
2002年製作のイギリス映画。 監督は『トレインスポッティング』ダニーボイル。 








The belly of the house. The heart. (28日後)


If you look at the whole life of the planet, Man has only been around for a few blinks of an eye. (28日後)


Take a butcher's. (28日後)


I'm a bicycle courier. (28日後)


We've got Mum's creme de menthe. (28日後)


Sound carries in this flat, you know, jerry-built I suppose. 壁が薄いこの建物はドイツ人が作ったに違いない。(28日後)


If I never see another chocolate bar again, it'll be too soon. チョコはうんざりNot counting Terry's Chocolate Orange! (28日後)


Cheeky monkey! (28日後)


Mitchell managed to knock him out cold and we got a chain round his neck. (28日後)


You wanna get your hands on a really big chopper. (28日後)


I heard something. It sounded like a Claymore to me. (28日後)


ETA, 15. (28日後)


I swear to God it's gonna end badly for you. (28日後)


Did you have a fry-up? (28日後)


Floodlights which we've rigged up to a generator. (28日後)


I can't tell you how badly we need someone with a little flair in the kitchen. (28日後)


All right, I'll go and hit the floods, 照明をつけてくる(28日後)


I lost my grip on my sister's hand. (28日後)


as good as it gets


This is as good as it gets! I've never seen such a beautiful sea. : 最高だ!これほど美しい海は見たことがない。


This is as good as it gets! : これが俺の実力なんだ。

Staying alive is as good as it gets. (28日後)


Re-secure the perimeter, Sir. Then get to it. (28日後)


You two should get on like a house on fire. (28日後)


I'll do it in a heartbeat. (28日後)


Now, the first thing we're going to do is make you look a little more presentable. It's so happens that the lady of the house has an extensive wardrobe. (28日後)


They've been given an inhibitor. (28日後)


Come on, Frank. Let your daughter live a little. (28日後)


We've been lacing the ground with tripwires and land mines. (28日後)


Defend these stairs with your fucking life! (28日後)


No mod cons here. (28日後)


He's still waiting for Marks and Spencer's to reopen. (28日後)


The army blockades were overrun. (28日後)


Did you notice while cooking that these eggs were off? (28日後)


The OC has gone insane! 少佐(28日後)

The officer in command of a minor unit holds the appointment of "officer commanding" (OC). Higher formations have a commander (usual for a brigade) or a general officer commanding (GOC). (28日後)


Peaty after-taste. (28日後)


High perimeter wall which helps. (28日後)


Come on then, you fucking pansies. (28日後)


What would you do with a diseased little island? They quarantined us. (28日後)


Floodlights which we've rigged up to a generator. (28日後)


Keep your shit together. (28日後)


Crowd was surging. (28日後)


I didn't think you'd give a shit. (28日後)


Very spruce. 顔がすっきりしたわね(28日後)


Very shredded. (28日後)


Water in the buckets evaporates or turns stagnant. (28日後)


If I never see you again, it'll be too soon. :  It's an expression. They don't want to see you ever again.

If I never see another chocolate bar again, it'll be too soon. チョコはうんざり(28日後)


Not counting Terry's Chocolate Orange! (28日後)


Come on, sleepyhead. (28日後)


Secondary to protection, our real job is to rebuild. Start again. (28日後)


Re-secure the perimeter. (28日後)


I'm gonna have the black woman. And I'm gonna make her squirm. (28日後)


He's got no vehicle. And no shooter. (28日後)


Well, don't just stand there, you soppy cunt! (28日後)


Tango : This is a carbonated soft drink originating in the United Kingdom, primarily sold in the UK and Ireland.

Do you have any Tango? (28日後)


It's late. We're gonna turn in. (28日後)


I was wrong when I said staying alive is as good as it gets. - See, that's what I was thinking. You stole my thought. (28日後)


The surrounding area's teeming with the infected people. (28日後)


Flat terrain all round the house. (28日後)


tin opener〈英〉缶切り

Our resident tin opener. 住み込みの缶切りコック(28日後)


The way things are, we might need two or three days to get up there. (28日後)