今回In The Darkは2部構成。後半はマンチェスターが舞台ですが、北部のヨークほどではないですが、地元のローカルアクセントが魅力的。一方In The Dark はタイトル通り暗い犯罪系の2017イギリスドラマ。マンチェスターは規模で言うとロンドンに次ぐ都市なのでその分、裏社会も強力。今回消化不良な点が3つほど。
I could be talking out of my arse. (インザダーク)
age-specific abortion rate
age-specific behavioral characteristicsある年代に特有の行動特性単語帳
age-specific behavioural characteristics〈英〉→ age-specific behavioral characteristics
age-specific birthrate年齢別出生率
Porn? Let's just say it was age specific. (インザダーク)
Seeing all this pain and anguish. (インザダーク)
She gives Bates a rock-solid alibi. (インザダーク)
Believe it or not, I'm also extremely au fait with the vagaries of Peppa Pig. (Peppa Pig『ペッパピッグ』は、アストレー・ベイカー・デイヴィスとエンターテインメント・ワン制作のテレビアニメ) (インザダーク)
TripAdvisorトリップアドバイザーは、ユーザー生成コンテンツと価格比較サイトのウェブサイトとモバイルアプリを運営するアメリカのオンライン旅行会社である。また、交通機関、宿泊施設、旅行体験、レストランのオンラインホテル予約・予約も行っている。本社はマサチューセッツ州ニーダムにある。 旅行口コミサイトとしては、世界最大の閲覧数を持つ。
Do you call that a king-size bed? I'll have to bad-mouth them on TripAdvisor. (インザダーク)
Abigail's body was wrapped up in plastic. In bin bags. (インザダーク)
I'll run a bath. (インザダーク)
I'm a copper. (インザダーク)
Whatever floats you boat. お好きなように。何でもやりたいようにやりなさい。(インザダーク)
Blowflies don't burrow down into the soil. (インザダーク)
I'm trying to belch. (インザダーク)
In case he bolts. (インザダーク)
I need the loo. I've got a baby pressing down on my bladder! おなかの赤ちゃんが膀胱を押すからすぐトイレが必要なの。(インザダーク)
I'll take it once round the block. 一回検討してみる(インザダーク)
We're having a child together. I think that bonds us pretty tightly. (インザダーク)
What's with the AC in this car? - No-one else is busting a sweat. (インザダーク)
he'll back me up on this. (インザダーク)
We'll get to the bottom of it. (インザダーク)
I tried talking to him about it but he just batted it away. (インザダーク)
He's going to end up like a big, fat bruiser. (インザダーク)
He wasn't bent. (インザダーク)
I've got bleach and will use it in your fucking eyes. (インザダーク)
All the signs point to him being bent. (インザダーク)
I hate giving chase? (インザダーク)
The place is crawling with press. (インザダーク)
Sources close to the enquiry have told us. (インザダーク)
My career, it sort of becomes all-consuming. (インザダーク)
He once knocked a parcel clean out of my hand. (インザダーク)
We found a cigarette end. (インザダーク)
She's doing cartwheels. (インザダーク)
Colic, nappy rash. (インザダーク)
You murdered Abigail Toms, which is contrary to common law. (インザダーク)
You're also charged with two counts of kidnapping. (インザダーク)
The Crown Court. (インザダーク)
I commend him and his team for their excellent work on this tragic case. (インザダーク)
She is only 16 years old and it's completely out of character for her to leave home without telling us. (インザダーク)
creepy crawlies(インザダーク)
Transfer your colony across, wrap it all up in a bag with the dead body in it. 虫(インザダーク)
He is a cut-price bloody Shakespeare. If he's such a good poet, why's he cooking sausages? (インザダーク)
Everyone's making a nice bit of coin out of it. 小遣い稼ぎしている(インザダーク)
My dad was still in the closet back then. ゲイであることを父は当時は隠していた。(インザダーク)
I'm not here in an official capacity. (インザダーク)
Where gangs are concerned, it's usually hard to get people to talk. (インザダーク)
chunk of《a ~》~の大きな塊[厚切り]《a ~》〈話〉大量[たくさん]の~
He ran chunks of Manchester. マンチェスターの大半を牛耳っている。(インザダーク)
We strive to ensure nothing criminal happens in the club. (インザダーク)
No en suite, furniture's seen better days. (インザダーク)
I'm running this investigation, not her. Please direct all your answers to me. (インザダーク)
What a right load of do-gooders we are! (インザダーク)
You might have to put this one down to chance. ~にせいにする(インザダーク)
Bring Stephen Bates to the dock. (インザダーク)
It wasn't deserted then. 昔はもっと活気があった(インザダーク)
He lives in Hull, big deal on the council. お偉いさん(インザダーク)
I want him done for it. 報いを受けさせる(インザダーク)
Have you spoken to the DCI yet? (インザダーク)
Make sure the cash goes in this box after every drop-off. (インザダーク)
double yellow line(Britain) A pair of yellow lines painted at the side of a road to show that parking is not permitted at any time.
I didn't park on double yellows. (インザダーク)
We're conducting more door to doors. (インザダーク)
Extensive flooding. (インザダーク)
I'll get them to endorse access. (インザダーク)
No en suite, furniture's seen better days. (インザダーク)
I can't see myself in elasticated jeans. (インザダーク)
I extended my hand of friendship. (インザダーク)
Prevent the violence from escalating. (インザダーク)
We're conducting more door to doors. You know what it's like on these estates. - Yep, wall of silence. (インザダーク)
We had a school reunion last year. It was a laugh what with the old faces. (インザダーク)
Still, big fish in a small pond, eh? (インザダーク)
His four-by-four. 四駆(インザダーク)
Fag end (インザダーク)
I'm ex-force. 元警官(インザダーク)
We need to speak to your mate Cornish first thing. (インザダーク)
Why did he leave behind a fag end? (インザダーク)
You're on my screen, on my news feed. (インザダーク)
I was younger getting off with boys, fumbling around like we knew what we were doing. (インザダーク)
I demand Champagne immediately, or, failing that, several pints of strong Continental lager. (インザダーク)
Eyes on us! Front and centre. (インザダーク)
We're all just insect feed in the end. 死んだら虫の餌だ(インザダーク)
Running home so fast you can't feel your legs any more. (インザダーク)
The feds don't know nothing. 警察(インザダーク)
The police officer is dead. - That's one less fed. (インザダーク)
Take a seat, bro, part of the fam now. (family) (インザダーク)
The baby won't stop feeding. 凄く食べる(インザダーク)
You seen filth all over the street? 警官(インザダーク)
Can you push up on that last clip? (拡大できる) Freeze frame on the taxi? (インザダーク)
Doing a fry up. (インザダーク)
You know who killed them? - I've got a fair idea. (インザダーク)
Deliver the gear. 薬物(インザダーク)
She had one of them stupid tattoos they all have. A huge rose. But that's like goody-two-shoes around here. この界隈ではおとなしいほうだ。(インザダーク)
I was younger getting off with boys. いちゃつく(インザダーク)
That'll go down well. (インザダーク)
Throwing your guts up. (インザダーク)
I'm as good as dead. (インザダーク)
I'll take your head off! (インザダーク)
I never had you down as a school bully. I'd better watch my step. (インザダーク)
He got hold of a ballpoint pen. (インザダーク)
Now all we've got are pigs and hacks everywhere. 警察 記者(インザダーク)
I want to report a historic case of child abuse. - How historic? - 20-odd years ago. (インザダーク)
I've got loads of hormones flying around. (インザダーク)
I can honour his memory. (インザダーク)
If I'm honest, I think your cheating on him did his fucking head in. (インザダーク)
Keep our heads down till we sort this out. (インザダーク)
Paul was making decent headway in the investigation. (インザダーク)
They must have such a hold on you to make you do what you did. (インザダーク)
Were you just so off your head, you couldn't think? (インザダーク)
It's after the funeral that it really hits home. (インザダーク)
Why would someone go to all that trouble to implicate Bates? (インザダーク)
It was just a bit of robbing. But they're insured. (インザダーク)
He's had the inside track on everything. (インザダーク)
She was in on the whole thing. (インザダーク)
She ever been in his car? - Not that I know of. (インザダーク)
Ray is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. (インザダーク)
It's kill or be killed, boys. (インザダーク)
He's got some funny politics. A bit towards the left for my liking. (インザダーク)
My golden Lab sits there all day, barking at clouds. He eats cat shit like it's tapas. (インザダーク)
Do you think they'll ever find the lads in that car? (インザダーク)
People in my line of work. - Criminals? (インザダーク)
If you're looking to point fingers, you're pointing in the wrong place. (インザダーク)
He must have a few quid jumping in taxis left, right and centre. (インザダーク)
You complimented my legs at a party and the next thing I was just spreading them for you. (インザダーク)
I'm pregnant and I'm grieving. That gives me licence to do just about anything. (インザダーク)
With Sarah's confession, he'll get life. (インザダーク)
Adam lured Paul out under a pretext. リュアー(インザダーク)
Mugs like me. (インザダーク)
You can see it as a mini-break. (インザダーク)
Many a time. (インザダーク)
I do love pigs, me! (インザダーク)
I've got a mountain of work to get through. (インザダーク)
The Mondeo was burnt out. (インザダーク)
Manchester City Football Clubマンチェスター・シティFC(イングランド・マンチェスターに拠点を置くプロサッカークラブである。プレミアリーグに所属する。サポーターはクラブの愛称をもじり「シチズン(Cityzens)」と呼称される。 著名人のファンとしてはオアシスのギャラガー兄弟(ノエル・ギャラガー、リアム・ギャラガー)が有名。 彼らはかつてシティが財政難の際にスポンサーとして出資するなど熱狂的なファンである。
He could be arrogant. Especially with a beer inside him. And of course he was a City fan. (インザダーク)
You look like a MILF! (インザダーク)
I was the one that gave her the nod. (インザダーク)
We nicked Bates. 逮捕(インザダーク)
I'm going nowhere with this. (インザダーク)
I got kicked in the nuts. (インザダーク)
Mr. Sherwood doesn't like people sticking their nose in where it's not wanted. (インザダーク)
I have no idea what you're on about. (インザダーク)
The tension here is palpable. (インザダーク)
Journalists, all wanting a piece of us. (インザダーク)
They're painting him like a murderer! (インザダーク)
Copper with his hand in his pocket. Someone take a photograph! 警察のおごりか。珍しいな。(インザダーク)
Do you mind if I breathe in some real smoke? たばこ一本もらってもいいかな- You packed it in? (インザダーク)
Pint of best. (インザダーク)
Hiding in plain sight. (インザダーク)
He's had everyone in his pocket. (インザダーク)
Can you push up on that last clip on the screen? 拡大(インザダーク)
Peppa Pig『ペッパピッグ』は、アストレー・ベイカー・デイヴィスとエンターテインメント・ワン制作のテレビアニメ
Believe it or not, I'm also extremely au fait with the vagaries of Peppa Pig. (インザダーク)
Priory Groupプライオリーグループは、英国のメンタルヘルスケア施設のプロバイダー。
A little stint at The Priory. (インザダーク)
He was in the pay of Sherwood. (インザダーク)
Go somewhere lively, then, get to the pub quick time. (インザダーク)
You're pregnant, you've got hormones raging around your body. (インザダーク)
do another runもう一度走る
ask someone to do another runもう1回走るよう(人)に言う
I've been doing runs down to the lower villages. (インザダーク)
This place represents everything she didn't want for her life. (インザダーク)
He is now on remand awaiting trial. (インザダーク)
Fucking rug-muncher. (インザダーク)
Same reg number. (registration) (インザダーク)
You ran a vehicle check on Ray Jackson. (インザダーク)
You reap what you sow. (インザダーク)
Evidence of recreational drug use. (インザダーク)
The investigation has taken a stride forward. (インザダーク)
Send him down. 逮捕(インザダーク)
Ignoring what's staring me in the face. (インザダーク)
This place stinks of dogs. (インザダーク)
The place is swarming with police. (インザダーク)
This is Gavin, local sex god. - At your service! (インザダーク)
Pint of lager, and a snakebite. (インザダーク)
I never had you down as a school bully. I'd better watch my step. (インザダーク)
Been seconded. 異動になった(インザダーク)
I think the pregnancy took her by surprise. (インザダーク)
Accusing all and bloody sundry. (インザダーク)
SOCO said that the body was full of insects. (インザダーク)
SOCO said the body was barely in the ground. (インザダーク)
Swan Vestas はマッチのブランドです。通常のポケットマッチよりも短いため、特に喫煙者に人気があり、長い間「スモーカーズマッチ」というキャッチフレーズが使用されてきましたが、現在のパッケージでは「オリジナル」という接頭語に置き換えられています。
You set fire to the body. And out with the old Swan Vestas and up it goes. Whoosh! (インザダーク)
I sabotage my life. 人生を破壊する(インザダーク)
I didn't come here to have a scrap with you. (インザダーク)
It doesn't exactly scream innocence. (インザダーク)
He's got a brain the size of a planet. (インザダーク)
Look, Helen, whatever it is, just spit it out. (インザダーク)
I'm shitting myself. 怖いの(インザダーク)
Why don't you see what's staring you straight in the face? (インザダーク)
I would rather he was a shagger than a killer. (インザダーク)
I was so shit scared. (インザダーク)
The baby can't sit still for two minutes. (インザダーク)
Shelling peas. (インザダーク)
They say that having a baby puts a strain on a relationship. (インザダーク)
Paul's movements have been a bit sketchy lately. We didn't even know he was working last night. (インザダーク)
He's not someone you'd want to get on the wrong side of. (インザダーク)
I'm on a losing streak. (インザダーク)
This is a nice place when it's finished. It's been sat here derelict for years. (インザダーク)
He looks like a right dodgy so and so. 不審者(インザダーク)
(stick) like shit to a blanket (vulgar, simile) Synonym of stick like shit. To be stuck to someone or something like shit to a blanket means that you are very attached to a person or thing and spend a lot of time with them or it.
Ryan: Kellie won't leave me alone !
Lauren: she is stuck to you like shit to a blanket !
A whole load of other police officers all over you like shit on a blanket. (インザダーク)
He's a respected businessman, and he supplements my fares. (インザダーク)
Young life was cut short by the violent and terrifying gun attack yesterday. (インザダーク)
If it looks like shit and smells like shit, it’s probably shit. (インザダーク)
The vehicle was stationary. (インザダーク)
Priory Groupプライオリーグループは、英国のメンタルヘルスケア施設のプロバイダー。
A little stint at The Priory. (インザダーク)
Threw us all off the scent. (インザダーク)
Let me Taser her! (インザダーク)
No stepping on anyone's toes. Understand? (インザダーク)
I'll go for a walk, take in the sights. (インザダーク)
Flooding means we can't search as thoroughly in a lot of places. (インザダーク)
TripAdvisorトリップアドバイザーは、ユーザー生成コンテンツと価格比較サイトのウェブサイトとモバイルアプリを運営するアメリカのオンライン旅行会社である。また、交通機関、宿泊施設、旅行体験、レストランのオンラインホテル予約・予約も行っている。本社はマサチューセッツ州ニーダムにある。 旅行口コミサイトとしては、世界最大の閲覧数を持つ。
Do you call that a king-size bed? I'll have to bad-mouth them on TripAdvisor. (インザダーク)
They're taking me in for questioning. (インザダーク)
Giving me the third degree. (インザダーク)
My golden Lab sits there all day, barking at clouds. He eats cat shit like it's tapas. (インザダーク)
Tensions have been rising. (インザダーク)
tickety-boo〈カナダ話〉良い状態の、順調な、快調の、うまくいっている、言うことのない・Everything is just tickety-boo. : 全て順調です。
Are you OK? - Tickety-boo. (インザダーク)
He tried to top himself, couldn't live with it. (インザダーク)
Time for a tinkle. おしっこ(インザダーク)
Why don't you just shut your stupid trap? (インザダーク)
Bonded when we found out we had matching rose tats. (インザダーク)
We need to stay on our toes and watch our backs. (インザダーク)
Talked about this and that. (インザダーク)
A deadly turf war. (インザダーク)
turn of phrase 言い表し方
At the funeral, you said, "You reap what you sow". What did you mean by that? - Turn of phrase. Like Karma, isn't it? (インザダーク)
Who knows what goes on up there? 頭(インザダーク)
I appreciate that you have a vested interest, Helen. (インザダーク)
Town famous for its pork and you want to go veggie! (インザダーク)
The car veered towards the bus-stop. (インザダーク)
I know we're not out the woods yet. (インザダーク)
I'll get out of your way. もう帰るわ。 - All right, mate, take care. (インザダーク)
He was trying to take the easy way out. 自殺(インザダーク)
Thought you'd been warned off. (インザダーク)
I'm scared. - What of? (インザダーク)
I'll walk myself out. (インザダーク)
Claps eyes on a warrant card and makes all kinds of assumptions. 警察バッジ(インザダーク)
I could flash you my warrant card but I don't want to do that here. (インザダーク)
The dead body was all a bit insect-y. (インザダーク)
Oh, ye of little faith. 俺を信じろ(インザダーク)
Outside my bro's yard. 家 (インザダーク)