


劇中007のお気にいりのウイスキーはマッカラン50年ものとのことでした。007への畏敬の念をこめて、彼に少しでもお近づきになろうとマッカランを注文してみることに。ついでに50年物で検索。楽天で簡単に見つかりました。Macallan 55 Year Old Lalique / マッカラン 55年 ラリック34,000,000円送料無料。ゼロが三つほど多くない!!??小数点じゃあるまいし。送料無料ってこの額当然。逆に送料有料にしてボケてみてほしかった。ということでジェームズボンドと私の器の差はコンビニのニッカウヰスキーとマッカラン 55年ものの開きがあるのでした。


水中から脱出したシーンでI got into some deep water. (deep water深い水 →トラブルを意味するフレーズ)

 Hate to waste a view. 眺めを無駄にしたくないってなにそれと思いましたが、いい眺めだという字幕。もう、たまらん。しかし相変わらず、きざな野郎ですね。


ということで今回は『007 スカイフォール』(原題: Skyfall)2012年の映画。



My operatives are pursuing every avenue. (007スカイフォール)


We're a bunch of antiquated bloody idiots. (007スカイフォール)


Who's antiquated now? (007スカイフォール)


We're a democracy, accountable to the people. (007スカイフォール)


I believe we have apprehended the responsible party. (007スカイフォール)


Brave new world. (007スカイフォール)


A Beretta 70 strapped to her thigh. (007スカイフォール)


I'm on the Chimera. North harbor. Berth seven. (007スカイフォール)


Board of Inquiry begins in 30 minutes. (007スカイフォール)


You'll forgive me for not putting up the bunting. (007スカイフォール)


Put your back into it. (007スカイフォール)


I'll be damned if I'm gonna show her my back. 弱腰を見せたくない(007スカイフォール)


I need you to lay a trail of breadcrumbs impossible to follow for anyone. (007スカイフォール)


What if the PM finds out? - Then we're all buggered. (007スカイフォール)


Bloody waste of my time is what I call it. (007スカイフォール)


Good luck, 007. Don't cock it up. (007スカイフォール)


Cut-throat razor. (007スカイフォール)


I am correct in assuming you killed Patrice? (007スカイフォール)


If you survive, I'm on the Chimera. North harbor. Berth seven. We cast off in an hour. (007スカイフォール)


It's time to cast off. (007スカイフォール)


I didn't die. Life clung to me like a disease. (007スカイフォール)


Someone's trying to decrypt the stolen hard drive. (007スカイフォール)


New digs. 新居(007スカイフォール)


It's a depleted uranium shell. Military grade. (007スカイフォール)


There's a micro-dermal sensor in the grip of the gun. It's been coded to your palm print so only you can fire it. (007スカイフォール)


There might be a couple of sticks of dynamite from the quarry. (007スカイフォール)


Ronson's down. He needs medical evac. (007スカイフォール)


Forgive me, that sounds like an evasion. (007スカイフォール)


Every NATO agent embedded in terrorist organizations across the globe. (007スカイフォール)


We're tracing the encryption signal. (007スカイフォール)


So there's more to him than meets the eye. (007スカイフォール)


The controversy surrounding the Ministry of Defence has escalated today. (007スカイフォール)


Captain Husein, an MI6 operative embedded in the Middle East, was one of the five agents exposed. (007スカイフォール)


Don't embroil me in politics now. (007スカイフォール)


I did call you "an exemplar of British fortitude".(007スカイフォール)


Do you gamble? - I like a little flutter now and then. (007スカイフォール)


Failsafe protocols. (007スカイフォール)


You'll be awarded GCMG with full honors. (007スカイフォール)


The rats would come on a fishing boat and gorged themselves on coconut. (007スカイフォール)


Where are you? - Take a wild guess. (007スカイフォール)


It's like being summoned to the headmaster's study. (007スカイフォール)


I'll hazard I can do more damage on my laptop sitting in my pajamas before my first cup of Earl Grey than you can do in a year in the field. (007スカイフォール)


We buried an oil drum and hinged the lid. (007スカイフォール)


Just look at you, barely held together by your pills and your drink. (007スカイフォール)


Intel is he's going to be in Shanghai. 情報によると(007スカイフォール)


A grand old warship is ignominiously hauled away for scrap. The inevitability of time. (007スカイフォール)


The place had been infested with rats! (007スカイフォール)


I suppose that's completely inconspicuous. (007スカイフォール)


Try and stop me, you jumped-up little shit. (007スカイフォール)


Standard procedure on the death of an unmarried employee with no next of kin. (007スカイフォール)


You should try the vacation some time. Get away from it all. It really lends perspective. (007スカイフォール)


It's all part of the learning curve. (007スカイフォール)


Are you putting your life in my hands again? (007スカイフォール)


50-year-old Macallan. A particular favorite of yours, I understand. (007スカイフォール)


My cyanide capsule in my back left molar. (007スカイフォール)


Monumental security breaches. (007スカイフォール)


I think you lost your nerve. (007スカイフォール)


She's pretty. - Now, now. (007スカイフォール)


You're not nearly the agent I was, I can tell you that. (007スカイフォール)


Soon your past will be as nonexistent as your future. あなたの存在のすべてを消し去るわ。(007スカイフォール)


A shower might be in order. あなた身なりが汚いわ。(007スカイフォール)


Aren't you a little overqualified to be delivering messages? (007スカイフォール)


Obfuscated code to conceal its true purpose. Security through obscurity. (007スカイフォール)


Our world is not more transparent now. - It's more opaque. It's in the shadows. (007スカイフォール)


We're both played out. (007スカイフォール)


Provocateur. - Woman. - Provocatrix. (007スカイフォール)


The PM does prattle on in a crisis. (007スカイフォール)


You look the part now. (007スカイフォール)


You put on a good show. (007スカイフォール)


I'd like to begin the proceedings. (007スカイフォール)


He's using a polymorphic engine to mutate the code. It's like solving a Rubik's cube that's fighting back. (007スカイフォール)


You hurt? - Only my pride. (007スカイフォール)


Report to the new Quartermaster. (007スカイフォール)


I'm your new Quartermaster. 武器係(007スカイフォール)


I've been waiting to see who would redeem the chip. 換金する(007スカイフォール)


Time to redeem your marksmanship scores. 再挑戦する(007スカイフォール)


Rig an election. (007スカイフォール)


You'll be remanded in custody. (007スカイフォール)


I'm guessing this isn't strictly official. - Not even remotely. (007スカイフォール)


Silva will smell a rat. (007スカイフォール)


Priest's hole? - Yeah, from Reformation times. The tunnel leads under the moor. (007スカイフォール)


I'm stabilizing Ronson. I have to stop the bleeding! (007スカイフォール)


I'll be damned if I'm going to leave the department in worse shape than I found it. (007スカイフォール)


Look, you've been seriously injured. (007スカイフォール)


There's no shame in saying you've lost a step. (007スカイフォール)


Only used by a select few. (007スカイフォール)


He hasn't set up shop yet. (007スカイフォール)


You still have spots.(ニキビ)(若造) (007スカイフォール)


You don't scrub up so bad yourself. 身なりがすっきりしたわね。(007スカイフォール)


Now you can afford to buy me a drink. - Maybe I'll even stretch to two. (007スカイフォール)


Oh, standing in the stocks at midday? つるし上げ(007スカイフォール)


There's nothing superfluous in my life. When a thing is redundant, it is eliminated. (007スカイフォール)


You always were a slippery one. (007スカイフォール)


You believe your stewardship of Ml6 during the recent crisis has been up to scratch? (007スカイフォール)


You are almost single-handedly responsible. (007スカイフォール)


I'm in a stairwell. (007スカイフォール)


Are we straining your attention? (007スカイフォール)


My late husband was a great lover of poetry. And, um...I suppose some of it sunk in. (007スカイフォール)


There might be a couple of sticks of dynamite from the quarry. (007スカイフォール)


I'm sure we'll have one or two close shaves. (007スカイフォール)


I've just been reviewing Bond's tests. (007スカイフォール)


It seems you've passed by the skin of your teeth. (007スカイフォール)


Raising the tantalizing question of what you're really doing here. (007スカイフォール)


All pretty shocking for someone unused to fieldwork. (007スカイフォール)


A subject in which you're well-versed. (007スカイフォール)


So we're on war footing now. (007スカイフォール)


Handsome men in tuxedos carry Walthers. (007スカイフォール)


Are you kidnapping me? -That would be one way of looking at it. (007スカイフォール)


I got into some deep water. (007スカイフォール)


I didn't even know you could come up here. - Hate to waste a view.いい眺めだ(007スカイフォール)