


今回はスラング等がおおくUrban Dictionaryにかなりお世話になりました。ドラマとしては短いながらもてこずりました。





My therapist said it's avoidance. (ピュアPURE)


I don't drink. - Yeah, not good for the head and all that. (ピュアPURE)


Your espresso is cut with equal quantities of warm milk, to reduce acidity. (ピュアPURE)


I can't be arsed walking. (ピュアPURE)


A year is ages. (ピュアPURE)


You are not going to act on your intrusive thoughts. - But I have acted on them. (ピュアPURE)


I fully accept responsibility for how fucked up I was, both times. But I know it's me, and I'm addressing it. (ピュアPURE)


Do you ever have a party and then it's time for the party, and you can't be fucking arsed with a party? (ピュアPURE)


It's a bit samey. A bit of variety wouldn't go amiss. (ピュアPURE)



I moved home to the Borders after uni. (ピュアPURE)


I did say it was a little bijou. (ピュアPURE)


It's just a roomful of women. I've been in loads of them. Toilets, fitting rooms, Emily Bronte Society. (ピュアPURE)


Do you have anything to drink? Like booze or something? - No, I binned it all when I went teetotal? (ピュアPURE)


I've got some vodka in my room. - Are you bragging or offering? (ピュアPURE)


What if I wanked on that bollard? (ピュアPURE)


bi-curious バイセクシュアルではないものの、バイセクシュアルに興味がある、または自分がバイセクシュアルなのではないかと思っている人

I've an article to write on bi-curiosity. (ピュアPURE)


Does everyone think I'm basic? 普通に見える(ピュアPURE)


I said seven. - It's only half past. Sorry, I didn't know it was a bang on seven thing. (ピュアPURE)


Me and Sheila are, kind of, back on. 元鞘に戻った(ピュアPURE)


It's just the bristles. 毛がごわごわで(ピュアPURE)


Having sex with the barista. (ピュアPURE)


He is so irritating. He put knives, blade up in the dishwasher. (ピュアPURE)


It's time to bring in the big guns. 奥の手(ピュアPURE)


Bubble wrap. (ピュアPURE)


I’m just blase about personal safety. (ピュアPURE)


I go to Boots at lunch. (ピュアPURE)


It is a city break. 街で遊ぶとこ(ピュアPURE)


Do you want a bit of baguette? (ピュアPURE)


I sleep in a ball. 丸まって寝る(ピュアPURE)


Isn't he banging Moira? (ピュアPURE)


I want to blow myself out. (ピュアPURE)


At the Co-op at Christmas. (ピュアPURE)


And moved home for a bit. - Worked at the golf club. - Yeah, then what? Erm cut to now! 今に至る(ピュアPURE)


Cut to …そして次の場面。(ピュアPURE)


I'm not chatting you up. (ピュアPURE)


Stop chatting me up! (ピュアPURE)


Comedown : The word for a hangover from drugs. Usually associated with the day after taking chemicals. Generally feelings of depression, tiredness and irritability.

Man, I regret munching those pills, this comedown is fucking awful.

Was it a mad party last night? Are you on a comedown? - It was really PG, actually. (PG : Used to describe a person who speaks or acts in content suitable for a PG movie.) (ピュアPURE)


They're subtle cries for help. (ピュアPURE)


I am still counting my friends on one hand. 友達は多くはない。(ピュアPURE)


I'm not letting my thoughts cock block me any more. (ピュアPURE)


Come on. Crack on. (ピュアPURE)


Well, not everyone's problems can be solved by cat videos and anal clenches. (anal clench = Contraction of the anal sphincters (clenching your butthole)) (ピュアPURE)


Tonight, we're focusing on how to calm, tonify, and dispersing Chi. (ピュアPURE)


Optimism is a side effect of codeine. (ピュアPURE)


Why am I cock-blocking myself? If I want to shag him, I'll shag him and no-one can fucking stop me. (ピュアPURE)


You're a total catch. (ピュアPURE)


We went for drinks. - I thought you were on a cleanse. 禁酒(ピュアPURE)


The party unites everyone together to witness an historic celestial event. (ピュアPURE)


The furniture looks a bit chintzy. (ピュアPURE)


You can't not be my friend. (ピュアPURE)


stock photos広告や報道などで利用できる写真素材。 映像制作に用いられる動画や音楽なども含めていう。An image that persons other than the photographer may use (sometimes for a fee) without violating copyright laws.

I googled what your mental problem is. - 'Cos you wanted to look at stock images of distressed-looking women? You could've just gone to a chemist and hung out by the cystitis sachets. (ピュアPURE)


You are generous, diligent, punctual, polite. - Thank you. - Case in point. でしょ(ピュアPURE)


I didn't come here to charm you. (ピュアPURE)


Are you this selfish in bed, love? I bet she steals all the covers. - Yeah, and makes loads of crumbs! (ピュアPURE)


Do you do coke? (ピュアPURE)


You can't sleep in a cupboard forever. (ピュアPURE)


Duracell Bunny は、Duracell バッテリーで駆動される擬人化されたピンクのウサギで、米国とカナダを除く世界のすべての地域で使用できるように商標登録されています。

I'm like the Duracell bunny, and my skin is mint, but I'm boring as fuck on a night out. (ピュアPURE)


She's not like some sort of sexual deviant. (ピュアPURE)


Just this tiny place no-one's heard of, people drive straight through it to get to somewhere better. Unless they've got to stop in the lay-by to vom or do dogging or something. (ピュアPURE)


Trying to get something in the diary with Flora. (ピュアPURE)


I'm getting to know my city, being sociable. - Like a Labrador, pissing on things, dry humping people. (ピュアPURE)


Sorry to drag you from your bed. (ピュアPURE)


Well, how do you feel? - Uh, dishevelled. But a bit less anxious. (ピュアPURE)


Here he is. Back in the driver's seat. (ピュアPURE)


double dipping : This is a term that refers to the act of dipping a food item, such as a chip or a vegetable, into a dip, taking a bite, and then re-dipping the partially eaten item back into the dip. This practice is often frowned upon because it can introduce bacteria from a person's mouth into the communal dip, potentially contaminating it and increasing the risk of spreading germs. As a result, double dipping is considered unhygienic and can be seen as inconsiderate in social settings where food is shared.

She's a witch.

HE CHUCKLES Must be all right if you're breaking the Dorothy double-dip rule. (ピュアPURE)


Should I dish up for everyone? とりわける(ピュアPURE)


Shall we dig in? 食事をいただこう(ピュアPURE)


I'll fuck your dad to get back at you. (ピュアPURE)


 I know you're looking for a definitive answer. (ピュアPURE)


How's your disorder? - Still disordering. (ピュアPURE)


It's like someone took the dimmer switch - and turned it down really slowly. (ピュアPURE)


I'm a doer. I like I like doing. (ピュアPURE)


I was such a dick to you. (ピュアPURE)


Pavlova is in the fridge decaying. (ピュアPURE)


exit interview :  退職する社員へ退職手続きの完了~退職までに行う面談のことです。 欧米では一般化されており、アウトソーシングによるサービスも増えております。 改善に繋げていく事が可能になります

Like an end of the week review? - More like an exit interview. (ピュアPURE)


Is there a function going on? (ピュアPURE)


My hand's so sweaty. Must be like holding a flipper. (ピュアPURE)


FOMO : Fear Of Missing Out」の略で、取り残されてしまうことへの不安の意味。 ネットやSNSの普及によって広がった言葉で、常に周りの情報や行動についていかないと自分が置いていかれたり、チャンスを逃してしまったりするのではないと恐怖心を抱いてしまうこと

It's like having sexual FOMO. Why am I thinking about men when I should be thinking about women? (ピュアPURE)


What if I finger-banged that woman? (ピュアPURE)


Felting, the ancient craft of transforming wool fibres into textile material. (ピュアPURE)


At least when I'm a mumbling, crazy woman roaming the streets of London, I'll be able to felt my own clothes out of dead rats. (ピュアPURE)


Quite shit at felting? (ピュアPURE)


What if I ripped off her pubes and felted that? (ピュアPURE)


fanny tourism :  When straight girls go to a lesbian bar.

Fancy a spot of fanny tourism tonight?

You're a fanny tourist. (ピュアPURE)


If I don't keep busy, I just fap. - Fap? - Onomatopoeic term for masturbating. (ピュアPURE)


semi-skimmed :  (adjective UK)(US low-fat)used to describe milk from which some of the cream has been removed

That's semi skimmed he's frothing. (ピュアPURE)


I was thinking about fingering you. (ピュアPURE)


My recruitment strategy is clearly flawed. (ピュアPURE)


I think it's because I'm the extrovert and she's the introvert. We just gel. - Like a foetus absorbing its twin in the womb. (ピュアPURE)


Turn up at her house and hope the little fella does too? 現れてムスコを使うだけ(ピュアPURE)


Work's a bit full-on next week. (=very busy) (ピュアPURE)


People in London are flakes. (ピュアPURE)


fanny fart〈性俗〉膣から出るおなら、まん屁、マン屁、ちなら、チナラ◆セックス中に膣から空気が漏れ出て、おなら(fart)のような音が出る現象。= fanny [cunt, pussy, vagina] fart

I'm just going to style it out and act like nothing happened, like a clumsy fall or a fanny fart. (ピュアPURE)


Fiddly little bastard! (ピュアPURE)


I know you're on your doorstep but fuck knows what will happen between now and then. 家の入口にいるけど、まだ君に何が起こるかわからないな。(ピュアPURE)


Anyone with genitalia. (ピュアPURE)


Take more than a saucy anecdote to get me off.  (= arouse me) (ピュアPURE)


If you need any tips for anxiety, I'm your gal. (ピュアPURE)


Are you here to gossip or graft? (ピュアPURE)


It'll be grand. (ピュアPURE)


What if this is a gateway gesture - hands today, genitals tomorrow? (ピュアPURE)


I think it's because I'm the extrovert and she's the introvert. We just gel. (ピュアPURE)


G :  It means gangsta. My crush uses it when he responds to me. He seems to like me as a friend. That’s great to know he accepts me. I’m sure he’ll accept me.

So, do you want to come, or ? Why? 'Cos people in London are flakes and I don't want it to be just me and four others staring at some fucking Gs. (ピュアPURE)


Did you get anything nice for your birthday? Yeah. - Er, cards, money and a LOAD of comments on Facebook - so it has been a gas. (ピュアPURE)


Big head, I wasn't waiting for you. - I was waiting for her. (ピュアPURE)


I see this a lot in HR. Simmering panic. (ピュアPURE)


A harrowing tale. (ピュアPURE)


Your girlfriend can come too. - Oh, hello! No, NOT his girlfriend. (ピュアPURE)


That kind of stuff just goes over my head. 分からない(ピュアPURE)


I just had a hankering for a glass of milk.


HIIT workouts一定負荷の運動を長時間繰り返すエクササイズ(エリプティカルマシンの上で過ごす楽しい時間を想像してほしい)と異なり、HIITは短い時間で静と動が活発に入れ替わるよう構成されている。 運動と休憩を交互に行うのがHIITの特徴

I'm going to go and do a HIIT class. - I'm not doing a HIIT class. (ピュアPURE)


What if I imagined honking her breast? (ピュアPURE)


Getting handsy with my mates?  いちゃつく(ピュアPURE)


I'm having an intrusive thought. (ピュアPURE)


iCalendar:  アイカレンダー iCalendarとはPIMソフトなどで使われるスケジュールの標準フォーマット。RFC 5545 で規定されている。「iCal」と略称される。

When? I I'd need to check my iCal later. (ピュアPURE)


being in the moment :  This refers to the state of being fully present and engaged in the current experience, without being distracted by thoughts of the past or the future.

You're so in the moment. (ピュアPURE)


I'm on your Instagram, like, all the time. I would fuck your dad to feel closer to you. (ピュアPURE)


interim administrator : This means a person appointed by the Commission to ensure the management, control and conduct of the affairs of a fund in place of the members of the board, or fund manager of the fund

There's been a lot of interim admin. (ピュアPURE)


Judgy McJudgerson :  This is what you call someone who judges everyone for their behavior, except, of course, themselves.

A guy who sleeps with random girls every night of the week and sees no problem with it, but calls a chick who does the same a whore. Then Judgy McJudgerson has sex with her.

We can just chill. - Shh, Judgy McJudgerson. (ピュアPURE)


Those jazzy birthday candles. (ピュアPURE)


A knitting needle. Or, a skewer, lance, a joust for the injection! - OK, less pointy words. (ピュアPURE)


Karen “カレン”といえば、米国で1960年代に人気を博した名前だ。それが今、口やかましく好戦的、危険ですらある白人女性の代名詞

A load of women called Karen are coming in to try and impress me. (ピュアPURE)


It's me, the knob end. (ピュアPURE)


Well reality, klaxon. I always think before I do. (ピュアPURE)


It might still be edible. Meringue keeps for ages. (ピュアPURE)


You freezing your tits off in a lay-by. (ピュアPURE)


I don't want your money. - No, Marnie, don't be silly, come on. - Please, Mum Oh, great, like I gave you a lap dance! (ピュアPURE)


I can lose an entire day thinking about milking my mum. (ピュアPURE)


Love Island:  イギリスの恋愛ゲーム番組です。これは、2005 年と 2006 年に 2 つのシリーズで放送された、同名の初期のセレブシリーズの復活です。このシリーズは、国際的なラブ アイランド シリーズの元祖であり、これまでに世界中で 22 のバージョンが制作されています。

You know, this isn't Love Island, you just can't do that to people. (ピュアPURE)


LinkedIn :  (trademark) the name of a social networking website for business people to communicate, find new job opportunities, share information, etc.:

They have put their profiles on LinkedIn, a networking site for professionals.

For the love of God, if anyone asks, I found you on LinkedIn, not in a pub! OK? (ピュアPURE)


Do you know how to use a landline? (ピュアPURE)


I'm getting to know my city, being sociable. - Like a Labrador, pissing on things, dry humping people. (ピュアPURE)


loyalty card〈英〉ポイントカード◆商店での購入金額に応じてポイントが加算されるカード

loyalty [rewards] card

customer loyalty card〔小売店などが顧客に発行する〕お得意様カード

Well, don't ask him for a loyalty card, 'cos was the last intern did and she ended up with an STD. (ピュアPURE)


Am I the office lech? (ピュアPURE)


My labia is twitching. (ピュアPURE)


So I am just going to launch right in, if that is OK. 始めましょう(ピュアPURE)


I've thought about a lot of awful things, but that shitshow was the mother of them all. (ピュアPURE)


It's anxiety. Everyone's got it. God, you're so mainstream! (ピュアPURE)


Duracell Bunny :  Duracell バッテリーで駆動される擬人化されたピンクのウサギで、米国とカナダを除く世界のすべての地域で使用できるように商標登録されています。

I'm like the Duracell bunny, and my skin is mint, but I'm boring as fuck on a night out. (ピュアPURE)


Everyone's gone for a cuppa. - Think I'll give it a miss, thanks. (ピュアPURE)


Merkin女性の陰毛用のカツラのこと。 Velvet Merkinとは「ベルベットのようにしっとりとスムースな女性器陰毛用カツラ」といった意味合いとなる。

You're not layering your tufts. Looks like a hippy's merkin. (ピュアPURE)


It's weird the driver didn't see you wearing your Hi Viz. Like a shit lollipop man who got run over! (ピュアPURE)


I don't need you to mansplain something that's been going on in my brain for the last ten years. (ピュアPURE)


I won't be mansplaining. (ピュアPURE)


Oh, shit, this is me. ここで電車降りなきゃ(ピュアPURE)


I could murder a cuppa. (ピュアPURE)


I haven't been on holiday for, like since Mauritius. (ピュアPURE)


Your woman sounds like high maintenance. 面倒くさそうな人(ピュアPURE)


I am getting mixed signals from you. (ピュアPURE)


Mind :  This is a mental health charity in England and Wales. Founded in 1946 as the National Association for Mental Health (NAMH), it celebrated its 70th anniversary in 2016. Mind offers information and advice to people with mental health problems

I was really worried about you. I went on the Mind website. (ピュアPURE)


Wait, do you need money? I'm minted. (ピュアPURE)


meal dealスーパーやドラッグストアなどで購入できるお得な食事セットIn the United Kingdom, a meal deal is a sales promotion which consists of three items, a main (often a sandwich), a drink, and a snack (commonly crisps or confectionery). Meal deals are primarily eaten at lunchtime, and more than a third of Britons buy one at least once per week.

I was like, it's 11 o'clock and I'm already desperate for my meal deal. (ピュアPURE)


flying monkey :  The phrase "flying monkey" is often used in psychology and popular culture to refer to a person who acts on behalf of someone else, often in a manipulative or controlling manner. It is derived from the flying monkeys in the "Wizard of Oz" who do the bidding of the Wicked Witch of the West. In a sentence, you might say, "She sent her flying monkeys to spread rumors about me," meaning that someone is using others to carry out their negative intentions or to manipulate a situation.

Just say no to her. - Can't. She's going to send her little witch monkeys after me. (ピュアPURE)


It's the pussy whisperer. - I never understood that moniker. (ピュアPURE)


Just a wee toast to the motherland. 母国へ乾杯。(ピュアPURE)


special measures 特別措置

Special, like special measures special 'cos I fall short of acceptable standards. (ピュアPURE)



Haven't you got any Malbec? (ピュアPURE)


It's just entirely misconceived. (ピュアPURE)


When Nanna died, I got loads of her furniture. (ピュアPURE)


If the NHS can't tell me, then an unqualified man with a book isn't going to. (ピュアPURE)


So, why are you planting onions if there are already onions? That's because they're daffodils, you nana. (ピュアPURE)


I was just going to have a night in. (ピュアPURE)


I know you all think I'm some sort of nympho, but I'm not. (ピュアPURE)


Nicely done. You'll have to send me the recipe. (ピュアPURE)


Has she text back yet? Nope, not unless she's somehow changed her name to Mom in my phone and wants to know if I want this lovely table lamp she's getting rid of. ママからしかメッセージが来てないわ。(ピュアPURE)


I don't want you to come to the party. It's just for numbers. I'm asking everyone. (ピュアPURE)


Oyster card, tourist information leaflet. Whatever you need, just say. (ピュアPURE)


I think we should have sex. - Whoa, keeno!  必死ね(ピュアPURE)


Rule 101 of porn and sex addict support is to make amends. (ピュアPURE)


I can actually get a one-to-one with her. (ピュアPURE)


odd bitとは普通でない、不規則な少量のものという意味です。

I have the odd bit of ice cream now and then. 私は時々少量のアイスクリームを食べます。 Jane does the odd bit of freelance work for extra income. ジェーンは副収入のためにちょっとしたフリーランスの仕事をしている。

Don't let me go to odd bits. 残りの酒に近づけさせないで(ピュアPURE)


It is pretty out there in terms of a interview technique 公開されている(ピュアPURE)


So am I, out and about. (ピュアPURE)


I was owed an explanation. (ピュアPURE)


How much is it? 30? 40? I'll go into my overdraft. (ピュアPURE)


On the plus side, being the only child, - I do get all the inheritance. (ピュアPURE)


Mom and dad come as a pair. They're like trousers or scissors or spectacles. The world wouldn't make sense if they weren't together. You inspire me. (ピュアPURE)


The pointy heels. (ピュアPURE)


penny whistle : another term for tin whistle.

Play penny whistle. (ピュアPURE)


Pinterest レシピやインテリア、ファッションなど生活をもっと楽しくしてくれるアイデアを発見・整理するツール

Just make yourself at home. - It's like Pinterest in here. (ピュアPURE)


The things his penis has seen. Predominantly the inside of his hand. (ピュアPURE)


You just want to perv. (ピュアPURE)


Was it a mad party last night? Are you on a comedown? - It was really PG, actually.

Comedown : The word for a hangover from drugs. Usually associated with the day after taking chemicals. Generally feelings of depression, tiredness and irritability.

Man, I regret munching those pills, this comedown is fucking awful.

PG : Used to describe a person who speaks or acts in content suitable for a PG movie.

You are so PG

Friend one (making out with boyfriend) , Friend two "You guys are so GROSS!", Friend one says: " Dude, you are so PG." (ピュアPURE)


Pink Lady (trademark) : a brand name for a type of apple with a light red skin that is a cross (= a mixture of two things combined) between a Lady Williams and a Golden Delicious:

You will need two apples - I use Pink Ladies.

The Pink Lady apples in the salad gave it added freshness.

It's just an unwashed Pink Lady. (ピュアPURE)


We're out of petty cash. (ピュアPURE)


If she is not coming, well, then I'll have to be your plus one when we go horse riding. (ピュアPURE)


You're putting yourself out there, meeting new people. (ピュアPURE)


I've got a potential ping on this podcast. 注目(ピュアPURE)


What if I don't have OCD? What if I am a sex pest and it's just an excuse for me to perv? (ピュアPURE)


I've been trying to pin her down for ages. 連絡を取る(ピュアPURE)


That's peer pressure. (ピュアPURE)


punching :  The slang term originally came from the boxing phrase “punching above your weight,” which means a boxer is trying to fight someone above their weight class. Today, the term refers to dating someone who's more attractive than you. This is more commonly used by the young people in the United Kingdom.

Physically you are thumbs up but you're my boss and I'm massively punching. (ピュアPURE)



A penne gratin with roasted summer veg. (ピュアPURE)


pasta bake (plural pasta bakes) :  A dish of pasta, baked with sauce and topped with melted cheese.

The party unites everyone together to witness an historic celestial event. - It's just a pasta bake, mate. (ピュアPURE)


I made gratin with roasted summer vegetables. - Pasta bake. (ピュアPURE)


pasta baking :  Masturbating, wanking etc. A slang term that can be used in place of the word 'masturbating'. Sounds similar to masturbating, but can be used as a code word in situations where you wouldn't want someone else to know what you were really doing.


I'd like a pint of wine, please. (ピュアPURE)


I'm going to be here on the couch in my PJs. (ピュアPURE)


The Proclaimers :  A Scottish band most famous for the songs I'm gonna be (500 miles) and I'm on my way.

I would walk 500 miles/ and I would walk 500 more/ just to be the man who walked 1,000 miles to fall down at your door- The Proclaimers

I travelled, like, 500 miles to come and see you! - The Proclaimers are in and they're proclaiming a load of shite! (ピュアPURE)


I'm glad I'm peak drunk or it'd be highly embarrassing. (ピュアPURE)


It's just a roomful of women. (ピュアPURE)


We're always looking for interns, so you should send us your CV. Obviously, that will be redacted if your dance moves are shite. (ピュアPURE)


Listen to James Blake YouTube on repeat. (ピュアPURE)


I could always refer you to my guy. (ピュアPURE)


I managed to raise a smile. (ピュアPURE)


I get the run of this house with the parents away in France. (ピュアPURE)


What did you do in response to that thought? (ピュアPURE)


I have to run off to meet someone. (ピュアPURE)


I ran the London マラソンでロンドンを走った。(ピュアPURE)


You're not a twat. - I am actually I'm actually part-twat. - Well, Angus is full-twat but it kind of rubs off. (ピュアPURE)


Did you get my e-mail? - I red flagged it. (ピュアPURE)


Am I running a wine bar? (ピュアPURE)


Nobody wants a pervert for a daughter. They can't stick that in their Christmas newsletter. (ピュアPURE)


I'm learning shiatsu at the moment. (ピュアPURE)


I can get you up to speed. (ピュアPURE)


I see this a lot in HR. Simmering panic. (ピュアPURE)


I'm actually thinking celibacy for my next piece, because the mad scatter-gun approach to having sex is too much of an effort. (ピュアPURE)


Don't you have a job? - No, sabbatical. (ピュアPURE)


To say thanks for the whole vom sit. (vomit situation) (ピュアPURE)


one-stop shop :  a business or organization that provides a number of different services or sells a number of different products in one place :

We are a one-stop shop for all your marketing needs.

It's not all one shop. (ピュアPURE)


Do they think I'm a skank? (ピュアPURE)


I've tried to do sexual things with three different people in this building in the space of a week. (ピュアPURE)


semi-skimmed :  (adjective UK)(US low-fat)used to describe milk from which some of the cream has been removed

That's semi skimmed he's frothing. (ピュアPURE)



Suddenly I'm a pervert. Well, you're slut-shaming. (ピュアPURE)


I'm going to spin away. I don't want to spin away. (ピュアPURE)


Drink shuts my head up. (ピュアPURE)


Everything you say stays in this room. (ピュアPURE)


Everything OK? - Uh, it's an anxiety thing. - Snap! That's probably because we're both creative. (ピュアPURE)


I can come back to the office, subject to you letting me back. (ピュアPURE)


Phone the Samaritans? (ピュアPURE)


I have to suck it up. (ピュアPURE)


Have you gone Scientologist? Have you been brainwashed? - I'm not a Scientologist. (ピュアPURE)


Are they home-made or shop-bought? (ピュアPURE)


I've really come out of my shell. (ピュアPURE)


Good-sized rooms. (ピュアPURE)


I slept with a barista, now I'm a barista. - It's like a hipster STD. (ピュアPURE)


style it out (informal) :  to behave confidently in an embarrassing situation so that people do not notice it:

I fell over during my last song but I managed to style it out to look like a dance move.

There was me styling it out, pretending that I knew what they were talking about.

I'm just going to style it out and act like nothing happened, like a clumsy fall or a fanny fart. (ピュアPURE)


I like the perfume. You could always use it as a room spritz. (ピュアPURE)


stock photos広告や報道などで利用できる写真素材。 映像制作に用いられる動画や音楽なども含めていう。An image that persons other than the photographer may use (sometimes for a fee) without violating copyright laws.

I googled what your mental problem is. - 'Cos you wanted to look at stock images of distressed-looking women? (ピュアPURE)


stock photos広告や報道などで利用できる写真素材。 映像制作に用いられる動画や音楽なども含めていう。An image that persons other than the photographer may use (sometimes for a fee) without violating copyright laws.

I googled what your mental problem is. - 'Cos you wanted to look at stock images of distressed-looking women? - Yeah. Could've just gone to a chemist and hung out by the cystitis sachets. (ピュアPURE)


I always spin away like a fucked up whirlwind. (ピュアPURE)


I tried to unthink it, but it just made me think about it more. (ピュアPURE)


I'm teetotal till Tuesday. (ピュアPURE)


I'm looking down her top. (ピュアPURE)


Teabagging :  1) Repeated insertion of ones testicles in another's mouth.  2) Continiously crouching on a dead body in a video game.

Dude, I don't think teabagging is a good prank, man.

Dude stop teabagging, it's bad sportsmanship

I can lose an entire day thinking about milking my mum.  Fingering a horse or getting teabagged by my dentist. (ピュアPURE)


You're not layering your tufts. (felting) (ピュアPURE)


Is that intern offer still a thing? まだ有効ですか(ピュアPURE)


We have this drinks thing. (ピュアPURE)


A tealight (also tea-light, tea light, tea candle, or informally tea lite, t-lite or t-candle) is a candle in a thin metal or plastic cup so that the candle can liquefy completely while lit.

I always leave the house with tealights accidentally burning. (ピュアPURE)


Just keep people topped up, all right? - Yes, I was actually a waitress. (ピュアPURE)


I mean, the ladies are doing their bit. Obviously, token male. (ピュアPURE)


It's a toss-up between that and getting out the car. (ピュアPURE)


How are you getting home? - I'm just going to Tube it. (ピュアPURE)


The last time was really badly timed. I'll time my next mental breakdown more considerately. Joke. (ピュアPURE)


Could you tone it down a bit? 'Cos I'm at work. 職場でいちゃつかないでよ。(ピュアPURE)


The thing is every one of those days when I was teetotal was for you. So, there's that. (ピュアPURE)


She thinks that I get junior staff off Tinder. She started calling them "Tinterns".(ピュアPURE)


Did my nipples just quiver? Yeah, but cos of anxiety, not arousal. He's a trigger, not a turn-on. (ピュアPURE)


Tonight, we're focusing on how to calm, tonify, and dispersing Chi. (ピュアPURE)


I don't think you're vulnerable. I think you're Teflon. (ピュアPURE)


I want to be friends with a tactile person. 触ってくる人(ピュアPURE)


When I said I missed you I meant like how I would miss my period if it's a few days late.

Like, slight concern but not enough to buy a test. (妊娠検査のテスト) (ピュアPURE)


You called me in a total fucking tizz. (ピュアPURE)


I'm available, and you seemed up for it. 今俺彼女いないし、君もその気みたいだし。(ピュアPURE)


I'm up against it, Charlie, sorry. 忙しい(ピュアPURE)


On the plus side, being the only child, - I do get all the inheritance. Thanks for having that vasectomy, Dad! (ピュアPURE)


Your friends won't victimise me! (ピュアPURE)


I’m from just this tiny place no-one's heard of, people drive straight through it to get to somewhere better. Unless they've got to stop in the lay-by to vom or do dogging or something. (ピュアPURE)


To say thanks for the whole vom sit. (vomit situation) (ピュアPURE)


HI-VIZ[高視認性反射ベスト] ブルベライダーの要望で開発した、圧倒的な通気性と伸縮性を併せ持つ軽量メッシュ生地のHI-VIZ(高視認性)反射ベスト。

When the car ran you over, it's weird the driver didn't see you wearing your Hi Viz. Like a shit lollipop man who got run over! (ピュアPURE)


Massive third wheel! (ピュアPURE)


Emily Bronte Society. This'll be just like that. Except I'm wasted, and I won't have to discuss Wuthering Heights. (ピュアPURE)


I've never done it with a girl before. - I didn't know you were that new. You're practically still in your wrapping. (ピュアPURE)


I'm not wearing waders as shoes. (ピュアPURE)


Winged liner :  This is an eyeliner technique applied on the top lash line of the eyes just like regular eyeliner. Unlike regular eyeliner, however, it is extended past the outer corner of the eye slightly curving into a pointy flick or wing.  

What are you trying to do on the eyes? - Wings. - Like you're trying to draw a house, come here. (ピュアPURE)


I was that concerned about your welfare. (ピュアPURE)



I fancy a coffee. Like one of those really wanky ones. ミルクたっぷりのコーヒー(ピュアPURE)


I was shagging my way here. (ピュアPURE)


You're always whapping your boobs at me. 胸を見せつける。(ピュアPURE)


Why are you so nice to people? You let them walk all over you. (ピュアPURE)


Wick :  This is a town and royal burgh in Caithness, in the far north of Scotland.

I'm not a sheep breeder from Wick. (ピュアPURE)


just as wellかえって幸いな[好都合な]、~とは幸運[ラッキー]だ、~しておいてよかった

It was just as well that my dad was late from work since I didn't have dinner ready anyway. : 夕食の支度をしていなかったので、父が仕事から遅く帰ってきて助かった。

Door to door service. (玄関まで送るよ) - Just as well, I don't know how I would have got home. (Because I am so drunk.) (ピュアPURE)


She probably goes to Zumba with your mum. (ピュアPURE)


Yorkshire Tea :  This is a black tea blend produced by the Bettys & Taylors Group since 1977. It is the most popular traditional black tea brand sold in the UK.

Does anyone want tea? - You better ask people what they want 'cos Yorkshire and one isn't good enough for some people. (ピュアPURE)



It's a bit samey. A bit of variety wouldn't go amiss. (ピュアPURE)