
I'll buzz you then? (フリーバッグ)


To bail you out. (フリーバッグ)


My sister blows glass. (フリーバッグ)


Thanks you with a genuine earnest. (フリーバッグ)


Fuck me, you've got a boyfriend. (フリーバッグ)


That kind of thing won't get you very far here anymore. (フリーバッグ)


Had to do a flash poo. (フリーバッグ)


You really shouldn't wear such cheap materials. They don't let your fanny breathe. (フリーバッグ)


You really do look ghastly, darling. (フリーバッグ)


There are a couple of details that we need to iron out. (フリーバッグ)


Of course I washed my hands. It's not like a grew up without a mother. (フリーバッグ)


You've accidentally made it out like you've just got in yourself. (フリーバッグ)


Dig out some Agent Provocateur business suspender belt. (フリーバッグ)


He'd run baths. (フリーバッグ)


We broke up quite recently actually. - Oh my God, I'm so sorry, slash really pleased. (フリーバッグ)


I just thought I'd swing by. (フリーバッグ)


We also know that populism can take dangerous turns. (フリーバッグ)


I swear there are pants that give you thrush. かゆくなる(フリーバッグ)


If you would trade five years of your life for the socalled perfect body. (フリーバッグ)


She decided to walk into a busy cycle lane wanting to get tangled in a bike. (フリーバッグ)


I'm a wreck. (フリーバッグ)


I'm gonna go for a waz. トイレ (フリーバッグ)


I have some normal bread you can puke up after. (フリーバッグ)


Lovely, give yourselves a round of applause. (フリーバッグ)


I think I'll just deal with this in my own insane, irrational, anal way. (フリーバッグ)


An admission of guilt. (フリーバッグ)


What have you found in your abstinence? - Well, I'm very horny(フリーバッグ)


Your aunt is an avid church goer. (フリーバッグ)


It's attention grabbing. (フリーバッグ)


I can't be arsed. (フリーバッグ)


I can't blow this body on a baby. 妊娠してこの体系を崩したくないわ。(フリーバッグ)


How behind are you? If it's money that you need... (フリーバッグ)


hentai :  a genre of Japanese manga and anime characterized by overtly sexualized characters and sexually explicit images and plots.

bukkake :  a type of sexual activity in which several men ejaculate on another person.

Hentai, Asian, teen, MILF, big butts, lesbian, gay facial, fetish, bukkake. (フリーバッグ)


Sounds like a blast. 楽しそうね(フリーバッグ)


Just wrap your willy up in a bow and just screw her. (フリーバッグ)


I'll see what I can dig out for your request and you go browse. (フリーバッグ)


I'm blown away, I had absolutely no idea. (フリーバッグ)


We're not supposed to bond on this, are we? (フリーバッグ)


Who'd you blow to get that job? (フリーバッグ)


He must have bent over backwards to get something like that. (フリーバッグ)


Mmm, five second rule. - No, l have never bought into that rule, that's disgusting! 落ちても5秒以内だったら食べてOKよ。(フリーバッグ)


I first climaxed by accident on a bidet. オーガズムに達した。(フリーバッグ)


She has these really massive bouncy tits. (フリーバッグ)


I'm just gonna go and browse around. (フリーバッグ)


We didn't wanna let the old boy down. (フリーバッグ)


The butterfingered waitress. (フリーバッグ)


Boots UK Limited (formerly Boots the Chemists) trading as Boots, is a British health and beauty retailer and pharmacy chain in the United Kingdom. It also operates internationally, including Ireland, Italy, Norway, the Netherlands, Malta, Thailand and Indonesia.

You look well, where've you been? - Boots. (フリーバッグ)


Give my regards to those budgies. (フリーバッグ)


Knuckle brush.手が触れたわ(フリーバッグ)


We do actually call them bangers.ソーセージ(フリーバッグ)


Buck up. Smile. (フリーバッグ)


I have to take my step-son his bassoon. (フリーバッグ)


chub chub :  The cute way of calling someone fat; a cute, chubby person

He checks me out, chubchub. あの小太りちゃん、私のことを見るわよ。(フリーバッグ)


I guess, losing the currency of youth. (フリーバッグ)


If it's any consolation, you look older than you are. (フリーバッグ)


What's Martin given you? - Oh, cursory stroke'd be nice. 一発やってもらいたいわ(フリーバッグ)


Whoa! Easy, tiger. - Coming from you. 飲みすぎはだめだよ。- 君に言われるとは。(フリーバッグ)


I am chuffed to my boots. (happy to my core or to my extremities) (フリーバッグ)


What are you craving? - Oh, just a really, really cheap thrill. (フリーバッグ)


I just can't stop conjuring an image of you sitting around that café. Just all alone. Feeling so terribly lonely. (フリーバッグ)


May I cut in? 話に割ってはいってもいい(フリーバッグ)


I don't want to come down on you like a school teacher. (フリーバッグ)


Dad'll come in with some weird canapes in a second. (フリーバッグ)


The sexibition is simply a journey through my physical and sexual life climaxing in a few pieces. (フリーバッグ)


I don't usually connect with women. (フリーバッグ)


Well clung to. カップルがよく続いてるわね - Thank you. (フリーバッグ)


I think he's by the coats. クロークルーム(フリーバッグ)


Get my cardi from the car. (フリーバッグ)


Off the sauce! Six months and counting. (フリーバッグ)


Chunk of change? (フリーバッグ)


I make a cracking. (フリーバッグ)


Organise canapes for an awards ceremony. (フリーバッグ)


Does the little cafe do canapes? (フリーバッグ)


Tough crowd. 手強い人たちね。(フリーバッグ)


Oh, are these meaty? - No, I think they have courgette in them. (フリーバッグ)


Do you want a ciggie? (フリーバッグ)


Thank you for being there. - It was cathartic. (フリーバッグ)


Honestly, you made me cum nine times. (フリーバッグ)


How divine! What a lovely husband you have. (フリーバッグ)


Delve into your past. (フリーバッグ)


Someone should probably disconnect that. (フリーバッグ)


How's your little restaurant? - It's a café. - Oh, don't do it a disservice. 謙遜しないでよ(フリーバッグ)


Does anyone mind if I leave, I've got a dicky tummy? (フリーバッグ)


Can I get a glass of sparkling water with a dash of lime, please? (フリーバッグ)


I spent most of my adult life using sex to deflect from the screaming void inside my empty heart. (フリーバッグ)


I'm a douche, but I make you laugh. (フリーバッグ)


Explosively sexually inappropriate. (フリーバッグ)


I have to give Hilary some earl grey. (フリーバッグ)


Probably ectopic. (フリーバッグ)


As a priest I'm going to be making my usual sick calls to the housebound with the Eucharist. (フリーバッグ)


I'm sorry about your black eye. - Oh, that's okay. Gives me some edge. I've told them some heroic bullshit. (フリーバッグ)


My tiny, bleeding vagina. Hope it's a light flow. (フリーバッグ)


I did a fart the other day that was exactly like Mum's. - A door opening or suspicious duck? (フリーバッグ)


It is creepy as fuck. (フリーバッグ)


Your flagrant lack of respect for the one rule that we have here is now affecting the other students. (フリーバッグ)


Oh, are they Freesias? (フリーバッグ)


I'm doing you a massive favour. (フリーバッグ)


Leave your weird stepson and broken sister to fend for themselves. (フリーバッグ)


You've got the same lines on your forehead as me. - Thank you for fixating on them. (父と娘の会話) (フリーバッグ)


She's donating a painting for the fete. (フリーバッグ)


Have you got a sanitary towel? - OK, well, there are some sturdy hand towels here. I could try and fashion something with wings out of these. (フリーバッグ)


There's a raffle at tomorrow's fete to raise funds. (フリーバッグ)


I have a pretty full afternoon. (フリーバッグ)


This firecracker. (フリーバッグ)


I look too cool. Everyone's going to think I got a fucking facial for my mother's funeral. (フリーバッグ)


Won't I catch fire or something?  欲情する(フリーバッグ)


Just send me through the details of what you've worked out so far and we'll sort something out. - Well, I've put out the feelers for somebody else. (フリーバッグ)


It's really inappropriate to jog around a graveyard. - Why? - Flaunting your life. (フリーバッグ)


I have to give him that. (フリーバッグ)


Grindr は、ゲイ、バイセクシュアル、トランスジェンダーの人々を対象とした、位置情報ベースのソーシャル ネットワーキングおよびオンライン デート アプリケーション

Do you know what the lesbian app for Grindr is called? Twat-nav. (フリーバッグ)


I see you've been gifted this retreat. How lucky you both are. (フリーバッグ)


I'm just so annoyed with myself. I wish I could just meet myself and just have a go at myself! 自分にガツンと言ってやりたい(フリーバッグ)


I've got cans of G&T. (フリーバッグ)


I just want to be ahead of the game. (フリーバッグ)


Women's awards are infantilising bollocks. No, no, it's ghettoising. It's a subsection of success. (フリーバッグ)


I can organise the party, do the food, act surprised and just take it off your hands. (フリーバッグ)


H&Mは、スウェーデンのアパレルメーカーエイチ・アンド・エム・ヘネス・アンド・マウリッツが展開するファッションブランド。低価格かつファッション性のある衣料品を扱う、いわゆるファストファッションの一翼を担う企業のひとつである。日本法人は、エイチ・アンド・エム へネス・アンド・マウリッツ・ジャパン株式会社

Find something I'd seen on the H&M website. (フリーバッグ)


hentai :  a genre of Japanese manga and anime characterized by overtly sexualized characters and sexually explicit images and plots.

bukkake :  a type of sexual activity in which several men ejaculate on another person.

Hentai, Asian, teen, MILF, big butts, lesbian, gay facial, fetish, bukkake. (フリーバッグ)


If they were hung, she probably wouldn't be complaining. 巨根(フリーバッグ)


He's horrifically hot. (フリーバッグ)


Hold up. ちょっと待って(フリーバッグ)


blow hot and cold〈話〉〔人が考え・気持ち・意見・計画などを〕コロコロ変える◆【語源】イソップ寓話の『人間と森の神サテュロス』から。冷えた手を温めるために息を吹きかけ、熱い食べ物を冷ますためにも息を吹きかける人間を見たサテュロスが人間の行為に矛盾を感じ、「同じ口から熱い息を出したり、冷たい息を出したりするような人間とは付き合えない。今すぐ出て行ってくれ」と言った。

She blows hot and cold. (フリーバッグ)


They're actually on hire. 借り物(フリーバッグ)


Men have been pretty hands-on the past few decades. (フリーバッグ)


I could do with the extra pair of hands. (フリーバッグ)


I'm practising the homily. (フリーバッグ)


I want to shut the noise out and reconnect to my inner thoughts. (フリーバッグ)


I've always been insecure about my face. (フリーバッグ)


She's actually talented. - I know, it's infuriating. (フリーバッグ)


God! Women's awards. Congratulations. - Oh! It's infantilising bollocks. おままごと(フリーバッグ)


Good business? - Oh, huge. You know, I don't wanna jinx anything, but huge. Could be life-changing. (フリーバッグ)


He is properly keening in front of the grave. (フリーバッグ)


I'm going to knife the candles, Father. They're a bit clogged up. (フリーバッグ)


Sorry if I have led you on. (フリーバッグ)


I fucked my Café into liquidation. (フリーバッグ)


So it wasn't too much of a leap.  (leap:新しいことをすること) (フリーバッグ)


The funeral liturgy says that life is changed, not ended. (フリーバッグ)


He does usually go the extra mile. (フリーバッグ)


How attractive I am. I'm going to make a sex offender out of the poor guy. (フリーバッグ)


She had a double mastectomy but never really recovered. (フリーバッグ)


Clever little munchkin? (フリーバッグ)


And now hands up. Mirror your palms. 手を上げお互いの手をあわせて。(フリーバッグ)


I check for cancerous lumps in mammary glands. (フリーバッグ)


It's so nice spending time getting to know the man who's going to marry us. 私たちを結婚させる司祭と知り合えて素敵ね。(フリーバッグ)


I am so intrigued to see how you're going to make this whole evening about yourself. (フリーバッグ)


I've got cans of G&T. From M&S. (フリーバッグ)


Martin's nose on the mend? 怪我した鼻はよくなっている?(フリーバッグ)


Can I use that at the wedding? Seriously, I need material. 話のネタ(フリーバッグ)


The hot misogynist. (フリーバッグ)


Time to throw the net out. わなを仕掛ける時間よ(フリーバッグ)


I'm not sure I've basically never been better. - Us neither. (フリーバッグ)


I was going to say this is a bit on the nose. この胸の銅像は私のサイズにぴったりだわ。(フリーバッグ)


You nailed it. (フリーバッグ)


The Youthy Band is about to play the ode to something. (フリーバッグ)


I'm afraid I won't be able to officiate as a priest at the ceremony tomorrow. (フリーバッグ)


Do you deal in sculptures as well as paintings and papier-maché? (フリーバッグ)


Patch things up with Harry? (フリーバッグ)


Do you want some prosciutto with that? (フリーバッグ)


You pop to the loo. (フリーバッグ)


Think you're a clever little puss, don't you? (フリーバッグ)


Little marital poke isn't gonna kill you. セックス(フリーバッグ)


It's like having sex with a protractor. (フリーバッグ)


Why are there no plug sockets in here? (フリーバッグ)


In the partaking of menial tasks. (フリーバッグ)


pride of place〈主に英〉最高位、高慢

claim pride of place一番[最高位]を誇る

location at pride of place in~(の中)で最高の場所

I tried to sell it through Martin but Martin took it and gave it to you. Just don't put it pride of place. (フリーバッグ)


She gets really bad PMT. (フリーバッグ)


Are you on your period? - Why would you ask that? You are wearing the plaits. (フリーバッグ)


We're just a little bit tight in the purse strings. (フリーバッグ)


She has these really massive bouncy tits. But you just kept turning up like this sexy plank まな板の胸(フリーバッグ)


You think of the Japanese as a very prudish people. (フリーバッグ)


I'm stubborn, and for some inexplicable reason I'd rather stay here and have a passive-aggressive party, so. (フリーバッグ)


So, you were in my prayers last night. I'm sorry for your loss. (フリーバッグ)


Potential proceedings. (フリーバッグ)


It sounds like you have got post-natal depression. (フリーバッグ)


period drama(also costume drama) :  a television or film production set in a period in the past, or productions of this type

period film 時代劇映画

What's your favourite period film? (フリーバッグ)


Your entire pelvic floor crumbles. (フリーバッグ)


The pinny. エプロン(フリーバッグ)


I certainly wouldn't put it past you to chop a dick off. (フリーバッグ)


pick oneself up 〔人が倒れた状態から〕起き上がる 元気を出す[回復する]

You pick yourself up, cover yourself in coconut oil. (フリーバッグ)


The next man who walks in here is getting ridden to death. (フリーバッグ)


Do you have rye bread? (フリーバッグ)


A rabbit vibrator (also known as a Jack Rabbit vibrator or Jessica Rabbit vibrator) is a vibrating sex toy, usually made in the shape of a phallic shaft for vaginal stimulation with a clitoral stimulator attached to the shaft.

Yeah, it's for my very sexually frustrated sister. Just a basic bunny would be great. - The vibrator is called The Burrower. Basically it doesn't stop until you've come. (フリーバッグ)


Hope you have a restful weekend. (フリーバッグ)


The only way she can get through the trouble is to reinvent herself in some small way. (フリーバッグ)


Repeatedly sticking rubber ended pencils up the school hamster's arsehole. (フリーバッグ)


Sounds like a riot. - He was, actually. (フリーバッグ)


Have a read. (フリーバッグ)


Do you want to make a run for it? I can smuggle you out. (フリーバッグ)


Stock cubes. (フリーバッグ)


Shit just got real.:「大変なことになった!」「 マジやばいんだけど!」「パネェぜ」

I knew I was different when l was about nine. But shit got real around 11. (フリーバッグ)


Splashed out on a special bottle for a special. 大金を使った(フリーバッグ)


semi : Not quite an erection, but getting there.

When I saw Milla Jovovich's boobies I got a semi.

Fuck. Think you've given me a semi. (フリーバッグ)


Just use your phone.  You have a sat-nav on your phone. (フリーバッグ)


Wow! Dad really splashed out this time. (フリーバッグ)


Who's Dad sawing in half? (フリーバッグ)


Stop making a spectacle of yourself and clean that up. (フリーバッグ)


Some people use "Oh snap!" as a cleaner way of saying "oh shit!" and can be used in many situations. Or if something bad or unexpected happens, you could just say "Oh, snap!"

Oh snap! I forgot my phone.

Oh snap, that was awesome!

You're stubborn. - Snap. (フリーバッグ)


Now, listen, um, we don't want gifts at the wedding. I mean, it's enough that people slug it over without then expecting a gift.  (slug it over  のろのろやってくる) (フリーバッグ)


Have you got a sanitary towel? (フリーバッグ)


He'll understand. He's an understanding sort. (フリーバッグ)


Slip on in, ladies. 部屋の中に入ってください(フリーバッグ)


Can you not think the fucking worst of someone for just a split fucking second? (フリーバッグ)


It spooks them to be around someone perpetually in pain. (フリーバッグ)


There's been a spot of sodomy. (フリーバッグ)


Wait till you see me in the full shebang, you're going to lose your fucking mind. 司祭の正装するまで待って。(フリーバッグ)


Give me two. 2分待って(フリーバッグ)


I'd put a tenner on it. (フリーバッグ)


Whoa! Easy, tiger. (フリーバッグ)


You're just tipping your prime. ( means that you have reached the peak of your best years and are just about to start the inevitable slide down the other side. In other words, it's a not very subtle way of saying "you're almost past it!" (フリーバッグ)


tool box (slang) Dumbass or idiot.

 I am such a tool box.どじ(フリーバッグ)


No one can hold a map in their head. - I can. It's three turnings away. 三つ目の曲がり角(フリーバッグ)


They're probably gonna think we're a couple. - The fact that your mind even goes there is beyond disturbing. (フリーバッグ)


The stepson has got this thing about trying to get in the bath with his stepmother. (フリーバッグ)


Receive a medical checkup to make sure our tits don't turn on us like mum's did. 母のように乳がんにならないように(フリーバッグ)


You do turn over fast. 変わり身が早いわね(フリーバッグ)


She could really go to town on you for this. (フリーバッグ)


Oh, the sculpture turned up. Must have just toppled off the side. 棚から落ちたに違いない。(フリーバッグ)


There are bottles for topping up. (フリーバッグ)


She has narrowed down her packing to a ten-minute turnaround. (フリーバッグ)


Sorry about all the tat. It's for a fundraiser garden party thing tomorrow. (フリーバッグ)


darn tooting〈俗〉そう[おう]ともさ、(まさに)そのとおりで、間違いなく、もち(の)ろん、全くだぜ、んだんだ◆強い肯定・同意などを表す田舎っぽい表現。間投詞的・副詞的・形容詞的に使われる。

Sorry. - No. Tooting. (フリーバッグ)


They're some pretty funky trainers. (フリーバッグ)


I've tried to talk him down(フリーバッグ)


The birth really took its toll. (フリーバッグ)


touch up (Informal British) :  touch or fondle someone without their consent for one's own sexual pleasure.

He was sacked after one of his pupils accused him of touching her up.

Touch each other up by the photocopier. いちゃつく(フリーバッグ)


God, you are a tonic. 楽しい人ね(フリーバッグ)


Pam's a bit of a sound tyrant in the evenings. パムは音にうるさい(フリーバッグ)


You sort of needed to hear the top bit. (implying that the audience probably won't get the joke because we didn't hear the first part.) (フリーバッグ)


try it on (Informal British) :  an attempt to deceive or seduce someone.

"you'd better not be trying it on with me"

You are an alcoholic and you tried it on with my sister. - Fine. I tried to kiss your sister on her birthday. (フリーバッグ)


How's the café? - Well, the lease is up in a couple of days

Actually Japanese peope have a very deep interest in sex in their culture, it's just hidden in the underbelly. It's not allowed to come to the surface. (フリーバッグ)


He's a very good lawyer. Surprisingly tender underneath it all. (フリーバッグ)

It's unsalvageable! (フリーバッグ)

Way to upstage the bride! (フリーバッグ)

Have you seen a sort of stressed out version of me anywhere? 姉を見た? (フリーバッグ)

Walk of shame! 生き恥野郎(フリーバッグ)

Don't let other people get in the way of what you really want. (フリーバッグ)

I'm doing a wee. (フリーバッグ)

Do your worst. (フリーバッグ)

I'm gonna go warm up the bike. バイクのエンジンを暖めてくる。(フリーバッグ)

Do you still wank about me sometimes? (フリーバッグ)

We're just gonna do a quick whizz round to show our faces. 1回周って挨拶してくるわ(フリーバッグ)


The wonky drawer. (フリーバッグ)

Off the wagon? (フリーバッグ)

Worm food? 死体(フリーバッグ)

You tell me what's weighing on your heart. (フリーバッグ)

Don't do a jumpy-outy surprise thing and don't sing happy birthday, I couldn't bear it. (フリーバッグ)

You are a weaky. (フリーバッグ)

You're a strongy. (フリーバッグ)


Stop being so churchy. (フリーバッグ)