ミストレス 愛人たちの秘密

話が脱線しますが父が生前、日曜のサザエさんの放送を見てマスオさんを褒めまくっていました。人生の不条理なことを経験してきたからこそサザエさんの完全白な世界観に感心していたのかもしれないですね。ということで今回の ”ミストレス 愛人たちの秘密” 世界観完全な黒です。その中、時折見せる白い光は暗闇の中で一層まぶしく見えるところにカタルシスがあり、そこに今回のような不倫ドラマの人気の秘密があるのかも。


Could you take my husband's name off the account? 口座を閉じる(ミストレス)


Your girls are utterly charming. - Well, the apple didn't fall very far from the tree. (ミストレス)


The tests show there is very little live sperm in your ejaculate. It's a condition called azoospermia. (ミストレス)


Women’s apparatus is the same as yours. - No knob. (ミストレス)


sexual abandon 性的な奔放さ

I was probably trying to impress you with how sexually abandoned I was. (ミストレス)


The anti-acid pills. (ミストレス)


Do we have her affidavit? (ミストレス)


The arbour needs more flowers. (ミストレス)


She's gone AWOL. (ミストレス)


You should try it. You've got a lot of the right attributes. (ミストレス)


I've even managed to shock you. - Oh, what am I, some sort of aberration barometer? (ミストレス)


Bad food, worse speeches, pointless inebriation. Over-attentive surgeons. 手を出す(ミストレス)


The straw that broke the camel's back. - Well, I wouldn't exactly call her a camel. - Oh, it's a saying, Simon. An adage, okay. (ミストレス)


Hope the market doesn't whip my arse. (ミストレス)


I don't believe that Mark is all fast cars and naked women. マークは裸の女と車以外にも興味はある。(ミストレス)


They're a present from Mark. He's prone to the odd aberration. (ミストレス)


Looking so angelic. (ミストレス)


She's not an accomplished liar. (ミストレス)


I'm not taking no for an answer. (ミストレス)


You keep us afloat. (ミストレス)


How long on the Clomid now? - Six months. Which is the maximum allowance. (Clomid排卵を刺激するのに用いられ多産に関連してきている妊娠促進薬(商標名クロミド)) (ミストレス)


There are going to be so many boys, armies of them. (ミストレス)


Am I sensing a personal agenda here? (ミストレス)


According to your auditors, your turnover reached six figures this year. (ミストレス)


Something has developed between us. I haven't acted on it. (ミストレス)


You speculate but you never quite accumulate, do you, Mark? (ミストレス)


Married men are a no-brainer. They're bedroom trained, they're low maintenance. (ミストレス)


He'd hate you to be beating yourself up. (ミストレス)


This place is bland and soulless. (ミストレス)


Derren Brownダレン・ブラウン は、イギリスのメンタリスト、「 メンタル・マジックを専門とするマジシャン。 別名、「心を操る悪魔」 「心の魔術師」 などとも呼ばれる。

I draw the exact same garment, like Derren Brown? (ミストレス)


She tried to bald my wife's fanny. (ミストレス)


You look really great. - There's a 'but' somewhere, though, isn't there? (ミストレス)


That would be badly behaved of me. (ミストレス)


I took on board what you said yesterday. (ミストレス)


Nice and lovely. - You don't sound blown away. (ミストレス)


Backless chaps. (ミストレス)


I know your Cathy was breech. (ミストレス)


I'm blind drunk. (ミストレス)


What's she like? Ballsy, blonde. (ミストレス)


God, you filthy, molesting sex bunny! (ミストレス)


OK, well, best of British. (ミストレス)


Paul was the bedrock of everything that I believed in. I trusted him(ミストレス)


How's it all going with Richard? - Oh, we're on a break. (ミストレス)


Budge up. : This is said to someone in order to ask them to move so that there is room for you. (ミストレス)


So how are you this bright and sunny morning? - Bright and sunny! (ミストレス)


Are you turning this into your own little boudoir. (ミストレス)


He used to just bung anything and everything into huge pastry case -and cremate it. (ミストレス)


the whole banana : (slang) Every part of a multifaceted thing or situation taken together as a whole. The whole thing.

If you sign up today, you can get the whole banana for just $2,000.

It was just a little kiss in the corner. It wasn't even the whole banana. (ミストレス)


Will you bail out a bankrupt events company? (ミストレス)


I'm a paranoid busybody. (ミストレス)


Just trying to brighten up your morning, baby. (ミストレス)


She's bunked off, I'm afraid, with Hari. (ミストレス)


What, you're nostalgic for cheap cider and bedsits? (ミストレス)


She loaned me money for a business. It went bust. (ミストレス)


Yeah, you know, bearing up. 頑張ってる(ミストレス)


Exactly, so why go behind my back? So you wouldn't feel beholden? (ミストレス)


He sang like a canary, didn't he? - Well, I broke him down. (ミストレス)


Can I get you a coffee or something? - Bollocks to that. There's a bottle of whisky in my office. (ミストレス)


I have a lot riding on tonight and you saved my bacon. (ミストレス)


It's beneath you. (ミストレス)


He is delighted to be seeing the back of each and every one of you. (ミストレス)


I thought you were bunking off. (ミストレス)


Remember I told you that I had a black belt in love affairs? (ミストレス)


bendy (British)

1 capable of bending; soft and flexible.

A bendy toy.

Very exciting girl? -Bendy, but controlling. Thought I'd never get rid of her.

2. (especially of a road) having many bends.

Bendy country roads. (ミストレス)


You're my friend. That goes before everything. (ミストレス)


Do you fancy watching me bat? (ミストレス)


So you'll take the baby to live in your bed-sit? (ミストレス)


Who's going to look after your daughter when you're flipping burgers at the restaurant! (ミストレス)


Are you getting broody? - Yeah, right, very funny! (ミストレス)


Even more bewildering. (ミストレス)


I am trying to be brave and buoyant. (ミストレス)


You just blithely go and announce that. (ミストレス)


I was about to tell you about it. She just... - Beat you to it? (ミストレス)


He couldn't bring himself to tell you. (ミストレス)


You can work your fingers to the bone. (ミストレス)


Who are these guys? Bailiffs?! 管財人(ミストレス)


It's purely to get Vivienne off my back. (ミストレス)


The ball's in your court. - There are a lot of players in my court. (ミストレス)


You told me that deal was in the bag. (ミストレス)


It's so butch. (ミストレス)


You decided to lock yourself away in a tower like some born-again virgin. (ミストレス)


blood, sweat, and tears :  extremely hard work; unstinting effort.

He's going through all the blood, sweat, and tears involved in getting a PhD.

You're really talented. - Sweat and tears. (ミストレス)


Who's going to come and listen to me banging on about cake? (ミストレス)


Make marital blind spots. (ミストレス)


like a bastard〈俗〉ものすごく、めちゃくちゃに

It's raining like a bastard. : すごい雨が降っている。

He's been working us like a bastard recently. (ミストレス)


I should know about him? Wives, bigamy, that sort of thing. (ミストレス)


We're on the brink of a deal(ミストレス)


You're bang out of order! (ミストレス)


Your bucket of wine. たっぷり飲んで(ミストレス)


It was one mistake, one blip in a marriage that should've lasted for the rest of your lives. (ミストレス)


There's about to be a coup. (ミストレス)


I'd love to throw them a curve ball. 意表を突きたい(ミストレス)


It's pretty much a blank canvas, so we can decorate it however you want. (ミストレス)


If your level of commitment starts to drop. (ミストレス)


You're not on call again, are you? (ミストレス)


I'm on the final leg of my arduous, single-handed circumnavigation of the world.


A Camilla Parker Bowles at the wedding?


I've had two kids, I've got stretch marks and cellulite.


A Chippendale-style limo.


Do you still get that feeling that one night your dead husband is just going to walk in, sit down and eat his dinner? No closure.


We're just going to have a look at your fallopian tubes and ovaries. Where are you in your cycle?  月経周期


You have no problem with me collecting your girls from school.


I don't think it's going to come to anything. (ミストレス)


School run is complete. We have approximately five and a half hours until collection after school. (ミストレス)


close of play :  the end of a sports game or the time when it stops for the day, especially a cricket or tennis match. The end of the working day or the business day, especially on a financial market.

What was the score at close of play?

By five minutes to the close of play at seven o'clock, the scores were level.

The ballot papers must be delivered by the close of play on Tuesday.

I'll need a full report by close of play on Friday. (ミストレス)


Much as I've always loved to torture you with your Catholic guilt, this isn't all your fault. (ミストレス)


We wanted to let nature take its course. (ミストレス)


cottage pieシェパーズパイまたはコテージパイとは、マッシュポテトで作るパイ皮と牛肉で作るイギリスのミートパイである。 産地: イギリス

Nigella Lawson's superlative cottage pie. (Nigella Lawson美人料理人として知られ、日本では『ナイジェラの気軽にクッキング』で注目された。料理の方針としては、「健康的なバランスを心がけ」てはいるが、ヘルシーな料理には過剰にはこだわっていない。) (ミストレス)


What's your canteen like? (ミストレス)


You won't be able to just crush me and then casually wander off. (ミストレス)


How's the vow of chastity? - Honestly, Shaky. (ミストレス)


I'm not cut out to just stay at home all day. (ミストレス)


Many businesses have been hit by the credit crunch. (ミストレス)


Guide us through these choppy waters to the calm blue seas that lie beyond. (ミストレス)


He said you'd know what it was in connection with. (ミストレス)


I had sorted my cover. 代わりの人(ミストレス)


Well, you used to sleep with him, didn't you? That's got to throw the occasional curveball. (ミストレス)


Been tortured all day by buttock-clenching flashbacks. (ミストレス)


Jack always comes back very hot under the collar from these things. (ミストレス)


It's just work caught up with me. (ミストレス)


Tell me why you think we should call it a day? (ミストレス)


chatelaine〔腰のベルトに付けた〕留め具◆時計や小さなハンドバッグなどを付ける鎖や留め金。 18世紀に流行したもので、男女ともに用いた。

A chatelaine? (ミストレス)


I saw you growing vegetables, raising chicken. I don't think you're quite ready for couture cold turkey. (ミストレス)


You never said you were thinking of resigning. - Dominic, you're not my number-one confidant. (ミストレス)


Chartered investigator. (ミストレス)


You need to clip his wings to stop him flying away? (ミストレス)


You charlatan! (ミストレス)


I am turning back the clock. (ミストレス)


My life is complete. :  When people say "my life is complete," they are often expressing a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. This can come from achieving important personal or professional goals, finding meaningful relationships, experiencing personal growth, or feeling a deep sense of contentment and purpose. It's a subjective feeling that varies from person to person, and it often reflects a sense of overall happiness and fulfillment in one's life.

I actually respect you for this. - Oh, good, my year's complete! (ミストレス)


It's you and I that need a clean break. (ミストレス)


Not worth this carnage, not worth the destruction of your life with Jack, your family life. (ミストレス)


Last I checked, you'd fired her. (ミストレス)


Giving love and receiving love in return just comes naturally to some people. It seems I don't have that chromosome. (ミストレス)


Cash in the Attic :  This is a British television programme that aired on BBC One from 4 November 2002 to 24 May 2012. The programme's tagline was The show that helps you find hidden treasures in your home, and then sells them for you at auction.

Cash In The Attic? (ミストレス)



How long on the Clomid now? - Six months. Which is the maximum allowance. (ミストレス)


Cover the purchase price. (ミストレス)


I've cleared the rest of the day. (ミストレス)


You can't really have your cake and eat it, can you? 両立する(ミストレス)


cracked black pepper粗びきの黒コショウ◆【略】CBP

A little cracked black pepper. (ミストレス)


Stop being cute. (ミストレス)


Drinking cava out of plastic cups. (ミストレス)


The job's child's play, this nine-to-five lark. (ミストレス)


Blow away the cobwebs. (ミストレス)


This isn't some clumsy excuse. (ミストレス)


Our baby would have some kind of continuity with her father! - She will. I'll be back every couple of months. (ミストレス)


Can you count me out? I'm not available. (ミストレス)


for crying out loudとはお願いだから、頼むから命令文の強調として用いる。

For crying out loud, I want you to act like a civilized human being! お願いだから、分別のある人間らしく振る舞ってください。

Did you want something else? - Yeah, a baby. - Jess, for crying out loud! (ミストレス)


It's been copeable with. (ミストレス)


Every time I think of that conversation, I cringe. I lost my temper, I was wrong. (ミストレス)


These mags should cover most bases for your needs while you are laid up in the hospital. (ミストレス)


I saw it, close up. (ミストレス)


You're Amy's dad. Yeah, I've seen you at drop-off. 降車中に(ミストレス)


It's one of the qualities that drew me to you. (ミストレス)


We were reorganising our patient lists. - Why? - It's to do with demographics, and female patients. (ミストレス)


dansakダンサックは、パルシ族のコミュニティで生まれた人気のインド料理です。ペルシャ料理とグジャラート料理の要素を組み合わせたものです。ダンサックは、マトンまたはヤギの肉をレンズ豆と野菜の混合物と一緒に調理して作られます。これには、キャラメリゼした白米、ホール スパイス、キャラメリゼした玉ねぎが添えられています。

Lamb dansak. (ミストレス)


A work do. (ミストレス)


You've dicked me around. (ミストレス)


You let your beloved husband dote on someone else's child. (ミストレス)


I just dropped round to bring some of her stuff. (ミストレス)


Can you offer us any explanation for this departure from normal procedure? (ミストレス)


You were married to him for donkey's years. (ミストレス)


On your stag do? (ミストレス)


I think everybody goes to this diner called Joe's. (ミストレス)


Just calling to see how it all went with that dishy doctor last night. (ミストレス)


My long years in the wilderness might be drawing to a close. もう遊び飽きてきた。(ミストレス)


Just need to get the papers drawn up. (ミストレス)


You didn't expect your past to be on your doorstep again, did you? (ミストレス)


Stop dawdling. (ミストレス)


The detached observer. (ミストレス)


Dirty mac / raincoat brigade :  A term for men who frequent sex shops, watch blue movies in seedy cinemas and buy pornographic magazines

The organ we're aiming for in the magazine is the brain. This isn't for the top shelf or the dirty macs. (top-shelf (British: material with adult content): Such material is often stored on the top shelf in a newsagent's shop, where it is both less visible and harder to reach without being seen.) (ミストレス)


Are you all right? - Dreading it. (ミストレス)


He's finally dismantled everything that ever made me who I was. (ミストレス)


There's a small do later. (ミストレス)


I should apologise for descending on you like this. (ミストレス)


I'm going to close this deal. (ミストレス)


Men are biologically disposed to spread their seed. (ミストレス)


You'll never guess what landed on my doorstep last night. (ミストレス)


Looking for the title deeds. (ミストレス)


My wife is distraught. (ミストレス)


We're lucky to have you on board. - Probably not as dynamic as you're used to. (ミストレス)


Wait, Jess. Listen, I'll get another job. Tomorrow. And I'll stick at it. - What's the point? You'll never make a dent in it, will you? (ミストレス)


I am deadly serious. (ミストレス)


Something has developed between us. I haven't acted on it. (ミストレス)


It's just I was up all night writing the eulogy. (ミストレス)


He could hardly get a word in edgeways. (ミストレス)


The tests show there is very little live sperm in your ejaculate. (ミストレス)


We didn't edge you out of the bed, did we? ベッドから追い出す(ミストレス)


Coffee's not going to push you over the edge? (ミストレス)


I expect you're used to extricating yourself from all kinds of sticky situations with your flirtatious manner? -(ミストレス)


Shall we give exclusivity a shot then? 浮気をお互いしないこと。(ミストレス)


Do you mind? - Honest answer, yes, enormously. (ミストレス)


The first moment he set eyes on me. (ミストレス)


Tell me why you're so exercised by the news. 動揺する(ミストレス)


He's a jock. Jocks never like emos. (ミストレス)


Your business evaporated with the news. (ミストレス)


I just had no idea how much it had been eating her up. I don't know how to help her. (ミストレス)


Excuse my daughter's manners. (ミストレス)


So, did you remember to buy more folic acid? (ミストレス)


We should keep daily fertility lists. (ミストレス)


You should really wax your fanny. (ミストレス)


freezing order : A Freezing Order (sometimes referred to as a Freezing Injunction) is an interim injunction granted by the Court restraining a party (the Respondent) from disposing or dealing with assets. (ミストレス)

The freezing order was made on the 23rd of April, to prevent any dissipation of Smith's marital assets. (ミストレス)


The difficulty arises over the exact parameters of the freezing order. (ミストレス)


Did you see your flirty man today? (ミストレス)


I got to see your legs in fishnets. (ミストレス)


I tried to seduce you like some sort of femme fatale. (ミストレス)


So the dabbling with the fairer sex is over, is it? (ミストレス)


Second-rate fling. (ミストレス)


I know about the widows' fund, about your big fat cheque. (ミストレス)


We're just going to have a look at your fallopian tubes and ovaries. Where are you in your cycle? 月経周期(ミストレス)


It's tempting fate or it's bad luck or something, (ミストレス)


fag hag アメリカ合衆国で生まれた英語のスラングの一つ。ゲイ(男性同性愛者)と殊更に親しい関係を持ちたがる女性、その中でも特に非同性愛者の女性のことを言う。

You can be my fag hag. (ミストレス)


Welcome you back to the fold. (ミストレス)


I wanted to thank you for what you did. Refloating us like that was really generous. (ミストレス)


I'll get him to pull some strings. - No, it'll look like favouritism. (ミストレス)


We're going to be the flower girls. (ミストレス)


You thought you'd waltz in here, in your pretty little frock and charm me into investing in Mark's venture? (ミストレス)


He was in some foul mood. (ミストレス)


A false tooth. (ミストレス)


Couldn't sleep. - Counting sheep didn't work? - No, allergic to fleece. (ミストレス)


If you want to drag things out for the foreseeable future, I shan't object. (ミストレス)


I'm glad you didn't let that man fondle you all night. (ミストレス)


We're properly back on our feet again. (ミストレス)


You can work your fingers to the bone. (ミストレス)


It doesn't last, all this friskiness. 浮かれていること(ミストレス)


The chance will free me up and I can be around more. (ミストレス)


The benefits being few and far between. (ミストレス)


Forty Forty (also known as 123 Home, Forty Forty In, Mob Mob, Mob and other names) is a children's game combining elements of the games "It" and Hide and seek. One player is "on", or "It", and they must capture the other players by 'spying' them rather than by tagging as there is no physical contact with another player.

What about a game of 40-40?

Cathy, 40-40! (ミストレス)


Turn to your right. A fraction more. ちょっと右向いて(ミストレス)


He's free as a bird. You'd never pin him down. (ミストレス)


Bodily fluids are not exchanged. セックスはしていない。(ミストレス)


Why won't you share your baby-making techniques? - Cos I don't want to star in your grubby fantasies. (ミストレス)


We're shagging in Groundhog Day. (ミストレス)


The last thing we need is more gynaecology. 妊娠のアドバイス(ミストレス)


I thought you hated them. - Yeah. Well, they're growing on me. (ミストレス)


Girl-on-girl action. (ミストレス)


Any of those grab you? (ミストレス)


raise my game / raise your game (idiom) : To make an effort to improve the way that you do something:

They're going to have to raise their game if they want to stay in the Premiership this season.

What are you going to do? – Raise my game. (ミストレス)


To the bloody gulag. I'll be stuck there for years(ミストレス)


I've gone right off you. 君に興味がなくなった(ミストレス)


So, did the cakes go off? - Like a rocket. Sold out in one afternoon. (ミストレス)


Look, ignore me, I'm a grouch. (ミストレス)


You should be grovelling. (ミストレス)


Are we going galumphing? (ミストレス)

galumph【自動】1. 〈話〉どたばた歩く2. 〈話〉〔偉そうに〕のしのしと歩く


I'm angry with myself for being sucked into your nostalgia. You know, this is really grim. (ミストレス)


When is the leaving party? -Oh, I'm afraid this is a quick getaway. すぐ去ること。(ミストレス)


I unlock men's minds so that women can finally understand them. - You're a guycologist. (ミストレス)


goodie baga ~》〔子どもの〕お菓子[おもちゃ]袋、〔試供品などを入れた〕小袋

I've got no caterers, no goodie bags, nothing. (ミストレス)


I'm doing this for you so gimme a break if I don't hit the ground running. (ミストレス)


Have your gap years come to an end? (ミストレス)


All systems (are) go! (宇宙船の)装置はすべて正常だ; すべて準備完了, スタートオーケーだ.

All systems are go. すべての準備できている = We’re all set.

How'd it go at the clinic? - Yeah, it was great. I got my drugs. All systems go. (ミストレス)


glorified 【形】実際よりよく見せた、見せかけの

You get what you want and I get to be some kind of some kind of glorified nanny that shares your bed. (ミストレス)


Well, in that case, Richard, you've got yourself a partner in crime. (ミストレス)


I have a gap. 時間が少しある(ミストレス)


That might not go down too well. (ミストレス)


We were all ganging up on her. (ミストレス)


You have to get a grip! (ミストレス)


gaylord  (slang, humorous, derogatory) :  Synonym of gay: a homosexual man. An effeminate or insufficiently masculine man or boy.

That bloke's got a pink t-shirt on. What a gaylord! (ミストレス)


My honorary wives. (ミストレス)


I have the kind of friends that run for the hills at the first sign of trouble. (ミストレス)


Am I being a sofa hog? 俺のせいでソファが狭いかな(ミストレス)


A lovely hunk. (ミストレス)


Hon, I'm off. (ミストレス)


Let's give love a helping hand. 恋の橋渡し(ミストレス)


It's not heartless of me, is it? (ミストレス)


I could do with a hand. Would you like to help me? (ミストレス)


We had to haul everyone out of the house. (ミストレス)


That's what life does to us. It just hands us big piles of crap at regular intervals? (ミストレス)


How was it? - Good. Fun was had. Most of it by Jessica. (ミストレス)


house officer【医療】《英》研修医(=《米》resident, 《英》houseman

I’m a house officer. - (LAUGHING) You're not joking, are you? -No. Too old? (ミストレス)


I wasn't sure about a couple of the mules. They're a bit past it, but I had them re-heeled. (ミストレス)


Every high flier needs the business cards. (ミストレス)


I've just had it up to here with the men in this place. (ミストレス)


I've had it up to here with people telling me what I must and mustn't do. (ミストレス)


I know you're hormonal. (ミストレス)


He's let me hot desk here for a while. (ミストレス)


No hard feelings. (ミストレス)


I need to be at the heart of my own life, Siobhan, not on the fringe of someone else's. 自分のために生きたい(ミストレス)


Don't you get on your high horse. (ミストレス)


heavies : (informal) a heavyweight boxer, wrestler, etc A man hired to threaten violence or deter others by his presence.

It's sharp practice, sending the heavies round. 屈強な管財人を送り込むとは汚いぞ(ミストレス)


Hormonally-heightened support. (ミストレス)


I'll be out of your hair for good. (ミストレス)


all the hours God sends (idiom / British) : very long hours.

She has been working all the hours God sends.

There would be no bakery if I wasn't here, making it possible for you to work every hour God sends. (ミストレス)


big hands : This refers to the size of their male sex organs AKA penis.

He's really funny and, you know big hands. あそこ(ミストレス)


Heathrow Terminal 5 : This is an airport terminal at Heathrow Airport, the main airport serving London. Opened in 2008, the main building in the complex is the largest free-standing structure in the United Kingdom.

Give yourself a break. Who hasn't got baggage? - Yes, but there's baggage and there'sTerminal 5. 空港みたいに預けられるといいのに(ミストレス)


give with one hand and take away with the other :  to help someone in one way, but also do something which has the opposite effect, for example harming them or preventing them from achieving what they want.

My parents were very supportive, but they gave with one hand and took away with the other, because I never really learned to be independent.

Give with one hand, take away with another. What's all that about, eh? Some weird kind of control issue? (ミストレス)


Holy moly! (ミストレス)


horlicksホーリックホーリックは、イギリスのグラクソ・スミスクライン (Glaxo Smith Kline) 社が製造、販売する粉末麦芽飲料のブランド。

Do you fancy a mug of horlicks? - I don't want a horlicks, Mark! When have I ever drunk horlicks? I want a large glass of wine. I haven't had a personality transplant. (ミストレス)


I said that I would hear him out. (ミストレス)


Don't start defending the institution of marriage(ミストレス)


It won't cut any ice with me. (ミストレス)


ICSI顕微授精とは、体外受精の1種で(体外受精から独立していると言う考えもある)精子を直接卵子に注入する方法である。Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injectionの頭文字を取り『ICSI』『イクシー』と呼ばれています。(ミストレス)

There's IVF, there's ICSI. So we're not going to give up. (ミストレス)


I'm infertile, not an invalid. 無精子症であって病人ではない。(ミストレス)


I thought we could have a really indulgent afternoon. I've got us a DVD and I've even cooked a TV lunch. (ミストレス)


All the stuff I like about myself, you know ? Fun, sexy, insouciant underneath everything I'm just a big softy. (ミストレス)


I initialled the chart. You'll see my initials on it. (ミストレス)


It is imperative that a doctor differentiates between actively ending a patient's life and letting them die without distress. (ミストレス)


Bad food, worse speeches, pointless inebriation. (ミストレス)


You can let us have an itemisation of your assets. (ミストレス)


The Tempest. Oh! She's a leaf. It's interpretive. It takes a certain skill to fake foliage. (皮肉) (ミストレス)


The stages of alcohol intoxication are: 1. Sobriety, or subclinical intoxication. 2. Euphoria. 3. Excitement. 4. Confusion. 5. Stupor. 6. Coma. 7. Death.

Stage-two intoxication. - What's stage three? -Complete amnesia. (ミストレス)


A torturous interlude with a high-maintenance ballerina. (ミストレス)


I hardly behaved impeccably myself. (ミストレス)


Feel indebted to your enormous sacrifice? (ミストレス)


You're insolvent. (ミストレス)


You were contemplating accepting a proposal from the intended. (ミストレス)


Madness. An aberration. (ミストレス)


You idolised your father. (ミストレス)


For Jessica's IVF. (ミストレス)


Immaculate conception. (ミストレス)


We are non-judgemental, above suspicion and jealousy. (ミストレス)


Best friends. Never jeopardise that. (ミストレス)


I'm sorry, but it's a knotty point. (ミストレス)


I have a knack for falling for the wrong people. (ミストレス)


You were so desperate to get my kit off. 服(ミストレス)


I'm not just for fun. I can be for keeps. 一時的な恋人ではないよ。(ミストレス)


0h,my God, you filthy, molesting sex bunny! - The words, pot, kettle and black spring to mind. (ミストレス)


Has she knocked you back? (ミストレス)


There's a whole load of baby kit here. (ミストレス)


You can be the woman in the killer heels. (ミストレス)


Answer the phone. - I'll keep. (ミストレス)


I'm not wildly keen on the idea. (ミストレス)


You don't die if you don't get leg over. (ミストレス)


They've applied to the court. Smith & Smith? That's laid down for next week. 来週に予定されている。(ミストレス)


lezzer :  Slang word for a female who is attracted to other females. Derived from the word lesbian.

I'm your token lezzer. (ミストレス)


You don't have to face the lezzers from hell. (ミストレス)


My best-laid plans. (ミストレス)


I'm so happy she's agreed to spend the rest of her life with the likes of me. (ミストレス)


This is about money? ! - Hey! It's easy to take that line when you have plenty. セリフ(ミストレス)


love's young dream : A young couple in a romantic relationship. An idyllic romantic relationship.

There are rumors floating around that the two celebrities are love's young dream now.

I can't believe they broke up—they were the image of love's young dream!

Love's young dream. (ミストレス)


Nigella Lawson美人料理人として知られ、日本では『ナイジェラの気軽にクッキング』で注目された。料理の方針としては、「健康的なバランスを心がけ」てはいるが、ヘルシーな料理には過剰にはこだわっていない。

Nigella Lawson's superlative cottage pie. (cottage pieシェパーズパイまたはコテージパイとは、マッシュポテトで作るパイ皮と牛肉で作るイギリスのミートパイである。 産地: イギリス) (ミストレス)


It's just Seems like a lot of work. I mean, you're hardly a lady of leisure. (ミストレス)


He really is the last of the serial monogamists. 彼は一夫一婦主義者では決してない。(ミストレス)


I know, you'll end up being a lady of leisure, spending your husband's money on spa treatments and silk underwear. (ミストレス)


You are now a woman of leisure. Free to do whatever and, you know, whoever you want. (ミストレス)


draw a line under something :  (idiom) to decide to stop thinking or talking about something, or to stop something from continuing, and consider it finished.  

There comes a time to draw a line under your failures and move on.

It was as if they wanted to draw a line under the past.

In an attempt to draw a line under the conflict, he proposed a referendum.

Have they done enough to draw a line under the stock market crash?

Draw a line under it. It's a phrase that has become inextricably associated with political jargon. It's come to mean move on, take things forward, make a fresh start, get over it. It's a phrase that politicians of all hues appear to favour.

Make it. You're in charge. Draw a line under it. (ミストレス)


You can get a locum in every time you fancy a long weekend. (ミストレス)


You were legless, apparently. Completely hammered. (ミストレス)


The love-struck boy who fathered your daughter? (ミストレス)


Have you any idea what you're letting yourself in for? (ミストレス)


You're really pushing your luck. (ミストレス)


three-legged race :  a race run by pairs of people, one member of each pair having their left leg tied to the right leg of the other.

Will you run the three-legged race? (ミストレス)


They want me in the three-legged race but I've only got two! (ミストレス)


A small inducement for our 200 grand. 融資を願って(ミストレス)


A trained oncologist wasting her life as a locum. (ミストレス)


I've got a job interview lined up. (ミストレス)


I wanted to apologise for leading you on. (ミストレス)


langered (in Irish slang) intoxicated; drunk

Get absolutely langered? (ミストレス)


Being a lady of leisure. (ミストレス)


It's child's play, this nine-to-five lark. (ミストレス)


Was it a wild night? - It was pretty low-key, really. (ミストレス)


I saw him lusting at you. (ミストレス)


If you cross this line, you know there'll be no coming back from it, don't you? (ミストレス)


I'm a bit lagged. 時差ぼけだ(ミストレス)


A mob-style assassination. (ミストレス)


No chance, minger. (ミストレス)


money shot :  a crucial or climactic moment, especially of a film. (in a pornographic film) a sequence in which an actor ejaculates.

Here comes the money shot. (ミストレス)


He made a pass at Megan. (ミストレス)


mules :  a style of shoe that has no back or constraint around the foot's heel.I wasn't sure about a couple of the mules. They're a bit past it. (ミストレス)


He'll get the masseurs in this time. (ミストレス)


There was me thinking he was having an affair. (ミストレス)


How can I support him when he doesn't trust me with something so major? (ミストレス)


She's pushing for a 50-50 split on the divorce. I think that you should increase your offer marginally. (ミストレス)


You know Vicki Kendall's got a crush on you? You should put her out of her misery extinguish the flame. (ミストレス)


There was me showering you with compliments. (ミストレス)


He's the best mixologist I ever had! (ミストレス)


I have two little girls and Amy is their step-sister. Just like the Three Musketeers. (ミストレス)


He is a misogynist bastard. (ミストレス)


I haven't really moved on. (ミストレス)


That's me done. (ミストレス)


All I seem to get from you is some kind of tight-lipped martyrdom. (ミストレス)


I'll talk to some people and get things moving. (ミストレス)


The place is mothballed. It's been mothballed since your father died. (ミストレス)


So, it's not a black-and-white situation, then? - No, they think it's positively monochrome. (ミストレス)


One mustard. One mayo. (ミストレス)


There's been a mix-up with an order. (ミストレス)


What was so great about memory lane. (ミストレス)


MD = Managing Director

The job is child's play, this nine-to-five lark. I'll obviously be MD in no time. (ミストレス)


I'll mind Elsa. (ミストレス)


Elsa has a head cold, huh? Not strep B, meningitis. (ミストレス)


no-mark (UK informal) : a person who you have no respect for. An insignificant or worthless person

He's a grubby no-mark.

Some no-mark is getting a promotion.

Mark is a no-mark. Mark the no-mark. (ミストレス)


Anyway, that's me off. そろそろ帰るわ。(ミストレス)


I'm not a childminder. (ミストレス)


Stop making this about our daughter. (ミストレス)


I have made out that I am cool when inside I'm dying of fright. (ミストレス)


I'm going to take the house off the market. 家を売るのをやめるわ。(ミストレス)


You've seen the new website, which Fiona masterminded. (ミストレス)


The girls have just been sent home from school with nits. (ミストレス)


Nit-combing. (ミストレス)


What a nutter. (ミストレス)


bloody-nora ああ;すごい;ちくしょう。婉曲表現;驚きや怒りを覚えたときに発する感嘆詞

Bloody Nora. (ミストレス)


Come on, you're a bag of nerves. (ミストレス)


Namecheck (also name-check) : to publicly mention someone's name, for example to thank them.

In the video, he namechecked all the sponsors of the trip.

The band namechecked Guns N' Roses as their biggest influence.

I'll name check you in my next book product. (ミストレス)


I expect you and your sidekick to nail the client to the wall. (ミストレス)


Giving love and receiving love in return just comes naturally to some people. It seems I don't have that chromosome. (ミストレス)


I'm still next to useless at this kind of thing. (ミストレス)


Ready to talk numbers? 金額の話(ミストレス)


We should still be in our pyjamas nursing our hangovers. (ミストレス)


If you want company or a quiet night in. (ミストレス)


When's the nil by mouth start? (ミストレス)


When ovulating, secretions should be clear and stretchy. Makes it easier for the sperm to swim in, apparently. (ミストレス)


I'm just praying the silent call was a one-off. あの無言電話は一回だけだといいんだけど。(ミストレス)


You don't look a day over 21. (ミストレス)


How are the speed-daters? - Rowing up. - Good. Saddoes. (ミストレス)


You're a little bit off colour this morning. (ミストレス)


Natalie has Alzheimer's, early onset. (ミストレス)


You don't want out? - Just, sometimes wonder what it might be like to be properly in, you know, just the two of us. (ミストレス)


You gonna leave Hari? - Don't be obscene. (ミストレス)


It was just supposed to mean meaningless one-offs. (ミストレス)


You seem to have changed your mind overnight. (ミストレス)


I'm on call tomorrow at stupid o'clock. (ミストレス)


Out in the open? (ミストレス)


She seemed a bit off with me. She hasn't said anything to you, has she? (ミストレス)


Richard, it was a one-off. 一晩だけの浮気(ミストレス)


Alice is very homesick. She's very family-orientated. (ミストレス)


Take biopsies from my ovaries. (ミストレス)


I generally pop in every so often. (ミストレス)


We're just a niche outfit. (ミストレス)


The pleasure's all yours. (ミストレス)


The top three Parisian bridal suites. (ミストレス)


So you've scored a million and pulled on the same day. 恋(ミストレス)


pay sth in/pay sth into sth :  to put money into a bank account

If I give you some money, can you go to the bank and pay it in for me?

Why haven't you paid it in yet? (ミストレス)


You know that's harassment. - I can cite provocation from you. (ミストレス)


It was an oversight on my part. (ミストレス)


I know he likes profiteroles. (ミストレス)


So, you believe your dead husband's stalking you? - Yeah. - I thought I had problems. 君の問題のほうが深刻だね。(ミストレス)


Wondering how I could pluck up the courage to talk to this amazing girl. (ミストレス)


I'm hoping we can patch things up. (ミストレス)


So that's what I was. A marital aid for you? A little pick-me-up to get you through the hard times? 一時的な情事(ミストレス)


I'm always pathologically late for everything. - So much more fashionable. (ミストレス)


to piecesすっかり、とことん、完全に = to bits

I love you (all) to pieces. : 私は、あなたの全てを愛しています。

I love her to pieces. (ミストレス)


It's not like my days are packed. = busy(ミストレス)


I pulled apparently. ナンパ(ミストレス)


Everything OK? - Peachy. (ミストレス)


You're pestering me for sex. - Well, I'm sorry you felt pestered. (ミストレス)


I am suspended pending the investigation. (ミストレス)


Amazing thing, clarity. The way the clouds part, a once confusing situation is suddenly perfectly clear. (ミストレス)


This panel is called to assess the fitness to practice of Dr Katherine Roden. (ミストレス)


You made me a cake! - No, it's patisserie, I'm afraid. (ミストレス)


Your pubescent, sex-pest cousin? (ミストレス)


It must be your natural authority. He pales beside you. (ミストレス)


Your legendary sexual prowess in the bedroom. (ミストレス)


It's patriarchal, it's patronizing. (ミストレス)


I should get plastered more often. (ミストレス)


I used to plait her hair, sing her to sleep. (ミストレス)


I can't keep up with you. And I can't pin you down. (ミストレス)


I just have a lot of deals in place. (ミストレス)


I'm just all over the place at the moment. (ミストレス)


I haven't come here looking for forgiveness and I'm sure you'll find this beyond the pale coming from me. (ミストレス)


Are you here to plead for him? (ミストレス)


You are beyond the pale. (ミストレス)


I take no pleasure in any of this. (ミストレス)


I hear you've put in for a transfer. (ミストレス)


There was a time for prudence, for financial caution. (ミストレス)


I placed an ad on a website. (ミストレス)


You won't tell me what happened with Dan, which is your prerogative. (ミストレス)


I see the pleasure he takes in you. (ミストレス)


Couple of incriminating photos of me with braces and a perm. (ミストレス)


I pass out, sleep like a baby. (ミストレス)


She's a bit picture perfect. (ミストレス)


He was riling me. It was some kind of power trip for him, and it was humiliating. (ミストレス)


turn into a pumpkin: This idiom comes from the fairy tale where Cinderella's Fairy Godmother transforms a pumpkin into a carriage so that she can get to the Prince's ball at the palace. However, at 12:00 midnight everything returns to normal, including the carriage turning back into a pumpkin so she needs to go home before that time.

Can we leave now please? I'm turning into a pumpkin.

We're about ready to turn into a pumpkin but Betty's been talking to that guy and doesn't want to leave.

My carriage is about to turn into a pumpkin. (ミストレス)


Sweet pea, just look. (ミストレス)


I photograph 20-year-old models all the time. They're not a patch on you. (ミストレス)


That fund I went into. It's paying out. Big time. (ミストレス)


I'm packing in the business. (ミストレス)


Chris Webb is out of the picture. (ミストレス)


put yourself across (also put yourself over) : to express ideas and opinions in a way that people can understand them and know what type of person you are.

I don't think I managed to put myself across very well in my interview.

He puts himself across as "the big I am".(ミストレス)


Don't press me. I don't know how I feel, Trudi, (ミストレス)


Sweet pea, I've got to go. カワイ子ちゃん(ミストレス)


Poor me, what a pushover. (ミストレス)


You're just pathologically irresponsible? (ミストレス)


My periods were all over the place. 生理不順(ミストレス)


Then I turn into a pumpkin. (ミストレス)


Sorry, my head's been on another planet. (ミストレス)


I thought you saw Trudi last night? - What, am I on a quota? 私はノルマを課せられているのか?(ミストレス)


She's a walking bloody rom-com! (ミストレス)


She's Belgian, with coarse blonde ringlets. 巻き髪(ミストレス)


Reception (also known as Nursery, Year R, Year 0, or FS2 for foundation second year) This is the first year of primary school in England and Wales. It comes after nursery and before Year One in England and Wales, or before Primary 2 in Northern Ireland. Pupils in Reception are usually aged between four and five.

I didn't put my daughter into Reception. Since she only had me, I wanted her to have as much time with me as possible. (ミストレス)


rug muncher : (slang, offensive) A lesbian. (A reference to cunnilingus.)

Tell me how things are with the rug-munchers. (ミストレス)


How come you've managed to get to this ripe old age without sleeping with a woman?


How are the speed-daters? - Rowing up. スピードお見合いはどう。- 集まったわ(ミストレス)


Where I come from, bluntness is held in pretty high regard. (ミストレス)


That's rich coming from you. (ミストレス)


You can't trust him. He's reeling you in. (ミストレス)


Divorce case. Bitterness, recrimination, huge hourly fees. Good for the divorce lawyers. (ミストレス)


I feel that I should reassure you of something. I have no desire to invade your life. (ミストレス)


Before you came along and my ex receded into complete insignificance. (ミストレス)


Wow, you'd better get the ring resized. (ミストレス)


Help Simon administer the last rites. (ミストレス)


I'd like to run through these clinical trial proposals. (ミストレス)


I have a lot riding on tonight and you saved my bacon. (ミストレス)


We just had a couple of bottles of wine and put the world to rights. (ミストレス)


It's a keyword that runs through all my books. (ミストレス)


Express his revulsion towards me. (ミストレス)


At no stage during this process have you provided anything remotely resembling a case.


I wasn't using the house in relation to you. - Who were you using it in relation to, then? (ミストレス)


She's been bathed and read to. (ミストレス)


I just think that whatever way you look at it, the whole thing is bloody rigged. You can't win. (ミストレス)


What has happened for you to be so reduced. - Reduced? You're my mother. How can you say that to me? (ミストレス)


give someone a run for his money = to not allow someone to win easily(人)に挑戦する、(人)と張り合う、〔選挙において本命候補 の〕対抗馬である

He gave the champion a run for his money. : 彼はチャンピオン相手に健闘しました。

We're going to give the other candidate a run for her money.

The old Siobhan would have given her a run for her money. - I'm not giving anyone a run for their money. (ミストレス)


It would have been professional to be more open about your reservations. (ミストレス)


It only remains for me to say that Alice is the luckiest girl in the world. (ミストレス)


We are looking at a couple of possible rentals tomorrow. Dom! Come and help me choose our home! (ミストレス)


Isn't this a bit rich coming from you? - I'm honestly not judging you, Katie. (ミストレス)


The rosters for the next week. (ミストレス)


You gambled it. Again and again. And me, stupid bitch, I gave you the rope to do it. (ミストレス)


We have to hold together. We could say something we'd regret. - Who the hell is this royal "we"?!(ミストレス)


Everything's screaming at me to move on. (ミストレス)


She was sat there in front of me. (ミストレス)


Eight months pregnant in a smock. (ミストレス)


Try the porn look. It might shock Hari into some radical new moves. (ミストレス)


school run : the time when parents drive their children to or from school.

Next week it's my turn to do the school run.

Trudi's school run has more mystery to it. (ミストレス)


His business stands to fail. (ミストレス)


I could make a sea breeze if you've got cranberry. (ミストレス)


How's it going with your spiky dykes? (ミストレス)


Did you see your school-run bloke? (ミストレス)


A serial slapper! (ミストレス)


My wife is off the scent. (ミストレス)


He is self-piloting. (masturbate) (ミストレス)


Who's he sticking it up now? (shagging) (ミストレス)


I found a series of credit card slips. (ミストレス)


Spice Girls :  1994年に結成されたイギリスの女性アイドル・グループ。

You look like Posh Spice. (It’s the name of a famous singer – a member of the Spice Girls.) (ミストレス)


I can't possibly get naked in front of him. I've got to lose a stone by lunchtime. (ミストレス)


You know what's at stake. (ミストレス)


I'd better get a shift on. (ミストレス)


I've got to get back to the surgery. (ミストレス)


I thought my eyes were saggy.


I just presumed somebody as attractive as you would've been snapped up ages ago. (ミストレス)


I sprung this on you. (ミストレス)


I'm some sort of super stud. (ミストレス)


The Stepford Wives『ステップフォードの妻たち』は、アイラ・レヴィンが1972年に発表したSFホラー小説。 調査を進めたジョアンナは、この町の女性たちの正体が、妻を家庭に縛り付ける事に必死な夫達によって殺され、自分たちの思い通りの性質を持った元の妻そっくりに作られたロボットであることを知る。

What's with the pancakes and the whole Stepford wife routine? (ミストレス)


Well, he's coming round this afternoon. Saucy. (ミストレス)


How would you sum yourself up in 20 seconds? (ミストレス)


Which way are you swinging now? (ミストレス)


A shining example of maturity. (ミストレス)


Well, you seem so concerned at the surgery yesterday. (ミストレス)


Have a sleepover at ours tonight. (ミストレス)


I can treat you to a fancy lunch at a very swanky hotel. (ミストレス)


In so doing your conduct was inappropriate. (ミストレス)


Did you take steps to end Mr. Grey's life by exceeding the stated dose? (ミストレス)


I split up with Alex. (ミストレス)


You're surprised at my lack of seniority? 出世(ミストレス)


You'd like me to compose a ballad and scale your walls with a rose between my teeth. (ミストレス)


If you get divorced, you stand to make a lot of money. (ミストレス)


Are you inviting me to a slumber party? (ミストレス)


We're loose, wanton, strumpets. (ミストレス)


save oneself「自分を守る」「婚前交渉をしない」

I need you to save yourself. (ミストレス)


How's the vow of chastity? - Honestly, Shaky. (ミストレス)


Where did you and Doctor Dan disappear off to last night? Call me when you surface. (ミストレス)


Licking your fingers in suggestive ways. エロい方法で(ミストレス)


Two summers ago. (ミストレス)


There was gonna be a scene. (ミストレス)


They're already onto us, what we did in the past. - Well, it wasn't that sordid. (ミストレス)


The parents 're suitably distant. (発音シュータブリー)(ミストレス)


Thrashing everyone in sight. (ミストレス)


I look at you and I see someone who takes everything in her stride. You never mess up. (ミストレス)


The first booking stands. 最初の予約のほうが優先です。(ミストレス)


I quite like you subservient. (ミストレス)


I'm going to have to swap your shifts back. (ミストレス)


Are you shooing me out of the house? (ミストレス)


You sleep it off. (ミストレス)


I can do this event in my sleep. (ミストレス)


You were quite mellow last night. -Was I? So, Katie was a stabilising influence then. (ミストレス)


See it through to the end. (ミストレス)


Say no more. (ミストレス)


If your employer saw them, you'd be struck off. (ミストレス)


It's like having a beautiful dress and then you find out that some kid in a sweat shop has made it and you realise the dress isn't beautiful any more. (ミストレス)


It was hard to get a table but I swung it. (ミストレス)


To salvage something good out of this mess I've made. (ミストレス)


It just screams brand new you. (ミストレス)


Now scram! Go and get your breakfast. (ミストレス)


To put the screws on you. プレッシャーを与えるため(ミストレス)


So you slept with my best friend for old time's sake? (ミストレス)


I spared you that, I put you out of your misery. (ミストレス)


I expect you and your sidekick to nail the client to the wall. (ミストレス)


Good to see you're back in the saddle. (ミストレス)


I have the appetite of a scaffolder and the tolerance of a nine-year-old girl. 食欲がおおいにある。(ミストレス)


I'll see you at sports day.

I didn't want it to spoil things. - Oh, Mark. It's not saying stuff that spoils things. 私は気にしなかった(ミストレス)


I think we should steer clear. (ミストレス)


It's in the scrubs room, fiveish. 病院(ミストレス)


Has his souffle collapsed? (ミストレス)


You've gone all maternal and I'm skint. (ミストレス)


swing from the chandeliers: This is a way to describe the activities wild party where people do crazy, silly things and have a fun time.

It's not going to be me and you swinging from the chandeliers. (ミストレス)


Would this be a correct summation of the facts so far? (ミストレス)


That would be an accurate summation of the affairs. (ミストレス)


It sends you mad. (ミストレス)


You probably see more of him than I do at the moment. (ミストレス)


soldier : A soldier is a thin strip of toasted bread, reminiscent of a soldier on parade.

Daddy's cutting you some soldiers. (ミストレス)


It suddenly struck me that you're the only person I can talk to. (ミストレス)


How are the speed-daters? - Rowing up. - Good. Saddoes. (ミストレス)


You probably think it's just saddoes and losers, don't you? (ミストレス)


Spitting on your hand to make a deal :  This is a cultural gesture that is sometimes used to seal an agreement or promise. It is often seen as a symbolic act of commitment and trust. However, it's worth noting that this practice is not universally accepted and may be considered disrespectful or unhygienic in many cultures. It's always important to consider cultural norms and practices when engaging in any kind of ritual or gesture.

I would have had to spit on my hand first. (ミストレス)


I’ll have lunch with you. - No way! Social death. (ミストレス)


It's stupid self-help book advice.


You never spat in your hand. (ミストレス)


The smooth talking. (ミストレス)


I thought we could seal the deal with something more hygienic than spitting. (ミストレス)


You seemed so set on it. (ミストレス)


Don't be a stranger. (food catererに対してまたすぐ来てくださいね) (ミストレス)


I'll get another job. Tomorrow. And I'll stick at it. 今度は頑張るよ。(ミストレス)


He was your dad. Bit of a shagger, but still your dad. 女たらし(ミストレス)


The room was kind of English scale. イングランド仕様でアメリカと比べて狭かった


 Elsa has a head cold, huh? Not strep B, meningitis. (ミストレス)


The walk yesterday finally tipped it for me. I've been shillyshallying and I am finally clear. This is what I want to be doing. 昨日歩いたおかげでやっと気持ちが傾いたわ。(ミストレス)


Done anything? - Me? No. Haven't stirred since since my aborted date(ミストレス)


I need you to be completely straight with me. (ミストレス)


I've been saying for a while that we're on the verge of over-saturating our market. (ミストレス)


I didn't mean to spring all this on you. (ミストレス)


Martha Stewart  2004716日、米国の「カリスマ主婦」マーサ・スチュワートに、2001年の株インサイダー取引の罪で禁固5ヶ月、罰金3万ドル、自宅謹慎5ヶ月という判決が下されました。

Domestic goddess. - You make me feel like Martha Stewart. - Before or after her incarceration? - After, definitely. (ミストレス)


It's a crying shame (idiom old-fashioned) something that you say when you think a situation is wrong.

It's a crying shame that she's paid so little for what she does.

It is a crying shame not to have the clothes out on show. (ミストレス)


Maybe she just needs me to back off. Just take the spotlight off her. (ミストレス)


She went off sick after first period. (ミストレス)


Your mum is going to be worried sick about you. (ミストレス)


He asked you out for a coffee in Sainsburys? No. In Tesco's actually. (ミストレス)


The spring bazaar tombola machine. (ミストレス)


Top Gear : 1977年から現在までイギリスBBCで放映されている自動車番組。イギリス以外にも日本を含む各国で放送されている。(ミストレス)


I wanted tonight to be time out. (ミストレス)


What were you thinking about in the room today? - You. And maybe your twin sister in school uniform. (a joke) (ミストレス)


lezzer :  Slang word for a female who is attracted to other females. Derived from the word lesbian.

I'm your token lezzer. (ミストレス)


I almost forgotten what this time of day looks like. (ミストレス)


This house, this kitchen. All this tat. (ミストレス)


She's unhappy and looking for a way out. God knows, relationships can be trying at times. (ミストレス)


TV dinner :  TVディナー とは、そのまま食べられるようにパッケージされた冷凍食品で、複数の料理が組み合わされ、それだけで1回の食事になりえるもの。

I thought we could have a really indulgent afternoon. I've got us a DVD and I've even cooked a TV lunch. (ミストレス)


I'm really sorry. I'm being tactless. (ミストレス)


Don't tell me you're turning to discretion. (ミストレス)


He tore his Achilles heel. (ミストレス)


Am I transparent? 私の言っていることこと分かる?(ミストレス)


The Tupperware. (ミストレス)


Can we turn the lights out? (ミストレス)


That's right. Let him get his teeth into something big. 彼に大きな仕事をさせてあげて。(ミストレス)


Are you shooing me out of the house? - No, God, no, no. No, I'm just late and I have a very finely tuned routine. (ミストレス)


I thought yours was the modern trailblazing marriage. Total freedom, no guilt for adultery. (ミストレス)


tunnel of loveとは〔遊園地の〕愛のトンネル恋人同士 が乗って暗い通路(トンネル)を通る古典的 な遊園地の乗り物(通例ボート)で、トンネルの前半はロマンチックな雰囲気を漂わせ、後半は二人を怖がらせる仕掛けがしてあった。

You can't share candyfloss in the Tunnel of Love. (ミストレス)


go down a treat 良い結果を生む、大成功となる

The cake is going down a treat. (ミストレス)


So unless you're some sort of masochist, I'd keep running away while you still have the chance. - Well, I have a very, very high pain threshold. (ミストレス)


Dirty mac / raincoat brigade :  A term for men who frequent sex shops, watch blue movies in seedy cinemas and buy pornographic magazines

top-shelf (British: material with adult content): Such material is often stored on the top shelf in a newsagent's shop, where it is both less visible and harder to reach without being seen.

The organ we're aiming for in the magazine is the brain. This isn't for the top shelf or the dirty macs. (ミストレス)



I haven't even had a chance to get my thoughts together yet. (ミストレス)


tap the power of〈話〉~の威力を活用する

I did it to tap your powers. (ミストレス)


I just wish it was a little easier to let you go. - You'll get there. (ミストレス)


I didn’t know you were this twisted. (ミストレス)


All right, just two ticks. (ミストレス)


Hugely overexposed on two deals and they both tanked at the same time. (ミストレス)


It's not the money thing, Jess, it's the you thing. It's the everything I've thrown away thing. (ミストレス)


A tremor of desire. (ミストレス)


work like a Trojan 〔トロイ人のように〕一生懸命働く

You're a Trojan. (ミストレス)


I have to tiptoe around you and your feelings. (ミストレス)


It's in two Fridays' time. (ミストレス)


According to your auditors, your turnover reached six figures this year. (ミストレス)


I don't even like salsa. I never did. It's too thrusty. (ミストレス)


That picture's too tomboyish. (ミストレス)


What's not to like? She's sweet. 彼女を好きになれないことはないよね。(ミストレス)


pull that thread :  This is a metaphor that means to investigate or examine a particular issue or topic in more detail. It comes from the idea of pulling on a loose thread in a piece of fabric, which can unravel the entire garment.

Don't you trust me? - Um, let's not pull that thread. (ミストレス)


I don't think children are high on her to-do list. (ミストレス)


Get your career back on track. (ミストレス)


Selling homemade buns out of Tupperware boxes. (ミストレス)


Let's go and get trashed on free champagne. (ミストレス)


Hey, Richard. Token male. Want to be scout leader? 唯一の男性ね(ミストレス)


The walk yesterday finally tipped it for me. I've been shillyshallying and I am finally clear. This is what I want to be doing.  昨日歩いたおかげでやっと気持ちが傾いたわ。(ミストレス)


I just have to choose the right moment. - But you'll be tactful. (ミストレス)


I can't trust myself around you. 君の近くにいると自分じゃなくなる。(ミストレス)


We can tick along fine here. (ミストレス)


TLC = tender loving care

I thought you might want some TLC. (ミストレス)


I'm Doctor Khan, your anaesthetist. I'll be with you in theatre this morning. (ミストレス)


I've been doing some thinking. (ミストレス)


Sounds unmissable. (ミストレス)


That's very unselfish of you. (ミストレス)


That can't be undone. (ミストレス)


So, who's first up?  最初は誰から(ミストレス)


You look undismayed. (ミストレス)


Dan is employing underhand tactics. (ミストレス)


Something utterly pointless. (ミストレス)


unit :  If you’re talking about the British slang term, as in “he’s an absolute unit,” it usually means someone who’s big, possibly quite intimidating and probably very strong. Referring to someone as a "unit" is often used informally to describe a person as strong, tough, or resilient. It can be a term of endearment or admiration, suggesting that the person is a solid, dependable individual. However, context and tone are important when using this term, as it can also be used in a more derogatory or dismissive manner.

Let's go and get trashed on free champagne. - Hang on. I thought you were looking out for your units? (ミストレス)


I don't feel ready for IVF. (ミストレス)


VSO = Voluntary Service Overseas :  Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) is a not-for-profit international development organization charity with a vision for "a fair world for everyone" and a mission to "create lasting change through volunteering"

Do a year with VSO. (ミストレス)


There's nothing quite like the voice of experience. (ミストレス)


Who's vetting them? (ミストレス)


vanilla pod バニラのさや

I might have forgotten to order vanilla pods. (ミストレス)


You're just being wooed by the opposing forces of the PTA!


You know I hate weddings. People wanking on about adoring each other, it's nauseating. (ミストレス)


What if I buy it? I had a windfall. (ミストレス)


I'm enjoying whipping you into shape. (ミストレス)


I had some funny calls a while back. (ミストレス)


I just had my wrist slapped because of my daughter's behaviour. (ミストレス)


I'm enormous! My bum actually wobbles when I walk. (ミストレス)


My world is well and truly rocked. (ミストレス)


They'll want to know whereabouts you are in your cycle of pregnancy. (ミストレス)


Wallop, the man that you trusted with everything is just someone entirely different. (ミストレス)


So how long do we give her to wise up by herself? (ミストレス)


You can't let your emotions get in the way. (ミストレス)


There were 200 people fed and watered. (ミストレス)


I thought I could handle my wife, at first, the funny quirks. And then I came home one night and Natalie had gone walkabout. (ミストレス)


Your daughters in the WI again? 娘を預けて(ミストレス)


Weetabix : This is a breakfast cereal produced by Weetabix Limited in the United Kingdom.

Is that Marmite on your Weetabix? (ミストレス)


They wolfed that down. (ミストレス)


I was a walk-in termination. 中絶(ミストレス)


Nothing worse than a whingeing, unemployed man. (ミストレス)


Let me write you out a cheque. (ミストレス)


Amy likes wholegrain mustard. (ミストレス)


Wear anything too weddingy. (ミストレス)



What can I do? - Make it yesterday. - Was it awful? (ミストレス)