『ワールズ・エンド 酔っぱらいが世界を救う!』(The World's End)は5人の酔っ払いおっさんたちが一晩に12件のイングリッシュパブをはしご酒することに挑戦している最中にエイリアンに遭遇する話。そのエイリアンたちの目的は 銀河系の星々の文明を高めるというもの。現地人の体を乗っ取るといった手口。とにかく町中がエイリアンだらけで主人公たちを襲ってくるのですが、ハリウッドのエイリアンと比較するのもなんですが、とにかく弱い。弱すぎる。丸腰の一人の中年酔っ払い相手に5人以上のエイリアンが始末されるような弱さ。挙句の果てにはラスボスが 酒に逃れてばかりの人生だったゲイリーをみて、文明を高めるはずの目的をあっけなく放棄するというなんかほっこりとさせられます。
You fucking alky. (ワールズ・エンド)
We are here to get annihilated. 酔っぱらう(ワールズ・エンド)
They didn't have running water in Arthurian times. (ワールズ・エンド)
Twins doesn't automatically make them creepy. (ワールズ・エンド)
You had sex with them. - A, I did not, and, B, how did you know about that? - A, it's a small town, B, I'm not stupid and, C, they told me. (ワールズ・エンド)
The aliens appropriate a small percentage of the population. (ワールズ・エンド)
You act out the same cycles of self-destruction again and again. (ワールズ・エンド)
Start afresh. (ワールズ・エンド)
He's a pretty good dad by all accounts. (ワールズ・エンド)
We blew off the last three pubs. (ワールズ・エンド)
Come on, you bellends. We're going to be late. (ワールズ・エンド)
I started my own firm in '98. Got bought out. (ワールズ・エンド)
Blind drunk. (ワールズ・エンド)
You got a big boner. (ワールズ・エンド)
You're barred. (ワールズ・エンド)
Bottling up past trauma. (ワールズ・エンド)
Can you get through to Sam? - I've got full bars and I'm not getting through. 電波はある(ワールズ・エンド)
Thanks a bunch. (ワールズ・エンド)
You'll already know that it's a rare treat for rogues, reverends, royalty and all good folks between. (ワールズ・エンド)
I'm afraid we've drawn a blank. (ワールズ・エンド)
We just had a barney. (ワールズ・エンド)
The aliens were getting ready, burrowing in underground, preparing. (ワールズ・エンド)
They're blending in. (ワールズ・エンド)
I was stern, yes. A little frightening. But it's all for our betterment. (ワールズ・エンド)
You bit off more than you can chew. (ワールズ・エンド)
We are more belligerent, more stubborn. (ワールズ・エンド)
Talk about the Big Smoke. (ワールズ・エンド)
I hope he's happy. I just hope he found his happiness beyond the bottom of a glass. 酒に頼らずに幸せになってほしい(ワールズ・エンド)
Draw first blood 初戦に勝つ、先制する(ワールズ・エンド)
Pint six put him out of commission, so we carried on without him. (ワールズ・エンド)
Let battle commence. (ワールズ・エンド)
Don't you miss it? The laughs, the camaraderie. (ワールズ・エンド)
I co-manage a boutique estate agency. (ワールズ・エンド)
We're just back to see the sights. Have a crack at the old Golden Mile. (ワールズ・エンド)
The pub has been refurbished? Been bought by a chain, hasn't it? (ワールズ・エンド)
Bottling up past trauma can lead to inadequate coping strategies in later life. (ワールズ・エンド)
He made me miss more school days than chicken pox. (ワールズ・エンド)
You've said too much, Trevor. Yeah, put a cork in it. (ワールズ・エンド)
You're obviously a connoisseur. (ワールズ・エンド)
Oh, crumbs. (ワールズ・エンド)
Chuck us a ciggie. (ワールズ・エンド)
We should keep on with the crawl. (pub crawl) (ワールズ・エンド)
We should do chasers. (ワールズ・エンド)
I do something right for a change and you fuckers get on my case. (ワールズ・エンド)
We're still on the crawl. (ワールズ・エンド)
Have you not marveled as information technology has surged forward? Earth has grown smaller yet greater as connectivity has grown. (ワールズ・エンド)
Now, you might think Gary's a bit of a cock, and he is a bit of a cock, but he's my cock. (ワールズ・エンド)
We went into the disableds. (ワールズ・エンド)
They'll all have dormer windows. (ワールズ・エンド)
The place is a bit draughty. (ワールズ・エンド)
Dr. Martens, also commonly known as Doc Martens, Docs or DMs, is a German-founded British footwear and clothing brand, headquartered in Wollaston in the Wellingborough district of Northamptonshire, England.
What I'd really like is for you to take your DMs off the sofa. (ワールズ・エンド)
It's just a little bit out of our price range. - He'll knock some off for you. What's it down for? - 1.2 million.
Down : In marketing contexts such as this, the word down is a commonly used shorthand for "down payment." (ワールズ・エンド)
I'm showing you the door. (ワールズ・エンド)
D'Artagnanダルタニャン(仏) アトス、ポルトス、アラミスら三銃士と友人になり、リシュリュー枢機卿の陰謀を打ち破る。
Three Musketeers, isn't it? Four if you count D'Artagnan. (ワールズ・エンド)
be / get done (British English informal): to be caught by the police for doing something illegal, but usually not too seriousbe/get done for I got done for speeding last night.
Suppose I get done by the police? - You won't get done by the police. (ワールズ・エンド)
The pub has been bought by a chain, hasn't it? Part of that nationwide initiative to rob small, charming pubs of any discernible character. Starbucking, man. It's happening everywhere. (ワールズ・エンド)
ducky : The term "ducky" in British English is an affectionate slang term used to address someone, similar to "dear" or "darling." Its origin is uncertain, but it is thought to have originated from the word "duck," which has been used as a term of endearment since the 16th century. It may also be related to the idea of someone being as lovely as a duck. A word to describe a perfect girl who is absolutely beautiful.
I'm less of a man because I choose to drink water? - Well, it's a bit "ooh ducky", innit? (ワールズ・エンド)
There's nothing "ooh ducky" about being teetotal. (ワールズ・エンド)
The disableds is out of order. 多目的トイレ(ワールズ・エンド)
He punched me so hard he dislodged my eyeball. (ワールズ・エンド)
Dismembered bodies. (ワールズ・エンド)
It's like Dutch courage, isn't it? You know, when the English soldiers used to drink Dutch gin before battle to give them super strength. (ワールズ・エンド)
I told you in the disableds. (ワールズ・エンド)
Here you go, get these down you. ぐっとやれ(ワールズ・エンド)
He is a detriment to himself, just as Earth is a detriment to the galaxy. (ワールズ・エンド)
Just leave us to our own devices, you intergalactic arseholes. (ワールズ・エンド)
You will be left to your own devices. (ワールズ・エンド)
I'd say that's Erika Leekes on the left, Tracy Benson on the right, and by process of elimination, there's Becky Salt in the middle. (ワールズ・エンド)
We're just your fucking enablers. (ワールズ・エンド)
You better come out with some hard evidence that you're human. (ワールズ・エンド)
He fancied himself as a bit of a player, but really, he was all mouth. (ワールズ・エンド)
Chew the fat. (ワールズ・エンド)
Your left brake light is faulty. (ワールズ・エンド)
She wore those fishnet stockings. (ワールズ・エンド)
You said you wanted to catch up and chew the fat. (ワールズ・エンド)
It's a delightful brew. Hoppy, nutty, foamy. (ワールズ・エンド)
Who was the boy that you liked in sixth form? (ワールズ・エンド)
Have you got anyone else on the go? 今付き合ってる人は(ワールズ・エンド)
This is a bit grown up, isn't it? 大人っぽい(ワールズ・エンド)
Make a quick getaway. (ワールズ・エンド)
Didn't you manage to get off with Erika. (ワールズ・エンド)
Steve's let himself go a bit. ふけたね。(ワールズ・エンド)
We can't stay in the gents forever. Not a single one has come back out of the gents again. That's going to look suspicious. (GASPS) Gay loving. (ワールズ・エンド)
What are you getting at, Gary? (ワールズ・エンド)
Not the only glitch in your system. (ワールズ・エンド)
The old Ollie always had a gift for the gab. (ワールズ・エンド)
We took my car into town. I called it The Beast because she was pretty hairy. (ワールズ・エンド)
We hit pub one. (ワールズ・エンド)
helmet: The first meaning is another name for the head of the penis. Due to the similarity of shape and positioning on the end of the penis. However you can also call someone a 'helmet'. You would use this if they are acting like a total idiot by saying or doing ridiculous things.
Who's the helmet without an helmet? (ワールズ・エンド)
A man of your legendary prowess drinking fucking water. It's like seeing a lion eating some hummus. (ワールズ・エンド)
have somebody over (also have somebody round especially British English) (phrasal verb): if you have someone over, they come to your house for a meal, drink etc because you have invited them We must have you over for dinner before we leave.
We should get them over. (ワールズ・エンド)
Plenty more fun to be had. (ワールズ・エンド)
They will have everything in hand. (ワールズ・エンド)
It breaks my heart to see you waste your affections on Gary fucking King. (ワールズ・エンド)
I would drop her in a heartbeat if it meant that I had one last chance with you. (ワールズ・エンド)
haul it〈米俗〉ずらかる
I'm parked right round here somewhere. Haul it. Just go! (ワールズ・エンド)
They don't want to get rid of us, not if they can help it. (ワールズ・エンド)
Whoa, hold up. Hold up. 待て(ワールズ・エンド)
It was best to keep her out of harm's way. (ワールズ・エンド)
I'm hard pressed to recall any processed foods I actually miss. (ワールズ・エンド)
Not an issue. (ワールズ・エンド)
Two isosceles triangles forming a rhombus. (ワールズ・エンド)
They replaced people of influence, taking over the institutions. (ワールズ・エンド)
Still got it. まだモテた。(ワールズ・エンド)
We create simulants to spread our ideologies through peaceful indoctrination. (ワールズ・エンド)
There is no room for imperfection. (ワールズ・エンド)
You don't need us to help you get fucked up, You've done a perfectly good job so far on your own. (ワールズ・エンド)
It's just a little bit out of our price range. - He'll knock some off for you. (ワールズ・エンド)
We want to get loaded. (ワールズ・エンド)
Are you looking to buy a car? (ワールズ・エンド)
I've always wondered, what's that thing over the door called? - That's a lintel. (ワールズ・エンド)
She was two weeks late. 生理が2週間着てなかった(ワールズ・エンド)
Just to lay it all out there, I am currently seeing a fitness instructor. (ワールズ・エンド)
Bring us into line with all the others. (ワールズ・エンド)
We wait for an opening, and then we leg it to The Beast. (ワールズ・エンド)
Oh, fuck off, you big lamp. (ワールズ・エンド)
We want to get loaded. (ワールズ・エンド)
He picked up where the other one left off. (ワールズ・エンド)
he fancied himself as a bit of a player, but really, he was all mouth. (ワールズ・エンド)
He was absolutely minted. 金持ち(ワールズ・エンド)
Our journey into manhood began. (ワールズ・エンド)
Have you got to check with your missus? (ワールズ・エンド)
I had to replace the brakes, suspension, exhaust, seats, wheels, paneling, carburetor, manifold, the whole engine. (ワールズ・エンド)
He would have had a mead. The King Arthur of beers. (ワールズ・エンド)
Let the man you have become be the boy you were. (ワールズ・エンド)
I'm less of a man because I choose to drink water? (ワールズ・エンド)
It's bad enough having to look at your old, ugly mugs. (ワールズ・エンド)
Gary, you're not a bad person, but you're not boyfriend material. (ワールズ・エンド)
You were trying to help yourself, more like! (ワールズ・エンド)
Recycled, mulched and converted into fertilizer. (ワールズ・エンド)
Your reliance on profanity is a measure of your immaturity. (ワールズ・エンド)
That morning gave a whole new meaning. (ワールズ・エンド)
I'm afraid the end is nigh. (ワールズ・エンド)
Does it have a surprisingly fruity note which lingers on the tongue? (ワールズ・エンド)
I'm just going to nip to the loo. (ワールズ・エンド)
Let's finish our drinks. I say we neck these and get the fuck out of here. (ワールズ・エンド)
I thought that was to numb the sense of impending doom. (ワールズ・エンド)
We're just five friends on a night out, having a good time. (ワールズ・エンド)
The purchase of herbal narcotics. (ワールズ・エンド)
You numpty. (ワールズ・エンド)
nit nurse (plural nit nurses) (Britain, dated) A nurse who periodically checked schoolchildren's hair for lice. (ワールズ・エンド)
You know he'll outlive us all. (ワールズ・エンド)
My wife wanted us to go organic. (ワールズ・エンド)
I certainly had to get tough with you in my day. And what one amongst you wouldn't thank me for it? (ワールズ・エンド)
para: This is a slang term. PARA stands for Paralytic, very drunk. The meaning of PARA is Paralytic, very drunk.
Everyone got para and Pete chucked a whitey, so we had to bench him. (ワールズ・エンド)
It's just robbing Peter to pay Paul. - No, I borrowed it from Peter to pay you. I still owe Paul. (ワールズ・エンド)
We will be partaking of a liquid repast. (ワールズ・エンド)
A man of your legendary prowess. (ワールズ・エンド)
That's not very PC, Gary. (ワールズ・エンド)
You proceeded to try and get in her pants at every opportunity. (ワールズ・エンド)
Put too many paper towels down the toilet. (ワールズ・エンド)
I don't want to put any more points on Pete's license. 違反点数(ワールズ・エンド)
What will it be, one of our guest ales perchance? (ワールズ・エンド)
We've been through some crazy shit tonight and it's really put things in perspective for me. (ワールズ・エンド)
We don't see you for years and you just pitch up. (ワールズ・エンド)
So we repaired to the bowls club. (ワールズ・エンド)
Take a moment to look upon the town in its original colors, boys, for tonight we paint it red. (ワールズ・エンド)
I'll give you my name and address, you can run me through the old system. (ワールズ・エンド)
We will be partaking of a liquid repast. (ワールズ・エンド)
You get lost on the ring road again? (ワールズ・エンド)
Two isosceles triangles forming a rhombus. (ワールズ・エンド)
I know, my mum could be dead. For reals this time. (ワールズ・エンド) (ワールズ・エンド)
The word robot actually comes from an old Czech word, Robotnik, meaning slave. (ワールズ・エンド)
Saliva on the rim of a glass. (ワールズ・エンド)
They want us along for the ride. (ワールズ・エンド)
You leave us no recourse. If you will not join us willingly, we will be forced to use other means of persuasion. (ワールズ・エンド)
We re-enacted the Knife Game from Aliens and I stabbed you in the middle finger. (ワールズ・エンド)
To ready the population for participation in our galactic community. (ワールズ・エンド)
You are revolting against the wisdom. (ワールズ・エンド)
I got lost on the ring road. (ワールズ・エンド)
We're gonna see it through to the bitter end. (ワールズ・エンド)
Sink a few pints. (ワールズ・エンド)
take stock 〔資産などを〕見積も
Taking stock of your assets will help you make a wise investment. : 資産を見積もることは、賢い投資をする上で役立つ。
This is our chance to take stock. 友情の再確認だ(ワールズ・エンド)
You have a very selective memory. You remember the Friday nights. I remember the Monday mornings. (ワールズ・エンド)
When all's said and done, you're the best friend I’ve ever had. (ワールズ・エンド)
Three Musketeers, isn't it? Four if you count D'Artagnan. - Well, nobody knows how many there were, really, do they, Pete? I mean, history's a sketchbook. (D'Artagnanダルタニャン(仏) アトス、ポルトス、アラミスら三銃士と友人になり、リシュリュー枢機卿の陰謀を打ち破る。) (ワールズ・エンド)
The pub has been bought by a chain, hasn't it? Part of that nationwide initiative to rob small, charming pubs of any discernible character. Starbucking, man. It's happening everywhere. (ワールズ・エンド)
You really have a selective memory, don't you? (ワールズ・エンド)
You've grown, haven't you? - Yeah, sideways. 太ったよ。(ワールズ・エンド)
I'm the same old Gary. - No shit. (ワールズ・エンド)
Didn't he spout some bullshit about the Bermuda Triangle actually being a square? (ワールズ・エンド)
Something of a personal triumph, if I say so myself. (ワールズ・エンド)
I knew seeing your faces again would spell trouble. (ワールズ・エンド)
You got that 50cc Suzuki. (ワールズ・エンド)
It doesn't say "King Gary. It says "King Gay". - Some cunt scrubbed out the "R"! (ワールズ・エンド)
We create simulants to spread our ideologies. (ワールズ・エンド)
Must the galaxy be subjected to an entire planet of people like you? (ワールズ・エンド)
Stop fucking Starbucking us. (ワールズ・エンド)
Our problems didn't seem as bad in the grand scheme of things. (ワールズ・エンド)
Didn't see that coming. (ワールズ・エンド)
They shacked up just outside London. It's a pretty nice shack, too. (ワールズ・エンド)
Sam tagged along for a while. (ワールズ・エンド)
Andy's definitely coming? - Totes. (ワールズ・エンド)
miss a trick好機を見逃す、チャンスを逃す
Anyway, five members sounds much better. I think they missed a trick only having three. (ワールズ・エンド)
Tonight, we will be partaking of a liquid repast as we wend our way up The Golden Mile. Commencing with an inaugural tankard at The First Post. (ワールズ・エンド)
A humble taproom where a weary traveler might get twatted. (ワールズ・エンド)
A humble taproom where a weary traveler might get twatted. (ワールズ・エンド)
I had a thing about Sam. (ワールズ・エンド)
Is that a thing now, is it? (ワールズ・エンド)
You want to tag along? (ワールズ・エンド)
We paved the way for you lot. Blazed a trail. (ワールズ・エンド)
Andy can drive, he's teetotal! (ワールズ・エンド)
My thoughts precisely. (ワールズ・エンド)
It's about togetherness. (ワールズ・エンド)
call time〈審判が〉タイムを宣告する
We're calling time. (ワールズ・エンド)
I ain't perfect. - And therein lies the necessity for this intervention. (ワールズ・エンド)
Keep your voice down. (ワールズ・エンド)
It looks like you, it even has your memories, but really it's just a vessel. (ワールズ・エンド)
Recycled, mulched and converted into fertilizer, whereupon they are returned to the earth to promote verdancy and growth. (ワールズ・エンド)
Andy was my wingman. (ワールズ・エンド)
A whitey or white-out (sometimes "green-out" or "greening"): is a drug slang term for when a recreational drug user, as a direct or indirect result of drug use (usually cannabis), begins to feel faint and vomits.
whitey: Happens when smoking too much weed, you go pale, feel dizzy and drowsy, and start to vomit. When on a whitey you often stop talking. If you whitey keep smoking more weed, until you have passed it. Sleeping while on a whitey makes you spin out and feel worse.
Last night I went on a real bad whitey, I was being sick for 4 hours.
Everyone got para and Pete chucked a whitey, so we had to bench him. (Para is a slang term. PARA stands for Paralytic, very drunk. The meaning of PARA is Paralytic, very drunk.) (ワールズ・エンド)
WTF?「なんだって!?」という意味の「What The Fuck」を略した言葉。
Jesus, Gary! WTF? (ワールズ・エンド)
wide-on (plural wide-ons): (slang, vulgar) A sexually-aroused vagina; a state of female sexual arousal.
She always had a massive wide on for Adrian Keane. I hated that prick. (ワールズ・エンド)
Can we not talk about my sister in relation to, A, massive wide ons, B, Steven's erect penis? (ワールズ・エンド)
Leave the past where it is. (ワールズ・エンド)
You are not gonna wriggle out of it this time. (ワールズ・エンド)
I was wasted. (ワールズ・エンド)
No wear and tear, no scars. (ワールズ・エンド)
Recycled, mulched and converted into fertilizer, whereupon they are returned to the earth to promote verdancy and growth. (ワールズ・エンド)
We decided to walk off hangover. (ワールズ・エンド)