn is reading our fortunes. - Read mine. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


How can you show your face in here? (ブーリン家の姉妹)


I could give myself to you fully. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


If the trial continues, the bishops will still find in the king's favor. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


You could yet fall pregnant. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Wish you'd married someone grander? (ブーリン家の姉妹)


What I wouldn't give to go back to that day ! (ブーリン家の姉妹)


The king as good as gave me his word. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


The goodliest and gentlest master. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


You've reached too high 高望みしすぎ(ブーリン家の姉妹)


The result will be hollow. The people will never support it. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


A husk who failed you.(ブーリン家の姉妹)


You could secure for yourself and for this family incalculable wealth and position. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


You have a daughter? No one said anything of a daughter. Had we known, we might have come sooner. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Mary, you've obviously made a deep impression on the king. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Usually, my instincts are sharp. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


So your concern has just cause but keep your counsel for now. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


They did knowingly commit incest. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


New lady-in-waiting. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


I'm lied to a hundred times a day. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


I have lain with my husband. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Stay there until you have learned your lesson. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


She must begin her lying-in, immediately. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Now that Mary is lying-in, the king will no longer bed her. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


she was entertaining Lutherans and heretics. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


You should not have given yourself so lightly. 簡単に王に身を許すべきではなかった。(ブーリン家の姉妹)


Fetch my lady's leg-warmer. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


He won't lie with me. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


A marquis or a duke at least. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


I'd be married off to a duke. I could be a happy duchess. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Any scandal, any mark upon her name could be fatal. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Would a smile be too much to ask? - What's there to smile about? (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Such meager authority as a man. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Send the queen to a nunnery. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


One wouldn't want to outshine her. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Parade their daughters under the king’s nose. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


He got up in the middle of the night and used a pisspot by the side of the bed. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


The king has also offered me a position as a gentleman of the Privy Council. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Sing your praises. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


I would not presume to interfere in affairs of state. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


He's already precontracted to Mary Talbot. すでに結婚の約束をすでにしていた。(ブーリン家の姉妹)


His pettiness is astounding. He will bear a mortal grudge over the mildest of slights. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Spoiled cub with a spike in its paw. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Then my prayers have been answered. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


As a peace offering between us. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


The crowds have no vote and the bishops that do are in Wolsey's pocket. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


He will pass me over. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Let's pray he takes pity on me. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


The king and his retinue. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


The stag went into the woods and led us to the deep ravine. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Spoiled cub with a spike in its paw. Riven with resentment. Unable to forgive or forget. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


A great man rises above such things. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Your right hand in matters of state. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


We are forever reduced to meeting in secret like this, speaking in whispers. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Beyond reproach. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Not if you rack me to within an inch of my life. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Read out the indictment. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


As for my offenses God knows them. And I remit them to God. ゆだねる(ブーリン家の姉妹)


Everyone improves the standing of their family with their daughters. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


I imagine it won't be long before he seeks solace with a mistress. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Tell me everything in the morning. No details spared. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


You could secure for yourself and for this family incalculable wealth and position. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


There is a strain on the king's marriage. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


What if you were to look on the bright side? (ブーリン家の姉妹)


spit boy : The spit boy in royal history refers to a young boy who had the task of turning the roasting spit in the royal kitchen.

Where's the spit boy? (ブーリン家の姉妹)


The king has secured for you, a position in the queen's household. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


The inner sanctum. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


This is not a request. We have been summoned. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Oh, vile girl. She's the most ambitious little serpent. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


I know what it is to be the second child. Forever in the shadows. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


My heart and I surrender themselves into your hands. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


These gifts, this favor will go as swiftly as it came. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


His head now rots on a spike. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


His pettiness is astounding. He will bear a mortal grudge over the mildest of slights. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


These are vagabonds who'll stop at nothing to take your money. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


A man's love is worthless. Our mother succumbed to love. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


I subject a good woman to such an ordeal. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Spare me this humiliation. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Spanish blood shackles you to Rome. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Must I spell it out? (ブーリン家の姉妹)


I think she's the kinder of the two sisters. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Your sister, though, is thriving. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


If that's what you think, tell yourself that. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


The truth will be out. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


You cannot undo what has been done. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


These are vagabonds who'll stop at nothing to take your money. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


I vow I will never lie with my wife. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


She must be well-read, know her music. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


She is whoring in public with the king, an adulterer. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


What is treason? Anything the king or his lawyers decide it to be. On a whim. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


You better have a plan, and that plan had better work. (ブーリン家の姉妹)


Will you destroy your marriage, your country, your soul before God on the whim of one girl? (ブーリン家の姉妹)


I can smell the whore on you. (ブーリン家の姉妹)