There's no more approved school. There's no more borstal. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
We're allowed a wee smile. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
We request the Lord Advocate himself make a public admission that the Crown Office got it wrong. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Do you know of anybody who might harbour feelings of resentment or animosity towards your family? (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
We request the Lord Advocate himself make a public admission that the Crown Office got it wrong. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I wouldn't be adverse to you taking the kids to my mother's. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
We've arrested him for aiding and abetting in the disposal of a corpse. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I say if you're trying to make me puke, you're doing a bang up job. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
There's no more approved school. There's no more borstal. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
old buffer 〈英俗〉老いぼれ◇親しみをこめて使われることもある
keep the old buffer out of it. 親父を話に巻き込むなよ(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
To spare Miss McLauchlan's blushes. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You beat up a copper? - Aye. Knocked seven shades of busy shite out of him. - Did you not get done for that? (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You got the blues? (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
He was using their house as a base. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
That's the bombshell. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
He kills people because he enjoys it. For him, that's every bit as compelling as revenge or passion. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Manuel's going to make it his business to cause you as much distress as possible. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You will be the belle of Bellshill Ball. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Mr. Bob-a-job? (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Do not, under any circumstances, engage with any of his backchat. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Eating carrots makes you lovable. : This is an old adage made to encourage the consumption of carrots. “Eat carrots makes you lovable“, here is an expression, inherited from our grandmothers, that you have certainly heard many times. There carrot has many virtues but no one has ever been able to demonstrate that eating it makes you lovable.
You've not been eating your carrots. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Checking on my snares, seeing if I'd caught any conies. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I don't want to leave anything to chance. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
The victim's not on my conscience. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
He will stand trial for that caper. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
A team of Hamilton CID officers. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
The Crown will serve their indictment. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
When I'm turning on the charm, I always start with an exchange of names. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I'm CID now. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Tell me about it without your crib sheet. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I could put a call in to Glasgow CID. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
This is the list of the serial numbers. They're all consecutive. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
We've got him in a corner. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I've been down in the dumps. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Dazzle me with some detective brilliance. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You beat up a copper? - Aye. Knocked seven shades of busy shite out of him. - Did you not get done for that? (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
A little dickie bird told me. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
done and dusted《be ~》〈英〉無事終了する
All done and dusted in time for kippers for breakfast. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Divulge his name. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You need to cast doubt on anything that he tells you. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Enjoy your dump, shithead! (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
That's the old Dunkirk spirit. You know, everybody pulling together. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You both deserted your post? (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I think he might live on our estate. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
It's a nice bit of WPC You look awful fetching in that uniform, darling. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Mary McLauchlan was the first victim. I want to make sure that she's also the last. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
It's you that's trying to put Peter in the frame. Piss off! ピーターをはめようとしているのはお前だよ。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
He fancies himself as a bit of a hard man. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Not one flaming word from him, sir. I blew it. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You, standing there all gloomy. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
A poxy actor who bawled and grated his way through a grand total of three films. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Have a heart, boys. Life's not easy for gingers. 赤毛頭のことをバカにするのは止めとけよ。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
She Got on at me, got on at me. 頼まれた(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I gave him that going-over in the alley. - You beat up a copper? (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
For him to gloat on. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
There's a very gripping passage on page 100. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
It's your go. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
It's the tray of goodies. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You have gainful employment. Wife and children. Family man? (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Those two plods are King Kong and Gormless. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You're a wee boy that goes round to his daddy when the going gets tough. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
It's the gospel truth. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
There was a hole on top of her head that you could put a fist in. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I'm a terrible insomniac. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Informing on somebody that's killed four people in cold blood isn't being a rat. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Ironmongers and locksmiths report record sales of locks, padlocks, and deadbolts. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I find myself in a jam. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I'd kill to be a redhead. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
That gun looks pretty knackered. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
We've knocked off half a dozen places and only been done once. さんざん強盗に入って逮捕されたのは1回だけだぜ。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I'm his son, he's looking out for me. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Miss McLauchlan picked you out of the line-up. 容疑者を並ばせること。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Lady and the Tramp『わんわん物語』は、1955年6月16日公開のディズニーによるアニメーション映画。原題Lady and the Trampを直訳すると「お嬢様と風来坊」という意味である。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
He's going to the lavvy.トイレ(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
all mouth and no trousersはイギリスの口語表現です。 意味は「口先ばかりで実行を伴っていない」です。 もともとは、all mouth and trousersという形で、「偉そうなことばかり言う、鼻もちならない男」を皮肉る表現として、19世紀のイギリスの女性たちの間で使われました。
Peter Manuel's all mouth and no trousers. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You spent too many man hours on this Manuel thing. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
People are mugs. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I shall return momentarily. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Don't shoot the messenger. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
That's something I do when the mood takes me. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
It's one of the muster points for the volunteers. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Not really criminal mastermind material. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You're a milksop. You're a wee boy. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Nor does anything without a reason. 奴は理由のないことはしない。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I've been led by the nose. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
A very sensible young woman by the name of Patricia. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I just napped around. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I want a woman in there goading him and needling his male pride because I want him humiliated. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Are you on your own? 今一人?(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I feel this overpowering need to murder someone. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You're an OK dancer. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Get one over on Peter Manuel. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I don't know how you kept from smacking him one. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
What are you on about? (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Plainclothes personnel. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
He's come to your home. - That's out of order. - It's just posturing. ふりだけだよ。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I can tell you, it's no picnic. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I'm gonna cut your head off and bury ya. Don't peep. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Your approach is out of proportion. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
It's the fear in his victims which arouses him rather than penetrative intercourse. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Manuel's put in a request to conduct his own defence. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Jane, school is not a beauty pageant! 化粧していないで早く学校に行きなさい。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
It was a mess-up on the part of the planners, apparently. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You want money? - No. Perish the thought. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Plough every resource into finding her. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
That plod fancies me. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Thinking about all the things I'd like to do to them two plods. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You're on the machines a few rows over from me. 組み立て式工場で私の2,3列前にいたわよね。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I am watching the best years of my life roll away. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I will not rest until Peter Manuel's behind bars. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
A roaring success. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
His house was one of our first raids, top to bottom. We even dug up the garden. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Peter Manuel is not running us out of town. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
There'd be no shame in you handing over the reins. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
He was out on a pub crawl. Spending money like water. Buying rounds wherever they went. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
In the rarity of such terrible things. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
We found a sheath knife in the field. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I feel there's a wee smack of romance in the air. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
The cocky wee arse is definitely stuffed now. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You were saddened by this information. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Her silence is eloquent, is it not? 彼女の沈黙が多くを物語っていますよね。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I will give you sufficient for you to prove that William Watt is an innocent man. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
That is about the size of it. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Manuel does say something self-incriminating. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
He was just a snot-nosed thief. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You stick to him like glue. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
They were from some spiv. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
He's kept his nose clean thus far. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I know it's a tall order to ask you to be precise about such an ordeal. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
all mouth and no trousersはイギリスの口語表現です。 意味は「口先ばかりで実行を伴っていない」です。 もともとは、all mouth and trousersという形で、「偉そうなことばかり言う、鼻もちならない男」を皮肉る表現として、19世紀のイギリスの女性たちの間で使われました。
Peter Manuel's all mouth and no trousers. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Peter Manuel's all mouth and no trousers. I don't want any of you getting taken in by any of that. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
tar tar : Synonym for retarded or if you're PC, special needs, mentally challenged, etc.
I have to go work with the tar tars as part of my community service.
There's no way the nasty little tartar's getting bail. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
What makes them tick. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
A poxy actor who bawled and grated his way through a grand total of three films. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You've heard one version of what transpired that fateful night. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I tarried at your side to proffer you some comfort. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I'm a detective, Duncan, not a tea lady. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
He has a safe at home where he keeps the weekend takings. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Thinking more towards yourself. 自分の周りの状況をもっと話してくれ。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You traipse all over my crime scene. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
A client's life hanging by a thread. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I carried out a timed run by my car. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
We've been tailing him for a while now. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You're always there for him, aren't you? Covering his tracks. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
He's always been torn between the two choices. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Look what he got up to last time. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Unsubstantiated statements not made under oath. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
One year is a lot in the life of my wee 'uns. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I'm very partial to the usherettes. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
This man has caused untold grief and fear. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Peter Manuel just loves the sound of his own voice. 自分語りが好き。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Her little peppermint vanity case with her dancing pumps and hairbrush inside. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
This time it's gonna be prison, and for a good long while. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Why don't you go somewhere you're wanted? (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
It's a nice bit of WPC. You look awful fetching in that uniform, darling. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Webley .38. (gun) (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
What gives?(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You are on the warpath about some missing girl. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Joe Brannan? - Who wants to know? あんたは誰(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Been a while? Hasn't it just? (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
We're allowed a wee smile. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
We request the Lord Advocate himself make a public admission that the Crown Office got it wrong. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Do you know of anybody who might harbour feelings of resentment or animosity towards your family? (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
We request the Lord Advocate himself make a public admission that the Crown Office got it wrong. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I wouldn't be adverse to you taking the kids to my mother's. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
We've arrested him for aiding and abetting in the disposal of a corpse. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I say if you're trying to make me puke, you're doing a bang up job. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
There's no more approved school. There's no more borstal. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
old buffer 〈英俗〉老いぼれ◇親しみをこめて使われることもある
keep the old buffer out of it. 親父を話に巻き込むなよ(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
To spare Miss McLauchlan's blushes. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You beat up a copper? - Aye. Knocked seven shades of busy shite out of him. - Did you not get done for that? (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You got the blues? (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
He was using their house as a base. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
That's the bombshell. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
He kills people because he enjoys it. For him, that's every bit as compelling as revenge or passion. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Manuel's going to make it his business to cause you as much distress as possible. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You will be the belle of Bellshill Ball. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Mr. Bob-a-job? (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Do not, under any circumstances, engage with any of his backchat. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Eating carrots makes you lovable. : This is an old adage made to encourage the consumption of carrots. “Eat carrots makes you lovable“, here is an expression, inherited from our grandmothers, that you have certainly heard many times. There carrot has many virtues but no one has ever been able to demonstrate that eating it makes you lovable.
You've not been eating your carrots. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Checking on my snares, seeing if I'd caught any conies. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I don't want to leave anything to chance. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
The victim's not on my conscience. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
He will stand trial for that caper. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
A team of Hamilton CID officers. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
The Crown will serve their indictment. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
When I'm turning on the charm, I always start with an exchange of names. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I'm CID now. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Tell me about it without your crib sheet. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I could put a call in to Glasgow CID. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
This is the list of the serial numbers. They're all consecutive. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
We've got him in a corner. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I've been down in the dumps. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Dazzle me with some detective brilliance. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You beat up a copper? - Aye. Knocked seven shades of busy shite out of him. - Did you not get done for that? (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
A little dickie bird told me. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
done and dusted《be ~》〈英〉無事終了する
All done and dusted in time for kippers for breakfast. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Divulge his name. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You need to cast doubt on anything that he tells you. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Enjoy your dump, shithead! (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
That's the old Dunkirk spirit. You know, everybody pulling together. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You both deserted your post? (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I think he might live on our estate. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
It's a nice bit of WPC You look awful fetching in that uniform, darling. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Mary McLauchlan was the first victim. I want to make sure that she's also the last. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
It's you that's trying to put Peter in the frame. Piss off! ピーターをはめようとしているのはお前だよ。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
He fancies himself as a bit of a hard man. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Not one flaming word from him, sir. I blew it. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You, standing there all gloomy. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
A poxy actor who bawled and grated his way through a grand total of three films. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Have a heart, boys. Life's not easy for gingers. 赤毛頭のことをバカにするのは止めとけよ。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
She Got on at me, got on at me. 頼まれた(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I gave him that going-over in the alley. - You beat up a copper? (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
For him to gloat on. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
There's a very gripping passage on page 100. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
It's your go. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
It's the tray of goodies. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You have gainful employment. Wife and children. Family man? (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Those two plods are King Kong and Gormless. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You're a wee boy that goes round to his daddy when the going gets tough. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
It's the gospel truth. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
There was a hole on top of her head that you could put a fist in. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I'm a terrible insomniac. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Informing on somebody that's killed four people in cold blood isn't being a rat. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Ironmongers and locksmiths report record sales of locks, padlocks, and deadbolts. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I find myself in a jam. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I'd kill to be a redhead. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
That gun looks pretty knackered. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
We've knocked off half a dozen places and only been done once. さんざん強盗に入って逮捕されたのは1回だけだぜ。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I'm his son, he's looking out for me. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Miss McLauchlan picked you out of the line-up. 容疑者を並ばせること。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Lady and the Tramp『わんわん物語』は、1955年6月16日公開のディズニーによるアニメーション映画。原題Lady and the Trampを直訳すると「お嬢様と風来坊」という意味である。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
He's going to the lavvy.トイレ(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
all mouth and no trousersはイギリスの口語表現です。 意味は「口先ばかりで実行を伴っていない」です。 もともとは、all mouth and trousersという形で、「偉そうなことばかり言う、鼻もちならない男」を皮肉る表現として、19世紀のイギリスの女性たちの間で使われました。
Peter Manuel's all mouth and no trousers. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You spent too many man hours on this Manuel thing. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
People are mugs. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I shall return momentarily. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Don't shoot the messenger. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
That's something I do when the mood takes me. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
It's one of the muster points for the volunteers. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Not really criminal mastermind material. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You're a milksop. You're a wee boy. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Nor does anything without a reason. 奴は理由のないことはしない。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I've been led by the nose. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
A very sensible young woman by the name of Patricia. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I just napped around. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I want a woman in there goading him and needling his male pride because I want him humiliated. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Are you on your own? 今一人?(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I feel this overpowering need to murder someone. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You're an OK dancer. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Get one over on Peter Manuel. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I don't know how you kept from smacking him one. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
What are you on about? (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Plainclothes personnel. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
He's come to your home. - That's out of order. - It's just posturing. ふりだけだよ。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I can tell you, it's no picnic. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I'm gonna cut your head off and bury ya. Don't peep. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Your approach is out of proportion. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
It's the fear in his victims which arouses him rather than penetrative intercourse. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Manuel's put in a request to conduct his own defence. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Jane, school is not a beauty pageant! 化粧していないで早く学校に行きなさい。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
It was a mess-up on the part of the planners, apparently. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You want money? - No. Perish the thought. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Plough every resource into finding her. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
That plod fancies me. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Thinking about all the things I'd like to do to them two plods. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You're on the machines a few rows over from me. 組み立て式工場で私の2,3列前にいたわよね。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I am watching the best years of my life roll away. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I will not rest until Peter Manuel's behind bars. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
A roaring success. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
His house was one of our first raids, top to bottom. We even dug up the garden. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Peter Manuel is not running us out of town. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
There'd be no shame in you handing over the reins. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
He was out on a pub crawl. Spending money like water. Buying rounds wherever they went. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
In the rarity of such terrible things. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
We found a sheath knife in the field. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I feel there's a wee smack of romance in the air. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
The cocky wee arse is definitely stuffed now. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You were saddened by this information. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Her silence is eloquent, is it not? 彼女の沈黙が多くを物語っていますよね。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I will give you sufficient for you to prove that William Watt is an innocent man. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
That is about the size of it. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Manuel does say something self-incriminating. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
He was just a snot-nosed thief. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You stick to him like glue. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
They were from some spiv. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
He's kept his nose clean thus far. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I know it's a tall order to ask you to be precise about such an ordeal. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
all mouth and no trousersはイギリスの口語表現です。 意味は「口先ばかりで実行を伴っていない」です。 もともとは、all mouth and trousersという形で、「偉そうなことばかり言う、鼻もちならない男」を皮肉る表現として、19世紀のイギリスの女性たちの間で使われました。
Peter Manuel's all mouth and no trousers. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Peter Manuel's all mouth and no trousers. I don't want any of you getting taken in by any of that. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
tar tar : Synonym for retarded or if you're PC, special needs, mentally challenged, etc.
I have to go work with the tar tars as part of my community service.
There's no way the nasty little tartar's getting bail. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
What makes them tick. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
A poxy actor who bawled and grated his way through a grand total of three films. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You've heard one version of what transpired that fateful night. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I tarried at your side to proffer you some comfort. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I'm a detective, Duncan, not a tea lady. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
He has a safe at home where he keeps the weekend takings. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Thinking more towards yourself. 自分の周りの状況をもっと話してくれ。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You traipse all over my crime scene. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
A client's life hanging by a thread. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I carried out a timed run by my car. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
We've been tailing him for a while now. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You're always there for him, aren't you? Covering his tracks. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
He's always been torn between the two choices. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Look what he got up to last time. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Unsubstantiated statements not made under oath. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
One year is a lot in the life of my wee 'uns. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
I'm very partial to the usherettes. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
This man has caused untold grief and fear. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Peter Manuel just loves the sound of his own voice. 自分語りが好き。(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Her little peppermint vanity case with her dancing pumps and hairbrush inside. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
This time it's gonna be prison, and for a good long while. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Why don't you go somewhere you're wanted? (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
It's a nice bit of WPC. You look awful fetching in that uniform, darling. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Webley .38. (gun) (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
What gives?(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
You are on the warpath about some missing girl. (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Joe Brannan? - Who wants to know? あんたは誰(グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)
Been a while? Hasn't it just? (グラスゴーの連続殺人鬼)