
イギリスドラマ第5弾はブロードチャーチ。イギリス南西部のドーセット州のブロードチャーチが舞台。この町はジョジョの杜王町同様に実は架空の街ですが、ドーセット州海岸沿いの特徴的な断崖絶壁の地形が印象的な田舎町。その海岸に少年の遺体が発見されたことから、話は始まるのですが、話が紐解かれていくにつれて、住民たちの裏の顔も徐々にあらわになっていきます。全体的に暗い。今回のようなクライムサスペンスの醍醐味は犯人を推測することだと思うのですが、犯人が意外なほど悔しい。容疑が住民一人一人にかかり、それぞれのアリバイを証明していくのですが、それと同時に流れる不安をあおるバックの音響がまた暗い。私のような単純な視聴者を本当に混乱させます。もう誰も彼も容疑者に見えて、アガサクリスティーの ”そして誰もいなくなった” のように実は全員犯人のような展開だと予想していました。違いましたが。





I don't know your boss from Adam. (ブロードチャーチ)


Second go at tea. First one was a bit of an apocalypse, wasn't it? (ブロードチャーチ)


This is a terrible anomaly. (ブロードチャーチ)


all it is :  This is a phrase used to describe the basics of a concept.

Toast is easy to make. All it is is bread that is toasted.

All it is is are we keeping the kids in? (ブロードチャーチ)


You've got AWOL. (ブロードチャーチ)


It will all abate soon enough. (ブロードチャーチ)


Nothing would have been amiss. (ブロードチャーチ)


Heart arrhythmia. (ブロードチャーチ)


You can probably stop taking the arsehole pills. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'll talk to you after. (ブロードチャーチ)


I just needed a bit of air, collect my thoughts. (ブロードチャーチ)


Overwhelming forensic evidence, admission of guilt. (ブロードチャーチ)


still a ways awaybe ~》〈話〉まだ遠い先の話[こと]である

We can reach our destination, but it's still a ways away.

I'm a way aways. (ブロードチャーチ)


DI Hardy, you were the arresting officer. (ブロードチャーチ)


I wondered if we might recalibrate our strategy, is all. (ブロードチャーチ)


It's your bill. It's still in arrears. Quite large arrears. (ブロードチャーチ)


Decent people get treated like shit, having aspersions cast on them. (ブロードチャーチ)


I was keeping her safe so she didn't abscond. (ブロードチャーチ)


Police Constable 516, Ellie Miller, attached to Exeter Police Traffic Division. Formerly Detective Sergeant attached to Broadchurch CID. (ブロードチャーチ)


Joe started kicking him, going at him really hard! (ブロードチャーチ)


Do you wish to swear or affirm? - Affirm. - Please read the card. - 'I do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth

and nothing but the truth.'(ブロードチャーチ)


I've got some antiseptic wipes. I can have a look at the eye for you. (ブロードチャーチ)


The furnace was alight. (ブロードチャーチ)


I've got your backing? (ブロードチャーチ)


I don't want the parents berating me. (ブロードチャーチ)


I should hang him by the bollocks from the town hall spire. (ブロードチャーチ)


I saw you broke the story. (ブロードチャーチ)


The fuses haven't blown. (ブロードチャーチ)


I help run the Sea Brigade. (ブロードチャーチ)


We were banking on this. (ブロードチャーチ)


Why would a benevolent God allow this to happen? (ブロードチャーチ)


Go and bust some moves. スケボできめてこい(ブロードチャーチ)


What is it, then, Sea Brigade? It's pretty much Scouts with added boats. (ブロードチャーチ)


We don't want the name Broadchurch to be a byword for murder. (ブロードチャーチ)


Line of sight. You can see the field that backs onto the Latimer house.

line of sight〔武器などの〕照準線照準器と目標を結ぶ、遮られていない直線。(ブロードチャーチ)


You did the work, you write the article. We can run it under my byline. (ブロードチャーチ)


Stop banging on at me. (ブロードチャーチ)


Take your head out of your backside. (ブロードチャーチ)


Have you thought about maybe seeing a bereavement counsellor? (ブロードチャーチ)


We're trying to keep the press at bay. (ブロードチャーチ)


Use bolt cutters. (ブロードチャーチ)


You really have been bottling this up. (ブロードチャーチ)


No bickering and no silences. (ブロードチャーチ)


They lost evidence, they ballsed up the trial. (ブロードチャーチ)


Am I too bleak? (ブロードチャーチ)


You do not get to belittle my faith. (ブロードチャーチ)


I don't think you're in a position to bargain. (ブロードチャーチ)


Have we got a story brewing. (ブロードチャーチ)


We don't want banging over the head with it.  説教は止めてくれNo banging. (ブロードチャーチ)


Shutting this out is not an option for me. I can't do that boxing thing off that you do. (ブロードチャーチ)


The information I gave him has bearing on the witness. (ブロードチャーチ)


They kept bickering. (ブロードチャーチ)


She hasn't taken a brief in such a long time. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'm sure you've prepared a barnstorming little speech. (ブロードチャーチ)


None of your business. - You've made it my business. (ブロードチャーチ)


Won't make a blind bit of difference. (ブロードチャーチ)


I can't bear to think about it. (ブロードチャーチ)


You're bugging my house? (ブロードチャーチ)


I'm sick to the back teeth of taking flak for stuff I haven't done! (ブロードチャーチ)


Braxton-Hicks contraction増加する頻度で妊娠中続く子宮の筋肉の痛みのない収縮

painless contractions of the muscles of the uterus that continue throughout pregnancy with increasing frequency. 増加する頻度で妊娠中続く子宮の筋肉の痛みのない収縮。

Midwife kept saying they were Braxton Hicks. (ブロードチャーチ)


We do not get buffeted by daily winds. (ブロードチャーチ)


She's on the back of the indictment. 主要な検察官(ブロードチャーチ)


Exhibit MJC735 from your jury bundles. (ブロードチャーチ)


What's brought this on? (ブロードチャーチ)


Did I play a blinder, or what? 良かったかな(ブロードチャーチ)


Do we put Joe Miller in the box? (ブロードチャーチ)


OK. He's a disaster. We can't put him in the box. (ブロードチャーチ)


Have you given him the bollocking, or shall I? (ブロードチャーチ)


bumper carsゴーカート(ブロードチャーチ)


It’s one of the businesses Cate did the books for. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'm not gonna be off your back. (ブロードチャーチ)


Are you getting treatment? - Mm. I have injections, which keeps my medical condition at bay. (ブロードチャーチ)


I fell for her, big time. I thought she was the one, and she didn't feel the same about me. (ブロードチャーチ)


You like bluebells? (ブロードチャーチ)


The jury bailiff. (ブロードチャーチ)


Fill your boots. (ブロードチャーチ)


You're banking on him realizing that. (ブロードチャーチ)


I never miss a chance to be belittled. (ブロードチャーチ)


Dad was out on an emergency call-out. He's a plumber. (ブロードチャーチ)


CID will call you back when someone's available. (ブロードチャーチ)


The phone lines can't cope. (ブロードチャーチ)


Thai was closed, chippie was the only place open. (ブロードチャーチ)



None of them credited my tale. : 彼らの誰も私の話を信用しなかった。

Hardly credit it, can you? (ブロードチャーチ)


Nothing offends me more than cranks wasting police time. (ブロードチャーチ)


The night Danny went missing, where were you? - On a call-out. (ブロードチャーチ)


There was no call out. (ブロードチャーチ)


It was an emergency callout. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'm chaperoning. (ブロードチャーチ)


It's a bit cloak and dagger. (ブロードチャーチ)


CRB〈英〉犯歴調査 犯罪記録管理局{はんざい きろく かんり きょく}(Criminal Records Bureau)で、ある人物の過去の犯罪歴を調べること。

That requires CRB checks cross-referenced with the Sex Offenders' Register. (ブロードチャーチ)


Good morning, sunshine. Took quite a crack.  頭を打った(ブロードチャーチ)


I think they caught on pretty quick. 理解した(ブロードチャーチ)


Corinthians :  either of two books of the New Testament (in full The First and Second Epistles of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians)

Here's what I've learned. Don't buy a hotel with a dickhead. - Good advice. Paul's letter to the Corinthians says much the same. (ブロードチャーチ)


I need this corroborated. I can't just take your word for it. (ブロードチャーチ)


Susan Wright's alibi for the night of Danny's death checks out. (ブロードチャーチ)


Once it's got its claws into you, it never lets go. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'll cobble together some surveillance. (ブロードチャーチ)


Will you send the tracking signal coordinates to my phone? (ブロードチャーチ)


Clothed? Naked? (ブロードチャーチ)


It has left its mark on a close-knit town. (ブロードチャーチ)


We stand now at a crossroads. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'm mid-contractions. 陣痛が来る(ブロードチャーチ)


Joseph Michael Miller, you are charged with murder contrary to common law. (ブロードチャーチ)


The CPS never had any doubt about prosecuting. 検察(ブロードチャーチ)


We need to make sure the CPS find you the best QC. (ブロードチャーチ)


CPS / Crown Prosecution Service : (in British English) (in England and Wales) an independent prosecuting body, established in 1986, that decides whether cases brought by the police should go to the courts: headed by the Director of Public Prosecutions

She's CPS approved. (ブロードチャーチ)


He cc'd me into his resignation email. (ブロードチャーチ)


We're not leaving that to chance. (ブロードチャーチ)


CID :  Criminal Investigation Department: the part of a UK police force that does not wear uniforms and is responsible for discovering who has committed crimes. (ブロードチャーチ)

I've been through the statements from the CID team. (ブロードチャーチ)


How have you not gone crackers up in that cottage? No work, no friends? (ブロードチャーチ)


Then we kept bumping into each other in call-outs. (ブロードチャーチ)


I just thought you could clue us in on what to expect. (ブロードチャーチ)


If you've been called, don't confer on your evidence. 証言について他言してはいけない(ブロードチャーチ)


Thought I'd cycle in and went the wrong way. Haven't quite got my bearings. (ブロードチャーチ)


We don't need to compound their suffering. (ブロードチャーチ)


The facts are clear and will enable you to convict Mr. Miller of Daniel Latimer's murder. (ブロードチャーチ)


You coerced Joe Miller into saying he killed Daniel Latimer, didn't you, DI Hardy? (ブロードチャーチ)


I got my child-minder to agree to have my baby for the night. Got a bit of a crush on each other at the moment. (ブロードチャーチ)


I want to close by giving the defence a bloody mouth. 被告人側をぶちのめす(ブロードチャーチ)


All the comebacks I should've thrown at her. 反撃(ブロードチャーチ)


All that cock of the walk, "every woman loves me" bullshit. (ブロードチャーチ)


I was in a cell because of you. (ブロードチャーチ)


We sent you a letter asking you to be a character witness for Joe Miller. (ブロードチャーチ)


Has he ever categorically confessed his guilt to you? (ブロードチャーチ)


Something she's been meaning to say for a while, in confidence. (ブロードチャーチ)


So you could corner me. (ブロードチャーチ)


Where are you? - Like you care. (ブロードチャーチ)


There's a compelling alternative version. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'm arresting you in connection with the murders of Pippa Gillespie and Lisa Newbery. (ブロードチャーチ)


How are you? ~ Like you care ! (ブロードチャーチ)


Double-page spread. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'm Detective Inspector Alec Hardy and you know DS Miller. (ブロードチャーチ)


Beth, this is not your fault. Whatever happened, this is not down to you. (ブロードチャーチ)


We can discount Mark Latimer. (ブロードチャーチ)


That's down to Mark. (ブロードチャーチ)


So your commitment to this investigation stops outside these doors? 公私を分けるのか(ブロードチャーチ)


I've been doing some digging on someone and I found something. (ブロードチャーチ)


Traces of accelerant suggest the boat was doused in petrol. (ブロードチャーチ)


Took a lot of pictures of the boys in Sea Brigade. I really do pity you. - Seeing depravity in perfectly normal behaviour. I'd hate to be in your mind. (ブロードチャーチ)


It's opened the floodgates. Media officer's been deluged with calls. (ブロードチャーチ)


I did a little digging on you. (ブロードチャーチ)


I want you to know that I'm the one who dobbed you in to the police. (ブロードチャーチ)


She was having an affair with one of the other DS's on the team. (ブロードチャーチ)


DI Hardy. (ブロードチャーチ)


You're pleased you got the right man in the dock? (ブロードチャーチ)


That's the bloke who changed his plea in the dock. (ブロードチャーチ)


There are discrepancies. (ブロードチャーチ)


This baby that I'm about to drop. 産み落とす(ブロードチャーチ)


Fight dirty. (ブロードチャーチ)


You'll demotivate our entire intake. The boredom drips off you. (ブロードチャーチ)


You'll demotivate our entire intake. The boredom drips off you. (ブロードチャーチ)


Why don't I give you a call when I've got my diary in front of me? (ブロードチャーチ)


The dust has settled. (ブロードチャーチ)


She kicked the living daylights out of him. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'm going to court today even if it means I'm dosed up on painkillers. (ブロードチャーチ)


I nearly told him at his leaving do. (ブロードチャーチ)


DPS :  Department of public safety

The DPS reports. (ブロードチャーチ)


Stay calm, stick to the facts. Don't get drawn into anything else. (ブロードチャーチ)


Dirty weekend away. (ブロードチャーチ)


We can't prove his innocence, so we discredit the idea of his guilt. (ブロードチャーチ)


Got cancer. They've given me nine months. My lungs are done in. (ブロードチャーチ)


I didn't want to dump Nigel in it. (ブロードチャーチ)


I tried to talk him out of it, but he's dead set on it. (ブロードチャーチ)


Go on, dazzle me. (ブロードチャーチ)


No forensics teams, nothing official. I'm pushing as it is. Do not drop me in it. できる限りのことはしているわ。(ブロードチャーチ)


I need three doubters on the jury. (ブロードチャーチ)


You have discharged your duties honourably. (ブロードチャーチ)


Oh, that's very nice. You've almost got an eye. (ブロードチャーチ)


Olly Stevens, Broadchurch Echo. (ブロードチャーチ)


I was completely exonerated. (ブロードチャーチ)


The Echo works with the police. (ブロードチャーチ)


Your own exhaustive list of suspects. (ブロードチャーチ)


We'll send someone to do elimination prints. 非容疑者を除外するための指紋一覧。(ブロードチャーチ)


I messaged them through to run a match against elimination prints. The first thing we do is eliminate people from the investigation. (ブロードチャーチ)


No stress, no pressure, nothing that'll cause unnecessary exertion. (ブロードチャーチ)


On earth we say, 'Good morning, how you doing?' - I've told him. Makes no difference. まずは朝の挨拶ぐらいしたらどうだ。(ブロードチャーチ)


The mum, how photogenic? - Very photogenic. English rose. (ブロードチャーチ)


An eerie silence enveloped the town of Broadchurch tonight. (ブロードチャーチ)


You'd even use a boy's death to your own ends. (ブロードチャーチ)


That's not my article.  You stoked it up. Made it all emotive. (ブロードチャーチ)


I was made an example of. (ブロードチャーチ)


Match the fingerprints against all the elimination prints. (ブロードチャーチ)


Bring me up to speed with great economy. (ブロードチャーチ)


Once the plea is entered, you'll be remanded back into custody for sentence. (ブロードチャーチ)


It's a simple hearing. Once he's entered a plea, he'll be remanded for sentencing. (ブロードチャーチ)


You took the job earmarked for me. (ブロードチャーチ)


Joe's legal team have requested a new autopsy on Danny's body. It means an official exhumation. (ブロードチャーチ)


Extracting a confession through violence? (ブロードチャーチ)


See if there are grounds to have the confession excluded. (ブロードチャーチ)


How's your trial going? - So far so good. It's early days. (ブロードチャーチ)


Two blokes eyeing us up over my left shoulder. (ブロードチャーチ)


They eat away at you. Especially when you're wrong. (ブロードチャーチ)


There's an epitaph - "Ellie Miller, she did the best she could." (ブロードチャーチ)


It's eating me up knowing he's back in the country. (ブロードチャーチ)


We're gonna fight till the bitter end. (ブロードチャーチ)


Last day of evidence. 証言(ブロードチャーチ)


Love's all-encompassing when you're in it. (ブロードチャーチ)


five-a-side フットサル、室内サッカー

Where were you for five-a-side last Tuesday? (ブロードチャーチ)


The local paper Twitter feeds. (ブロードチャーチ)


Well, first and foremost, all of our prayers are with the Latimer family. (ブロードチャーチ)


Everything connects and feeds this case. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'm finding flecks of glass. (ブロードチャーチ)


That conviction was a farce. (ブロードチャーチ)


He was flagged up. (ブロードチャーチ)


It's opened the floodgates. Media officer's been deluged with calls. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'll get a lock first thing. (ブロードチャーチ)


He's got a conviction for kiddie-fiddling. (ブロードチャーチ)


We all have our foibles. (ブロードチャーチ)


Where's Mum? Went out for a run first thing. (ブロードチャーチ)


Jack Marshall wouldn't hurt a fly. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'll break your fucking face. (ブロードチャーチ)


She is married but it didn't seem to faze him. (ブロードチャーチ)


I don't think anything was flagged up. (ブロードチャーチ)


I make a complaint about your failings with Jack. (ブロードチャーチ)


You were in the Latimers' like a fly in shite. (ブロードチャーチ)


The Sandbrook case fell apart at the trial. (ブロードチャーチ)


You took the blame. You took all that flak for years. (ブロードチャーチ)


You do that when you're on the back foot. (ブロードチャーチ)


I fixed him up. 手当をした(ブロードチャーチ)


I think Becca's quite fit. (ブロードチャーチ)


They're worried the CPS will fob them off with just anyone. ひどい弁護士がつくかも(ブロードチャーチ)


17 games to 14 in my favour.  17対14で俺の勝ちだ。(ブロードチャーチ)


I fancied a chat. (ブロードチャーチ)


Fat lot of use you are. 役立たずね(ブロードチャーチ)


That's my failing. I've got to put it right. (ブロードチャーチ)


Two proper coffees, petal, no foam. (ブロードチャーチ)


We flagged down the first taxi we saw. (ブロードチャーチ)


It's a fraught time for everyone at the moment. (ブロードチャーチ)


Why are you being such a fuckwit about this? (ブロードチャーチ)


He blew. I saw him go. It was like a switch had been flipped in him. (ブロードチャーチ)


Annoyed about those last two witnesses. I wasn't quick enough on my feet. (ブロードチャーチ)


My sight's failing. I'm going blind. (ブロードチャーチ)


The process of justice can still flow. 可能になった。(ブロードチャーチ)


We're gonna set a fire under her. (ブロードチャーチ)


This bloke kept fidgeting. (ブロードチャーチ)


A fumble in a car. (ブロードチャーチ)


Danny tried to break free. (ブロードチャーチ)


The first thing you need to do is appoint a foreperson. 陪審長(ブロードチャーチ)


He pulled a face at the window, it made me laugh. I pulled one back. My little boy pulling faces at me. (ブロードチャーチ)


You haven't had a falling out, have you? (ブロードチャーチ)


If you remember that smile, give it a go for me, would you? (ブロードチャーチ)


Grudge match. (ブロードチャーチ)


What do you write that doesn't sound glib? (ブロードチャーチ)


Murder gnaws at the soul. (ブロードチャーチ)


We just need to hit the ground running. (ブロードチャーチ)


He caught the end of a line in the bottom of his foot and gashed it open. (ブロードチャーチ)


Everyone says you're the go-to men in the town. (ブロードチャーチ)


It's him you should be having a go at. (ブロードチャーチ)


Look in the grain. of the wood. (ブロードチャーチ)


I slipped in the shower. - You've been glued up. (ブロードチャーチ)


What I wouldn't give for that. (ブロードチャーチ)


You get on with him, do you? (ブロードチャーチ)


I kind of grew fond of it after a while. (ブロードチャーチ)


Golden, this is(ブロードチャーチ)


grabber :  a device with two parts that open and close on the end, used for taking hold of or picking up things.

I added a metal pot grabber to my kit to grab and lift cans and metal pots off the fire.

Danny would've spent it all on the grabbers in the game arcade. And lost. (ブロードチャーチ)


You are a gem, a precious gem. (ブロードチャーチ)


You're looking a bit giddy there. (ブロードチャーチ)


I will gut this dog. (ブロードチャーチ)


You're getting on, save your energy. 歳だし無理しないで。(ブロードチャーチ)


Let me try him on his mobile. - No, I've already given that a go, so don't worry. (ブロードチャーチ)


I can't give myself to another child, when I failed the last one. (ブロードチャーチ)


Look at him standing there gloating. (ブロードチャーチ)


Don't have a go at me. (ブロードチャーチ)


I didn't expect you to go all Bruce Lee on him. (ブロードチャーチ)


It was a worth a go. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'll get the garage to look at the car. (ブロードチャーチ)


Have the garage pick up the car for me in the morning. (ブロードチャーチ)


I was probably keener to have a baby but my husband went along with it. (ブロードチャーチ)


Is this really your gaff? (ブロードチャーチ)


I was like a kid of 14, giddy with a fling. 童貞を捨てた14歳のガキのようだった。(ブロードチャーチ)


He knows the good I've done. (ブロードチャーチ)


She was grooming Pippa for Lee. (ブロードチャーチ)


My gran gave it to me. (ブロードチャーチ)


I want you to take a big gulp of that. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'm not ready to stop. In fact, I'm just getting going again. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'm going to hand over now to our senior investigating officer, DI Alec Hardy. (ブロードチャーチ)


Uniform are moaning they're having to take calls. 人手が足りなくて、警官が電話対応しなくてはならなくて嘆いている(ブロードチャーチ)


I'd have been with the boys. We got hammered. (ブロードチャーチ)


Don't harangue me! (ブロードチャーチ)


I was a little hazy when you asked me those questions. (ブロードチャーチ)


Hey, gonna give me a header? (ヘディングパス) (ブロードチャーチ)


How many people do you even have working on it? (ブロードチャーチ)


How about you heed my very strong advice? (ブロードチャーチ)


call a halt 停止を命じる

I'm calling a halt right now. (ブロードチャーチ)


A good detective? - Hardened. (ブロードチャーチ)


You won't even hear me out? (ブロードチャーチ)


Have you seen the Herald today? (ブロードチャーチ)


There is an innocent man being hounded. (ブロードチャーチ)


Hey. Hiya. (ブロードチャーチ)


How's it feel having to eat humble pie like this? (ブロードチャーチ)


You were nicking pheasants? - Yeah. The butcher in town takes 'em off my hands. 肉屋が処理してくれるから。(ブロードチャーチ)


We all need to be on hand. (ブロードチャーチ)


I want to help. - Hug it out? (ブロードチャーチ)


Are you out of your head? (ブロードチャーチ)


You have to be holed up here? (ブロードチャーチ)


I will be posting hour by hour coverage of the trial on the blog. (ブロードチャーチ)


No, don't say things like that. Seriously, don't. I'm not having it. (ブロードチャーチ)


I woke up halfway through the night. (ブロードチャーチ)


You're having the court on, aren't you? (ブロードチャーチ)


If I could go back and make it un-happen, I would. (ブロードチャーチ)


He had this little silver hip flask. (ブロードチャーチ)


Are you really going to desert him in his hour of need? (ブロードチャーチ)


I’ll leave everything to your daughter in the will. Held till she is 18. (ブロードチャーチ)


It's always easy to recognise mistakes in hindsight. (ブロードチャーチ)


Throw red herrings around to try and distract you from the truth. (ブロードチャーチ)


hard of thinking :  (humorous, derogatory) Having difficulty in thinking; stupid.

Easily-swayed, hard-of-thinking arseholes. (ブロードチャーチ)


My heart went out to you. (ブロードチャーチ)


I've got you into a halfway house. (ブロードチャーチ)


This incessant list question thing? Bam-bam-bam-bam. (ブロードチャーチ)


You can be invalided out. - Not till I'm done here. (ブロードチャーチ)


Summoned to the inner sanctum. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'm not inventive enough. Not experimental enough. (ブロードチャーチ)


Is that a common brand? High tar. - It's quite unusual these days. If they were bought locally, You might be in with a shout of people remembering the purchaser. (ブロードチャーチ)


Now they're playing the innocent. (ブロードチャーチ)


Who still uses a fax? - Terry here would still use ink wells if they'd let him. (ブロードチャーチ)


The defence impugning the integrity of the police investigation. (ブロードチャーチ)


He was on the invite list. (ブロードチャーチ)


Let an agency do it. You can jazz it up. 記事は事務所でも書けるよ。(ブロードチャーチ)


If there's more in the papers, it might jog people's memories. (ブロードチャーチ)


I was getting a bit jaded anyway. - Jaded, how? - More red tape. (ブロードチャーチ)


Jaffa Cakes. (ブロードチャーチ)


Mark's absurd schoolboy fantasy was in pieces. He was jolted back to the real world. (ブロードチャーチ)


Go on. Jog on. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'll give you money to shut up. - I'll give you more money to be less of a knob. (ブロードチャーチ)


Would it kill you to be reassuring? (ブロードチャーチ)


Fresh eggs, we had a bumper lay. 生まれたての卵(ブロードチャーチ)


lung buster (plural lung busters) (colloquial) Any task that puts a lot of pressure on one's lungs, making one out of breath.


I got you lung busters(ブロードチャーチ)


I looked in on him. (ブロードチャーチ)


Give my love to Beth and the kids. (ブロードチャーチ)


You came down here to lie low. (ブロードチャーチ)


Why didn't you look in on him last night? (ブロードチャーチ)


Theft from lock-ups. (ブロードチャーチ)


locking in

UK = Pub "locking in" the drinkers (normally regulars/friends) to carry on drinking after restricted hours

US = Church "locking in" youths for churchy stuff.

We get lock-ins at The Fox. (ブロードチャーチ)


lido (British) a public open-air swimming pool or bathing beach.

He came round, we went to the lido. (ブロードチャーチ)


Are you living off hotel food? (ブロードチャーチ)


I'd say a lit rag inside a bottle was used to ignite it. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'm owed loads. (ブロードチャーチ)


line of sight〔武器などの〕照準線照準器と目標を結ぶ、遮られていない直線。

Line of sight. You can see the field that backs onto the Latimer house. (ブロードチャーチ)


It's loads better. (ブロードチャーチ)


be lumbered with (mainly UK) :  to have to deal with something or someone that you do not want to:

I've been lumbered with my neighbours' cat while they're away.

You think you've been lumbered with a senior officer. (ブロードチャーチ)


Nige can't carry the load on his own, can he? (ブロードチャーチ)


I thought, you know, being as I was in the fishing village, I should be a bit more fishermanly. (ブロードチャーチ)


OK. Love to the family. 家族によろしく伝えてね。(ブロードチャーチ)


Dark hair, lopsided haircut. (ブロードチャーチ)


Friends in low places, see. (ブロードチャーチ)


I hear that shitface is laid up. (ブロードチャーチ)


Well, it's a tough job. You've found your level. (low) (ブロードチャーチ)


He was convicted. Got life. (ブロードチャーチ)


You have a line to the big man.(牧師として神と直接つながってるだろ)Why don't you ask him? (ブロードチャーチ)


Have them lodge their passports. (ブロードチャーチ)


Tom was really, really laying into Danny. 殴る(ブロードチャーチ)


Mark gave Danny a split lip. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'll let you into a secret. (ブロードチャーチ)


I put myself on the line before. (ブロードチャーチ)


Lodge a point in the mind of the jury. (ブロードチャーチ)


Ricky called me earlier to lodge a complaint of harassment against you. (ブロードチャーチ)


She's a bloody liability! (ブロードチャーチ)


The body lets down the mind, the mind lets down the body. (ブロードチャーチ)


He was never interested in her. He's never looking to go older. Younger, maybe, but not Cate's age.  Cateのような年上の女に興味はないはずよ。(ブロードチャーチ)


I've got a new lease of life. (ブロードチャーチ)


Personal liaisons got in the way of the truth. 私的な関係(ブロードチャーチ)


I see a loaded, lopsided game. (ブロードチャーチ)


This evidence is the lever to get them to confess. (ブロードチャーチ)


You don't want to end on a loss. (ブロードチャーチ)


Keep our love as strong as steel. (ブロードチャーチ)


Any sexual violence? - Mercifully, no. (ブロードチャーチ)


Let's make this all about you! (ブロードチャーチ)


You just need a friend when it's getting a bit much. つらいとき(ブロードチャーチ)


I messaged them through. (ブロードチャーチ)


You could moor the boat on the shore. (ブロードチャーチ)


See if it marries up. (ブロードチャーチ)


It's Mark Latimer? - Not to my memory. (ブロードチャーチ)


Every step is a mammoth effort. (ブロードチャーチ)


We met up, had a drive, a bite to eat. (ブロードチャーチ)


Tell us about your conviction for sex with a minor, Jack. - So we're into the muck-raking, are we? (ブロードチャーチ)


Maggie's gonna be miffed. (ブロードチャーチ)


You'll make someone a lovely husband one day. (ブロードチャーチ)


You'll make someone a lovely apprentice. (ブロードチャーチ)


Seeing if I'll crack. You've got me marked. (ブロードチャーチ)


Are you having fun? Anything to lighten the mood, eh? (ブロードチャーチ)


I didn't muscle in. (ブロードチャーチ)


It's all a bit muddled in with everything else. (ブロードチャーチ)


Nine missed calls on my phone. (ブロードチャーチ)


Look at you, marinating in self pity. (ブロードチャーチ)


Collect Fred from the child minder's. (ブロードチャーチ)


It just sort of mushroomed. 大勢集まった。(ブロードチャーチ)


Don't fidget, don't mutter to yourself. (ブロードチャーチ)


I am minded to exclude the confession from evidence. (ブロードチャーチ)


I got my child-minder to agree to have Fred for the night. (ブロードチャーチ)


Is he some higher mortal who doesn't phone people ? (ブロードチャーチ)


Don't take the moral high ground with me. (ブロードチャーチ)


Why should I be always mopping up your mess? (ブロードチャーチ)


I have macular degeneration. (ブロードチャーチ)


It's over. The moment passed. (ブロードチャーチ)


Given the nature of this case. (ブロードチャーチ)


99 Flake :  A 99 Flake, 99, or ninety-nine is an ice cream cone with a Cadbury Flake inserted in the ice cream.

Thanks for the 99. (ブロードチャーチ)


Save it from being nicked. (ブロードチャーチ)


NVQ: 全国職業資格(National Vocational Qualifications)は、英国イングランド、ウェールズ、北アイルランドにおける職業技能レベルの国家認定制度であり、教育省配下の政府機関資格・カリキュラム開発機構(QCA)が所管している。

Did my NVQ. Mark took me on and trained me up. (ブロードチャーチ)


They took no notice. (ブロードチャーチ)


I pray nightly you'll stop asking me questions. (ブロードチャーチ)


You really are quite needy, Olly. Always wanting affirmation. (ブロードチャーチ)


You had sex how many times? - You think I put notches on my bedpost? (ブロードチャーチ)


Your concern's noted. (ブロードチャーチ)


The Second Commandment tells us, "Love thy neighbour as thyself. "(ブロードチャーチ)


That nagging sense of pointlessness. "What does it matter if I don't finish this work? The worst has already happened. "(ブロードチャーチ)


Use some of those numpties they drafted in. (ブロードチャーチ)


I didn't think she'd have the nerve. (ブロードチャーチ)


What needs doing? (ブロードチャーチ)


NCTNational Childbirth TrustNCTとは、出産と育児に関する英国最大規模の非営利団体。

We were good friends. Beth and I were in the same NCT group. 育児教室(ブロードチャーチ)


Hold your nerve, Beth. (ブロードチャーチ)


Played netball. (ブロードチャーチ)


I can drive you there, if need be. (ブロードチャーチ)


I need you to take her to the nick. (ブロードチャーチ)


Cocaine though. It must be a one-off. (ブロードチャーチ)


Look for the out of the ordinary. (ブロードチャーチ)


You overcompensate. 無理するな(ブロードチャーチ)


Obstructing a murder inquiry. (ブロードチャーチ)


An outboard motor. (ブロードチャーチ)



one-up positiona ~》〈話〉一段上の立場[ポジション]


one-up one's opponent〈話〉対戦相手の上を行く[より一枚上手である]

one-up the competition〈話〉競争を一歩リードする

one up on〈話〉~よりワンランク上で、~より一段上で、~より一段勝って、~より一歩先んじて、~より優位[有利]で、~より役者が一枚上で、~に一歩差をつけて、~に1点差でリードして

She is one up on me as far as grades are concerned. : 成績に関しては、彼女の方が私より良い。

get one up on~に勝る

I'm one up from the man who sits there giggling to himself. (ブロードチャーチ)


I was up late trying to write a sermon. Trying being the operative word. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'll get Frank and Nish on it. やらせる(ブロードチャーチ)



First shag in months. Thanks, ouzo. (ブロードチャーチ)


He always this objectionable? - He's excelling himself. (皮肉) (ブロードチャーチ)


I'm done. Medicalled out. (ブロードチャーチ)


Out with the old. 古いのは捨てる(ブロードチャーチ)


Over-achievers have an inherent fear of failure. (ブロードチャーチ)


It's not just down to me. It's on everyone in this room. (ブロードチャーチ)


Only so much any woman could take from him. 限界があるわ(ブロードチャーチ)


I think he spiked my drink with Rohypnol. I was out for a long time. (ブロードチャーチ)


The longer this goes on the more everyone wants to get involved, stick their oar in. (ブロードチャーチ)


Maybe it was because we were renting off them, but I just always felt she was looking down on us. (ブロードチャーチ)


There's all them lovely tourist girls ripe for your picking. (ブロードチャーチ)


Danny did his paper round this morning. (ブロードチャーチ)


petal : (UK informal) a friendly way of talking to someone, especially a woman or child:

What did you say, petal?

You're good, petal. Your time will come. (ブロードチャーチ)


Get on to the pathologist. Tell him to hurry up. (ブロードチャーチ)


Even if it is just preliminary. (ブロードチャーチ)


Most likely premise is abduction. (ブロードチャーチ)


He was up and out before anyone else. He's got a paper round. (ブロードチャーチ)


Who are you putting up at the Traders? (ブロードチャーチ)


We've got five uniform allocated, two probationers. (ブロードチャーチ)


Pastoral care. (ブロードチャーチ)


Whole family's system had packed in. (ブロードチャーチ)


If I can't eliminate you, you're a person of interest. (ブロードチャーチ)


Develop their pet theory. (ブロードチャーチ)


Oh, you're in a suit. - I didn't expect it. We didn't get poshed up. (ブロードチャーチ)


pap (in British English) (informal) 1. a paparazzo 2 (of the paparazzi) to follow and photograph (a famous person)

He got papped at the Latimers'. Photographer came to the hotel, we bought it. (ブロードチャーチ)


It's a pay-as-you-go SIM. (ブロードチャーチ)


Fifth para should be the third. Then we move these two sentences to the top of the second para. (ブロードチャーチ)


We hope people aren't put off coming to our town by this tragic, yet isolated event. (ブロードチャーチ)


You're ahead of the pack. (ブロードチャーチ)


We persevere with evidence. (ブロードチャーチ)


They're rounding up a posse to get him. (ブロードチャーチ)


We went paintballing down the coast. (ブロードチャーチ)


A terrible event and the church piles in gleefully. (ブロードチャーチ)


They want to put a pacemaker in me. (ブロードチャーチ)


OK, petal. You are a gem. (ブロードチャーチ)


I don't know what the hell you're playing at. (ブロードチャーチ)


I would ask all members of the media not to do anything that would prejudice the suspect's rights. (ブロードチャーチ)


The particulars of the offence are that on the 18th day of July 2013, you murdered Daniel Latimer. (ブロードチャーチ)


I was doing all right, you know. I was pressing it down, burying it. (ブロードチャーチ)


I thought that you were penitent. (ブロードチャーチ)


You can't put everyone through a trial. (ブロードチャーチ)


The probationary period. (ブロードチャーチ)


We put the prosecution to proof. 検察に証明させる(ブロードチャーチ)


I'm still your boss, petal. (ブロードチャーチ)


Forensic evidence places him at the murder scene. (ブロードチャーチ)


Pursuant to Section 76. (ブロードチャーチ)


Do you wanna pat me down as well? 身体検査するのか(ブロードチャーチ)


Don't put this on me. I am sick of everyone putting their shit on me and I'm not responsible for it. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'll do my own prep. (ブロードチャーチ)


You all right? - I will be till the Pethidine wears off. (ブロードチャーチ)


Phone mast records have placed the phone at Mr. Miller's house. (ブロードチャーチ)


Did he show a predilection for images of children? (ブロードチャーチ)


Until recently, you'd been on a rather strong career path, hadn't you? (ブロードチャーチ)


Then, please stick to the facts, PC Miller. (ブロードチャーチ)


He's poisoned my own wife against me. (ブロードチャーチ)


We've put in a strong case. (ブロードチャーチ)


We could create packs, do a website and set up a phone line. (ブロードチャーチ)


I thought you'd prepped her. (ブロードチャーチ)


You want to pin the blame on the son who's rejected you. (ブロードチャーチ)


Thanks for that shitty platitude. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'm surprised you remember anything, the amount of that you put away. 飲みすぎだよ(ブロードチャーチ)


I think you've been playing all of us. (ブロードチャーチ)


The investigating officers in this case have breached the PACE codes. (ブロードチャーチ)


There has been an abuse which prejudices this trial. (ブロードチャーチ)


He'll be suspended of duties pending an investigation. (ブロードチャーチ)


This juror is very pro you. He smiles every time you speak. (ブロードチャーチ)


She's great, but she's past it. (ブロードチャーチ)


Oh, hello, you're piping up now, are you? (ブロードチャーチ)


I need a wee favour on the quiet. (ブロードチャーチ)


We need to make sure the CPS find you the best QC. 弁護士(ブロードチャーチ)


Needs a QC. (ブロードチャーチ)


Nobody thought to query it. (ブロードチャーチ)


Danny didn't turn up for his round this morning? (ブロードチャーチ)


I assumed he was sick. Did he often miss his round? (ブロードチャーチ)


I'll read the riot act and I'll explain to the family. (ブロードチャーチ)


rock up《俗》いきなり押しかける;アポなしで来る 〈豪俗〉到着する

You can't just rock up here and try to mould me. (ブロードチャーチ)


It's been ruthlessly cleaned. (ブロードチャーチ)


Am I too rustly? 袋の音うるさい?(ブロードチャーチ)


You're having a right old go at that. (ブロードチャーチ)


Anything you want to revisit in what you've just told me? 何か言ったことに訂正したいことは(ブロードチャーチ)


Shall I restock the racks? (ブロードチャーチ)


We just regurgitate press releases. (ブロードチャーチ)


One of the night-boats radioed in. (ブロードチャーチ)


I had a run-in with Jack. (ブロードチャーチ)


Police are hoping the reconstruction will jog people's memories. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'm sorry, it was a mistake. - Too right it was. (ブロードチャーチ)


The grief ripped us apart. (ブロードチャーチ)


Oh, Dad, get a room. (ブロードチャーチ)


You enjoy trying to rile me, don't you? (ブロードチャーチ)


Help me finish looking through this old Rolodex here. (ブロードチャーチ)


Run me through where you were. (ブロードチャーチ)


Once the plea is entered, you'll be remanded back into custody for sentence. (ブロードチャーチ)


It's boiling in here! You've got all the radiators on. (ブロードチャーチ)


Spare me the sentimental populism. I get enough of that from your rag. (ブロードチャーチ)


We must be running late. (ブロードチャーチ)


I hope you rot in hell. (ブロードチャーチ)


When the trial starts tomorrow, we'll be running a live blog. (ブロードチャーチ)


I wondered if we might recalibrate our strategy. (ブロードチャーチ)


So we can take a run at her. (ブロードチャーチ)


You're clear on those classified rates? 広告料(ブロードチャーチ)


He used to have that stuff Rohypnol. (ブロードチャーチ)


Rohypnol? Definitely said Rohypnol? (ブロードチャーチ)


I don't want her having a run at him. (ブロードチャーチ)


Joe Miller found himself a Rottweiler to defend him. (ブロードチャーチ)


I think he spiked my drink with Rohypnol. (ブロードチャーチ)


You're making all that racket and waking everyone up. (ブロードチャーチ)


You're a prosecution rebuttal witness. 反証証人(ブロードチャーチ)


You are there specifically to rebut part of the defence case. (ブロードチャーチ)


You covered for me, just so I wouldn't get the rap. (ブロードチャーチ)


They RSVP'd yes. (ブロードチャーチ)


Were you aware she'd racked up substantial gambling debts? (ブロードチャーチ)


You have to rise above it. (ブロードチャーチ)


I was living rough. I'd sort of hit rock bottom. (ブロードチャーチ)


Recurring suspects. (ブロードチャーチ)


Did you not find any traces of Rohypnol in Pippa's body? (ブロードチャーチ)


Traffic's really stacking up. (ブロードチャーチ)


You said I was a shoo-in. (ブロードチャーチ)


Siphoned the whole bloody tank. (ブロードチャーチ)


You've got a shout. 呼ばれてるわよ(ブロードチャーチ)


SOCO :  abbreviation for Scenes of Crime Officer: a person whose job is to collect evidence from the place where a crime has taken place for the British police:

The detective waited as the SOCO, a young woman in white overalls, finished filming the scene.

Find out where SOCO are. (ブロードチャーチ)


Up here on the top of the cliff, there's no flattened grass or slippage. (ブロードチャーチ)


Hey, coming to skittles? (ブロードチャーチ)


This happened a stone's throw from your station. (ブロードチャーチ)


Just a corner of the office I can squirrel myself away in? (ブロードチャーチ)


SOCO are at work on the beach. (ブロードチャーチ)


Keep your broody bullshit shtick to yourself. (ブロードチャーチ)


Mum, stop smothering me! (ブロードチャーチ)


This is the worst slump we've had in decades. (ブロードチャーチ)


Accepting a coffee or a bag of chips without a great big sigh. (ブロードチャーチ)


I thought I'd sneak literally five minutes. 5分だけ休憩よ(ブロードチャーチ)


You come in with this self-indulgent horseshit. (ブロードチャーチ)


SOCO think it's where Danny was killed. (ブロードチャーチ)


We've had a lot of information in we need to sift through. (ブロードチャーチ)


We took the boat out the week before last. When we had the hot spell. (ブロードチャーチ)


All sorted now? (ブロードチャーチ)


You'll be fine once you get stuck in. (ブロードチャーチ)


You don't know how these things stick. 不倫を一度でもすると世間は忘れない(ブロードチャーチ)


Smother him with kindness. (ブロードチャーチ)


Strands of hair. (ブロードチャーチ)


Shard of plastic. (ブロードチャーチ)


I just want them to catch the sod who did it. (ブロードチャーチ)


Did you set him off looking into Jack Marshall? (ブロードチャーチ)


sidesman 【名】《英国国教》教会世話役

She's one of our sidesmen. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'm not trying to stitch you up. (ブロードチャーチ)


The rest of the papers are now scrambling to catch up. (ブロードチャーチ)


Quite a spread, Nige. You've got hidden talents. (ブロードチャーチ)


Sir. SOCO have confirmed the hairs found on the boat match Danny's. (ブロードチャーチ)


I just need a bit of money to stand me up again. (ブロードチャーチ)


You stoked it up. Made it all emotive. (ブロードチャーチ)


I was doing shifts at the hotel.


The Chief Super is scaling our resources back. (ブロードチャーチ)


Spare me the sanctimonious shit. (ブロードチャーチ)


You're like the first person I've met to talk any sense. (ブロードチャーチ)


Please, Miller, don't tell the Chief Super. (ブロードチャーチ)


We can start at the back of the hut and do a complete sweep all the way through. (ブロードチャーチ)


He was all splayed out. (ブロードチャーチ)


I don't want to stitch you up, genuinely. (ブロードチャーチ)


I siphoned some diesel out of his tractor. (ブロードチャーチ)


Her car was broken into. Just a quick smash and grab. (ブロードチャーチ)


You're the spit of your father, Nigel. You've got him in you. (ブロードチャーチ)


So where is Nigel Carter? - Surveillance team lost him. He shook them off in a back alley. (ブロードチャーチ)


Get uniform, scour the area, bring him here now! (ブロードチャーチ)


Accuse him of all sorts of shenanigans. (ブロードチャーチ)


You stitched me up. (ブロードチャーチ)


Have dinner, have some drinks, you can all stay the night. Oh, have a sleepover! (ブロードチャーチ)


A few questions to start us off, get things straight. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'd hate to show up a former pupil of mine. (ブロードチャーチ)


Dinner, then. A meal out. -  How much will that set us back? (ブロードチャーチ)


What have you eaten today? - KitKat and a Scotch egg. (ブロードチャーチ)


Mr. Miller had sustained an injury. (ブロードチャーチ)


If you could see your way to getting up to date with the arrears, I’d appreciate that. (ブロードチャーチ)


They've never done anything of worth. They just stand there sniping. (ブロードチャーチ)


I've been sat around the court these last few days. (ブロードチャーチ)


Life sweeps by. (ブロードチャーチ)


Movement of the car sends her to sleep. (ブロードチャーチ)


I hope you're not following me. - Says the woman who had me recorded on the camera! (ブロードチャーチ)


Oh, don't start me off on that! (ブロードチャーチ)


Whenever you think you're getting close, it slips away from you. (ブロードチャーチ)


When you go this time, you stay gone. (ブロードチャーチ)


You are getting above your station! (ブロードチャーチ)


He said he fancied a spring clean. (ブロードチャーチ)


You're picking at a scab, trying to make it bleed. (ブロードチャーチ)


There are no secrets between a barrister and her client. Like the Seal of the Confessional. (ブロードチャーチ)


He's just trying to put us off the scent. (ブロードチャーチ)


I live in a tiny little studio flat. (ブロードチャーチ)


The defence applies for a stay of proceedings. (ブロードチャーチ)


Look at you! Nice. - I scrub up well, don't I? (ブロードチャーチ)


You boys are going to your Aunt Lucy's - sleepover, it'll be fun. (ブロードチャーチ)


I wasn't in any state. (ブロードチャーチ)


The business was in a state cos I wasn't paying to attention to it. (ブロードチャーチ)


I'm sorry to hear your mum passed away. - We're working now, Ben. - All the same. (ブロードチャーチ)


Are you OK? - Just got into a bit of a scrap. けんか(ブロードチャーチ)


This has been an extremely difficult and distressing case, and as such, this court excuses you all from any future jury duty. (ブロードチャーチ)


I want you to stoke it. I want it to burn in you. (ブロードチャーチ)


She has stitched you up. (ブロードチャーチ)


Snuggle down in the bed. (ブロードチャーチ)


Snug as a bug. (ブロードチャーチ)


Your hotel started that tradesman's discount yet? - You've gotta have class to eat here. (ブロードチャーチ)


A downward trajectory. (ブロードチャーチ)


You're being inappropriate. Tone it down. (ブロードチャーチ)


Well, it's freezing. I thought a Thermos would help. (ブロードチャーチ)


You can't say we're not being thought of. 皆に大切に思われている(ブロードチャーチ)


I'll be back in two ticks. (ブロードチャーチ)


I get thrown to the lions? (ブロードチャーチ)


You turned me over. (ブロードチャーチ)


That's us told!  :  it usually means "we have been duly reprimanded", it's often jocular, and every so often sarcastic.

No more talking about work. - Well, that's us told. (ブロードチャーチ)


Danny's DNA and Jack Marshall's, which tallies with him finding the phone. (ブロードチャーチ)


You've changed your tune. (ブロードチャーチ)


Tread carefully. (ブロードチャーチ)


It is a little bit tacky not to call. (ブロードチャーチ)


Your little town turned on him quite happily. (ブロードチャーチ)


Religion took over the booze? 酒の代わりに宗教に依存しているの?(ブロードチャーチ)


So what you're saying doesn't ring true. (ブロードチャーチ)


These are people's lives your trampling on. (ブロードチャーチ)


light the blue touch paper / light the touch paper to do something which causes other people to react in an angry or aggressive way.

This kind of remark is guaranteed to light the blue touch paper with some Labour politicians.

Light the blue touchpaper and then retire? (ブロードチャーチ)


Can you just take us through what happened last night? (ブロードチャーチ)


Don't go thinking that. (ブロードチャーチ)


He was kind and twinkly. (ブロードチャーチ)


He sustained a broken rib and bruising to the neck, chest and torso. (ブロードチャーチ)


Do you tell Mrs. Latimer we meet? 奥さんに私たちがここで会うことを伝えているの?(ブロードチャーチ)


I heard they trashed you in court. (ブロードチャーチ)


It was a long time coming. :  やっと実現した/やっとそうなった a long time in comingin が省略された形。

I'm so glad we won today. - Me, too. It was a long time coming.そうね。やっと勝ったわね。

I was sorry to hear about you and Ricky. - It was a long time coming. やっと離婚できた(ブロードチャーチ)


You don't turn on your family! 裏切る(ブロードチャーチ)


He tried it on. He was after me all night. (ブロードチャーチ)


ain't all that :  The idiom is a slang expression that means someone or something is not as good, impressive, or attractive as they appear or claim to be.

Why should the jury believe a single word you say? - You ain't all that. (ブロードチャーチ)


The last signal triangulated in Portsmouth. How did her phone get to Portsmouth? (ブロードチャーチ)


He's all torn up about today. (ブロードチャーチ)


Olly's not tweeting court updates on his blog. (ブロードチャーチ)


Come to terms with what you've done. (ブロードチャーチ)


We've got him on CCTV in the carpark of the shop, a receipt timed at 14:27, so that tallies. (ブロードチャーチ)


You take on a tawdry child killer. (ブロードチャーチ)


You've thought it all through, haven't you? (ブロードチャーチ)


So, what was the upshot of last night, then? (ブロードチャーチ)


It can't be undone. (ブロードチャーチ)


Do you have a conviction for underage sex? (ブロードチャーチ)


You are a year behind your projections with no sign of an upturn. (ブロードチャーチ)


Do I urk you, Miller? (ブロードチャーチ)


I don't have these answers. People are unknowable. (ブロードチャーチ)


When it's built, the wall is unassailable. (ブロードチャーチ)


We can't have another witness unravel. (ブロードチャーチ)


You're certain it was the postman? - Well he had a bag, and one of those high-visibility jackets. (ブロードチャーチ)


I was on the verge-side of the hill about 4:30 the other night, saw you standing. (ブロードチャーチ)


They walked in silent vigil. (ブロードチャーチ)


You can't just sit here. The Latimers need you. - Enough violins now. The answer is no. (ブロードチャーチ)


Mr. Miller vehemently denies the charge against him(ブロードチャーチ)


He's on voicemail. (ブロードチャーチ)


What have you got that voice on for? (ブロードチャーチ)


I drove through the vale. (ブロードチャーチ)


We're a working town mainly. 労働者の街(ブロードチャーチ)


Every big case, these people come crawling out the woodwork. (ブロードチャーチ)


They got their wires crossed. (ブロードチャーチ)


They've trained you to be a clever weasel, haven't they? (ブロードチャーチ)


Going back to the start like I'm on a bloody wheel. (ブロードチャーチ)


whistle for…を見込みがないのにほしがる;なしで済ます

You can whistle for it.(英略式)それは無理だね

I'm not paying her. She can whistle for that. (ブロードチャーチ)


You gave us all what for. That was a bit of a lecture back there, wasn't it? (ブロードチャーチ)


Don't stand there wittering. (ブロードチャーチ)


With me out, you get to lead. 俺がチームから抜けたら、お前が頭だな。(ブロードチャーチ)


It happened on my watch. (ブロードチャーチ)


I wish you were dead. - Wishing won't make it happen. (ブロードチャーチ)


Stop wittering, Miller. (ブロードチャーチ)


Build a wall of evidence, in front of the jury, brick by brick. (ブロードチャーチ)


I was a WPC and Joe was a paramedic. (ブロードチャーチ)


War room. (ブロードチャーチ)


It's already way past midnight. (ブロードチャーチ)


For well over two hours. (ブロードチャーチ)


Aren't you a beautiful little girlie? Little wriggler, aren't you? (ブロードチャーチ)


That seems to have gone out the window. (ブロードチャーチ)


Still you're trying to wriggle free from this situation. (ブロードチャーチ)


Mark spoke to Joe through the wicket only. (ブロードチャーチ)


Wonders will never cease! (ブロードチャーチ)


You're only really whole when you're with each other. (ブロードチャーチ)


I fought back.'When I am weak, then I am strong.'(ブロードチャーチ)


Let's work that verdict off on two very deserving people. 有罪にしてやろう(ブロードチャーチ)


You're too emotionally wound up. (ブロードチャーチ)


Love you zillions. (ブロードチャーチ)



I love you zillions, superstar. (ブロードチャーチ)