They must be charging you an arm and a leg for this place. (ベッドラム)
Protect me from the advances of my amorous flatmates. (ベッドラム)
Some of the records are archived online. (ベッドラム)
You can air your opinions about me. (ベッドラム)
At it again. (ベッドラム)
To air the place. (ベッドラム)
He killed her and set the body alight. (ベッドラム)
Remains of petrol found on Deborah Pearson's body indicate it was used as an accelerant. (ベッドラム)
You're not my first authority figure. When I was in sixth form, a teacher at school. (ベッドラム)
I can't account for anything that's been happening to me. (ベッドラム)
"What if" doesn't get you anywhere. Just go for it, Max. What have you got to lose? (ベッドラム)
Blame the vulnerable woman you took advantage of. (ベッドラム)
He knew he was in on the abuse. (ベッドラム)
Au contraire. (ベッドラム)
Boston Strangler《the ~》ボストン絞殺魔 ◆1960年代に米国ボストンであった連続絞殺事件 の犯人を指す。
What happened to your neck? - I'm dating The Boston Strangler, didn't I tell you? Ha-ha-ha! (ベッドラム)
James Bluntジェイムズ・ブラント(1974年2月22日 - )は、イングランドウィルトシャー出身の歌手。元軍人。本名ジェイムズ・ヒリアー・ブラウント(James Hillier Blount)。本名をもじった芸名の "Blunt" という語には「なまくら」「鈍感」「不愛想」という意味がある。
He has James Blunt on vinyl. (ベッドラム)
The bereavement counsellor's asked me to write a letter to him, leave it at the place where he died. (ベッドラム)
I installed broadband for him. (ベッドラム)
You are not trying to get me electrocuted, are you, Uncle Warren? - A pity they didn't give you some of that at the hospital, you might be less bother. (ベッドラム)
This is my first bid for freedom. (ベッドラム)
one's bagで、好きなこと、得意なこと、十八番(おはこ)
I really like to play the guitar. It’s my bag!
It's not really my bag but whatever floats your boat. (ベッドラム)
Go on, spill the beans. (ベッドラム)
What are you blathering about? (ベッドラム)
Wow, you're really buying into this whole punctuality thing. (ベッドラム)
It's great having someone to bounce ideas off. (ベッドラム)
It's a losing battle. (ベッドラム)
What's brought this on? (ベッドラム)
This place brings out the worst in people. (ベッドラム)
Brightmoor. (ベッドラム)
If my balls are still swinging, I ain't dead yet.
Tony: Yo, wassup dawg? - Jeff: Oh, you know. Balls are swingin'.
I know you think you're quite the man, swinging your balls around. (ベッドラム)
I don't wanna butt in on anything. (ベッドラム)
Just everything we built our lives on. (ベッドラム)
You beat me to it with your little cry for help! (ベッドラム)
Looks like I've got a wedding function in the bag. (ベッドラム)
You show me the money first and then maybe I'll bite. 金を見せてくれたら、そのオファーに乗るかも。(ベッドラム)
He's just a jealous kid that wants his ball back. 主導権をまた握りたいだけよ。(ベッドラム)
Billy big bollocks : Someone who exhibits signs of being braver or more confident than they actually are.
Look at Billy big Bollocks over there, trying to pick a fight with that big bloke.
Once your father has proved to himself he's Mr. Big Bollocks, you can move back. (ベッドラム)
I could buy you breakfast at the caff. (ベッドラム)
You know what a tight-fisted cheapskate Warren is. (ベッドラム)
He's having a hard time at the moment. It's coming up to a year since his brother died. (ベッドラム)
hotel complex. 《a ~》大型{おおがた}ホテル.
You've never been anywhere that doesn't have a beach next to the hotel complex. バックパッカーをしたことがないわね。(ベッドラム)
The cubby. (ベッドラム)
I'll have to cab it. (ベッドラム)
I'm mega late. I've got to go to the caffeteria for work. Coffee won't charge four quid a cup by itself. スタッフのサービスなしにコーヒーだけじゃあんなに高い値段請求できないし。(ベッドラム)
It was two-for-one at the caff. (ベッドラム)
I should have come forward, but I panicked, I didn't know what to do. (ベッドラム)
Three more signed, five maybe. - Chicken feed. でもはした金だな。(ベッドラム)
Well, we got a cracking price on the builders. 破格の値段(ベッドラム)
It's hardly gonna help if you knew your mother had this... Your mother was cut from the same cloth. (ベッドラム)
I'm sure she'll be very proud of you. Chip off the old block. (ベッドラム)
crem = crematorium (in British English) (ベッドラム)
We should get to the crem. 火葬(ベッドラム)
That was condescending. (ベッドラム)
Let's not talk about my car-crash of a love life. (ベッドラム)
I'd already played the war hero card. (ベッドラム)
She died in childbirth. (ベッドラム)
You can crash at ours. (ベッドラム)
Can you stop staring at me like I'm some sort of circus freak? (ベッドラム)
CCTV, mate. Busted! 君カメラに写ってたよ。捕まったね。(ベッドラム)
Clear off. (ベッドラム)
I've come full circle, really. (ベッドラム)
I must be cracking up! (ベッドラム)
I'm not going to let anything happen to her. - Oh, aren't you the chivalrous one? (ベッドラム)
She's getting her claws into you for your money. (ベッドラム)
I wish I could play the friend card like you. (ベッドラム)
The cretin who runs that blog. (ベッドラム)
We know that Jude has been acting out of character lately. (ベッドラム)
Those big, pink, horrible, cheesy dresses. (ベッドラム)
The chaplain saw something. (ベッドラム)
My dad claimed to be a man of the cloth. (ベッドラム)
We're going to run in circles. (ベッドラム)
The steering column through his pancreas. 貫通した。(ベッドラム)
I made an even bigger dick of myself. (ベッドラム)
They ducked the mental patient under water. (ベッドラム)
Drive out evil spirits. (ベッドラム)
You deserve a bit of down time after what you've been through. (ベッドラム)
Do you want your pay docked or something? (ベッドラム)
What's the job? - Office dogsbody. Nothing special. (ベッドラム)
She was delighted. (ベッドラム)
Moral degradation? (ベッドラム)
Old dear had no one else. (ベッドラム)
It's pioneering work. Medical journals never gave him his due. (ベッドラム)
dive-bomb : (verb) bomb (a target) while diving steeply downwards in an aircraft. (of a bird or flying insect) attack (something) by swooping down on it.
Planes were dive-bombing the aerodrome.
The crow folded its wings and dive-bombed the vulture.
Dive-bomb! (ベッドラム)
If you've settled in for the night, your social life has sadly declined! (ベッドラム)
He'd have decked you! (ベッドラム)
As formality dictates. (ベッドラム)
It’s due an upgrade. (ベッドラム)
Why you being such a dick lately? (ベッドラム)
Don't you dare be late for lunch. (ベッドラム)
I'd say you've been working too hard, except for it's obviously so untrue. (ベッドラム)
Someone should do to him what he did to James. End of. (ベッドラム)
It would have been better if I had asked the work experience kid. 職業体験の学生のほうがましだったわ。(皮肉)(ベッドラム)
I went easy. I could have taken a lot more off you. ちょっと甘かったな。もっと割引を君から請求すればよかった。 (ベッドラム)
I just think you've been on edge since we moved here. (ベッドラム)
Now here I am coming to stroke your ego. (ベッドラム)
He never got his edge back as a swimmer after the accident. He had his sights set on the Olympics, and suddenly he couldn't win even local competitions. (ベッドラム)
Have you got your eye on someone? (ベッドラム)
He was notorious, struck off in disgrace for unlicensed practising of ECT, electro-convulsive therapy. 除名された。(ベッドラム)
He died from the ECT. (ベッドラム)
I just got an errand to run. (ベッドラム)
You've fallen on your feet here. (ベッドラム)
I've got to get ready for a very busy day, freeloading. (ベッドラム)
I met him when I was nineteen. Swept me off my feet in this club. (ベッドラム)
A bit full of herself. (ベッドラム)
If you've been feeding him this, can I just say it's really sad. (ベッドラム)
Don't be flippant, Jed. (ベッドラム)
I've landed on my feet with you. (ベッドラム)
I don't have a problem with women. They have the problem. Starts off well and then they get so full-on. (ベッドラム)
God, he's fit. (ベッドラム)
You're better off in a full-size pool. (ベッドラム)
Just another thing you don't have the guts to follow through with. (ベッドラム)
She was just being flirty. (ベッドラム)
You are that far away from a slap. ひっぱたかれるまでもうあと少しだな。(ベッドラム)
Not a fan of feng shui myself. (ベッドラム)
She's out to fleece me. (ベッドラム)
Sticking two fingers up to your dad. 侮辱の指のサインをする。(ベッドラム)
It's just an old font. That's where they used to baptise babies. (ベッドラム)
He had a fling with my mum. (ベッドラム)
He's fed you some bullshit story. (ベッドラム)
Police are warning road users to be on their guard. (ベッドラム)
Did he go down for it? 有罪になった?(ベッドラム)
GBH. Eight years. Probably out in four. 4年で娑婆に出てくるぜ。(ベッドラム)
go off on one 英 〘インフォーマル〙 いきなり怒り出す
I said stuff I shouldn't. He went off on one. Started hitting me, kicking me in the stomach, in the back. (ベッドラム)
God won't mind. (ベッドラム)
I wasn't having a go at you. (ベッドラム)
I let my guard down once. (ベッドラム)
grappaグラッパとは、イタリアで造られる蒸留酒の一種。 ワインを造る際に生じるブドウの絞りかすから造られるのが特徴です。
We didn't have vermouth, so I used grappa. (ベッドラム)
Dan said that Kate's moved on. - That means there's a room going. ケイトが引っ越したのなら空きの部屋が出るわね。(ベッドラム)
Dom had won gold in some gala. (ベッドラム)
That'll go down well! (ベッドラム)
Is getting married a good idea? It's as good as any. (ベッドラム)
Now you gutted you let her go? 彼女と別れたことを後悔してる?(ベッドラム)
The walk would do me good. (ベッドラム)
That's the gist of it. (ベッドラム)
What exactly are you getting at? (ベッドラム)
If your dad wants to get through to you, then he will. (ベッドラム)
henna Tattooインドの言葉・ヒンディー語で、「ヘナで肌を染める」「ヘナで肌に模様を描く」ことを意味するメヘンディ。 ヘナタトゥー、ヘナアートといった名前でも呼ばれています。 ヘナという植物で肌を染める行為は、主に南アジアから中東、アフリカ大陸で、縁起もの・幸運や吉祥を招くものとして伝わっています。
She can do a mean henna tattoo. (ベッドラム)
Why are you getting so hung up on this? (ベッドラム)
They kicked his head in. (ベッドラム)
Hard at work as ever, Ryan? (ベッドラム)
You know I'd do it. - Like hell you would, Kate. (ベッドラム)
Not everyone can hack it. (ベッドラム)
I can't get my head around it. (ベッドラム)
I flew off the handle. It wasn't fair on you. (ベッドラム)
Listen to yourself! A ghost? I had you down as one of the grownups! (ベッドラム)
hen do 《a ~》=〈英話〉hen party
You just get on with your hen do. (ベッドラム)
I'm not really a hen do type of girl. (ベッドラム)
I think there's something not right in my head. (ベッドラム)
pick holes in〔議論などにおいて〕(人)を批判する、(人)のあら捜しをする = poke [pick, shoot, knock] holes in
You picked holes in everything あらさがしをする(ベッドラム)
Another time, maybe. - I'll hold you to that. (ベッドラム)
She dreamt she was haemorrhaging blood. (ベッドラム)
I wasn't in the right head space. (ベッドラム)
You're practically joined at the hip. (ベッドラム)
hug it out: ハグして仲直りする
What, do we have to hug it out or something? (ベッドラム)
I don't want to get your hopes up. (ベッドラム)
Warren and weird go hand in hand. ウォレンは怪しい奴だしな。(ベッドラム)
First month's wages aren't in yet. まだ初任給を受け取っていないの。(ベッドラム)
A cottage by the sea? You're not thinking of moving out, are you? - It's just an idle thought. (ベッドラム)
Disrespecting the institution of marriage. (ベッドラム)
Inexplicable shit went down at his place. (ベッドラム)
God, where have you been? - Indoor voice, Keira. 声を抑えてよ。(ベッドラム)
Your illegitimate Asian song. (ベッドラム)
jump lead〈英〉〔バッテリー充電用〕ブースターケーブル◆【同】〈米〉jumper cable
jump lead (British) : each of a pair of thick electric cables fitted with clips at either end, used for recharging a battery in a motor vehicle by connecting it to the battery in another.
You're gonna need jump leads. バッテリー(ベッドラム)
If it's dust you're after you've hit the jackpot. 汚いところが好きなら、ここはあなたにお似合いよ。(ベッドラム)
See the way he jumps every time she claps? 彼は彼女の思いのままだね。(ベッドラム)
He's my flatmate, if he knocks me back I'm going to be too mortified to ever leave my room. フラットメイトに告白なんてできないわ。(ベッドラム)
You can't kid a kidder. : It means you can't fool "the kid" or "person" because they already know the tricks.
Oh come on, you so fancy Jed. - I so do not. - Can't kid a kidder, mate. - Shut up! (ベッドラム)
I haven't been getting much kip lately. (ベッドラム)
She's going to kip on the sofa. (ベッドラム)
You should knock off. You've got an 8:30 in the morning. 仕事を切り上げる(ベッドラム)
I feared for my life. (ベッドラム)
I suggested we put a lid on it. (ベッドラム)
You're never out of loony bins for long, are you, Jed? (ベッドラム)
We're about to renovate another level. (ベッドラム)
I've been screwed over by some low-lifes. (ベッドラム)
Bastard put me on leave. 休暇にさせられた。(ベッドラム)
I was just having a look around. (ベッドラム)
God, You have no scruples on so many levels. (ベッドラム)
He'll lap it up. Once he's hooked, I'll reel him in. (ベッドラム)
So I'm guessing you lost her at the "G" word. ("G" word = ghost) (ベッドラム)
I know I push my luck sometimes. (ベッドラム)
I don't think we've seen the last of him. I'm going to find out who he is. (ベッドラム)
Do you think she's out of my league? (ベッドラム)
I've heard loads about you. (ベッドラム)
Well, now's a good time to have a look around. (ベッドラム)
Languish in poverty. (ベッドラム)
Something witty in the leaving card. (ベッドラム)
Go to Mass with Mum. (ベッドラム)
Shane McGowanアイリッシュ・パンクの創始者で、英パンク・バンド「ザ・ポーグズ(THE POGUES)」のリードシンガー/ソングライター。
Oh my God! Shane McGowan alert! (ベッドラム)
I'm mega late. I've got to go. (ベッドラム)
We'll still make a mint in the long run. (ベッドラム)
I said I'd go to evening mass with Mum. (ベッドラム)
Getting all moralistic. (ベッドラム)
We had our moments this morning. Are we friends again? 朝喧嘩したけど、また友達になれるかな。 (ベッドラム)
Well, She liked the idea of being a mom. Until she was one. 母親を放棄した。(ベッドラム)
You're gonna make someone an amazing husband one day. (ベッドラム)
We'd take a trip down memory lane. (ベッドラム)
You hire an idiot for a makeover. (ベッドラム)
I did this sports psychology module. I wrote an essay on women and exercise addiction. (ベッドラム)
Wouldn't you like to know? - Not massively, no. (ベッドラム)
Hey, it's none of my business. - Or yours, for that matter. (ベッドラム)
I can't stand you being in a mood with me today. (ベッドラム)
You're not grasping the magnitude of this situation. (ベッドラム)
I don't need mind games with guys like you. (ベッドラム)
There is just evil and malevolence. (ベッドラム)
Mark their own property. (ベッドラム)
We can't all live like nuns. (ベッドラム)
Thanks for the posh nosh. (ベッドラム)
I can't resist a nose through other people's things. (ベッドラム)
The little scumbag right under my nose who's only here to rip me off. (ベッドラム)
You nut job. (ベッドラム)
You can have your big naff wedding on one condition. (ベッドラム)
I'm gonna cut you free. Nice and gently. (ベッドラム)
She's a one-off. (ベッドラム)
She was all over Jed like a rash. (ベッドラム)
Her sister was an out-patient. (ベッドラム)
Where? - Just out and about. 外出先(ベッドラム)
I'd have done it ten times over. (ベッドラム)
I would've landed one on that smug, controlling dickhead! (ベッドラム)
It's your last chance to sow some wild oats. (ベッドラム)
She's all over you. (ベッドラム)
She was putting her affairs in order. (ベッドラム)
Not everyone is as open-minded about the supernatural as you are. (ベッドラム)
The Oedipus Complex. (ベッドラム)
That was 20-odd years ago. (ベッドラム)
He's in the basement through the door in the outhouse. (ベッドラム)
I think people are struggling to get past the idea of living in an old asylum. (ベッドラム)
You're not really going travelling, are you, Moll? You just like putting it out there? (ベッドラム)
I just would really like not to have to pick up the pieces afterwards. (ベッドラム)
I already pulled a sickie. (ベッドラム)
People can't get past the idea of living in an old asylum. (ベッドラム)
I am popping out for some milk. (ベッドラム)
The haunted house is a good marketing ploy, it's very original. (ベッドラム)
Two peas in a pod. (ベッドラム)
I'm just part of the freak show. - And you've been happy to play that part. (ベッドラム)
I've worked on sites. Seen plasterers do the scrabbling on the wall. (ベッドラム)
Her parents were proper hippies. (ベッドラム)
A patient that was physically strong, prone to violence. (ベッドラム)
I think it's a bit out of my price range. (ベッドラム)
Didn't that put you off? (ベッドラム)
I became his protege. Now he puts all his efforts into me. (ベッドラム)
Can you really pull this together in a few days? - No sweat. (ベッドラム)
Ta-da! Peace offering? (ベッドラム)
I'm proper crazy. (ベッドラム)
I've put my family through a lot these past years. (ベッドラム)
They lived in the staff quarters. (ベッドラム)
refurb (informal) an act or instance of refurbishing a building.
We're having the whole house refurbed.
The theatre closes next year for its £100m refurb.
High-spec refurb inside. (ベッドラム)
She's done a runner before I could chuck her out. (ベッドラム)
I felt like a right idiot. (ベッドラム)
I have the spare keys to a nice little run-around. (ベッドラム)
Why don't you run that under some cold water or something? (ベッドラム)
I know living back in the building maybe has brought up memories. - Too right it has.
So we're renting out Jed's room? (ベッドラム)
You're seeing how the revenant died. (ベッドラム)
Revenant. It's my preferred term. Ghost is a bit Patrick Swayze. (ベッドラム)
You can't stop serving drinks! We're on a roll here. (ベッドラム)
Have you been reliving your glory days? (ベッドラム)
run someone in : To bring someone to some location very quickly, especially by car. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "run" and "in."
I just need to run Janet in to get her glasses fixed. I'll be home soon.
The tires are flat on my bicycle. - I can run you in, if you want a lift.
You're better off in a full-size pool. I'll run you in. (ベッドラム)
You might as well rule yourself out the nationals. 国体は出ないほうがいいかもな。(ベッドラム)
Oh, gas leak. It blew sky high. Well, it's rubble. (ベッドラム)
Fancy running the bar? -How much? バーで働いてくれないかな。(ベッドラム)
She's not like one of your revenants. (ベッドラム)
I knew he was a revenant. (ベッドラム)
I might rustle up something tasty for you tonight. (ベッドラム)
The last rites. (ベッドラム)
respite care : temporary care for a sick, disabled, or old person, so that the person who usually cares for them can have some time on their own:
Family carers need to be given more respite care when they need it.
Jacob had been very ill and he was in respite care.
I'm taking him to the respite centre. (ベッドラム)
I read up on you. (ベッドラム)
Don't rush me. (ベッドラム)
I think we've been rumbled. (ベッドラム)
You scared the life out of me! (ベッドラム)
There's only so many conversations about horoscopes I can have. (ベッドラム)
Don't slope off. 逃げないで(ベッドラム)
The radiators are scorching. (ベッドラム)
It's just so you. (ベッドラム)
it's this massive stroke of bad luck. (ベッドラム)
You know some people would call the studio apartment. (ベッドラム)
She hasn't surfaced yet either. まだ起きていない(ベッドラム)
I already pulled a sickie. (ベッドラム)
Oh come on, you so fancy Jed. - I so do not. (ベッドラム)
If I see you in here again, I promise I'll steer well clear. (ベッドラム)
You mean being a dirty bit on the side? Wondering if your wife knows? 浮気をしているわ。(ベッドラム)
You were supposed to be a still life. (ベッドラム)
She's the one that made the scene. (ベッドラム)
You're pretty great. - You're not so bad yourself. (ベッドラム)
My mind was shot. I was delirious. (ベッドラム)
Now take your hands off me or I'll have you sectioned. (ベッドラム)
Give me one scrap of evidence to back that up. (ベッドラム)
Can we swap lives, please? 生活を交換してくれないかな(ベッドラム)
Your granddad managed to hide it from the scavengers that descended on the place. (ベッドラム)
I'm not letting some squatter from next door drive me out of my place. (ベッドラム)
I never set out to hurt anyone. (ベッドラム)
Sarah was slumped behind the door with a whole bottle of sleeping pills inside her. (ベッドラム)
It must have really shaken you up. (ベッドラム)
You seem out of sorts. (ベッドラム)
I wasn't thinking straight. (ベッドラム)
Sexuality is a sliding scale and love is just love. (ベッドラム)
show flat 8in British English) : a newly-build flat that is decorated and furnished for prospective buyers to view
The show flat up there is still empty. (ベッドラム)
This'll set you up for tomorrow. (ベッドラム)
Skinny-dipping should involve clothes coming off. (ベッドラム)
So, what's your plan? Sit and wait for him to slip up and reveal his identity? (ベッドラム)
I wont let you sabotage yourself because you had a weak moment. (ベッドラム)
I won't tell a soul. (ベッドラム)
You don't seem yourself. (ベッドラム)
Someone scrawled all over something. (ベッドラム)
I'm just a screw-up. (ベッドラム)
The bar needs setting up. (ベッドラム)
So get your skates on! (ベッドラム)
There's no way you're shutting me out. (ベッドラム)
Looking for my signed Pistols album. (ベッドラム)
It's sickening. (ベッドラム)
Rumour has it that those who survived his experiments ended up violent and aggressive. Shells of what they once were. (ベッドラム)
My dad is gonna string you up by the balls. (ベッドラム)
No strings attached. (ベッドラム)
Searing wit. Cutting sarcasm. (ベッドラム)
I'm gonna perform the ritual, film it, stick it on the internet. (ベッドラム)
All this satanic stuff. (ベッドラム)
Let's have another beer, smoke another spliff. (ベッドラム)
His mouth's sewn up. (ベッドラム)
A pillar like a...I don't know. Like a sundial. (ベッドラム)
Let's swap memories. (ベッドラム)
He was spot on. (ベッドラム)
Take the glasses off, he'd be at least a seven. - Could be an eight or a nine, you still have no chance with him. (ベッドラム)
Thriller『スリラー』(原題: Michael Jackson's Thriller)はマイケル・ジャクソンの楽曲「スリラー」のために制作された1983年のミュージック・ビデオ。
We're not going through the graveyard. - I blame the Thriller video. (ベッドラム)
Finally caught you with your fingers in the till? (ベッドラム)
I think you should tell him to tone it down a bit. (ベッドラム)
It's gonna take a while to get used to being on my own. - You'll get there. (ベッドラム)
That's your family, through and through isn't it? Never explain, never apologize. (ベッドラム)
tick over / keep something ticking over : If a business, job, or system is ticking over, it continues to work but makes little progress:
I'll be able to keep things ticking over in the office until you get back.
The tenants will keep us ticking over. We'll survive. (ベッドラム)
We've been meaning to start on it, just one thousand a day. (ベッドラム)
I read that cooking was therapeutic. (ベッドラム)
Does anybody actually read this tosh? (ベッドラム)
It doesn't give you the right to trawl through my personal things. (ベッドラム)
Can't really blame her for trying to top herself. (ベッドラム)
If you had a tail, it would be wagging like mad. あんた、私の不幸話を楽しんでるわね。(ベッドラム)
Well, what have you been up to? -Oh, just this and that. (ベッドラム)
He's tamed you. 奴に仕込まれちまったな。(ベッドラム)
I spoke out of turn. (ベッドラム)
If he thinks he's staying here, we've gotta put up a united front. (ベッドラム)
They developed an unseemly thing for you. (ベッドラム)
It can be hard getting out of those places. - Is that the voice of experience? (ベッドラム)
Those sorts of men are just the types I attract. I must give off vibes or something. (ベッドラム)
He was probably getting rid of stuff he didn't want the VAT man to see. (ベッドラム)
We didn't have vermouth, so I used grappa. (ベッドラム)
grappaグラッパとは、イタリアで造られる蒸留酒の一種。 ワインを造る際に生じるブドウの絞りかすから造られるのが特徴です。
James Bluntジェイムズ・ブラント(1974年2月22日 - )は、イングランドウィルトシャー出身の歌手。元軍人。本名ジェイムズ・ヒリアー・ブラウント(James Hillier Blount)。本名をもじった芸名の "Blunt" という語には「なまくら」「鈍感」「不愛想」という意味がある。
He has James Blunt on vinyl. (ベッドラム)
Well, I'm glad you've got it all worked out for him. (ベッドラム)
Anyway, I can promise you that Jed staying is never gonna happen. - How'd you work that one out? (ベッドラム)
Don't think I got your get-well card, Uncle Warren. - Must have got lost in the post. (ベッドラム)
You're so easy to wind up. だまされやすいね(ベッドラム)
How about you stop letting her walk all over you? (ベッドラム)
wind-up merchant (plural wind-up merchants) : (UK, colloquial) One who enjoys winding others up in the sense of making fun of them or playing practical jokes.
Ignore her. She's a wind-up merchant. (ベッドラム)
She had a baby outside wedlock. (ベッドラム)
I put a lot of work. (ベッドラム)
She was a bit of a wallflower when I last knew her. (ベッドラム)
I feel pretty wretched about it. (ベッドラム)
I'd like to welcome you all warmly. (ベッドラム)
Just ignore him as a wind-up merchant. (ベッドラム)
You're such a wind-up merchant. (ベッドラム)
Don't you go all weird on me. (ベッドラム)
You know, I have other clients other than you, you know? - Yawn. あらそう。(皮肉)(ベッドラム)
I think it's zesty. (ベッドラム)
You were kind of zoned out there for a minute. (ベッドラム)
ZARA : This is a Spanish multinational retail clothing chain. It specializes in fast fashion and sells clothing, accessories, shoes, beauty products and perfumes.
I work at Zara. On the shop floor. (ベッドラム)
Poor old Max is stuck in the friends zone. (ベッドラム)