ホワイトチャペル 終わりなき殺意












No fixed abode. (ホワイトチャペル)


He died from crush asphyxia. (ホワイトチャペル)


Our splendidly appointed dwellings. (ホワイトチャペル)


His murderer was never apprehended. (ホワイトチャペル)


I can still smell him! - I will air the house. (ホワイトチャペル)


Apotropaic marks. Protection against witchcraft. (ホワイトチャペル)


There was an artisan bakery. (ホワイトチャペル)


The only holes in my body are the ones God gave me. - We all know which one you talk out of. (ホワイトチャペル)


That Japanese food didn't really agree with me. (ホワイトチャペル)


Did he leave a forwarding address? (ホワイトチャペル)


ARV : (in British English) Armed Response Vehicle. A police vehicle carrying armed officers who are trained to respond to incidents involving firearms.

Do you want me to call for an ARV? (ホワイトチャペル)


I didn't want any agro. (ホワイトチャペル)


The operation on her head caused an abscess. (ホワイトチャペル)


Now you can assuage that guilt. (ホワイトチャペル)


She has abrasions on her fingers. (ホワイトチャペル)


There's the plane crash in the Andes. (ホワイトチャペル)


They killed and ate their victims so they could assert their superiority and dominance. (ホワイトチャペル)


They wanted to introduce new breeds into the English diet, acclimatise them to this country, and to this end held banquets to try everything from giraffe, to crocodile, to sea slug. (ホワイトチャペル)


Appease an angry god. (ホワイトチャペル)


black tie:フォーマルな

It’ a black tie event, so those shoes aren’t suitable.フォーマルなイベントなので、その靴はふさわしくないよ。

I thought it was black-tie. (ホワイトチャペル)


We all lose our bite as we get older. (ホワイトチャペル)


Well, white vinegar should clean the mildew off, and if that doesn't work, you can always try Borax. (ホワイトチャペル)


Who bewitched you, Lee? (ホワイトチャペル)


Your crops are blighted (ホワイトチャペル)


You were barking mad. (ホワイトチャペル)


I spent the first 3 months of this pregnancy with my head in a bowl. ゲロ(ホワイトチャペル)


I'm busting. (ホワイトチャペル)


Unless he's on the database, it’s gonna be a bugger to ID. (ホワイトチャペル)


Check for B-and-Es. (ホワイトチャペル)


You are slap bang in the middle of it. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'll order some tea and biccies. (ホワイトチャペル)


If I balls this up. (ホワイトチャペル)


It does us good to have a little barney every now and again. (ホワイトチャペル)


The crime scene is pretty biblical. - Yeah, sorry about that. (ホワイトチャペル)


Book her. For wasting police time. (ホワイトチャペル)


They were left dangling while three tides washed over them, belt and braces job. (ホワイトチャペル)


It looks like you're suffering from what we call nocturnal bruxism. You've been grinding your teeth at night. Have you been under any stress? (ホワイトチャペル)


The Burke and Hare murders: They were a series of sixteen killings committed over a period of about ten months in 1828 in Edinburgh, Scotland. They were undertaken by William Burke and William Hare, who sold the corpses to Robert Knox for dissection at his anatomy lectures.

Maybe he robbed graves like Burke and Hare. (ホワイトチャペル)


I wonder if I might pick your brains. - Pick away. (ホワイトチャペル)


Something similar happened to William Burke of Burke and Hare fame. (ホワイトチャペル)


He's bang on profile. (ホワイトチャペル)


He had a bag and a brolly. (ホワイトチャペル)


Lots of people carry brollies, don't they? (ホワイトチャペル)


I've spoken to my man at the Old Bailey. (ホワイトチャペル)


The Beast of Bodmin : an animal that some people say they have seen on Bodmin Moor in south-west England. Some think it is a big cat, such as a lion, that has escaped from a zoo . Other people think that there is no Beast of Bodmin, and that people have simply seen large dogs in the fog.

Legendary creatures like the Beast of Bodmin, or Nessie. (ホワイトチャペル)


Let's get that boil looked at. (ホワイトチャペル)


Good night, Biddy, my love. (ホワイトチャペル)


The lights have blown. (ホワイトチャペル)


Our group is devoted to the celebration of God's bounty. (ホワイトチャペル)


Are the windows boarded up? (ホワイトチャペル)


I'll bet that's what buggered up the phones. (ホワイトチャペル)


bake saleベイク・セール◆学校などの団体が資金集めのために手作り菓子などを販売するバザー。

All little old ladies look the same, that's all. I'm always losing my mother in bake sales. (ホワイトチャペル)


burnt offeringはん‐さい【燔祭】 〘名〙古代ユダヤ教で、神へのささげ物として雄牛・羊などの動物を石造りの祭壇で丸焼きにして供えたこと。 また、そのようにして焼いた供え物。

Why take the victim's organs? - Burnt offerings. (ホワイトチャペル)


Where is the lamb? - God Himself will provide the lamb for a burnt offering, my son. (ホワイトチャペル)


Look at his hands. He has calcification of the knuckles. That can be caused by punching sand. (ホワイトチャペル)


A rat chokes her up. 悲しくさせる - I get weepy and sentimental over the strangest things. (ホワイトチャペル)


We don't want him biting down on a cyanide tablet. (ホワイトチャペル)


Everything he said checks out. (ホワイトチャペル)


The council had complaints about smoke from a bonfire. (ホワイトチャペル)


How many's a coven? A baker's dozen? Got to be 13, innit? (ホワイトチャペル)


They admit to being consorts of the devil. (ホワイトチャペル)


Spinster, bald, three black cats. We only need a cauldron and we've got a witch's full house. (ホワイトチャペル)


We never know what's round the corner. (ホワイトチャペル)


Where's he gone? - Crawled off somewhere to die, I guess, somewhere quiet. (ホワイトチャペル)


I just need the information, not the conjecture. (ホワイトチャペル)


I don't want her clamming up. (ホワイトチャペル)


He's curating a new show. (ホワイトチャペル)


I believe he uses real cadavers in his exhibitions? (ホワイトチャペル)


Just had a cheeky fish supper with Erica. (ホワイトチャペル)


It was a clean job, well organised. 手際がいい(ホワイトチャペル)


It also conforms with the historical precedent. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'm just doing a little cribbing. ネタを盗みんでる(ホワイトチャペル)


I'll have a crack at it. I like a riddle. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's just that I had a bit of a crap day, that's all. (ホワイトチャペル)


We've had a DNA match come through. (ホワイトチャペル)


A decent piece of kit that isn't chained down. (ホワイトチャペル)


Borrow some concealer of Riley to make yourself look presentable. (ホワイトチャペル)


Maybe the stink of the cells will help him crack. (ホワイトチャペル)


Civet stew. (ホワイトチャペル)


Why don't you give us the address instead of being so cryptic? (ホワイトチャペル)


Give the photo to the circulation unit. (ホワイトチャペル)



You can't go into your local hardware store and buy nails like these. So where'd she get 'em? - It doesn't say Made in Calvary.


He took his family and some of the congregation and left the church. (ホワイトチャペル)


They had a council house. 公営住宅(ホワイトチャペル)


custody suite : This is an area within a police station in the United Kingdom designed and adapted to process and detain those who have been arrested, or who are there for purposes such as answering bail.

Are the custody suites ready? The solicitors are on their way. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's a doss house. Local toilet. Smells like London Zoo. (ホワイトチャペル)


Murder of dissidents abroad. (ホワイトチャペル)


He was deemed unfit for service. (ホワイトチャペル)


You're getting dotty. (ホワイトチャペル)


She was a doula, a natural childbirth midwife. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's like the diminutive of Emerson is Emma. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'd like you to do some digging on Sebastian Marlowe for me. (ホワイトチャペル)


There's hardly any information on him in the public domain. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'm not sure. I thought he would have turned up something useful by now. - That'll be the day. (ホワイトチャペル)


He moved back in with his old dear. He always was a bit of a mummy's boy. (ホワイトチャペル)


Have a delve into his background. (ホワイトチャペル)


What about killing Nikolai Baldaev? He was just a practice, wasn't he? A dry run. (ホワイトチャペル)


These are disused tunnels from the old Underground. (ホワイトチャペル)


He was disembowelled. (ホワイトチャペル)


Write 300 words about do-gooders. (ホワイトチャペル)


18th century propaganda to demonise the Scottish. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'll eat anything. My wife says I'm a human dustbin. (ホワイトチャペル)


We meet when the circumstances demand. (ホワイトチャペル)


A group of degenerate cannibals. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's a doomsday cult? (ホワイトチャペル)


It's not a sewer rat. It's a dumbo rat. You can tell by their ears. (ホワイトチャペル)


break your duck (idiom UK) : in cricket, to score the first run (= point) of an innings (= a period in which a player tries to hit the ball). To win something or to score a point, goal, etc. for the first time

The actor, who has never won an Emmy, Oscar, or Golden Globe, hopes to break his duck with this role.

I reckon you've broken your duck. (ホワイトチャペル)


Enforcer? So, was he living rough? (ホワイトチャペル)


Is fatigue eroding your will? (ホワイトチャペル)


He can't be allowed to exact retribution. (ホワイトチャペル)


She did everything she could to try to talk to our late father. Mediums. Empaths. Psychics. (ホワイトチャペル)


I had to blur the edges. 気持ちを落ち着ける(ホワイトチャペル)


What does this fungus do? It causes ergot poisoning. (ホワイトチャペル)


So, ergot poisoning causes convulsive seizures and mania. (ホワイトチャペル)


Ergot toxins causing people to lose limbs. (ホワイトチャペル)


Ergot poisoning? From mouldy rye. (ホワイトチャペル)


You ate mouldy rye in your bakery and gave yourself ergot poisoning. (ホワイトチャペル)


No one'll bat an eyelid. 驚かない(ホワイトチャペル)


That's a murder's name if ever I heard one. (ホワイトチャペル)


Get off! やめろ(ホワイトチャペル)


She'd been eviscerated. (ホワイトチャペル)


Disembowelled bodies, entrails hanging from the ceiling. (ホワイトチャペル)


I just hate seeing other people happy. It just eats away at me. (ホワイトチャペル)


The killer force-fed stones. Pushed down its throat. (ホワイトチャペル)


The fasciculation around the lips would suggest that a liquid anaesthetic was applied. Probably chloroform. (ホワイトチャペル)


The flaying took place. (ホワイトチャペル)


His entire back was flayed off. (ホワイトチャペル)


fold like a cheap suit  (idiomatic) To give up easily.


fold like a lawn chair

fold like a cheap suitcase

fold like a cheap tent

You show a man a bit of maternal affection and he's all over you like a cheap suit. (ホワイトチャペル)


The flick knife (ホワイトチャペル)


It was a joke. - Jesus! Well, flag it up next time, will you? (ホワイトチャペル)


You're a regular font of knowledge. (ホワイトチャペル)


He fashioned himself a female skin suit. (ホワイトチャペル)


The hand just grabbed him! Flopped him round the corner like a rag doll. (ホワイトチャペル)


We'll try and fend them off as best we can. (ホワイトチャペル)


You can either use it, or discard it, as you see fit. (ホワイトチャペル)


That's what your feral pigs really wanted. (ホワイトチャペル)


She did nothing but help people. And still she was forsaken by God. (ホワイトチャペル)


We wanted to ask you about these articles you wrote recently. - This is filler, not news. (ホワイトチャペル)



God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, his only son, as a test of faith. It sort of foreshadows the death of Christ. (ホワイトチャペル)


one's own flesh and blood肉親、身内、血を分けた子、子孫

Of course you're my own flesh and blood. : もちろん、私たちは血を分けた親子なんだよ。

The father giving up his own flesh and blood for the greater good. (ホワイトチャペル)


Gates of Hell. - Really?I don't believe a word of that guff. (ホワイトチャペル)


Symbols, glyphs, a code of some sort, I don't know. (ホワイトチャペル)


gingerbread houseジンジャーブレッド・ハウス◆ジンジャーブレッド・クッキーやケーキで作るお菓子の家。アメリカではクリスマスに作られることが多い。

One man set out to rid England of its witches. - Better start looking for gingerbread houses. (ホワイトチャペル)


Well done. You get a gold star. (ホワイトチャペル)


What's that smell? - Gangrene. (ホワイトチャペル)


This piece of gauze was found at the scene. It's from a bandage. (ホワイトチャペル)


Well, this is a gift horse, Ed. (ホワイトチャペル)


giving me jip: This British English phrase is more likely to be used by older patients, and simply means "giving me pain". It seems likely that this 'gyp' or 'jip' pain meaning was formed out of an earlier phrase - 'gyppy tummy'.

It's just this stupid hand's still giving me jip. - Do you want to get it looked at? - No, it's just a scratch. (ホワイトチャペル)


He gets me. A lot of people don't. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'll spare you the gory details. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'd just pop up from the downstairs for a few gulps of air. (ホワイトチャペル)


Come on, then, spill the beans. Who is she? - A gentleman never tells. (ホワイトチャペル)


Come on, had you going, didn't I? (ホワイトチャペル)


You're far too clever for your own good. Now I'm going to have to punish you. (ホワイトチャペル)


He was a goner for sure. (ホワイトチャペル)


Might have to sacrifice a few of you for the greater good. (ホワイトチャペル)


Will you say grace? (食事) (ホワイトチャペル)


They would run away if they heard the pigs grunting because they knew these pigs had a taste for human flesh. (ホワイトチャペル)


Gut feeling. Copper's instinct. (ホワイトチャペル)


He has extensive keloid and hypertrophic scarring. (ホワイトチャペル)


No harm will come to you. (ホワイトチャペル)


Hieroglyphics. (ホワイトチャペル)


Evidence is heard in the court. (ホワイトチャペル)


He thinks he's being hunted down. - Well, is he? I don't know. - It could be all in his head. (ホワイトチャペル)


Hysteria is contagious. (ホワイトチャペル)


Are you still in the first throes of passion? - For sure. I reckon she could be the one, you know? -Yeah, well I won't buy my hat just yet, eh? あてにならない(ホワイトチャペル)


hagstone : A ceremonial stone with a hole drilled into used to ward off evil or see into other worlds.

So we're hunting witches again. You better put on that hagstone. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's a hagstone. It's to protect the wearer against witchcraft and evil charms. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'd rather get straight back on the horse. 仕事に戻る(ホワイトチャペル)


I have to hedge my bets. (ホワイトチャペル)


We've only got one body. You need a hat trick for a win for a serial killer. (ホワイトチャペル)


Why do I always get the hand-holding jobs? (ホワイトチャペル)


There's another hand holder in town. (ホワイトチャペル)


Oh, hell's bells! (ホワイトチャペル)


There's a coat of arms. Contact the Heraldry Society. (ホワイトチャペル)


Hawksbill turtle. (ホワイトチャペル)


Her internal organs have been harvested very carefully. (ホワイトチャペル)


Our author will give a short introductory speech in 10 minutes. (ホワイトチャペル)


Dead male. IC1. (ホワイトチャペル)


Inflict as much suffering and pain as possible. (ホワイトチャペル)


Toxic inflammatory substances. (ホワイトチャペル)


His memory is impaired. (ホワイトチャペル)


You've been infiltrated by an agent. (ホワイトチャペル)


Everyone talks to their pets. It wasn't an imp. (ホワイトチャペル)


Now we will wait for the imps to come and suckle on your devil's teat. (ホワイトチャペル)


Why would the killer scoop out the victim's insides? (ホワイトチャペル)


Sorry to intrude at such a difficult time. (ホワイトチャペル)


Identi-Kit【商標】 アイデンティキット◆犯人の似顔絵を、顔のさまざまな部分の絵を組み合わせて作るもの。ロサンゼルス市警のHugh McDonald1958年に発明して特許を取った。その後写真を使うPhoto-FITが登場したが、1976年にはIdenti-Kitも写真を使うようになり、1989年にからはコンピューターのソフトウェアとして発売されるようになった【参考】Photo-FIT


Have you tried the joke shop, love? おもちゃ屋(ホワイトチャペル)


giving me jip: This British English phrase is more likely to be used by older patients, and simply means "giving me pain". It seems likely that this 'gyp' or 'jip' pain meaning was formed out of an earlier phrase - 'gyppy tummy'.

It's just this stupid hand's still giving me jip. - Do you want to get it looked at? - No, it's just a scratch. (ホワイトチャペル)


Knifing a rival gang member. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's a private theory at the moment. But one that could earn me great kudos with my boss. (ホワイトチャペル)


Are we keeping you? 他に約束でもあるの(ホワイトチャペル)


You might try your luck over there. (ホワイトチャペル)


You're getting lines. しわ(ホワイトチャペル)


If I drink any more tea I shall spring a leak! おしっこ(ホワイトチャペル)


Dry drowning is when the cold water causes a laryngeal spasm. Wet drowning is caused by water entering the lungs. (ホワイトチャペル)


It was on loan at the National Gallery. (ホワイトチャペル)


Somebody went to great lengths to place this face mask in the exhibition. (ホワイトチャペル)


We don't need two of these maniacs on the loose, do we? (ホワイトチャペル)


You're a bright girl. Don't hide your light. (ホワイトチャペル)


Did you see her face? - Just a glimpse. It was all leathery and wrinkled. (ホワイトチャペル)


A lump of concrete. (ホワイトチャペル)


Lady Justice (Latin: Iustitia) is an allegorical personification of the moral force in judicial systems. Her attributes are scales, a sword and sometimes a blindfold.

I can do you a copy for £200. - 200 quid? - The scales of Lady Justice must be balanced somehow. (ホワイトチャペル)


He's just an angry kid lashing out. (ホワイトチャペル)


Woman across the road in the launderette said she saw a man. (ホワイトチャペル)


Looks like he took the law into his own hands. (ホワイトチャペル)


Why don't we take the team down to the pub for a drink? Give everyone a lift. (ホワイトチャペル)


We need to take a good long look at ourselves. (ホワイトチャペル)


A sow had a litter of piglets. (ホワイトチャペル)


There are multiple lacerations to her knees. (ホワイトチャペル)


Your book launch. (ホワイトチャペル)


Let me assure you that if my agency had been involved, you would not have seen a mote of dust out of place. (ホワイトチャペル)


By the carbon monoxide and lost consciousness. (ホワイトチャペル)


Don't play mind games with me. (ホワイトチャペル)


The McCarthy witch hunts were about rooting out communists. (ホワイトチャペル)


So, you kissed him? - No, you muppet. He kissed me. (ホワイトチャペル)


See if there's anything murky. (ホワイトチャペル)


(Playground Rhyme)

Mary had a little lamb, she thought it was quite silly,

To throw him up into the air and catch him by his..

Willy was a sheepdog, running through the grass,

Along came a bee and stung him on the..

Ask no questions, tell no lies,

I saw a policeman open up his..

Flies are a nuisance, bees are worse,

That is the end of my little verse.

You can tell me, I'm a policeman. Ask no questions, get no lies. I saw a policeman zipping up his

flies. Though a nuisance, bees are worse. That is the end of my verse. (ホワイトチャペル)


Talk about getting medieval. (ホワイトチャペル)


Don't shoot the messenger. (ホワイトチャペル)


Miscarriages of justice. (ホワイトチャペル)


I took out my machete. (ホワイトチャペル)


In 1862, Lord Ailsbridge was one of the earliest collectors of exotic animals in England. He created an impressive menagerie. (ホワイトチャペル)


God, I'm such a mug. (ホワイトチャペル)


The boss will go nuts. (ホワイトチャペル)


I know what it's like to have a near miss. (ホワイトチャペル)


Look at us. Pair of ninnies. (ホワイトチャペル)


She's a well nourished female. (ホワイトチャペル)


Would the shoes be expensive? - What make are they? Oh, not much change from a oner. 高い(ホワイトチャペル)


In the olden days. (ホワイトチャペル)


Occult practices. (ホワイトチャペル)


Order of the British Empire大英帝国勲章は、グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国(以下「英国」と表す)の騎士団勲章 (Order)"Order"勲章と日本語訳されるヨーロッパの栄典で、元の意味は「騎士団」であり、等級は中世の騎士団の階級制度を模したものである。大英帝国勲章は英国の騎士団勲章の中では最も新しく、最も広範囲に与えられ、最も叙勲数の多い勲章である。


1. ナイト・グランド・クロス又はデイム・グランド・クロス(大十字騎士 GBE

2. ナイト・コマンダー又はデイム・コマンダー(司令官騎士 KBE/DBE

3. コマンダー(司令官 CBE

4. オフィサー(将校 OBE

5. メンバー(団員 MBE

She was awarded an MBE in 2009 for services to the community. (ホワイトチャペル)


Whitechapel is plagued with terrors. (ホワイトチャペル)


The umbrella contained a lethal pellet of ricin. (ホワイトチャペル)


I kept ending up where I'd started and then I realised, I was being pixie led. (ホワイトチャペル)


It is a provocateur whose purpose is to incite others to commit evil acts. (ホワイトチャペル)


The provocateur had Zukanov killed. (ホワイトチャペル)


Find the Agent Provocateur. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's between me and you, Pops. There's no harm done. Just don't tell Mum. (ホワイトチャペル)


What if Cherry wasn't a witch? - She looks the part. (ホワイトチャペル)


Pack it in! Stop it, that is an order! (ホワイトチャペル)


He was trying to catch a provocateur. The instigator of evil in Whitechapel. (ホワイトチャペル)


He was paroled from the prison two years ago. (ホワイトチャペル)


Is that a real hand? - Yes. It's been plastinated and preserved. (ホワイトチャペル)


Drug paraphernalia. (ホワイトチャペル)


If I'd wanted someone to piss all over the idea, I'd have asked you first. お前の意見なんて聞いてないぜ(ホワイトチャペル)


PNC :  A PNC check is a search of the Police National Computer (PNC), which is a database of criminal records held by the police in England and Wales. The PNC contains information on people who have been convicted of crimes, cautioned, or given a warning.

We're doing a PNC check on the registration. (ホワイトチャペル)


That's pedanticness. - Pedantry. (ホワイトチャペル)


Gein was raised by his puritanical mother. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's pot luck. (ホワイトチャペル)


This does pertain to a murder. (ホワイトチャペル)


Does pong a bit, I'm afraid. 嫌な臭い(ホワイトチャペル)


Run a PNC check, see if the car belongs to Diggory. (ホワイトチャペル)


He put up a big fight. (ホワイトチャペル)


I found a Yeti nest in Tibet. Recently vacated but still pungent and warm. (ホワイトチャペル)


You're not gonna put me off my pie. (ホワイトチャペル)


Your face is swollen. Ask the canteen for some frozen peas. (ホワイトチャペル)


She has her London pied a terre right here in Whitechapel. (ホワイトチャペル)


Peter Dunn's roast dinner is a proboscis monkey. (ホワイトチャペル)


She comes over like a sweet old lady and she places an idea in your head like poison. (ホワイトチャペル)


She's a proper wind-up merchant. (ホワイトチャペル)


Each of the murderers was compelled to commit their crimes by a provocateur? (ホワイトチャペル)


Photo-FIT: 商標 フォトフィット◆写真を使った犯人のモンタージュ作成方法で、Jacques Penryが発明し、1970年に最初に使用された。【参考】Identi-Kit

You can't even see the faces properly in these pictures. You'd hardly call them photofits. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's her purity ring. It's a symbol of her promise to God to remain a virgin till her wedding. (ホワイトチャペル)


Doomsday cults are groups that believe in prophetic, apocalyptic theories. (ホワイトチャペル)


Quilts down from one generation to another. The quilt's a record of their history. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's just a quirk of nature. (ホワイトチャペル)


Your memoirs will be a depressing read. (ホワイトチャペル)


I haven't got my reading glasses. (ホワイトチャペル)


The umbrella contained a lethal pellet of ricin. (ホワイトチャペル)


I believe an agent has gone rogue. (ホワイトチャペル)


Oh, no, that is rank. (ホワイトチャペル)


With symbols, you need a key. A Rosetta Stone. (ホワイトチャペル)


The incident room was completely ransacked. (ホワイトチャペル)


A rectal temperature. (ホワイトチャペル)


I just wish I could repay that trust. (ホワイトチャペル)


Jimmy Riddle : This term is rhyming slang for going pee or having a piddle.

I'll have a crack at it. I like a riddle. - A Jimmy Riddle. (ホワイトチャペル)


Could you run this off two copies for me? これのコピーを2部とってもらえますか? (runproduceの意味)

I'll run you off a copy. コピーしますよ(ホワイトチャペル)


Recce an escape route. (ホワイトチャペル)


By the look of his clothes, he was a runner. (ホワイトチャペル)


A runner's ID band on his wrist. (ホワイトチャペル)


The killer likes to take a memento, something to help him relive his crime over and over again. (ホワイトチャペル)


I've always got my karate chop at the ready. (ホワイトチャペル)


He helped fund the respite centre. (ホワイトチャペル)


I thought it was a scratch from a rosebush. (ホワイトチャペル)


Is it saucy?! (GIGGLES) Is it a bit of gentleman's relish? スケベな本(ホワイトチャペル)


Let's run with it. その線で捜査しよう(ホワイトチャペル)


Wild animals are reservoirs of viruses and bacteria. (ホワイトチャペル)


She was a right old cow. (ホワイトチャペル)


Not everything is a holy relic. (ホワイトチャペル)


The fact is her information only seems relevant retrospectively, which isn't very useful at all. (ホワイトチャペル)


I've run the usual tests. (ホワイトチャペル)


Your victim may have been a man of violence, but he had another side. (ホワイトチャペル)


I think you might have singed your eyebrows. (ホワイトチャペル)


He found it dumped in a skip. (ホワイトチャペル)


I think we still have a little seed cake. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's a law, not a contract. You are all subject to it. (ホワイトチャペル)


You can't beat the soles of my feet. You can't leave me soaking wet in a freezing cell. (torture) (ホワイトチャペル)


It will cause a diplomatic shit-storm. (ホワイトチャペル)


Any soul is of interest. And you have been chosen. (ホワイトチャペル)


It was a setup to silence me. (ホワイトチャペル)


Family members are stricken with seizures. (ホワイトチャペル)


One man set out to rid England of its witches. (ホワイトチャペル)


Don't you ever get spooked? Ever? (ホワイトチャペル)


He's at risk of septicaemia. (ホワイトチャペル)


I assure you nothing sinister is going on. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's very original! Haven't heard that since school. ガキっぽいな(嫌味) (ホワイトチャペル)


Septicaemia. Once the infection took hold, there was nothing doctors could do. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's just like peeling a satsuma. (ホワイトチャペル)


The facial arteries have spurted. (ホワイトチャペル)


It was a satyr - half man, half goat. (ホワイトチャペル)


He was skinned alive. (ホワイトチャペル)


(Showing a picture of men) So, come on then. Shag, marry, kill? - Urgh, kill them all. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'm grasping at straws here. (ホワイトチャペル)


We work with what we've got. Something'll shake down 何か出てくる(ホワイトチャペル)


Sunday supplement :  the section of a Sunday newspaper consisting of material other than news and usually including pictures, comic strips, and light often sensational reading matter.

It isn't an interview for a Sunday supplement magazine. (ホワイトチャペル)


They stepped up their organised crime activities in London. (ホワイトチャペル)


The victim's prints were skinned off to avoid identification. (ホワイトチャペル)


He's sub-let it for a friend. (ホワイトチャペル)


The dead body has been lying on an electric blanket, so putrefaction sets in a lot more quickly. (ホワイトチャペル)


You seem to have got the wrong end of the stick. (ホワイトチャペル)


A belt studded with women's nipples. (ホワイトチャペル)


The snake shedding his skin. (ホワイトチャペル)


I shoved dog shit through his letterbox. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's stenotype, it's a kind of shorthand used by court reporters. (ホワイトチャペル)


If your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him a drink. For in so doing, you will heap coals of fire upon his head. (ホワイトチャペル)


My saints! (ホワイトチャペル)


Scared of our own shadows. (ホワイトチャペル)


He was able to subdue a very fit and athletic victim. (ホワイトチャペル)


Get SOCOs here now. (ホワイトチャペル)


Son of Samデヴィッド・リチャード・バーコウィッツ(David Richard Berkowitz, 195361- )はアメリカ合衆国の連続殺人者。1976年から1977年にかけて、ニューヨークで犯行を行った。被害者に性的暴行を加えておらず、金品も奪わなかったが「サムの息子(Son of Sam)」 という名でマスコミや警察に支離滅裂な内容の手紙を送りつけた。

Like David Berkowitz, the son of Sam. (ホワイトチャペル)


Sea slug. (ホワイトチャペル)


You set up a soup kitchen. (ホワイトチャペル)


We're not savages. (ホワイトチャペル)


I couldn't get the stink out of my suit. (ホワイトチャペル)


suffer fools gladly愚行[ばかげた行為](をする人)を容認する

He didn't suffer fools. (ホワイトチャペル)


She started me off. 原因は彼女(ホワイトチャペル)


Will an angel of the Lord stay my hand?! とめる(ホワイトチャペル)


Do I file Louise Iver under "sociopaths" or "the unexplained"? (ホワイトチャペル)


Thermite charge, battery, and arming switch. for the bomb. (ホワイトチャペル)


The years of captivity and torture had taken their toll. (ホワイトチャペル)


Tramps kill each other over crumbs. (ホワイトチャペル)


She's turned us over. ひっくり返した(ホワイトチャペル)


He set a small fire and tended it with skill. (ホワイトチャペル)


Tell me that was a Tango. (ジュース) (ホワイトチャペル)


Suckle on your devil's teat. (ホワイトチャペル)


The necrosis is so advanced, I'd measure his time in hours rather than days. 残された時間はあと数時間。(ホワイトチャペル)


throes of passion : Sexual intercourse. The idiomatic expression ‘in the throes of passion’ means that you are so overwhelmed by an intimate encounter with someone that you are not thinking clearly or making good decisions.

So, how's it going with Kent's sister? Are you still in the first throes of passion? (ホワイトチャペル)


He has distinct tats on his hands and his chest. (ホワイトチャペル)


Don't go all touchy-feely on me. You're freaking me out. (ホワイトチャペル)


I thought he would have turned up something useful by now. (ホワイトチャペル)


The Turner Prize : a prize given every year to a British artist for a work of modern art.

He could win the Turner Prize with this. (ホワイトチャペル)


You shouldn't toy with someone's emotions like that. (ホワイトチャペル)


Tipping him off, I suppose. (ホワイトチャペル)


How old? - 14. He confessed everything to the first officer on the scene. Judge threw it out cos there wasn't an appropriate adult present. (ホワイトチャペル)


The judge threw it out. (ホワイトチャペル)


Tan his flayed skin which he used in order to bind a ledger. (ホワイトチャペル)


It looks like till receipts. (ホワイトチャペル)


He taunted me. (ホワイトチャペル)


Multiple blunt force trauma to the head. (ホワイトチャペル)



A little donkey from Torremolinos. (ホワイトチャペル)


Tongues will wag. - Oh, let them talk. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'm absolutely fine. Tickety-boo. (ホワイトチャペル)


Perhaps he was abducted by a troll. (ホワイトチャペル)


tosher : A tosher is someone who scavenges in the sewers, a sewer-hunter, especially in London during the Victorian era. The word tosher was also used to describe the thieves who stripped valuable copper from the hulls of ships moored along the Thames.

The toshers who worked in the sewers. (ホワイトチャペル)


be not to know :  (British English) used to say that you do not mind that someone has made a mistake because they could not have avoided it.

Sorry, I didn’t realize you had guests. - That’s all right, you weren’t to know.

Oh God, I'm such an idiot. - You weren't to know. (ホワイトチャペル)


Come here, you big tit. (ホワイトチャペル)


Thou shalt not kill. (ホワイトチャペル)


The killers may have a different take on the Bible. (ホワイトチャペル)


To punish uppity women. (ホワイトチャペル)


up and〈話〉突然[不意に・急に]~する◆andの直後に動詞が来る

She upped and left him. : 彼女は突然彼のもとを去った。

They just upped and left. (ホワイトチャペル)


He was arrested under the vagrancy act. (ホワイトチャペル)


You ID'd the vic yet? (ホワイトチャペル)


More a quality veal flavour. (ホワイトチャペル)


Reopens old wounds. (ホワイトチャペル)


Oi, do I have to write you up? (ホワイトチャペル)


It's acute alcohol withdrawal. (ホワイトチャペル)


To ward off evil. (ホワイトチャペル)


Why Whitechapel? How can so much horror be visited on such a small area? (ホワイトチャペル)


We're a team, we support each other. We all bear the weight. (ホワイトチャペル)


You can't make connections willy-nilly. (ホワイトチャペル)


The boy's story is watertight. (ホワイトチャペル)


Have you been to a doctor? - Yeah, I went to that walk-in place last week. (ホワイトチャペル)


If a man does not know what port he's steering for, no wind is favourable to him. (When we have a purpose and we’re following our goals, everything is fine, we know where we’re going and all the troubles we address are obstacles to overcome to arrive at the destination, as they’re part of the journey.) (ホワイトチャペル)


She wobbled you, didn't she? (ホワイトチャペル)


She's a proper wind-up merchant. (ホワイトチャペル)



Consuming the exotic animals unleashes zoonotic diseases we can't survive, like Ebola. (ホワイトチャペル)


Ben Salter's an all-round nice guy. (ホワイトチャペル)


arse end (plural arse ends). (UK, slang, vulgar) The worst or inferior part.

You were forced out to the arse-end of London and you wanted revenge. (ホワイトチャペル)


Some kind of evil spirit a jinn or an aswang. (ホワイトチャペル)


Who alibied Marcus Salter? (ホワイトチャペル)


I'd rather live alone than try to accommodate someone who doesn't understand that. (ホワイトチャペル)


A woman's torso audaciously left at the site of New Scotland Yard. (ホワイトチャペル)


The advent of life insurance. (ホワイトチャペル)


Cantharidin, or Spanish Fly, has been regarded as an aphrodisiac for centuries. (ホワイトチャペル)


Aniseed balls laced with Spanish Fly. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's come to my attention that there is a place in Whitechapel where you can buy Spanish Fly. (ホワイトチャペル)


I suppose he would have bought it from an apothecary. (ホワイトチャペル)


How can you be found guilty of murder if technically you are not responsible because your alter ego did it? (ホワイトチャペル)


Axillary hair. (ホワイトチャペル)


What are you doing? - I am working late. As are you. (ホワイトチャペル)


An appeal is the last resort only. Or we'll be swamped with information and 99.9% of it will be a waste our time! (ホワイトチャペル)


A sudden cardiac arrhythmia. (ホワイトチャペル)


A sudden cardiac arrhythmia. Or, alternatively, from the heart being slowed. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'm willing to guess cause of death was asphyxia. (ホワイトチャペル)


The spree killer is profoundly alienated from his society. (ホワイトチャペル)


Authority for lethal force has just been issued. (ホワイトチャペル)


Blythe Haddart. 19, gang-affiliated. (ホワイトチャペル)


Allay your fears. (ホワイトチャペル)


Check the housing association. 住宅協会(ホワイトチャペル)


His family blamed the housing association for not taking a firmer stance with troublesome residents. (ホワイトチャペル)




I went to the bar, but I left after 10 minutes.(そのバーに行ったんだけど、10分後に出ていったんだ)誤文:I went to the bar, but I left in 10 minutes.

After 40 hours I'll have my own crime scene to deal with. (ホワイトチャペル)


Did you leave with anyone? All those bridesmaids going begging. (ホワイトチャペル)


The busty wench. (ホワイトチャペル)


You make excellent suits. - All bespoke? (ホワイトチャペル)


Bow Street Runners : The popular name for a London policeman during the first half of the 19th century. The Bow Street Runners were the law enforcement officers of the Bow Street Magistrates' Court in the City of Westminster. They have been called London's first professional police force.

There were no police at that time. - There were. The Bow Street runners. (ホワイトチャペル)


The bags under your eyes tell me that you haven't slept very well. (ホワイトチャペル)


out of the box

1 箱から出してすぐ使える

All applications will work out of the box.

You can use the feature right (straight) out of the box.

This is an out-of-the-box feature. これはすぐに使える機能です。

2 型にはまらない

out-of-the-box thinking 枠にとらわれない思考、型にはまらない発想

He's out of the box and you know it. (ホワイトチャペル)


They're scared of killer bogeymen. (ホワイトチャペル)


He's blacked out the windows. 黒くぬった(ホワイトチャペル)


Bag up his things. (ホワイトチャペル)


I thought about killing her. But then someone beat me to it. (ホワイトチャペル)


Despite his front and bravado, we've got him. (ホワイトチャペル)


She's backed me up even when she knew I was wrong. She lets me be me. (ホワイトチャペル)


The house had only just been turned into flats and bedsits. (ホワイトチャペル)


Biding his time, waiting for the right moment? (ホワイトチャペル)


Ordinary black bin liner. (ホワイトチャペル)


What do you think of her then? - Uptight, buttoned down. (ホワイトチャペル)


Some men can speak to an attractive woman without trying to bed her. (ホワイトチャペル)


Better cover all the bases. (ホワイトチャペル)


Were you asleep? - Catnap. - What, standing up? - Old Bobby trick. (ホワイトチャペル)


A sealed room all bricked in. (ホワイトチャペル)


Some blister beetles. (ホワイトチャペル)


She's the brains, he's the brawn. (ホワイトチャペル)


Are we looking for a burly woman or a girly bloke? (ホワイトチャペル)


I'll borrow my wife’s boob tube. (ホワイトチャペル)


These events tend to burn out quickly. (ホワイトチャペル)


He was bled dry like an animal. (ホワイトチャペル)


Leave a trail of breadcrumbs for me next time, will you? (ホワイトチャペル)


What if we could use the past as a map to guide us through difficult investigations as a cautionary tale. (ホワイトチャペル)


Heads caved in. (ホワイトチャペル)


Central Saint Martinsセントラル・セント・マーチンズ は、ロンドン芸術大学の中のカレッジの一つで、著名なデザイナーを輩出している大学。CSMの略称でも知られている。

I went to St Martin's and everyone came to see my final show. (ホワイトチャペル)


I've been a cast-iron bitch my whole life. (ホワイトチャペル)


A cokehead. (ホワイトチャペル)


I thought you guys had clocked off. (ホワイトチャペル)


He cabbies at night. (ホワイトチャペル)


Civil Partnership Act 市民パートナーシップ法◆同性の二人の関係(パートナーシップ)に対して、男女の夫婦とほぼ同等の権利を認める法律。200512月に英国で施行された。

Why haven't you ever married? - That's personal. - But there are Civil partnerships. (ホワイトチャペル)


Empty takeaway cartons. (ホワイトチャペル)


Big clipper ships. (ホワイトチャペル)


That's just an old coal hole. There'll be nothing but 19th-century coal dust. (ホワイトチャペル)


The baby wakes me up. It's the colic. (ホワイトチャペル)


Dr. Crippenドクター・クリッペンことホーリー・ハーヴェイ・クリッペン(Hawley Harvey Crippen1862911– 19101123日)は、アメリカのホメオパシー医師であり、耳と眼の専門家および薬剤師である。彼は妻コーラ・ヘンリエッタ・クリッペンの殺害のためにロンドンのペントンビル刑務所で絞首刑にされた

Poisoning followed by dismemberment suggests a man, like Dr Crippen. (ホワイトチャペル)


Cantharidin, or Spanish Fly, has been regarded as an aphrodisiac for centuries. (ホワイトチャペル)


See if it's the source of our cantharidin. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's cayenne pepper. (ホワイトチャペル)


costermongers : (Dated British) a person who sells goods, especially fruit and vegetables, from a handcart in the street. (ホワイトチャペル)


He bought some coconut ice and laced it with cantharidin. (ホワイトチャペル)


Allowing us to have this small commiseration. (ホワイトチャペル)


blow / pop one's cork : (Informal) To lose one's temper; release one's emotional or physical tension.

Not long now, we can pop the cork. (ホワイトチャペル)


Riley is still trying to coax the little girl out from under the bed. (ホワイトチャペル)


Two attacks in two hours and no cooling off period. Is this the start of a killing spree? (ホワイトチャペル)


He was a case study of how professionals can miss the warning signs. (ホワイトチャペル)


Knowing what people are thinking is a curse in a relationship. (ホワイトチャペル)


Yap till the cows come home. (ホワイトチャペル)


go off half-cocked早まるact prematurely or without reflection or too soon. 時期尚早に、よく考えもせず、あるいは、あまりにも早く行動する。

She wanted to quit her job but her mother told her not to go off half cocked. 彼女は彼女の仕事を辞めたがったが、彼女の母親は早まるなと言った

You went off half cocked, you put yourself and others at risk. (ホワイトチャペル)


Contravening the tenancy agreement. (ホワイトチャペル)


The proof of complicity. (ホワイトチャペル)


Fatigue is clouding your judgement. (ホワイトチャペル)


I guess being the bad cop isn't really me. (ホワイトチャペル)


We'll see what the door-to-door brings up. (ホワイトチャペル)


Done and dusted. (ホワイトチャペル)


They drove a stake through his heart. (ホワイトチャペル)


We're having a bit of a do to celebrate the new baby coming. (ホワイトチャペル)


We're waiting for diatoms to see if the arm has spent time in the river as well. (ホワイトチャペル)


My house is cluttered and in disarray. (ホワイトチャペル)


They bought the house in Napier Street and did it up and it was considered a beautiful house. (ホワイトチャペル)


I think he's done for the night. (ホワイトチャペル)


I've had to dispense with the luxury of chairs on account of the shortage of space. (ホワイトチャペル)


Split personalities. Dissociative Identity Disorder. (ホワイトチャペル)


This club's been going for years. It's a dive, and the crowd are pretty edgy. (ホワイトチャペル)


He's pretty dishy. (ホワイトチャペル)


Go with DCI Riley. (ホワイトチャペル)


You've turned the incident room into a drinking den. (ホワイトチャペル)


He dons a mask. (ホワイトチャペル)


He wanted to disprove the haunting of the house. (ホワイトチャペル)


enmeshed romantic relationships : Enmeshed couples are so closely connected that the other person's needs become their own. They feel they must fulfill the other person's needs so badly that they lose touch with their own needs, goals, desires, and feelings.

Enmeshment. (ホワイトチャペル)


No forced entry. (ホワイトチャペル)


The exertions of the police are found insufficient. (ホワイトチャペル)


With a self-righteous, entitled attitude. Another girl who had to be taught a lesson in humility. (ホワイトチャペル)


Another arrogant, selfish, entitled girl. (ホワイトチャペル)


Encrusted with blood. (ホワイトチャペル)


Were there any overly-entitled women? (ホワイトチャペル)


foremilk : The milk obtained in the first part of one session of breastfeeding a baby or milking a farm animal, which contains less fat than the milk at the end of the session (the hindmilk).

She should try expressing her foremilk and just giving Martha the hindmilk. (ホワイトチャペル)


Haemorrhages of the gastric mucosa with excoriated areas extending all the way down to the pylorus. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'm making enquiries into the whereabouts of Ella Bowe. (ホワイトチャペル)


He was entombed. (ホワイトチャペル)


She published this paper in an esteemed journal. (ホワイトチャペル)


But it's early days, right? (ホワイトチャペル)


I want you to sleep easy. (ホワイトチャペル)


The killer embarks on the spree because, as far as he's concerned, his life is over. (ホワイトチャペル)


It could be a psychotic episode. (ホワイトチャペル)


He was exsanguinated. (ホワイトチャペル)


To exact revenge? (ホワイトチャペル)


They had a falling-out over non-payment of a bet. (ホワイトチャペル)


Who the hell would want to steal a cold falafel? (ホワイトチャペル)


folie a deux(兄弟姉妹または夫婦のような)密接な関係の2人の精神障害(妄想のような)の症状の同時発症

folie a deux : The simultaneous occurrence of symptoms of a mental disorder (as delusions) in two persons who are closely related (as siblings or man and wife).

So we're looking for someone who poisons like a woman and dismembers like a man. A couple? Ah, 'folie a deux'. (ホワイトチャペル)


We'll fan out in a quarter mile radius. (ホワイトチャペル)


Spanish fly is not an aphrodisiac. That's a fallacy. (ホワイトチャペル)


foremilk : The milk obtained in the first part of one session of breastfeeding a baby or milking a farm animal, which contains less fat than the milk at the end of the session (the hindmilk).

She should try expressing her foremilk and just giving Martha the hindmilk. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's easy to see why police always fall for police. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's definitely not for the shy or the fainthearted. (ホワイトチャペル)


You're more forgiving than my wife is. (ホワイトチャペル)


Fetishist. (ホワイトチャペル)


He'd prepared this huge meal, with flowers and champagne and candles. I mean, I knew he liked me, but it was so full on, it was weird. (ホワイトチャペル)


These files are fit only for folklorists, not police. (ホワイトチャペル)


I know I shouldn't ask an officer of your rank to ferry me home. (ホワイトチャペル)


The whole thing went up in flames. (ホワイトチャペル)


I thought the dish was foolproof. その料理は誰でもできると思ってたけど。(ホワイトチャペル)


Gagging for retirement. (ホワイトチャペル)


The bridesmaids are getting awfully grabby. (ホワイトチャペル)


Friends who might bear a grudge. (ホワイトチャペル)


In the 19th century autopsies took place in the pub surrounded by gawkers. (ホワイトチャペル)


He never let anyone get to him. 落ち着いている(ホワイトチャペル)


Are you grinding your teeth? (ホワイトチャペル)


Is that your special ginger cake? - It certainly is extra gooey. (ホワイトチャペル)


Listen, bogeymen, they live in like drains, and swamps, and under bridges, and in ooey-gooey, smelly places. (ホワイトチャペル)


Crime scenes make me feel grubby. (ホワイトチャペル)


The devil gnaws on their bones. (ホワイトチャペル)


On your head be it. 俺はどうなっても知らんぞ(ホワイトチャペル)


Don't let it go to your head. 図に乗るな(ホワイトチャペル)


I just can't get my head around it. (ホワイトチャペル)


She can't half nag. (ホワイトチャペル)


Another girl who had to be taught a lesson in humility. (ホワイトチャペル)


hot hatch 実用性が高いハッチバック車に強力なエンジンを載せ、ブレーキとサスペンションにもチューニングも施し、スポーツカーに近い走行性能を与えた自動車のことを指す。

She had this hot hatch. (ホワイトチャペル)


his and hers : used to refer to a pair of similar things designed for a man and woman in a romantic relationship to use:

My mum gave us his and hers matching dressing gowns for Christmas.

Like two peas in a pod, aren't they? A pair of DI twins, his 'n' hers. (ホワイトチャペル)


Happy hunting. (ホワイトチャペル)


How long has he been dead? - Would you like to hazard a guess? (ホワイトチャペル)


There's a strong belief in curses and hexes. (ホワイトチャペル)


foremilk : The milk obtained in the first part of one session of breastfeeding a baby or milking a farm animal, which contains less fat than the milk at the end of the session (the hindmilk).

hindmilk : The milk obtained in the latter part of one session of breastfeeding a baby or milking a farm animal, which contains more fat than the milk at the start of the session (the foremilk).

She should try expressing her foremilk and just giving Martha the hindmilk. (ホワイトチャペル)


Luke had a difficult upbringing, but he's never let it hold him back. (ホワイトチャペル)


That hole of the skull is an imprint of the weapon. (ホワイトチャペル)


A mould taken from an imprint in one of the victim's skull. (ホワイトチャペル)


Their lives never intersected. (ホワイトチャペル)


At the inquest. (ホワイトチャペル)


The poison is highly irritant. It will cause blistering. (ホワイトチャペル)


Are you always this invested in your cases? (ホワイトチャペル)


He's just making a small incision, enough to make them bleed. (ホワイトチャペル)


You've turned the incident room into a drinking den. (ホワイトチャペル)


I had to give evidence at the inquest into the death. (ホワイトチャペル)


His delusions are so impenetrable he's effectively untreatable. (ホワイトチャペル)


We have an incised wound extending around the neck. (ホワイトチャペル)


Mantus had his first killing spree ten years ago. - We've just had an intermission. (ホワイトチャペル)


Jinn as in ancient Arabic demon. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's a get out of jail free card. (ホワイトチャペル)


My mum's sent the Jesus Police to bring me home. (ホワイトチャペル)


He went and spent a fortune on security, on window locks and alarms, even though they weren't in keeping. (ホワイトチャペル)


What makes a great detective? - Guts. Legwork. Contacts. (ホワイトチャペル)


You gave him a laminated ID. (ホワイトチャペル)


Because of my history, every time there's a crime the police look me up. (ホワイトチャペル)


He leaves the loo seat up. (ホワイトチャペル)


The Lady of Shalott『シャロットの女』は、イギリスの画家ジョン・ウィリアム・ウォーターハウスによる1888年の絵画である。アルフレッド・テニスンの同名の詩におけるクライマックスの場面を描いている。

The Lady of Shalott. Fell in love with Lancelot, died on the river. (ホワイトチャペル)


In your line of work, people are going to die. (ホワイトチャペル)


We're looking for a loon who dresses up to kill people. (ホワイトチャペル)


Normally I arrive early so I get a space on the ground floor, but today I had to park on a lower level. (ホワイトチャペル)


A drunken lout. (ホワイトチャペル)


By all means go out on a limb. (ホワイトチャペル)


If you leave him be, he won't push you away. (ホワイトチャペル)


There was a parish constable paid for by the local magistrate. (ホワイトチャペル)


You don't find many like him these days. (ホワイトチャペル)


Don't moan at me. (ホワイトチャペル)


foremilk : The milk obtained in the first part of one session of breastfeeding a baby or milking a farm animal, which contains less fat than the milk at the end of the session (the hindmilk).

She should try expressing her foremilk and just giving Martha the hindmilk. (ホワイトチャペル)


A quarter square mile. 800メートル四方(ホワイトチャペル)


There began the epidemic of poisoning and women discovered their metier as murderers. (ホワイトチャペル)


She was a very musical child. She used to sing in our church. (ホワイトチャペル)


We'll fan out in a quarter mile radius. (ホワイトチャペル)


moon eyes (informal) A romantic look at someone; goo-goo eyes.

Look, this isn't Jane Austen, you know. You can't hang around making moo eyes for decades and not say anything. (ホワイトチャペル)


He was a fashion photographer. Adelina was his muse. (ホワイトチャペル)


Mutinous at the idea of a woman in charge. (ホワイトチャペル)


The first mention is in 1550. (ホワイトチャペル)


Look, don't muck about, Kent. (ホワイトチャペル)


You can't matchmake during a murder. Who's matchmaking? (ホワイトチャペル)


Was the sound on the television on or off? - It was off. Muted. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's my job too, so second nature. (ホワイトチャペル)


The Specialist Firearms Command (MO19, previously SO19, CO19 and SCO19) is the firearms unit of the Metropolitan Police.

CO19 responded with lethal force. (ホワイトチャペル)


The lungs are pretty congested and oedematous. (ホワイトチャペル)


There's only so many files you can cram in here. (ホワイトチャペル)


To participate in an orgy. (ホワイトチャペル)


Chinese remedies and obscure medicines. (ホワイトチャペル)


Listen, bogeymen, they live in like drains, and swamps, and under bridges, and in ooey-gooey, smelly places. (ホワイトチャペル)


You're not my mother! Telling me what to do, sticking your oar in! (ホワイトチャペル)


Anyway, this is the last dance for anyone still waiting to pull. (ホワイトチャペル)


This could be our precedent. 前例(ホワイトチャペル)


Pawn tickets to account for the money. (ホワイトチャペル)


Photophobia. A symptom of a genetic disorder. If he's exposed to bright light he'll get a crippling migraine. (ホワイトチャペル)


I want every available uniform and PCSO out looking for him. (ホワイトチャペル)


He has a pronounced limp. (ホワイトチャペル)


He's hiding in plain sight. (ホワイトチャペル)


The parish constables. (ホワイトチャペル)


The prosthetic? - I presume he lost his leg below the knee in the car crash. (ホワイトチャペル)


No putrefaction. (ホワイトチャペル)


Like two peas in a pod, aren't they? (ホワイトチャペル)


to a pointある程度まで

The torso's female and has a small tattoo of a star on her left shoulder. That's useful. - To a point. Stars are the most common tattoo for women in this country. (ホワイトチャペル)


Haemorrhages of the gastric mucosa with excoriated areas extending all the way down to the pylorus. (ホワイトチャペル)


Why don't you pair up with Norroy? (ホワイトチャペル)


Have you been playing away? Six months of marriage and you're cheating already? (ホワイトチャペル)


The dead body didn't putrefy. (ホワイトチャペル)


Pancreatic cancer. (ホワイトチャペル)


His manservant procured the girls for the master. (ホワイトチャペル)


Your paella. (ホワイトチャペル)


Do those girls look distressed? Do they look unhappy? More to the point, did a single one of them report a rape? (ホワイトチャペル)


You may have a point. - I'm full of them. You should ask me more often. (ホワイトチャペル)


Drunk and disorderlies are ten a penny. (ホワイトチャペル)


Are you sure? - I'm positive. (ホワイトチャペル)


He was a prolific street artist. (ホワイトチャペル)


He also spoke to the local PCSO. (ホワイトチャペル)


Where were the bodies found? – The bodies were buried in the basement, thrown in pits of quick lime, and cremated in his own incinerator. (ホワイトチャペル)


Good riddance to you! Freak! (ホワイトチャペル)


She is an historical re-enactor. (ホワイトチャペル)


We're racking photos up. (ホワイトチャペル)


We got uniforms rounding up the faces. (ホワイトチャペル)


I ran tests. (ホワイトチャペル)


The driver was ranting about many things. (ホワイトチャペル)


A reproach on civilization. (ホワイトチャペル)


He is remanded into custody. (ホワイトチャペル)


This is way beyond your remit as sergeant. (ホワイトチャペル)


He vanished off our radar. (ホワイトチャペル)


Ruling someone out is never a waste of time. (ホワイトチャペル)


It treats ringworm. (ホワイトチャペル)


You run a good team. (ホワイトチャペル)


I have Rohypnol in my home. (ホワイトチャペル)


His feelings were not reciprocated and desperate to seduce her. (ホワイトチャペル)


Maybe she senses a rapport with you. Maybe she'll talk to you alone. (ホワイトチャペル)


He wants to show everyone he's a powerful force to be reckoned with. (ホワイトチャペル)


The only surviving reels of the film. (ホワイトチャペル)


You may be the ranking officer here but they have years of experience. (ホワイトチャペル)


You can't reason with insanity. (ホワイトチャペル)


You're not God. Yeah? You and I, and everyone else in this world, we're just here for the ride. (ホワイトチャペル)


The house was woken at midnight when a shot rang out. (ホワイトチャペル)


Be a sweetheart and get everyone something to eat. (ホワイトチャペル)


He only killed one woman, his wife, and buried her dismembered body in the cellar. - Swot. がり勉だな(ホワイトチャペル)


The project was shelved. (ホワイトチャペル)


Normal squabbles.  (ホワイトチャペル)


We're swamped. (ホワイトチャペル)


Not more than a stone throw from where we are now. (ホワイトチャペル)


There was a belief that a man's good character was synonymous with innocence. (ホワイトチャペル)


There's no need to scaremonger. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'm undermined and second-guessed. (ホワイトチャペル)


speed bump : 

1.      A speed bump is something that stops a person or thing from progressing.

It was little more than a speed bump – a minor distraction during my day.

He's settling in, that's all. Speed bumps.

2.      A speed bump is a raised part in a road that is designed to make the traffic travel more slowly. (ホワイトチャペル)


Good to see you're back to your old self. (ホワイトチャペル)


Statistically, you're likely to re-offend. (ホワイトチャペル)


You can't start thinking superstitiously. (ホワイトチャペル)


You have a limp. - Part of the spectrum of my illness. (ホワイトチャペル)


Get SOCO here now. (ホワイトチャペル)


We get the work and then we sub-contract the jobs. (ホワイトチャペル)


Not a squeak. ドアが簡単に開いた(ホワイトチャペル)


You're a lucky sod. (ホワイトチャペル)


Foxes are scavengers. (ホワイトチャペル)


25 years old, 5' 4", 8 and a half stone. (ホワイトチャペル)


Under that slab? (ホワイトチャペル)


Seal off the area. (ホワイトチャペル)


Over a short space of time. (ホワイトチャペル)


on sight : As soon as someone or something has been seen.

In Africa, paramilitary game wardens shoot poachers on sight.

Miles and I hated each other on sight. (ホワイトチャペル)


Cantharidin, or Spanish Fly, has been regarded as an aphrodisiac for centuries. (ホワイトチャペル)


Aniseed balls laced with Spanish Fly. (ホワイトチャペル)


I want you sharp. (ホワイトチャペル)


I was trying to spice things up a bit. (ホワイトチャペル)


We'd like to speak to yourself and Mr. Underwood. (ホワイトチャペル)


Club crawl? - Yeah, get your dancing shoes on. - I like the sound of that. (ホワイトチャペル)


The pub is not your usual five shots for a fiver and ladies go free kind of place. (ホワイトチャペル)


I think you should sit this one out. (ホワイトチャペル)


I slept it off. I'm fine. (ホワイトチャペル)


A noxious substance with intent to stupefy. (ホワイトチャペル)


You dirty sod. (ホワイトチャペル)


He sat the victims back in their chairs like nothing had happened and finished his dinner. (ホワイトチャペル)


The house has never been sold, never been squatted, never been used by crackheads. (ホワイトチャペル)


Shall we have a seance? (ホワイトチャペル)


The killer hides his true self. (ホワイトチャペル)


I could sense him. (ホワイトチャペル)


secure unit: A psychiatric facility that provides assessments, treatment, and secure accommodation for patients who require higher levels of supervision in order to prevent them harming themselves or others.

Calvin Mantus is in a secure unit, isn't he? (ホワイトチャペル)


You didn't see that. 見なかったことにして(ホワイトチャペル)


We're clutching at straws. (ホワイトチャペル)


Every 'Ripperologist' worth his salt has heard of it. (ホワイトチャペル)


You're not thinking straight. (ホワイトチャペル)


His mouth's been sewn up. (ホワイトチャペル)


We'll get a squad car to take you somewhere safe. (ホワイトチャペル)


They sought shelter for the night by breaking into the now abandoned house. (ホワイトチャペル)


Sorry I stormed out like that. (ホワイトチャペル)


His family blamed the housing association for not taking a firmer stance with troublesome residents. (ホワイトチャペル)


We've had a positive sighting of Calvin Mantus returning home. (ホワイトチャペル)


If he watches this, won't that set him off? (ホワイトチャペル)


My travails have unearthed a fascinating case. (ホワイトチャペル)


His turf had been taken over. (ホワイトチャペル)


His connection to the Marrs was tenuous at best. 希薄(ホワイトチャペル)


Let's get this quiz on the track. (ホワイトチャペル)


Hang on a tick. ちょっと待って(ホワイトチャペル)


He thrust a bloodied hand into the pocket. (ホワイトチャペル)


I would tentatively put time of death at more than 36 hours. (ホワイトチャペル)


tap :  (slang, vulgar) To have sexual intercourse with (someone).

What do you think of her then? - Uptight, buttoned down. Yeah, phew! I'd tap it. やる(ホワイトチャペル)


The tide turned. (ホワイトチャペル)


Sergeants are a territorial bunch, aren't they? (ホワイトチャペル)


Some spice markets in Morocco to be added to tagines. (ホワイトチャペル)


You won't see the wood for the trees. (ホワイトチャペル)


He was judged unfit to stand trial. (ホワイトチャペル)


I could have just kicked the crap out of him and had him trussed up. (ホワイトチャペル)


He looks shaky. - Yeah, well, he hasn't had a drink for 24 hours. - That'll be it, then. じゃそのせいね。(ホワイトチャペル)


The second victim was nearly strangled. - How telling. (ホワイトチャペル)


Like scenes from horror movies. - Well, it's a tableau. (ホワイトチャペル)


You can't tame the universe and you shouldn't try. (ホワイトチャペル)


Tags are one of the primary forms of graffiti, along with throw ups and pieces. The act of writing a tag is known as tagging. Tags, perhaps due to their simplicity, are more likely to be considered vandalism than other more elaborate graffiti styles.

I recognize this tag. Is it his? - Yes. He was a prolific street artist. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's going to take some getting used to. (ホワイトチャペル)


This is a huge undertaking. (ホワイトチャペル)


We got uniforms rounding up the faces. (ホワイトチャペル)


Don't mess me about, love. Up front. 前払いだ(ホワイトチャペル)


Usher, lights, please. (ホワイトチャペル)


They have always been our undoing. (ホワイトチャペル)


untutored eyean ~》素朴な[無教育の]人の観察眼

To my untutored eye that just looks like a load of random brush strokes, and yet it's a very valuable painting.

To the untutored eye, these three girls' body parts would have been interchangeable. Like parts of a doll. (ホワイトチャペル)


Where's that box of unexplained cases? (ホワイトチャペル)


Where were you that night? I was at home. - Anyone who can vouch for that? (ホワイトチャペル)


You'll like this - Adolph Luetgert was a sausage maker in Illinois. His wife disappeared, and the police found her bones and teeth in his sausage-making vat. (ホワイトチャペル)


One fox, one vixen, one den. (ホワイトチャペル)


His true visage. (ホワイトチャペル)


Overstimulation of the vagus nerve. (ホワイトチャペル)


voice box = the larynx.

He tore out a nurse's voice box and stole their keys. (ホワイトチャペル)


He has a vast collection of pictures of Chaney. (ホワイトチャペル)


You're on the voicemail. (ホワイトチャペル)


The lift vandal. エレベーター破壊(ホワイトチャペル)


Carrying the weight of your investigations. (ホワイトチャペル)


Wench comes from Middle English, and was a common word for girl, child, or servant. Over time it came to mean mainly serving girls, as in a bar wench, who serves drinks at a tavern. Eventually it came to mean prostitute.

Riley is an historical re-enactor, so you should have a lot in common. - What era? War of the Roses. Always the busty wench. - Well, henceforth you will be known as Beck and Call. (ホワイトチャペル)


This is the author of Jack The Ripper: The Last Word. (ホワイトチャペル)


Go with this WPC and you'll be safe. (ホワイトチャペル)


Adelina's home worming remedy. (ホワイトチャペル)


Did you work the case? (ホワイトチャペル)


How do you bear the weight, not let it crush you? (ホワイトチャペル)


The house was woken at midnight when a shot rang out. (ホワイトチャペル)



Yap till the cows come home. You didn't listen! (ホワイトチャペル)

Drinking a light ale. (ホワイトチャペル)


We need to come to an understanding. An accommodation. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'd like to introduce the armourer for the world's biggest triad. (ホワイトチャペル)


Ronnie's DNA, captured as if in amber. (ホワイトチャペル)


Where do you come from, 1960? You're an anachronism. (ホワイトチャペル)


You weren't Abberline. You are Joseph Chandler. (ホワイトチャペル)


I just need to catch a bus back to my table. 離れたところの席に戻ります。(humour(ホワイトチャペル)


A bona fides whodunit. (ホワイトチャペル)


He was a model prisoner and well liked generally, which begs the question, why was he murdered so brutally. (ホワイトチャペル)


lose one's bottle 〈英俗〉勇気[自信]をなくす、気後れする

He's lost his bottle. (ホワイトチャペル)


I've just had an anonymous tip about a bayoneting. (ホワイトチャペル)


Et tu, Brute :  This is a Latin phrase literally meaning "and you, Brutus?

Et tu, Brute? (ホワイトチャペル)


He can be bought for anything. (ホワイトチャペル)


This man was bayoneted to a table at the Regal billiard hall. (ホワイトチャペル)


East End born and bred. (ホワイトチャペル)


You're talking bollocks. (ホワイトチャペル)


Are you gonna let them boss you about? (ホワイトチャペル)


My dad skedaddled, buggered off. (ホワイトチャペル)


The bullet's gone to ballistics. (検査中) (ホワイトチャペル)


You're not gonna play funny buggers with us, are you? ふざけた真似はしないよな。(ホワイトチャペル)


This investigation has to be by the book. (ホワイトチャペル)


My wife is in bits.  動揺している(ホワイトチャペル)


I had to bus it from Acton. (ホワイトチャペル)


He's bottled it. おじけづいた(ホワイトチャペル)


You're on borrowed time. (ホワイトチャペル)


Your father didn't like that. Not one bit. (ホワイトチャペル)


Let’s fight sportsmanlike in the ring. Best of three. 3ラウンド勝負だ(ホワイトチャペル)


Oi, below the belt! (ホワイトチャペル)


He could've given chase, made the arrest. (ホワイトチャペル)


They rammed a cutlass into his mouth. They call it a Chelsea smile. (ホワイトチャペル)


They rammed a cutlass into his mouth. They call it a Chelsea smile. (ホワイトチャペル)


Crimewatch :   (formerly Crimewatch UK) is a British television programme produced by the BBC, that reconstructs major unsolved crimes in order to gain information from the public which may assist in solving the case.

This is how I do the phones in Crimewatch. (ホワイトチャペル)


Consolidate his power. (ホワイトチャペル)


Paul's a little chancer. (ホワイトチャペル)


I can't have his death on my conscience. (ホワイトチャペル)


I made myself clear. (ホワイトチャペル)


This calls for a small celebration. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'm from the CPS. (ホワイトチャペル)


We just had a CPS lawyer here(ホワイトチャペル)


The meeting with the CPS. (ホワイトチャペル)


There's no signs of cyanosis. (ホワイトチャペル)


My preliminary findings are consistent with suicide. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'm responding to the political climate. (ホワイトチャペル)


Clock off, Miles, seriously. (ホワイトチャペル)


A climate of fear. (ホワイトチャペル)


DCI Cazenove's team. (ホワイトチャペル)


In the disposal of the dead body. (ホワイトチャペル)


My dad was known as Freddie 'The Dip because he could pick anyone's pocket. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'd rather die a lion than live like a mouse. (ホワイトチャペル)


I want it all, down to the smallest detail. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'm sure we can draw up an agreement. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'll get dolled up. (ホワイトチャペル)


Your teabags, your doilies. (ホワイトチャペル)


You're going through life on the defensive, keeping everyone back. (ホワイトチャペル)


Will do. Thank you. (ホワイトチャペル)


If you are charged with a crime and you turn Queen's evidence (or turn King's evidence), you agree to give information (such as the names of other criminals) to the court in order to reduce your own punishment.

28 members of the firm turned Queen's evidence at the trial. (ホワイトチャペル)


An ergonomic chair? (ホワイトチャペル)


Woke up in Epping Forest. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'm shutting this inquiry down with immediate effect. (ホワイトチャペル)


Leave your ego out of it. (ホワイトチャペル)


Another big case will find you soon. Be ready. (ホワイトチャペル)


I couldn't fault anything you did. (ホワイトチャペル)


He's only survived this long cos he's fast on his feet. 逃げ足が速い(ホワイトチャペル)


Dukes has sealed his fate. (ホワイトチャペル)


Frightened the life out of me. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'll put a flag on it. (ホワイトチャペル)


Some Turkish places in Green Lanes. And a Russian tea room. All these are a front for the gang family. (ホワイトチャペル)


Ronnie Kray wanted to create the federation of crime. The idea was to have all the gangs working together. (ホワイトチャペル)


Like father like son. (ホワイトチャペル)


So the job just sort of fell to me. (ホワイトチャペル)


That was a fabrication. A subterfuge. (ホワイトチャペル)


In fact, as of now, you are officially seconded to Arts and Antiques. hunting down flagons, I believe. (ホワイトチャペル)


I always thought he'd be in the foundations of the flyover. (発見されない遺体として)父は高層の橋梁の土台となって埋められているものと思っていた。(ホワイトチャペル)


Something gruesome. (ホワイトチャペル)


You'll have to hit the ground running. (ホワイトチャペル)


Don't just stand their gawping. (ホワイトチャペル)


We need to go to ground. Anonymous, untraceable. (ホワイトチャペル)


I know what you're after. I'm not a grass. - It ain't grassing. (ホワイトチャペル)


You still want me to play guardian angel for your boy? (ホワイトチャペル)


Why'd you humour him? It only encourages him. He's like a kid wanting attention(ホワイトチャペル)


Someone's gotta hold your hand. (ホワイトチャペル)


The Krays were hands-on. That's why they were so feared. They did the killing. (ホワイトチャペル)


Hard-and-fast (規則などが)厳しい、厳格な、厳重な

It wasn't a hard-and-fast rule. (ホワイトチャペル)


If the Krays have a hit list, I've put myself at the top of it. (ホワイトチャペル)


Take it. I'm washing my hands of it all. (ホワイトチャペル)


hell's teeth [bells]〈米話〉なんてこった、畜生、いまいましい、全く◆いら立ち・驚きを表す。

Oh, hell's bells! (ホワイトチャペル)


They are on all sides of the house. 議会(ホワイトチャペル)


Someone's looking after you, then. - Someone in high places. (ホワイトチャペル)


Your part of my family, you know I wouldn't see harm done to you. (ホワイトチャペル)


Expose the corruption at the heart of Parliament. (ホワイトチャペル)


You've been had. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'm inert. - Another big case will find you soon. Be ready. (ホワイトチャペル)


My brother was institutionalised. Couldn't look after himself when he was out of the prison. (ホワイトチャペル)


These iconic murders. (ホワイトチャペル)


He was impaled through the throat to the floor. (ホワイトチャペル)


He infiltrated my offices. (ホワイトチャペル)


incident room an ~》〔警察の〕(特別)捜査本部

incident room : a centre set up by the police to coordinate operations connected with a particular crime, accident, or other incident.

In the incident room. (ホワイトチャペル)


So they were able to send an impostor. (ホワイトチャペル)


The incident room was burgled. (ホワイトチャペル)


Paul's a little chancer. Into jargoons and tweedles, nothing big. - What language are you speaking? (ホワイトチャペル)


He was an entertainer, like a jester. (ホワイトチャペル)


Another copycat. A crazed Kray fan. (ホワイトチャペル)


The Krays were the original British gangsters. (ホワイトチャペル)


If somebody is copying the Krays, that would just make them a pathetic wannabe. (ホワイトチャペル)


Dukes is the kingmaker! ボスの後ろ盾(ホワイトチャペル)


They solved the case of a lifetime. (ホワイトチャペル)


The cobbler would have used a last, which is the shape of the man's foot carved in wood. (ホワイトチャペル)


His lasts were sold. (ホワイトチャペル)


I want to see the lasts you bought from Mr. Smith. (ホワイトチャペル)


A shit-load of embarrassment. (ホワイトチャペル)


Put it on the board. - Legibly. 読めるように書いてくれ。(ホワイトチャペル)


I'm the one who marches out of time. So even if you get every police in London in line, you won't get me. (ホワイトチャペル)


Let's throw him a lifeline. (ホワイトチャペル)


I can solve any crime I put my mind to. (ホワイトチャペル)


I've a good mind to push you in the water. (ホワイトチャペル)


A monogrammed shirt. (ホワイトチャペル)


He is a mere villain on the make. (ホワイトチャペル)


Ronnie Kray was a misogynistic homosexual. (ホワイトチャペル)


Wanna cause more mayhem?! More murders for us to mop up? (ホワイトチャペル)


You on the mend? - Yeah, I'm much better thanks. (ホワイトチャペル)


You think I'm a mole. (ホワイトチャペル)


You are mired in confusion. (ホワイトチャペル)


You are a man down. 一人失った(ホワイトチャペル)


Ah, you big Nancy boy! (ホワイトチャペル)


His days are numbered. (ホワイトチャペル)


It was only a speech after one too many. 酔っ払い(ホワイトチャペル)


The last thing I needed was Buchan sticking his oar. (ホワイトチャペル)


An open bar and you choose the orange juice? (ホワイトチャペル)


You have definitely had one too many at the bar. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's OK to want out. It's not betrayal, it's self-preservation. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's an open secret. (ホワイトチャペル)


Male, 60-plus. (ホワイトチャペル)


They had the police in their pockets. (ホワイトチャペル)


You're chasing phantoms again. (ホワイトチャペル)


He's putting on a show. (ホワイトチャペル)


The dead body was propped up in his car like he was still alive. (ホワイトチャペル)


They pool expertise and their combined strength would make them unstoppable. (ホワイトチャペル)


He plotted to eliminate his enemies. (ホワイトチャペル)


You can make it right. Make your peace. (ホワイトチャペル)


You're suspended pending an investigation. (ホワイトチャペル)


We can hardly pluck the answer from thin air. (ホワイトチャペル)


I lost a lot of pay. (ホワイトチャペル)


There's always bruising, petechiae. ぺテキアイ(ホワイトチャペル)


We are detectives. You are the bloody tea lady. Know your place! (ホワイトチャペル)


How far does the pretence go? (ホワイトチャペル)


Papering their bedroom walls with pictures of the champions. (ホワイトチャペル)


I was junior boxing champion in prep school. (ホワイトチャペル)


You're all under arrest for perverting the course of justice. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's time to play to your other strengths. (ホワイトチャペル)


Needs to be reined in. (ホワイトチャペル)


This place was ransacked. (ホワイトチャペル)


An old score. うらみ(ホワイトチャペル)


The sharp suits, flash jewellery, cars. (ホワイトチャペル)


I just don't want to send you off in the wrong direction. 誤解を招きたくない(ホワイトチャペル)


It was shaping up to be a really interesting case. (ホワイトチャペル)


You're looking but you're not seeing. (ホワイトチャペル)


At a snooker hall. (ホワイトチャペル)


The bloke with the stiletto knife through his hand. (ホワイトチャペル)


The swinging '60s. (ホワイトチャペル)


The damage done to the sciatic nerve. (ホワイトチャペル)


I've been striped. Deep slashes to the buttocks. (ホワイトチャペル)


This is a scrap. Where the meanest, hardest bastard wins. (ホワイトチャペル)


The man who attacked these people and striped Kent. (ホワイトチャペル)


Sticks and stones. (ホワイトチャペル)


My dad skedaddled, buggered off. (ホワイトチャペル)


A stroll through history! (ホワイトチャペル)


Your career won't survive another error of judgement. (ホワイトチャペル)


Not much to offer you by the way of sustenance, I'm afraid. Haven't been out to the shops much. (ホワイトチャペル)


Mum has some fruit teas. Past their sell-by. (ホワイトチャペル)


I had to swat up for the documentary. (ホワイトチャペル)


I am a snout. 密告者(ホワイトチャペル)


This is the siren call of detection. (ホワイトチャペル)


The murder count shot up. (ホワイトチャペル)


You'll have to get a sub on. 代役(ホワイトチャペル)


Think of it as you're last stand. 切り札(ホワイトチャペル)


slurry:  a semi-liquid mixture, typically of fine particles of manure, cement, or coal suspended in water.

clay slurry

Freeze the corpse, then put the parts through a wood chipper. You get a good slurry you can feed to the pigs. (ホワイトチャペル)


Freddie thought he was being stepped up. (ホワイトチャペル)


Clean slate. Fresh start. (ホワイトチャペル)


Your man is of good standing. (ホワイトチャペル)


If it wasn't for his leads, this investigation would have stalled. (ホワイトチャペル)


Swapping sides? 裏切ったのか(ホワイトチャペル)


I'll spare you the details. (ホワイトチャペル)


The suicide was quick, and it was self-inflicted. (ホワイトチャペル)


I don't pick sides. I just let the facts speak for themselves. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'm self-medicating. (ホワイトチャペル)


In fact, as of now, you are officially seconded to Arts and Antiques. (ホワイトチャペル)


Ronnie took a bit of a shine to you. (ホワイトチャペル)


Was Angie really chosen to be the surrogate? (ホワイトチャペル)


Everyone will know we're not arse-deep in Toby jugs in Somerset. 骨董市にいないことがばれてしまうな。(Toby jug (British) :  a beer jug or mug in the form of a stout old man wearing a three-cornered hat.) (ホワイトチャペル)


I'll punch your face so hard you'll shit eyeballs. (ホワイトチャペル)


All you care about is stats and awards! (ホワイトチャペル)


See if there's any tidying to be done. (ホワイトチャペル)


We have been tasked to take over the enquiry. (ホワイトチャペル)


I don't mean to step on your toes. (ホワイトチャペル)


Paul's a little chancer. Into jargoons and tweedles, nothing big. - What language are you speaking? (ホワイトチャペル)


Go ahead, Paul, in your own time. (ホワイトチャペル)


A crazed tribute act for their father. (ホワイトチャペル)


They're on the take. (ホワイトチャペル)


He could pick anyone's pocket. He used to do a turn where he'd take off Ronnie Kray's watch without him noticing. 余興で(ホワイトチャペル)


Ronnie Kray was thirsting for blood. (ホワイトチャペル)


The twins're just trading on their father's name. (ホワイトチャペル)


They've turned half the uniforms against me. (uniforms=police officers) (ホワイトチャペル)


The job would have been put out to tender. 入札(ホワイトチャペル)


Forms filled in triplicate. (ホワイトチャペル)


These things are put out for tender, you know. You get the cheapest which is not always the best. (ホワイトチャペル)


A gang - the Russians, Triads. (ホワイトチャペル)


Stop stepping on each other's toes. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'm the one who marches out of time. So even if you get every police in London in line, you won't get me. (ホワイトチャペル)


That is all, officially, there is to know. (ホワイトチャペル)


If tidying eases your stress, come round to my house. (a joke) (ホワイトチャペル)


Ronnie was insane and not fit to stand trial. (ホワイトチャペル)


I've always been the power behind the throne. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'd like to introduce the armourer for the world's biggest triad. (ホワイトチャペル)


You are the bloody tea lady. (ホワイトチャペル)


What's to know? (反語) (ホワイトチャペル)


He told Ronnie in no uncertain terms to stay away from you. (ホワイトチャペル)


Tough young tearaways. (ホワイトチャペル)


Toby jug (British) :  a beer jug or mug in the form of a stout old man wearing a three-cornered hat.

Everyone will know we're not arse-deep in Toby jugs in Somerset. 骨董市にいないことがばれてしまうな。(ホワイトチャペル)


Let’s fight sportsmanlike in the ring. Miles, I need you to tape me up. (ホワイトチャペル)


An unfolding purpose. (ホワイトチャペル)


We need to come to an understanding. (ホワイトチャペル)


He told Ronnie in no uncertain terms to stay away from you. (ホワイトチャペル)


You create a vacuum. A space for someone to step in and lead. (ホワイトチャペル)


The vagus nerve. (ホワイトチャペル)


When he hung himself, he compressed his vagus nerve and it stopped his heart. (ホワイトチャペル)


He winds up dead. (ホワイトチャペル)


Let's not write him off. (ホワイトチャペル)


They built up a wall of fear. (ホワイトチャペル)


A friendly word in your ear. (ホワイトチャペル)


You start at the bottom and you work your way up to the top. (ホワイトチャペル)


Driving a wedge between the twins is a good idea. (ホワイトチャペル)


A whistleblower. (ホワイトチャペル)


He may be looking for a way out. (ホワイトチャペル)


You can't box and smoke. You'll have no stamina. You'll be wheezing on your knees. (ホワイトチャペル)


You could be in for a world of pain. (ホワイトチャペル)


You and the twins obviously go back a long way. (ホワイトチャペル)



Couple of wannabe gangsters. (ホワイトチャペル)


With small haemorrhages around the eyes, suggesting asphyxia. (ホワイトチャペル)


We start afresh. (ホワイトチャペル)


I pride myself on my strict adherence to the known facts. (ホワイトチャペル)


A&E【略】=accident and emergency (department)〈英〉〔病院の〕救急救命科[センター]、救急外来◆複数形=accidents and emergencies◆【同】〈米〉emergency room

We need to know about her last admission to A&E. (ホワイトチャペル)


Frederick George Abberlineフレデリック・ジョージ・アバーライン(184318- 19291010日)は、ロンドン警視庁の警部(Chief Inspector)であり、1888年の切り裂きジャックによる連続殺人の捜査における警察の中心人物。

He wants to make you his Inspector Abberline. The policeman who couldn't catch the Ripper. (ホワイトチャペル)


This support unit for alchies. (ホワイトチャペル)


We need to catch him in the act. (ホワイトチャペル)


Chase up which accelerant was used in the fire. (ホワイトチャペル)


The letter is handwritten, addressed to you. (ホワイトチャペル)


He was very dark. All over. - You mean black? (黒人) - I mean his aura. (ホワイトチャペル)


Abberline, the detective who chased the Ripper, said he was the one. (ホワイトチャペル)


The murder will be acted out in London's east end. (ホワイトチャペル)


If you were Abberline, who would you fancy for the Ripper? (ホワイトチャペル)


A posh man in an astrakhan coat. (ホワイトチャペル)


A professional arsonist would set one blaze and completely gut the building. (ホワイトチャペル)


Couldn't get away from A&E. (ホワイトチャペル)


Cathy Lane was a battered woman. (ホワイトチャペル)


Something like a hunting knife. Or a boning knife? (ホワイトチャペル)


Average height and build. (ホワイトチャペル)


I only fire blanks after I got the snip. (ホワイトチャペル)


Oh, I normally get a few bites. 反応(ホワイトチャペル)


We are slaves to that delicious eureka moment when the scales fall away and everything is laid bare. (ホワイトチャペル)


You gain nothing by chasing bogeymen and you stand to lose everything. (ホワイトチャペル)


You want this murder to mean something because death should be significant, but the truth is most murders are banal. (ホワイトチャペル)


I thought I could eat but you take the biscuit. 君私より食べるね(ホワイトチャペル)


We've got to appeal for witnesses, broaden the enquiry. (ホワイトチャペル)


Our top brass. (ホワイトチャペル)


The biggest load of bunkum. (ホワイトチャペル)


A few bob in my pocket. (ホワイトチャペル)


There's a growing body of thought that Jack was not responsible for both murders. (ホワイトチャペル)


boss-eyed斜視の(British informal) cross-eyed.

They're all boss-eyed with memories like goldfish. (ホワイトチャペル)


Kent has a little cry in the bogs.トイレ(ホワイトチャペル)


I still prefer my mad bird theory for the identity of Jack The Ripper. 狂気の女(ホワイトチャペル)


He had no blueprints. (ホワイトチャペル)


A professional arsonist would set one blaze and completely gut the building. This guy didn't trust his tools. He went belt and braces. (ホワイトチャペル)


He set too many fires. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'm down on whores, and I shan't quit ripping them till I do get buckled. (ホワイトチャペル)


A mugging gone bad. (ホワイトチャペル)


Christ have mercy! (ホワイトチャペル)


Got your own crap-puccino there, Kent? (ホワイトチャペル)


I got an alibi. - It checks out. (ホワイトチャペル)


Canonical Five切り裂きジャックの犠牲者として挙げられる5人は、メアリー・アン・ニコルズ、アニー・チャップマン、エリザベス・ストライド、キャサリン・エドウッズ、メアリー・ジェーン・ケリーである。The biggest thing to remember about the Ripper case is that there is so much we simply don’t know. Because he was never caught, we have no confession, and therefore no idea how many people he actually killed. The term “Canonical Five” is handy because it indicates that yes, these five women have historically been grouped together, but we also acknowledge that maybe five isn’t actually the right number.

Mary Ann Nichols was the first canonical victim of Jack the Ripper. (ホワイトチャペル)


All your courses, they may look good on paper, but they count for nothing here! (ホワイトチャペル)


The delectable twist of a conundrum. (ホワイトチャペル)


I think you're letting your ambition cloud your judgment. (ホワイトチャペル)


Take my advice. Step back a little. Detach yourself. - And if another woman dies? - Then we never had this conversation. この会話はなかったことになる。(ホワイトチャペル)


Are you gonna call it, then, sir? 終わりにする(ホワイトチャペル)


We'll have every crackpot owning up to being Jack. (ホワイトチャペル)


The regimental crest. (ホワイトチャペル)


Do you know the crack house? (ホワイトチャペル)


Not in the clear yet! (ホワイトチャペル)


Better than crying in car parks. (ホワイトチャペル)


A new DI. (ホワイトチャペル)


DI Chandler. - DS Miles. (ホワイトチャペル)


Where were you this morning at 2 a.m.? - Drunk tank. Charing Cross. (ホワイトチャペル)


There's the hat. It looks like a deerstalker. (ホワイトチャペル)


A 40-something man wearing a deerstalker hat. (ホワイトチャペル)


Step back a little. Detach yourself. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'm debriefed. (ホワイトチャペル)


The coroner found a dissimilarity with how her throat was cut and believed a different weapon was used. (ホワイトチャペル)


He's in a dispute with the council. (ホワイトチャペル)


This information is in the public domain. (ホワイトチャペル)


This is the man who sent half of Mary Bousfield's kidney to DS Miles. (ホワイトチャペル)


Hutchinson's statement was incredibly detailed, even down to the man's horseshoe-shaped tiepin. (ホワイトチャペル)


Emergency assistance required. DS Miles is down. (ホワイトチャペル)


We don't dig any deeper. (ホワイトチャペル)


We are slaves to that delicious eureka moment. (ホワイトチャペル)


This is his last supper on expenses! 経費で(ホワイトチャペル)


Got two pairs of trousers to even up the wear. (ホワイトチャペル)


At the epicenter of where the murders took place. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's a rough estate. (ホワイトチャペル)


Another fast-tracker. (ホワイトチャペル)


Had a funny hat. Had flaps. He wears one of those furry Russian things with flaps. (ホワイトチャペル)


Fresh as a daisy. (ホワイトチャペル)


A serial killer does not emerge fully formed. Even he must learn his craft. (ホワイトチャペル)


That's it for the DI, then. Not so much fast-track as bus fare home. DIに出世するチャンスというよりも家にバスで帰らせられる感じだな(ホワイトチャペル)


The police, already under fire for being slow to react to the case. (ホワイトチャペル)


We cannot be fallible. (ホワイトチャペル)


made fleshbe ~》肉体として具現する

I've been hunting Jack The Ripper all my life, and now here he is again, made flesh. He is my nemesis. (ホワイトチャペル)


He was the world's foremost expert. (ホワイトチャペル)


You'll regret the day you set foot in this country. (ホワイトチャペル)


First-class post. (ホワイトチャペル)


They just want to stand back and watch me go down in flames. (ホワイトチャペル)


I think the killer knelt by her head. (ホワイトチャペル)


He must be gay. I've got gay-dar. (ホワイトチャペル)


The knife glanced off the ribs. The heart was not pierced. (ホワイトチャペル)


The Ripper only killed prostitutes, didn't he? So are you saying Emma and Cathy were on the game? (ホワイトチャペル)


He can handle a knife and the gore. (ホワイトチャペル)


Guv. (ホワイトチャペル)


He was gutted. (ホワイトチャペル)


Ready to head up your first murder? (ホワイトチャペル)


I'm giving you a head start. (ホワイトチャペル)


His regular haunts. (ホワイトチャペル)


I am a performer for the tourist hordes. (ホワイトチャペル)


Don't run to me once the press get hold of the murder. My obligation to you ends when it hits the headlines. (ホワイトチャペル)


We're already remortgaged up to the hilt as it is. (ホワイトチャペル)


We'd better go and hold his hand. (ホワイトチャペル)


The guards are on inspection at 3pm. 交代(ホワイトチャペル)


IC codes (identity code) or 6+1 codes :  These are codes used by the British police in radio communications and crime recording systems to describe the apparent ethnicity of a suspect or victim.

Code      Ethnicity

IC1        White – North European

IC2        White – South European

IC3        Black

IC4        Asian (in the UK, "Asian" usually refers to South Asians)

IC5        Chinese, Japanese, or other Southeast Asian

IC6        Arab or North African

IC9        Unknown Looks like two male IC-1s with him.

Looks like two male IC-1s with him. (ホワイトチャペル)


I've no inkling as to who these people are. (ホワイトチャペル)


The anterior spine of the ileum. (ホワイトチャペル)


The autopsy report states that she had distinctive marks to her face. Like inverted Vs on her cheeks. (ホワイトチャペル)


We need Maduro to ID him. (ホワイトチャペル)


I appreciate your openness and inclusivity! (ホワイトチャペル)


A deep, jagged wound. (ホワイトチャペル)


Have a good long look at the mug book, Mary. Take your time. - None of them jump out at me.

It was very dark. どれが容疑者だかわからないわ。彼を見たときは暗かったから。(ホワイトチャペル)


Nurses make great serial killers. Jill the Ripper. (ホワイトチャペル)


Jesus, Mary and Joseph. (ホワイトチャペル)


He's an unidentified person. A John Doe. (ホワイトチャペル)


I think the killer knelt by her head. (ホワイトチャペル)


Brown kid gloves. (ホワイトチャペル)


She was found with a lump on her head and 39 stab wounds. (ホワイトチャペル)


You seem to enjoy the murders, though. All the details. You pretty much live it every night. (ホワイトチャペル)


on the lash (UK, slang) = on the lush. Out drinking socially; usually involving heavy alcohol consumption.

We went on the lash last night. (ホワイトチャペル)


Try and make it look

like you're on the lash. (ホワイトチャペル)


I wish to lodge a complaint. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's a killer's lair. (ホワイトチャペル)


Buchan gives some longwinded answer. (ホワイトチャペル)


Is the wrong line-up. Anthony is not even there. (ホワイトチャペル)


All the loonies are confessing. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'm going to have to cut you loose. (ホワイトチャペル)


Good money's on you making commander in three years. (ホワイトチャペル)


I cry all the time, Mary. You should see my mascara run! (ホワイトチャペル)


We better get a move on. (ホワイトチャペル)


This is the mother. Don't mess with the masons. (ホワイトチャペル)


I like single malts, not that blended shit. (ホワイトチャペル)


Are you out of your mind? (ホワイトチャペル)


My whole career has been mapped out by other people. (ホワイトチャペル)


Just trying to fast-track me. (ホワイトチャペル)


The MOD have agreed access. (ホワイトチャペル)


MD: Managing Director

The MD is a Mr. Maduro. (ホワイトチャペル)


Get the mug books. 犯罪者一覧(ホワイトチャペル)


Emily died of meningitis. (ホワイトチャペル)


Now get out before I nick you for wasting police time. (ホワイトチャペル)


What's been going on under your noses. (ホワイトチャペル)


When we get Leary, let his nibs read him his rights. Give him his moment. 犯人の権利を読み上げる役は警部補に譲ってやれ(ホワイトチャペル)


He's involved. I'll prove it. I've got a nose for this. (ホワイトチャペル)


Someone he regards as his nemesis. (ホワイトチャペル)


An office outing. (ホワイトチャペル)


A murder with overkill. 39 stab wounds to the torso and legs. (ホワイトチャペル)



This obbo's gonna be a waste of time. (ホワイトチャペル)


You look like a copper on an obbo. (ホワイトチャペル)


A cut extending from the spine obliquely down the inner side. (ホワイトチャペル)


It's further on, actually. (ビデオの内容においてもっと先) (ホワイトチャペル)


The future of British policing. (ホワイトチャペル)


PCSO (UK) :  Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) work with police officers and share some, but not all of their powers. Special constables are volunteers who have the same powers as police.

PCSO Bousfield to Control. (ホワイトチャペル)


long streak of pissa ~》〈英俗・軽蔑的〉痩せていて背の高い人、ひょろ長い人通例、男性に対して用いられる表現。

Streak of piss. (ホワイトチャペル)


We're going off-piste tonight. None of the other tours will bring you here. (ホワイトチャペル)


You know, the plastic copper. Not a real detective. (ホワイトチャペル)


poor man's... (idiom) :  used to refer to something that is a worse or cheaper version of something else that is mentioned.

This delicious fish really is the poor man's lobster.

I'd be a poor man's Ripper. (ホワイトチャペル)


Only able to dispatch small dogs

and ladies under five foot. (ホワイトチャペル)


This is your patch! 管轄(ホワイトチャペル)


Plastic (figurative, slang) : insincerity; fakeness, or a person who is fake or arrogant, or believes that they are better than the rest of the population.

The organization has taken a plastic like me to work out what's been going. (ホワイトチャペル)



When I eat curry, I can smell it on my pits the next day. (ホワイトチャペル)


That's off the peg? 既製品(ホワイトチャペル)


Would I risk my men’s trust for a streak of piss like you? (ホワイトチャペル)


He'll be recreating pea soupers for us next. 煙に巻こうとしている(ホワイトチャペル)


Get past this whole pretense of him not knowing about it. (ホワイトチャペル)


He's lost the plot. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'm just showing you the ropes, son. (ホワイトチャペル)


You take first shift on that. Fitz, draw up a rota. (ホワイトチャペル)


You're a Ripperologist, aren't you? - Well, yes, I am. And I also host an excellent Ripper tour. (ホワイトチャペル)


She reckoned he was a soldier. She saw tattoos and thought they were regimental. (ホワイトチャペル)


They thought their dying retinas might have held an image of the killer. (ホワイトチャペル)


I caused a bit of a ruckus and I'm sorry about that. (ホワイトチャペル)


Crawl back under your rocks! (ホワイトチャペル)


I've been out all night, retracing his steps over and over, trying to work out how the killer is going to do it. (ホワイトチャペル)


A bit of a rough squat. (ホワイトチャペル)


We'll get you suited up.  着替えを用意します。(ホワイトチャペル)


Have you worked a murder scene before? - I'm not a virgin, you know. I've had my fair share. (ホワイトチャペル)


Blood is all here. Soaked into her clothing. She's sodden. (ホワイトチャペル)


look like five kinds of shit〈卑〉みっともない[惨めったらしい]顔をしてる

Rob Lees turns up on his own doorstep looking like ten kinds of shit. (ホワイトチャペル)


been up all night, smells like a pub. (ホワイトチャペル)


He's wearing a hat with flaps so he should stick out like a sore thumb. (ホワイトチャペル)


They never caught the Ripper and now time and history have spirited his identity away. (ホワイトチャペル)


It is not suitable for those of a weak or squeamish disposition. (ホワイトチャペル)


An attempted murder by a squaddie. (ホワイトチャペル)


He's not here. I think he swapped shifts with Dr Cohen. (ホワイトチャペル)


on song (Informal British):   performing well.

Will Swindon be on song for the new season?

I wasn't on song tonight. (ホワイトチャペル)


In my heart I'm a detective, like your fine self. (ホワイトチャペル)


The irresistible siren call of a mystery. (ホワイトチャペル)


We are slaves to that delicious eureka moment when the scales fall away and everything is laid bare. (ホワイトチャペル)


A 40-something man wearing a deerstalker hat. (ホワイトチャペル)


We're stood down. (ホワイトチャペル)


I'm having a slash. (ホワイトチャペル)


I know where I stand. (ホワイトチャペル)


Get the SOCO file. (ホワイトチャペル)


They call him The Squaddie. (ホワイトチャペル)


He's always boasting about

how he guards the queen. (ホワイトチャペル)


Squad...shun! きをつけ Squad...stand at ease! (ホワイトチャペル)


I'll be the very soul of discretion. (ホワイトチャペル)



1. 《海事》〔小型船の〕船長

2. 〈軍俗〉艦長、艇長、部隊長、指揮官尊敬の念を込めて使われることが多い。

3. 〈話〉〔スポーツチームの〕キャプテン、主将、監督(ホワイトチャペル)


His suits are handmade. Savile Row. (ホワイトチャペル)


Wind the skipper up. (ホワイトチャペル)


You're not the bloody SAS! (ホワイトチャペル)


He thinks I'm the leak. Thinks I sold you out for a few grand. (ホワイトチャペル)


Jack killed two women in the space of 45 minutes. (ホワイトチャペル)


The ripper found another victim to sate himself. (ホワイトチャペル)


I was staking out. (ホワイトチャペル)


You still have some standing. (ホワイトチャペル)


You have a sergeant. Use him. Let him shoulder it. (ホワイトチャペル)


You're his, what? Mentor? Sounding board? Special advisor? (ホワイトチャペル)


Police have come under fire for being slow to react to the spate of Jack the Ripper copycat murders in the east end. (ホワイトチャペル)



He talked about the colour of the man's spats. (ホワイトチャペル)


seat of the fire : It is to describe a place where a fire is centered, or the origin of a fire.

The seat of the fire was at the bottom of the mountain.

There were three seats of fire. (ホワイトチャペル)


Sir, you've got a head injury. You need to go to hospital. You're as pretty as me now. - Not quite. I didn't hit every step on the way down. お宅の顔に似るぐらい転げ落ちたわけではない。(jokingly(ホワイトチャペル)


I want Socos in here now. (ホワイトチャペル)


He's wearing scrubs. (ホワイトチャペル)


Once you've ticked that box, we can move you on. Get you out of the trenches現場から解放してやる。(ホワイトチャペル)


Teachers pet! Arse-licker! (ホワイトチャペル)


in your own time / in your good time「準備が整ったら」「早すぎず丁度いいタイミング」

In your own time, Mr. Buchan. (ホワイトチャペル)


tom (UK, slang, dated) A female prostitute.

So are you saying Emma and Cathy were on the game? - No. There's nothing to suggest either of these women were toms. (ホワイトチャペル)


A top hat. シルクハット(ホワイトチャペル)


How's tricks? - You know. Seen better. (ホワイトチャペル)


The tom who found the body. (ホワイトチャペル)


Only the real desperate toms'll go with him. (ホワイトチャペル)


It doesn't tally exactly with the murders, but we can't rule him out. (ホワイトチャペル)


I want to get back on track. (ホワイトチャペル)


The biggest load of bunkum ever to taint true Ripperology. (ホワイトチャペル)


I've got nothing tangible. Nothing right now right here to help me. (ホワイトチャペル)


Trailing suspect on foot. (ホワイトチャペル)


Ta very much. (ホワイトチャペル)


Be on Traffic tomorrow. 交通課に勤務しろ(ホワイトチャペル)


Annie took to drink and her marriage fell apart. (ホワイトチャペル)


Hutchinson's statement was incredibly detailed, even down to the man's horseshoe-shaped tiepin. (ホワイトチャペル)


Send a tactical unit. (ホワイトチャペル)


The kidney and uterus have been removed. (ホワイトチャペル)


He's an unwitting accomplice. (ホワイトチャペル)


What if Jack was a woman? A crazed abortionist, stealing uteruses? (ホワイトチャペル)


The murder happened at 2:00am by an unlit passageway? (ホワイトチャペル)



If I'd have known, I'd have made vol-au-vents. (ホワイトチャペル)


We'll get the VAT man. (ホワイトチャペル)


Every time there's a stabbing in Whitechapel, ripperologists come crawling out of the woodwork. (ホワイトチャペル)


Maybe tonight we shall see some of the ghosts of Whitechapel. (ホワイトチャペル)


Here we have wholemeal salmon sandwiches. (ホワイトチャペル)


The meal will give me wind. (ホワイトチャペル)


The whiff of conspiracy, I'll be there. (ホワイトチャペル)



Want a biscuit? - They're wholemeal. (ホワイトチャペル)