
 イギリスの作家ジョージ・オーウェルの代表作の一つ。遠い昔に小説で読みました。全体主義の世界を描いています。個人の自由や社会集団の自律性を認めず、個人の権利や利益を国家全体の利害と一致するように統制を行う思想または政治体制の恐ろしさを淡々と描いています。個人の自由意思が徹底的に排除される社会の中、主人公ウィンストン・スミスは日記をひそかに書いていたり、 押し殺した絞り出すようなわずかな声でモノログをところどころ入れます。敵国に対する罵詈雑言に賛同する他の国民とは特に、その静かなモノログがオオカミの集団に一人にらまれた子猫のように悲壮感が漂います。

全体主義では個人の思想の自由が認められておらず、政府の方針に反したものは思想犯罪とよばれ、死刑になるのですが、執行前に思想がかわるまでひたすら拷問されます。そんな中でウィンストンは重要なのは生き延びることではなく人間であり続けること(It's not so much staying alive as staying human that's important. )と自身で言っているように、政府の拷問に耐えますが、最後は屈服し政府を称賛するところで映画は終わります。小説では確か頭を打ちぬかれて終焉でした。


・階層社会は、貧困と無知の上にのみ成り立つ。原則として、戦争は社会を飢餓の瀬戸際に立たせるために計画される。戦争は、支配者集団が自らの臣民に対して行うものである。(A hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle, the war effort is planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects. )

・戦争は平和である。自由は奴隷。無知は強さである。(War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.)

・思想犯罪はとても陰湿だ。忍び寄ってくる。(Thought crime is so insidious. It just creeps up on you.)




Barbarians whose only honour is atrocity. (1984)


I was personally contacted by the arch-traitor Goldstein. (1984)


I couldn't be more in agreement with you. (1984)


Sing to the airmen in the burning azure. (1984)


How does one man assert power over another? - By making him suffer. (1984)


I stand here, a victim of the influence oof the leader, guilty on all counts. (1984)


In the barren deserts of Africa. (1984)


I only gave my wrist a bit of a bang. 手を打ち付けてしまっただけよ。(1984)


biog (informal) a biography.

Biog follows. (1984)


These starving brutes (rats) will shoot at you like bullets. (1984)


The rats will leap onto your face and bore straight into it. Sometimes they attack the eyes first. Sometimes they burrow through the cheeks and devour the tongue. (1984)


Over 10,000 Party women took a vow of celibacy. (1984)


I'm corrupt to the core. (1984)


The neutralisation of the orgasm makes it impossible to conceptualise. (1984)


If you keep clear of people like me then you might stay alive. (1984)


What counts is that we don't betray each other. (1984)


They cannot act collectively. Individually, they cheat, forge, blackmail, corrupt children. (1984)


The endless catalogue of bestial atrocities which will ensue from this appalling act must, can and will be terminated. (1984)


Clasp your hands behind your heads. (1984)


Deface party posters and announcements. (1984)


double-plus-good :  Coined by George Orwell in 1949 as part of the Newspeak in his novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. excellent, very good

Doubleplus good. (1984)


You are mentally deranged. (1984)


You suffer from a defective memory. (1984)


The news is disquieting in the extreme. (1984)


The news is disquieting in the extreme. (1984)


Everything fades into mist. The past is erased, the erasure forgotten. (1984)


The mask fits over your head, leaving no exit. このマスクは君の顔にぴったりのサイズなので顔をずらすことはできない。(1984)


The far-flung battlefields. (1984)


I forged government announcements and falsified figures. (1984)


You owe me three farthings. (1984)


A hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle, the war effort is planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects. (1984)


She's a metre across the hips, easily. お尻が1メートルもあるわ(1984)


"Intransigence" rendered as "Crime think". (1984)


Encouraging insurrection. (1984)


War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. (1984)


Imminent neurological breakthrough. (1984)


You may find this of interest. (1984)


Thought crime is so insidious. It just creeps up on you. (1984)


Your kind is extinct. We are the inheritors. (1984)


Our luck can't last. (1984)


Fighting against the mutilation of our hopes and dreams. (1984)


I am authorised to say that the war against Eurasia is within measurable distance of its end. (1984)


We create human nature. Men are infinitely malleable. (1984)


This immense victory brings the war within measurable distance of its end. (1984)


The neutralisation of the orgasm makes it impossible to conceptualise. (1984)


More nests of conspirators and saboteurs have been uncovered. Further arrests are expected shortly. (1984)


I seem to have run out of razor blades for some reason. You wouldn't happen to have any spare?

-I'm sorry, brother, I'm on the last one. (1984)


In honour of this massive overfulfilment,  it has been announced that the chocolate ration is to be increased to 25g per week. (1984)


New shapes of your own choosing. (1984)


I went into the proletarian zones. I had sex with prostitutes. (1984)


Setting pen to paper. (1984)


I have plotted to bring down the Party. (1984)


Pervert and betray the truth (1984)


If there is hope, it lies in the proles. (1984)


There were no preliminaries. I went ahead and had sex with the prostitute just the same. (1984)


Today awarded posthumous. (1984)


State rodent operatives report a 50 per cent reduction in the number of vermin in the central proletarian zones. (1984)


A pincer movement has developed. (1984)


I have it in my power to inflict pain on you at any time. (1984)


When own life thoughts occurred to me, I revelled in them. (1984)


Choco rations going up. (1984)


Improved diet has been responsible for a dramatic decrease in rickets. (1984)


We, the people of Oceania, will not rest until the final victory has been achieved. (1984)


Neither the past nor the present nor the future exists in its own right. (1984)


It has resulted in the utter rout of the Eurasian army. (1984)


I was a willing subject of Goldstein's influence. (1984)


I had sex with prostitutes. I deliberately contracted syphilis. (1984)


Spigot-launching antitank rocket projectors. (1984)


It was three years ago, on a dark evening, easy to slip the patrols, and I'd gone into the proletarian areas. (1984)


Seditious literature. (1984)


Real sugar. Not saccharine. (1984)


It's not so much staying alive as staying human that's important. (1984)


Rats will attack a baby and, within five minutes, strip it to the bone. (1984)


Thought crime is death. Thought crime does not entail death. Thought crime is death. (1984)


A thought criminal. (1984)


I've thought it out. (1984)


The treasonable maggots. (1984)


The frame's fixed to the wall but I could unscrew it. (1984)


What I wanted to say was that there were one or two unwords.  廃語(1984)


She betrayed you, Winston. Immediately. Unreservedly. (1984)


You have not asked me the question that is uppermost in your mind. (1984)


You're outside history. You unexist. (1984)


The torture goes beyond fear of pain or death. It is unendurable. (1984)



A triumph of willpower over the orgasm. (1984)