

13歳の時に誘拐された少女が13年間監禁された後、犯人のすきを見て逃げ出し保護されたところから話は始まります。今回のドラマ ”サーティーン 誘拐事件ファイル” (原題Thirteen)は2016年BBCのドラマ。主演はキリングイヴでロシアの暗殺者を演じたジョディカマー。彼女のロシア訛りがあまりにも洗練されていたので、今回彼女の綺麗な標準的なイギリス英語を聞いて、逆にえらく感心しました。彼女の英語とは対照的に警察側のリチャード・ランキン演じるエリオット・カーンはスコットランド、グラスゴー出身。前回のドラマ同様またしても強烈なスコット訛り。彼はドラマの中で主要な役だけに出番も多く、リスニングにつらいものを感じました。









I'm Detective Sergeant Lisa Merchant, warrant number 478, attached to Bristol's Specialist Crime Department. (サーティーン)


Good to have a man about the house. (サーティーン)


We've a long night of this ahead. (サーティーン)


Save some space if you can. There's crumble for afters. (サーティーン)


Get us one step ahead of him. (サーティーン)


So everything should be as was when you were here. (サーティーン)


If Ivy is protecting the kidnapper, even by omission, she's abetting a serial kidnapper. 言い控えることで誘拐犯をかばうことがあるならば(サーティーン)


He was attending on Corbridge Road. (サーティーン)


He was attendant on Colbridge Road. (サーティーン)


Your abortive escape attempt. (サーティーン)


Arterial roads. (サーティーン)


Have you found her? - Not as yet. (サーティーン)


What kind of a build did he have? (サーティーン)


I hope you don't mind bunking up with another couple! (サーティーン)


Bastard's bleached the place. (サーティーン)


Better pupil than Ivy you couldn't have hoped for.  (OSV) Ivyはとても優秀な生徒だった。(サーティーン)


So, what's changed? - Much? Nothing? Anything? - Can I go for somewhere in between? (サーティーン)


in my bubble :  being concentrated, focused, and not hearing what is going around. Daydreaming. Being disconnected from something else, being protected by refusing to get involved in a situation

I just don't think that we can wrap her up in some sort of bubble. (サーティーン)


You always beat me to it. (サーティーン)


We're in the minority that weren't bumped off this case. 私たちはこの事件から外されていない少数派よ。(サーティーン)


Put this sorry mess to bed. (サーティーン)


That's a smile you've got brewing. (サーティーン)


I'd really like to know why you've gone behind my back with this. We're supposed to be a team. (サーティーン)




Supposed to be buttering you up. (サーティーン)


We were bunking. (サーティーン)


She said to come and bunk off with her. (サーティーン)


Brevity wasn't Mrs. Tedder's strong suit. 話が長い。(サーティーン)


I heard you moved away. - To the Big, Unfriendly Smoke, for my sins. (サーティーン)


If the cellar hadn't been a bleach job, what's the betting his prints would be down there too? (サーティーン)


He made me pour bleach over the body. (サーティーン)


The sex was consensual. (サーティーン)


My brain's crying out for the morning coffee. (サーティーン)


People clam up with the police. (サーティーン)


it sends a message - "cock up".(サーティーン)


You crack a smile? (サーティーン)


Sarah said that Ivy couldn't come to the party. Said Ivy'd cramp our style. (サーティーン)


care in the community :  long-term care for people who are mentally ill, elderly, or disabled which is provided within the community rather than in hospitals or institutions, especially as implemented in the UK under the National Health Service and Community Care Act of 1990.

We can deliver more support and care in the community for people with long term conditions.

Care in the community, this is! (サーティーン)


When did you know you were in love? - It creeps up on you. (サーティーン)


I can manage the heavy sofa. - Stubbornness comes before a wrecked back. (サーティーン)


Pass comment on that. (サーティーン)


I wasn't coercing you into bad habits. (サーティーン)


Well, fresh air's a cure-all. (サーティーン)


I can give you some cuttings of some flowers in the garden. (サーティーン)


Was Dylan complicit in your continued imprisonment? (サーティーン)


He has an impaired cognitive function. (サーティーン)


The cavalry are here, they'll get me out. (サーティーン)


Save your cockup. (サーティーン)


I'll see what I can cobble together from the fridge. (サーティーン)


I don't think life is cruel enough to take any more from this family. (サーティーン)


Do her family know? - You're the one she put down as the point of contact. (サーティーン)


Be Ivy's point of contact. Better yet, be her friend. (サーティーン)


She has an around-the-clock police detail. (サーティーン)


I've got dodgy knees. (サーティーン)


I dug out Robin Hood DVD. (サーティーン)


I’m Jesse Rawlins. Hi. Two hands at your disposal. 何のサポートができますか?(サーティーン)


I've defrosted some old chicken. (サーティーン)


Eloise was the definition of trouble. (サーティーン)


You can speak to him when it's all died down. (サーティーン)


I've found Craig another duvet. (サーティーン)


I've dicked about with my hair so much. 髪をいじりすぎたわ。(サーティーン)


She's dropped her off at Dr Young's. (サーティーン)


Would you dim the lights? (サーティーン)


The place will just about do till I go back home. 私が帰るまでこの場所はもつわ(サーティーン)


Your "hello" could do with some work. 愛想が悪いわね(サーティーン)


The whole knight-in-shining-armour routine is a bit dated. (サーティーン)


Do you ever feel like a bit of a fraud? That's not me having a dig at you, it's just... (サーティーン)


Shit, did we get it? - No dice. (サーティーン)


Better if we split up, double our chances to find her. (サーティーン)


A picture will emerge of this man. (サーティーン)


She couldn't get out of this place quick enough. ここを出たがっていたし(サーティーン)


You're about to hear one audio extract. (サーティーン)


Care to elaborate on these "plans"?(サーティーン)


An embarrassing amount of time. (サーティーン)


We've found her earpiece. (サーティーン)


Being back there could bring her memories to the fore. (サーティーン)


FLO : Abbreviation for family liaison officer, a specially trained police officer who supports the family of someone who has been murdered or killed in a road accident, etc. Or it means a specially trained person who supports the family of a child who is having problems at school, especially to help with problems in the family that affect the child's learning.

The FLO replied that all those in all hospitals had been identified and accounted for, but the morgue was full of bodies waiting to be identified.

The role of the FLO is to assist in tackling underachievement by working in partnership with families.

I want you removed as our FLO. (サーティーン)


I think I've got something on the Carol White front. (サーティーン)


Why did you become a policeman? - I guess I needed a firm hand. 規律(サーティーン)


Funnily enough, I am actually trying to help you, Ivy. (サーティーン)


Where did White fit into this? (サーティーン)


How's El and the rest of the gang? (サーティーン)


Now, this is gold. (サーティーン)


Get in with me tonight. 一緒に寝てくれる。(サーティーン)


Two ghosts from his past is two too many. 彼の旧友2人なんて耐えられない。(サーティーン)


Get yourself down to the mortuary. (サーティーン)


I get that you are not the accepting-help type. (サーティーン)


He kept odd hours, never said a word to anyone. 夜に活動していた。(サーティーン)


I can't get a handle, a fix on it. (サーティーン)


The last places holding out from the modern world. (サーティーン)


You're right to go hardline. (サーティーン)


Bath, that's what's needed for you. I'll go heavy on the bubbles. 泡をいっぱいにしてあげるわ。(サーティーン)


It's hubris, plain and simple. (サーティーン)


You lot don't half make a racket. (サーティーン)


He is his half-brother. (サーティーン)


There's 40-odd testimonies from ex-staff on Mark White. - What is it, half-baked recalls of how Mark White liked his tea in the morning? (皮肉) (サーティーン)


I can't even hear myself argue. (サーティーン)


Hey, what's with the heavy hands? (サーティーン)


It's all the same headfuck. (サーティーン)


You obviously need time to get your head around whatever it is you can't get your head around. (サーティーン)


Threat of imminent death. (サーティーン)


It makes every statement you have given us inadmissible in court. (サーティーン)


Sorry for the inhumane hour to visit you. (サーティーン)


No joy so far. No-one seems to have known the guy. (サーティーン)


We'll get there. Breakthrough. All that jazz. (サーティーン)


Any joy with his van? - It's been found abandoned. (サーティーン)


I'm going to be your Family Liaison Officer. (サーティーン)


I'll even lob you in a feed round mine. 私の家で君に食事もふるまうよ。(サーティーン)


Information has come to light that puts the kidnapper here as a former member of staff at school. (サーティーン)


Find out how much leeway we have with Ivy. (サーティーン)


A case like this is the kind you look up from a year on. (サーティーン)


Lucky dip. くじ引き(サーティーン)


We'll let ourselves out. (サーティーン)


It was a lapse of judgment. (サーティーン)


We've a number of brilliant liaison officers. 担当官(サーティーン)


It feels like some low-rent “This Is Your Life.” (This Is Your Life is a British biographical television documentary, based on the 1952 American series.) (サーティーン)


We're seriously low on sleep. (サーティーン)


You old lug. (サーティーン)


We have a strong lead on Ivy's location. (サーティーン)


I'm trained in melting into the background.気配を消すように訓練されています。(サーティーン)


You're taking this Ivy business a mite too personally. (サーティーン)


You're way off the mark. (サーティーン)


I've dicked about with my hair so much, even I don't know what its actual colour is. Let alone the metal show. メタルバンドの服装は言うまでもなく。(サーティーン)


We've got our very own Magnum PI wanting a word. (サーティーン)


You don't look exactly match fit. (サーティーン)


Sir, Elliott was on the money with the location of the suspect. (サーティーン)


So where are people going to sleep in the house? Is just a niggle, darling. どうにかなるわ(サーティーン)


He's got three hours on us. 損害(サーティーン)


You've a search on. (サーティーン)


'Still a pussy, then?'(サーティーン)


There is a system in place to protect Ivy. (サーティーン)


Pride of place. (サーティーン)


All of them said to send you their love, say that you're in their prayers. (サーティーン)


Shagging your PA. 秘書(サーティーン)


Can I have some peace, please? (サーティーン)


press play on the DVD (DVDの再生ボタンを押す)

Now, it's up to me to press play. Start living. (サーティーン)


The pull-out will wreck your back eventually. (サーティーン)


He is a bit on the slow side, though. It's probably not PC for me to say that. (サーティーン)


PS Porter speaking, how can I help you? (サーティーン)


I'm arresting you on suspicion of perverting the course of justice. (サーティーン)


We can be there for her without actually, physically being there. そこに行かなくて彼女をサポートできるわ(サーティーン)


I’m sick of the obligatory good-night peck. (サーティーン)


This propensity to violence. (サーティーン)


We'll be right next to you ready to prompt you when taking on the phone with the kidnapper. (サーティーン)


You're my pit stop and then I'm there. 最初君の所に立ち寄ってこれからそこに向かう。(サーティーン)


You've put on a few quid. 太った(サーティーン)


Your qualms don't really interest me. (サーティーン)


I'm rubbish with dates. (サーティーン)


I was hoping it was my rugged good looks that lured you. (サーティーン)


I've read and reread in case. (サーティーン)


All that puppy fat on the baby. Rows of it. 丸々と太って(サーティーン)


His cards are being run. Where he spends, we pull out the CCTV. (サーティーン)


I'll run the iron over this. (サーティーン)


You just want to ram your fingers in your ears, block it all out. (サーティーン)


Ivy's been damaged. Possibly beyond repair. (サーティーン)


Run your burnt finger under the tap. (サーティーン)


Reassigned. 移動になった(サーティーン)


Let’s retrace your movements the day of your abduction. (サーティーン)


The same ropey old tennis court. (サーティーン)


I ended up getting rat-arsed with my mate. (サーティーン)


I fucked up royally. I let you down. (サーティーン)


This cigarette It's totally rank. (サーティーン)


She was sleeping rough in some doorway. (サーティーン)


We're still well within our rights to pursue the charge. (サーティーン)


He loses his shit then runs away. (サーティーン)


How about when our turn's over, we see off the longest day with a drink? 勤務が終わったら一杯飲まない(サーティーン)


Wake up, slowpoke. (サーティーン)


I want to know how you are. - Snap! (サーティーン)


The delays in her intel, the inconsistencies, the lack of a decent description of her attacker. It could all speak to Stockholm Syndrome. (サーティーン)


The Super sent me over. (サーティーン)


Find any Carol Whites, give me a shout. (サーティーン)


All money from his mother going to her son. So, our kidnapper's solvent. (サーティーン)


A pre-existing relationship that then went sour. (サーティーン)


Any service this side of Christmas?クリスマスでもパブ営業しているの?(サーティーン)


Shit! Hello, mate!  - As greetings go, that's on the shoddy side. 下手な挨拶ね。(サーティーン)


There's a sniff of her knowing where White is. (サーティーン)


You sniffed out a chance at being DI and you're going for it. (サーティーン)


Snarling jaws and all. (サーティーン)


You'll be OK on the sofa? - That's me all set, then. (サーティーン)


She actively sought him out. (サーティーン)


He is a bit on the slow side, though. (サーティーン)


We've been looking into Mark White's family set-up, trying to build up a better picture of him. (サーティーン)


Snake :  This is a sub-genre of action video games where the player maneuvers the end of a growing line, often themed as a snake. The player must keep the snake from colliding with both other obstacles and itself, which gets harder as the snake lengthens.

Can we play Snake on the mobile? (サーティーン)


I can't imagine my little sister driving. Am I safe? - "Slow and steady wins the race" is my motto. (サーティーン)


I think I've got something. Dylan's medical history. I even threw in a shiny new folder.  -High standards you're setting yourself, Jesse. 気が利くのね(サーティーン)


We've sourced an old image of Dylan as a teenager. (サーティーン)


I promise to stop fighting you every step of the way. (サーティーン)


How long's this going to go on for? - This being? - The silent treatment. 沈黙で怒りを示すこと。(サーティーン)


 Roads, gardens, surrounds 周辺(サーティーン)


Have you got any sweetener? (サーティーン)


I'll tell her you swung by. (サーティーン)


A side order of guilt. (サーティーン)


It was some easy, seamless thing. (サーティーン)


Give you a chance to get your thoughts together. (サーティーン)


Time was just when he wasn't there. (サーティーン)


Do you want to talk us through what happened? (サーティーン)


All thoughts and wishes are with the Moxam family at this time. (サーティーン)


He used one of his stolen IDs to tab up. (サーティーン)


Time is not our friend. (サーティーン)


With your tongue right in the bowl. お椀を舐めまわして(サーティーン)


I can see the telltale signs. (サーティーン)


What's the time stamp on the video footage? (サーティーン)


Do you think we should have talked Ivy round to a charge?  訴えるように説得すべき(サーティーン)


You'd only thrash me on the game. (サーティーン)


I'm going to run into the office, make a few calls, keep things ticking over. (サーティーン)


I think I've got something. Dylan's medical history here. I even threw in a shiny new folder. (サーティーン)


I'm left like a tool. (サーティーン)


Sorry, it's a bit of a tip. 散らかっている(サーティーン)


The objective is twofold. 目的は2つ(サーティーン)


No one's denying it's an unpalatable thought. (サーティーン)


We need to get out of here. - Master of understatement. (サーティーン)


If you could verbalise it, that would be great. (サーティーン)


I'm afraid we've got to go via the station before home. 署に寄って行かなくては。(サーティーン)


CCTV showed our suspect switching to a Vauxhall Vectra. (サーティーン)


I've defrosted some old chicken and everything for you. - Way to make a girl feel special! (サーティーン)


How about that song that we wore out? 何度も聞いた歌はどう?(サーティーン)


I've gone from warm to icy cold on his location. After his arrest, there's nothing. No trail. Nothing. 逮捕の後から、足取りがつかめていない。(サーティーン)


The body was wrapped in sheeting. It's weathered better than the dead body there. (サーティーン)


The call's coming from withheld number. (サーティーン)


Hi, I'm just wondering if I can stop you? - Watch it! - Dickhead! (サーティーン)


What does that mean? Is that good news, bad news, what? - It's wait-and-see news. (サーティーン)


You know what your dad's idea of DIY is, dusting off the Yellow Pages! 業者に丸投げ


You shove a lot of bodies in from the Yard. たくさんスタッフを送り込んできたな。(サーティーン)


Sun is over the yardarm. :  A traditional nautical saying to indicate that it is time for a morning drink. It was generally assumed in northern latitudes the sun would show above the foreyard of a ship by 1100, which was about the time in many ships of the forenoon ‘stand-easy’, when many officers would slip below for their first drink of the day.


Drink now? Sod the Yardarm. 朝っぱらから飲むか。(サーティーン)