
ゴール!! リッパ―ストリート(30 December 2012 –12 October 2016)本日吸収してやりました。


そうでしょ、そうだよなー。お前ら、おいらの気持ちを代弁してくれてありがとう!!!本当に救われました! これなくして英語人生今年の5月を迎えることはなかった。













Within the lining of the respiratory tract there are trace elements, inhaled at the point of death and adhered within. (リッパ―ストリート)


Description? - Five foot, six inches. Fair. Curled moustache. 34 years of age... about. だいたい(リッパ―ストリート)


I know the symptoms of antimony poisoning.. (リッパ―ストリート)


The Jack the Ripper is acting out his hatred of women upon their bodies. (リッパ―ストリート)


He brung him from Paris. (リッパ―ストリート)


I know how best to quiet my temper, sir. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are roused from your retirement to berate me. (リッパ―ストリート)


The will of the late Matthew Judge, in which you are mentioned as beneficiary. (リッパ―ストリート)


Bringing recollections of bygone happy days. (リッパ―ストリート)


We should give his word credence? (リッパ―ストリート)


The burst capillaries beneath the eyelids, the cause of death was suffocation. (リッパ―ストリート)


Contusions about the neck and face. (リッパ―ストリート)


Charcoal grey in colour. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is a cat meat soup.とんでもない状況だ(リッパ―ストリート)


Sudden illness, lengthy convalescence. (リッパ―ストリート)


A clerical blunder. (リッパ―ストリート)


The brother, that beast, he is to be choked in short order. The woman, Hart, similarly. What else, Edmund, clemency? (リッパ―ストリート)


Descriptions of the killer are half-glimpsed imaginings, tangle of shadows. You and I are floundering at them in the ever vainer hope that we might corral them into meaning. (リッパ―ストリート)


I never credited Miss Tabram was his killing. (リッパ―ストリート)


The entropy of the universe extended to a maximum. (リッパ―ストリート)


Augustus enabled me. (リッパ―ストリート)


That barbarism then, that which these Dove brothers have only now enacted. (リッパ―ストリート)


The man we hunted eviscerated his victims. (リッパ―ストリート)


My execution of the will of the late Matthew Judge. (リッパ―ストリート)


grant of probate : A Grant of Probate is the document which confirms the executor(s) of a will (the person or people responsible for carrying out the wishes contained in the Will) have the authority to deal with the assets of a deceased person.

We are also the executors, under grant of probate, which has recently seen Mr. Judge named sole heir to those assets, held by us, of his grandfather, Mr. Theodore Patrick Swift. (リッパ―ストリート)


It only roused my hunger. I had to feed it. (リッパ―ストリート)


Why you are flush. You feelin' all right? (リッパ―ストリート)


just a little further = Not far away, close.

After two miles of running, the girl had just a little further to go before finishing.

That is decided, I imagine. - A little further yet. (リッパ―ストリート)


They were forged from the same furnace. The fire finds another crack in the world and sets its creatures free once more. (リッパ―ストリート)


Such an owning will not find favour. そのような自白は好意を得ないだろう。(リッパ―ストリート)


Descriptions of the killer are half-glimpsed imaginings, tangle of shadows. You and I are floundering at them in the ever vainer hope that we might corral them into meaning. (リッパ―ストリート)


Damn you! Damn your care. Damn your endless fawning! Are you a dog?! Are you?! (リッパ―ストリート)


They imagine some fantastical creature. (リッパ―ストリート)


The mutilation was inflicted by a person favouring their left hand. 左利き(リッパ―ストリート)


You raise him good. (リッパ―ストリート)


grant of probate : A Grant of Probate is the document which confirms the executor(s) of a will (the person or people responsible for carrying out the wishes contained in the Will) have the authority to deal with the assets of a deceased person.

We are also the executors, under grant of probate, which has recently seen Mr. Judge named sole heir to those assets, held by us, of his grandfather, Mr. Theodore Patrick Swift. (リッパ―ストリート)


In so doing with the new Spring's thaw, his heart gave out. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do not think you've heard the last of this. (リッパ―ストリート)


He had full knowledge of this? (リッパ―ストリート)


The world must kowtow to Ed Reid's theories, must it? (リッパ―ストリート)


How else is the pit to be limed, Fred? 事態の収拾を図る(リッパ―ストリート)


That is some bold denial to mount. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is in love with me. He's quite old and likely to die. I am minded to encourage his attentions. (リッパ―ストリート)


Like a nameless haunting? (リッパ―ストリート)


He is to be choked in short order. すぐに絞首刑になるだろう。(リッパ―ストリート)


The coroner's inquiry into the death of Mary Jane Kelly will now come to order. (リッパ―ストリート)


Are you returned to your authority? Have you prevailed? (リッパ―ストリート)


Pale-faced Drummond. (リッパ―ストリート)


in point of fact 実際 実は 事実in reality or actuality.


In point of fact, his many misdemeanours will be pursued with full rigour and he will dangle. (絞首刑) (リッパ―ストリート)


Consumption would present itself as a hardening rash on the arms and legs. (リッパ―ストリート)


Pustulous swellings around the eyes and mouth. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is murder, by a man we know capable of that evisceration, who was proximate to the acts. (リッパ―ストリート)


Pale ale. (リッパ―ストリート)


pericardium 心膜 心嚢 A serous membrane with two layers that surrounds the heart. 心臓を囲む2層の漿膜。

The pericardium was open below, and the heart was absent. (リッパ―ストリート)


In point of fact, his many misdemeanours will be pursued with full rigour and he will dangle. (in point of fact 実際)(絞首刑) (リッパ―ストリート)


I'll think of how we were made, and I'll do the reverse to our son. 俺たちとの反面教師にして息子を育てる。(リッパ―ストリート)


I might recommence those same investigations. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is nothing to find, save the wreckage of your life. (リッパ―ストリート)


You catch scarlet fever as a boy? Now, what that means is that once caught, we cannot catch it again. (リッパ―ストリート)


Oh, thank you, sir. - There's no need to sir me. Not any longer. (リッパ―ストリート)


A steam turbine to the Congo. (リッパ―ストリート)


He rescued them from the river. In so doing with the new Spring's thaw, his heart gave out. (リッパ―ストリート)


They are screaming their horror to the skies. (リッパ―ストリート)


We simply trudged in the forest. (リッパ―ストリート)


There's no froth in the waterlogging of the lungs. There are, however, tiny haemorrhages to the lining thereof. (リッパ―ストリート)


The lining of the respiratory tract. (リッパ―ストリート)


These criminal murdering men wish to tar me with a black pitch of their own hearts. (リッパ―ストリート)


Descriptions of the killer are half-glimpsed imaginings, tangle of shadows. (リッパ―ストリート)


In so doing with the new Spring's thaw, his heart gave out. (リッパ―ストリート)


I do not say they are not dreadful, they are that. (リッパ―ストリート)


I want to unmake the world. (リッパ―ストリート)


The abdominal cavity emptied of its viscera. (リッパ―ストリート)


There's no froth in the waterlogging of the lungs. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is a public redemption of a good man wronged. (リッパ―ストリート)


Best we're about it then. そろそろ出発するか(リッパ―ストリート)


Many articles of disgrace. (リッパ―ストリート)


She has an attack of conscience! (リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Drummond is not a man much able to disguise his shame. (リッパ―ストリート)


An accounting must be made. 罪を清算しなければ(リッパ―ストリート)


I bust my arse in here to free you. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Shine was as fine and resourceful a policeman as any this force has known. He will be mourned accordingly. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is not I that will pass the death sentence on him, as you know, nor Mr. Dove. - He agitates for it, however. しかし奴が死刑をせかしているよな(リッパ―ストリート)


Alert Mr. Dove to this man's presence. (リッパ―ストリート)


He and Miss Susan now blasted their way in and out of Mr. Dove's home with a gun?! (リッパ―ストリート)


This is a crime birthed in Whitechapel. (リッパ―ストリート)


The docks will be watched. The boat trains for the northern and southern ports, likewise. (リッパ―ストリート)


You bank a great deal on my discretion. (リッパ―ストリート)


I shall wait beyond. (リッパ―ストリート)


He bears it hard. 苦しんでいる(リッパ―ストリート)


My heart bleeds for him. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'd ask you why you've brung yourself here. (リッパ―ストリート)


I could not believe this of him. (リッパ―ストリート)


Barely have I known you 10 minutes, boy, and already the sound of your voice makes me want to shit! (リッパ―ストリート)


Jedediah Shine is dead. - Well, that's cause for celebration. (リッパ―ストリート)


All of London is a clamour. 騒いでいる(リッパ―ストリート)


A half kilometres upstream from the Limehouse Cut. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is a copse of black poplars. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's about time we got about our chief purpose? (リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Shine's last actions have delivered him into the custody. (リッパ―ストリート)


Down the years, you bring to mind the picture of what befell Mr. Buckley. (リッパ―ストリート)


This is him? The milksop with whom you bring yourself into shame and disrepute? (リッパ―ストリート)


It will not erase the stain of your works. (リッパ―ストリート)


It was empirically proved. (リッパ―ストリート)


He believed that numbers betrayed the true nature of our universe, and accordingly, it was empirically proved that the entropy of the universe extended to a maximum, that everything moved irretrievably from order into chaos. (リッパ―ストリート)


If you were men, not cowards and eunuchs. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am in earnest. Go now without me. (リッパ―ストリート)


So that the newspapermen of London may be furnished with the truth, Assistant Commissioner Dove will now elaborate. (リッパ―ストリート)


Now, there are fences yet to be leapt. (リッパ―ストリート)


I did not send him out to go beneath Mr. Shine's fists. シャインに打ちのめされるために彼を密告したわけではない。(リッパ―ストリート)


Your mind fevered, wondering. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will fear no evil, for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me. (リッパ―ストリート)


The newspapermen of London may be furnished with the truth. (リッパ―ストリート)


I hope that you will take in good faith the charges which the men of H Division will soon be presenting against Edmond Reid. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm fierce frightened. (リッパ―ストリート)


The capital's press is, therefore, to be gathered at Scotland Yard tomorrow morning. (リッパ―ストリート)


I wished for Mr. Reid to lock the grill and leave my father there. 父を牢獄に閉じ込めておいてほしかった。(リッパ―ストリート)


I hauled his flappin' arse out of more scrapes than I care to think of. (リッパ―ストリート)


Hammer on the door when you are done. 終わったらドアをたたいて知らせてくれ。(リッパ―ストリート)


How dead did these witnesses say? どのように死んだのか(リッパ―ストリート)


hard-won 【形】苦労して[努力して・骨を折って]やっと得た

That man's reputation was hard won. (リッパ―ストリート)


The violent, headstrong hypocrisy he has sanctioned and performed. (リッパ―ストリート)


Now that they've got the boy, they must make their escape. They must show themselves in so doing. (リッパ―ストリート)


The woman, Hart, and her American must now escape with their child and will surely be taken in so doing. (リッパ―ストリート)


You leave her be! (リッパ―ストリート)


As if his marrow has been sucked from his bones. (リッパ―ストリート)


It will return a measure of order to the community you have purported to serve. (リッパ―ストリート)


The pitiless murk of the past be obliterated. (リッパ―ストリート)


malice aforethought : 故意 (law) criminal intent; the thoughts and intentions behind a wrongful act (including knowledge that the act is illegal); often at issue in murder trials. 犯罪意思、犯意、故意。不法な行為の後にある考えと意図(行為が違法であるという知識を含む)。殺人の裁判においてしばしば問題となる。

We charge you with the following crimes. The unlawful murder with malice aforethought of Theodore. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is a series of heavy meanders through the Creek. (リッパ―ストリート)


I very much hope it shan't come to that. (リッパ―ストリート)


Let you martyr yourself all alone? (リッパ―ストリート)


No matter his years of service, we will be urging for the most severe of penalties under the law. (リッパ―ストリート)


My, but you are silky and oiled, boy. (リッパ―ストリート)


Disguise your own monstrosity. (リッパ―ストリート)


She was mother to me when I had need of one. (リッパ―ストリート)


I need hardly mention it. (リッパ―ストリート)


You and your master have his neck choked at Newgate. (リッパ―ストリート)


I could not believe this of him. (リッパ―ストリート)


My, but you are silky and oiled, boy. (リッパ―ストリート)


You were overwhelmed, at gunpoint. (リッパ―ストリート)


It will return a measure of order to the community you have purported to serve. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is a copse of black poplars. (リッパ―ストリート)


prow : a pointed projecting front part

You will find a mound of earth marked with a prow of driftwood. (リッパ―ストリート)


My father is dragged pitilessly to his justice. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do you truly believe I could do that to a pup? (リッパ―ストリート)


I hope that you will take in good faith the charges which the men of H Division will soon be presenting against Edmond Reid. (リッパ―ストリート)


I hoped you might be prised from your retirement. (リッパ―ストリート)


A pint of mild is a quintessential British ale, dark, with a mild alcohol content, exuding a smooth, malty character, traditionally served in a pint glass.

He is a milksop. Looks like he might battle to blow the head off a pint of mild. (リッパ―ストリート)


On what rash instinct. (リッパ―ストリート)


The service we would render. (リッパ―ストリート)


You hope that the world will be righted and renewed. (リッパ―ストリート)


That betrayal, that sundering, they are down to me. (リッパ―ストリート)


Now you're going to go saunter over. (リッパ―ストリート)


I feel you serve no one's ends but your own. (リッパ―ストリート)


I hauled his flappin' arse out of more scrapes than I care to think of. (リッパ―ストリート)


Evening, boys. Took your sweet time. (リッパ―ストリート)


Inspector Shine's last action was to secure the arrest of Edmund Reid. (リッパ―ストリート)


The violent, headstrong hypocrisy he has sanctioned and performed. (リッパ―ストリート)


We are sorely pressed at the present moment. (リッパ―ストリート)


You do it, sonny. (リッパ―ストリート)


There are rivers that are fresh with spring thaw. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Reid's daughter was turned to his betrayal. (リッパ―ストリート)


I do not offer you terms.減刑(リッパ―ストリート)


You wish to unburden yourself. (リッパ―ストリート)


I shall explain the ugly whys and wherefores. (リッパ―ストリート)


She has a way of getting what she asks for. (リッパ―ストリート)


I hope you will consider it a risk worth taking. (リッパ―ストリート)


Then you understand why I wired you. (リッパ―ストリート)


I fear he now has the wherewithal to prevail. There are none left to challenge him. (リッパ―ストリート)



All confessions to be writ, signed, and witnessed. (リッパ―ストリート)


One tablet per dose. On no account exceed this. (リッパ―ストリート)


I, alas, ought to have the benefit of experience. (リッパ―ストリート)


Even if the boy spoke of aught, found the ears of strangers, who would listen to a child's hysterics? (リッパ―ストリート)


Every killing was ascribed to Abel Croker. (リッパ―ストリート)


You were not appointed for your able policing. (リッパ―ストリート)


I asked if you knew aught of Edmund Reid. (リッパ―ストリート)


See, Reid is not currently the matter critical. (リッパ―ストリート)


A nipper abroad in Whitechapel. (リッパ―ストリート)


You ought to know I ain't above shooting a woman. (リッパ―ストリート)


What do you mean he ran away. - The boy was as jumpy as a buggered fox. (リッパ―ストリート)


The kid made off, before I could... - Bested by a woe-strapped nipper. 逃げられた。(リッパ―ストリート)


There is this day a nipper abroad in Whitechapel, bawling how his uncle got his throat bitten out. (リッパ―ストリート)


bait 餌をつける

I may bait my hook for Edmund Reid(リッパ―ストリート)


Bait the hook. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are as black-hearted a bastard as ever roamed the lanes of this dread city. (リッパ―ストリート)


He will bow to me. Edmund Reid will kneel. (リッパ―ストリート)


Behold him! (リッパ―ストリート)


His chewed up soul. (リッパ―ストリート)


I found him cowering behind the meat wagons. (リッパ―ストリート)


Augustus Dove does not chief this division. (リッパ―ストリート)


Just like you, Edmund, have your chump the dirty work. (リッパ―ストリート)


Have your cunny-chaser pull his trigger now, Reid. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is one thing of which I am certain. (リッパ―ストリート)



For the dead bodies to meet such a flow, to navigate clear through the Limehouse cut and into the Thames. (リッパ―ストリート)


We, all of us, stand today on the cusp of a glorious new age. (リッパ―ストリート)


You were out-coppered. (リッパ―ストリート)


fight your corner : (idiom UK) To defend something that you believe in by arguing.

You'll have to be prepared to fight your corner if you want them to extend the project.

At long last, Edmund Reid must fight his own cowardly corner. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is not a doctor in this land who could diagnose definitively. (リッパ―ストリート)


Did you get demoted? - Don't ask. (リッパ―ストリート)


He trades his police helmet for a dunce cap. (リッパ―ストリート)


daily doings日々の行動[行い・出来事]

Now, lad, you'll tell me about Miss Reid's doings with her outlaw old man. (リッパ―ストリート)


The eyes are (the) windows to the soul. : 目は心の窓である。(リッパ―ストリート)

Eyes are windows to the soul, they say. You spy the semblance of one? 魂に似たものを俺はあるのか? (リッパ―ストリート)


You spy the semblance of one? (リッパ―ストリート)


Even if the boy spoke of aught, found the ears of strangers, who would listen to a child's hysterics? (リッパ―ストリート)


I was so extraordinarily wrong. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will wait upon it. 吉報を待っている Your work has been exemplary. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will end you! (リッパ―ストリート)


The boy is fed and watered, at least. (リッパ―ストリート)



1. (slang, vulgar, chiefly in the plural) The labia, the vulva.

2. (obsolete) A blow or slap (especially to the face).

3. (obsolete) A young prostitute.

Rumpus now with you two pansy flaps? (リッパ―ストリート)


Have the cunny-chaser pull his trigger now, Reid. (リッパ―ストリート)


Such food for thought. (リッパ―ストリート)


Given the inefficacy of my treatments, it's most likely glioma. (リッパ―ストリート)


About your business now. (= Go about your business now.) (リッパ―ストリート)


We gonna get you cleaned up real good. (リッパ―ストリート)


The Thames is over 300 feet wide, but the Lea is a tributary. It dwindles. It meanders. With a map of the Lea 's course gradients and tide times, we could recover the dead bodies from the water. (リッパ―ストリート)


Miss Castello, she proved amenable, give or take, to sharing her research with me. (リッパ―ストリート)


You have traipsed his filth. - My apologies. Them marshes are sodden. Then again, Mr. Dove, I gather you have a gift for cleaning. ダブさん、死体を片付けたように掃除にも才能がありますよね。(皮肉)(リッパ―ストリート)


The Police Gazette 警察官報(リッパ―ストリート)


Do you grasp the fresh urgency of Reid's apprehension. (逮捕の必要性) (リッパ―ストリート)


Augustus will hunt you down and grind you for glue. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is the intracranial pressure. - The hurt of it, however, daily more savage. (リッパ―ストリート)


The boy is fed and watered, at least. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have left him in more capable hands. (リッパ―ストリート)


He told us where Nathaniel's holed up. (リッパ―ストリート)


He turns up full hysterics. (リッパ―ストリート)


You'll fetch me a hansom. (リッパ―ストリート)


You think I'm gonna let my son, my wife fall under the hooves of your crusade? (リッパ―ストリート)


We're getting out of this goddamn hellhole. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is the intracranial pressure. (リッパ―ストリート)


Given the inefficacy of my treatments, it's most likely glioma. (リッパ―ストリート)


We can intersect the bodies if we can recover them. (リッパ―ストリート)


You and he grow together with a love inviolable. (リッパ―ストリート)


Incontrovertible evidence. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm not accusing you of insubordination. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will serve justice on him and his brother. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is nought so kind as kin, is there? (リッパ―ストリート)


There lacks a medicine for glioma. (リッパ―ストリート)


All that a man needs is something to live for. 生きがい(リッパ―ストリート)


With the luxury of a gun on me, they thought to tell me all about it. (リッパ―ストリート)


looking-glass : (obsolete) mirror

Let me tell you what I see, a looking glass that every day reflects the continued inefficacy of this division. (リッパ―ストリート)


First light, we're out of here. 日の出と同時に(リッパ―ストリート)


Lady Justice, Mr. Dove, holds us both close to her righteous tit, does she not? 味方してくれている(リッパ―ストリート)


meat wagon : (chiefly historical) A vehicle used for the transportation of meat, usually refrigerated and traditionally of a non-motorized type pulled by horses.

What's afoot then? - Found him cowering behind the meat wagons. (リッパ―ストリート)


The merest thread to follow. (リッパ―ストリート)


I begin to wonder if even the meagre demands of working this dock are beyond your pygmy policing. (皮肉) (リッパ―ストリート)


The Thames is over 300 feet wide, but the Lea is a tributary. It dwindles. It meanders. (リッパ―ストリート)


You were not appointed, Jedediah, for your able policing, but because you are so easily made marionette, dancing to your master's fingers. (リッパ―ストリート)


He will not find another chance to kill me. - [Cocks gun] I ain't of a mind to argue with it. その通りだな。(リッパ―ストリート)


The kid made off, before I could... - Bested by a woe-strapped nipper. (リッパ―ストリート)


Needs must, Inspector. - When the devil drives. (リッパ―ストリート)


We've need of an Ordnance Survey map. (リッパ―ストリート)


Will you tell her that I love her? To remember that of me, if nought else. (リッパ―ストリート)


Now you understand what it means to have all you are snatched from you, to be a half-man in a half-life with nought in your black heart but the hate. (リッパ―ストリート)


The Ordnance Survey (OS)This is the national mapping agency for Great Britain. The agency's name indicates its original military purpose, which was to map Scotland in the wake of the Jacobite rising of 1745. There was also a more general and nationwide need in light of the potential threat of invasion during the Napoleonic Wars.

Ordnance Survey map :  (British English) A map which shows all the roads, paths, hills etc of an area in detail

We've need of an Ordnance Survey map. (リッパ―ストリート)


At this concentration, so much as half a phial could see three men never wake again. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is strange to see the Captain thus. A man so given to degenerate proclivities and carnal oblivion. - To see him thus, how? – Fatherly to a child. (リッパ―ストリート)


I begin to wonder if even the meagre demands of working this dock are beyond your pygmy policing. (皮肉) (リッパ―ストリート)


These walls, the plaster's still damp. (リッパ―ストリート)


Let us parley, parley. Let us parley. (リッパ―ストリート)


So, you come in pursuit of me then, and not to police some vicious slaughter? (リッパ―ストリート)


The Whitechapel prosecute justice upon its most hunted fugitives. (リッパ―ストリート)


Will you come peaceful with me? It's better you come quiet, sir. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are saying that I, Jedediah Shine, am on his last rounds. 死期が近い。(リッパ―ストリート)


Augustus Dove may hold that schoolboy brain of yours with high regard. (リッパ―ストリート)



1. ガラガラ[ゴロゴロ]鳴る音




I heard rumblings that this here may be a murder scene. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your reeking secrets. (リッパ―ストリート)


She's on the side of goodness, willing to turn against her own Pappy out of noble rectitude. (リッパ―ストリート)


She must live under the shadow of her renegade father? (リッパ―ストリート)


Will you tell her that I love her? To remember that of me, if nought else. (リッパ―ストリート)


by right of…の権利で,…の理由で

He took the chair by right of seniority.

By right of that which all of us who police this great city hold dearest to our hearts, I write of justice. (リッパ―ストリート)


The eyes are (the) windows to the soul. : 目は心の窓である。

Eyes are windows to the soul, they say. You spy the semblance of one? 魂に似たものを俺はあるのか? (リッパ―ストリート)


You did mention historic trauma, to the head. - Yeah. Took a proper stovin' in the ring, all right.



One of you sawbones. (リッパ―ストリート)


Can't you tell that boy is shit-scared? (リッパ―ストリート)


The kid made off, before I could... - Bested by a woe-strapped nipper. (リッパ―ストリート)


The place's been scrubbed. Entire place has been scoured. (リッパ―ストリート)


The murderer who stalked Whitechapel. (リッパ―ストリート)


He now stalks these marshes. (リッパ―ストリート)


Who should I find but steady Ed and the American. (リッパ―ストリート)


Miss Morton is currently scouring Spitalfields for any sight of him. (リッパ―ストリート)


The boy will seek him out. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your direct superior. 直属の上司(リッパ―ストリート)


She must live under the shadow of her renegade father? (リッパ―ストリート)


He still thinks himself a man of stature. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is strange to see the Captain thus. A man so given to degenerate proclivities and carnal oblivion. - To see him thus, how? – Fatherly to a child. (リッパ―ストリート)


The Thames is over 300 feet wide, but the Lea is a tributary. (リッパ―ストリート)


The Thames is over 300 feet wide, but the Lea is a tributary. It dwindles. It meanders. With a map of the Lea 's course gradients and tide times, we could recover the dead bodies from the water. (リッパ―ストリート)


She took to sharing with me. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your conjecture that the toothsome villain said to be Abel Croker, deceased, is neither Abel Croker, nor deceased. 人食いの悪党(リッパ―ストリート)


You have traipsed his filth. - My apologies. Them marshes are sodden. Then again, Mr. Dove, I gather you have a gift for cleaning. ダブさん、死体を片付けたように掃除にも才能がありますよね。(皮肉)(リッパ―ストリート)


Reid's daughter, her loyalties have turned against his favour. (リッパ―ストリート)


They thought to pass the note to me. (リッパ―ストリート)


The dead man will be the heavier of the two. (リッパ―ストリート)


I get out of Whitechapel also. And for good unaided.  (リッパ―ストリート)


Them shackles are unbecoming for a man of stature. (リッパ―ストリート)


Vis-a-vis the infamous cannibal golem of Whitechapel. (リッパ―ストリート)


He rolls the bodies into the rug, puts them in the cart, wheels it down to the water. (リッパ―ストリート)


He have weighed the bodies. 死体に重りをつけた(リッパ―ストリート)


My guess is he probably weighed down the dead bodies just enough to let the current take them. (リッパ―ストリート)


Anything heavy in the water would most likely be washed aground. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will not see your memory washed away. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will wait upon it. 吉報を待っているYour work has been exemplary. (リッパ―ストリート)


Eyes are windows to the soul, they say. You spy the semblance of one? 魂に似たものを俺はあるのか? (リッパ―ストリート)




Do you imagine making the boy feel an ass will inspire loyalty and diligence? (リッパ―ストリート)


All well today, Mr. Thatcher? - Yeah, all well. (リッパ―ストリート)


What's afoot here? (リッパ―ストリート)


How often has Miss Sumner afforded you a kindness and what have you afforded her in return? (リッパ―ストリート)


I see great things ahead for you. (リッパ―ストリート)


Got some jam. It's blackcurrant. (リッパ―ストリート)


He has borne your sins for the world. He died for you. (リッパ―ストリート)


Best make my way. 帰ります(リッパ―ストリート)


May we offer you supper? It's no banquet. (リッパ―ストリート)


My mother died bearing my younger brother. お産で母は亡くなった。(リッパ―ストリート)


Can you help with the brazier? 火鉢(リッパ―ストリート)


Mama ran with us to the cart, put us in the burlap. 幼い俺たちを母は布の中に隠した。(リッパ―ストリート)


Scale-fingered barrow-wailer. 魚臭い行商人(リッパ―ストリート)


When the sun returned, everything was shining, all the glittering blades. (リッパ―ストリート)


I felt this was a matter best not delayed. (リッパ―ストリート)


Well, a fugitive he may be, but Mr. Reid remains your father. (CSV) (リッパ―ストリート)


How'd you come upon the cottage? 手に入れる(リッパ―ストリート)


If there was any way you could help us with our business, there'd be coin in it. (リッパ―ストリート)


If you have need of a little extra coin, we have need for an extra pair of hands. (リッパ―ストリート)


You cheerily see me on a rope. 俺が絞首刑になるのを喜んで見るのか。(リッパ―ストリート)


There will be a raise in wage commensurate with your new standing. (リッパ―ストリート)


His cottage was just downriver. (リッパ―ストリート)


It would be dereliction of my duty to permit abilities such as yours to go undernourished and unrewarded. (リッパ―ストリート)


Feel most free to relocate yourself. ご自由に出て行ってください。(皮肉)(リッパ―ストリート)


Nathaniel fished our eels. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's no banquet. Furry stew and potato, full belly for your hard work. (リッパ―ストリート)


Perhaps you'll see fit to call me "Prudence."  下の名前プルーデンスで私を呼んでください。(リッパ―ストリート)


The streets beyond these walls turn fiercer against us. Every resident of this borough made into Shine's henchman. シャインと奴の部下が俺たちを探している。(リッパ―ストリート)


Howdy, Thatcher. (リッパ―ストリート)


It was dark. I could hear just screams and hooves. (リッパ―ストリート)


I would not have you without entertainment. (リッパ―ストリート)


I don't see an animal in you, Nathaniel. I see a hurt, lonely boy. (リッパ―ストリート)


The good Commissioner Dove has high hopes for Drummond. On the other hand the good Inspector Shine has very low hopes for you. (リッパ―ストリート)


Every day we spend imprisoned here. the streets beyond these walls turn fiercer against us. (リッパ―ストリート)


This is a hell of an informant we have, huh? (リッパ―ストリート)


Excuse me for lateness. (リッパ―ストリート)


There's not so much as resembles the animal. (リッパ―ストリート)


You're the man of the house now. (リッパ―ストリート)


I had practised enough mothering though. (リッパ―ストリート)


No need trouble him. (リッパ―ストリート)


I always overcharge the bloody Hebrews. (リッパ―ストリート)


Potted meat. 缶詰(リッパ―ストリート)


He has been poorly. (リッパ―ストリート)


You might visit with the pup. - The pup? Yeah, your boy, Connor. (リッパ―ストリート)


Makes him my nephew, does it not? (リッパ―ストリート)


The pup needs help is all. (リッパ―ストリート)


My father had been poorly for some time. (リッパ―ストリート)


Fresh fish! Fresh fish! Eels and pike and cods and perch! (行商人のセリフ) (リッパ―ストリート)


Fresh fish! Fresh fish! Eels and pike and cods and perch! (行商人のセリフ) (リッパ―ストリート)


You'd already done plenty. (リッパ―ストリート)


You'd pissed off from these parts. (リッパ―ストリート)


He's at play in the garden with his animal. 遊んでいる(リッパ―ストリート)


peacocking : Behaviour by men that shows they are very proud of their appearance, for example wearing clothes that make people notice them. Peacocking is something men do to highlight their strong points and stand out from their competition.

So, get out of that peacocking ponce frock and into that there tunic. 気取った服を脱いで制服に着替えろ。(リッパ―ストリート)


This life here is only until Edmund Reid is reckoned for. - He will be reckoned for when? (リッパ―ストリート)


He wishes to pay respects. 彼はお悔みを言いに来ました。(リッパ―ストリート)


Since I've been here, I've not seen a single soul but Mr. Sumner. (リッパ―ストリート)


He puts his snout to the very cobbles of Whitechapel for scent of you. 奴はお前を探している。(リッパ―ストリート)


He don't confide in me his stratagems. (リッパ―ストリート)


The Knife sharpening. (リッパ―ストリート)


We had tulips, poppies and yellow stonecrop. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your feet shall scarcely scrape a cell room floor before you dangle through the noose man's trap.捕まったら彼らは縄男の罠にかかってぶら下がる。(リッパ―ストリート)


Then you appeared overnight like a toadstool. (リッパ―ストリート)


You can catch eels by the dozen, but you can't skin and gut 'em for toffee. (リッパ―ストリート)


Was he kind? - For a time. しばらくは(リッパ―ストリート)


How did you get in here? - Came up a towpath. (リッパ―ストリート)


I thought to visit ya. (リッパ―ストリート)


He thinks me animal. (リッパ―ストリート)


Take him to your tit, did you? 奴に胸をさらけたのか(リッパ―ストリート)


Father used to go upriver for his eels. (リッパ―ストリート)


It would be dereliction of my duty to permit abilities such as yours to go undernourished and unrewarded. (リッパ―ストリート)


I brought you victuals. (リッパ―ストリート)


My house is not your wastebasket. (リッパ―ストリート)



Scale-fingered barrow-wailer. 魚臭い行商人(リッパ―ストリート)


All will be well. (リッパ―ストリート)


They'd stripped Sergeant Thatcher? - All but for the hat he sports. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's not as if his wife was the sole focus of his ardour. 愛人がいた(リッパ―ストリート)


The theatre is ready to admit audiences yet? (リッパ―ストリート)


You trust these people? - They are not one-time lovers of mine, but that aside, yes, I do. (リッパ―ストリート)


I wanna know you're safe, is all. (リッパ―ストリート)


Albeit slight, there are opportunities there. (リッパ―ストリート)


They need your urgent attendance at Leman Street, sir. (リッパ―ストリート)


Has this police force assumed their tormentor dead? (リッパ―ストリート)


This neighbourhood is aburst with women who wish to hide their information from the police? (リッパ―ストリート)


You stand accused? (リッパ―ストリート)


I'll meet you after. (リッパ―ストリート)


He's as wicked a man as any I've met. (リッパ―ストリート)


Why does Edmund Reid have such an itch in his britches that he breaks cover to trap him? (リッパ―ストリート)


Why does Edmund Reid have such an itch in his britches that he breaks cover to trap him? (リッパ―ストリート)


This man, whose reputation you now burnish. (リッパ―ストリート)


Collapsing wall may be buttressed. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will foot the bill myself. (リッパ―ストリート)


Will you brew a pot of tea? (リッパ―ストリート)


You moan like a bitch, I shall slap you like one. (リッパ―ストリート)


He does not draw breath without strategy. (リッパ―ストリート)


make good copy いい新聞ダネになる

it must be said, he makes good copy. (リッパ―ストリート)


Aren't you all so cute? (リッパ―ストリート)


Edmund Reid is cheered to the skies as he runs through our streets. (リッパ―ストリート)


This neighbourhood, the people require simple paradigms... good, bad, justice, villainy. These ideas become confused in their heads, the social fabric of these streets is sewn with a brittle thread. That thread breaks, the carapace of civility falls away with it. (リッパ―ストリート)


A snitch reported, sir, and I thought his intelligence worth a coin. (リッパ―ストリート)


Once joined by cock and cunny? (リッパ―ストリート)


Alternative concealment. (リッパ―ストリート)


The catalogue of vexations I suffer as a result of you coming back into my life. (リッパ―ストリート)


What am I today, the world's chopping block? サンドバック(リッパ―ストリート)


Why not simply make your denial and cast me out? (リッパ―ストリート)


Where is Shine? - Drowning in his own poison and conceit, for all I care. (リッパ―ストリート)


Down the years. (リッパ―ストリート)


He cuts quite the dash with his cool eye. (リッパ―ストリート)


What I drive at is this. (リッパ―ストリート)


We will talk of that man in due course. (リッパ―ストリート)


Extrajudicial murder. (リッパ―ストリート)


An exemplary hacker such as yourself would not entertain such stories without also gathering your own evidence. (リッパ―ストリート)


My princess of the faeren. (リッパ―ストリート)


The people are fickle. (リッパ―ストリート)


The falsies? 偽の歯(リッパ―ストリート)


Our readers are fickle. (リッパ―ストリート)


The social fabric of these streets is sewn with a brittle thread. (リッパ―ストリート)


You grow ever more fetching to my eye. (リッパ―ストリート)


The risk of a fire in a place so full of the flammable. (リッパ―ストリート)


How fares my boy? (リッパ―ストリート)


Do not be frighted. (リッパ―ストリート)


Dental Supplies. Ain't none of you in need of falsies last time I saw ya. (リッパ―ストリート)


All gaming houses. (リッパ―ストリート)


Now I tire of your lies, girly. (リッパ―ストリート)


Best you and your merry band get about it. (リッパ―ストリート)


Just get about your work, husband, and I shall get about mine. (リッパ―ストリート)


Break down the iron grill. (リッパ―ストリート)


Now, I tire of it, girly. (リッパ―ストリート)


The governess. As fierce and shrewish a harridan as ever scolded a boy. (リッパ―ストリート)


How do you find Mr. Dove? - Too upright by half.  (リッパ―ストリート)


There's a chewed up cadaver, which is now pronounced a hoax. (リッパ―ストリート)


More inquiring minds might also ask themselves the question. (リッパ―ストリート)


What is it irks you? (リッパ―ストリート)


As if I am some irksome landlady. (リッパ―ストリート)


If we roused each and every twat that man has inspected, we will be old and grey. 奴が性的関係を持った女を調べていたらきりがないぞ(リッパ―ストリート)


Now it is in your interest to be candid with me. (リッパ―ストリート)


It’s good in that you understand the moral imperative of the truth. (リッパ―ストリート)


Far from an isolated occurrence. (リッパ―ストリート)


You speak, or you shall know the full immensity of Jedediah Shine's displeasure. (リッパ―ストリート)


The wolves have so indelibly marked his soul. (リッパ―ストリート)


So how will you explain your kinship with this man? (リッパ―ストリート)


Why not get the fire lit? (リッパ―ストリート)


That is a loathsome hat you’re wearing. (リッパ―ストリート)


Tea and biscuits are not the only items we have a liking for. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is kept on a short line. 監視されている(リッパ―ストリート)


For full autopsy. For certainty! - Certainty? Well, that is a luxury in my experience 無駄ですよ(リッパ―ストリート)


Will you brew a pot of tea and show Miss Castello to the private office above. That is, if Mr. Shine will allow for the loan of it. シャインさんが貸してくれるならですが。(リッパ―ストリート)


See how bite marks are around the edges. Lower lividity, (リッパ―ストリート)


They are a lure. リュアー(リッパ―ストリート)


Promise me you will be vigilant, take no risks. - I will be the meekest man you ever did see. (リッパ―ストリート)


The newspaper makes mention of your notoriety? (リッパ―ストリート)


Break the mortis. (リッパ―ストリート)


That fire will not stop till it meets the river. (リッパ―ストリート)


Best you and your merry band get about it. (リッパ―ストリート)


The killer has been hidden away by his brother for his mania. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Dove, by necessity, moving mountains to see blame shifted. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's the menagerie. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Dove, by necessity, moves mountains to see blame shifted. (リッパ―ストリート)


When? - This morning. About nigh on four, perhaps. (リッパ―ストリート)


Naked savagery. (リッパ―ストリート)


That nonchalance is just a pose behind which he hides a tearful, fearful heart. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Dove, by necessity, moves mountains to see blame shifted. (リッパ―ストリート)


You have my oath on it. (リッパ―ストリート)


They are not one-time lovers of mine. かつての恋人(リッパ―ストリート)


If we wait any longer, this stiff's gonna be beyond purpose. この死体は目的を果たさなくなる(リッパ―ストリート)


A child's parlour game. (リッパ―ストリート)


Prise the flesh away. (リッパ―ストリート)


You penned the report. (リッパ―ストリート)


In this neighbourhood, the people require simple paradigms, good, bad, justice, villainy. (リッパ―ストリート)


My plastering in the theatre is not all I'd wish it to be. (リッパ―ストリート)


This profanity is part of some strategy. (リッパ―ストリート)


Philanthropic benefactor. (リッパ―ストリート)


I’ll pin you to the wall. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Edmund Reid may have cause to reflect on whether, as H Division's head man, he ever knew the popularity as its most urgent quarry. 獲物、追求物(リッパ―ストリート)


This man is in rigour. (リッパ―ストリート)


You have the town roused. (リッパ―ストリート)


The lighting rigs. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your severed heads will be displayed on the iron railings. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm tearing it up from the roots now. (リッパ―ストリート)


Hold the evening run! 新聞(リッパ―ストリート)


All that may harm us will be put to rest. (リッパ―ストリート)


The river sprites carried you ashore. (リッパ―ストリート)


This stiff'. 死体(リッパ―ストリート)


It will be my greatest endeavour to see you do not lack for a single thing. (リッパ―ストリート)


You have paid a snitch for old gossip.(リッパ―ストリート)


It is the case that you and Captain Jackson once stepped out? (リッパ―ストリート)


You mean a simile? - Although "stepped out" is perhaps more of a metaphor? (リッパ―ストリート)


I will not have you soft-soap me. (リッパ―ストリート)


Jedediah Shine is not a man I would have set any further sights on you. (VOC) 奴には君のことをさらに追ってほしくない。(リッパ―ストリート)


Some strategy at its end sees you restored, these two gone away, and that man Dove punished for all he has done. (SVOCOCOC) (リッパ―ストリート)


He is a stout, fine young man. (リッパ―ストリート)


The governess. As fierce and shrewish a harridan as ever scolded a boy. (リッパ―ストリート)


The scuttle. バケツ(リッパ―ストリート)


That is but a spit from this address here. とても近い距離(リッパ―ストリート)


This man, Croker, your case was made sound. これもクローカーの仕業か(リッパ―ストリート)


Despite our sternest efforts. (リッパ―ストリート)


He set about the suspect. (リッパ―ストリート)


Who is this lady here in Whitechapel? - Well to do, fine silk, fine hair, fine carriage. - Slum tourist? (リッパ―ストリート)


I am accustomed to those of your sex being a sight more polite than this. 女性はもっと礼儀正しいほうがいい。(リッパ―ストリート)


You don't have the stomach for my work. (リッパ―ストリート)


Word of rare beasts’ arrivals will be seething on that dockside. (リッパ―ストリート)


You seem very sure of yourself. - Of certain things I am. (リッパ―ストリート)


The love that I feel for you, it only swells further. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm sure your new master will see you rewarded. (リッパ―ストリート)


The people are fickle. - [Sighs] Ooh, they are that. (リッパ―ストリート)


Pulling the tiger's tail. (リッパ―ストリート)


A snitch reported, sir, and I thought his intelligence worth a coin. - That being? (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm sure a great many believe he cuts quite the dash with his cool eye. I'll admit such cynicism quite had me taken for a while. そして、そのような皮肉に、私はしばらくの間、心を奪われていたことを認めよう。(リッパ―ストリート)


You must be near term. もうすぐ生まれそうね(リッパ―ストリート)


It’s good in that you understand the moral imperative of the truth. (リッパ―ストリート)


Care to share, Mr. Dove? - All in good time, Mr. Shine. (リッパ―ストリート)


Now I tire of your lies, girly. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do not think me ignorant. (リッパ―ストリート)


The records would have their uses. (リッパ―ストリート)


The catalogue of vexations I suffer as a result of you coming back into my life. (リッパ―ストリート)


Who is this lady? - Well to do, fine silk, fine hair, fine carriage. - Slum tourist? (リッパ―ストリート)


The wire says only that they need your urgent attendance at Leman Street, sir. (リッパ―ストリート)


I feel the urge but I feel also that it may be withstood. 抑える (リッパ―ストリート)


I have a thought on how that might be addressed. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm pleased to make your acquaintance(リッパ―ストリート)


A worthy antagonist. (リッパ―ストリート)


Dehydration would have brought him to a mad delirium. (リッパ―ストリート)


A bullock sack like you. (リッパ―ストリート)


brain in a jar / brain in a vat :  The scenario involves a mad scientist that might remove a person's brain from the body, suspend it in a vat of life-sustaining liquid, and connect its neurons by wires to a supercomputer that would provide it with electrical impulses identical to those a brain normally receives.

Mr. Reid's files were photographed and their size then shrunk by a ratio of 160 to 1 with this machine. - His brain made put in glass, is it? 奴のデータがそこにあるということだな。(リッパ―ストリート)


What breed is your dog? - Bull Terrier, a brute of a thing. (リッパ―ストリート)


You have some brass to come here. (リッパ―ストリート)


Who is it brews the coffee here? (リッパ―ストリート)


Would you do my bidding? (リッパ―ストリート)


What he said about resurrection. That I was born to my father twice. (リッパ―ストリート)


A closed casket. (リッパ―ストリート)


We must continue to cower, must we? (リッパ―ストリート)


These charges are truthful or cooked? (リッパ―ストリート)


She cannot but try to retake her son. (リッパ―ストリート)


He's correct on both counts. (リッパ―ストリート)


Find the coordinates of this next pit fight. 場所(リッパ―ストリート)


All applicants are to form a line and hand their credentials in here. (リッパ―ストリート)


They construct this event to draw us out. 奴らは俺たちをおびき寄せるためにこれを画策した。(リッパ―ストリート)


We shall see their claws pulled from them first. 奴らの機先を制する。(リッパ―ストリート)


He was left there alone in conditions which defy imagination. (リッパ―ストリート)


The new place is diverting for a while. When I'm there, I think of here. (リッパ―ストリート)


I wish you only to know this. Whatever may pass, you will always have a defender in me. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Dove, good man of the law that he is, must also register his new domicile for gas, waterworks, the like. (リッパ―ストリート)


They defer the law. We... we are the law. (リッパ―ストリート)


She can be dissuaded with firearms. (リッパ―ストリート)


We here are currently exercised by graver matter. (リッパ―ストリート)


I used his integrity to my own ends. (リッパ―ストリート)


I would feel it an honour to lay my eyes upon her. (リッパ―ストリート)


Was the man fitted for the crime? (リッパ―ストリート)


He chooses to fix his will to vengeance. (リッパ―ストリート)


fall on one's ass 〈卑俗〉尻もちをつく、ケツから落ちる

I for one should be happy to walk alongside such a great man. - Aye, fall on your ass. あとで痛い目にあうぞ(リッパ―ストリート)


You are a frock-coated gentleman? (リッパ―ストリート)


Lamb chops. Costly eating to give away to an animal. Is he fattening up the dog? (リッパ―ストリート)


See there, tending to his flock. (リッパ―ストリート)


Forever more! 今後永久に(リッパ―ストリート)


I'm fierce glad to be here. (リッパ―ストリート)


Ghastly fate. (リッパ―ストリート)


His gruffness. He's barely spoken two words since. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your new governess. (リッパ―ストリート)


Let the heavens fall. (リッパ―ストリート)


He's a proper heavy weigh.t 大物(リッパ―ストリート)


Bring in this man. This retribution will be the highest of high days. (リッパ―ストリート)

high day祭日や祝日


You think I give two hoots to be made dead? (リッパ―ストリート)


Is it you that warms the stone hearth of Miss Mathilda Reid? マチルダの面倒を見ているのは君か。(リッパ―ストリート)


We hunt your pappy. (リッパ―ストリート)


Don’t worry were that your chief concern. (リッパ―ストリート)


Idle tongue. (リッパ―ストリート)


That is valuable intelligence. - Don't I know it. (リッパ―ストリート)


Tell me why you're here, I'll tell you where he is likewise. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mighty relief. (リッパ―ストリート)


A foul-mouthed mudlarking boy. (リッパ―ストリート)


Can you bring to mind any man of these parts who might have need for a 0.45 cartridge? (リッパ―ストリート)


Nigh on 50 nicker. (リッパ―ストリート)


Nigh on 50 nicker. (リッパ―ストリート)


His name is Nathaniel. A nudge two yards in height. (リッパ―ストリート)


Ought we not to... (リッパ―ストリート)


There is no equality in that fact, nor ought there to be. (リッパ―ストリート)


Ought I to release you? (リッパ―ストリート)


My dog ain't the petting kind. - What kind is he? The killing kind. (リッパ―ストリート)


You're in no place to offer her your protection. (リッパ―ストリート)


What is took from you, sir? (リッパ―ストリート)


I'll have my pension on it. それに賭けてもいい。(リッパ―ストリート)


I see your life's all packed away. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have given your son away. To a life that you will not prise him from. (リッパ―ストリート)


My, you are a quick fellow. What else does that quick wit of yours ponder? (リッパ―ストリート)


In that state, he had chewed his own tongue to ribbons. (リッパ―ストリート)


He grows restless. (リッパ―ストリート)


Has he threatened you? - No, Quite the reverse, in fact. (リッパ―ストリート)


I sorrowed for you. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have a sense of where Croker may have hid the treasure. (リッパ―ストリート)


From the sound of it, he's entirely the stripe of man required for this sink. (リッパ―ストリート)


From the sound of it, he's entirely the stripe of man required for this sink. (リッパ―ストリート)


You're hardly a scaffolder. 死刑囚(リッパ―ストリート)


They will have me at Blackpool for a season. (リッパ―ストリート)


A street crier would be unwise. (リッパ―ストリート)


The dog was raised for violence, raised for blood. That dog was bought as such. (リッパ―ストリート)


You're not so spry now. (リッパ―ストリート)


Ought I to release you? - I don't know, sir. It's for you to say. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do not sling your accusations at me. (リッパ―ストリート)


You took your sweet time. (リッパ―ストリート)


My heart has sorely missed you, son. (リッパ―ストリート)


Sergeant Thatcher, the unreliable stripe of copper, is he? (リッパ―ストリート)


That which Mr. Reid is accused of. (リッパ―ストリート)


You don't think I can deal with that turd. (リッパ―ストリート)


Why not turn us out to the streets? (リッパ―ストリート)


We have far too much in common not to be friends. (リッパ―ストリート)


You dance there on your tippy toes. (つま先立ち) (リッパ―ストリート)


He is meticulous, our desk sergeant. - Oh, he is that. (リッパ―ストリート)


I know you too vain a man not to now be watching your own acts. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have thirsted long and hard for this fight! (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm in your house, my feet under your table. (リッパ―ストリート)


His whereabouts remain unknown. (リッパ―ストリート)


Who was this man, Croker? - A wharfinger, a nobody. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's only weariness stops me killing myself. (リッパ―ストリート)


Our son is now the ward of Augustus Dove. (リッパ―ストリート)


woolworks  A factory for processing wool.

The old wool works. (リッパ―ストリート)


The ruckus what saw these dogs set loose. (リッパ―ストリート)


We’ll be there lying in wait. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am well. Samuel Drummond keeps a weather eye. (リッパ―ストリート)


The charcoal works. 工場(リッパ―ストリート)


His name is Nathaniel. A nudge two yards in height. (リッパ―ストリート)


Such friends do not walk arm in arm. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was apprehended in the process of selling stolen goods. (リッパ―ストリート)


Should I not accept a carriage ride home when all about is uproar? (リッパ―ストリート)


All will be well. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm not your brother in outlaw arms. (リッパ―ストリート)


Now, this will break him from his cover. これが奴をさらけだすことになるぞ。(リッパ―ストリート)


In daylight, breaking camp, I see them. (リッパ―ストリート)


You've arranged our berths, then? 船は用意してくれた(リッパ―ストリート)


Inspectors be bolloxed. (リッパ―ストリート)


Bloody thieving, conniving, backstabbing Americans. (リッパ―ストリート)


She has brung herself here. (リッパ―ストリート)


Tilda Reid, the girl born to me twice. 一度失ったが戻ってきた娘よ。(リッパ―ストリート)


Your ever-burgeoning eminence needs protection from him. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is my blood. (リッパ―ストリート)


The vase is worth a bundle. (リッパ―ストリート)


You do not know the bare start of it. (リッパ―ストリート)


In the Russian empire, the czars drove out the Jews. (リッパ―ストリート)


This wrong constituted an abandonment. (リッパ―ストリート)


What he's done, I can only leave that on your conscience. 奴のことはお前の良心にまかせる(リッパ―ストリート)


Our dead room reaches capacity. これ以上の死体の収容は無理だ(リッパ―ストリート)


This is our bloody collar. 俺たちが逮捕する(リッパ―ストリート)


I know you punch like a choir boy. へなちょこパンチだな。(リッパ―ストリート)


out of condition : Not healthy enough for hard physical exercise, as a result of not taking part in sport or other physical activities:

When he started boxing, he was overweight and out of condition.

You're out of conditioning. (リッパ―ストリート)


All that you have constructed about yourself now, Drake, is a man of peace, a man of hope. (リッパ―ストリート)


All that you have constructed about yourself now, Drake, is a man of peace, a man of hope. It's a relief for me to see it. Just how brittle a carapace that was, how little a man can change. (リッパ―ストリート)


You have camouflaged yourself with great skill. (リッパ―ストリート)


That curiosity shop. (リッパ―ストリート)


I cannot make that my life sole calling. (リッパ―ストリート)


Hoping to make our capture. (リッパ―ストリート)


A further diaspora, Christians fleeing north from the Balkan peninsula. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your eyes do not deceive you, Mathilda. It is her. お前の見ているものは本物だ。(リッパ―ストリート)


They made their eventual way to London. (リッパ―ストリート)


The screams erupt from the darkness. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your ever-burgeoning eminence needs protection from him. (リッパ―ストリート)


Although I make daily requests for details, none are forthcoming from the station house. (リッパ―ストリート)


The brothers felt themselves to be shaped and fathered by the beast. (リッパ―ストリート)


Captain Jackson is not in his rooms. - Usual gin and flop houses? (リッパ―ストリート)


What is it you want, small fry? (リッパ―ストリート)


Fix me up with some brandy because my head is broke. (リッパ―ストリート)


I see your rage. I do, but do not feed it. (リッパ―ストリート)


You know full well we are friends. (リッパ―ストリート)


What gives? (リッパ―ストリート)


Anyway you choose to slice it, you're up to your guts in this. 深くかかわっている(リッパ―ストリート)


That's a good many questions. (リッパ―ストリート)


You would have been ground down for bread had it not been for me. (リッパ―ストリート)


That blood is on my hands. 私が殺したんだ(リッパ―ストリート)


On your head be it then, woman. (リッパ―ストリート)


Let us hazard you killed perhaps, two or three more along the way. Six, say it. (リッパ―ストリート)


Eat out my heart. But all you will find there is dust. 俺の心を食らってもそこには塵しかねぇぜ。(リッパ―ストリート)


I believe, Assistant Commissioner Dove to be implicated. (リッパ―ストリート)


Assistant Commissioner Dove, who proceeds to injunct all details of your case. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am faithless. - You are not, Rose. You are nothing of the kind. (リッパ―ストリート)


Kraken : An enormous mythical sea monster said to appear off the coast of Norway.

He is the teeth of the hurricane, he's your kraken waking. (リッパ―ストリート)


Find out who lumps such tobacco ashore. (リッパ―ストリート)


Yourself, myself attached to Whitechapel as if by lead weights on a riverbed. (リッパ―ストリート)


Augustus, he ain't your mainsail. He ain't even your anchor. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am you. It will only be a looking in the mirror after all. (リッパ―ストリート)


Feel this needful, do you? (リッパ―ストリート)


In such short order. (リッパ―ストリート)


Inspectors Reid and Drake to be apprehended and held on the order of Assistant Commissioner Dove. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am afraid I am perverse. Being barred from asking questions has a tendency to make ask more. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was a gyppy. He made great play of it. (リッパ―ストリート)


Three porcelain vases. (リッパ―ストリート)


Their prospects might be advanced by our shackling? 俺たちが捕まることで奴らの状況が改善するよな。(リッパ―ストリート)


I think you said your piece now. 言いたいことは言ったろ。(リッパ―ストリート)


He is past saving. (リッパ―ストリート)


You will be at peace. すぐに楽にしてやる(リッパ―ストリート)


I believe I have some instinct as to where your quarry may now hide itself. (リッパ―ストリート)


He had come to London to right a wrong. (リッパ―ストリート)


A rabid violence. (リッパ―ストリート)


He redefines himself with the new identity. (リッパ―ストリート)


I only came to run you a note. (リッパ―ストリート)


There's a rope with your name on it and soon. お前はすぐに絞首刑になるぞ。(リッパ―ストリート)


Not of current relevance. 今は関係ない。(リッパ―ストリート)


I would have given my life in recompose for all I have taken. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is a ripe stink about you now. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is no rat hole in Whitechapel where he can hide from me. (リッパ―ストリート)


I do you the respect of telling you is all. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will not stand idle whilst Whitechapel falls beneath terror. (リッパ―ストリート)


shtetl : (Historical) A small Jewish town or village in eastern Europe.

A small shtetl in Belarus where Jay's ancestors lived.

They are shtetl. - They are the towns and villages where the Jewish people of Russia were tolerated to live. (リッパ―ストリート)


Barely more than a sentence of information about the man. (リッパ―ストリート)


We were all scraps together. (リッパ―ストリート)


Boston is the best I can take you in such short order. - Boston will serve fine. (リッパ―ストリート)


any way you slice it / no matter how you slice it : (idiom mainly US informal) In whatever way the situation is considered.

He shouldn't have hit her, any way you slice it.

Anyway you choose to slice it, you're up to your guts in this. 深くかかわっている(リッパ―ストリート)


I know that you are not the stripe of man that let others suffer. (リッパ―ストリート)


It will not serve anyone to reach a conclusion that you have not seen first-hand. (リッパ―ストリート)


This is your sarcophagus, is it? (リッパ―ストリート)


Your own selfish needs and I slave to. (リッパ―ストリート)


On a hard day, you are a fine sight, Mathilda Reid. (リッパ―ストリート)


Storm blows up for a score of wherefores. (リッパ―ストリート)


Upper left thorax. (リッパ―ストリート)


The biggest truncheon. (リッパ―ストリート)


Augustus Dove himself is somehow also tangled within all. (リッパ―ストリート)


Our surgeon's taken to smoking. (リッパ―ストリート)


Tip off. (リッパ―ストリート)


I thought to deliver your wife home. - What is it you thought to deliver her from, Mr. Dove? (リッパ―ストリート)


He could have stabbed me under my ribs in a trice. (リッパ―ストリート)


Why don't you go trot back to your desk then? (リッパ―ストリート)


It is a rare blend. One cannot imagine its importers being that many and varied. (リッパ―ストリート)


I shall waive your fee. (リッパ―ストリート)


Lock this whoreson down. (リッパ―ストリート)


Storm blows up for a score of wherefores. (リッパ―ストリート)


I might consider my wits lost to me. (リッパ―ストリート)



No wonder of the woman you've become. 少女から立派な女になったな。(リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Drake, a man's body is found, murdered, so it's said. - Who is it to attend? - I feel we must. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is this violent altercation. (リッパ―ストリート)


You hide the truth of what is acted out. (リッパ―ストリート)


What would you have me do, Bennet? Avert my eyes? (リッパ―ストリート)


The man's university accreditation was found about him. (リッパ―ストリート)


The abyss will swallow Bennet Drake, will it? - It swallowed you once, if you remember. (リッパ―ストリート)


You can approximate a time of death? (リッパ―ストリート)


He'd have cleaned her ass with his tongue had she asked for it. (リッパ―ストリート)


The crime should not be broadcast abroad for fear of panic. (リッパ―ストリート)


There are plans afoot, which will see the pair of them gone. (リッパ―ストリート)


The night is a dark one. Clouds roll over. Such auguries must not be ignored. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is food aplenty. (リッパ―ストリート)


Sleep. Forget about this world awhile. (リッパ―ストリート)


The bane of my life. (リッパ―ストリート)


Her Majesty the Queen, last night, bestowed the award to Assistant Commissioner Augustus Dove. (リッパ―ストリート)


The Assistant Commissioner got a bauble for his coat. 賞を受賞した。(リッパ―ストリート)


Perhaps, I worry it is too much of an irreproachable case. できすぎた事件 [Sigh] We here cannot win but for one fault or another. (リッパ―ストリート)


You and that bauble so recently pinned to your breast. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is sleeping beyond. 向こうで寝てる(リッパ―ストリート)


Potassium nitrate make this the lock-cracker. 金庫を爆破して開ける。(リッパ―ストリート)


No less a personage than Joseph Chamberlain, conferred the honour. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are a newspaper woman. It is your job to inveigle, to connive, to seduce as a hacker. But this is low. (リッパ―ストリート)


Calfskin briefcase. (リッパ―ストリート)


The snare closes. Closes? How? I'll keep you safe here. (リッパ―ストリート)


copper-fasten (transitive, figuratively, Britain, Ireland) To reinforce, strengthen; to make permanent, embed. Make (an undertaking or agreement) firm or binding.

This government has copper-fastened social welfare payments.

Do I wait for you to show me what it is I have neglected to see? - No, 'tis copper fastened, Bennet. (リッパ―ストリート)


I do not contest that. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are charged with the people’s protection, sir. And you have failed in that mandate! (リッパ―ストリート)


The cuticle. (リッパ―ストリート)


have a care用心しろ、注意しろ

You two stop this right now. Have a care. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your murderous conniving mind. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is no call for you to be filching others. (リッパ―ストリート)


The evidence that Captain Jackson would clasp tight to his heart. (リッパ―ストリート)


Get your crockery. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are not going to deflect this on me. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was emaciated from his deprivations. (リッパ―ストリート)


This has been a day. ひどい一日だった。

It's been a day. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your little escapade. (リッパ―ストリート)


He used to make eyes at Long Susan. (リッパ―ストリート)



it is the end of myself which currently exercises you(リッパ―ストリート)


My division has known care and advancement beneath his eye. 彼の管理の下で(リッパ―ストリート)


Their senses adrift, frayed through lack of rest. (リッパ―ストリート)


The people of her faith. - She is Jewish? (リッパ―ストリート)


The frozen and famished journeys. (リッパ―ストリート)


That's because those bites were taken from the lower abdomen. It's fleshier there. (リッパ―ストリート)


It was not as though I did not remember the man fondly. I felt sad for him, not suspicious. (リッパ―ストリート)


This cannot happen again. He must be watched. And further to that, Abel, the woman you shelter, I now know who she is. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have grown fond of her. (リッパ―ストリート)


first mate 一等航海士 The officer below the master on a commercial ship. 商業船で船長の次の位に当たる人。

Where is the sea-dog? He's called away. - And the Retarded first-mate? (sea-dog熟練船乗り) (リッパ―ストリート)


I want these ghouls 10 yards further back. (リッパ―ストリート)


give as good as you get : (idiom) To be strong and confident enough to treat people in the same way that they treat you, especially in an argument or a fight:

There's a lot of teasing and fighting among the crew, and you have to be able to give as good as you get. (リッパ―ストリート)

You gave as good as you got, did you not, Thomas boy? やり返したんだろ(リッパ―ストリート)


Get you gone, woman. 消えろ(リッパ―ストリート)


They used to call the Whitechapel golem. (リッパ―ストリート)


Word would've got about. (リッパ―ストリート)


The talk had grown up of this Whitechapel golem. (リッパ―ストリート)


Let his desires grow fierce. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's time to rise and get about it. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do you disrespect this country's heraldic traditions, Sergeant? (リッパ―ストリート)


Remove this hacker and her work from the scene of the crime. (リッパ―ストリート)


go off half-cocked機が熟さないうちに行動に移す

If you go off half-cocked, you can expect to fail.  早まって行動すると、失敗しますよ。

When it comes to sweets, Jennifer goes off half-cocked.  甘いもののことになると、ジェニファーは見境がなくなる。

I'm the one that goes off half-cocked. I'm the one that doesn't think things through. (リッパ―ストリート)


on the hour正時に

every hour on the hour毎正時に

I expect updates on the hour. (リッパ―ストリート)


A heap of shit no more. (リッパ―ストリート)


Inquiring after his prospects. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are a newspaper woman. It is your job to inveigle, to connive, to seduce as a hacker. But this is low. (リッパ―ストリート)


The mandibular lower incisor is overlapped by the maxillary central incisor. An overbite. (リッパ―ストリート)


I seek only that which you seek also, Mr. Reid, that which I find endlessly injuncted from me, the truth. (リッパ―ストリート)


The case remains of interest. (リッパ―ストリート)


I was clear as to what such disobedience might then incur. (リッパ―ストリート)


If we are to do this thing, let us do it tonight. - It is intemperate. It is bold. (リッパ―ストリート)


Perhaps, I worry it is too much of an irreproachable case. できすぎた事件 [Sigh] We here cannot win but for one fault or another. (リッパ―ストリート)


These are parallel tracks where his upper incisors scraped down the skin. (リッパ―ストリート)


The full and awful details of the crime should not be broadcast abroad for fear of panic and so the newspapers were injuncted. (リッパ―ストリート)


Allow those frayed senses of yours to knit again. (リッパ―ストリート)


The mandibular lower incisor is overlapped by the maxillary central incisor. An overbite. (リッパ―ストリート)


The mandibular lower incisor is overlapped by the maxillary central incisor. An overbite. (リッパ―ストリート)


Marry in haste, repent at leisure.  : (idiom saying) This means that if you marry someone without knowing him or her very well, you will later feel sorry that you got married.

Thieve in haste, repent at leisure. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are charged with the peoples protection, sir. (リッパ―ストリート)


And you have failed in that mandate! (リッパ―ストリート)


The medulla type. (リッパ―ストリート)


The sheer bloody muck of the mistake. (リッパ―ストリート)


The error of it, sir. The sheer bloody muck of the mistake. - Not for the minding of, Inspector, not now. Not yet. 気にする必要はない(リッパ―ストリート)


There's necrosis of the fat cells. (リッパ―ストリート)


Were there naught to be done, I would stay. (リッパ―ストリート)


Ought I to just have abandoned him once more? (リッパ―ストリート)


An overbite. 出っ歯(リッパ―ストリート)


Not evidence fit for the overturning of that sentence. (リッパ―ストリート)


Potassium nitrate. (リッパ―ストリート)


No less a personage than Joseph Chamberlain, conferred the honour. (リッパ―ストリート)


I want a radius, 150 yards, all points south. 現場は半径140メートルの範囲(リッパ―ストリート)


Bring a warrant if you must press your inquiry. (リッパ―ストリート)


It must indeed come to pass that you leave us. (リッパ―ストリート)


Plans must be made, observations took. - They are made. They are took, by myself. (リッパ―ストリート)


He offered nothing of his purpose. 目的を告げなかった(リッパ―ストリート)



I tried my first plug of chewing tobacco then. そのとき初めてかみたばこをやってみた。

We found that plug of flesh. (リッパ―ストリート)


The bloody imprint of Isaac Bloom's fingerprints from the shirt placard. (リッパ―ストリート)



What purchase that support and advancement has given him here. その支援と進出が、この地で彼にどんな力を与えたのだろうか。(リッパ―ストリート)


It's a wonder where a common fellow may rise to these days? (リッパ―ストリート)


Rope the area off as good as you can. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's gravel rash. He was dragged. (リッパ―ストリート)


Such a ruck. It would not took a place on a main thoroughfare. (リッパ―ストリート)


Boy found him, raised a uniform. 通報した(リッパ―ストリート)


It raised the slightest shiver of suspicion. (リッパ―ストリート)


We will not rest till it is done. (リッパ―ストリート)


He flees from the rumpus he has no doubt made. (リッパ―ストリート)


You have heard the rumpus out there? (リッパ―ストリート)


What a run-around that was. (リッパ―ストリート)


The night is a dark one. Clouds roll over. (リッパ―ストリート)


You think you could sway him to that way of thinking? (リッパ―ストリート)


Could have been over 200 pairs of boots up and down here since sun-up. Any signs of the crime that may have been read would have been trod and kicked into obscurity. (リッパ―ストリート)


Children's scrawlings (リッパ―ストリート)


Show me, every step of the way. (リッパ―ストリート)


Well, he has me sold. (リッパ―ストリート)


See you steam away from me on still waters. (リッパ―ストリート)


I feel it on me sharp. (リッパ―ストリート)


It raised the slightest shiver of suspicion.  (リッパ―ストリート)


Tell me what our eyes now see here? (リッパ―ストリート)


We will see these streets now scoured for the cause of this murder. (リッパ―ストリート)


Static puncture marks. (リッパ―ストリート)


The flesh is torn and sheared. (リッパ―ストリート)


There are plans afoot, which will see the pair of them gone. (リッパ―ストリート)


seadog 【名】 《動物》アザラシ 《海事》熟練船乗り

Where is the sea-dog? He's called away. (熟練船乗り) (リッパ―ストリート)


well thought of :  Having a good reputation, admired or respected by others.

He was very well thought of within the club. (リッパ―ストリート)


I know how he means to be well thought of in this world. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is well thought of. I can vouch for that. (リッパ―ストリート)


Could have been over 200 pairs of boots up and down here since sun-up. Any signs of the crime that may have been read would have been trod and kicked into obscurity. (リッパ―ストリート)


I seek only that which you seek also, Mr. Reid, that which I find endlessly injuncted from me, the truth. (リッパ―ストリート)


He would have done it there and then. (リッパ―ストリート)


A notch under 250 thou. (リッパ―ストリート)


timber wolf北米北部の森林地にすむ斑の灰色オオカミ

It's a timber wolf. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will not have more blood on my tally. (リッパ―ストリート)


You have found a perfect suspect? In that search, the unimprovable evidence? (リッパ―ストリート)


There is a compelling indicator that warranted further pursuit. (リッパ―ストリート)


You will work the room. 調べる(リッパ―ストリート)


White as the beard of God.青ざめた顔(リッパ―ストリート)


Will you keep watch over us? (リッパ―ストリート)



Her heritage with a zeal, a zeal for truth. (リッパ―ストリート)


Attend an injury in the cells immediately. (リッパ―ストリート)


Comanche brave put a hunting knife through his guts. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is bashful. (リッパ―ストリート)


Have you bled the whole division? - Save you two, almost.署内の血液検査は? あなたたち2人を除いて完了しました。(リッパ―ストリート)


Do you wish me to take that machine of yours and bury it in your head? あの機械で頭をぶったたくぞ。(リッパ―ストリート)


The cause of such barring is illegal transfusion of bloods. (リッパ―ストリート)


Well, you may rest gentle, sir. That hunt is now behind you. (リッパ―ストリート)


I ordered that the carbon lights be brought and all. (リッパ―ストリート)


No hemorrhaging of the capillaries. (リッパ―ストリート)


There are no burst capillaries in his eyes. Therefore, he's not strangled. (リッパ―ストリート)


What is it that happens to blood when it decays, Captain? - It clots, does it not? (リッパ―ストリート)


That is wise counsel. Thank you. (リッパ―ストリート)


It was organ collapse. 機能不全(リッパ―ストリート)


A correlating blood match. (リッパ―ストリート)


In the crook of his elbow. (リッパ―ストリート)


As I heard it, Frank, you were asked to return in company, not alone. 同行して署に戻ってくるはずだったよな。(リッパ―ストリート)


Even if this transfusion is completed, the symptoms will only regress for a while. (リッパ―ストリート)


Whatever it is, there's no way yet on earth found to alter those cards. (リッパ―ストリート)


If I can clamp the vessel, that might buy us enough time. (リッパ―ストリート)


I always recommend a smoke when you're two pints down. Never known a head rush like it. (リッパ―ストリート)


bang / beat the drum : To speak enthusiastically about a belief or idea in order to persuade other people to support it too.

He's always beating the drum for his division, which actually has done very well .

Labour are banging the drum for a united Europe.

I've banged that drum. (リッパ―ストリート)


Have you seen cadavers diverted from burial pits? (リッパ―ストリート)


It's not the bloodletting that done for her, then? (リッパ―ストリート)


The dome headed sack of jelly. 弱弱しい禿げ男(リッパ―ストリート)


Had the French not done away with such things as kings? (リッパ―ストリート)


Whoever sat here was either spirited away or left on their own engine. (=left on their own  device) (リッパ―ストリート)


This poor bastard's cadaver's been exsanguinated. Every last droplet syphoned out of him. (リッパ―ストリート)


Sent his body to the London hospital for evisceration. (リッパ―ストリート)


You need to talk with the foreman. (リッパ―ストリート)


The fringes of medical practice to take blood and then preserve it. What purpose can you imagine for such an action? (リッパ―ストリート)


I never had a daughter, you know. I should have liked one, however. - What benefit do you imagine she might have carried? – Well, no ship's head was ever made from the figure of a man. (figurehead) (リッパ―ストリート)


Fugitive outlaws. (リッパ―ストリート)


Sirs, a word of caution. It ain't pretty. - God's teeth. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is not the end that is germane. It is not the end, but the means. (リッパ―ストリート)


The hematoma about the man's neck is from a rope. (リッパ―ストリート)


I always recommend a smoke when you're two pints down. Never known a head rush like it. (リッパ―ストリート)


I thought you were a doctor, Probyn. For such sights with blood were humdrum. (リッパ―ストリート)


An inherited disease of the blood, haemophilia. (リッパ―ストリート)


Get a hansom to French Embassy. (リッパ―ストリート)


You goddamn imbecile. (リッパ―ストリート)


Careful now, Captain. He isn't fond of such invective. (リッパ―ストリート)


This is indigo staining. (リッパ―ストリート)


His body inverted. And it entirely exsanguinated. (逆さづりにされ) (リッパ―ストリート)


I do not believe you would allow me to rest here ignorant of who I am. (リッパ―ストリート)


You had a moral imperative. (リッパ―ストリート)


One might consider it a moral imperative to seek to spare a child from such suffering. (リッパ―ストリート)


We can't just go in there thundering with our irons out. (リッパ―ストリート)


Vampires? - When the Count comes to London, he makes his lair in Whitechapel. (リッパ―ストリート)


Ligature marks. Then he was strangled, killed. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am eager to know what latest there is concerning Samuel Drummond. (リッパ―ストリート)


lobcock  1. (dated) A large, flaccid penis. 2. (dated) A dull, sluggish person. A lubber. A lob.

Then stop being a lobcock. (リッパ―ストリート)


We're going to try a vessel ligation. Hand me those forceps. (リッパ―ストリート)


Inner mucous membrane undamaged. (リッパ―ストリート)


The kind of work that puts me in mind of you. お前を思い出す(リッパ―ストリート)


Many is a fellow to have lost his life on my account. (リッパ―ストリート)


“Do no harm.” It's the first and most abiding maxim by which you practise by. (リッパ―ストリート)


She would be paid 1,000 times over. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'll have the men pick the market clean, sir. 探す(リッパ―ストリート)


Scurvy. Privation suffered on a migrant's passage perhaps. (リッパ―ストリート)


You know where Wyoming is, Drummond? - It's in America, I imagine. - Take a prize. 正解だ(リッパ―ストリート)


High mountain passes. Full of virgin snow. (リッパ―ストリート)


I think me and you may yet escape this particular pickle in one piece. (リッパ―ストリート)


The parasitic cannibalism of our young women. (リッパ―ストリート)


An inherited disease of the blood, haemophilia. But it can be managed with skill and care. Worse than, rarer, incurable even. Porphyria. It's a discolouration of the teeth, anaemia, photosensitivity. (リッパ―ストリート)


They soon packed up their moaning. (リッパ―ストリート)


You sat here this whole night? What is this book robs you of your rest? (リッパ―ストリート)


Your lady is no rash girl. (リッパ―ストリート)


Skin penetrated at the jugular, at the radial beneath the bicep. (リッパ―ストリート)


The syphon was not used to drain her. On the contrary, she's replete. (リッパ―ストリート)


kick rocks : This is an informal colloquial expression in English that is often used as a way of telling someone to go away or leave. It can be used to dismiss someone, express frustration, or indicate that someone is not welcome. The phrase is considered slang and might be used in casual, informal settings.

You and I are out to kick some rocks over. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your visits are a ray of sunshine. Here, come, sit. Join me. (リッパ―ストリート)


His blood piped from him into her through the puncture in her neck. Only she feels her body rebel, the panic of it, and runs. (リッパ―ストリート)


If one has gone astray, then it has not done so from within my remit. (リッパ―ストリート)


The symptoms will only regress for a while. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am relieved of my duties . 解雇された(リッパ―ストリート)


On reflection, you should not. (リッパ―ストリート)


I doubt she now rows a skiff to Dunkirk. She will not be far. (リッパ―ストリート)


This poor bastard's cadaver's been exsanguinated. Every last droplet syphoned out of him. (リッパ―ストリート)


She was alive while they tried to syphon blood from her. (リッパ―ストリート)


She hoped to staunch the blood flow. (リッパ―ストリート)


He staved his mother-in-law's head in with a fire iron. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do you wish me to showboat further? (リッパ―ストリート)


Scorbutic tongue. (リッパ―ストリート)


Teeth as loose as the keys in a saloon piano. (リッパ―ストリート)


Scurvy. Privation suffered on a migrant's passage perhaps. (リッパ―ストリート)


That's the model scarring of seamstress needles. (リッパ―ストリート)


She's been sweated. 工場労働者(リッパ―ストリート)


not sothat SV とても~なのでSVであるとまでは言えない。

The numbers are not so swollen that finding one such from a Whitechapel sweatshop should be beyond us. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is a medical stripe of man we search for. (リッパ―ストリート)


See her returned. 面倒を見る(リッパ―ストリート)


I am provided with but a modest stipend. (リッパ―ストリート)


He'd been struck off as a doctor. (リッパ―ストリート)


Many is a fellow to have lost his life on my account. (リッパ―ストリート)


You be calm in this score. (リッパ―ストリート)


That husband of yours stalking back into my life with his threats. (リッパ―ストリート)


Would you take a turn around to London this afternoon? (リッパ―ストリート)


It wasn't a robbing that caused her death. There was a good deal too much trouble taken for that. 強盗殺人にしては手が込みすぎている。(リッパ―ストリート)


He is bashful. And timidity, so the world insists, is the preserver of our sex. (リッパ―ストリート)


Dracula. The evil Transylvanian Count. (リッパ―ストリート)


We can't just go in there thundering with our irons out. (リッパ―ストリート)


A tarpaulin. (リッパ―ストリート)


High mountain passes. Full of virgin snow. (リッパ―ストリート)


I can't abide a caged bird. (リッパ―ストリート)


They was at each other always. お互い争っていた。(リッパ―ストリート)


Charlie Tanner was found here, huh? - Your wizardry ever astounds. (皮肉) (リッパ―ストリート)


I must be about my day. お先に失礼します(リッパ―ストリート)


形容詞後置修飾 A postpositive adjective or postnominal adjective is an adjective that is placed after the noun or pronoun that it modifies, as in noun phrases such as attorney general, queen regnant, or all matters financial. This contrasts with prepositive adjectives, which come before the noun or pronoun, as in noun phrases such as red rose, lucky contestant, or busy bees. In some languages (Spanish, Welsh, Indonesian, etc.), the postpositive placement of adjectives is the normal syntax, but in English it is largely confined to archaic and poetic uses (e.g. "Once upon a midnight dreary", as opposed to "Once upon a dreary midnight") as well as phrases borrowed from Romance languages or Latin (e.g. heir apparent, aqua regia) and certain fixed grammatical constructions (e.g. "Those anxious to leave soon exited").

Comanche brave put a hunting Knife through his guts.

How does he fit into such work harmonious? (リッパ―ストリート)


That is as may be. : That may or may not be so (implying that this is not a significant consideration). I've done nothing. - That's as may be, boy, but you must come. (リッパ―ストリート)


I almost missed it on account of he was such a mess. (リッパ―ストリート)


We run till the stars burn out. (比喩 最後まで) (リッパ―ストリート)


The bottle-hugger's word. 酒のみの言葉(リッパ―ストリート)


Trying to break the union are them bosses. (CVS) (リッパ―ストリート)


Bragging lies about his military record. うそ(リッパ―ストリート)


Al this you investigated with my back turned. 俺の陰で(リッパ―ストリート)


It behooves us to ask of him certain questions. (リッパ―ストリート)


I would not do that with your back turned. (リッパ―ストリート)


We were celebrating things because Charlie got offered a new job. But I'd been to the bowl. 飲んでた(リッパ―ストリート)


Miss Deborah's always been kind to me. She's closest to a ma I ever had. (リッパ―ストリート)


Dear Deborah adds me to the tally of those to whom she brings care. (リッパ―ストリート)


Have you come to cart off more of my workers? (リッパ―ストリート)


I knew you for a cretin, but a turncoat too? (リッパ―ストリート)


I must take my son to my chest. 胸に引き寄せる(リッパ―ストリート)


We got ourselves a little conundrum. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was captaining in the team. (リッパ―ストリート)


God's crankshaft. (リッパ―ストリート)


We coppered good together, you and I once. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do me the courtesy of respect. (リッパ―ストリート)


You know that I'd throw the dice with you any day, Caitlin. 運命を共にする覚悟ができている。(リッパ―ストリート)


I might like a drop or two. 酒はたしなむ程度だ(リッパ―ストリート)


You diagram fastidiously, sir. (リッパ―ストリート)


You dossed in his bed that night, didn't you? 泊まった(リッパ―ストリート)


It was Hackman done in Charlie. (リッパ―ストリート)


What a merry dance you led behind my back? (皮肉) (リッパ―ストリート)


If I find you manoeuvring beyond my eyeline once more, I will revoke your warrant card, send you away, and do so with joy. (warrant card警察手帳) (リッパ―ストリート)


These ironworks forged a man of him. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do you often recruit such muckscraps to your foundry? (リッパ―ストリート)


He was a hero in this foundry. (リッパ―ストリート)


There was a fracas. (リッパ―ストリート)


He may not have been as forthcoming as you suppose. (リッパ―ストリート)


The spoils are ours to divide as we saw fit. (リッパ―ストリート)


My old man was a watchmaker. Every night, fingers at springs and cogs. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your remorse for his death was fathomless. (リッパ―ストリート)


Grape or grain, but never the twain. : So runs the old folk wisdom that advises against drinking wine or beer on the same night.

Temperance? Oh, I insist on it, sir. None of my boys is weak for grape nor grain. (リッパ―ストリート)


not have a /the ghost of a chance : (idiom / informal) To have no chance at all.

They don't have a ghost of a chance of winning.

No chance, boy. Not a ghost of one. (リッパ―ストリート)


I went to a gin shop. 酒場(リッパ―ストリート)


He never shuts his bloody gob about it. (リッパ―ストリート)


Gather in. 集まれ(リッパ―ストリート)


He has gone to ground. (リッパ―ストリート)


There should be blood there too, but there's a ghosting. (血がない) (リッパ―ストリート)


Honourable discharge, they even gave me a medal. (リッパ―ストリート)


I gunned the lot of them to the hills. (リッパ―ストリート)


Horseplay. (リッパ―ストリート)


Heck no. (リッパ―ストリート)


Take a huff. Smells like cheap gin and piss. (リッパ―ストリート)


handbags fight : (In British slang) A fight where the protagonists are unable or unwilling to seriously hurt each other is commonly referred to as a handbag fight, in reference to the way girls fight by hitting each other with their handbags. It's a contraction of 'handbags at dawn'. This phrase is itself a variation of 'pistols at dawn' which was a typical way of fighting a duel. The phrase 'handbags at dawn' evokes a mental image of old ladies using their handbags as crude bludgeons and implies the participants weren't really serious about inflicting harm on each other.

Are you two done swinging your handbags? (リッパ―ストリート)


「アメリカ人が過去形で表現するところを、イギリス人はしばしば現在完了で表現する」ということはよく知られているが、そのことではなく、本来 haveget のあとに過去分詞を使うべきところを過去形にする例が見られるようになっている。John McWhorter というコロンビア大学の言語学者が書いたその記事によると、口語に見られる現象だが、高等教育を受けた人も使うようになっているという。But in colloquial English, there's a tendency to use the past form as the particle form as well. Someone gets "beat up" rather than "beaten up." If you are cheated, sometimes you get "took" rather than "taken." Casual English increasingly makes way for the past tense form over the particle.

This is the first time I've swam this summer.

I haven't sang since Covid.

I wish he could have saw how much people loved him.

She could have went to college with the rest of us, except actually, she went to Bennington.

I'd sooner have took the rope than seen what I seen, done what I done. (リッパ―ストリート)


Charlie was my best ironsmith(リッパ―ストリート)


Do you imagine it being paid by me? (リッパ―ストリート)


The murderer met his justice. 正義の報いを受けた(リッパ―ストリート)


kick in the head 頭への蹴り 〈比喩〉ひどい衝撃

Ain't that a kick in the head. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm gonna go out on a limb here. (リッパ―ストリート)


What else languishes there? 何の宝がほかにそこに眠っているのか?(リッパ―ストリート)


Thomas Gower is a decorated lancer corporal. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have resisted the lure for reasons. (リッパ―ストリート)


With what conceited licence is it you ceaselessly question mine? (リッパ―ストリート)


mint julepミント・ジュレップは、バーボン・ウイスキーをベースとする冷たいタイプのロングドリンク

I know it ain't mint juleps at the Savoy. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was a muckscrap. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do you often recruit such muckscraps to your foundry? (リッパ―ストリート)


mulberry silkマルベリーシルクとは、桑の葉だけを食べて飼育されたカイコ(蚕)の繭から作られた絹のことを指します。 製造プロセス全体が注意深く監視され、カイコの環境も厳しく管理されています。 そうすることで、世界中の他の種類のシルクと比べ、繭からより丸く良質な、なめらかで軽く、均一な染色が可能な絹糸を紡ぐことができます。

There's no mention of mulberry silk in your manifest. (リッパ―ストリート)


Never you mind. (リッパ―ストリート)


Might you show me? (リッパ―ストリート)


Might you help me? (リッパ―ストリート)


Drake still makes Wren for this, huh?  ドレイクはウレンをまだ疑っている(リッパ―ストリート)


A man who can not control himself makes weak his every fellow. (SVCO) (リッパ―ストリート)


I figured it was the next best thing. (リッパ―ストリート)


Hackman spoke nought of this. (リッパ―ストリート)



Any of you know ought that might help him? (リッパ―ストリート)


Odd jobs and that. (リッパ―ストリート)


Good for the boys, let off steam, oil the joints. (リッパ―ストリート)


My old man was a watchmaker. (リッパ―ストリート)


That is thousands upon thousands of pounds. (リッパ―ストリート)


Human beings are not cast metal, Mr. Hackman. They are not ore to be forged as you wish. (リッパ―ストリート)


I miss the days we used to push him around. (リッパ―ストリート)


See this is parked from prying eyes. 観察されないようにこれをこの部屋から運び出しとけ。(リッパ―ストリート)


Liver I pulled out of him, pink as a baby's. (リッパ―ストリート)


Trying to break the union are them bosses. Prise apart the worker from his fellows. 上層部は組合を解散させようとしていた。労働者を仲たがいさせようとしていた。(リッパ―ストリート)


Men's lives thrown away like peelings. (リッパ―ストリート)


You pulverized Tanner with a hammer. (リッパ―ストリート)


Did you presume to question his judgement at every turn? (リッパ―ストリート)


When I was your sergeant, did I presume to question your judgement? (リッパ―ストリート)


How brave and quick-witted you are. (リッパ―ストリート)


Gower's a royal class steam-powered pisshead. 大酒のみだ。(リッパ―ストリート)


We have ourselves another midnight ramble. もた一緒に夜中散歩できるな。(リッパ―ストリート)


run the streets 町を遊び回る

He was a muckscrap, a street run, filching pockets. (リッパ―ストリート)


Football all stick with their own. サッカー選手同士でかたまって他との付き合いはなかった(リッパ―ストリート)


Better school up, Reid. (リッパ―ストリート)


He'll be skipper of the Ironworks. (リッパ―ストリート)


Call it skimming. 盗み(リッパ―ストリート)


You are made of stronger stuff than you know. (リッパ―ストリート)


Charlie Tanner was a sanctimonious prick. (リッパ―ストリート)


He tried to school me, he did, my pa. (リッパ―ストリート)


You swung a blade. (リッパ―ストリート)


The strong room, what is within? 金庫室(リッパ―ストリート)


Have a see. (リッパ―ストリート)


shitcake s(vulgar) An expression of shock and dismay.

Charlie could leave Whitechapel and all these shitcake streets behind him. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was nothing. He was the shit on your shoe. (リッパ―ストリート)


The offer still stands. (リッパ―ストリート)


He passed his days shucking oysters on the sands of Hampton. (リッパ―ストリート)


I insist on temperance. None of my boys is weak for grape nor grain. (リッパ―ストリート)


The lad's teetotal. (リッパ―ストリート)


You think on it. (リッパ―ストリート)


What chance of tincture for my head? 頭痛薬をもらえる可能性はあるかな。(リッパ―ストリート)


Our lives here to come tumbling to an end. (リッパ―ストリート)


Think I will not take my belt to you? (リッパ―ストリート)


Did you presume to question his judgement at every turn? (リッパ―ストリート)


It was never my intention to have you here before me thus! (リッパ―ストリート)


I will not see her used. (リッパ―ストリート)


The guard station is unmanned. (リッパ―ストリート)


The force unfactored. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will endeavour to serve this division to my utmost. (リッパ―ストリート)


His death was vindicated after all. (リッパ―ストリート)


His death sentence still weighs heavy upon his conscience. (リッパ―ストリート)


Are you foreman here? - Felix Hackman, and who asks it? あんたらは誰(リッパ―ストリート)




Captain Jackson will be along shortly. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Reid, you are asked for, sir. (=requested / wanted) (リッパ―ストリート)


Madame, be advised. The boy that we hold is dead. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have questions that must be answered. (リッパ―ストリート)


Die in such abjection. (リッパ―ストリート)


You have more pressing matters to attend to. (リッパ―ストリート)


I began my days in a prison, a workhouse? Do you think I meant to end them, locked up and all? 刑務所のようなところで生まれたのに、刑務所で人生を終わらせたいとでも?(リッパ―ストリート)


We've never met, but I feel I know you. Your name travels ahead, sir. My name is Castello. - Yours travels too, miss. (リッパ―ストリート)


He died in abjection in my arms. (リッパ―ストリート)


I bled each and every hour. つらかった(リッパ―ストリート)


Bromide of potassium. (リッパ―ストリート)


She treads the boards. 俳優だ(リッパ―ストリート)


She's taken bromide of potassium. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's the black cap for you. 死刑(リッパ―ストリート)


Good beer! Banger! (リッパ―ストリート)


If he be dead. (リッパ―ストリート)


I do not even ask for justice. Only that my boy be not alone in the world, and forgotten, and unknown. (リッパ―ストリート)


She is a prostitute, a lunatic! - You bluster, sir. (リッパ―ストリート)


You balance your books? 帳尻をあわせる(リッパ―ストリート)


This boy himself blighted with syphilis. (リッパ―ストリート)


A curious case. (リッパ―ストリート)


Slops are coster speak for police. (リッパ―ストリート)


You're a costermonger. (リッパ―ストリート)


You part those thieves from their light-fingered hands. It's old coster practice. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is a costermonger. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will not consign these people to despair. (リッパ―ストリート)


She wears a cluster of flowers in her hair. (リッパ―ストリート)


This amputating costermonger. (リッパ―ストリート)


My mind is so often clouded, but it is clear now for a moment. (リッパ―ストリート)


If you mean to do business with us, you will learn to keep a civil tongue. (リッパ―ストリート)


Jenny's a wild cat. (リッパ―ストリート)


That case is now closed. (リッパ―ストリート)


cordon sanitaire :  a guarded line preventing anyone from leaving an area infected by a disease and thus spreading it.

Inoculations replaced cordons sanitaires as a major medical intervention.

A measure designed to prevent communication or the spread of undesirable influences. These rules help to reinforce the cordon sanitaire around Whitehall.

We have separated the children's infirmary from the rest of the workhouse, a kind of cordon sanitaire. (リッパ―ストリート)


Shut down the casual ward. (リッパ―ストリート)


Disposing of the casual wards. (リッパ―ストリート)


What is this you give the children in the workhouse? - Cod liver oil. (リッパ―ストリート)

cod liver oil : 肝油An oil obtained from the livers of cod and similar fishes; taken orally as a source of vitamins A and D. タラおよび類似した魚の肝臓から得られる油。ビタミンAおよびDの補給源として口から摂取される。 タラの肝油にはPUEFAだけでなく、ビタミンADが豊富に含まれており、視力および免疫力の向上のほか、骨や歯の形成、アレルギー性疾患の改善にも作用します。


Stinks of carbolic. (リッパ―ストリート)


To rid yourself of the great cost of the casual ward. (リッパ―ストリート)


casual ward : (Historical) A ward in a workhouse providing accommodation for those temporarily unable to support themselves. (リッパ―ストリート)


The casual ward was a drain on my resources. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will discharge the said office faithfully(リッパ―ストリート)


He came upon your territory, threatened your criminal dominion, and you made him answer for it. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is only my doggedness that drives me. (リッパ―ストリート)


Make yourself useful, luv. I am dry. 酒を注いでくれ(リッパ―ストリート)



He left it to my discretion. : 彼はそれを私の判断に任せた。

We have the sole discretion to reject any order that we consider libelous. : 中傷的と見なされる命令を拒絶する独自の決定権がわれわれにはあります。(リッパ―ストリート)

It is not the best price that you seek. It is discretion. (リッパ―ストリート)


We are, none of us, equal to Whitechapel. 犯罪の巣靴だ(リッパ―ストリート)


Discharge the said office faithfully. (リッパ―ストリート)


Expound it. (リッパ―ストリート)


Sergeant Drummond will see you fitted with all the particulars of the case. (リッパ―ストリート)


Violent fray. (リッパ―ストリート)


You think me some feeble-headed girl? (リッパ―ストリート)


How long have you been waiting in dock while you float around for this cheap price? (リッパ―ストリート)


The insurance was paid handsomely, fraudulently. (リッパ―ストリート)


Why don't you quit your fooling, little man? (リッパ―ストリート)


Then I may go about my work alone. (リッパ―ストリート)


The situation gives me to ask, what possessed you to come back here? (リッパ―ストリート)


At a penny a go. 一人につき一ペニーで(リッパ―ストリート)


Do you believe some harm has come to him? (リッパ―ストリート)


Shall we not go there, get to the heart of this matter? (リッパ―ストリート)


She haunts the union for news of him. (リッパ―ストリート)


The insurance was paid handsomely, fraudulently. (リッパ―ストリート)


You will not hear the end of this. (リッパ―ストリート)


The workhouse has been a form of incarceration for the poor. (リッパ―ストリート)


As you know, that case is now closed. And yet so much of its detail still stands injuncted. (リッパ―ストリート)


There's something inhuman here. (リッパ―ストリート)


They are the lazy, the indolent, the residual. (リッパ―ストリート)


They are irredeemable. (リッパ―ストリート)


Caused by the excessive ingestion of iron. (リッパ―ストリート)


I only hasten the inevitable. And there is a kindness in ending their lives. (リッパ―ストリート)


They do not do justice to the human reality. These people are not vicious or idle or violent. (リッパ―ストリート)


You serve your own justice on those who would thieve from you. (リッパ―ストリート)


We have no knowledge of her son. (リッパ―ストリート)


He claims no knowledge of the boy. (リッパ―ストリート)


I shall mark these houses as lowest class, loafer, vicious. (リッパ―ストリート)


I must log the action, sir. (リッパ―ストリート)


light-fingered 文字どおりまたは比喩的に、素早い指を持っているhaving nimble fingers literally or figuratively; especially for stealing or picking pockets.

You part the pickpockets from their light-fingered hands. (リッパ―ストリート)


light out 急に行く、さっさと出ていく

She packed up suddenly, lit out. (リッパ―ストリート)


My guess is blades of some kind of shears. See the lateral splits in the wound. (リッパ―ストリート)


At one moment, she'll be lucid, rational. The next, she'll be scattered, maniacal, bewildered. (リッパ―ストリート)


You brought Lady Luck with you, sir. (リッパ―ストリート)


Our friends at Lloyds would be interested to know of your return to the London docks. (リッパ―ストリート)


These men, these loafer paupers, they are lazy. (リッパ―ストリート)


You've taken leave of your senses, Mr. Reid. (リッパ―ストリート)


all mops and brooms : (slang) intoxicated, drunk.

I am, as you can see, a little mops and brooms. (リッパ―ストリート)


At one moment, she'll be lucid, rational. The next, she'll be scattered, maniacal, bewildered. (リッパ―ストリート)


Yet I must find you inventing quite another. (リッパ―ストリート)


Loss of short term memory, neurasthenia, insomnia. (リッパ―ストリート)


Never once was I made to beg. (リッパ―ストリート)


He has a needling, deflecting way about him that resists all inquiry. (リッパ―ストリート)


He need never know. (リッパ―ストリート)


She is distracted. I own. (リッパ―ストリート)


You overstepped the mark. (リッパ―ストリート)


I do not act in opposition to you. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your marvellous return to us here, it is owed to the fate of Isaac Bloom, I understand. (リッパ―ストリート)


The information is withheld from the public by the unseen hand of police officialdom. (リッパ―ストリート)


I wonder why Tommy Riggs should wish to run away from the workhouse. - Pauper spirit. (リッパ―ストリート)


Provision must be made for her. I will call the Marland Asylum. (リッパ―ストリート)


She is suffering the general paresis of the insane. (リッパ―ストリート)


Look at him now. He's a proper little workhouse boy, ain't you, lad? (リッパ―ストリート)


The pauper's punishments. (リッパ―ストリート)


I bought her to pretty things up. = tidy up(リッパ―ストリート)


The workhouse is peddling the lives of the poor. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is a pauper's myth. (リッパ―ストリート)


We see here busy accounts indeed, money moved from here to there, robbing Peter to pay Paul. (リッパ―ストリート)


You could not produce him because you killed him already. この施設から連れてくることはできない。(リッパ―ストリート)


Their sufferings, their pitiful lives are shortened by me. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's quarantined. You cannot go in there. (リッパ―ストリート)


This red scalp is iodine. Workhouse practise against ringworm. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is a runaway from the workhouse. (リッパ―ストリート)


Work is my mind's only refuge. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's a ragtag army of the poor. (リッパ―ストリート)


They've risen against the Salvationists. (リッパ―ストリート)


Augustus and I were at the ragged school together. (リッパ―ストリート)


White Chapel rejoices at your return. (リッパ―ストリート)


See what I'm reduced to. (リッパ―ストリート)


Can a mere week out of the workhouse reduce a child to this terrible condition? (リッパ―ストリート)


Polio, rickets. (リッパ―ストリート)


You think I'll be set upon by wolves and demons. (リッパ―ストリート)


A spate of attacks. (リッパ―ストリート)


Give this silent fellow a stir. See if you can't make him whistle. 自白させろ。(リッパ―ストリート)


I told them slops before. (リッパ―ストリート)


I don't talk to the police. - Slops, coster speak for police. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are an oyster-shucker. (リッパ―ストリート)


The Salvations are again set upon, and the captain is now dead. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is now dead, murdered, and strung up. (リッパ―ストリート)


His head was sheared, strung up like a piece of meat for all to see. (リッパ―ストリート)


Tertiary syphilis. (リッパ―ストリート)


You sheared this boy. (リッパ―ストリート)


I sheared the boy. (リッパ―ストリート)


Inspector Drake, given the late hour, I assume this is not a social call. (リッパ―ストリート)


In dire straits. (リッパ―ストリート)


I fear this case is food for the pigs with that many scraps. とるに足らない事件(リッパ―ストリート)


say-so :(noun informal) An instruction to do something, or permission given by someone to do something.

She's not allowed to do anything without her father's say-so.

You are working on a say-so of a lunatic. (リッパ―ストリート)


If you betray me, I will carve you like scrimshaw. (リッパ―ストリート)


What say you? = What do you say in response?

What say you now? (リッパ―ストリート)


An outbreak of Scarlet Fever. (リッパ―ストリート)


Tommy died from scarring of the intestinal tract. (リッパ―ストリート)


The casual ward for tramps and vagrants. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do not trouble yourself. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have some sense, a sickening thrum that there is some kind of malice at work here. (リッパ―ストリート)


It was not for this you killed him. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is not for this that you haven’t done it. (リッパ―ストリート)


What is there to see in this? (反語) (リッパ―ストリート)



The steamship went down with all hands. An unwarranted wreck in a calm sea. (リッパ―ストリート)


Undeserving of sympathy, of kindness, undeserving of life. (リッパ―ストリート)


The casual ward for tramps and vagrants. (リッパ―ストリート)


Got a fragment of steel lodged in the vertebra. (リッパ―ストリート)


Give this silent fellow a stir. See if you can't make him whistle. 自白させろ。(リッパ―ストリート)


I must have put him in the workhouse. I couldn't feed him. (リッパ―ストリート)


She is deranged. She has lost her wits. (リッパ―ストリート)


Now let me see. Where is the greatest expenditure made? I will warrant it is in the infirmary. (リッパ―ストリート)



You stop your yapping now and be silent! (リッパ―ストリート)


The 55 souls you accounted for will now have their justice. あなたは償いとして死刑になる。(リッパ―ストリート)


The sea air is agreeable. (リッパ―ストリート)


They were zakah, alms.(zakat《イスラム教》ザカート、喜捨◆Zakatで信者は清められ発展する。財産の2.5%の額を毎年喜捨する。イスラム教徒が守らなければならない五つの原則の一つ。

zakahzakat) (リッパ―ストリート)


Your masters fear some plot afoot, do they? - I believe it fear alone. ご主人様たちは、何か企みが進行しているのではと恐れているのでは? - 恐怖だけだと思います。(リッパ―ストリート)


Your masters fear some plot afoot, do they? - I believe it fear alone. ご主人様たちは、何か企みが進行しているのではと恐れているのでは? - 恐怖だけだと思います。(リッパ―ストリート)


I shall see the whole world apprised of who killed him. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is but one boat afloat. (リッパ―ストリート)


My people have avid imaginations. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have no athleticism. (リッパ―ストリート)


Most of the international schools in Japan are not accredited here in this country. : 日本にあるインターナショナルスクールのほとんどは、この国では無認可である。

Fingerprints given as evidence. Accredited this time. (リッパ―ストリート)


I hope you are not angered. (リッパ―ストリート)


That commoner's boneyard. (リッパ―ストリート)


It has brought out the well-fed plutocrat in you. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do you fire your cannons across my bow? (リッパ―ストリート)


You owe me one sovereign tonne for the berth to New York City I have brokered. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do you cancel your billet? 渡米(リッパ―ストリート)


What is to become of my boy? (リッパ―ストリート)


You may be back at it. 同意する(リッパ―ストリート)


bottle of rum : A cockney rhyming slang for bum

He shoots a bottle of rum of the upturned behind of a musical hoofer. (hoofer = dancer) 奴は女たらしだ。(リッパ―ストリート)


The bunkhouse for foreign shipping crews. (リッパ―ストリート)


He could not bear the sight and bolted. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your community's suffering every blue bottle crawling up its fundament. (リッパ―ストリート)


You were always a hot head and a rabble-rouser, too eager for a moan and a bullhorn. (リッパ―ストリート)


Have a good butcher's at this. (リッパ―ストリート)


Pleasing colloquy with him. (リッパ―ストリート)


The fantasies he summons up of Indian cuckoos in our Queen's nest. (リッパ―ストリート)


What he can to comfort your boy. (リッパ―ストリート)


He's quite the crestfallen soldier for awhile or so. (リッパ―ストリート)


Best you get it off your chest. (リッパ―ストリート)


as if I announce your cuckoldings here. (リッパ―ストリート)


This was a cornerstone of his legal career. (リッパ―ストリート)


You crowing cock. (リッパ―ストリート)


From the list, one name chimes heavy with me. (リッパ―ストリート)


See the news communicated to Inspector Drake. (リッパ―ストリート)


Those constituents. (リッパ―ストリート)


The rice-eaters and the coolies you hate so much. (リッパ―ストリート)


I want you to help her as you contracted to do. (リッパ―ストリート)


The men cannot see me challenged, nor will I be. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am glad to have removed such disquiet from your conscience. (リッパ―ストリート)


If I had silver, I'd be drawing a pension. (リッパ―ストリート)


DS Thatcher has many admirable qualities. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is not equipped to be a father. (リッパ―ストリート)


Funds were raised to be distributed to ease their need. (リッパ―ストリート)


An etching scratched in the walls. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are going deep out into the estuary, the black river mouth. (リッパ―ストリート)


I shall see that curiosity fed. (リッパ―ストリート)


You assembled the forensical evidence. (リッパ―ストリート)


I don't see you giving one snide farthing for his well-being. (リッパ―ストリート)


I would love him fierce. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your community's suffering every blue bottle crawling up its fundament. (リッパ―ストリート)


In an urgent gesticulation. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do you gloat, Doctor? - No. (リッパ―ストリート)


She is not one day's grace from the hangman. すぐに絞首刑になる。(リッパ―ストリート)


My galley skills. (リッパ―ストリート)


Golem is back! (リッパ―ストリート)


He shoots a bottle of rum of the upturned behind of a musical hoofer. (bottle of rum : A cockney rhyming slang for bum / hoofer = dancer) 奴は女たらしだ。(リッパ―ストリート)


He won't be a lone heathen. (リッパ―ストリート)


The three of you in harness once again. I'm glad you shan't be lonely. (リッパ―ストリート)


On whose authority, Mr. Constantine? - On my own and on that of the realm's inviolability. (リッパ―ストリート)


This faithlessness so ingrained in me. (リッパ―ストリート)


A Jubilee tea party. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will not have you stand in judgement of me. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is masterful self-delusion to think you have helped them one jot. (リッパ―ストリート)


You kicked up such rage. (リッパ―ストリート)


Have you you found the wherewithal? - Of a kind. (リッパ―ストリート)


He steals the money meant for the lascars. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Sayid lobbied that the laws be stretched even further to accommodate men of both different colour and creed. (リッパ―ストリート)


lumper〈米〉港湾労働者 港で船に荷を積んだり降ろしたりする労働者

Stevedores, lumpers, lightmen. (リッパ―ストリート)


Each and every shipment of South Asian spices is lumped ashore. (リッパ―ストリート)


We shall see what those lascars know about the thief. (リッパ―ストリート)


moved tobe ~》~する気にさせられる

be moved to anger腹を立てる

I think that even he would be moved to your injuring in such a circumstance. 彼でさえお前に怪我を負わせたくなる。(リッパ―ストリート)


Mere ideas do not merit such a horrible fate. (リッパ―ストリート)


You do not visit her. You pay her no mind. 気にかけない。(リッパ―ストリート)


It is masterful self-delusion to think you have helped them one jot. (リッパ―ストリート)


The Mohammedan lad. (リッパ―ストリート)


Those murdering, moon-faced bastards! (リッパ―ストリート)


I could no more kill him than I could kill myself. (リッパ―ストリート)


One morsel of human flesh. (リッパ―ストリート)


What of these 200 nicker? お金(リッパ―ストリート)


This Indian nurtured opinions about this country. (リッパ―ストリート)


Now, Drake, I merely told him... - Do not “now me”! (リッパ―ストリート)


Needs must, you would work under me, however. (リッパ―ストリート)


The most significant act of patronage. (リッパ―ストリート)


It has brought out the well-fed plutocrat in you. (リッパ―ストリート)


The elephant horn purported thieved from the customs house. - I prefer liberated. 関税から盗まれたとされる象の角。- 解放されたと言ってほしいね。(リッパ―ストリート)


You are the one in a press. (リッパ―ストリート)


There are slim pickings down on those docks. 稼ぎが期待できない。(リッパ―ストリート)


There is a city out there tuned to cheer its Queen as she parades her way through it. (リッパ―ストリート)


Anything I asked him, he screamed confirmation. Too eager to please, you see. And I never trust the word of a man who's too eager to please. (リッパ―ストリート)


Fingerprints from the white breast placket of his shirt. (リッパ―ストリート)


The querying of his professional conduct. (リッパ―ストリート)


Are you really gonna quibble now with a pistol in your mouth? (リッパ―ストリート)


Makes me restive. It makes me urgent curious. (リッパ―ストリート)


The suspect will be remanded to Inspector Drake's care. (リッパ―ストリート)


By my reckoning, I'd say you were set on one form of mischief or another. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is good of you, Rose, to come at such rapid request. (リッパ―ストリート)


bottle of rum : A cockney rhyming slang for bum

He shoots a bottle of rum of the upturned behind of a musical hoofer. (hoofer = dancer) 奴は女たらしだ。(リッパ―ストリート)


It is up to Jackson to resolve. (リッパ―ストリート)


That is rich coincidence. (リッパ―ストリート)


I've a worry which roots itself in these parts. (リッパ―ストリート)


Word is you have something urgent to relay to me on the subject of my daughter. (リッパ―ストリート)


You were always a hot head and a rabble-rouser, too eager for a moan and a bullhorn. (リッパ―ストリート)


The rice-eaters and the coolies you hate so much. (リッパ―ストリート)


You must ready yourself. (リッパ―ストリート)


Remove this contraption from my body. (リッパ―ストリート)


A sight more real than the fantasies he summons up. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am not the strike of a man for nostalgia, not then, not now. (リッパ―ストリート)


I don't see you giving one snide farthing for his well-being. (リッパ―ストリート)


Sell Drake out to you. (リッパ―ストリート)


I had assumed you came to settle but your current manner suggests otherwise. (リッパ―ストリート)


Turmeric. The staining is the very devil. (リッパ―ストリート)


I do not know what spell I've been beneath. (リッパ―ストリート)


Swallow that rage of yours. (リッパ―ストリート)


shoot a drink : Consumed a strong drink quickly often in a single gulp. (リッパ―ストリート)


Slippery soul that you are. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do you want that snide little nose of yours broke? 鼻をへし折るぞ。(リッパ―ストリート)


He's a union steward. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is masterful self-delusion to think you have helped them one jot. (リッパ―ストリート)


We have to compete for the same scraps. (リッパ―ストリート)


She is an empress, but her empire is not solely England. It is the world. (リッパ―ストリート)


Slip a knife between a man's ribs. (リッパ―ストリート)


This is a woman for whom you shamed your wife. 不倫相手。(リッパ―ストリート)


The pair of you always were like two rats in a sack! いつも一緒にいるな。(リッパ―ストリート)


not care/give a sod : (idiom UK offensive) To not be worried about other people's opinions or actions.

I'm leaving and I don't give a sod (about) what Margaret thinks.

She doesn't care a sod about her reputation.

I do not give two silent sods about the technology.  (not give two shits〈卑俗〉そんなことはくだらない[どうでもいい・くその足しにもならない]と思う) (リッパ―ストリート)


Do not think me gone for long. すぐ戻ってくるからな。覚悟しろよ。(リッパ―ストリート)


It had been troubling me. (リッパ―ストリート)


pulling my tits :  Another way of saying are you kidding me.

You're a dumb bitch. - Oh, really? Are you seriously pulling my tits? (リッパ―ストリート)

By one simple tug on my tit. (リッパ―ストリート)


Such thriftless squandering. (リッパ―ストリート)


Turmeric. Trot it down with some onions. (リッパ―ストリート)


Them's the rules. (リッパ―ストリート)


Name your tender. どこの通貨だ(リッパ―ストリート)


We transact under different terms 違う条件で契約しよう(リッパ―ストリート)


those being = which are

We have to renegotiate the terms. - Those being.. (リッパ―ストリート)


He had stolen 200 sterling, also. - Two tonnes? (リッパ―ストリート)


There is not one atom of life without that you know its nature. (リッパ―ストリート)


They thought they had trapped the monster but it was strong and fast, and leapt from roof to roof. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are political, always tossing on about the rights of working man. (リッパ―ストリート)


In all truth I knew it. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is a city tuned to cheer its Queen. (リッパ―ストリート)


I currently lack for energy and therefore tact. (リッパ―ストリート)


I do not know why I should feel the slightest taken aback. The pair of you always were like two rats in a sack! 驚く理由はこれっぽっちもないよな。(リッパ―ストリート)


Victim's thorax. (リッパ―ストリート)


up : Sexually penetrating another person, usually man-to-woman.

Get up her, man, the world ain't gonna repopulate itself. (リッパ―ストリート)

The Mohammedan lad was up your daughter. (リッパ―ストリート)


Why shouldn't an honest wharfinger not profit? (リッパ―ストリート)


Where else will there be for my new born baby but the workhouse? (リッパ―ストリート)


work ganga ~》作業集団[グループ]

To lead those work gangs. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is a wake we must attend. (リッパ―ストリート)


The work gangs who brought such shipments ashore. (リッパ―ストリート)


The killing comes your way. (リッパ―ストリート)


We have no funds with which to run. (リッパ―ストリート)


Correct me if I'm wrong, it is you what's done the murdering? (リッパ―ストリート)


I had my servant wash him up at the Western. (リッパ―ストリート)


Follow me, if you will. (リッパ―ストリート)


It would not be so hard to have a warrant card made for you, should you wish it. (リッパ―ストリート)


zakat《イスラム教》ザカート、喜捨◆Zakatで信者は清められ発展する。財産の2.5%の額を毎年喜捨する。イスラム教徒が守らなければならない五つの原則の一つ。【参考】five pillars of Islam(回教の5本の柱)



They were zakah, alms. (リッパ―ストリート)


The procession, 45,000 men at arms, cavalry from your homeland. (リッパ―ストリート)


He will now give address. (リッパ―ストリート)


Albeit with sadness. (リッパ―ストリート)


To arbitrate in a labour dispute. (リッパ―ストリート)


As agreed. (リッパ―ストリート)


There's still no policeman afforded greater respect than Edmund Reid. - Bennet Drake is not afforded respect? (リッパ―ストリート)


An Englishman now adhering to an eastern religion. (リッパ―ストリート)


be appraised at

The ring was appraised at $40,000.

Should you wish to be appraised. (リッパ―ストリート)


This borough here has a taste for monsters for their birthing and nurture. (リッパ―ストリート)


I shall certainly be bidding for such work. (リッパ―ストリート)


How is the water? - Bracing Bathing is not recommended. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your coming here is a boon to us. (リッパ―ストリート)


To birth and nurse my son. (リッパ―ストリート)


See the details of his work boxed and returned to him. (リッパ―ストリート)


You think I'm out there running a bullion brokerage? I am not. (リッパ―ストリート)


Not a little amount of bedside reading. (リッパ―ストリート)


An Englishman now adhering to an eastern religion, one he promotes and debates beneath that title. (リッパ―ストリート)


Such opinion is enough to turn his father's beard blue. (リッパ―ストリート)



coal-barge: A flat-bottomed river-boat for transporting coal. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are the sole breadwinner in that household now. (リッパ―ストリート)


An institution which bears loyalty to its Queen. (リッパ―ストリート)


Come sunrise. (リッパ―ストリート)


One crown. You work efficiently. - Two crowns, two shillings, and a sixpence. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is cleaner than you gentlemen imagine. (リッパ―ストリート)


I thought at first lascar, but on his hands, there's no callouses from the sea work. (リッパ―ストリート)


Edmund Reid was wrong about plenty in the course of his life here. (リッパ―ストリート)


Come the Jubilee. (リッパ―ストリート)


We may cut through to the new underground station. (リッパ―ストリート)


An elevated arsenic count. 数値(リッパ―ストリート)


Who else shares this conviction? (リッパ―ストリート)


He comes here to pay tribute to his Queen, finds her capital London has taken his son from him. (リッパ―ストリート)


It can surely come as no shock to you. (リッパ―ストリート)


I would not give that much credence for this man's word. (リッパ―ストリート)


Here in London, Imperial Service Troops from each and every dominion make camp in Hyde Park. (リッパ―ストリート)


The Ottoman Sultan and his caliphate. (リッパ―ストリート)


The Sublime Khan, Caliph to all Islam. (リッパ―ストリート)


The world has disembarked here in London. (リッパ―ストリート)


As good a day's work as these men have known all month. (リッパ―ストリート)


I would prefer to call him by his name. It was your newspaper dubbed him otherwise. (リッパ―ストリート)


Shall we dance? それでは行きましょうか(リッパ―ストリート)


Might I bring you back to less elevated matters? (リッパ―ストリート)


Does you echo that sentiment? (リッパ―ストリート)


We simply echoed the frightened voices heard amongst the jury. (リッパ―ストリート)


The running ebb current. (リッパ―ストリート)


Which park does the cavalry make its encampmentry? (リッパ―ストリート)


This peculiar elevation of yours, Drake, I'm confused. (奇妙な昇進) (リッパ―ストリート)


How fares the captain? (リッパ―ストリート)


That decision foregone and easy, correct? 予想を裏切らない裁定(リッパ―ストリート)


You said it was a formality. You assured me. (リッパ―ストリート)


I've saved damn near every farthing I could. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have facilitated your flight from these walls. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's quite some firebrand he was. (リッパ―ストリート)


All thought your wish but a forlorn dream. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are not at fault for this. (リッパ―ストリート)


This wharfinger has found a floater on the night tide. (リッパ―ストリート)


From the palace, you will lead the procession, 45,000 men at arms, cavalry from your homeland, Munshi, Bengal Lancers. It will be a living gazetteer of your realms, Majesty. (リッパ―ストリート)


The sentence of death handed down on the Whitechapel golem is welcomed at Scotland Yard. (リッパ―ストリート)


This wharfinger has found a floater on the night tide, sought to gig it downriver. (リッパ―ストリート)


That murdered man is nought but some Indian googoo. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is getting about his same old games. (リッパ―ストリート)


I think you might get to your books. - My books are read, Father. (リッパ―ストリート)


It cannot be an easy thing to grant your daughter the freedom you now so clearly do. (リッパ―ストリート)


I shall get about it presently. すぐに取り組みます(リッパ―ストリート)


Sergeant Drummond, a man full grown, still living with his mother. Do your colleagues here smirk at such? (リッパ―ストリート)


Little moon-face googoo. (リッパ―ストリート)


Nothing can ever grow within that dry, old hat that she now keeps between her legs. 彼女は子供が作れない(リッパ―ストリート)


It would seem illogical on my part not to take the promised payment whilst you are still proximat.近くにいるのに約束された支払いを受け取らないのは、私としては非論理的に思える。(リッパ―ストリート)


He sports his stripes with a pride some might call immodest. (リッパ―ストリート)


As if it were myself inflicts it upon you. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your father invalided on a coal barge. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is therefore incumbent upon us to illuminate the path. (リッパ―ストリート)


irreducibly complexbe ~》単純化できないほど複雑である

Irreducibly this sequence of numbers. (リッパ―ストリート)


Diamond Jubilee. (リッパ―ストリート)


In two jiffies. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mutton, lamb, pig, 50 kegs of butter alongside. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm the hired knife of a police division in Whitechapel. (リッパ―ストリート)


The wider city prepares itself for celebration, the like of which we have never seen. (リッパ―ストリート)


Isaac Bloom killed him in a Whitechapel laneway and will hang for it. (リッパ―ストリート)


Lumping right here. 荷を下ろす(リッパ―ストリート)


Lightmen. (リッパ―ストリート)


As for who profits, that is not my lookout. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your wife, she who languishes in Newgate these three years. (リッパ―ストリート)


I thought at first lascar, but on his hands, there's no callouses from the sea work. (リッパ―ストリート)


That is a leap of faith based on no other logic but your own. (リッパ―ストリート)


Munshi, Bengal Lancers. (リッパ―ストリート)


He's an upright fella, Bengal Lancer. (リッパ―ストリート)


Munshi, Bengal Lancers. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mount investigation. (リッパ―ストリート)


This Munshi, the Queen's manservant. (リッパ―ストリート)


He and his moon-faced friends, there are extreme beliefs amongst them. (リッパ―ストリート)


I think Mr. Ratovski may leave us, may he not(リッパ―ストリート)


Such considerations need no longer be met. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am made and cannot be remade. (リッパ―ストリート)


I paid what I could muster. (リッパ―ストリート)


He changed his name upon taking up Mohammedanism. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is you who's ordered a manhunt. (リッパ―ストリート)



Your promotion is unlikely to be merited by a sudden emergence of brains in that gorilla skull of yours. (リッパ―ストリート)


These moon-faces. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your wife, she who languishes in Newgate these three years. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's too wide a net. (リッパ―ストリート)


Not too far north of 30 years of age. (リッパ―ストリート)


Of this we are particularly proud. (リッパ―ストリート)


That empire will pay tribute to your reign. (リッパ―ストリート)


The man's origin is not pertinent. (リッパ―ストリート)


See this dockside picked and cleared for evidence. (リッパ―ストリート)


I've go to drag him from his pit. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is little by which to place him. But he is of South Asian origin. (リッパ―ストリート)


The death that I brought, it must be paid down. 償う(リッパ―ストリート)


Northern and central parkland. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do you see how this pains me? (リッパ―ストリート)


You have my sympathies for the many privations you must have suffered. (リッパ―ストリート)


It would seem illogical on my part not to take the promised payment whilst you are still proximate.近くにいるのに約束された支払いを受け取らないのは、私としては非論理的に思える。(リッパ―ストリート)


British are sea wolves living off the pillage of the Earth. (リッパ―ストリート)


Their rigorous pursuit and capture of the man. (リッパ―ストリート)


Young boys will go to school, not run policeman's lunch orders for them. 警察の使い走りから解放されます(リッパ―ストリート)


It was well known Mr. Drake's predecessor kept a criminal archive in the rafters of the old Leman Street Station. (リッパ―ストリート)


As regards the murderer. (リッパ―ストリート)


Save your shoe leather. I'm sure it must be near run through, and new boots are costly. (靴底がすり減る) (リッパ―ストリート)


That reefer should now be getting its freight unshipped. 貨物をおろす(リッパ―ストリート)


I'd come to think my life would be solely dedicated to that rouse. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will not have rancour in my heart. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do I challenge the care and rigour with which my friend has prosecuted this case? (リッパ―ストリート)


You who must forgive me. I'm in your home, and I've raised you to anger. (リッパ―ストリート)


They are resolved that in the absence of a your father’s corpse, seven years must pass before your father be declared dead. (リッパ―ストリート)


Imagine a stanhope, but of more applicable function. It is the microreader. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are the elected steward for dock, wharf, riverside. (リッパ―ストリート)


Indian fellow. Last guy working the sieves. (リッパ―ストリート)


That is slander. (リッパ―ストリート)


She-piggy. (リッパ―ストリート)


What look is my face? - Bulldog swallows wasp. (リッパ―ストリート)


A tidal scour. It's a process of erosion. (リッパ―ストリート)


So you can strike them from the list. (リッパ―ストリート)


Redworms are horse parasites, shat out in manure. (リッパ―ストリート)


There's a dead man of your stock. (リッパ―ストリート)


stock-in-trade 商売道具 any equipment constantly used as part of a profession or occupation. 専門や職業の一部として絶えず使うもの。

How was your day? - Tennyson and trigonometry, my stock and trade. (リッパ―ストリート)


Secretarial assistant. (リッパ―ストリート)


I was set on guns and fast horses. 無理やり逃げることに固執していた(リッパ―ストリート)


Two counts of soliciting before her 18th birthday. (売春) (リッパ―ストリート)


Sergeant Drummond, a man full grown, still living with his mother. Do your colleagues here smirk at such? (リッパ―ストリート)


There are factions, splinterings that do not envision such loyalties. (リッパ―ストリート)


Our Empress Queen summons her subjects from the furthest reaches of her dominion. (リッパ―ストリート)


The Sublime Khan, Caliph to all Islam. (リッパ―ストリート)


Two ticks upriver. (リッパ―ストリート)


How are thee? (リッパ―ストリート)


Soil from the tread of his boots. (リッパ―ストリート)


Isaac Bloom was a man of thought? (リッパ―ストリート)


You are still talked of in Whitechapel. (リッパ―ストリート)


Give Thanks感謝の意を表す、または謝意

I gave thanks to pay tribute to his Queen. (リッパ―ストリート)


The streets will be lined, the joy unconfined. (リッパ―ストリート)


That reefer should now be getting its freight unshipped. 貨物をおろす(リッパ―ストリート)


He's an upright fella. (リッパ―ストリート)


Give shelter to dissidents and vile extremism. (リッパ―ストリート)


vituperative attack ona ~》~に対する非難の攻撃

vituperative e-mail辛辣な電子メール

vituperative letter辛辣な手紙

The whole nation's press makes a relentless and vituperative attack against the Ottoman(リッパ―ストリート)


There's a murdered man washed up on the Western Dock. (リッパ―ストリート)


This wharfinger has found a floater on the night tide. (リッパ―ストリート)


Goods are brought ashore for warehousing and distribution. (リッパ―ストリート)


Escape should be won with hard cash and not dynamite. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are wrong-headed and only harmful to yourself. (リッパ―ストリート)



What can they do to me that is not already done? 他に彼らに私に対して何ができるのか (リッパ―ストリート)


You suffer such affliction. (リッパ―ストリート)


His assiduously built fortune. (リッパ―ストリート)


Drag you to my cells in the station house by your ankles. (リッパ―ストリート)


You think yourself absolved, do you? You are not. (リッパ―ストリート)


You once swore such ardent oath. (リッパ―ストリート)


What did he give you? - Do you mean amorously or by way of disease? 性的にそれとも性病?(リッパ―ストリート)


He now takes up the suite at the Athenaeum. (リッパ―ストリート)


At your instruction, work here is shut down. (リッパ―ストリート)


You did not bunk down all the way to London. (リッパ―ストリート)


Then the coup de grâce betwixt his eyes. (リッパ―ストリート)


Luggage stub in his billfold. (リッパ―ストリート)


Fire on the picket line, which Mr. Swift had engaged them to break. 勃発させる(リッパ―ストリート)


bonded labor雇い主が次に家族全員が債務を返済するために低賃金で働く労働者に高利のローンを与える習慣 A practice in which employers give high-interest loans to workers whose entire families then labor at low wages to pay off the debt; the practice is illegal in the United States.


His unbonded workers shot in protest. (リッパ―ストリート)


Nothing, Inspector. Not a bean. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your blood-blackened heart. (リッパ―ストリート)


Bin rakers. ゴミあさりする人(リッパ―ストリート)


Fred Best, in his love, in his benediction for each and every soul. (リッパ―ストリート)


You did not bunk down. (リッパ―ストリート)


Each and every soul who must scrape and connive their way to this benighted part of the world. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am blood. Your blood. 肉親(リッパ―ストリート)


Whatever villainy beset him that day. (リッパ―ストリート)


Another circle I now see coiled about me. (リッパ―ストリート)


You're a credit to us. (リッパ―ストリート)


Then the coup de grâce betwixt his eyes. (リッパ―ストリート)


He has joined him in his campaign against the man Swift? (リッパ―ストリート)


A man with a China ear. (リッパ―ストリート)


Were his culpability proved, he would face criminal indictment. (リッパ―ストリート)


We two were like hot and wanton dogs in a Whitechapel gutter. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is quite the fountain of knowledge, your Mr. Best. There is not a soul hereabouts whose stories he doesn't have cached away somewhere. (リッパ―ストリート)


coal-whipper : (British) One as a laborer or a machine that raises coal out of the hold of a ship)

Coal-whippers. (リッパ―ストリート)


Churls. (リッパ―ストリート)


Each and every soul who must scrape and connive their way to this benighted part of the world. (リッパ―ストリート)


of choice

1. 一般に好まれる

Wine is the beverage of choice with Italian food. : イタリア料理にはワインが一番合う。

2. えり抜きの、最適な

I have a headache, and I can't sleep very well. - Then this would be the drug of choice! This works for both headache and insomnia.頭が痛いんです。それによく眠れなくて」「それならこれが最適ですよ。頭痛と不眠症の両方に効きます

The Maxim machine gun. The new weapon of choice for our imperial forces. (リッパ―ストリート)


He chooses Whitechapel as his command center. (リッパ―ストリート)


Such a proving may bring her to our course. 我々に協力させる(リッパ―ストリート)


The cataclysm that ensued sees his family bankrupted. (リッパ―ストリート)


Theodore Swift does not end this way. - Then how, sir? It is only the suicide chooses their conclusion. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is nothing can dull it. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am in your debt once more. (リッパ―ストリート)


Whoever it is he disdains. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do not perform a dance for him. (リッパ―ストリート)


One act damns me. (リッパ―ストリート)


Damned if we do and damned if we do not. (リッパ―ストリート)


Trust must be earned. (リッパ―ストリート)


Investigation saw the errant New Yorker Mr. Ackerman's brains put out. 調査が原因で頭を撃たれた。(リッパ―ストリート)


Energy and resources you have expended toward the betterment of this world. (リッパ―ストリート)


Though you were long estranged, you still feel the keen urge to shield your wife. (リッパ―ストリート)


The cataclysm that ensued sees his family bankrupted. (リッパ―ストリート)


I do not feed you information for gratis. - You were to provide in kind. (リッパ―ストリート)


Fetch yourself there, son. Pronto! そこに行ってこい(リッパ―ストリート)


We do not have a fond word of remembrance? (リッパ―ストリート)


You'll simply just allow yourself to be folded back into your father's life once more? (リッパ―ストリート)


The floor is yours, Mr. Best. (リッパ―ストリート)


In my fevered pursuit. (リッパ―ストリート)


All the way to London just so you might give me the glad hand. (リッパ―ストリート)


I do not feed you information for gratis. You were to provide in kind. (リッパ―ストリート)


In good time. (リッパ―ストリート)


Where are the men? - All in good time. 後で話すよ(リッパ―ストリート)


Sea cans which are loaded aboard goods trains. (リッパ―ストリート)


Goods trains which then might be robbed. (リッパ―ストリート)


At gunpoint. (リッパ―ストリート)


How is the old man? - He will see us all into the ground. 私たちより長生きしそう(リッパ―ストリート)


You see the geometry of the ballistics here over the wounds? That's not many weapons, but one. (リッパ―ストリート)


run someone /something to ground : idiom (UK also run someone/something to earth) to find someone or something after a lot of searching and problems:

Detectives finally ran the terrorists to ground in an apartment building in Chicago.

Constable Grace brings him to ground. (リッパ―ストリート)


With the heifers. (リッパ―ストリート)


You heed some advice. (リッパ―ストリート)


Another hacker. Fred Best. (リッパ―ストリート)


A hacker from the Star Newspaper. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have a hunger on me. (リッパ―ストリート)


Where do you have it hid? (リッパ―ストリート)


She's held to have saved you. (思われている) (リッパ―ストリート)


The chances, the happenstance, it is too great to ignore. (リッパ―ストリート)


What does he have over you, darlin'? (リッパ―ストリート)


He cannot police with the hurt he now carries. (リッパ―ストリート)


Those that would bring you to heel. (リッパ―ストリート)


Who else you have shared your hard-won knowledge with? (リッパ―ストリート)


The heartburn. (リッパ―ストリート)


You would have me invalided away from here. (リッパ―ストリート)


Pages torn from his notebook, but all else intact. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is nought but iniquity in this world. (リッパ―ストリート)


I do not feed you information for gratis. You were to provide in kind. (リッパ―ストリート)


In that kike kook shop? (リッパ―ストリート)


In that kike kook shop? (リッパ―ストリート)


See them ransacked, thorough-like. (リッパ―ストリート)


The care which he wore so heavily will be lifted from him. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is my way or the rope, daughter mine. (リッパ―ストリート)


I mean to know. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mandrake : A slang Victorian era term for a male homosexual.

Your cousin is most certainly a mandrake, he even wears a pansy in his lapel.

See this mandrake, this prick smuggler. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am, however, of a mind to show you. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have told multitudes. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have told every street Arab and mudlark. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will not mar this night here. (リッパ―ストリート)


There's a cargo manifest also. It records Swift's shipments. (リッパ―ストリート)


What make of woman are you?! I'm your father, damn you! (リッパ―ストリート)


His streets might, in the years since, have found some measure of recovery. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have not killed a man in nigh on 15 years! (リッパ―ストリート)


Now there are other priorities currently upon us. (リッパ―ストリート)


This obituarist. (リッパ―ストリート)


The picket line. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your point's made. (リッパ―ストリート)


That money, which her man Capshaw plotted to thieve, it is her father's money. (リッパ―ストリート)


Pull the place apart. (リッパ―ストリート)


I didn't have you pegged as judgmental, Hermione. (リッパ―ストリート)


from pillar to post : (idiom)  If someone goes from pillar to post, they are forced to keep moving from one place to another:

My parents were always on the move and so my childhood was spent being dragged from pillar to post.

You're a spry fellow, are you not, Mr. Best? Springing from one man's pillar to another's post? (リッパ―ストリート)


You demanded your quid pro quo in return. (リッパ―ストリート)


We shall prove an effective quartermaster. (リッパ―ストリート)


His hands were roped. He was tortured. (リッパ―ストリート)


The Reuter office. (リッパ―ストリート)


Every piece of reportage the hacker produced. (リッパ―ストリート)


This flattened land is repossessed. (リッパ―ストリート)


I knew it would not be long before we were to be reacquainted. (リッパ―ストリート)


You call me renegade? Why is it you must forever seek to curse me? (リッパ―ストリート)


Have you lost yourself? - No, Theodore. Quite the reverse. (リッパ―ストリート)


I entrust it to you for safekeeping. (リッパ―ストリート)


Luggage stub in his billfold. (リッパ―ストリート)


Investigation saw the errant New Yorker Mr. Ackerman's brains put out. 調査が原因で頭を撃たれた。(リッパ―ストリート)


An altogether grander scheme. (リッパ―ストリート)


Gazettes, chronicles, heralds, and sentinels. Many periodicals. (リッパ―ストリート)


Shipped by anonymous sea cans for London. (リッパ―ストリート)


Sea cans which are loaded aboard goods trains. (リッパ―ストリート)


Did you send for me, Amelia? (リッパ―ストリート)


There was a future for you. And in its stead, you chose the past. (リッパ―ストリート)


How does that notion now sit with you? (リッパ―ストリート)


You're a spry fellow, are you not, Mr. Best? (リッパ―ストリート)


I have told sweeps. 掃除屋(リッパ―ストリート)


I have told every street Arab. (リッパ―ストリート)


Each and every soul who must scrape and connive their way to this benighted part of the world. (リッパ―ストリート)


He suckles from another hole. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is a stanhope. Magnifying device It enables the viewing of micro-photographs. (リッパ―ストリート)


These weapons are stockpiled here in East London. (リッパ―ストリート)


The cataclysm that ensued sees his family bankrupted. (リッパ―ストリート)


Those who may have only seen him stride past in pursuit of whatever villainy beset him that day. (リッパ―ストリート)


Those soldiers' tunics are red. (リッパ―ストリート)


You think to make it. (リッパ―ストリート)


He gave order for a troupe of Pinkertons. (リッパ―ストリート)


Tis disagreeable as he looks? (リッパ―ストリート)



1. 〈フランス語〉切片、部分、切り分けたもの可算【同】slice

2. 多額の金の一部

3. 〔ローンの分割返済の〕1回分

She saw a tranche robbed from you. (多額の金の一部) (リッパ―ストリート)


We see such weaponry turned back on its creator. (裏切る) (リッパ―ストリート)


I have howled it across tap rooms! (リッパ―ストリート)


Where was his body found? - The same tip on which Mr. Ackerman was found. (リッパ―ストリート)


My father-in-law trades in death now. (リッパ―ストリート)


Tragedians caught in some farce? (リッパ―ストリート)


His money is made on nothing more than the blood and toil of others. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am drowned in a tide of slaughter. (リッパ―ストリート)


We are caught in the teeth of some grotesque. (リッパ―ストリート)


'Tis the belly of Whitechapel. (リッパ―ストリート)


People walk forever unmolested. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am vainglorious. (リッパ―ストリート)


By way of example. (リッパ―ストリート)


That clown is going the right way towards getting himself dead. (リッパ―ストリート)


Her well-being that you now chase around. (リッパ―ストリート)


Watch your grinning if you see Miss Morton. ニタニタしてないほうがいいよ。(リッパ―ストリート)


This is a British gun built for the conquest of all those who would stand in Britain's way. (リッパ―ストリート)


Watermen. 湾岸労働者(リッパ―ストリート)


With me, gentlemen. 一緒に来てくれ(リッパ―ストリート)


We might act wrest some measure of control back to ourselves. (リッパ―ストリート)



The wrath of god to fall on your shoulders. (リッパ―ストリート)


You must away. (リッパ―ストリート)


So our man here was an abortionist. (リッパ―ストリート)


Then they come to me after. (リッパ―ストリート)


I don't know anything, sir. I mind the shop is all. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is illegal. - The law is an ass. (リッパ―ストリート)


Affray. The man accused of assault. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have business of my own to be answered. (リッパ―ストリート)


They are not as agreed. (リッパ―ストリート)


An absconder, fled from the army. (リッパ―ストリート)


The price is as at first agreed. (リッパ―ストリート)


Give them some agency that their lives should not be entirely beyond their control. (agency) (リッパ―ストリート)


I once rendered service to you unquestioningly, and in that I made myself an accessory to a black deed. (リッパ―ストリート)


A consignment came in for delivery to Obsidian Clinic for the attention of Dr. Amelia Frayn. (~宛に) (リッパ―ストリート)


Their lives hang in the balance. (リッパ―ストリート)


Why have they blacked out the labels? (リッパ―ストリート)


You are a brick setter. (リッパ―ストリート)


I've never left the bounds of this borough. (リッパ―ストリート)


State your business. (リッパ―ストリート)


She bore it all alone. (リッパ―ストリート)


I battered him for it. And I don't regret it. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mary was made barren by these men. (リッパ―ストリート)


He would never have borne it. (リッパ―ストリート)


This room becomes you. (リッパ―ストリート)


These are your fingertips, where I thought to find claws. - You're determined in your bitterness! (リッパ―ストリート)


You clock off Saturday half the afternoon gone. (リッパ―ストリート)


Heavy weapon, crude, but effective. (リッパ―ストリート)


He kills the callous son of a bitch. (リッパ―ストリート)



Chalk dust, cut with lead for the purposes of miscarriage. (リッパ―ストリート)


One may cut chalk dust with anything. (リッパ―ストリート)


This is no amateur concern. (リッパ―ストリート)


We believe the risk worth taking. And there we part company. 賛同できない(リッパ―ストリート)


It's a chemical burn caused by a strong caustic alkali. (リッパ―ストリート)


She has ever been good to me. You've no call to speak ill of her. (リッパ―ストリート)


I asked permission to court her. (リッパ―ストリート)


Did we not pay for that machine at great expense? - We did, sir. Horrible clackety racket of a thing. Never use it. (リッパ―ストリート)


con : (v.t. conned, conning) To peruse or examine carefully; study.

Jackson, you will not leave this room until you have conned the meaning of these papers. (リッパ―ストリート)


How did you come by that? 手に入れる(リッパ―ストリート)


in one’s cups : [informal, old-fashioned] If someone is in their cups, they are drunk.

He talked too freely when he was in his cups.

The boastings and vauntings you made in your cups. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have no converse with the man, nor mean to. (リッパ―ストリート)


You worked as a coal heaver. (リッパ―ストリート)


These are your fingertips, where I thought to find claws. - You're determined in your bitterness! (リッパ―ストリート)


You broke a bone in your corset from laughing so hard. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have brought all this trouble to his door. (リッパ―ストリート)


To dispense medicine. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your courage always delighted me. (リッパ―ストリート)


We were called to a disturbance at a site not long since. (not long since つい近ごろ) (リッパ―ストリート)


Desist from this dabbling in men's work. (リッパ―ストリート)


This woman has lost her wits to come to this place to believe she may dictate terms to me. (リッパ―ストリート)


Dispense as I see fit. (リッパ―ストリート)


He has dissolved his businesses and liquidated his assets. (リッパ―ストリート)


dust sheet : (British) A large sheet for covering furniture or flooring to protect it from dust or while decorating.

He has dissolved his businesses, liquidated his assets, his houses swathed in dust sheets, void of life. (リッパ―ストリート)


I once rendered service to you unquestioningly, and in that I made myself an accessory to a black deed. (リッパ―ストリート)


Did we not pay for that machine at great expense? (リッパ―ストリート)


I will entrust myself to no other. あなただけを頼るわ。(リッパ―ストリート)


My medical education was fraught with prejudice. (リッパ―ストリート)


I seek a Mr. Edwin Havelock. We fear for his wife, Mary. 妻の件だ(リッパ―ストリート)


You will wish for that smooth assassin back, for he will seem a lamb. あの殺し屋のほうがましだったわと思わせてやるわ。(リッパ―ストリート)


Can you tell me how she fares? (リッパ―ストリート)


I flattered myself, that your interest in me was a mark of my excellence. (リッパ―ストリート)


You live your life full. (リッパ―ストリート)


It has made me grievous ill. (リッパ―ストリート)


I've got the governor asking why we're behind the schedule. (リッパ―ストリート)


Why on earth you've come back to this rough old game? (リッパ―ストリート)


He will have gone to ground. You find him. (リッパ―ストリート)


I must make good the wretched work. (リッパ―ストリート)


geligniteゼリグナイト◆不可算◆1875年ノーベル(Alfred Nobel)によって発明されたニトログリセリン、硝酸カリウム、木材パルプなどから成る爆発物。ダイナマイトに比べてニトログリセリンがしみ出さない点が優れている。

Did I say gelignite? No, I said gunpowder. (リッパ―ストリート)


She suffered grievously for it. (リッパ―ストリート)


His precious girl would rather die than give him away. (リッパ―ストリート)


A million gaping mouths demanding to be fed. (リッパ―ストリート)


I thought it my right, my place, to govern you, to know better of your happiness than you yourself. Rose, I would not be that man, still less that husband. (リッパ―ストリート)


This room becomes you. Though I guess you were born to it, to live grand. (リッパ―ストリート)


You play a hand. カードをする(リッパ―ストリート)


Your father, hounded out of this very life. (リッパ―ストリート)


I spoke harsh to you. (リッパ―ストリート)


Insult to injury. (リッパ―ストリート)


Backstreet amateur intent on filling his purse. (リッパ―ストリート)


Madam, you are generous with your time. I'm under no illusion as to the demand upon you. (リッパ―ストリート)


Forgive my impudence. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your sulphurous solicitor met his well-deserved fate long before ink had met paper. (契約前に) (sulphurous : marked by anger or profanity) (リッパ―ストリート)


Sanctuary for his ill-gotten money. (リッパ―ストリート)


These incontinent men and women. They can not be taught. They can not be trusted. Abstinence, chastity, these are unknown virtues and so they breed. (リッパ―ストリート)


There must be no more grief lest he be found out. (リッパ―ストリート)


I've had four cases of lead poisoning. (リッパ―ストリート)


Leave now, lest my father comes back and finds ya. (リッパ―ストリート)


Lactic acid. (リッパ―ストリート)


I thought it my right, my place, to govern you, to know better of your happiness than you yourself. Rose, I would not be that man, still less that husband. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am maddened by it. (リッパ―ストリート)


For fangs, I may have none, but I have a mind, and it is sharper, its edge keener, than any tooth, any blade. (mind頭脳) (リッパ―ストリート)


I must to work. (リッパ―ストリート)


I found her in her own home, mind, with the blood running out of her. (リッパ―ストリート)


I remember many a face in this room. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will match your courage, Dr. Frayn. I will fund your endeavour. (リッパ―ストリート)


It was to be brought to naught. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your quarrel with Mr. Tait. What is the nature of it? (リッパ―ストリート)


You need say no more. (リッパ―ストリート)


You have neutered these women against their knowledge. (リッパ―ストリート)


To speak of contraception is obscene in the eyes of the law. (リッパ―ストリート)


I swear on my mother's life! (リッパ―ストリート)


You took your pleasure off her, and she fell pregnant. 彼女と性交して妊娠させた。(リッパ―ストリート)


The silence obscene of the medical profession. (リッパ―ストリート)


Pennyroyal, Spanish fly. Brings on miscarriage. These are home remedies, two a penny. Nothing to kill for. (リッパ―ストリート)


Pennyroyal, Spanish fly. Brings on miscarriage. These are home remedies, two a penny. Nothing to kill for. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is a practitioner of abortion. (リッパ―ストリート)


I apply a piecemeal dressing to an ever-growing wound. (リッパ―ストリート)


Backstreet amateur intent on filling his purse. (リッパ―ストリート)


peterman : (Archaic) a thief or safe-breaker.

Can you crack the safe? - It's a highly complex procedure. - Well, the Pinkerton, it seems, is no Peterman. ピンカートン探偵社のあんたは金庫破りにはなれないようだな。(リッパ―ストリート)


Do not damage the contents of this safe. You will keep them pristine. (リッパ―ストリート)


Shall I die? I feel peril is close. (リッパ―ストリート)


Are you the man who's brought her to this pass? (リッパ―ストリート)


The faceless girls from whom you took your pleasure. 性交した顔も覚えていない女たち(リッパ―ストリート)


If you mean to vomit again, pray mind my shoes. (リッパ―ストリート)


The killer rams money down his throat. (リッパ―ストリート)


All damaged beyond repair. (リッパ―ストリート)


You're running. 熱があるわよ This room makes me ill. (リッパ―ストリート)


Did we not pay for that machine at great expense? - We did, sir. Horrible clackety racket of a thing. Never use it. (リッパ―ストリート)


A works contractor who reneges on his contracts. But you will not renege on our contract. (リッパ―ストリート)


You come to restate your case? (リッパ―ストリート)


I once rendered service to you unquestioningly. (リッパ―ストリート)


Twelve children she had. Year on year, they ripped their path through her and into the world. My father unheeding, insisting on his rights. 父は避妊に全く興味なし。(リッパ―ストリート)


I'd have done right by you. (リッパ―ストリート)


side street : a minor or subsidiary street.

To be mangled and shredded by these quacks, criminals of the backstreets and side alleys. (リッパ―ストリート)


I speak only for myself. My patron, Miss Hart, must be persuaded. ハート様のことは分かりませんので説得が必要です。(リッパ―ストリート)


I shall master this work. I shall make a study of this world. (リッパ―ストリート)


Hard-spent coin. (使い古された) (リッパ―ストリート)


There is no slack to the rope that they allow me. Not even to hang myself. 油断できる余裕はないわ。(リッパ―ストリート)


This strongbox, its contents are a primary concern. (リッパ―ストリート)


You cannot gain access to this strongbox? (リッパ―ストリート)


not long since つい近ごろ

We were called to a disturbance at a site not long since. (リッパ―ストリート)



1. (chiefly of vapour) containing or derived from sulphur.

Wafts of sulphurous fumes.

2. marked by anger or profanity.

A sulphurous glance.

Your sulphurous solicitor met his well-deserved fate. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mary, pregnant by you, sought a termination from the chemist. (リッパ―ストリート)


It stands thus. (リッパ―ストリート)


My only thought in life is to spare her, save her from the vile attentions of men and the sorrowful consequences upon her. (リッパ―ストリート)


You may dismiss me as a one-time runner of saloon whores. (リッパ―ストリート)


He has dissolved his businesses, liquidated his assets, his houses swathed in dust sheets, void of life. (dust sheet : (British) A large sheet for covering furniture or flooring to protect it from dust or while decorating.) (リッパ―ストリート)


You need not stoop so low. (リッパ―ストリート)


You have taken the wind from my sails. (リッパ―ストリート)


You served your own justice on him. 彼に私刑をした。(リッパ―ストリート)


This man, this wide-mouthed swaggerer. (リッパ―ストリート)


I saw my father in him and I told him not to court my daughter. (リッパ―ストリート)


We spoke of safe treatment for contraception, but you intend sterilisation. (リッパ―ストリート)


If we are to staunch this rascal multitude, we must then eradicate the breeding population. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will see you in shackles for the miseries you have inflicted. (リッパ―ストリート)


The ring is tiny. It is but a speck of a thing. (リッパ―ストリート)


Abdominal trauma. (リッパ―ストリート)


Some boy got his girl in trouble. はらませた(リッパ―ストリート)


The tenement expansion. (リッパ―ストリート)


You have trebled your terms. 金額を3倍にした(リッパ―ストリート)


How their dispute touches upon his murder is unclear. (リッパ―ストリート)


Is it the port wine has turned your stomach? (リッパ―ストリート)


Ta. (リッパ―ストリート)


An accessory to a black deed that I have not spoken of thus far. (リッパ―ストリート)


Tenderest heart. (リッパ―ストリート)


She thought to solve it. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have my doubts of Miss Hart, but they touch not upon you. その疑いは君には関係のないことだった。(リッパ―ストリート)


Will you never tire of your schoolboy pranks? (リッパ―ストリート)


My convictions affairs remain unshaken. (リッパ―ストリート)


A contract unsigned is not a contract. (リッパ―ストリート)


Unspeakably brutal. (リッパ―ストリート)


You have unmanned me. (リッパ―ストリート)


Twelve children she had. Year on year, they ripped their path through her and into the world. My father unheeding, insisting on his rights. 父は避妊に全く興味なし。(リッパ―ストリート)


I could not unmake it. I couldn't go back. (リッパ―ストリート)


God only knows what villainy is made there. (リッパ―ストリート)


The boastings and vauntings. (リッパ―ストリート)


What bastard had his way with ya? お前をこんな目に合わせたのは誰だ(リッパ―ストリート)


We believe the risk worth taking. (リッパ―ストリート)


What do they contain that their contents must be hidden? You have your work cut out, Captain. -Well, it's just as well I'm out of bourbon, then. 酒切れで良かった。中身は飲んで確認する。(リッパ―ストリート)


This woman has lost her wits to come to this place to believe she may dictate terms to me. (リッパ―ストリート)


I ask you, who would be a woman? Who would be a wife? (リッパ―ストリート)


wide-mouthed : (in British English)

1.      having a wide mouth

A wide-mouthed glass lemonade bottle.

He put the flowers in a wide-mouthed blue vase.

Wide-mouthed jars.

A wide-mouthed container.

2.  (of a smile) broad

Julia Roberts' wide-mouthed smile.

This man, this wide-mouthed swaggerer. (リッパ―ストリート)


All methods are found wanting. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm not such a wretch as he thinks. Blinded by hate for him I was. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is well you are here. I had thought to send for you. (リッパ―ストリート)



If I could crack safes the way you crack walnuts with your bare skull, I'd be riding The Oriental First Class to Yokohama right now. この金庫を開けることは難しい。(リッパ―ストリート)



I look forward to resuming our acquaintance in due course. (リッパ―ストリート)


If you will wait awhile. (リッパ―ストリート)


Uniforms have an affect on a girl. (リッパ―ストリート)


The cumulative wisdom is our instincts and our desires are entirely at odds with that moral decree. (リッパ―ストリート)


You’ll get elevated euphoria, less the attendant despair from the drug. (リッパ―ストリート)


An amalgam of the different drugs. (リッパ―ストリート)


appendage : 1 An arm, leg, or other body part. 2 Something that exists as a smaller and less important part of something larger.

The committee is a mere appendage of the council and has no power of its own.

The organism has small leaf-like appendages.

He had a tattoo on every visible appendage.

I have come to string that American up by his most prized appendage. (リッパ―ストリート)


He thinks it an arcadia in waiting in marriage. (リッパ―ストリート)


Edmund, a word. エイ(リッパ―ストリート)


She sold blooms from the steps of Christ Church, Spitalfields. (リッパ―ストリート)


We brought champagne. The party broke up and I remained. (リッパ―ストリート)


I make no boast of it. (リッパ―ストリート)


You leave her to travel about this borough alone. (リッパ―ストリート)


The weight of the world will break over your station house and my detained wife will come home. (リッパ―ストリート)


In principle, the two different drugs would balance one another. Where senselessness might be brought out in one person using the drug, and rage instead might be borne in another. (リッパ―ストリート)


In principle, the two different drugs would balance one another. Where senselessness might be brought out in one person using the drug, and rage instead might be borne in another. (リッパ―ストリート)


You do not hide your barbarism from me! (リッパ―ストリート)


I imagine you want me to sign beneath. (リッパ―ストリート)


I would not have given it credit. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's a powdery composite. (リッパ―ストリート)


She, I come to believe, the collateral for those desires. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is because you are callous. (リッパ―ストリート)


I would have shot you clear through that bleeding heart of yours. (リッパ―ストリート)


We all have our crosses. (=we all have our problems to carry) (リッパ―ストリート)


Denial would be predictable, would it not? - It would be customary. 普通は否定する(リッパ―ストリート)


The collective, placed above the self. 自己よりも集団を優先(リッパ―ストリート)


You think me clichéd. (リッパ―ストリート)


Velvet quilts, silk sheeting.. - You'll have a future as a draper should this life let you down. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's been emptied, but there are dregs. (リッパ―ストリート)


Severing that exact same digit. (リッパ―ストリート)


I was to be done with. (リッパ―ストリート)


Expose the dura mater of the brain. (リッパ―ストリート)


Excuse me, ma'am. - You are excused. (リッパ―ストリート)


You wish to leave us? - I am expected 人を待たせている(リッパ―ストリート)


She was perhaps sufficiently euphoric to partake in whatever debauchery had been intended. (リッパ―ストリート)


I've ever been a bachelor. (リッパ―ストリート)


We must forge a proof so sound that it may stand strong against the combined weight of this island's ruling class altogether. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's not simply the music halls of this borough on which you fix your attention. (リッパ―ストリート)


These rich men and women come wandering down here in Whitechapel as if our lives were naught but a fairground sideshow. To my mind, they are ripe for a fleecing. 泣きを見てもいいころだ(リッパ―ストリート)


These rich men and women come wandering down here in Whitechapel as if our lives were naught but a fairground sideshow. To my mind, they are ripe for a fleecing. 泣きを見てもいいころだ(リッパ―ストリート)


Now you are fetched here under suspicion of it. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your celebrated faculties are unharmed by your recent ordeal. (リッパ―ストリート)


get your feet under the table : [British] to establish yourself firmly in a new job or situation

He will wait for the new Transportation Secretary to get her feet under the table.

Your feet not even back under the table(リッパ―ストリート)


I cannot further account for it. さらに説明はできない(リッパ―ストリート)


I'm sent for to attend a case of gout? (リッパ―ストリート)


Word of advice. Never ice for the gout. (リッパ―ストリート)


Two women singing about Gladstone. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are both a good ways off your natural territory. (リッパ―ストリート)


A man who climbed out of death's grip. (リッパ―ストリート)


The life that I imagine you wish to escape, that which brings you far from its genteel restrictions. 上流階級のしきたりから逃げることのできる生活。(リッパ―ストリート)


There was no single drop of grog to dull the pain. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do you mind terribly? - You go right to it, miss. どうぞ(リッパ―ストリート)


We do not know whether he greeted her whim with distaste or delight. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am inclined to tell you. - You will have my gratitude. (リッパ―ストリート)


Everything that you would see rid from this world, I glorify. この世の悪に魅力を感じる。(リッパ―ストリート)


Ida's blood got gluey, so that there is the mark of the thumb of the hand that killed her. (指紋) (リッパ―ストリート)


Lady Vera is detained at your pleasure but habeas corpus is a powerful tool. (pleasure刑務所) (リッパ―ストリート)


She was not interfered with? (She was raped?) (Interfere with / interference was once (probably no longer is) a popular euphemism for a rape in the UK.  If a couple of policemen were looking at a woman's dead body and her knickers were still in place, undamaged and unstained, it would be perfectly reasonable for one to say "looks like there's been no interference". It's stretching a point to say that "interference" = "rape". Indeed, it is stretching it an incredibly long way. However, "interference" can, in context, reasonably do service for "sexual interference".)(リッパ―ストリート)


I am inclined to tell you. - You will have my gratitude. - As inducement, however, I would hear something from you, Inspector. (リッパ―ストリート)


I was incapacitated due to the effects of a cocaine. (リッパ―ストリート)


He looked at me with the same incomprehension. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is the incontrovertible truth. (リッパ―ストリート)


How you are jaded, my lady. Are you really so without hope for your life? (リッパ―ストリート)


The jitters of the cocaine. (リッパ―ストリート)


This knifed cavity in the chest. (リッパ―ストリート)


She's your cousin. - Of a kind. (リッパ―ストリート)


You may scrap your attempt to make kin of me. 俺となれなれしくしようとするのは止めたほうがいい(リッパ―ストリート)


These rich people, your people, they come to these streets in Whitechapel and they find whatever kick they can. (リッパ―ストリート)


She'll keep. 彼女は待たせていい(リッパ―ストリート)


Such length gone to just for a murdering. (リッパ―ストリート)


Take him down to lock-up. (リッパ―ストリート)


When last were you with her? (リッパ―ストリート)


The languor of the morphine. (リッパ―ストリート)


You lack for a wife. (リッパ―ストリート)


Murderesses hang just as surely as murderers do, Lady Vera. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is alone for now but his minions now gather. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your service seen where, however? - Egypt in the main, sir. (どこで軍に従事したのか) (リッパ―ストリート)


It's a mountain to try and to find love for  two lovers at the same time. (リッパ―ストリート)


Five days in death's maw. What did you see there? (リッパ―ストリート)


Naked as the day she were born. (リッパ―ストリート)


The same residue of the powder was caught in her nasal cavity. It's snorted. (リッパ―ストリート)


A woman is stabbed ten times over. (リッパ―ストリート)


order up〔部隊を〕召集する(リッパ―ストリート)

His cousin was ordered up. 彼のいとこは来るように命じられた。(リッパ―ストリート)


That woman's mind is her own. 女の心はわからん(リッパ―ストリート)


We are gathering of truth from your person, my lady. (リッパ―ストリート)


You enjoy the music hall theatre in Whitechapel? - Yes. Lacks pretense and that pleases me. (気取っていない) (リッパ―ストリート)


make great play of something :  [British] To put too much emphasis on something or exaggerate its importance. To make heavy weather of something

make great play of~をことさら強調する、~について大げさに話す、これ見よがしに~する

The press made great play of [with, about] only the movie's eroticism.  マスコミはその映画のエロチックな部分だけをことさら取り上げた。

You, Inspector, make great play of my actual title. (リッパ―ストリート)


He's in the parlour? 応接室(リッパ―ストリート)


There is a prevailing morality to our world which instructs us thus, find a bride, build a

home, raise a family... (リッパ―ストリート)


Denton is the Lady’s waged pilot into a world of vice. 悪の世界への案内人。(リッパ―ストリート)


He procured for them seats at the music hall. (リッパ―ストリート)


For most pertinent example. (リッパ―ストリート)


Her skinny ribs were plundered with the sharpest of knives. (リッパ―ストリート)


three parts = three-quarters

Three parts morphine to one part cocaine. (リッパ―ストリート)


The lowly pauper. (リッパ―ストリート)


My gout looks worse than it is. - Poor you. I much prefer things to be worse than they look. (リッパ―ストリート)


For reasons too perverse to imagine, she wishes herself hanged. (リッパ―ストリート)


How quaint you make it sound, Inspector. (リッパ―ストリート)


Are you aware of a medical procedure known as trepanning. - The boring of a hole through the skull. - Quite so. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am formally requested elsewhere. ほかに呼ばれているところがあるので失礼します。(リッパ―ストリート)


Silence, you runts! (リッパ―ストリート)


The forces now rally to my side. (リッパ―ストリート)


You may rest assured that I retain the most ruinous expensive attorney. (リッパ―ストリート)


He brought guards with him for their wanderings through the rookeries. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is in the life of this city that my fascination is rooted. (リッパ―ストリート)


run together混ざる、和合する

Your interest and mine run together, don't they? : あなたと私の利害は一致してますね。

I knew her brother Samuel. We ran together awhiles. 一緒に悪さした(リッパ―ストリート)


These rich men and women come wandering down here in Whitechapel as if our lives were naught but a fairground sideshow. To my mind, they are ripe for a fleecing. 泣きを見てもいいころだ(リッパ―ストリート)


Why did you have her rigged up like one them toffs you despise so? 上流階級のように彼女を着飾らせたのはなぜだ。(リッパ―ストリート)


Your affections rekindled? (リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Galton's theory runs thus, that the tip of each and every finger contains parallel ridges. (指紋) (リッパ―ストリート)


She sold blooms from the steps of Christ Church, Spitalfields. (リッパ―ストリート)


She is of some standing in this country. (リッパ―ストリート)


That shrill squawk of the landlady woke me up. (リッパ―ストリート)


Strolling back into the office, as though all he suffered was a weekend's course of fishing on the Wandle. (リッパ―ストリート)


She's gonna use a knife to scalp me and not think twice. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are a far sight too handsome for a bobby. (リッパ―ストリート)


He has known the inside of a station house before. 前科がある(リッパ―ストリート)


Lady Montacute and her husband are sat in our booking hall, waiting. (リッパ―ストリート)


The motives and for whys leave me stumped. (リッパ―ストリート)


She's a girl of these streets. How many flower girls do you know that have the time and inclination to see their hair so structured? 道の花売りの少女で髪をこのように整えている少女を他にいない?(リッパ―ストリート)


To see her story told. (リッパ―ストリート)


I was soldiering in Egypt. (リッパ―ストリート)


To stretcher him away. (リッパ―ストリート)


What say you and me make the inspector a little homecomin' present. (リッパ―ストリート)


We know it all. All save one fact. (リッパ―ストリート)


What does she stand to gain from that? (リッパ―ストリート)


Many a marriage has failed as we all know but such a striving to see one revived.. 結婚生活を復活させようとあなたが努めていること(リッパ―ストリート)


I do not feel the truth shine upon us. (リッパ―ストリート)


We took in a show in London. (リッパ―ストリート)


And thereafter? (リッパ―ストリート)


You titillate yourself in that watching. あれを観ることに興奮する(リッパ―ストリート)


You would not be sat there were that all we thought you tangled in. それだけの罪だけなら警察署に座っていないはずだ。(リッパ―ストリート)


That which the lady desires. (リッパ―ストリート)


Tincture of wolfsbane.(トリカブト)(リッパ―ストリート)


Do you mind terribly? (リッパ―ストリート)


He is a Toynbee-type, fool enough to get married. (リッパ―ストリート)


A medical procedure known as trepanning. The boring of a hole through the skull. (リッパ―ストリート)


It was more than thrice, but less than ten times. (リッパ―ストリート)


unqualified success文句なしの成功

Your attempt to find comradeship with the man Denton was not an unqualified success. (リッパ―ストリート)


What use was she? (リッパ―ストリート)


You hoped to unburden yourself? (リッパ―ストリート)


Denton is the Lady’s waged pilot into a world of vice. 悪の世界への雇われた案内人。(リッパ―ストリート)


The motives and for whys leave me stumped. (リッパ―ストリート)


For some whiles now. (リッパ―ストリート)


You do know for why you fetched her there. (リッパ―ストリート)


Tincture of wolfsbane. (リッパ―ストリート)


My brother will not say for why I am accompanied by him. (リッパ―ストリート)


So you whored your cousin to this man? (リッパ―ストリート)


The life which wearies you so. (リッパ―ストリート)


Wearing the bone for a charm? Against what? - Who can say? さぁね(リッパ―ストリート)


Lady Vera Montacute might feel a yen to come visit us here in White Chapel. Slum tourists. (リッパ―ストリート)


Away we go. (=Let's go.)

Away we go, my boys. (Let's get started.) おいお前ら。いくぞ。やっちまえ!(リッパ―ストリート)


apposite (Abberlineはアポザイトと発音)

Consider this an apposite moment. (リッパ―ストリート)


Well, let's be about, then. それじゃ行きましょう(リッパ―ストリート)


What you been about? 今まで何してたんだ(リッパ―ストリート)


Assorted counts of affray. (リッパ―ストリート)


Assorted counts of affray. (リッパ―ストリート)


Edward Shipman was apprenticed to the coopers. (リッパ―ストリート)


He's of age. I'm not my brother's keeper. (弟はもう大人だ) (リッパ―ストリート)


The alkalinity was low. (リッパ―ストリート)


A body of young men set on protecting an institution. (リッパ―ストリート)


Fill his boots. And I've told them before, they are heavy boots. (リッパ―ストリート)


Am I to be arrested for my own battery? (リッパ―ストリート)


If you are to take anything else to your bed. ベッドに性交のために連れ込むつもりなら。(リッパ―ストリート)


I brung him in here. (リッパ―ストリート)


You were seen, however, giving him a right belting just yesterday. (リッパ―ストリート)


Let us get this blue bottle bagged. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do you know what will befall me, sir. (リッパ―ストリート)


A blue boy サツ(リッパ―ストリート)


Do you think we might forgo the backchatter? (リッパ―ストリート)


Should they cross us. (リッパ―ストリート)


They set about him with a cooper's froe. (襲った) (リッパ―ストリート)


The men of the Black Eagle are not to be crossed? ブラックイーグルを裏切ってはいけないぜ。(リッパ―ストリート)


That's crepitation. That there is the sound of air against liquid. (リッパ―ストリート)


Contusions to his nose to force his mouth open. (リッパ―ストリート)


The teeth are chipped. (リッパ―ストリート)


The place burnt to the ground. Mr. Parker found alone within, burnt to a char. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was set about by a cooper's froe. (襲われた) (リッパ―ストリート)


You ever seen a cooper's froe at work, ever? It's a wooden handle, t-shaped blade. It's used for the splitting of wood. (リッパ―ストリート)


Both of these men cosied into the beer barrel. (リッパ―ストリート)


Their bodies are broken down to the exact size and they're coopered into a firkin. (firkin 小型の木だる(に似た形の容器)【類】cask ; keg) (リッパ―ストリート)


Edward Shipman was apprenticed to the coopers. (リッパ―ストリート)


Alibi came forward. (リッパ―ストリート)


Lads for the coopery. Many, many hundreds of lads. (リッパ―ストリート)


You were trained as a cooper, however, Mr. Shipman? (リッパ―ストリート)


Have you been living with consumption? (リッパ―ストリート)


You will do him the honour of not debauching yourself. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are the draper's girl. Your shop front out there. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is another man they may look to for their directing. 新しいリーダーを奴らは期待している(リッパ―ストリート)


All this violence passed through with your premises exempted. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm gonna make an example of you. (リッパ―ストリート)


Might I be excused but two minutes only? (リッパ―ストリート)


We here have to wait upon your pleasure as if you are the emissary of the ottoman emperor himself? (皮肉) (リッパ―ストリート)


Another Miss Hart, perhaps, by the window? It's better, I think. Yes, the light is forgiving. (リッパ―ストリート)


They set about him with a cooper's froe. (襲った) (リッパ―ストリート)


He was set about by a cooper's froe. (襲われた) (リッパ―ストリート)


You ever seen a cooper's froe at work, ever? It's a wooden handle, t-shaped blade. It's used for the splitting of wood. (リッパ―ストリート)



1. ファーキン英国の容量単位。4分の1バレル(barrel)、約41リットルに相当。【略】fir

2. 小型の木だる(に似た形の容器)【類】cask ; keg

Their bodies are broken down to the exact size and they're coopered into a firkin. (リッパ―ストリート)


You, Captain fancy-pants. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm not far off now, am I, sir? - No, you're not. (すぐ死ぬ) (リッパ―ストリート)


Those men beaten and broken and housed in their firkins. (リッパ―ストリート)


You, American, whose range of expertise is so breathtakingly vast that it now fixes itself upon the beers and brews of the United Kingdom? (リッパ―ストリート)


Do you think we might forgo the backchatter? (リッパ―ストリート)


This is a day for firsts. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was gobby. (リッパ―ストリート)


A gruff copper. (リッパ―ストリート)


Smashed the place up good and proper. (リッパ―ストリート)


You had for so long harboured such a villain? (リッパ―ストリート)


That's neither here nor there. : それは全然[直接的 にも間接的 にも]関係ない問題です。そんなことはこの際どうでもいい。

A time comes when your sanction is neither here nor there. (リッパ―ストリート)


I did not know them from a hole in the ground. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm asked to remember one from so many off the top of my dear old head? (リッパ―ストリート)


For that, I offer you my innumerable thanks. (リッパ―ストリート)


The bullet impacted the skull. (リッパ―ストリート)


Man made into 18 imperial gallons. (樽に押し込まれた) (リッパ―ストリート)


I do not mean to be indelicate. (リッパ―ストリート)


She who finds herself immune to insurrection. (リッパ―ストリート)


He took my irons off and set me free. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have knocked, I have shouted. But no reply. He's either elsewhere or he is insensible. My intuition leans to the latter. (リッパ―ストリート)


Of that I must also declare myself ignorant. それに関しては知らないといわせてもらう(リッパ―ストリート)


Remove his irons, will you? (リッパ―ストリート)


Know this. (リッパ―ストリート)


I shall get myself there therefore to see if this man is known there. (リッパ―ストリート)


Edward Shipman, known kin a brother, Walter, younger by six years. (リッパ―ストリート)


He's not your lookout. 警戒する相手(リッパ―ストリート)


I have knocked, I have shouted. But no reply. He's either elsewhere or he is insensible. My intuition leans to the latter. (リッパ―ストリート)


Down a laneway. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have an older brother, you know. You spend a good deal of time looking up for example. So much time that example becomes your second nature. (リッパ―ストリート)


He's a cruel one. It's only his older brother who knows how to keep a lid on him. (リッパ―ストリート)


We have lived off of similar affairs. (リッパ―ストリート)


For the life of me, I cannot think why I have responded. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are the only thing I have in this world to take the lead from my limbs. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is material to what we now discuss. (リッパ―ストリート)


Will you share what it is you consider to be quite so material? (リッパ―ストリート)


A man might accordingly lay good money that ~ (従ってきっとSVといえるだろう)(リッパ―ストリート)


Maybe he uses this brutality to mark himself out for leader. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are a fool, certainly. But not one misled. (リッパ―ストリート)


The world is better for the lack of that man. But that it necessitated the loss of Mr. Reid. (犠牲にした) (リッパ―ストリート)


Nary a scratch. (リッパ―ストリート)


Always a pleasure to put a name to a face. (リッパ―ストリート)


There was something of note. (リッパ―ストリート)


A wave hello, half a glass off him, no more. バーテンダーとは挨拶をしただけよ。(リッパ―ストリート)


A black-hearted coward caring only for plunder. (リッパ―ストリート)


The doctor's prognosis. (リッパ―ストリート)


He took a porter from us. Our stout also. (注文した) (リッパ―ストリート)


These publicans. They must know what will befall them should they cross us. (リッパ―ストリート)


Is there a past between the two of them? あの二人には昔関係があったの?(リッパ―ストリート)


One more dead publican! (リッパ―ストリート)


Charge of murder three years past. (リッパ―ストリート)


Pubs and publicans assaulted. (リッパ―ストリート)


pale aleビールのスタイルの1つ。イギリスの国民酒の1つである。日本語のカタカナ表記としてはペール・エールもある〔ビールの〕ペール・エール◆麦芽をコークスで焙煎して作る、やや苦みがあり、フルーツの香りが強い上面発酵 のビール。 色は淡色から茶褐色までさまざまである。 19世紀初頭 までは、ビール会社がペール・エールと呼ぶものと、消費者はビター(bitter)と呼んでいた。

pale ale :  A type of beer that does not contain much alcohol and is often sold in bottles

His pale ale will now be supplied and delivered from the Burton-on-Trent Breweries. (リッパ―ストリート)


The lad, PC Grace, he who came to find you? (リッパ―ストリート)


What now comes to pass shall offer us safeguards for a hundred years. (リッパ―ストリート)


Killing a man for not taking our pale ale? (リッパ―ストリート)


There are others now dead I would have your renegade eyes upon! お前のその堕落した目で検査してほしい死体がある。(リッパ―ストリート)


By my reckoning, I'd say... This man was drowned. (俺の予想だと) (リッパ―ストリート)


He is here represented in the book. 記録帳に記載されています(リッパ―ストリート)


This is raked over again, is it? この話をまた蒸し返すのか。(リッパ―ストリート)


You were seen, however, giving him a right belting just yesterday. (リッパ―ストリート)


The beer in the United Kingdom, that rank soup that you all pour down yourselves like it's Victoria's own bath water. (リッパ―ストリート)


I would like to rest my head on the lap of someone I can trust. (リッパ―ストリート)


Am I a fool to rest this hope in you? (リッパ―ストリート)


Some succour is found, I hope, in the knowledge that the 55 victims now have their justice. (リッパ―ストリート)


That intelligence was scattered to the winds along with Mr. Capshaw's brains and the inspector's buckshot. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have no doubt that our readers for the newspaper shall thrill, and lament to this exclusive witnessing you offer. - I am at their service Mr. Best. (リッパ―ストリート)


We fight the sepsis. (リッパ―ストリート)


He took a porter from us. Our stout also. (注文した) (リッパ―ストリート)


You have to prove your steel to them, do ya? Show 'em what vengeance means, eh? (リッパ―ストリート)


They set about him. 彼を襲った(リッパ―ストリート)


You are good deal steelier than you used to be. (リッパ―ストリート)


He's not sodden. His body shows no signs of being in water. (リッパ―ストリート)


You think to take advantage, do you? Well, we will not suffer it. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was set upon by two others. 襲われた(リッパ―ストリート)


These limbs 're all broken at the joints. The sockets are popped. (リッパ―ストリート)


The sinews spliced. (リッパ―ストリート)


The sinews spliced. (リッパ―ストリート)


Unpoliced riot swept two nights past. (リッパ―ストリート)


Soft water, heavy in sulphites. This is not London water. No sulphites better suited for that mellow fruitfulness that you enjoy in your brew. (リッパ―ストリート)


A body of young men set on protecting an institution. (リッパ―ストリート)


I knocked over a lantern, didn't I? Smashed the place up good and proper. He was all sloshed with brandy, and, whoosh. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm not sure I have ever been sent for before now. こんな風に呼びつけられたことはないわ(リッパ―ストリート)


Sorry you felt the urge to test our promise to ya. (リッパ―ストリート)


Bet he sees his transgressions now. 自分の罪が分かっただろ(リッパ―ストリート)


Time was you might have walked out of here. No sort of comment on it. 何も言われずにうしろめたいことなしにこの部屋を出ていける時があったよな。(リッパ―ストリート)


You, may argue the toss of such wisdom. (リッパ―ストリート)


You think to take advantage, do you? Well, we will not suffer it. (リッパ―ストリート)


tend to ~に気を配る

Tend to my clothes.

To tend to your toilet(リッパ―ストリート)


You turncoat, Teddy! (リッパ―ストリート)


Unpoliced riot swept two nights past. (リッパ―ストリート)


The vessel was forced into his mouth. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am wretched with it. (リッパ―ストリート)


You'll be waiting a good old whiles. 長いこと待つことになる(リッパ―ストリート)


A wave hello. ハローと言って手をふること。(リッパ―ストリート)


You must agree it is a conversation worth having. (リッパ―ストリート)


Man smashes a barrel in with his fist and the blade is used to waggle the split free. (リッパ―ストリート)


A long whiles ago, you lied to the police. (リッパ―ストリート)


I knocked over a lantern, didn't I? Smashed the place up good and proper. He was all sloshed with brandy, and, whoosh. (リッパ―ストリート)


You can use that tongue of yours to whip strips from me. (リッパ―ストリート)


A judge for my arraignment. (リッパ―ストリート)


You had no need to make the world stand up and applaud your very existence. (謙虚) (リッパ―ストリート)


My addled wits see that you and she are not as estranged as the world might believe. お前と彼女はお互い疎遠ではないのはこんな俺でも分かる。(リッパ―ストリート)


Would something that approached proof be of interest? (リッパ―ストリート)


This borough you would shape to a higher ideal. (リッパ―ストリート)


His barren wife. (リッパ―ストリート)


Susan Hart had her bound by whatever gilded fetter. (リッパ―ストリート)


One baker if you please. Dollop of butter also. (リッパ―ストリート)


A white scarf with a red border, tied. Knotted at the front? (首の前で結ばれた) (リッパ―ストリート)


She spoke of a bonnet, but there was no bonnet on her to speak of. (リッパ―ストリート)


See what a jolly bonnet I've got now. (リッパ―ストリート)


A burgled bag. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was up betimes doing his lessons.

He gave promise betimes of the energy and thoroughness which were to distinguish him throughout life

He awoke betimes that morning; 彼はその朝早くに目覚めた(リッパ―ストリート)


cultch : The mass of stones, broken shells, and grit of which an oyster bed is formed.

Her first oyster taken from a cultch here. (リッパ―ストリート)


She was my ward, my charge. (リッパ―ストリート)


I felt her captor's skull come apart in my hands. 娘を監禁していた奴の頭を割ってやった。(リッパ―ストリート)


I am charmed to make your acquaintance. (リッパ―ストリート)


She is pretty as a picture, mad as a flag. That one is sixteen, certainly. A bit of comelies. (リッパ―ストリート)


She is red of hair, correct? Close on 15 years of age? (リッパ―ストリート)


I brought you here so this man could be corralled. (リッパ―ストリート)


You scream, you get a clout. 叫んだら殴るぞ。(リッパ―ストリート)


A coal man on his way to work. (リッパ―ストリート)


That conjecture ain't worth a pot of piss to me. (リッパ―ストリート)


He's a curious one, would you not agree? Such still waters. (リッパ―ストリート)


I did not agree to this because your carping was a sound for which I yearned. 毒舌を聞きたいためにここに来たわけじゃないのよ。(リッパ―ストリート)


There is a wickedness it is within my power to see corrected. (リッパ―ストリート)


I find you on my doorstep with your cooing entreaties. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was a friend to me. A friend the times when he had no call to be so. 友人である必要がないときも(リッパ―ストリート)


You disown the credit? 功績を捨てろと(リッパ―ストリート)


Whose eyes deceive themselves? 誰が見間違いをしたのか(リッパ―ストリート)


She, knowing full well the part he has played, once more calls for you, her still-favourite dupe, to stroke and tug our secrets free. あの女は警察の手の内を知るためにお前を利用した(リッパ―ストリート)


One baker if you please. Dollop of butter also. (リッパ―ストリート)


A drink hole. (リッパ―ストリート)


You know the dance. (It means it's more like "You know the dance routine", "You know the way we usually do it", that kind of thing.) (リッパ―ストリート)


She has not produced her doss money. (リッパ―ストリート)


She has earned her doss money three times over and drunk it all away. (リッパ―ストリート)


She has earned her doss money three times over and drunk it all away. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have dug deeper into its details. (リッパ―ストリート)


De facto fiefdom. (リッパ―ストリート)


I need not have disquieted myself 取り越し苦労だったようだな(リッパ―ストリート)


I see your search is exhausted. (リッパ―ストリート)


I find you on my doorstep with your cooing entreaties. (リッパ―ストリート)


You expect me to find a feather for your cap?! (リッパ―ストリート)


She is to bring herself out, or I shall pull her forth by her ears! (リッパ―ストリート)


Knowing full well the part he has played. (リッパ―ストリート)


Broken free from whatever gilded fetter. (リッパ―ストリート)


Fear not Inspector I will not kill him. Not yet. (リッパ―ストリート)


The victims fell beneath his knife. 犠牲者は奴のナイフにやられた。(リッパ―ストリート)


De facto fiefdom. (リッパ―ストリート)


A man that you have known in fellowship. (リッパ―ストリート)


Fear not, I've got one thing to give you, and then I'm gone. 心配しなくても伝えることだけ伝えたら、すぐ帰るよ。(リッパ―ストリート)


As you see fit. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is your guile which now allows us the peace. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is hell to be raised, Fred, and I am to raise it. (リッパ―ストリート)


Not even those hounds at the newspaper have such knowledge. (リッパ―ストリート)


This here, this station house, I barely left. And when I did leave, the station house came home with me. 警察署での仕事が終わった時も仕事を家でした。(リッパ―ストリート)


His is hooch. Yours is decent. 奴の酒は安物だがお前のはうまいな。(リッパ―ストリート)


Much of my life would be impossible, were it not for her commitment and support. (リッパ―ストリート)


A white scarf with a red border, tied. Knotted at the front? (首の前で結ばれた) (リッパ―ストリート)


I spoke with Mathilda at great length. (リッパ―ストリート)


and lo! そして、見よ!

I speak to you in good faith and I tell you what you need to hear and, lo, Reid misses his man. 信用してお前に必要なことを話した後警察が犯人を逃してしまったといことはお前が密告しているんだな。(リッパ―ストリート)


You lace him with such torment. (リッパ―ストリート)


mutton : (obsolete, slang) A prostitute.

In your mutton wife's halls. (リッパ―ストリート)


Look at you, that pretty dress all mucked. Sooty angel, that's what you are. (リッパ―ストリート)


Pretty as a picture, mad as a flag. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's for his sake that you mount the investigation. (リッパ―ストリート)


Harry has nowt better to do currently. (リッパ―ストリート)


Been here nigh on an hour. (リッパ―ストリート)


Needs must you demolish the whole of Whitechapel, sir. (リッパ―ストリート)


Much obliged. (リッパ―ストリート)


Wishes to speak with Mr. Reid. Pronounces it of current urgency. (リッパ―ストリート)


You imagine me performing private pirouettes of glee. (リッパ―ストリート)


Her purpose is served. (リッパ―ストリート)


popsy : (dated informal) An attractive young woman.

Who is the popsy with that bloke?

Tell 'em Harry Ward has a new popsy. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your pops. (リッパ―ストリート)


He procures and he sells. 売春をあっせんする He is one of those that pimp the young. (リッパ―ストリート)


He procures and he sells. 売春をあっせんする He is one of those that pimp the young. (リッパ―ストリート)


She has not produced her doss money. (リッパ―ストリート)


There were horrors, which preceded that moment, that were born when you still had her. まだ彼女と一緒にいたころに生じた、その事件よりさかのぼる惨劇がありました。(リッパ―ストリート)


When last we parleyed, you were far from receptive. (リッパ―ストリート)


That conjecture ain't worth a pot of piss to me. (リッパ―ストリート)


pastures new : (idiom also mainly US new pastures)  a new place or activity that offers new opportunities.

She's giving up her job and moving on to pastures new.

She has not been sacked; she just wants to move on to pastures new.

I'm not very adventurous. I don't crave excitement and pastures new.

He found the market tough and decided to sell the software business and seek pastures new.

Two experienced members of the communications team are heading for new pastures.

An unregulated pasture of opportunity. (リッパ―ストリート)


Hennig Brand pisses in the retort, boils it back to a solid slurry, calls it phosphorous. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is time we found a means for you to repay my generosity. (リッパ―ストリート)


When last we parleyed, you were far from receptive. (リッパ―ストリート)


You have a burgled bag of anonymous securities to see exchanged into ready cash. (リッパ―ストリート)


I want to know if I can see it, see the evil that has come to roost in you. (リッパ―ストリート)


You might imagine the world capable of righting itself without ya. (リッパ―ストリート)


He has no business stampeding through my house. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your mind is scrambled. It's not your own. (リッパ―ストリート)


She, knowing full well the part he has played, once more calls for you, her still-favourite dupe, to stroke and tug our secrets free. あの女は警察の手の内を知るためにお前を利用した(リッパ―ストリート)


Look at you, that pretty dress all mucked. Sooty angel, that's what you are. (リッパ―ストリート)


Did you come here solely to pronounce on the self-evident, or is there another purpose to your visit? (リッパ―ストリート)


I station meself besides the pub. (屋台を持つ) (リッパ―ストリート)


There was a shard of mirror. (リッパ―ストリート)


The shard of glass. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's for his sake that you mount the investigation. (リッパ―ストリート)


He's a curious one, would you not agree? Such still waters. (リッパ―ストリート)


The City of London, it squirms with agents of all kind. あらゆる仲介人がいる(リッパ―ストリート)


Five men went to the scaffold, did they not? 死刑台(リッパ―ストリート)


The transaction of U.S. bearer bonds to pounds sterling. (リッパ―ストリート)


You might imagine the world capable of righting itself without ya. To believe otherwise is just another stripe of selfishness. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are the only soul I might trust. (リッパ―ストリート)


The bonds transacted into cash. (リッパ―ストリート)


Why would you torment yourself? (リッパ―ストリート)


My addled wits see that you and she are not as estranged as the world might believe. お前と彼女はお互い疎遠ではないのはこんな俺でも分かる。(リッパ―ストリート)


You hungry, beauty? A tater, if you wants it, bought and buttered. (リッパ―ストリート)


You eat your tater, beauty. (リッパ―ストリート)


For many weeks she had not smiled, nor taken my hand, without that I had taken hers first. (リッパ―ストリート)


Unbeknown to me, she must have found it. (リッパ―ストリート)


She was my ward, my charge. (リッパ―ストリート)


When people are lost to us, it is perhaps true that we remember them as we wish them to have

been, not as they were. (リッパ―ストリート)


No man ever the wiser. (リッパ―ストリート)


For what it's worth, I don't believe Susan a part of it. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your name, Mr. Capshaw, writ above the murder of masses. 大量殺人者としてあなたの名前がここにある(リッパ―ストリート)



I'd begun to think you lacking the wherewithal to support your ambitions. (リッパ―ストリート)


Those spiritualists 're both in the archive Mr. Reid had. (リッパ―ストリート)


Snapped his neck in the affray. (リッパ―ストリート)


Those things were atop the desk to conceal it. (リッパ―ストリート)


I imagined her on a gazebo, flamingoes all around for the show. But Rose feels it's a little de trop. - How austere of her. (リッパ―ストリート)


I would know his account.(リッパ―ストリート)


The regrets I have accrued in this life could fill all the oceans twice over. (リッパ―ストリート)


What is it that ails you? (リッパ―ストリート)


The name of the addressee is clearly marked. 受取人(リッパ―ストリート)


A pain that only your love can salve and balm. (リッパ―ストリート)


Be that as it may, Inspector, the division needs a man behind that desk. (リッパ―ストリート)


I got on my back to get ahead. 男と寝た 出世するために(リッパ―ストリート)


Edmund Reid was no such bedfellow with ways of violence. (リッパ―ストリート)


This place hasn't been haunted. It's been burgled. (リッパ―ストリート)


They got Ezra banged up for it. ムショにぶち込む(リッパ―ストリート)


Her father getting burgled in such close proximity to his daughter. (リッパ―ストリート)


The spirit would use me as conduit that you may know his voice from beyond. (リッパ―ストリート)


Abberline may once have coppered here, but this day, he comes as Yard. 以前はここの警察官だったが、今日は本部から派遣されてくる。(リッパ―ストリート)


We got ourselves a dead clairvoyant. (リッパ―ストリート)


Never saw it coming. (リッパ―ストリート)


Le Cheyne here was channeling the spirit of her dearly departed. (リッパ―ストリート)


Some of the girls pour pints at the pub for a little extra coin. (リッパ―ストリート)


Calm your thoughts. (リッパ―ストリート)


Fracture of the cervical spine. (リッパ―ストリート)


We shall channel funds into a trust. (リッパ―ストリート)


Ghosts haven't any use for coin. (リッパ―ストリート)


Look away from the photo with a naked girl, son. Be not corrupted by this devilish filth. (リッパ―ストリート)


He offered a crown.(リッパ―ストリート)


You called on a fellow with a chop. 食べ物(リッパ―ストリート)


A copper sniffed about(リッパ―ストリート)


Scared her shitless. I had to dope her. (リッパ―ストリート)


In my day, Edmund Reid was no such bedfellow with ways of violence. - Begging your pardon, sir, but it has not been your day for some years. もう現役は退いていますよね。(リッパ―ストリート)


de trop〈フランス語〉多過ぎる

de trop : unnecessary, unwanted, or more than is suitable.

I thought her remarks about Roger's recent problems were rather de trop.

I imagined her on a gazebo, flamingoes all around for the show. But Rose feels it's a little de trop. - How austere of her. (リッパ―ストリート)


He left me for a damsel dark. (黒髪の娘と駆け落ちした。)(リッパ―ストリート)


If you're here for dirt on Reid. - I come on no such business. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is offered to you, then? - Mr. Reid's position effective immediate. (リッパ―ストリート)


Should we exhume and bury her proper like? (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm looking for a girl named Juniper. Told she works here. - Oh. You set my ears afire, sir. (リッパ―ストリート)


Oil of phosphorus was used for ectoplasm. (リッパ―ストリート)


Excuse the hour. こんな時間に来てごめんなさい(リッパ―ストリート)


The face, the voice, the touch which seem forever forsaken. (リッパ―ストリート)


He says Le Cheyne was fit as a horse. (リッパ―ストリート)


Should he ever discover the fiction fed to him. (リッパ―ストリート)


Jasmines, forget-me-nots. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm no more than a fairground conjurer. (リッパ―ストリート)


I know where she was most fond to take her men. 彼女が男を連れ込む場所を知っている。(リッパ―ストリート)


It's a nice grift you boys got going. Grift, sir? (リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Marvell gave out he didn't know you. (言った) (リッパ―ストリート)


He gets around quite a bit. : 彼は、ずいぶん顔が広いです[あちこちに顔を出しています]。

That little minx sure gets around, don't she? (リッパ―ストリート)


I imagined her on a gazebo, flamingoes all around. (リッパ―ストリート)


gawp at〈主に英〉じろじろと[ぶしつけに・口をぽかんと開けて]~を見る◆【類】gawk

What are you gawping at? : 何をボケーッと見てるんですか?

Maybe you should worry about leaving your photograph for the bloody police to gawp at? (リッパ―ストリート)


Hail to the chief. (リッパ―ストリート)


Then Alexander had me, too. アレックスが私の恋人になった(リッパ―ストリート)


Cyanide in his hip flask. (リッパ―ストリート)


Had no money for a bed, not a ha'penny. (リッパ―ストリート)


I would see you kept safe from the sad havoc of this world. (リッパ―ストリート)


This is all known news. Why don't you just give me the goddamn headline for Christ sakes, huh? (リッパ―ストリート)


He is your intended, Rose. (リッパ―ストリート)


Languish and yearn unseen. (リッパ―ストリート)


Sir, do not make light. 軽く見ないで(リッパ―ストリート)


Did he make enemies in his line of work? (リッパ―ストリート)


He felt like Alexander had all of the limelight, that he was always waiting in shadow, no more than a sidekick. (リッパ―ストリート)


Juniper intends to go to Paris, launch herself upon the music halls. (リッパ―ストリート)


What line of work was Mr. Wakefield in? (リッパ―ストリート)


lark tongue : The tongue of a lark, which was used in ancient recipes. Lark's tongue (chamfer), a special type of chamfer end.

It ain't champagne and lark tongues. (リッパ―ストリート)


Let I be your humble servant and medium. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is no malady of the body. (リッパ―ストリート)


She'll receive the very finest education and treatment from doctors of the mind. (リッパ―ストリート)


Miss Kohl, you will drop your mask with me or you shall end up pirouetting in leg irons. (足かせしてダンスの職業を続けることになるぞ) (リッパ―ストリート)


Mortuary records.v


The whole of him was burnt meat. 焦げた死体 She only knew him by his pocket watch. (リッパ―ストリート)


Made like he'd fallen off a boat and his missus leaves town, we find them both living it up in Altrincham on his life insurance. (みせかけられた) (リッパ―ストリート)


It did not raise one mote of suspicion in you? (リッパ―ストリート)


What is right is to protect the inspector's good name. (リッパ―ストリート)


There are matters needful. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are naught but hope and life. (リッパ―ストリート)


The solicitor said a man had been nosing about Wakefield. (リッパ―ストリート)


The regrets I have accrued in this life could fill all the oceans twice over. (リッパ―ストリート)


Oil of phosphorus. (リッパ―ストリート)


Why don't we just ask the medium to powwow with his spirit? (リッパ―ストリート)


Some of the girls pour pints at the pub for a little extra coin. (リッパ―ストリート)


keep one's powder dry

1. 〔兵士がすぐに攻撃を開始できるように〕火薬を乾燥させておく

2. 〈比喩〉〔すぐに行動を開始できるように〕準備を怠らない、準備万端整える、万一に備える

You just keep your powder dry, okay? (リッパ―ストリート)


He died of prussic acid. (リッパ―ストリート)


You ought to peer past Juniper Kohl's pretty mask. (リッパ―ストリート)


Le Cheyne is killed with prussic acid, right? (リッパ―ストリート)


Guess what they use to kill bugs. Prussic goddamn acid. (リッパ―ストリート)


The lock could have been picked. (リッパ―ストリート)


Miss Kohl, you will drop your mask with me or you shall end up pirouetting in leg irons. (足かせしてダンスの職業を続けることになるぞ) (リッパ―ストリート)


Hope is made a phantom. (リッパ―ストリート)


The whole of him was burnt meat. 焦げた死体(リッパ―ストリート)


She only knew him by his pocket watch. (リッパ―ストリート)


Where have you been all night? - Wherever I please. (リッパ―ストリート)


Wakefield took life insurance two months past. (リッパ―ストリート)


He told me those days were over. The days of following his prick. (下半身で行動すること) (リッパ―ストリート)


He owns a piece of me. 彼が私の心をつかんでいる(リッパ―ストリート)


That's gonna itch like hell for a couple days, but that's mother nature's way of telling you not to put it there. (女とやる) (リッパ―ストリート)


Five men hanged for the train wreck.  Five pawns hanged. (リッパ―ストリート)


What is that girl doing out of her quarters? She stays in her quarters. (リッパ―ストリート)


She was rehearsing this morning. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your inspector is required. 彼を呼んでくれ(リッパ―ストリート)


We do right by the girl to the extent we may. (リッパ―ストリート)


She came in demanding to see the spiritualist, raving about Mr. Wakefield. (リッパ―ストリート)


He restocked his supplies. (リッパ―ストリート)


I was right sick. (リッパ―ストリート)


A pain that only your love can salve and balm. (リッパ―ストリート)


His gift which today lays him low and snuffs from the world a light so bright. 自分の才能のせいで死んだ。(リッパ―ストリート)


My autopsy report's been sewn up, (うまくやっておいた)(リッパ―ストリート)


Reid stays gone. There are worse men for the job. (リッパ―ストリート)


Were you stepping out with Ezra Marvell, too? (リッパ―ストリート)


Get me paper, sodium bicarbonate. (リッパ―ストリート)


This is a place of solace, where spirits may find welcome. (リッパ―ストリート)


You dare lecture me on the manner of my sorrow? (リッパ―ストリート)


Writing on the slate. (リッパ―ストリート)


Soapy water and egg white. (リッパ―ストリート)


They fought like street cats. (リッパ―ストリート)


William's an animal stuffer. (リッパ―ストリート)


Help himself to a little scratch  (=readies) (リッパ―ストリート)


So much for Mrs. Wakefield's saintly husband. (リッパ―ストリート)


A copper sniffed about. 嗅ぎまわった 証拠を求めて(リッパ―ストリート)


The snide we used. (リッパ―ストリート)


I stood in the rain and watched dirt shovelled on him. (葬式) (リッパ―ストリート)


The sole truth. (リッパ―ストリート)


smalls pl (plural only) (UK, Australia, informal) Underwear.

He's in the garden hanging his smalls on the washing line.

I shall refrain from dropping my smalls. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is a startling coincidence, is it not? (リッパ―ストリート)


Not saying, Captain. Asking. 断定はしていない。尋ねているだけだ(リッパ―ストリート)


The locomotive calamity which tore him from you was so sudden. (リッパ―ストリート)


Called me a whore in a tutu. (リッパ―ストリート)


Juniper slid her pretty fingers deep into him and tore out his heart. (リッパ―ストリート)



At the end of the film I suddenly twigged. : 映画の終わりになって突然状況が飲み込めた。

Mrs. Wakefield here has a moment of clarity and sees through Le Cheyne, twigs that he took some money for some hocus-pocus. (リッパ―ストリート)


William sometimes liked to take in a song after work. (鑑賞する) (リッパ―ストリート)


To think that I might I could kill him? (リッパ―ストリート)



1 《鳥類》キジバト(つがいの仲むつまじさで知られる).

2 恋人;仲のよい夫婦.

You can carve a turtledove to signify I died of love. (リッパ―ストリート)


He attacked Mr. Buckley unprovoked. (リッパ―ストリート)


Would you show us where the visitation took place? (リッパ―ストリート)


That train laying to waste. (リッパ―ストリート)


The villainy I wade through. (リッパ―ストリート)


He who, still the police no wiser, now continues to ship such spoils into London. 警察に知られずにそのようなものをロンドンに送り続ける男(リッパ―ストリート)



Abberline may once have coppered here, but this day, he comes as Yard. 以前はここの警察官だったが、今日は本部から派遣されてくる。(リッパ―ストリート)


I suspect you may find his terms less amenable. (リッパ―ストリート)


Will you not afford me a modest audience? (リッパ―ストリート)


This morning, a woman lies slain in her shop, and it is to that we presently attend. (リッパ―ストリート)


Husband? – He remains abroad. 行方不明(リッパ―ストリート)


By all accounts, violence is most uncharacteristic of him. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Kendrick has not afforded us full candor. (リッパ―ストリート)


I should like to assay these new techniques on Alice. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your time is appreciated, Miss Hart. (リッパ―ストリート)


The ledgers show interest inflated week on week. Loan to pay loan to pay loan, and the debt accrued. (リッパ―ストリート)


This borough shall see its jails burst asunder and its streets bare of life. (リッパ―ストリート)


I feel the fissure yawn into abyss faster than we can weave gossamer afresh. (リッパ―ストリート)


He requests audience, sir. (リッパ―ストリート)


A robbery, yes, but naught claimed amiss. Strange days, would you not agree? (リッパ―ストリート)


If you come to berate my investigation afresh, I shall shackle you for a month. (リッパ―ストリート)


He catches these butterflies on account that it's right on his doorstep. (リッパ―ストリート)


Fine work. Have at it. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have not afforded you the full candor. (リッパ―ストリート)


Abberline may have a bent for that politic. (リッパ―ストリート)


Screaming blue murder, she was. (リッパ―ストリート)


Keeping you busy, are they? 仕事で忙しそうだな。(リッパ―ストリート)


We'll need more than Fred Best crying bogeyman to prove such. (リッパ―ストリート)


Dolly Do-right heredidn't give you a blow-by-blow? (Dudley Do-Rightダッドリードゥーライト、模範的な[高潔ぶった]人◆テレビアニメ"Dudley Do-Right of the Mounties"の主人公からきた表現で、しばしば皮肉的に使われる。) (リッパ―ストリート)


No man is fit to work from the bottom of a bottle. 酒を飲んでできる仕事はない。(リッパ―ストリート)


This borough shall see its jails burst asunder and its streets bare of life. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do not spare your billy clubs. (リッパ―ストリート)


If you come to berate my investigation afresh, I shall shackle you for a month. (リッパ―ストリート)


If I blow a trombone to startle those behind it, I’d give them cause to scamper?  scurper(リッパ―ストリート)


What befalls lost children on these streets. (リッパ―ストリート)


Welcome you both to our house of curiosities. (リッパ―ストリート)


She was hit, falls. Fractured cranium, maybe. (リッパ―ストリート)


They say the Buckleys never traded a cross word. 口論する(リッパ―ストリート)


Borrowing and borrowing. Clawed themselves from under, and only bringing more down upon themselves. (借金) (リッパ―ストリート)


Policing together again, Mr. Drake. Coppering thus. (リッパ―ストリート)


Long may we copper thus. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is nevertheless a matter of consequence. (リッパ―ストリート)


You collected rent from them this morning. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is the lowest form of reeking word swill. It's pandering, confected trivial horse shit. (リッパ―ストリート)


You're a cynic and a charlatan. (リッパ―ストリート)


You'll collect me at 7:00. (リッパ―ストリート)


The clown we seek cavorts everywhere. (リッパ―ストリート)


There will be client commensurate with the person's ability. クライアントに見合った報酬が支払われる。(リッパ―ストリート)


I attended lectures in Paris and Geneva. This man, Breuer, calls it the cathartic method. (リッパ―ストリート)


A therapy for the mind. (リッパ―ストリート)


Susan Hart crows of her good work for these streets. (リッパ―ストリート)


A few bloody carpetbags filled with money that weren't money. (リッパ―ストリート)


I took the mud apart every way I could. It's done with chromium. Chromium sulfate. They use that in tanneries. (リッパ―ストリート)


We are, after all, not without collateral. (リッパ―ストリート)


May I perhaps interest you... - Mr. Buckley, please desist. (リッパ―ストリート)


The collector came for his dues. (リッパ―ストリート)


Defile me in abject and merciless ways. (dirty sex) (リッパ―ストリート)


Dudley Do-Rightダッドリードゥーライト、模範的な[高潔ぶった]人◆テレビアニメ"Dudley Do-Right of the Mounties"の主人公からきた表現で、しばしば皮肉的に使われる。

Dolly Do-right heredidn't give you a blow-by-blow? (リッパ―ストリート)


I am a decorated United States army captain and a doctor. (リッパ―ストリート)


The clothes has been darned over and over, made bigger. (リッパ―ストリート)


He shall leave our fair city on the morrow, never to darken our alleys again. (リッパ―ストリート)


The truth, madam, shall be dragged forth. (リッパ―ストリート)


Defaulting debtors like the Buckleys forced to forfeit all they own. (リッパ―ストリート)


Defaulting debtors like the Buckleys forced to forfeit all they own. (リッパ―ストリート)


The document was locked up like a safe. No dice, thus, for our skimmers. (リッパ―ストリート)


The man draws ever closer. (リッパ―ストリート)


There remains a means of deflection. (リッパ―ストリート)


This man, Kendrick, has involved himself in an ugly episode. 事件(リッパ―ストリート)


Her faculties are not good. Miss Hart, my concern would be more for the health of her mind than her body. (リッパ―ストリート)


You wish to continue treating this playhouse as your flophouse. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your glittering find. (リッパ―ストリート)


We pursued it fruitlessly. (リッパ―ストリート)


Jackson needs more time. His filtrations, he says. (リッパ―ストリート)


A fissure splitting wider, day by day. (リッパ―ストリート)


I feel the fissure yawn into abyss faster than we can weave gossamer afresh. (リッパ―ストリート)


We foiled a snidesman who sought to pass his paper hereabouts. (snides偽金) (リッパ―ストリート)


Now, constables, it falls to you this night to see that these premises know our law. (リッパ―ストリート)


I ain't some honey-chasing gutter rat. (リッパ―ストリート)


The likes of Kendrick are no more than blunt tools to gouge out a foul empire. (リッパ―ストリート)


Set to swallow with a gossamer dream that we make of order. (リッパ―ストリート)


Now I feel the gossamer fray. (リッパ―ストリート)


I feel the fissure yawn into abyss faster than we can weave gossamer afresh. (リッパ―ストリート)


The stevedores, they're giddy for a peek and what do they find? (リッパ―ストリート)


She howls to be returned. (リッパ―ストリート)


These hostelries here, all owned by Obsidian Estates. (リッパ―ストリート)


I shall continue to inquire on the hush. (リッパ―ストリート)


The death around you, like a black halo. (リッパ―ストリート)


Indulge our inquiries concerning the locomotive tragedy. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm proud to say, Miss Erskine's intended. (リッパ―ストリート)


A debt collector, Clyde Kendrick, was implicated. (リッパ―ストリート)


The ledgers show interest inflated week on week. Loan to pay loan to pay loan, and the debt accrued. (リッパ―ストリート)


You think me a muckraker, a peeping Tom, a sniff at the knicker drawers of this town. (リッパ―ストリート)


I gave her laudanum for her terrors. (リッパ―ストリート)


The Greeks believed that the dead drank from the waters of the River Lethe. In so doing, they forgot forever their waking selves. (リッパ―ストリート)


Levying what one might call an unofficial handler's fee. (リッパ―ストリート)


I expected as much. (リッパ―ストリート)


There's bruising on her arms, fractures of the metacarpal. (リッパ―ストリート)


mudlark泥ひばりとは、有価物を探して川の泥を漁るくず拾いのこと。 特に、ロンドンのテムズ川で干潮時にこうした行為をしていた浮浪児のことを指す場合が多い。

Is this Buckley some kind of mudlark? (リッパ―ストリート)


He shall leave our fair city on the morrow. (リッパ―ストリート)


We battle monsters, we become monsters. In that abyss, which you speak of, it's not only around us, it's not only out there, it is inside us. (リッパ―ストリート)


Two trains mangled, dozens dead. (リッパ―ストリート)


There was work needful of you. (リッパ―ストリート)


There's lesions on her palm, and her nail beds are torn. (リッパ―ストリート)


There ain't an ounce of human truth through the whole God foresaken story. (リッパ―ストリート)


Frontal fracture, orbital margin, punched, full fist. 眼底骨折(リッパ―ストリート)


It was slim pickings for an hold-up. 強盗(リッパ―ストリート)


Ply me with cheap liquor. (リッパ―ストリート)


The body physic. (リッパ―ストリート)



The train plows off the rails. (リッパ―ストリート)


I remember every word, every goddamn rock that you threw at me from your polished pulpit. (リッパ―ストリート)


Please take me back to my pupa. (リッパ―ストリート)


After the sprites brought me to him, and he made my pupa. (リッパ―ストリート)


The sprites? - The river sprites have me. And they carry me to the pupa. (リッパ―ストリート)


What a rare pleasure. But I sense little joy on your part. (リッパ―ストリート)


Were I to posit that Obsidian Estates lends purely as a mechanism by which it may bully, extort, and finally acquire? (リッパ―ストリート)


We are being played for fools by this Capshaw. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do we police for them? (リッパ―ストリート)


All these years policing together hereabouts. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is the monster that made her slave and plaything. (リッパ―ストリート)


You continue to rebuff the wholly reasonable offer of your creditor. (リッパ―ストリート)


We lost sight of him in the rookery. (リッパ―ストリート)


The police are rousting legitimate businesses and innocent people. (リッパ―ストリート)


They skim. Some with rigorous efficiency. 巧妙に(リッパ―ストリート)


They remarked upon the sea cans. (リッパ―ストリート)


They call it "money that weren't money." Not good old readies. 現金(リッパ―ストリート)


Ammonia, in these quantities, I'd say, it's the runoff. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will do right by the girl. (リッパ―ストリート)


She could not speak, Inspector. Could not walk for rickets. (リッパ―ストリート)


A woman lies slain. (リッパ―ストリート)


Of that, I'm sure. (リッパ―ストリート)


I've been sat at the desk all this morning. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm not a shylock, gentlemen. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is a stench around this man. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is the lowest form of reeking word swill. It's pandering, confected trivial horse shit. (リッパ―ストリート)


blow smoke up someone's ass (idiom mainly US offensive) (also very informal blow smoke up someone's butt, also UK offensive blow smoke up someone's arse, also informal blow smoke up someone's backside/rear/skirt/shorts) : a rude phrase meaning to lie to someone in a way that flatters them (= makes them feel praised and important, successful, etc.)

I don't send emails blowing smoke up their asses. I am genuine in everything I say.

I don't need you blowing smoke up my ass. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm shitty at a lot of things. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm not a piss-streaked, scutter shoe shit. (リッパ―ストリート)


I wanna hear this stuffed-shirt son of a bitch say it. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will not have the girl doped. There must be more we can do than stupefy her. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Kendrick thought it best to take a prolonged sabbatical. (リッパ―ストリート)


She has acquired whole swaths of Whitechapel. (リッパ―ストリート)


We foiled a snidesman who sought to pass his paper hereabouts. (リッパ―ストリート)


I want you to watch the butterfly drift and soar. (リッパ―ストリート)


After the sprites brought me to him, and he made my pupa. (リッパ―ストリート)


The sprites? - The river sprites have me. And they carry me to the pupa. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your investigation, indeed. You poked your snout around the goods yard, I hear, but truffled thus in vain. (truffling : The art of rummaging around in a ones nostril for a tasty treat. A complete lack of shame and decorum means that this can be done at any time and in any place regardless of who might be watching.) (リッパ―ストリート)


No stevedore wished to implicate himself to a copper in acts illegal. (リッパ―ストリート)


They skim. 盗む(リッパ―ストリート)


The document was locked up like a safe. No dice, thus, for our skimmers. (リッパ―ストリート)


If I blow a trombone to startle those behind it, I’d give them cause to scamper?  scurper(リッパ―ストリート)


We have both always strived above all else to make safe this small quarter. (リッパ―ストリート)


She strived her utmost, but her suffering had been too great. 彼女は頑張りましたが、お亡くなりになりました。(リッパ―ストリート)


She died. Her peace came swiftly. For that, at least, we may be grateful. (リッパ―ストリート)


They say the Buckleys never traded a cross word. 口論する(リッパ―ストリート)


My wife walked out on me, God damn it. I'd have thought you understood the hole that tears. (リッパ―ストリート)


I ain't some honey-chasing gutter rat with a heart of scorched turd. (リッパ―ストリート)


temperance movement: a movement seeking restrictions on the consumption of alcohol. (リッパ―ストリート)

I could have used a friend, not a one-man temperance movement. (リッパ―ストリート)


This wood was salvaged. Needs to be dried and treated. (リッパ―ストリート)


You was reading tea leaves. (リッパ―ストリート)


truffling : The art of rummaging around in a ones nostril for a tasty treat. A complete lack of shame and decorum means that this can be done at any time and in any place regardless of who might be watching.

Your investigation, indeed. You poked your snout around the goods yard, I hear, but truffled thus in vain. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's done with chromium. Chromium sulfate. They use that in tanneries. (リッパ―ストリート)


You imagine Susan Hart complicit in practicing usury? (リッパ―ストリート)


A degenerate unfit to serve the law. (リッパ―ストリート)


Vultures will circle. (リッパ―ストリート)


My clients are various. (リッパ―ストリート)


He broods these days at the pavilion of varieties. (リッパ―ストリート)


This shop is my livelihood. These four walls are my home. (リッパ―ストリート)


Why you send marionettes to the rope while a puppeteer wiles in shadow? (リッパ―ストリート)


Straighten your wits, Captain. しっかりしろ(リッパ―ストリート)


They wired the land registry. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am not meant for the yard. 出世向きではない(リッパ―ストリート)



X and y coordinates : They are, respectively, the horizontal and vertical addresses of a point in any two-dimensional (2D) space, such as a sheet of paper or a computer display. (リッパ―ストリート)


You did not say hello? - I thought it best not. You were with a gent after. (リッパ―ストリート)


So, you are made anew. 新しく生まれ変わったのね。(リッパ―ストリート)


Those earnings shall remain in arrears. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is a paymaster, the architect of this all. (リッパ―ストリート)


This moment might be considered apposite. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are no longer to look at your shoes and this man's ambit. (リッパ―ストリート)


What is it brings you by? (リッパ―ストリート)


Be they pimp or pornographer.  ~であろうとなかろうと(リッパ―ストリート)


This place once was a bastion of inequity. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is now a beacon of civic participation and progress. (リッパ―ストリート)


Turn our backs on such villainy? (リッパ―ストリート)


Will you not come? No, I will not. Reid bounced me so. (リッパ―ストリート)


The butt of a shotgun. (リッパ―ストリート)


The steel plate of the butt of the gun would have had an engraving, some lettering. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have computed it all. (リッパ―ストリート)


Fence and cracksman or pickpocket. (リッパ―ストリート)


The fat cyphers might carry you to the door of the devil himself. 未解決犯のもとへと導いてくれるとでも(リッパ―ストリート)


Now, he stirs, he gets a clout, understand? 動いたら、ぶっとばせ(リッパ―ストリート)


The company engine crosses the cutting at St. John's. 鉄道(リッパ―ストリート)


I imagine a man in my calling might find some purpose here. (リッパ―ストリート)


You have coin on you?  金はあるか(リッパ―ストリート)


Those needs are met courtesy of Obsidian Estates. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are come home? And I am come home. (リッパ―ストリート)


There will be cause for the accident somewhere, a root of one sort or other creeping away. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have never been inside a police station before. - Yeah, well, their charm soon fades. (リッパ―ストリート)


Enrolled as a uniformed constable. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do you know at what price this was come by?! (リッパ―ストリート)


The man and his cohorts provide us with an answer. (リッパ―ストリート)


My canary has sung. (リッパ―ストリート)


You came here to dispense comfort and a few fond words to these poor wretches. (リッパ―ストリート)


When did you get devious? (リッパ―ストリート)



There's heavy damage to both the epidermis and dermis. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is engineering on the line, as occurs, since Monday. 工事している(リッパ―ストリート)



There's heavy damage to both the epidermis and dermis. (リッパ―ストリート)


You follow me? 分かるか(リッパ―ストリート)


You came here to dispense comfort and a few fond words to these poor wretches. (リッパ―ストリート)


All you would make fall to ruin. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm rusty, Reid. You seek the fault of that, look to yourself. 責任はお前のせいだ(リッパ―ストリート)


If we take foot soldiers now, a general walks free. (リッパ―ストリート)


Goods line may be intruded upon. 貨物(リッパ―ストリート)


I've not walked its streets for gone four years now. (リッパ―ストリート)


You did not say hello? - I thought it best not. You were with a gent after. (リッパ―ストリート)


I go to hunt that goods train. (リッパ―ストリート)


We have the gaping chasm in this institution's finances. (リッパ―ストリート)


Hale morning to you, darlin'. (リッパ―ストリート)


We have deaths on our hands! (リッパ―ストリート)


There's a hand lens over there. (リッパ―ストリート)


Our first intakers selected. 採用された者(リッパ―ストリート)


The men await your instructions as to how that warehouse is to be invigilated. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am yet your superior and you will mind me. (リッパ―ストリート)


To be met with universal approval. (リッパ―ストリート)


You were a marvel. (リッパ―ストリート)


I do not merit such guilt! (リッパ―ストリート)


Otherwise May god damn you. (リッパ―ストリート)


Did not have you marked as whimsical. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mrs. Abberline drags me south. (リッパ―ストリート)


If need be. (リッパ―ストリート)


Needs must the best men go searching for the root of it. (リッパ―ストリート)


Something that was once so opaque, self-serving, primitive. (リッパ―ストリート)


The one we pinch will be bigger. 強盗する(リッパ―ストリート)


Oh, god. You are American. - I never did make any pretense to the fact. (リッパ―ストリート)


Those past saving. 救いようがない人々(リッパ―ストリート)


I do not police no more. (リッパ―ストリート)


The parabola is 6 feet here as the blood passes through the wall. (リッパ―ストリート)


That's some piss-poor marksmanship. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's a pump action. (リッパ―ストリート)


His new plaything. (リッパ―ストリート)


Pump-action shotguns. (リッパ―ストリート)


He looked skinny like a village parson. (リッパ―ストリート)


How then to know its contents? You have its provenance? (リッパ―ストリート)


There is a paymaster, the architect of this all. (リッパ―ストリート)


Each calls this quarter their home? ここが自分たちの家だとそれぞれが言う。(リッパ―ストリート)


That begs another question. (リッパ―ストリート)


A rum night. (リッパ―ストリート)


I heard of your rise through the ranks of the Manchester city police. (リッパ―ストリート)


Any further details of the execution style, they needs reading with an expert eye. (リッパ―ストリート)


He uses the top rail of the chair to help stabilize his aim for the gun. (リッパ―ストリート)


The London sent their runner, sir. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is a sly one, is he not? (リッパ―ストリート)


You were an army man once? Once a lawman, also, but now only a sawbones. (リッパ―ストリート)


You're too kind. Too kind by a stretch. (リッパ―ストリート)


The soundest of business philosophies. (リッパ―ストリート)


There's no great sophistication.複雑なことはない It is simply this. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is Inspector Drake now. - No shit. (リッパ―ストリート)


He may dress odd and talk odder still. (リッパ―ストリート)


Whatever measure of control sat behind this chaos. (リッパ―ストリート)


An abandoned shed hereabout. (リッパ―ストリート)


Hey, kid, I paid for that food for you, I expect to see that eaten. (リッパ―ストリート)


He cannot lift the barrel of the gun up for the first shot, so he spoons it to the left. (リッパ―ストリート)


Whatever was took from that sea can, its owner has still yet to make complaint. (リッパ―ストリート)


The stevedores report the goods loaded from a domestic cargo transport. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are no longer to look at your shoes and this man's ambit. 下を向く必要はない(リッパ―ストリート)


The thinking goes that… / The thinking runs that…その考えでは=

I'm taking my pension, Edmund. Bournemouth. Or so Mrs Abberline's thinking runs. 妻はそう考えている。(リッパ―ストリート)


Terminus! (リッパ―ストリート)


Discover what was thieved. (リッパ―ストリート)


The gun is an exotic beast in these parts, you might say. - Yeah, I might if I were talking to you. お前に言っていない(嫌味)(リッパ―ストリート)


He is educated in the workings of this system. And in the details of both the timetabling and the tracking hereabouts. But not the engineering work thereon. 工事については知らないはずだ。(リッパ―ストリート)


You would add more death to a tally that now reaches 55, would you? (リッパ―ストリート)


We can’t live without knowing its tormentors. (リッパ―ストリート)


We are under-resourced and no longer enjoy the benefit of a house surgeon. (リッパ―ストリート)


An uncompensated accident. (リッパ―ストリート)


We'll have use of him yet, I hope. (リッパ―ストリート)


How I am now alone with my vices. 酒は一人で飲むのか(リッパ―ストリート)


I would see you gone from this place. (リッパ―ストリート)


If harm came my way on these dark streets. (リッパ―ストリート)


Can you make me whole again? (リッパ―ストリート)


Help them! Wire for more men. (リッパ―ストリート)


Word reached me of Mrs. Reid's passing. (リッパ―ストリート)


They was after Winchesters.(リッパ―ストリート)



You do get to know most felons, particularly those with the wherewithal of such actions. (リッパ―ストリート)


This rotted array of bone work. (リッパ―ストリート)


Is that my name atop of tonight's bill? 私が今夜主演なの?(リッパ―ストリート)


I can approximate a number of factors. Gender, age, time of death. (リッパ―ストリート)


The dead body is a somewhat younger man, perhaps only recently advanced into adulthood. (リッパ―ストリート)


Accessory to murder. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your timing is, as ever, entirely apt. (リッパ―ストリート)


Patterns, can you not see how our stars align? (リッパ―ストリート)


My day, anything went. (何でもあり ルールなし) (リッパ―ストリート)


Everything was aided by your alliance with another man. (リッパ―ストリート)


The man I was, is abhorrent to me. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have it on authority that Duggan can be led to the purchase of this stone. (リッパ―ストリート)


Must I draw you an anatomical sketch? セックスを詳細に描写する必要がある?(リッパ―ストリート)


I am not your sergeant to be bid no more. (リッパ―ストリート)


They may have great bearing on the research. (リッパ―ストリート)


That baleful force then eradicated. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is a bugbear of mine. (リッパ―ストリート)


Should we have Inspector Shine brought to book? (リッパ―ストリート)


Had I fought you, I would have carried a knife in my britches. (リッパ―ストリート)


Vengeance is a pursuit for which I'd see blood spilt. (リッパ―ストリート)


The match for the pleasure of 100 baying policemen. (リッパ―ストリート)


We have interests that conjoin. Politicians and police. (リッパ―ストリート)


Yourself and Edmund Reid aligned for ever more on his night-time visits to your offices. Conjoined good and proper. (リッパ―ストリート)


The width of the cleft is barely a millimetre through Mr. Hinchcliffe's throat. (リッパ―ストリート)


The wound encircles the neck entirely. So piano or cheese wire, most like. It's from behind. (リッパ―ストリート)


A supporting opinion may be conducive. (リッパ―ストリート)


These cadavers. (リッパ―ストリート)


Are you in command of yourself? (リッパ―ストリート)


I can nail his coffin shut and put him in the earth for all time. (リッパ―ストリート)


The concern, who now takes ownership of the deceased family's holdings? (関係者) (リッパ―ストリート)


commercial authority : It means authority to provide solid waste collection service to business, institutional, or industrial generators.

A man of both sufficient ready income and disregard for commercial authority. (ready money: 現金Money in the form of cash that is readily available.) (リッパ―ストリート)


I know what covenant we had. (リッパ―ストリート)


Murder. Multiple counts. (リッパ―ストリート)


That is a concern of mine. - It's a large concern for a barber. 会社(リッパ―ストリート)



I should, in all conscience, congratulate you. (リッパ―ストリート)


So let us cut to it. (リッパ―ストリート)


Everything I have said remains the case. I want none of you. (リッパ―ストリート)


This is not to be laid at my door. 私の責任じゃないわ(リッパ―ストリート)


Inside his evil shiny dome. (リッパ―ストリート)


You may have every freedom your heart desires. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am incarcerated here due to your suspecting foul deeds of me. (リッパ―ストリート)


The diamond is in the rough. Such fripperies cause me disquiet. (リッパ―ストリート)


Until the deed is done. (リッパ―ストリート)


You have since made evil of me. (リッパ―ストリート)


Our father - a doctor himself enrolled us in The University of Virginia to study medicine. (リッパ―ストリート)


You may feel protected by your familial relationship with this station house. (リッパ―ストリート)


It pulls me towards evil men whose fell influence is spread wide and deep across the parishes of east London. (リッパ―ストリート)


Let us hope you make a better fist of it than the last finalist to arrive from the Leman Street ranks.



You say that I did fix one man. (殺した) (リッパ―ストリート)


The diamond is in the rough. Such fripperies cause me disquiet. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am sorry that you consider £30,000 a frippery. (リッパ―ストリート)


Will you furnish me with this gem or no? (リッパ―ストリート)


I don't care a fig. (リッパ―ストリート)


I felt your foul breath on my face. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Hinchcliffe was garrotted. (リッパ―ストリート)


I would ask you now to give your full attention to the voice of gaiety, Miss Rose Erskine. (リッパ―ストリート)


have it from a reliable source thatthat以下〕ということを確かな(情報)筋[信頼できる(情報)筋・信頼できる人]から聞いている、確かな[信頼できる]筋からの情報によると〔that以下〕だそうだ

Have it from me. (リッパ―ストリート)


I must hit you for more spending. お願いする(リッパ―ストリート)


You said you might hazard a time of death. What? A month? (リッパ―ストリート)


Other cattle to herd. 他で手間取った(リッパ―ストリート)


Hear me out. (リッパ―ストリート)


Is this all my life holds? これが私の人生のすべてなのだろうか?

Is this all my life holds, forever having to listen to your cowardice and evasion? (リッパ―ストリート)


You are to meet he and my wife. (リッパ―ストリート)


You have me? 俺の言ってることがわかったか(リッパ―ストリート)


It happened in the summer of last year. So it is the frost of the intervening winter which has killed them. (リッパ―ストリート)


We may consider the jig up. (リッパ―ストリート)


Susan, am I to wait in bed all morning for my kippers? (リッパ―ストリート)


That dead body now lay beneath the keen eye of the surgeon? (リッパ―ストリート)


In my current mood I used the knife to cut your knackers off. (リッパ―ストリート)


Has your dog gone lame? お前の手下は弱くなったなのか?(リッパ―ストリート)


In all likelihood. (リッパ―ストリート)


My brother is somewhat conspiratorial by leaning. (リッパ―ストリート)


You want to know who leases to Susan? (リッパ―ストリート)


London Clay : The London Clay Formation is a marine geological formation of Ypresian (early Eocene Epoch, c. 54-50 million years ago) age which crops out in the southeast of England. The London Clay is well known for its fossil content.

I will have returned to London clay. ロンドンの土に戻るだろう(リッパ―ストリート)


He has a peculiarity. The bowing in the tibia. The maxilla is enlarged.

tibia脛骨 / maxilla 上顎骨 (リッパ―ストリート)


The fat man in the monkey suit. (リッパ―ストリート)


This police force of yours is what, a notch over 60 years of age? (リッパ―ストリート)


outfall 河口〔下水の〕落ち口

In due course, I shall see him drowned in the northern outfall. (リッパ―ストリート)


This isn't your own private residence. You can't be wandering about the place like you own it. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is a man far too happy inside his own evil skin to over-reach himself so. 奴はこんな手の込んだことはしないだろう(リッパ―ストリート)


I fought to outrun my shame, sir. (リッパ―ストリート)


Bennet Drake has emerged from the pauper's pit. (リッパ―ストリート)


Bennet Drake has emerged from the pauper's pit. (リッパ―ストリート)


He has a peculiarity. The bowing in the tibia. The maxilla is enlarged. (リッパ―ストリート)

tibia脛骨 / maxilla 上顎骨


These streets, the preserves of opium dens and gaming houses and brothels. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is a while since you partook of such sport. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are to be released from your purgatory. (リッパ―ストリート)


The provisions say no man may be replaced unless in the event of incapacitation through injury. (リッパ―ストリート)


The very man we must exploit is both the quarry of your inspector and the enemy of your wife. (警部の追っている男) (リッパ―ストリート)


This will rile you. (リッパ―ストリート)


The way he kills men suggests an extreme relish for the task. (リッパ―ストリート)


ready money: 現金Money in the form of cash that is readily available.

A man of sufficient ready income. (リッパ―ストリート)


He may be persuaded to buy such a rock. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was a thief. Here he is now. Reinvented as a CID man. (リッパ―ストリート)


The diamond. The worthless rock you have shown to me already. (リッパ―ストリート)


Men of vicious and murderous intent who wish to reclaim this gem? (リッパ―ストリート)


You must know this matter with the woman. You a married man. There are ructions at The Yard. I am to tell you to break it off. (リッパ―ストリート)


Why does he not fight? - He waits. He rides the blows until the man's arms tire. (リッパ―ストリート)


As merry as a robin that sings on a tree. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have a surfeit of those already. それらのことに関しては十分聞いています。(リッパ―ストリート)


Those shits in suits still watch you? あのスーツの野郎だもがお前を見張っているのか?(リッパ―ストリート)


See these striations? They're minute, less than a millimetre in diameter. (リッパ―ストリート)


This station house. 警察署(リッパ―ストリート)


Words are unreliable signifiers of the truth. (リッパ―ストリート)


It may be all and everything we need to get clear of that sack of shit. (リッパ―ストリート)


You exchange the diamond rock for the stipulated spending. (リッパ―ストリート)


Bennett Drake. Such sport. (リッパ―ストリート)


She had returned to the servicing of other men. (リッパ―ストリート)


He has a peculiarity. The bowing in the tibia. The maxilla is enlarged. (リッパ―ストリート)

tibia脛骨 / maxilla 上顎骨


This here is the thyroid cartilage. Lives right above the trachea. (リッパ―ストリート)


This here is the thyroid cartilage. Lives right above the trachea. (リッパ―ストリート)


That Basin Slum tenement. (リッパ―ストリート)


In this documentation lie the trace-marks of those who would gain from that evil act. (リッパ―ストリート)


This length of twine that I follow, it pulls me towards evil men. (リッパ―ストリート)


You sold gin, mixed with sulphur and turpentine, did you not? Men and women went blind. (リッパ―ストリート)


You consider me to be nothing but your tinsel trapping? 価値のないもの(リッパ―ストリート)


Why does he not fight? - He waits. He rides the blows until the man's arms tire. (リッパ―ストリート)


Our father would have been pleased that you put your skill to use. (リッパ―ストリート)


This here between you and I, it is an uneven contest. (リッパ―ストリート)


Must these assembled men go un-entertained without seeing the fight, therefore? (リッパ―ストリート)



You have my warrant card. 警察の身分証(リッパ―ストリート)


Keep at it. (リッパ―ストリート)


We ain't even close to alike. (リッパ―ストリート)


His station house's reputation for violence walks ahead of his inspector. 警察の暴力はそこの警部よりも有名だ。(リッパ―ストリート)


There is evil afoot. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am appalled. (リッパ―ストリート)


A bobby with a notebook would have been quite adequate. あなたのようなお偉方が、来る必要はなかったのに。(リッパ―ストリート)


Your handing to me but one night of pleasure. 一晩だけ俺とベッドをともにするだけ。(リッパ―ストリート)


Still hunting for your beau, are ya? (リッパ―ストリート)


Now blow me down. 驚きだ(リッパ―ストリート)


I shall see to it they are never, never off their backs. ずっと売春させてやる(リッパ―ストリート)


baffle gate : A turnstile (also called a turnpike, gateline, automated gate, turn gate in some regions)

The customers to your cathouse will be in and out so fast I shall install baffle gates to the doors. (リッパ―ストリート)


You Boer half-wits. (リッパ―ストリート)


They have coin to spend on a man with experience of a modern city. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are my cuckoo in another man's nest. お前は俺のスパイだ。(リッパ―ストリート)


Now look at you - quite the CID swell. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is an additional clause in our contract. (リッパ―ストリート)


You abandoned that cat house. (リッパ―ストリート)


I need a crook, then. 闇の業者(リッパ―ストリート)


One assumes the identity of this year's victor as certain as ever. 優勝者は例の奴だろ(リッパ―ストリート)


The man is a fool with no more taste and discernment than a monkey in a milliner's. (リッパ―ストリート)


He defrauds men of jewellery. (リッパ―ストリート)


His name is Twinkle. On account of his cheerful disposition. (リッパ―ストリート)


I do hope our city will not detain you long. (リッパ―ストリート)


35 carat diamond in the rough. (リッパ―ストリート)


Look, my dead room lacks for residents. I have some time on my hands. 検死室に最近死体が運ばれてこない。(リッパ―ストリート)


In due course there will be nothing for the police questioning. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will not be diverted now that I have found you, because I am your true friend. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your customers for the cathouse will not be gentlemen. Oh, no, it will be navies and dockers and soldiers and they will be in and out so fast. (リッパ―ストリート)


I swear on everything I hold dear. - You hold nothing dear. (リッパ―ストリート)


The estimable Reid does not consider you quite as efficacious in your crime-solving. (リッパ―ストリート)


The estimable Reid does not consider you quite as efficacious in your crime-solving. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are not to get yourself flustered. (リッパ―ストリート)


That is not the prime purpose that finds you by his side. 奴のそばにいる理由はそれが一番の目的ではない。(リッパ―ストリート)


To forewarn you, should his gaze fall in your direction. (リッパ―ストリート)


To forewarn you, should his gaze fall in your direction. (リッパ―ストリート)


How many blows will it take to fell this man? この男を倒すまで何発までなぐれるか(リッパ―ストリート)


long firm詐欺会社◆掛けで品物を仕入れ、顧客に売った現金を持ったまま姿を消してしまうという、詐欺を目的として作られた会社。 (Etymology-Perhaps from the idea that such a firm (company) would claim to have been established for a long time.)

The station is investigating a man named Werner. Long firm man. (リッパ―ストリート)


This man comes to fruition. (リッパ―ストリート)


He returns to the Leman Street fold. (リッパ―ストリート)


This does not give me cause for joy. It gives me cause for grave foreboding. (リッパ―ストリート)


It don't look like much, I grant you that. (リッパ―ストリート)


The girl sings like a reed caught in a March gale. 歌が下手だ(リッパ―ストリート)


I believe he holds himself responsible for it. (リッパ―ストリート)


Hand you your freedom? (リッパ―ストリート)


Your handing to me but one night of pleasure. 一晩だけ俺とベッドをともにするだけ。(リッパ―ストリート)


Oh, hail the conquering hero. (リッパ―ストリート)


You have some happy hearthside waiting for you at home. (リッパ―ストリート)


Violence from hired thugs. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have heard it said that you are a man for fantasies, Inspector. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do you now succumb to introspection? (リッパ―ストリート)


You do not have your man in irons? (リッパ―ストリート)


You and I are joined in that. 同じ気持ちだ(リッパ―ストリート)


Stop the kinship routine. 兄弟面はやめろ(リッパ―ストリート)


You brought love into mine. A love that is keener now than ever it was. (リッパ―ストリート)


You work late. - You know my habits? - They are of a kind with mine. 私と同じだ(リッパ―ストリート)


Don't go thinking that your stink leaves you. (リッパ―ストリート)


Much has happened since that night. (リッパ―ストリート)


You wish for Rose Erskine to rise from matinee to evening billing. 昼から夜の部へと出世させたいよね。(リッパ―ストリート)


The man is a fool with no more taste and discernment than a monkey in a milliner's. (リッパ―ストリート)


Whichever of these muckrakes you can bring to your side. 記者を味方にする(リッパ―ストリート)


I have it in mind that your ladies do not work as hard as others in their profession. お前のところの女は他と同じくらい一生懸命に働いてはいないと思っている。(リッパ―ストリート)


Is that all the questioning you may muster? (リッパ―ストリート)


Are you the lady lives beneath the name Hart? (リッパ―ストリート)


He lives beneath the name Jackson. (リッパ―ストリート)


There's three of them. Set upon by thugs in the noonday sun. 襲われた(リッパ―ストリート)


navvy : a clipping of navigator (UK) or navigational engineer (US), is particularly applied to describe the manual labourers working on major civil engineering projects and occasionally (in North America) to refer to mechanical shovels and earth moving machinery. The term was coined in the late 18th century in Great Britain when numerous canals were being built, which were also sometimes known as "navigations".

Your customers for the cathouse will not be gentlemen. Oh, no, it will be navies and dockers and soldiers and they will be in and out so fast. (リッパ―ストリート)


To shame these opaque and hidden powers into good faith negotiation. (リッパ―ストリート)


Payment was prompt on each and every occasion. (リッパ―ストリート)


You professed that what you felt for me was love. (リッパ―ストリート)


I do hope that you will pass my sympathies. (リッパ―ストリート)


A little Paddy wretch. (リッパ―ストリート)


Excuse me, darlin', but if you saw the pox he carried, you'd thank me. この男とはかかわらないほうがいいぜ。(リッパ―ストリート)


You know what will make my presence here be a thing of the past. 俺に消えてほしいか?(リッパ―ストリート)


pepper pot 〈英〉〔食卓用の〕コショウ入れ

You are no bigger than a pepper pot. (リッパ―ストリート)


Quite so. その通りです(リッパ―ストリート)


Today's roll? (リッパ―ストリート)


We will find him. Sir, restitution will be made. (リッパ―ストリート)


In seeking to make you happier than you were before, I might, in fact, do the reverse. (リッパ―ストリート)


Are matters rectified? (リッパ―ストリート)


The girl sings like a reed caught in a March gale. 歌が下手だ(リッパ―ストリート)


I’ll repay your generous faith in me. (リッパ―ストリート)


We shall see you right. すぐに芽が出るわ(リッパ―ストリート)


You have lost your reasoning. (リッパ―ストリート)


Then where might I seek him out? (リッパ―ストリート)


You are a sight for a weary man. (リッパ―ストリート)


I took a steamer to Lake Victoria. (リッパ―ストリート)


There's three of them. Set upon by thugs in the noonday sun. 襲われた(リッパ―ストリート)


In seeking to make you happier than you were before, I might, in fact, do the reverse. (リッパ―ストリート)


Now look at you - quite the CID swell. (リッパ―ストリート)


The man I regret I must call husband has squandered the money. (リッパ―ストリート)


The diamond merchants of London are given stock for their loyalty. (リッパ―ストリート)


Who's to say? 誰にもわからない(リッパ―ストリート)


I plan to replace these shanties with modern and sanitary dwellings. (リッパ―ストリート)


To shame these opaque and hidden powers into good faith negotiation. (リッパ―ストリート)


Quiet day thus far. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am to his house and thence to Councillor Cobden. (リッパ―ストリート)


The torpor of his life got the better of him and he opened his jugular over the Sunday meatloaf. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm the type to up and leave. (リッパ―ストリート)


The man made my wife's wedding band. (リッパ―ストリート)


Without money, my family is for the workhouse. - We will find him. Sir, restitution will be made. (リッパ―ストリート)


I would speak with you, sir? (リッパ―ストリート)


You get to feel wronged. (リッパ―ストリート)


What of him? (リッパ―ストリート)


You wish to cause men shame, it's better for you to have a name with which to do so. (リッパ―ストリート)


Questions is going to get asked any which way. (リッパ―ストリート)



You cannot bring a diamond here without that we discover your theft. (リッパ―ストリート)


Find honest work somewhere I ain't told to let the boss rut and grunt atop me. 上司と寝なくても済む仕事(リッパ―ストリート)


I have matters to attend. (リッパ―ストリート)


On that note, I bid adieu. (リッパ―ストリート)


Here's the Albion. (リッパ―ストリート)


The hurt remains afire. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was the disciple of a great adept, a man named Gabriel Cain. (リッパ―ストリート)


Kalki. Destroyer of Foulness astride his white horse. (リッパ―ストリート)


Bella wishes you, as do I, to join us here. (リッパ―ストリート)


To take this glittering cup is to split asunder the chains of this world. (リッパ―ストリート)


She's not back on her back!  売春宿にはもどってなんかいない(リッパ―ストリート)


A religious war brews in Whitechapel. (リッパ―ストリート)


I hope someday it is happier circumstances that bring me to your door. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is afraid what will befall us. (リッパ―ストリート)


I know a thing or two about bone setting. (リッパ―ストリート)


Fate has brought you back to me. (リッパ―ストリート)


Will you have at me with your billy club? (リッパ―ストリート)


Whoever you are, you bring strife at your back. (リッパ―ストリート)


You come near her again, you'll wish it was a billy club. 警棒じゃすまないぞ(リッパ―ストリート)


Barbecue Bill (a legislative bill relating to barbecue, not a barbecue-related guy named Bill)

Peyote. Back home, the Indians use it to commune with the spirit world. Sort of a religious rite. I've heard of it, hallucinations, trance states. - Yeah. That would account for the raptures of Barbecue Bill here. (リッパ―ストリート)


Belladonna? They've bought nightshade. That's how they're gonna kill themselves. (リッパ―ストリート)


Belladonna? They've bought nightshade. That's how they're gonna kill themselves. (リッパ―ストリート)


I was but an instrument. (リッパ―ストリート)


I was but an instrument of that light. It beamed from a world which called upon all those with faith and wisdom. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do not call again on this house, unannounced. (リッパ―ストリート)


For some months, the typhus had clawed at her. (リッパ―ストリート)


Come the morning, I make my own way. (リッパ―ストリート)


cabbage eater : (slang) German and Russian people

Those wily cabbage-eaters. (リッパ―ストリート)


I learned as much too late and to my own cost. (リッパ―ストリート)


Jacob brought this day a clarion to their door. (リッパ―ストリート)


I can't bear to see her cuckold you. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are a cynic. (リッパ―ストリート)


My business concerns this. (リッパ―ストリート)


Sword of fire to cleave all darkness. (リッパ―ストリート)


A clarion. Gabriel's own testament. (リッパ―ストリート)


Save you from a world you know to be black in heart and red in claw. (リッパ―ストリート)


Sell exotic cacti from the American desert? (リッパ―ストリート)


I lay all my love at your door. (リッパ―ストリート)


He doused himself, lit a match. (リッパ―ストリート)


Rouse them from their drone-lives. (リッパ―ストリート)


Teach them what hate is bred from their dung-hill idolatries. (リッパ―ストリート)


Man has no more desire for Truth than a dung beetle. Like any animal, he desires meat and sex. (リッパ―ストリート)


He saw only a world drenched in its own cruelty. (リッパ―ストリート)


He came to believe that a great cataclysm drew close. (リッパ―ストリート)


He saw only a world drenched in its own cruelty. He came to believe that a great cataclysm drew close. (リッパ―ストリート)


I travelled through Sinai en route to Persia. (リッパ―ストリート)


Thou brakest the head of leviathan in pieces, gavest to his people inhabiting the wilderness. (リッパ―ストリート)


Explain yourselves! (リッパ―ストリート)


They will kill themselves in pure exaltation. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will not allow the fomenting of hatred in this community. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was about to set flame to the English Martyrs. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is from love we seek to stir the lost flocks of this city. (リッパ―ストリート)


By the light of your steps, those lost flocks will soon follow. (リッパ―ストリート)


As foretold, the hour of reckoning is upon us. (リッパ―ストリート)


His light will flood inside of you. (リッパ―ストリート)


He drank his fill. (リッパ―ストリート)


To see no further than the bars that is a terror I could not endure. 望みを捨てることは耐えることのできない恐怖だ。(リッパ―ストリート)


Nothing good comes from being round you. (リッパ―ストリート)


Scorch the Gentiles with righteous fire for their desecration. (リッパ―ストリート)


Now hear me good. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was in the grip of some rapture. Incanting, ecstatic amid the fire. (リッパ―ストリート)


Day by day, the gyres spin apart, bright dawn devouring every shadow. (リッパ―ストリート)


holy of holies : A holy of holies is a place that is so sacred that only particular people are allowed to enter; often used in informal English to refer humorously to a place where only a few special people can go.

This entire day can kiss my holiest of holies. (この一日は最悪だ) (リッパ―ストリート)


Get me a hansom! (リッパ―ストリート)


Will you have at me with your billy club? (リッパ―ストリート)


I would not have thought you so accommodating of hocus-pocus. (リッパ―ストリート)


He has come without you having to bring him. 彼を君がつれ来る必要なしに彼は自分で来た。(リッパ―ストリート)


There is an abundance of horticulturalists and flower-sellers in this city. (リッパ―ストリート)


As the butterfly casts off its husk to soar, shall you leave forever this land of the dead. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was in the grip of some rapture. Incanting, ecstatic amid the fire. (リッパ―ストリート)


Teach them what hate is bred from their dung-hill idolatries. (リッパ―ストリート)


Christ, you could fart, it would make the platen do a judder. (platen《印刷》〔平圧印刷の〕圧盤、プラテン◆平らな金属板で、インクの付いた版盤に対して押し付けるもの。) (リッパ―ストリート)


It's the bloody Jews! Hang a noose round the lot of the kike bastards! (リッパ―ストリート)


There is some kabbalah here. The rest I cannot read. (リッパ―ストリート)


In no less haste. (リッパ―ストリート)


We got him, leastwise. (リッパ―ストリート)


Leapt forth, wings spread. (リッパ―ストリート)


I must know which "scholars" have taken such leave of their reason. (リッパ―ストリート)


Look not upon her with the name of another on your lips. 他の女がいるのにベラを見るな(リッパ―ストリート)


Whitechapel's carpenters and builders lend their skill at no cost. Jew, Gentile, Irish, English. (リッパ―ストリート)


The flowers are for special someone, sir? - None more so. だれよりも(リッパ―ストリート)


I'll get a Maria. (リッパ―ストリート)


I was needful of friends. (リッパ―ストリート)


There are sometimes matters more needful. (リッパ―ストリート)


They will kill themselves in their numbers, in pure exaltation. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am made of nought but death. 俺は死を招く(リッパ―ストリート)


A keen student of the occult who came to believe he was conversing with angels of apocalypse. (リッパ―ストリート)


They left their mark, plain as day. (リッパ―ストリート)


I learnt long ago in the running of this house not to pry. (リッパ―ストリート)


A boy was pamphleteering outside the church also. (リッパ―ストリート)


A boy was pamphleteering outside the church also. Peddling anti-Semitic sentiment. (リッパ―ストリート)


We are neighbours of circumstance, necessity. The fence of tolerance that pens us is frail. (リッパ―ストリート)



Christ, you could fart, it would make the platen do a judder. (リッパ―ストリート)


The years without you have passed as centuries. (リッパ―ストリート)


With its every triumph of discovery, the age takes hammer and chisel to Man's pillars. 科学が進歩するにつれて人の信仰が弱まる。(リッパ―ストリート)


Is it so surprising there are those. (リッパ―ストリート)

in need of new pillars? (リッパ―ストリート)


Peyote. Back home, the Indians use it to commune with the spirit world. (リッパ―ストリート)


take the queen's shilling : (in British English)to enlist in the army

She tells me you took the queen's shilling. Egypt, was it? (リッパ―ストリート)


Find honest work somewhere I ain't told to let the boss rut and grunt atop me. 上司と寝なくても済む仕事(リッパ―ストリート)


Excuse me. I am requested. お客がお呼びなので(リッパ―ストリート)


Now you must renounce your adultery with this man Bennet. (リッパ―ストリート)


I saw him ready bottles of whale oil. (リッパ―ストリート)


As foretold, the hour of reckoning is upon us. (リッパ―ストリート)


Behold a simple man embrace his rapture. (リッパ―ストリート)


I've scoured the streets. (リッパ―ストリート)


Inspector, save your photographs. I saw it for myself. (リッパ―ストリート)


A boy was flinging these outside the shul like confetti. (リッパ―ストリート)


Savage retribution. (リッパ―ストリート)


No member of this shul would write such words, nor seek such violence. (リッパ―ストリート)


I travelled through Sinai en route to Persia. (リッパ―ストリート)


Each soul here had reason never to trust again. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do they not strike you similar? (リッパ―ストリート)


The smudge? - We call it a slur. 印刷ずれ(リッパ―ストリート)


Send him shopping. (リッパ―ストリート)


You're a kind soul. (リッパ―ストリート)


The sordid vanity of this world. (リッパ―ストリート)


Whoever you are, you bring strife at your back. (リッパ―ストリート)


Those who believed Gabriel was their shepherd to the future. (リッパ―ストリート)


I deserve my shackles, Bennet. I'll rot in them for what I've done. 私は刑に値する女よ。(リッパ―ストリート)


That day, the dwindling spectre of a God vanished. (リッパ―ストリート)


Not every wild cat can be tamed. (リッパ―ストリート)


tug off : This is the same as masturbation. You tug off means that you masturbate off the penis. This is only for males

Man, I'm bored. Im going to tug off.

Evening, pretty one. Tug us off? しごいてくれよ - I'll rip it off! かみきるわ(リッパ―ストリート)


There is no tie that binds more than family. (リッパ―ストリート)


When it comes to typesetting. 印刷物(リッパ―ストリート)


He takes desperate threadbare broom to the filth of the streets. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do you wonder what turn life might have taken if you'd done things different? A left when you went right. A yes when you said no. (リッパ―ストリート)


My visit was unannounced. (リッパ―ストリート)


Lily had uttered many times a wish. (リッパ―ストリート)


What use the folly of God to the rational mind? (リッパ―ストリート)


There are maybe seven or eight brands of ink vended wholesale to printers. (リッパ―ストリート)


You've more wits and heart about you than anyone. (リッパ―ストリート)


What is that stench? It's whale oil. (リッパ―ストリート)


This place was torched with whale oil. (リッパ―ストリート)


Those wily cabbage-eaters. (cabbage eater : (slang) German and Russian people) (リッパ―ストリート)


The field remains wide. 現場が絞り込めない(リッパ―ストリート)


Vicious face of man who has waded in the blood. (リッパ―ストリート)


Is that not a wifely duty? (リッパ―ストリート)


If you'd wed Rose in my place, do you think she'd have made you happier? (リッパ―ストリート)


Chase after the yids what done this? (リッパ―ストリート)


She died for want of her mother. (リッパ―ストリート)


Chase after the yids what done this? (what = who) (リッパ―ストリート)



The sun does not rise upon a single day without my yearning for her. (リッパ―ストリート)


and all that : (Informal) and that sort of thing; and so on.

Other people depend on them for food and clothing and all that. (リッパ―ストリート)

Early bird and all that. (リッパ―ストリート)


What's afoot? (リッパ―ストリート)


You are aware of the consequences of the admission you made to my constable? (リッパ―ストリート)


He takes anguished revenge. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mary Ann n. (US gay) a lesbian. (also Mary Jane) an effeminate male homosexual; a young boy used as a catamite in prison.

When it comes to banging up poofs and Mary Anns. he's a man all scooped of belief. (of分離)彼は法の信念をすくい取られた男だ(リッパ―ストリート)


Where's the Mary Ann? ホモ野郎(リッパ―ストリート)


I came here of my own accord. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Quint's folio went missing of late. It must be bothersome to such an assiduous custodian of his work. 彼にとってはつらいことだろう。(リッパ―ストリート)


I killed them of my own full accord. (リッパ―ストリート)


How could you believe you'd avert disaster by denying it was happening? (リッパ―ストリート)


Stolen assignations.stolen 人目をはばかんだ)(リッパ―ストリート)


Get the dead body before Jackson.  死体をジャクソンの前にもってこい。(リッパ―ストリート)


I don't begrudge you a penny. (リッパ―ストリート)


You'd done a bloody bunk. さぼった(リッパ―ストリート)


Help me discover what befell your friend. (リッパ―ストリート)


The telegram was sent from a bureau in the city. (リッパ―ストリート)


While blood still pumps in me, I'll not give up on the plans we've made. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am an abominable bugger, a proud Uranian. A hunter of hinder parts. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is to your mess I endeavour to take my broom. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was suited and booted. All in finery like a tailor's dummy. (リッパ―ストリート)


Just a trim for the barnet. (リッパ―ストリート)


I shall bill her for the broken glass. (リッパ―ストリート)


But for the law, both Solomon Quint and Otto Roberts would be alive? (リッパ―ストリート)


They coughed up for day and night for the hotel. (リッパ―ストリート)


They might capitalise. - Blackmail? (リッパ―ストリート)


This has been a most difficult time. Sol left under something of a cloud. (リッパ―ストリート)


Chide me not, Mr. Quint. (リッパ―ストリート)


This is our last chance to come forth open-handed before the bank investors. 投資家の前で真実を話す最後のチャンス(リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Stone would prefer that all parties keep their counsel. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is fundamental, Mr. Quint, that you keep your counsel. (リッパ―ストリート)


You chiselling piece of shit. 金の亡者(リッパ―ストリート)


Cunny bastard whores! (リッパ―ストリート)


How's that mutton cooking? 計画はどうだ(リッパ―ストリート)


Nice duds.(リッパ―ストリート)


A dewy flower. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was suited and booted. All in finery like a tailor's dummy. (リッパ―ストリート)


On my death, all I have, plus a settlement of insurance, will be directed to my boy. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your naivety demeans you. (リッパ―ストリート)


To divest themselves of their sullied funds. (リッパ―ストリート)


He's in deep too. 借金(リッパ―ストリート)


My ears are burning. 僕のうわさ(リッパ―ストリート)


Each to their own, mind you. 人には好みがある(リッパ―ストリート)


A man in his position cannot afford to be erratic. (リッパ―ストリート)


He ends himself. (リッパ―ストリート)


I could enquire of Commissioner Bradford. (リッパ―ストリート)


I hope you'll excuse the hour. - It is excused, Inspector. (リッパ―ストリート)




1自動 ブラブラ[ダラダラと]時を過ごす〈性俗〉せんずりをかく、オナニーをする、女性器を手で刺激する、自慰行為をする、性交する

I thought you'd given up the frig jobs. (リッパ―ストリート)


The wretched gin had quite scrambled my faculties. 判断力(リッパ―ストリート)


Forgive my flippancy, sir. This has been a most difficult time. あなたの面前で飲ませてもらう(リッパ―ストリート)


He was suited and booted. All in finery like a tailor's dummy. (リッパ―ストリート)


You try to squeeze one farthing more, I'm gonna see you paid in lead. これ以上金をとるんだったら、弾丸をくらわすぜ。(リッパ―ストリート)


Do we choose the laws we see fit to enforce? (リッパ―ストリート)


There were things he saw fit not to share with me. (リッパ―ストリート)


Must have been a goddamn galleon. - Call it a fleet. (リッパ―ストリート)


His friend, sir? The gobby one? (リッパ―ストリート)


David Goodbody sells himself under the guise of his delivery rounds. (売春) (リッパ―ストリート)


He was a dear friend of mine and I'm not a man given to indiscretion. - But your candour is much appreciated, sir. (リッパ―ストリート)


I've a job. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am an abominable bugger, a proud Uranian. A hunter of hinder parts. (リッパ―ストリート)


You might call him a haruspex. In ancient times, certain priests, haruspices, would examine the entrails of sacrificed beasts, thus to determine the fate of men and nations. (リッパ―ストリート)


I think the man was heartsick. (リッパ―ストリート)


Hell's bells. (リッパ―ストリート)



1.      in a confused, untidy way that lacks order.

The paintings were hung hugger-mugger on the walls.

I grew up with eight siblings all living hugger-mugger.

2. (of discussions, etc.) done in a secret way, without letting people know what is being said.

Campaigners want to bring transparency to processes that currently are conducted hugger-mugger.

Vincent was hugger-mugger with Fred Best. (リッパ―ストリート)


What about the Argentine? - I don't know. He just said it wouldn't hold. 経済がもたない(リッパ―ストリート)


You took my money and gambled it on an empty hole in Argentina. (リッパ―ストリート)


My intemperate consumption. The wretched gin had quite scrambled my faculties. 判断力(リッパ―ストリート)


An idle fancy. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will not indulge your self-pity. (リッパ―ストリート)


He intimated you and your husband might have been facing certain marital issues. (リッパ―ストリート)


Perhaps his analysis proved incommodious to your company. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do you not comprehend the nexus, sir? The connections inexorable of this age? (リッパ―ストリート)


They swing in agony and justly so. (絞首刑) (リッパ―ストリート)


jug ear 大きくて立った耳

Hold up, jug-ear.  (リッパ―ストリート)


Don't knock it till you tried it. (リッパ―ストリート)


I know not a fellow by that name. (リッパ―ストリート)


Harry, liven up. (リッパ―ストリート)


Silver and copper. The land is lousy with it. (リッパ―ストリート)


You try to squeeze one farthing more, I'm gonna see you paid in lead. これ以上金をとるんだったら、弾丸をくらわすぜ。(リッパ―ストリート)


Dare even dream about my handsome likeness, I shall skin you from nose to toes. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are no less a messenger boy than Roberts. (リッパ―ストリート)


The one goodness I may achieve in this wretched life will be the timely leaving of it. この世とタイムリーなお別れをすること。(リッパ―ストリート)


mimsy (in British English) (-sier, -siest)

prim, underwhelming, and ineffectual

I myself am partial to a tight mimsy. ゲイである私の好みはなよってる男だ。(リッパ―ストリート)


Meagre pot. 少しの金(リッパ―ストリート)


I'll have you stood by mewling. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is a meagre justice gets meted today. (リッパ―ストリート)


I can't have him wearing out that noggin. 彼にあなたを困らせる権利はないわ(リッパ―ストリート)


The name of he who flings such night soil at my door. (リッパ―ストリート)


You use “next to” in order to give the most important aspect of something when comparing it with another aspect.

Her children were the number two priority in her life next to her career.

The money was nothing to them next to the world knowing them for who they were. 自分たちの正体が公表されることに比べればお金は問題ではない。(リッパ―ストリート)


Do you not comprehend the nexus, sir? The connections inexorable of this age? (リッパ―ストリート)


How about you squaring some of what's owed. (リッパ―ストリート)


This is our last chance to come forth open-handed before the bank investors. 投資家の前で真実を話す最後のチャンス(リッパ―ストリート)


You killed on orders. (リッパ―ストリート)


The strength needed of me was not there. (リッパ―ストリート)


If you could perchance hasten matters. (リッパ―ストリート)


Around that way is his patch. あの辺りは彼の管轄です。(リッパ―ストリート)


You pander and pimp those boys. (リッパ―ストリート)


You pander and pimp those boys. (リッパ―ストリート)


Charlie put in what little he had. 投資した(リッパ―ストリート)


Out of my affections for your good lady, I'm reluctant to post you home in pieces. お前の妻のことを考えると、お前をバラバラにして家に送り返すのは忍びない。(リッパ―ストリート)


Leave now and we'll call this parley. 出ていけ。そうすればこのもめ事は話し合いだったということにしよう。(リッパ―ストリート)


pizzle : (Archaic) the penis of an animal, especially a bull.

Here shall I take my razor to your pizzle, make a gelding of you. (リッパ―ストリート)


police oneself自分を管理する

I begin to think a law that makes a crime of human love will police itself in pure despair. (リッパ―ストリート)


The Inspector was turning all philosophical on me. (リッパ―ストリート)


Phalanges of the digitus medius and secondus. 中指と第2指の指節。(リッパ―ストリート)


What of your investors blindly stacking their livelihoods upon your pyre? (リッパ―ストリート)


Love and justice are not the primal forces of our world, sir. Gold is the primal force of our world. (リッパ―ストリート)


What business have well-to-do's telegraphing the rookery? 金持ちがなぜ貧民街に電報を?(リッパ―ストリート)


Which boys are the renters? 男娼 (リッパ―ストリート)


Sometimes, if there was an opportunity, we'd filch something, then ransom it back. (リッパ―ストリート)


Would you have the whole world wear the rags of Whitechapel? 世界も貧民同様になってほしいのか?(リッパ―ストリート)


Would you prefer to share the results of your ruminations from the threshold? (リッパ―ストリート)


Would you prefer to share the results of your ruminations from the threshold? (リッパ―ストリート)


Shit. Luke's gonna skin us. (リッパ―ストリート)


This hotel ain't The Savoy. (リッパ―ストリート)


My guests don't care to be studied. (リッパ―ストリート)


I know some stevedores'd treat you like a princess. (同性愛) (リッパ―ストリート)


We see this through. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are in straits. Otto Roberts is dead because of it. (リッパ―ストリート)


An innocent boy lies slain. (リッパ―ストリート)


The grimy slew of phenomena. (リッパ―ストリート)


Suffice it to say Sol Quint's marital bed was infrequently troubled by his presence. 同性愛の愛人のせいで妻とベッドをともにすることが少なくなった. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was suited and booted. All in finery like a tailor's dummy. (リッパ―ストリート)


He's squeezing us week by week. (リッパ―ストリート)


The value just soars. (リッパ―ストリート)


Now the son of a bitch is turning the screw. (リッパ―ストリート)


I spatchcock your wife upon my bunk. ベッドで切り裂いてやる。(リッパ―ストリート)


When it comes to banging up poofs and Mary Anns. he's a man all scooped of belief. 同性愛者を使えることとなると、彼は法の信念をすくい取られた男だ(リッパ―ストリート)



I'd be the filthiest scofflaw this land had ever seen.


The only thing you ever look to is your next swashbuckling bloody daydream. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your telegram sounded shit-scared. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am all that stands between you and the rope? Tell me! (リッパ―ストリート)


We serviced men. (リッパ―ストリート)


The situation necessitate unorthodox stratagems for survival. (リッパ―ストリート)


Shun me at the club. (リッパ―ストリート)


Their stricken fellow men. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'll serve up that bastard's head, stuffed with an apple. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'll never give you a scrap of feeling ever again. (リッパ―ストリート)


Snuff out their love. (リッパ―ストリート)


I do hope you're not going to launch into sonnets. (リッパ―ストリート)


I should find all the swooning quite tiresome. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will not be your mistress. I will not stand for shady encounters and stolen assignations. (リッパ―ストリート)


Stolen assignations. (リッパ―ストリート)


You've done me a turn once or twice. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's there for the taking. (リッパ―ストリート)


He would analyse investments? - And the risks thereof. (リッパ―ストリート)


Can I offer you a refreshment? - Thank you, no. - Temperate man. (リッパ―ストリート)


The man whose numeracy extends to the price of liquor and tail, this same man will make himself a titan of high finance? (リッパ―ストリート)


The man whose numeracy extends to the price of liquor and tail, this same man will make himself a titan of high finance? (リッパ―ストリート)


We give 'em true cause to tremble. (リッパ―ストリート)


Rather reckless of you now, to present yourself thus. (リッパ―ストリート)


He's down by the tannery! (リッパ―ストリート)


Do you imagine the telegram wires encircling our globe are like angels' harp strings thrumming gently? (リッパ―ストリート)


There is no path without him worth treading. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is no path without him worth treading. Yet tread on we must, one step at a time. (リッパ―ストリート)


Turn the biggest bank in London upside down? (リッパ―ストリート)


I am an abominable bugger, sir, a proud Uranian. (リッパ―ストリート)


They borrowed to cover themselves, underwritten by the House of Barings. (リッパ―ストリート)


I would not have that pain visited upon you. (リッパ―ストリート)


What business have well-to-do's, telegraphing the rookery? 金持ちがなぜ貧民街に電報を?(リッパ―ストリート)


There's a man he sees. A well-to-do. (リッパ―ストリート)


The boys would they wring from me! (リッパ―ストリート)


Charlie put in what little he had. なけなしの金を投資した。(リッパ―ストリート)


You dare cross me, dare whisper the name Silas Duggan to your police whip cracker dare even dream about my handsome likeness, I shall skin you from nose to toes. (リッパ―ストリート)


whys and wherefores = a reason or explanation.

The whys and wherefores of these procedures need to be explained to students.

The law's the law, right? And policemen serve it. We don't ask all the whys and wherefores, do we? (リッパ―ストリート)


You swore you would weave our lives together with threads of silk and gold. (リッパ―ストリート)


Don't make this about your wounded pride. (リッパ―ストリート)


He has someone whose acquaintance he sought not to expose. (リッパ―ストリート)


Would that it were otherwise. (リッパ―ストリート)


Would that my friend worked down the hallway still. (リッパ―ストリート)



It is my wont to walk 30 minutes before breakfast. : 朝食の前に30分歩くことを習慣にしている


take lunch with me every Friday as was our wont. (リッパ―ストリート)


The man is not affiliated. (リッパ―ストリート)


Away with you. Go on. (リッパ―ストリート)


The now-atomized Mr. Knightly. (リッパ―ストリート)


A member of our august and newly minted County Council. 選出された(リッパ―ストリート)


English physicist. Alma mater - University College London. (リッパ―ストリート)


The balls on you would shame an elephant. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is me that finds him first, not the blues. (リッパ―ストリート)


The bloated fat-head sat on Commissions. (リッパ―ストリート)


Her mother was cruelly killed when she was but a child. (リッパ―ストリート)


That animals and electricity do not make great bedfellows? (リッパ―ストリート)


Every commercial body. 団体(リッパ―ストリート)


Electrical current is a fierce and unruly force. What alternating alternate power promises is the means by which such ferocity is made benign. (リッパ―ストリート)


You touch him and I'm straight to the blues. (リッパ―ストリート)


You don't have to befriend me, girl. (リッパ―ストリート)


He clutched at himself then fell. 胸を押さえて馬からおちた(リッパ―ストリート)


The years roll round, yet it is ever Irish heads on the end of my club. 何年もたっているのにこん棒でアイルランド人をまた殴ることになるとは。(リッパ―ストリート)


I was 20 years with the Irish Constabulary. (リッパ―ストリート)


Michael Donovan, IRB. Centre point of the Whitechapel Circle. (リッパ―ストリート)


Such men convened in such places as this. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am dragged from my breakfast to converse with you here. (リッパ―ストリート)


have got the chops 〈俗〉〔音楽などに関して〕才能がある、高い技術の持ち主だ

Chief Inspector Abberline has work for you. If you've the chops for it. (リッパ―ストリート)


The charge would have needed to be significant. 電流(リッパ―ストリート)


This is the way you London boys hope to charm a lady, is it? (リッパ―ストリート)


You said you had the chops for it, son. (リッパ―ストリート)


Now, she's pretty. Then she builds both crenellations and portcullis about herself. 彼女は男に対して守りが固い。(リッパ―ストリート)


Now this is with contrition. (リッパ―ストリート)


Then in you come. (リッパ―ストリート)


The prospect of nowhere to sleep but the cobbles of Whitechapel? (リッパ―ストリート)


Even were my mother still here, she might find it hard to offer clarity. From what folks here have said, she was not exactly exclusive in these matters. 母が生きていたとしても誰が私の父なのかははっきりとは言えないでしょう。いろいろな男性と関係していたから。(リッパ―ストリート)


Alternating current or direct current. 交流電流か直流電流

直流(DC)とは、川の流れにも例えられるように、常に一定の方向に向かって電気が流れる方式です。 電池やバッテリー、太陽電池などから得られる電気の流れのことをいいます。 一方で交流(AC)は、プラスとマイナスが常に周期的に入れ替わり、それにともない電気の流れの方向も常に変わっていく方式です。(リッパ―ストリート)


A man laying claim to her parentage. (リッパ―ストリート)


The letters to the girl, they ceased in 1887. (リッパ―ストリート)


A champion of direct current. (直流電流) (リッパ―ストリート)


Don't come [the something] (with me) (informal British English) used for telling someone angrily not to pretend that they have particular feelings or are in a particular situation, because you do not believe them.

Don’t come it with me.

Don't come the charitable English with me. (リッパ―ストリート)


It allows him to get clear. 逃走する(リッパ―ストリート)


Melts the wax, allowing the plates into congress. 蠟がとけて板がくっつく。(リッパ―ストリート)


You are under arrest. Murder and attempted murder. Multiple counts. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am your centre. Your colonel. ボス(リッパ―ストリート)


day agoa ~》1日前

We should have begun this task one day ago. (リッパ―ストリート)


Our convict was freed with the design of laying this charge beneath Knightly's bed. ナイトリーのベッドの下でこの爆博物を仕掛ける目的で囚人が脱獄させられた。(リッパ―ストリート)


Imagine the dance I had to perform. (リッパ―ストリート)


It emerged that Whitechapel H Division had requested the personal and professional particulars of so recently deceased a dignitary as Cecil Knightly. (リッパ―ストリート)


No sorcery known will allow a man ingress until she first lowers that drawbridge down. (リッパ―ストリート)


Eirinn go Brach. (リッパ―ストリート)


It emerged that Whitechapel H Division had requested the personal and professional particulars of so recently deceased a dignitary as Cecil Knightly. (リッパ―ストリート)


We must economise. (リッパ―ストリート)


Explain yourself! (リッパ―ストリート)


Flat-head Fenians tried to dynamite a prison. (リッパ―ストリート)


Flat-head Fenians tried to dynamite a prison. (リッパ―ストリート)


The IRB has given up its guns. The days when a Fenian could be found hid in a cider barrel are past. We live in peace, now. (リッパ―ストリート)


Fraternize with the Metropolitan Police? (リッパ―ストリート)


Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house. Your children will be like olive shoots around your table. (Psalm 128:3)

How best to penetrate her frosty exterior and melt the fruitful vine within. (リッパ―ストリート)


Food in my belly. (リッパ―ストリート)


This future finds you. (リッパ―ストリート)


folding money (chiefly US) : money in the form of bills : paper money especially as contrasted with small change

Enough folding to see us righter than a dosshouse. (リッパ―ストリート)


He received education at the feet of Thomas Edison. (リッパ―ストリート)


She might be your flesh and blood but she's my girl. (リッパ―ストリート)


The Irishman is a Negro turned inside out. Given only to slavishness and violence. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is yet too green. (リッパ―ストリート)


bring someone to the ground(人)を地面にねじ伏せる

He is wanted but never brought to ground. (リッパ―ストリート)


I thought my father had scared you off for good. (リッパ―ストリート)


Twelve dead civilians. Murdered at his hand. (リッパ―ストリート)


We are for home rule by peaceful means. (リッパ―ストリート)


have up(持ち上げる/出迎える)

Let’s have her up at the airport. 彼女を空港で出迎えてやろう

Let’s have you up. 君を持ち上げてやろう(リッパ―ストリート)


How will the electric power be delivered to your hearthside? (リッパ―ストリート)


hive off

1. 〔ミツバチが〕分封する古い巣から新しい巣へ移る

2. 〈英話〉〔人・組織などが〕~から離れて独立する

3. 〔仕事などを〕委託する、下請に出す

You drop the voltage using your transformer, then you hive it off for domestic consumption. (リッパ―ストリート)


A humble man wronged by the cruel iniquities of this uncaring government? (リッパ―ストリート)


Irish Republican Brotherhood. Sent down with eight other members of the IRB. (リッパ―ストリート)


The IRB has given up its guns. (リッパ―ストリート)


IRB with a taste for nothing but the bloody destruction of innocent life. (リッパ―ストリート)


No sorcery known will allow a man ingress until she first lowers that drawbridge down. (リッパ―ストリート)


Men and women of influence. (リッパ―ストリート)


The company was instituted September 10th 1887. 登記された(リッパ―ストリート)


I made approach, sir, but was rebuffed. I thought it judicious to retreat. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your little knackers. (リッパ―ストリート)


Leyden jar :  An early form of capacitor consisting of a glass jar with layers of metal foil on the outside and inside.

Your detonator was charged with a Leyden Jar. It's a glass bottle with silver sheeting around it, set to carry electric current. (リッパ―ストリート)


The field of play thus levelled. (リッパ―ストリート)


You would trust Edison to own a telegraph machine, would you not? - The leanest and fastest. (リッパ―ストリート)


Fell from the seat of the Maria. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was incarcerated at our pleasure since 1868. (リッパ―ストリート)


The Maria makes its way along. Where did it stop? (リッパ―ストリート)


mucksavage :  Common Irish term for a country dweller or someone unfamiliar with urban life.

What's that funny looking thing in the corner? - That's a television you stupid mucksavage.

Away with you. Go on. - That's right, muck-savage. Back on the boat. (リッパ―ストリート)


Then we mark him out. (リッパ―ストリート)


A member of our august and newly minted County Council. 選出された(リッパ―ストリート)


Whether paying above or below his median rate. (リッパ―ストリート)


You're milk piss, boy. (リッパ―ストリート)


One might say you saved my life, Inspector. That being the case, I have put my mind to how I might thank you. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am for the present and the future, but never the past. There is nothing but black magnetism there. (リッパ―ストリート)


This is our Newgate driver. (リッパ―ストリート)


They think the people of this city are Neanderthals to be terrified at the sight of fire. (リッパ―ストリート)


Shut up like an oyster. (リッパ―ストリート)


There's a prisoner on the loose. The man with a taste for nothing but the bloody destruction of innocent life. - You're one to talk. (リッパ―ストリート)


Who started cutting onions here?タマネギのせいで涙が出るに引っかけて 涙が出てきたことを伝えているセリフ

I hate to chop your onions here. (リッパ―ストリート)


If you have further questions, I'm only too happy to oblige. ご質問があれば是非(リッパ―ストリート)


He was incarcerated at our pleasure since 1868. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is a pitiless killer who now walks free. (リッパ―ストリート)


You have your mother's way with the pot still, I see. 蒸留の腕は母親譲りだ(リッパ―ストリート)


piss ice water〈英俗〉冷静さを保つ、びくともしない、全く動じない(リッパ―ストリート)



A piss-crew of Irish exiles. (リッパ―ストリート)


Now, she's pretty. Then she builds both crenellations and portcullis about herself. 彼女は男に対して守りが固い。(リッパ―ストリート)


What kind of man would this woman most likely pity? A victim of police brutality, perhaps. (リッパ―ストリート)


Get yourself down here. Do you think these pints pull themselves?2階にいるバーメイドに向かって下のバーで働くようにせかしている)(リッパ―ストリート)


I send you away now, ladies and gentlemen, to ponder only this. (リッパ―ストリート)


She was never particular. だれとでも寝る(リッパ―ストリート)


None of this is in question. (リッパ―ストリート)


The years roll round, yet it is ever Irish heads on the end of my club. 何年もたっているのにこん棒でアイルランド人をまた殴ることになるとは。(リッパ―ストリート)


I made approach to her but was rebuffed. (リッパ―ストリート)



South-East Electricity Commission wish the area to be emptied and re-purposed for a new power-station. (リッパ―ストリート)


You've got a fresh excuse to row yourself past Councillor Cobden's door. 会う口実ができた(リッパ―ストリート)


Enough folding to see us righter than a dosshouse. (folding money (chiefly US) : money in the form of bills : paper money especially as contrasted with small change

Enough folding to see us righter than a dosshouse.) (リッパ―ストリート)


He was reclined in a cell at Newgate. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will see her right in this world. (リッパ―ストリート)


Sassenach! (リッパ―ストリート)


He frees himself - scarpers. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm going to get you sure. (リッパ―ストリート)


In its stead. (リッパ―ストリート)


The thought of that action sits easy with you, does it? (リッパ―ストリート)


Trust an Irishman? I would sooner play chess with an Orangutan. (リッパ―ストリート)


The position of my leadership still stands. (リッパ―ストリート)


Detective Flight's face is right for the Irish community, his is voice righter still. (リッパ―ストリート)


He does seek her out. 探し求める(リッパ―ストリート)


If he comes skulking about, I'm the first to know. (リッパ―ストリート)


Girl's mother, Bethan Foley kept IRB men safe and secret off the streets. (リッパ―ストリート)


Any spring to mind? 思いつくことは?(リッパ―ストリート)


You were their sport, nothing more. 彼らの憂さ晴らしにされたのね(リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Knightly sat to decide on which party would be awarded the privilege of constructing the building. (リッパ―ストリート)


He sprung Aiden Galvin from his prison wagon. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is that profit which will see you to New York. 報酬のおかげでニューヨークに行けるんだろ(リッパ―ストリート)


A wax stem? ろうそくの板(リッパ―ストリート)


We have a fine show in store. (リッパ―ストリート)


This device must be dismantled because we believe it may have been sabotaged. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your tame Pinkerton. (リッパ―ストリート)


The days when such men as ourselves convened in such places as this to take secrets off each other are in the past. (リッパ―ストリート)


Did your pigeons turn on you? 鳩にやられたの(リッパ―ストリート)


Commission wish the area to be emptied and re-purposed for a new power-station and has invited bids to be tendered. (リッパ―ストリート)


What we thought chance is now plotted conspiracy. たちが偶然だと思っていたことは、今や計画された陰謀なのだ。(リッパ―ストリート)


at the very thought thatthat以下〕と思う[考える]だけで

shudder at the very thought 考えただけでも身の毛がよだつ

I hate to chop your onions here. 涙をださせる。 - The very thought of it. いい例えだ。(リッパ―ストリート)



A girl who has known little else but the inside of a tap room. バーメイドの女性。(リッパ―ストリート)


Feel the twinge of intrigue. (リッパ―ストリート)


My mother, taken by typhus when I was five. My father, taken by drink soon after. (リッパ―ストリート)


One of the many tenders to build the building. (リッパ―ストリート)


There is little Captain Jackson has left unlearnt in the subject on women. その道に詳しい(リッパ―ストリート)


Electrical current is a fierce and unruly force. (リッパ―ストリート)


Vent your rage against this country. (リッパ―ストリート)


A humble man wronged by the cruel iniquities of this uncaring government. (リッパ―ストリート)


I would know you. (リッパ―ストリート)



We paid your orphan way. (リッパ―ストリート)

We are grateful for your alacrity in this matter. (リッパ―ストリート)


Gypsies use it as an analgesic. (リッパ―ストリート)


Put an alert out. (リッパ―ストリート)


You think it wise to air your weary gripes. (リッパ―ストリート)


Address our currently calamitous situation. (リッパ―ストリート)


Did you incite any woman to action against De Souza? (リッパ―ストリート)


Along with you, girl. 行きなさい(リッパ―ストリート)


The gent has particular tastes. You wish me to accommodate. (リッパ―ストリート)


Here they are turned to no-one's account but their own. だれにも頼らずに済むようになる(リッパ―ストリート)


Have as much security as might be afforded them. (リッパ―ストリート)


The city, my readers and myself, all are awash with relief at your return. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is the known foe of the music halls. And now snatched from within one such. He will scorn them the bitterer now. 会場に反対していたのに、その会場から誘拐されてますますその会場に悪意を抱くであろう。(リッパ―ストリート)


My Sergeant's fists beating out a confession from you. (リッパ―ストリート)


Take in an entertainment, do we? - Entertainment's a broad term. えらい退屈だったが(リッパ―ストリート)


This drink, ground with a burr-mill sugared and blended and akin to tar. (リッパ―ストリート)


For once, the papers bear no lies. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will not brook any more from you! (リッパ―ストリート)


Forgive the intrusion, it is born only out of necessity. 生じた(リッパ―ストリート)


This division does not bow to ransom demands. (リッパ―ストリート)


You conspired to abduct a city councilor. (リッパ―ストリート)


It was found courtesy of my American brothers. (リッパ―ストリート)


Quite the charmer. ユーモアがあるな(リッパ―ストリート)


At least it's honest coin. - No! That's an honest pittance. まっとうに稼いだ金だ。- そんなのはした金じゃない。(リッパ―ストリート)


Address our currently calamitous situation. (リッパ―ストリート)


A concern that makes money. 商売(リッパ―ストリート)


Women used for carnal pursuits. (リッパ―ストリート)


You're guilty of kidnap, ransom, your girls all of them complicit. (リッパ―ストリート)


I come as your equal - your friend, not your charge. (リッパ―ストリート)


You saw the pair close in congress. 二人は敵対していない(リッパ―ストリート)


The lights are dimmed for how long? (リッパ―ストリート)


Darken your name with this criminal act. (リッパ―ストリート)


It makes me feel quite the dullard. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am to be deputised to you? (リッパ―ストリート)


This is her earring. Won by myself at dice. 賭博(リッパ―ストリート)


A dresser girl, their insider, she also then disappeared. (リッパ―ストリート)


Deputations from match-girls. 代表の言葉だ(リッパ―ストリート)


Three right-handed index fingers. Cut through the digital artery. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are a dutiful girl. (リッパ―ストリート)


Dare whimper like a child ! (リッパ―ストリート)


Right as ever. (リッパ―ストリート)


All's I need is to catch an eye or two, a rich man to be snared and stand as my patron. パトロンを見つける必要がある。(リッパ―ストリート)


Effect a permanent cure. (リッパ―ストリート)


Who was it entertained here? 売春の相手は誰だ(リッパ―ストリート)


Not only one woman but hundreds will take their fully-enfranchised position and none shall remark on it as anything more than the everyday heartbeat of political life. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is another man whose only motives are for his own enrichment, never your own. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is the known foe of the music halls. (リッパ―ストリート)


In the fictive world. (リッパ―ストリート)


We shall get along famously. (リッパ―ストリート)


She led a faction. She and another firebrand. (リッパ―ストリート)


I always fancied a familial closeness. (リッパ―ストリート)


He seeks to trade my debt for my flesh. 借金のかわりに体を売れと。(リッパ―ストリート)


Jack, rip em good and proper! (リッパ―ストリート)


You think it wise to air your weary gripes. (リッパ―ストリート)


The gent has particular tastes. You wish me to accommodate. (リッパ―ストリート)


Gather yourself. (リッパ―ストリート)


I only pay proper heed to the girls. (リッパ―ストリート)


How I am your friend, Mr. Reid. 私はなんてあなたにとっていい友人なんだ(リッパ―ストリート)


Hop it, Jimmy. 帰れ(リッパ―ストリート)


She was a goddess, Reid, to make even a heathen like you believe so. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am attacked in my house, abducted and brought to this hovel. (リッパ―ストリート)


Bring Miss Cobden to heel and silence her. (リッパ―ストリート)


Not only one woman but hundreds will take their fully-enfranchised position and none shall remark on it as anything more than the everyday heartbeat of political life. (リッパ―ストリート)


If those men are alive, those women will avoid the hangman. (リッパ―ストリート)


You should have paid me heed. (リッパ―ストリート)


If I placed you in harm's way, madam, I am sorry for it. (リッパ―ストリート)


A den of iniquity. I shall have it closed by the end of the week! (リッパ―ストリート)


The irony isn't lost on me. = I'm aware of the irony.

Do not think the irony lost on me. 本当に皮肉よね。(リッパ―ストリート)


The match-girls. Show me a group of women more ill used than the match-girls. (matchgirl : (historical) A girl who sold matches on the streets.) (リッパ―ストリート)


A dresser girl, their insider, she also then disappeared. (リッパ―ストリート)


Jimson weed. (リッパ―ストリート)


The Jimson in those smokes. Taken for pain relief. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was knocked cold and dragged out. (リッパ―ストリート)


I've scoured the laneway. (リッパ―ストリート)


I renounce any opposition to my fellow LCC member Miss Cobden and her works. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do not force me to make you prisoner. Friend is much more to my liking. (リッパ―ストリート)


mewl : (especially of a baby) cry feebly or querulously; whimper. (of a cat or bird) make a high-pitched crying noise. Mew.

A forlorn cat mewled pathetically.

A baby boy softly mewls.

Mewling tart for you to defend? (リッパ―ストリート)


No harm was meant to come your way. (リッパ―ストリート)


I knew I liked the measure of you, first I had eyes on you. 好感が持てるとわかった(リッパ―ストリート)


Abscesses lead to brain inflammation, then mutism. (リッパ―ストリート)


The girls were manipulated into silence. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are not alone in wishing your girls a better measure of living. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am not one of your mulish girls.

mulish : A mulish person is very determined and refuses to change their plans for anyone else. (リッパ―ストリート)


Many's the woman who has come down here and had her vision of the world changed. (リッパ―ストリート)


matchgirl : (historical) A girl who sold matches on the streets.

The match-girls. Show me a group of women more ill used than the match-girls. (リッパ―ストリート)


Now muzzle your temper. (リッパ―ストリート)


A night-soil cart? These streets are piped for sewerage. (リッパ―ストリート)


The night-soil men of London. Their numbers dwindle. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Urwin is perhaps the last remaining night-soil man of this parish. (リッパ―ストリート)


The ill-used women of this city could number an army. (リッパ―ストリート)


We are nearing the root and reason of this. (リッパ―ストリート)


There would be no outlay for you. (リッパ―ストリート)


Both men asked for Miss Ida in the brothel. Said they would pay over and above. 倍は払う(リッパ―ストリート)


You will oblige me? (リッパ―ストリート)


The notion of De Souza's imminent death oiled the wheels somewhat. 彼が殺されるかもしれないという考えが、事を動かした。(リッパ―ストリート)


Prig. I'll see to him. 堅物(リッパ―ストリート)


I fought hard as I could against them. But they prevailed. (リッパ―ストリート)


At least it's honest coin. - No! That's an honest pittance. まっとうに稼いだ金だ。- そんなのはした金じゃない。(リッパ―ストリート)


The house was a pigpen when I gave you tenancy of it. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is American and therefore lacking in manners and propriety. (リッパ―ストリート)


phossy jaw(略式)《医学》燐顎りんがく(リンによる顎骨などの壊死)

The poor woman died of her phossy jaw. (リッパ―ストリート)


Phossy jaw! Necrosis of the jawbone. The phosphorous from the yellow-tipped matches converts into biphosphonates - these laid down in the bone to then eat it away. (リッパ―ストリート)


We will be hidden in plain sight. (リッパ―ストリート)


Whatever comes to pass, you must swear it to yourself that you will not cave in to this animal's demands. (リッパ―ストリート)


We are somewhat pressed. 時間がない。(リッパ―ストリート)


The preserve of all those that have left their scars on your back. あなたの背中に傷跡を残したすべての人々の思い出させるものだ。(リッパ―ストリート)


rootle : (Informal British) another term for root2.

The terriers scuttled off to rootle through the brushwood.

Your boy rootles around out there already. (リッパ―ストリート)


I fought hard as I could against them. But they prevailed. - This is the reason for your reticent shame? (リッパ―ストリート)


I renounce any opposition. (リッパ―ストリート)


An act from which you have readily profited. (リッパ―ストリート)


See to refreshments. 飲み物を運んで(リッパ―ストリート)


The whores, we was all riddled. (リッパ―ストリート)


The strike was laid to rest. (リッパ―ストリート)


You who would rob my girls of every hope! (リッパ―ストリート)


A new brand of cigarette aimed squarely at the ladies. (リッパ―ストリート)


You shall speak, sir, if you have affection for yourself. 話さないと痛い目にあうぞ(リッパ―ストリート)


Various painful deaths befalling your good self feature frequently. (リッパ―ストリート)


He seemed his self to you? 彼は幸せそうに見えた(リッパ―ストリート)


Is she your new thoroughbred? - Not near so sleek and lovely as you, darling. (リッパ―ストリート)


So says the police stooge. (リッパ―ストリート)


So says the police stooge. (リッパ―ストリート)


This woman. No, scratch that, she was not a woman. (リッパ―ストリート)


Spirit a woman away. (リッパ―ストリート)


The man and Miss Susan were stowed aboard a cart. (リッパ―ストリート)


His scant settlement for the trouble. (リッパ―ストリート)


The men leave your house sated. (リッパ―ストリート)


Must a woman explain how she came by such stripes?(リッパ―ストリート)


You call me his stooge! (リッパ―ストリート)


I service the needs of the man. (リッパ―ストリート)


No other soul have I shared this with. (リッパ―ストリート)


she might have expected succour but received none. (リッパ―ストリート)


Catch this stench. (リッパ―ストリート)


Life singularly fails to reward good intentions. (リッパ―ストリート)


She'd see to the toff. ~の面倒を見る。(リッパ―ストリート)


Throw your light over here. (リッパ―ストリート)


My carts were thieved two nights back. - How was it thieved, Mr. Urwin? (リッパ―ストリート)


My night's takings here for counting. 今夜の売り上げです(リッパ―ストリート)


The house was a pigpen when I gave you tenancy of it. (リッパ―ストリート)


Thrice in one week. (リッパ―ストリート)


I shall slice you lip to tip. (リッパ―ストリート)


My many thanks. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'll smash her teeth through her jaw. (リッパ―ストリート)


He had his shoes shined. Liked to see his face in his toecap. (リッパ―ストリート)


The wit and resilience to evade the law at every turn. (リッパ―ストリート)


How uncanny. (リッパ―ストリート)


I wish the pair a happy union. そのカップルの幸福を願う。(リッパ―ストリート)


You might still have a hand in unravelling the mystery. (リッパ―ストリート)


Find that factory manager, hang him by his ankles over one of his dipping vats. (リッパ―ストリート)


Something to wet your lips, gentlemen? お飲みものはいかがですか(リッパ―ストリート)


I would have audience with you myself. (リッパ―ストリート)


You think I have no knowledge of evil men? Or care either which way for their deeds? (リッパ―ストリート)


Serve legal writ. (リッパ―ストリート)



She came to me with her head and shoulders entirely obscured with black lace - mourning weeds. (リッパ―ストリート)


He described her as filthy and abject, didn't he? (リッパ―ストリート)


That's an impressive artifice. (リッパ―ストリート)


He could never articulate it with precision. (リッパ―ストリート)


a happy accident幸運な出来事

It is no happy accident I came to you today. (リッパ―ストリート)


She didn't use her arms to break the fall. She kept the child clutched to her chest. (リッパ―ストリート)


Bloomsbury :  A district of central London in the borough of Camden: contains the British Museum, part of the University of London, and many publishers' offices.

His collar rate was sufficient to push both yours and mine into the corner. - In Bloomsbury 犯罪率が低い場所での検挙率ですよね。(リッパ―ストリート)


You must have him working those skilled fingers to the knuckle. (リッパ―ストリート)


He invents a term, eugenics. The weak, the idle, the ugly, the dim-witted, the mad the deformed. They are to be bred out. (リッパ―ストリート)


I took another woman to my bed. (リッパ―ストリート)


You could not do as you were bid, could you? (リッパ―ストリート)


The baby in me cleaves me in two! まっぷたつに割れそう。(リッパ―ストリート)


Vulnerable does not quite cover it. 表現が十分じゃない(リッパ―ストリート)


canopy林冠◆森林の上層部のこと。熱帯森林は、林冠、下層(understory)、林床(forest floor)の三つの層で構成される

The tail on her backside is a memento of all that we once were in water, beneath the canopy. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am correct in that understanding? (リッパ―ストリート)


He did his overtime in uniform on his own coin. 非番の時も働いた(リッパ―ストリート)


His collar rate. 検挙率(リッパ―ストリート)


Now appointed to the CID. (リッパ―ストリート)


chance one's luck / try one's luckいちかばちか試して[やって]みる、運を試す、運試しをする、勝負する

Our luck is already chanced. 運は尽きた(リッパ―ストリート)


Where did you come from? - Over the hills and far away. (よくできた妻だな) (リッパ―ストリート)


You think this is the garden spot of the world? My one ambition to remain here, chained to you? (garden spot : An especially fertile region) (リッパ―ストリート)


The police interview concluding in a man's death? 尋問中に死んだ(リッパ―ストリート)



I am too well-conditioned, Father. 殴っても効かない(リッパ―ストリート)


You will cease all questioning(リッパ―ストリート)


Talk of the wolf. (リッパ―ストリート)


Timely demise? (リッパ―ストリート)


to the day〔日数が〕ちょうど

It's ten years ago to the [a] day. : それはちょうど10年前の今日のことだ。

Almost seven months ago to the day. (リッパ―ストリート)


His behaviour degenerating in her absence. (リッパ―ストリート)


In eugenics, the debilities and handicaps that impair our existence might be corrected. (リッパ―ストリート)


That doss-house. (リッパ―ストリート)


Stella Brooks, delivered of her child. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your mercenary hireling has designs on a change of location. (リッパ―ストリート)


I was desired by the woman. (リッパ―ストリート)


Would you deny your son that peace? (リッパ―ストリート)


He invents a term, eugenics. The weak, the idle, the ugly, the dim-witted, the mad the deformed. They are to be bred out. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was ejected for brawling. 追い出された(リッパ―ストリート)


Of all the emotions, shame is the most insidious and entrapping? (リッパ―ストリート)


He's a research fellow at the Natural History extension of the British Museum. (リッパ―ストリート)


You must have him working those skilled fingers to the knuckle. (リッパ―ストリート)


I do hope the day finds you well. (リッパ―ストリート)


We get cornered. It's a long fight out. 脱出するのは大変だぞ。(リッパ―ストリート)


A rich man's son, finding fellowship in a freak show. (リッパ―ストリート)


Why the long face? (リッパ―ストリート)


fireside chat

1.a ~》炉辺談話自宅などで、落ち着いた気分で楽しむ会話。

2.a ~》炉辺談話アメリカのルーズベルト大統領が、19331944年にかけてラジオで国民に語りかけた番組。30回放送された番組全体は、the fireside chatsと呼ばれる。◆Fireside Chatとも表記される。

I have, this past hour, come from the grieving fireside of Frederick Treves. (リッパ―ストリート)


You believe there to be a line outside my office, do you? A battalion of gnarled veterans, each and every one of them begging to bring their fight to your division? 誰がお前の部署で働きたいんだよ。(リッパ―ストリート)


garden spot : An especially fertile region

You think this is the garden spot of the world? My one ambition to remain here, chained to you? (リッパ―ストリート)


You know, this brooding martyr thing you perfect, it can really grate. (リッパ―ストリート)


Why such hysteria grew in her. (リッパ―ストリート)


It changes a man. Humbles him, in fact. (リッパ―ストリート)


Her humerus, radius and ulna, however, are intact. (リッパ―ストリート)


Out the way, Haystack. でくの坊(リッパ―ストリート)


How do, Mr. Merrick? (リッパ―ストリート)


lay your head down : To lie down

Lay your head on the pillow to sleep.

I need a place to lay my head

I lay my head at Mrs. Burton's lodging house. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your mercenary hireling has designs on a change of location. (リッパ―ストリート)


He's impervious to pain. But not, alas, to suffering. (リッパ―ストリート)


You believe there to be a line outside my office, do you? A battalion of gnarled veterans, each and every one of them begging to bring their fight to your division? 誰がお前の部署で働きたいんだよ。(リッパ―ストリート)


Low-rent boozing. 低俗な酒場(リッパ―ストリート)


You're scrubbing latrines. 便所掃除でもしてろ(リッパ―ストリート)


Shirts are laundered. (リッパ―ストリート)


mean her such harm? (SVOO) (リッパ―ストリート)


The suffering that is meted out in the Leman Street cells by the inspector. (リッパ―ストリート)


A Mick that doesn't take a sip, uh? (アイルランド人) - And a unicorn stopped traffic on the East India Dock Road. ありえんな(リッパ―ストリート)


She met her death. (リッパ―ストリート)


The sense of shame. It carves its home in the marrow of your bones and rests there for all time. (リッパ―ストリート)


If either or both of the parents manifest signs of the disease, the offspring will invariably suffer also. (リッパ―ストリート)


nimgimmer – a physician or surgeon, particularly those who cure venereal disease

Which nimgimmer's this, then? (リッパ―ストリート)


Nursemaid, is it? - Just watch him. (リッパ―ストリート)



We were fortunate that one of our number was a doctor. : 幸いなことに仲間の一人が医者だった。

I hear the chatter of the nurses. Once, beyond my window, I watched one of their number make love to the night porter. (リッパ―ストリート)


A protrusion at the base of her spine. - A tail? (リッパ―ストリート)


The Elephant Man must sleep upright, like a marionette on a puppeteer's shelf? (リッパ―ストリート)


In eugenics, we hand on those same abilities to our children. - Pugilism, for example. Or depravity.

The same reality prevails. (リッパ―ストリート)


The piecemeal loss of all that makes you feel human. (リッパ―ストリート)


In eugenics, we hand on those same abilities to our children. - Pugilism, for example. Or depravity. - Quite. まさに(リッパ―ストリート)


You would slur me? Then I must seek recompense. (リッパ―ストリート)


Her humerus, radius and ulna, however, are intact. (リッパ―ストリート)


Leave off riding Sergeant Drake. 責めるのはやめろ。(リッパ―ストリート)


Under the railway arches. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will rack thee. (リッパ―ストリート)


The correction and improvement of humankind is indeed realisable. (リッパ―ストリート)


Run along now. (リッパ―ストリート)


He cursed like a stevedore. (リッパ―ストリート)


Whoever pushed her down that stairwell. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is yet to be stated how precisely Sergeant Linklater met his end. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is yet to be stated how, precisely, Sergeant Linklater met his end. Granted, the iron railing

that passed through him had a say. 根拠はあることは認めるがね。(リッパ―ストリート)


Edmund Reid may have lent a shoulder to that passing. (リッパ―ストリート)


What's to be gained from slurring the reputation of a man such as Mr Reid. (リッパ―ストリート)


That slur hides the truth. (リッパ―ストリート)


You would slur me? (リッパ―ストリート)


streetfront : The side of a building facing the street.

The freak shows were run off the street fronts last year. (リッパ―ストリート)


Tom Norman's troop splintering, a faction. 分裂した一派(リッパ―ストリート)


You are short here. 人手不足(リッパ―ストリート)


He volunteers for this sink, Whitechapel. (リッパ―ストリート)


Suffering that Inspector Reid sanctions in the name of investigation. (リッパ―ストリート)


This life - six bags of shit till Sunday, is it not? 日曜以外は最悪だ(リッパ―ストリート)


This place is going to shit in his shoes one day or the next. 彼はトラブルになる(リッパ―ストリート)


Your sergeant's salary stretches this far. 稼ぎが少ない(リッパ―ストリート)


I see the numbers you scratched in that ledger. 書きこむ(リッパ―ストリート)


This slab of meat. (リッパ―ストリート)


You will do Sergeant Drake the service of knowing what is best for you. (リッパ―ストリート)


Two spells at The Lark House Asylum. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your newly sullied reputation. (リッパ―ストリート)


This man is your fellow! You would stone him?! (リッパ―ストリート)


Make a habit of stealing through these corridors. 忍び寄る(リッパ―ストリート)


She came to you when? - A touch after eight. (リッパ―ストリート)


twister : (Informal British) a swindler; a dishonest person.

She's a back-stabbing, double-dealing twister.

Do send my regards to your pistol twister. (リッパ―ストリート)


She had been, at one point at least, well treated by folk with money. (リッパ―ストリート)


I took a turn through those streets myself. (リッパ―ストリート)


Her humerus, radius and ulna, however, are intact. (リッパ―ストリート)


upsadaisy 【間投】= upsy-daisy(リッパ―ストリート)


This is unconscionable! (リッパ―ストリート)


He wishes to up and leave you. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will not have that undermined. (リッパ―ストリート)


This tail on her butt is a vestige. It is a memento of all that we once were. (リッパ―ストリート)


Arrests for vagrancy, drunkenness. (リッパ―ストリート)


Villainy does not rest. (リッパ―ストリート)


There are whisperings on the wind. (リッパ―ストリート)


What ho! (リッパ―ストリート)


Wouldst thou seek to violate the honour? (リッパ―ストリート)


I would know now. (リッパ―ストリート)


This wing is research fellows only. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is the truth of my every waking moment. (リッパ―ストリート)


You ask me to willfully fail in my duty. (リッパ―ストリート)



See her face - zinc oxide. It keeps the skin fair. (リッパ―ストリート)


All is as ever was. (リッパ―ストリート)


Florence, authoress and composer of music. (リッパ―ストリート)


The same truth still abides. (リッパ―ストリート)


turn…to (good) accountを利用[活用]する

turn…to full accountを十分に利用する

You, your brothers, turn young women's loneliness to your own account. (リッパ―ストリート)


I would avoid that. - As would I. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is notable by his absence. (リッパ―ストリート)


First appendicectomy this country has seen. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is this which Sergeant Linklater found himself amidst. (リッパ―ストリート)


bundook : (plural bundooks)(slang, UK) A service-issue rifle. A term widely adopted by British regular soldiers serving in India or having contact with Indian troops.

Fire your bundooks Right over my coffin. (リッパ―ストリート)


You, bide your time and you trust in me. (リッパ―ストリート)


More besides. There's not a girl here who doesn't think you are the finest of men. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your name blackened. (リッパ―ストリート)


He lived on borrowed time. (リッパ―ストリート)


Give him morphine. - By your budgeting? I got laudanum. 予算の関係でロードナムしかないぜ。(リッパ―ストリート)


What befell you, brother? (リッパ―ストリート)


Maurice went there with his badge out. そこに捜査で行った。(リッパ―ストリート)


No bawd, I am told. 娼婦じゃなかった(リッパ―ストリート)


Within the beat. 管轄(リッパ―ストリート)


The blade sheared. (リッパ―ストリート)


Maurice is bound in some way to his attacker, a way that does him no credit. 彼には不名誉になるような犯人との接点がある。(リッパ―ストリート)


What the hell is home? Home is a brickwork anchor. 故郷なんて自由を奪うものだ(リッパ―ストリート)


Blind me to the truth. (リッパ―ストリート)


As your landlord and benefactor, I can do what I like with you. (リッパ―ストリート)


The sanctity of this force must be protected from the heroin. Because, to those who wish to live in peace hereabout, we must be their buttress to that aim. (リッパ―ストリート)


The hammer is cocked, friend. Quick as you are, brass is quicker. (リッパ―ストリート)


Her heart, I suspect, as black as soot. (リッパ―ストリート)


You have some brass coming in here. (リッパ―ストリート)


No man yet found drinks his tea blacker than I. 俺は紅茶にミルクは絶対入れない男だ。milksopじゃないぜ。(リッパ―ストリート)


I'm a young trooper. Cut down in my prime. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is sufficient to draw this case to a close and name him. (リッパ―ストリート)


Three counts of public indecency. (リッパ―ストリート)


Two men cutlassed at closing time at the shop. One now dead. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is the third night this week you've slept in that cot. (リッパ―ストリート)


Were we to construct and place our own letters, you would print and run them for us? (リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Drake, come now. 落ち着いて(リッパ―ストリート)


You raise a hope that sinks its claws into me. (リッパ―ストリート)


I cannot watch from close. 近くからは監視できない(リッパ―ストリート)


I shall cut left. 左に行く(リッパ―ストリート)


I need to remove the tissue, set it in wax and make a cross-section. (リッパ―ストリート)


If you wish to pursue your current course of action, you be my guest. (リッパ―ストリート)


The fingers are heavily calloused. 指にタコがある(リッパ―ストリート)


Creole trapper showed me how to skin the head. (リッパ―ストリート)


Perhaps I will list them for you. Three serving maids, we have done well from that particular constituency. ロンリーハーツの手紙に家政婦はすぐにひっかかる(リッパ―ストリート)


There is not much provided in this world which aids the course of justice. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's either peace or a clattering. 痛い目にあうぞ(リッパ―ストリート)


It went through clean. 見事に貫通した。(リッパ―ストリート)


Extinguish the cheroot this moment. (リッパ―ストリート)


We lack your taste for clerical work. 君たちみたいに事務仕事はしない。(リッパ―ストリート)


She had no call to demean herself. (リッパ―ストリート)


I spent a winter crewing sea-draggers out of San Francisco. (リッパ―ストリート)

(dragger : A boat equipped to tow fishing gear, such as a trawl net, along the bottom of the sea.)


You ever punch a man clean off his feet. パンチして相手を吹っ飛ばした事あるか。(リッパ―ストリート)


You ever punch a man clean off his feet, Sergeant? - With respect, sir, if I had, I wouldn't be here coppering my life away, would I? (リッパ―ストリート)


Gaming chit for Chinese dominoes. (リッパ―ストリート)


This here - nothing but our chickens come home to roost. (リッパ―ストリート)


Maurice is bound in some way to his attacker, a way that does him no credit. 彼には不名誉になるような犯人との接点がある。(リッパ―ストリート)


There's no call to hide any longer. (リッパ―ストリート)


These corridors have come to feel like home now. 今となってはこの家が故郷に感じるわ。(リッパ―ストリート)


Opium is not yet contraband. (リッパ―ストリート)


To co-ordinate this trade himself? (リッパ―ストリート)


conkers : a horse chestnut.

Imagine Drake, here, with a rash on his conkers. (=nuts 金玉) (リッパ―ストリート)


Had me confounded. (リッパ―ストリート)


You're warm in your bed with a woman clasped beside you. (リッパ―ストリート)


Now, you got a cookhouse here. 麻薬製造所(リッパ―ストリート)


The hammer is cocked, friend. Quick as you are, brass is quicker. (リッパ―ストリート)


You were come upon in my man's rooms. 目撃された。(リッパ―ストリート)


Ta-ta, old cock. おいぼれ(リッパ―ストリート)


This woman would make a penniless drudge of you. (リッパ―ストリート)


No tarts or destitutes, then? (リッパ―ストリート)


Dictate the details of your desired love. 言う(リッパ―ストリート)


She clung to driftwood. (リッパ―ストリート)


A man with a long history of malice held in my direction. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your neighbourhood druggist. (リッパ―ストリート)


We do nought but dunk biscuits in our tea? 茶でも飲んでろと(リッパ―ストリート)


She had no call to demean herself. (リッパ―ストリート)


dragger : A boat equipped to tow fishing gear, such as a trawl net, along the bottom of the sea.

I spent a winter crewing sea-draggers out of San Francisco. (リッパ―ストリート)


He look 60 to you, Captain? - Not a day over 35. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's a cargo docket. 貨物の領収書(リッパ―ストリート)


She supplies the opium dens on your watch? (君の管轄下で)(リッパ―ストリート)


Estancia (in Spanish America) a large estate or cattle ranch.

When I saw the Estancia for the first time, two day's ride from Buenos Aries, it is magnificent. (リッパ―ストリート)


The only way he came to eye is a witness caught him slipping a dose of narcotics into her drink. 目撃(リッパ―ストリート)


Reid knows the Elephant Man? That's Mr. Merrick to you. エレファントマンと呼ぶんじゃねーよ。(リッパ―ストリート)


She refused your entreaties? (リッパ―ストリート)


London is our Empire's heart but the East End, its arsehole. (リッパ―ストリート)


Our gentlemen help us back to our feet. (リッパ―ストリート)


I feel as happy here as I ever have (felt). (リッパ―ストリート)


Hold firm. (リッパ―ストリート)


You raise a hope that sinks its claws into me. If it is forlorn, Edmund, I dare not think what will become of us. (リッパ―ストリート)


Any man stands in my way shall find my foot on his throat! (リッパ―ストリート)


You are feckless, Unwashed. Scraggly. (リッパ―ストリート)


My knowledge finds its limit. - There is much lies beyond those limits, Inspector. (リッパ―ストリート)


His creditors foreclose. (リッパ―ストリート)


Hold fast. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was frighted. (リッパ―ストリート)


Frisco, shitty weather, ugly women. (リッパ―ストリート)


Tenfold the power of opium. (リッパ―ストリート)


You lead with venality, lies, corruption. - And you are a fine one to speak. (リッパ―ストリート)


We both know what gives here. (リッパ―ストリート)


gallant : (of a man) charmingly attentive and chivalrous to women.

A gallant gentleman came over and kissed.

You need not be so gallant. Not with me. もっと強引にセックスしてもいいのよ。(リッパ―ストリート)


Mathilda joined a gaggle of young girls. (リッパ―ストリート)


The gaggle of girls. (リッパ―ストリート)


A Gatling gun. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do you know any oriental gaming houses, Sergeant? (リッパ―ストリート)


The woman there goes by the name of Blush Pang. (リッパ―ストリート)


He may kill you. Then it is all gravy. 殺してほしい(リッパ―ストリート)


You listen to me, you listen good. (リッパ―ストリート)


The men and women of this quarter are going to grind their children for bread to find spending for heroin. (リッパ―ストリート)


Where?! The ginnels beneath, dug into the earth. (リッパ―ストリート)


You want to have his fantasy given extra credence?君が容疑者という彼の疑いにさらに火をそそぎたいのか?(リッパ―ストリート)


How will you do that, girl? - I would not hex myself by saying yet. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's 50,000 acres, 70,000 head of cattle. (リッパ―ストリート)


To make his hold more inhabitable? (リッパ―ストリート)


This one does not travel in the hold. (リッパ―ストリート)


I shall have heads! 首にさせる(リッパ―ストリート)


You take your hand-lens and your great brains. (リッパ―ストリート)


You men can see yourselves home. 自分たちで帰れるよな(リッパ―ストリート)


After the heroin, no pain, no hunger, no sorrow, no tomorrow. - Qualities much in demand hereabout. (リッパ―ストリート)


The sanctity of this force must be protected from the heroin. Because, to those who wish to live in peace hereabout, we must be their buttress to that aim. (リッパ―ストリート)


It has done us little but ill. (リッパ―ストリート)


You took ill, so he brought you to our home. (リッパ―ストリート)


A man lies impaled on iron railings there. (リッパ―ストリート)


You fetch an ironmonger and hacksaw. (リッパ―ストリート)


You ignore my explicit instructions. (リッパ―ストリート)


Get her in irons. (リッパ―ストリート)


You might there make of her the innocent she once was? そこに連れて行けば昔のように戻れるかもしれないと。(リッパ―ストリート)


My brothers, you do not send word for me to join you for a glass? A more sensitive soul might take insult. 俺を飲みに誘わないなんて、俺以外のやつだったら傷ついただろうな。(リッパ―ストリート)


He was getting his jollifications? 殺されたとき女とお楽しみ中だったのか - Of a kind. かもな(リッパ―ストリート)


It's the dream that joined us. (リッパ―ストリート)


The continued absence of Captain Jackson beneath the key of the husband. (リッパ―ストリート)


He has Miss Rose under key somewhere. 監禁(リッパ―ストリート)


He confers with his kinsman. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was getting his jollifications? 殺されたとき女とお楽しみ中だったのか - Of a kind. かもな(リッパ―ストリート)


The Kraut you sent word for is some kind of chemist. (リッパ―ストリート)


She might have run and responded to adverts in the Lonely Hearts? 自分の広告を投稿して返事に応じたのかも。(リッパ―ストリート)



Drowned aboard the steam launch. (リッパ―ストリート)


Was that not the launch from which your daughter disappeared? (リッパ―ストリート)


Perhaps it's time I took my leave of you. (リッパ―ストリート)


This secret dream that now takes life. 現実になる(リッパ―ストリート)


The ship struck. The hull split. The deck lurching into the air. (リッパ―ストリート)



It's organic. Lignified Could be sawdust or wood shavings. (リッパ―ストリート)


The medicine with which he doped that girl? Laudanum. (リッパ―ストリート)


Which girl? - You tell me the girls you have taken. I shall let you know when you land upon her. その少女のことに触れたら伝えるから少女たちについて全員描写しろ。(リッパ―ストリート)


Leastwise nothing that might be made sense of. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have never known him less than courteous, considerate, hopeful. 彼はいつも礼儀正しい。(リッパ―ストリート)


This action here, it is a land grab. One clan hoping to place influence over another. (リッパ―ストリート)


Jedediah Shine's lackeys. (リッパ―ストリート)


This narcotic for which you clamour is about to be launched onto our streets. (リッパ―ストリート)


You will not see her again, Jedediah. Not this young and lovely, leastwise. (リッパ―ストリート)


I hear you've been getting loquacious. (リッパ―ストリート)


wife / wifey / Mrs.〇〇./ missus

Wife は「嫁」または「妻」です。Wifey は奥さんの可愛い呼び方です。(嫁ちゃんみたいな呼び方です)Mrs. Smith (スミス奥さん)という言い方もできます。

例えば: Mrs. Smith, how are you doing today?スミス奥さま、今日は元気ですか?と主人が奥さんに言うことも全然オッケーです。WifeyThe missus は非公式の言い方です。

That was my response also until Mrs. Reid told me. (リッパ―ストリート)


She'll be grateful merely to be alive. 生きているだけで感謝するようになるだろう。(虐待してもいいだろう)(リッパ―ストリート)


You can smell the hair-oil on him still. Macassar. (リッパ―ストリート)


A culprit must be found. A meaty correction delivered, this multitude may see it swift and clear.この大勢の人が是正を迅速かつ明瞭に見ることができるように犯人を見つけなくてはならない。(リッパ―ストリート)


A culprit must be found. A meaty correction delivered, this multitude may see it swift and clear.この大勢の人が是正を迅速かつ明瞭に見ることができるように犯人を見つけなくてはならない。(リッパ―ストリート)


She travelled beneath the moniker Blush Pang. (リッパ―ストリート)


in the main大部分は、概して、おおむね

In the main, movies from this studio are for kids. : このスタジオで作られる映画は主に子ども向けだ。

This monk, he had a particular way of raising funds, circus tricks in the main. (リッパ―ストリート)


You want to save my neck from a stretching? 絞首刑から救いたいのか。(リッパ―ストリート)


I am owed. (リッパ―ストリート)


I missed my omnibus at Bethnal Green and had to wait. (リッパ―ストリート)


To obscure ourselves. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do not think your wider corruption and avarice is obscured to me. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's you that pilots him there, is it? (リッパ―ストリート)


I cannot permit you to come here if you do so to procure. 彼女を連れ戻しに来たのなら、もう来ないでください。(リッパ―ストリート)


I know nothing of the world except for this patch of sky right here. (リッパ―ストリート)


I've brought us a picnic. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'd fall asleep on pins. (リッパ―ストリート)


Nothing taken but the girl's personals. (リッパ―ストリート)


Two missing girls' particulars. 私物(リッパ―ストリート)


He produced a knife. (リッパ―ストリート)


come to pass〈文〉〔事が〕起こる

It all came to pass. The ship struck. The hull split. (リッパ―ストリート)


You and I will be pitched apart. 袂を分かつ(リッパ―ストリート)


I never knew one that needed his pipes cleaned more than him. 奴は便秘だろ(リッパ―ストリート)


When the rail lanced him, the wound was direct, almost perpendicular, back through front. (リッパ―ストリート)


Shattering of the patella and upper thigh. (リッパ―ストリート)


Pock-marking. (リッパ―ストリート)


Pockmarks. 注射の痕(リッパ―ストリート)


I found this in Sergeant Linklater's personals. (リッパ―ストリート)



British English can use ‘pudding’ to sometimes mean daft, stupid or thick (like a pudding). But it’s very mild. And can also be mockingly endearing.

The man is a suet pudding. (リッパ―ストリート)


None of your success would have come to pass without my generosity. (リッパ―ストリート)


His thighs puckered with signs of this substance. (リッパ―ストリート)


We first plucked you from that pike on Chicksand Street. 刺さった足を抜いてやったよな。(リッパ―ストリート)


The future welfare of this parish. (リッパ―ストリート)


pyjama〈英〉→ pajama

This murdering pyjama-fighter. (リッパ―ストリート)


Pure as the driven snow. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your dead room was requisitioned for him. (リッパ―ストリート)


See if you can rouse agreement from him. (リッパ―ストリート)


That is today's roll. 報告(リッパ―ストリート)


ragged school :They were charitable organisations dedicated to the free education of destitute children in 19th-century Britain. The schools were developed in working-class districts and intended for society's most impoverished youngsters who, it was argued, were often excluded from Sunday School education because of their unkempt appearance and often challenging behaviour.

The Ragged School, on Field Lane. She went there every day till she was 16. (リッパ―ストリート)


She might have run and responded to adverts in the Lonely Hearts? 自分の広告を投稿して返事に応じたのかも。(リッパ―ストリート)


Read me that roll again. (リッパ―ストリート)


You rake through all the suspects . (リッパ―ストリート)


reefer ship  :  A reefer ship is a refrigerated cargo ship typically used to transport perishable cargo, which require temperature-controlled handling, such as fruits, meat, vegetables, dairy products, and similar items.

Slaughters his beef there. Refrigerates it to board his reefer ship. (リッパ―ストリート)


Read on. (リッパ―ストリート)


on the ropes  :  The phrase "I have you on the ropes" is often used in a competitive or confrontational context to indicate that one person or team has gained the upper hand or advantage over another. It originates from boxing, where a fighter who has their opponent on the ropes has them in a vulnerable position, often indicating that the opponent is struggling or in trouble.

I'll see you on the rope with him. (リッパ―ストリート)


Rumpus up on Chicksand. (リッパ―ストリート)


You will remove yourself. (リッパ―ストリート)


She will be found and rattled for the truth of it till her teeth drop out. (リッパ―ストリート)


I shall add rat-catcher to the roll of staff. (リッパ―ストリート)


He may freely take morphine for the pain of that knee, allow himself respite so as to go about his work untroubled. (リッパ―ストリート)


Another streetwalker, murdered, I shall say. (リッパ―ストリート)


Have vigilante patrols scouring the streets. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am set now on improving my circumstances further still. (リッパ―ストリート)


I was set on an afternoon in the pub, Sir. 行く(リッパ―ストリート)


You were sweet on Rose? ローズのことが好かなの?(リッパ―ストリート)



Drowned aboard the steam launch. (リッパ―ストリート)


Was that not the launch from which your daughter disappeared? (リッパ―ストリート)


Your head is a sight to behold, scribbler. かっこ悪い頭だな(リッパ―ストリート)


Your head is a sight to behold, scribbler. かっこ悪い頭だな(リッパ―ストリート)


We can set to sea, safe in the knowledge that we need not return. (リッパ―ストリート)


You heard me, scribbler! (リッパ―ストリート)


I cannot be the sounding board for your guilt. (リッパ―ストリート)


He has had sight of me before. 奴に顔ばれしている(リッパ―ストリート)


sea can : This means a container, including a sea/land/rail shipping container, which is used as a storage vault.

He's constructing his own sea-cans. Each one large enough to hold a grown woman. (リッパ―ストリート)


I wonder if we might see our way clear of joining him. できれば彼に参加してほしい(リッパ―ストリート)


Marriage, Drake, perhaps it's slackened you. 結婚したせいでヤワになったな。(リッパ―ストリート)


That man's sternum. (リッパ―ストリート)


I shall pull up every paving stone. 完全に操作する(リッパ―ストリート)


No one never told you it's rude to stare? (リッパ―ストリート)


She clearly lacked the sufficient low self-esteem to send herself to a sweatshop or scullery. プライドが高くてそんなところでは働かないわ。(リッパ―ストリート)


The station house is a pit of filth. (リッパ―ストリート)


He's not the stripe of man to go down. (リッパ―ストリート)


A circular bruise to the sternum. (リッパ―ストリート)


The sins committed out in the subjugated world yonder. 香港での罪(リッパ―ストリート)


The sins committed out in the subjugated world yonder, they are shat out right here. 香港での罪はここイギリスで犯される。(リッパ―ストリート)


I am stuck in my ways. (リッパ―ストリート)


The sanctity of this police force must be protected. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are set on bringing a special kind of hell from heroin to these streets. (リッパ―ストリート)


What say SV? : Used to gauge interest in the possibility of one doing something.

You know what, it's been a long week for everyone. What say we finish up for the day and go get pizza and beer, on me?

What say I go get some Chinese takeout for dinner?

Word has it you are quite some tiger when your tail is pulled. What say I give it a tug? (リッパ―ストリート)


I shake at how vulnerable you have become. (リッパ―ストリート)


My sergeant has succumbed this night. 亡くなった(リッパ―ストリート)


To think that we were introduced through the pages of a newspaper. Well, it is a wonder. 新聞の広告で出会えるなんてすばらしい。(リッパ―ストリート)


I thought her sincere. (リッパ―ストリート)


We all thought him dead. (リッパ―ストリート)


Track along the ridge above. (リッパ―ストリート)


Are you still on my ticket? - Yes, I am. - Then, I need you now by my side. (リッパ―ストリート)


Cut with passion flower tincture. Keeps you calm and happy. (リッパ―ストリート)


He will kill them all and not think twice. (リッパ―ストリート)


A street thronging to celebrate. (リッパ―ストリート)


I know that sign. The Three Harmonies Society, or Triads. (リッパ―ストリート)


Something tugs at you, Bennet. 何か気になることでも(リッパ―ストリート)


He's welcome to tag along. (リッパ―ストリート)


black tar heroin : also known as black dragon, is a form of heroin that is sticky like tar or hard like coal. (リッパ―ストリート)

300 pounds of raw tar opium. (リッパ―ストリート)


So are we to assume her his taskmaster? - Taking orders from a woman? He's not the breed of man for that. - What breed is he? (リッパ―ストリート)


He seemed quite taken with it, sir. 動揺(リッパ―ストリート)


He's been testy. (リッパ―ストリート)


Word has it you are quite some tiger when your tail is pulled. What say I give it a tug? (リッパ―ストリート)


What use our work if we cannot care for those we love? 何の価値があるというのだ(リッパ―ストリート)


The up-front summation will suffice. 最初の要約だけで十分だ。(リッパ―ストリート)


Amid such an uproar? (リッパ―ストリート)


You remember that verger? (リッパ―ストリート)


He was cut with such venom. 恨みとともに喉を切られた。(リッパ―ストリート)


You lead with venality, lies, corruption. (リッパ―ストリート)


You said the wastepaper had been cleared? (リッパ―ストリート)


I have been made most welcome. (リッパ―ストリート)


Please sit down, Emily, I would speak with you. 話がある(リッパ―ストリート)


I would see Victor? (wouldしたい) (リッパ―ストリート)


It's been that way a while now. (リッパ―ストリート)


I would have the file. (リッパ―ストリート)


What little chance he has of surviving. (リッパ―ストリート)


Ahat others hide within. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'd sit with him a whiles. (リッパ―ストリート)



The sins committed out in the subjugated world yonder. 香港での罪(リッパ―ストリート)


Drowned, drunk and murdered. Algae in his lungs. (リッパ―ストリート)


The ailing transatlantic Argentine Marine. (リッパ―ストリート)


Affording you my protection. (リッパ―ストリート)


We were aboard the train south. (リッパ―ストリート)


They're like altar boys. (リッパ―ストリート)


The same trader makes a sizeable acquisition. (リッパ―ストリート)


One shell a man, one shot apiece. 一人に一発。(リッパ―ストリート)


My life savings are bound up in our company's stock. (リッパ―ストリート)


You're awful breezy about a woman that cost you so much. のんき(リッパ―ストリート)


make no bones about: to be very sure and definite about something.

Make no bones about the seriousness of the matter.

He made no bones about his plans to cut expenses.

Would it make any bones to say they drew on me first? 最初に銃を向けてきたのは奴らだ(リッパ―ストリート)


Your master might baulk at such a rumpus so near his seat of operations. (リッパ―ストリート)


You and that stuck-up boxy! 四角い顔の女(リッパ―ストリート)


Your endless ball-breaking aside. (リッパ―ストリート)


You will burn for this, Inspector! (リッパ―ストリート)


Have you been able to discover on whose behalf the trade was made? (リッパ―ストリート)


There is but one item upon the agenda. (リッパ―ストリート)


Take out all the brass bar one. 一発だけ弾丸を残しておけ。(リッパ―ストリート)


I have made certain of it. (リッパ―ストリート)


Get on the wires to the caretaker there. (リッパ―ストリート)


In what capacity is he paid? 彼の仕事は(リッパ―ストリート)


There is something of a chill about Mrs. Fanthorpe which strikes strange. (リッパ―ストリート)


Get yourself into civvies and keep a watch over her. (リッパ―ストリート)


She kept a cathouse. (リッパ―ストリート)


Clipped whiskers. (リッパ―ストリート)


The cathouse was empty. Ransacked. (リッパ―ストリート)


A cadaveric spasm. (リッパ―ストリート)


There's a kindness I'd ask of you. - Kind? Isn't a word you ever had much call to use in my direction親切は私に対して使う必要性のある言葉なのか(リッパ―ストリート)


Call Frank Goodnight and his dogs off. (リッパ―ストリート)


There's more than one way to skin this particular cat. (リッパ―ストリート)


The stock was sold at cutdown. 安値(リッパ―ストリート)


His dead body was cut and quartered in our dead room. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are dutybound to hear their vote. (リッパ―ストリート)


There are others more deserving of your rage. (リッパ―ストリート)


Disencumber yourself from falling Argentine stock? (リッパ―ストリート)


He was a mad dog, that one. (リッパ―ストリート)


His Pinkerton entourage. (リッパ―ストリート)


The foundry. (リッパ―ストリート)


Watch my entire livelihood go up in flames. (リッパ―ストリート)


You grow accustomed. (リッパ―ストリート)


grill :  In slang, "grill" can refer to a person's facial expression, particularly when they are staring at someone in an aggressive or confrontational manner. It can also refer to a person's teeth, especially when they are adorned with jewelry or decorative dental accessories. According to Google sources, the word "grill" can be a slang word for "teeth", any by extension, "smile".

Therefore, "get your grill on" might mean something like "get smiling".

This is really all down to you getting your grill in the news. 君が新聞に載ったせいだ。(リッパ―ストリート)


With the new invention for the ship, the journey would have been reduced by days and our competitors nothing more than a sail on the horizon. (リッパ―ストリート)


The hacker had it in the story. 記者(リッパ―ストリート)


You heard tell of Miss Hart's whereabouts. (リッパ―ストリート)


Those few months, they hit the heights for me. 最高だった(リッパ―ストリート)


I have undertaken to bring you to heel. (リッパ―ストリート)


Sadly I have not one inkling as to what you refer. (リッパ―ストリート)


Men sank a cable in the sea, here to Nova Scotia. News arrives from America in instants. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are he then, the Matthew Judge engraved on the inner of the ring. (リッパ―ストリート)


You're the Jake brought that slumlord to ground. (リッパ―ストリート)


Sweet Jesus. (リッパ―ストリート)


These Limeys, they lie, (リッパ―ストリート)


She moved on. Decided I wasn't to her liking. (リッパ―ストリート)


Longshoreman pulled him out of water. (リッパ―ストリート)


You have taken leave of yourself. 気が触れたのか(リッパ―ストリート)


The shipping magnate. (リッパ―ストリート)


You let me do the marching. 外に出てくる。(リッパ―ストリート)


Every ruination my life has ever known, your mark upon it! (リッパ―ストリート)


This is down to you getting above your station and making eyes at me. - It weren't long before you were making them right back. 君も誘ってきたよね。(リッパ―ストリート)


If you still consider me marriageable, I shall divorce my husband. (リッパ―ストリート)


It neared completion. (リッパ―ストリート)


Men sank a cable in the sea, here to Nova Scotia. News arrives from America in instants. (リッパ―ストリート)


Then strange days are upon us indeed. (リッパ―ストリート)


Miss Hart's pursuers are upon her. (リッパ―ストリート)


Oblige me, will you? (リッパ―ストリート)


Stevedore, pissed on porter. (wine) (リッパ―ストリート)


Am I to simply hand you my most prized confidence? (リッパ―ストリート)


It pertains to Martha. (リッパ―ストリート)


We put in to Liverpool late on the day you speak of. 到着した(リッパ―ストリート)


You both will die in this stinking shitpit! (リッパ―ストリート)


You will find yourself outside my protection. (リッパ―ストリート)


Oh, you quip. (リッパ―ストリート)


Name your query. (リッパ―ストリート)


He's stiff in mortis. (リッパ―ストリート)


You want to go reacquaint yourself with this Pinkerton. (リッパ―ストリート)


The charms reveal themselves. 徐々に魅力が増す(リッパ―ストリート)


Your master might baulk at such a rumpus so near his seat of operations. (リッパ―ストリート)


why am I roused from my home? (リッパ―ストリート)


He cannot have been dead longer than ten hours and yet there is mortis. (リッパ―ストリート)


There was this rag soaked in chloroform. (リッパ―ストリート)


I rack myself to think why I should not scatter your brains over with the gun. (リッパ―ストリート)


An innovation to our engines that will render ours the fastest fleet. (リッパ―ストリート)


Stevedore, pissed on porter. (wine) (リッパ―ストリート)


He was a big man. Around 15 stones, two yards in height? (リッパ―ストリート)


His dead body was found caught in a sluice. (リッパ―ストリート)


She was shook down. (リッパ―ストリート)


You'd be sweeping pencil shavings for pigfeed. 安っぽい仕事をすることになるだろう。(リッパ―ストリート)


He holds no sway here. (リッパ―ストリート)


A face like that will solve precisely nothing. (リッパ―ストリート)


A relief to have that squared away. (リッパ―ストリート)


They're like altar boys. - British police? Not the first likeness which strikes round my way. それは初めて出くわした時の第一印象ではないな。(リッパ―ストリート)


I've wiped worse shit off my shoe. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your master might baulk at such a rumpus so near his seat of operations. (リッパ―ストリート)


This is down to you getting above your station and making eyes at me. (リッパ―ストリート)


Get men to the warehouse to find Mrs. Fanthorpe. Inside and out, all along that stretch. Miss nothing. (リッパ―ストリート)


America will prove much more accommodating for a woman like you. America is not so stuck in its ways as this place. (リッパ―ストリート)


The name of his company tripped easily from your tongue. (リッパ―ストリート)


You call her a businesswoman? - Turn of phrase. (リッパ―ストリート)


take a turn (idiom, old-fashioned) : to go for a short walk or ride

They took a turn through the park.

Care to take a turn with me, Miss Hart? (リッパ―ストリート)


I give you both the opportunity to unburden yourselves. (リッパ―ストリート)


If you wish to remain unmolested, come with me. (リッパ―ストリート)


The police tolerate her running whores but when it rose into plain view, she was moved on. (リッパ―ストリート)


Votes are cast. (リッパ―ストリート)


Get on the wires. (リッパ―ストリート)


They are not without some value. (リッパ―ストリート)


What little I know of you, I know this. You would not fire on me. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was a big man. Around 15 stones, two yards in height? (リッパ―ストリート)



I'm afraid the story has moved on a yard or two now. (リッパ―ストリート)


His horde of cowering acolytes. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm afraid that does not absolve them. (リッパ―ストリート)


If Mr. Wheen is anything less than a perfect host, tell him I've a cell he's welcome to fill. 協力しないなら牢屋にぶち込むと伝えておけ。(リッパ―ストリート)


You're too late, arse crack. (リッパ―ストリート)


I accede. (リッパ―ストリート)


Become an accessory to these crimes. (リッパ―ストリート)


How they blew the safe, however, to that, I doff my bowler. 脱帽だ。(リッパ―ストリート)


More tranquil climes as befits a retiree. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's a bugger to find the time with all my police work. (リッパ―ストリート)


I fear it behooves my custodial duty to ask what this enquiry portends. (リッパ―ストリート)


The sun fell blood-red on the desert. (リッパ―ストリート)


I said I've no interest in tawdry baubles. (リッパ―ストリート)


The tawdriest bauble of them all. (リッパ―ストリート)


Away from this befouled land. (リッパ―ストリート)


Death and bloodshed was balm for her heart. But her heart's becalmed. Her rage is quelled. (リッパ―ストリート)


Her heart's becalmed. Her rage is quelled. (リッパ―ストリート)


I can't be a bobby's housewife. (リッパ―ストリート)


Souls do couch on flowers. (リッパ―ストリート)


Drilled clean through. (リッパ―ストリート)


Caveat emptor. (リッパ―ストリート)


come a-calling : It means to visit, typically socially. Its an older phrase, and is frequently used informally or as a joke.

You better not do that or the police might come a-calling!

Well bring a desert when we come a-calling. (リッパ―ストリート)

There was no money on the premises when the villains came a calling. (リッパ―ストリート)


Clear as day. (リッパ―ストリート)


Beware the kitten's claws. あの娘に気をつけろ。(リッパ―ストリート)


More tranquil climes. (リッパ―ストリート)


His horde of cowering acolytes. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have little clemency for men behind desks in high places with low honour. (リッパ―ストリート)


Some might have it that keeping silent of sins does not commeasure being free from them. (リッパ―ストリート)


I fear it behooves my custodial duty to ask what this enquiry portends. (リッパ―ストリート)


Is your custodial duty sufficiently fulfilled. (リッパ―ストリート)


It was the onset of a head cold. (リッパ―ストリート)


They are no ordinary cracksmen. 金庫破り(リッパ―ストリート)


Cross refer with their policy holders. (リッパ―ストリート)


Suck a fat bag of brown chutney! くそくらえ(リッパ―ストリート)


You'd piss your civvie pants. (リッパ―ストリート)


There's been word of a cunning robbery. (リッパ―ストリート)


You'll be cut down the instant you step outside. 撃ち殺される(リッパ―ストリート)


Sons and brothers in their hundreds left for carrion. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have no reason to doubt the candour of the man's confession. (リッパ―ストリート)


Imagine if word spread? I would be destitute! (リッパ―ストリート)


With an army of Drakes, I could've saved Khartoum. ドレークのような奴ばかりだったら、ハルツームをすくうことができただろう。I never knew a man hungrier for Dervish blood. (リッパ―ストリート)


On the double. (リッパ―ストリート)


Who? - Dream on, copper. サツにいうわけねー。(リッパ―ストリート)


Decorated marksman. (リッパ―ストリート)


I found you screaming in the dunes. (リッパ―ストリート)


Jackson's en route. (リッパ―ストリート)


keep your eye in : (idiom UK) to continue to be good at a sport or other activity by practising it:

I try to play regularly to keep my eye in.

The kind of shooter that would keep his eye in at a gun range. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your interest in the girl has not escaped me. (リッパ―ストリート)


The best of us made hungry and penniless will react, in extremis, with extremity. (リッパ―ストリート)


Our safes are tested! Repeatedly! Exhaustively! (リッパ―ストリート)


You return to your home this eve. (リッパ―ストリート)


I had a headache. Needed the soothing attentions of a fair maiden's hand. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are the warrior I forged of you. (リッパ―ストリート)


Far be it from me to interfere with your police work. (リッパ―ストリート)


Tip from a fence. Narks for a tanner. (tanner 6ペニ−に価する小さな英国硬貨 a small coin of the United Kingdom worth six pennies. Not minted since 1970. 6ペニ−に価する小さな英国硬貨。1970年以降鋳造されていない。) (リッパ―ストリート)


You shall not come between the falcon and his prey. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have thrown open the doors of the firmament. (リッパ―ストリート)


I know you're no gunslinger. (リッパ―ストリート)


One small gem. (リッパ―ストリート)


Amongst the reprobates and low lives that comprise your intimates, somebody must know of a gun seller recently giddy with profit. (リッパ―ストリート)


game of chancea ~》〔運が左右する〕ゲーム◆さいころ・トランプ・ルーレットなどを使うものが多い。 賭け金を出す場合もそうでない場合もある。

Care to join our merry game of chance, Sergeant? (リッパ―ストリート)


You just watch your purse-strings with dating with that whore. It's only gratis till you're hooked. (リッパ―ストリート)


He telegraphed. Estimates a return mid-morning, provided consumption of my coffee does not provoke a further eruptive crisis of the lad's young gut pipes. コーヒーが下痢を引き起こさなければ午前中に戻ってくると連絡がありました。(リッパ―ストリート)


If you're gulling me, I'll tie the noose around your neck myself. (リッパ―ストリート)


The copper's made good. (リッパ―ストリート)


Haul of gemstones. 強盗(リッパ―ストリート)


It's hexagonal. (リッパ―ストリート)


Ready a hansom. (リッパ―ストリート)


His horde of cowering acolytes. (リッパ―ストリート)


Some might have it that keeping silent of sins does not commeasure being free from them. (リッパ―ストリート)


They will not think twice to leave you heaped with the men living on the streets. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are the warrior I forged of you. Not the slavish henchman of a crippled coward. But how it must suit your boss to hold you thus. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have never known of thieves to take such a haul, only to return it. (リッパ―ストリート)


What do you say we bury the hatchet, huh? (リッパ―ストリート)


Never had you for a Peeping Tom. (リッパ―ストリート)


Get me a hansom! (リッパ―ストリート)


Have at it. とりかかれ(リッパ―ストリート)


Attempt to ingress, and Sergeant Drake will be shot. (リッパ―ストリート)


I intend no trouble. (リッパ―ストリート)


With an army of Drakes, I could've saved Khartoum. ドレークのような奴ばかりだったら、ハルツームをすくうことができただろう。(リッパ―ストリート)


I fear what else lurks in their arsenal. (リッパ―ストリート)


The light's fallen. 日が暮れた。(リッパ―ストリート)


What I know is good men who served our Queen now languish as reward at Her Majesty's Pleasure. (リッパ―ストリート)


Those who need it most in this cruel city find mercy least. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do you prefer to be at Reid's beck and call, tethered and lowly as a dog? (リッパ―ストリート)


Give me the lyddite. (リッパ―ストリート)


If you think it merited. - There's no question it's merited. (リッパ―ストリート)


I misspoke.  (リッパ―ストリート)


What I know is good men who served our Queen now languish as reward at Her Majesty's Pleasure. (リッパ―ストリート)


My means are modest. (リッパ―ストリート)


I think a reunion of comrades merits something stronger than this drink, don't you? (リッパ―ストリート)


For new munitions. (リッパ―ストリート)


Ahead lies an operation of true magnificence. まだ大きな仕事が残っている(リッパ―ストリート)


Riches beyond measure. (リッパ―ストリート)


if, say, I were a man of means and if I could support you. (リッパ―ストリート)


Delivered? Where? - To the jeweller who had it nicked. (リッパ―ストリート)


tanner 6ペニ−に価する小さな英国硬貨 a small coin of the United Kingdom worth six pennies. Not minted since 1970. 6ペニ−に価する小さな英国硬貨。1970年以降鋳造されていない。

Tip from a fence. Narks for a tanner. (リッパ―ストリート)


I sought out the most nefarious screwsmen in the city, all were defeated by our new locks of the safes! (リッパ―ストリート)


My throat's good as sliced if I turn nose. (リッパ―ストリート)


Bet you'd give a nut to know where. (リッパ―ストリート)


posy :  a small bunch of flowers.

Such a beautiful posy, Sergeant. (リッパ―ストリート)


They showered petals on her. (リッパ―ストリート)


You can't part 'em, sir. They's lovebirds! (リッパ―ストリート)


I want that man dragged from his rank pit, trussed if need be. (リッパ―ストリート)


Smokescreen was potassium chlorate. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm aware you have pressing matters at hand. (リッパ―ストリート)


The safe. Like you said, it's blast-proof. (リッパ―ストリート)


A bobtail like that will look you deep in the eye only so long as she's deep in your pocket. あのような女は金目当てだ。(リッパ―ストリート)


I've known her kind plenty. (リッパ―ストリート)


All my years of policing. (リッパ―ストリート)


I should not presume to comment that, sir. (リッパ―ストリート)


"Lyddite" for new munitions. Makes gunpowder look like peppercorns. 通常と比べてとても強力だ(リッパ―ストリート)


I fear it behooves my custodial duty to ask what this enquiry portends. (リッパ―ストリート)


The events led to him perforce being expelled from the club. - Events? - Stealing. From other members. (リッパ―ストリート)


Find out to which of them this groundplan might pertain. (リッパ―ストリート)


This is a place of business, not a prize-ring. 喧嘩は止めて。(リッパ―ストリート)


More fool them what won't pocket what they pilfer. 盗んだものを自分のものにしないなんて愚かな奴らだ。(リッパ―ストリート)


You have no idea of your quarry. Not a man amongst you knows the measure of him. (リッパ―ストリート)


Her heart's becalmed. Her rage is quelled. (リッパ―ストリート)


You've a queue forming, girl. お客が待っている(リッパ―ストリート)


It seems he's refused to rouse 起こされることを拒否している(リッパ―ストリート)


You may wish to ration your gratitude. (リッパ―ストリート)


Amongst the reprobates and low lives that comprise your intimates, somebody must know of a gun seller recently giddy with profit. (リッパ―ストリート)


We will show this rotted kingdom true justice. (リッパ―ストリート)


You had a rummage in me old satchel, didn't ya? (リッパ―ストリート)


You could be an actress, Miss Rose. Well, I'm sure of it, if such would please. (リッパ―ストリート)


Children. Should such be a consideration. 将来子供を作ることをお考えでしたら。(リッパ―ストリート)


See how the good lady's taken a shine. (リッパ―ストリート)


Say it isn't so. (リッパ―ストリート)


Our noble surgeon stumped and stymied. (リッパ―ストリート)


That slug definitely came. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's the swag from the carriage. 盗品(リッパ―ストリート)


I smell fear on him, not guilt. (リッパ―ストリート)


Man like that hasn't the stomach for the acts improper. (リッパ―ストリート)


Comes a time for every soldier to sheathe his sword. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was slain. (リッパ―ストリート)


The Egyptians placed heart-scarabs with the dead. (リッパ―ストリート)


They returned from noble service to a homeland which offered neither gratitude nor succour. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'd stake my wage. (リッパ―ストリート)


Scourge of the goddess. (リッパ―ストリート)


Men who've walked through the fire never shed the heat. 戦争の傷はいえない(リッパ―ストリート)


Her sweet little mouth could suck a melon through a rye stalk. あの女は口でするのがうまい(リッパ―ストリート)


Get stuffed. (リッパ―ストリート)


You think you scare me, with your little cell and your snarling grunt? (リッパ―ストリート)


You'd scream yourself deaf. (リッパ―ストリート)


Safes, stuffed stupid with lucre. (リッパ―ストリート)


It's an honour to soldier at your side again. (リッパ―ストリート)


I've been turning stones like you asked. (リッパ―ストリート)


The leader's a Colonel with a grudge the size of the Sahara. (リッパ―ストリート)


The limbs of men strewn in the battle. (リッパ―ストリート)


All of your pain could not sate her, could it? (リッパ―ストリート)


Why such keen travail to steal what you don't want? (リッパ―ストリート)


I want that man dragged from his rank pit, trussed if need be. (リッパ―ストリート)


I don't think I take your meaning. (リッパ―ストリート)


Toast the onset of my twilight. (リッパ―ストリート)


They will not think twice to leave you heaped with the men living on the streets. (リッパ―ストリート)


You are the warrior I forged of you. Not the slavish henchman of a crippled coward. But how it must suit your boss to hold you thus. (リッパ―ストリート)


tanner 6ペニ−に価する小さな英国硬貨 a small coin of the United Kingdom worth six pennies. Not minted since 1970. 6ペニ−に価する小さな英国硬貨。1970年以降鋳造されていない。

Tip from a fence. Narks for a tanner. (リッパ―ストリート)


I said I've no interest in tawdry baubles. (リッパ―ストリート)


The tawdriest bauble of them all. (リッパ―ストリート)


Time was I'd tell myself that story over and over. (リッパ―ストリート)


Be still and be silent and return home unscathed. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Wheen is going to have the vapours. (リッパ―ストリート)


They had the wit to find it. (リッパ―ストリート)


Lock me in a place and drop me what have you, right? (リッパ―ストリート)


All men stand equal before the law, do they not? The hero and the whoremonger. (リッパ―ストリート)


To writhe no more. (リッパ―ストリート)


The veil torn asunder. (リッパ―ストリート)


The notion of meaningless chaos is abhorrent to you. (リッパ―ストリート)


Joshua believed in altruism, mutuality, peaceful end. (リッパ―ストリート)


Tomorrow the struggle begins anew. (リッパ―ストリート)


Can we any of us face yet more grim attrition? (リッパ―ストリート)


We share an aim, to flush them to the gutter. - You share an aim?! (リッパ―ストリート)


The Yard is wholly appreciative of your efforts. (リッパ―ストリート)


Arrest you. - For what?! For whatever I please. For whore-mongering, for brawling. (リッパ―ストリート)


Swift burial is our custom. (リッパ―ストリート)




The policeman and the blackleg are savage hirelings both! (リッパ―ストリート)


Who wants to turn a blackleg green? (リッパ―ストリート)


I saw the boat bearing down on us. (リッパ―ストリート)


Blasting caps. 雷管(リッパ―ストリート)


People are fed and clothed. (リッパ―ストリート)


I told you there was coin in it. 報酬を出す(リッパ―ストリート)


I said clear out. (リッパ―ストリート)


I left the last town under a cloud. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am sorry it has taken you so long to curtail the protesters. (リッパ―ストリート)


A noble champion of commerce. (リッパ―ストリート)


Come and get your cream, Peaches. 精液(リッパ―ストリート)


Where is he? - Out cold there. 気を失っている(リッパ―ストリート)


I had the communique decoded. (リッパ―ストリート)


Clamp the black cord. はさむ(リッパ―ストリート)


Justice has become a commodity. 正義は売買できる商品になってしまった(リッパ―ストリート)


A dozen dockers. (リッパ―ストリート)


His brother wished to dynamite London. (リッパ―ストリート)


End to man's dominion over man. (リッパ―ストリート)


At last you have raided a den of Jew radicals. (リッパ―ストリート)


They dredged the water to find the missing people in the water. (リッパ―ストリート)


You plotted this very day, with the help of other strike supporters and foul leftist denizens, the bombing. (リッパ―ストリート)


A derelict warehouse. (リッパ―ストリート)


I know a year does not begin to ease the pain of losing her. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mathematics tells us something different. The entropy of the universe tends to a maximum. (リッパ―ストリート)


The poor creature came down the flue. (リッパ―ストリート)


Firebrands and ruffians. 扇動者(リッパ―ストリート)


These are Fibonacci spirals. (リッパ―ストリート)


He would've had Drake’s head for a football. ドレイクが殺されかけた(リッパ―ストリート)


To flush the spies to the gutter. (リッパ―ストリート)


He’s been feeding us information. (リッパ―ストリート)


Be a helpful fellow and I shan't fling the women all in the syphilitic asylum. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'm all flesh and blood. 人間だ(リッパ―ストリート)


They foment the people on the strike, give them the taste of the blood of fatted rulers. (リッパ―ストリート)


They foment the people on the strike, give them the taste of the blood of fatted rulers. (リッパ―ストリート)


Front was tarted up like a Cremorne grotto. (リッパ―ストリート)


I don't understand it. It's gibberish. (リッパ―ストリート)


Man's name is Constantine, golden boy of the Special Branch. (リッパ―ストリート)


Gulling them is child's play. (リッパ―ストリート)


I had to stop him from gutting a policeman. (リッパ―ストリート)


Glass jaw. 弱すぎる(リッパ―ストリート)


Then they made off in their hansom. (リッパ―ストリート)


A handful of troublemakers does not make them all anarchists. (リッパ―ストリート)


Firebrands and ruffians must be brought to heel if social order is to prevail! (リッパ―ストリート)




The policeman and the blackleg are savage hirelings both! (リッパ―ストリート)


When has vicious power ever heeded mere protest? (リッパ―ストリート)


Protest will be heard! (リッパ―ストリート)


I've a hansom. I'll take you home. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your pitiful attempts at investigation are a hindrance. (リッパ―ストリート)


Is he flesh and blood, the hearty stuff of man? Or but a ghostly vapour of dim fancy? (リッパ―ストリート)


I want him in irons. (リッパ―ストリート)


I need not stress the import of discretion. (リッパ―ストリート)


The government has widened its jurisdiction. (リッパ―ストリート)


How well you did to shield her from all its jagged shadows. (リッパ―ストリート)


I've seen enough of Russian soldiers to last me a lifetime. (リッパ―ストリート)


I should very much like to show these. (リッパ―ストリート)


I should like to speak to him. (リッパ―ストリート)


The Inspector knows his logarithmics. Isn't it something? (リッパ―ストリート)


Are you warriors or gutless lackeys? (リッパ―ストリート)


They will murder your Queen no less viciously than they murdered our Tsar. (リッパ―ストリート)


Then why is he on the loose? (リッパ―ストリート)


He's on my leash now. (リッパ―ストリート)


You plotted this very day, with the help of other strike supporters and foul leftist denizens, the bombing. (リッパ―ストリート)


I made to catch it. (リッパ―ストリート)


Plutocratic high muckety-mucks. (リッパ―ストリート)


Let us meet force with righteous force! (リッパ―ストリート)


Russia is not the source of every malady that afflicts Britannia. (リッパ―ストリート)


I feel it in my marrow. (リッパ―ストリート)


The authorities will need to meet such an escalation of strike tactics with decisive force. (リッパ―ストリート)


On that I would agree with him. (リッパ―ストリート)


Where is he? - At the picket with the pamphleteers. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'll wait in the parlour. 客間(リッパ―ストリート)


Plutocratic high muckety-mucks. (リッパ―ストリート)


So the bastards hired the Pinks. (Pinkerton) (リッパ―ストリート)


Stir them up and paint them black. (リッパ―ストリート)


Yankee pox-doctor. (リッパ―ストリート)


You're privy to this only. (リッパ―ストリート)


You plotted this very day, with the help of other strike supporters and foul leftist denizens, the bombing. (リッパ―ストリート)


He will concoct a premise for your disgrace and expulsion. (リッパ―ストリート)


Paris green : a vivid green toxic crystalline salt of copper and arsenic, used as a preservative, pigment, and insecticide.

They was unloading Paris Green. That's arsenic. (リッパ―ストリート)


kick rocks : This is a slang phrase that is often used to tell someone to go away or to dismiss them in a rude or dismissive manner. It's similar to saying "get lost" or "go away."

That's a rock we need to kick over first. (リッパ―ストリート)


Rabid anarchist. (リッパ―ストリート)


He railed against force of all kinds. (リッパ―ストリート)


Give a penny! Relief fund. (リッパ―ストリート)


Factory owners didn't like the workers turning Red. (リッパ―ストリート)


At last you rouse. (リッパ―ストリート)


You're giving him free reign to blow a hole in London! (リッパ―ストリート)


Unless you rescind, consent to silence. (リッパ―ストリート)


Our cinders in a poison rainbow over London. (リッパ―ストリート)


These were secreted amongst his affairs. 見つかった(リッパ―ストリート)


I hear the biscuit-makers are out in solidarity. ストをしている(リッパ―ストリート)


The scab sheep and their herding bitch! (リッパ―ストリート)


Crawled into us like a screwworm. (リッパ―ストリート)


The best men of the revolution went to the scaffold for it. 死刑台(リッパ―ストリート)


See that fight through. (リッパ―ストリート)


Shadows swarming round her. (リッパ―ストリート)


In Russia we stamp them out. (リッパ―ストリート)


Stand Morris down, or I'll see him hang. (リッパ―ストリート)


His mission is to smear anarchists and radicals. To bomb London in their name. (リッパ―ストリート)


Be a helpful fellow and I shan't fling the women all in the syphilitic asylum. (リッパ―ストリート)


I confided once in but one living soul. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'd like to see that Russian bastard swing. 絞首刑(リッパ―ストリート)


Men stand, at last, eye to eye with the cheap doll of the State, stripped of her tinsel trappings! 傀儡政権(リッパ―ストリート)


down tools : (Informal British) stop work, especially as a form of industrial action.

The union instructed its members to down tools.

Even the florists down tools. (リッパ―ストリート)


Front was tarted up like a Cremorne grotto. (リッパ―ストリート)


I believe you still have a Pinkerton on your ticket? (リッパ―ストリート)


I seek the hidden words. You might term it a kind of detective work. (リッパ―ストリート)


Turning brother on brother. (リッパ―ストリート)


He's on my leash now. - And who tugged his leash to kill Bloom? (リッパ―ストリート)


There are scholars of the Talmud. (リッパ―ストリート)


Unleash death and havoc on the city. (リッパ―ストリート)


The bomb struck directly at the vermin's nest. (リッパ―ストリート)


The whiff of gas. (リッパ―ストリート)


I didn't say he was Jewish. - Aren't they all in your foul warren? (リッパ―ストリート)


When the Russians sent him here, we were wise to it, arrested him. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your weeds? Your mourning weeds. (リッパ―ストリート)


His plan is to wreak havoc and death. (リッパ―ストリート)



The Yard is wholly appreciative of your efforts. (リッパ―ストリート)

Should we not aspire so high. (リッパ―ストリート)


All will be well. (リッパ―ストリート)


I bring you news. Which, if acted on, will bring you all you seek. (リッパ―ストリート)


I would take your pain. I would amplify it a hundredfold and bear it. (リッパ―ストリート)


The tide of the river and time are apiece with the day of Miss Jackson's discovery. (リッパ―ストリート)


My fingers are aflame! - Burning sensation in the extremities. (リッパ―ストリート)


Punishment await them. (リッパ―ストリート)


Your men continue their survey of all afflicted (people) ? (リッパ―ストリート)


alum 《化学》ミョウバン可算硫酸アルミニウム水溶液に硫酸カリウム水溶液を加えた時の析出物。正8面体結晶、無色。皮革のなめし、染料、医薬などに使用。狭義にはカリミョウバン(硫酸アルミニウムカリウムaluminum potassium sulfate12水和物)。広義では、アンモニウムミョウバンNH4Al(SO4)2、クロムミョウバンKCr(SO4)2も含む。(リッパ―ストリート)


We apply ourselves to what will take this sickness 何がこの病気を引き起こすのか解明するに専念する(リッパ―ストリート)


A fatal toxin. In amalgam with ergot. (リッパ―ストリート)


I see her aflame. (リッパ―ストリート)


Antimony that sprint through your innards? (リッパ―ストリート)


Advice by which you will abide. (リッパ―ストリート)


All is well. (リッパ―ストリート)


I prefer you spare me that imagery, Mr. Reid. - Your sensitivities affronted, are they? (リッパ―ストリート)


They come to me, arms wide for assistance and I render it without condition. (リッパ―ストリート)


beat black and blue あざができるほど殴打する

Beaten blue by his captor? (リッパ―ストリート)


Sergeant Drake bid me wake you. (リッパ―ストリート)


bite blockバイトブロック; 咬合阻止器

You have a bite-block, Reid? - I do. I do. Ratcheted. 広げておいた(リッパ―ストリート)


I begged it of you. (リッパ―ストリート)


You get that bluebottle. = blue(リッパ―ストリート)


Save but one life and you save the world entire. (リッパ―ストリート)


A child breathes that would not have. 一人の子供を救った(リッパ―ストリート)


Money never begat courtesy. お金で礼儀は買えない(リッパ―ストリート)


Cholera bacillus. (リッパ―ストリート)


Put in for transfer? - We'd need grander manners and blacker boots for that. 異動するほど我々は洗練されていない(リッパ―ストリート)


You were also bereaved. - Yes. A daughter. (リッパ―ストリート)


Get these dead bodies open. Find out what relationship the contents of their insides bear with each other. (リッパ―ストリート)


I know this bawdy house. (リッパ―ストリート)


I prosecute no bawdy house. (リッパ―ストリート)


A batch of flour. (リッパ―ストリート)


The batches are all logged and recorded. (リッパ―ストリート)


Had I not bowed to pressure.. (リッパ―ストリート)


Girdle, corsage, garter and bustle. (リッパ―ストリート)


She hits him with the gin bottle. - Blam, he shoots. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Bone's vision of a liberal city commune is of little bearing. (リッパ―ストリート)


What befell your girl? (リッパ―ストリート)


Take billy club to you. (リッパ―ストリート)


Which man is father to your kids, Lucy? It is but one man, is it not? (リッパ―ストリート)


I will give to you a story that will not be bettered. (リッパ―ストリート)


His youth was not a happy one. Beset with fits. - He's epileptic? (リッパ―ストリート)


Old Manby was come upon. 発見された(リッパ―ストリート)


He churches with my wife. (リッパ―ストリート)


We are to choke this boy now. 真相を言わせる。(リッパ―ストリート)


The bells clanging. (リッパ―ストリート)


At the time of my choosing. (リッパ―ストリート)


Did you chance upon that name? (リッパ―ストリート)


You lay claim to her. (リッパ―ストリート)


You have word out enquiring after other choleroids? (リッパ―ストリート)


The King cut his way through these streets. (リッパ―ストリート)


I work to find you that lodging. - And will there be any that does not insist upon churching me every Sunday? (リッパ―ストリート)


clay-cold : As cold as clay; lifeless.

He's cold clay, woman. As gone as your girlhood. お前がもう少女でないように彼は死んだよ。(リッパ―ストリート)


climb : to get into or out of clothing usually with some haste or effort

The firefighters climbed into their clothes.

You’d best find another fine suit to climb inside. 別のパトロンを探せ(リッパ―ストリート)


The promise of chastity. (リッパ―ストリート)


An institution where these women may come to see the sin and error of their ways might prove a corrective to their number on the streets. その施設のおかげで路上の売春婦が減るかもしれませんね。(リッパ―ストリート)


My guts, sir. They churn like they're full of nails. (リッパ―ストリート)


His eyes, they were conjunctival. (リッパ―ストリート)


You must have thought on the details of these men, commonalities that might bind them? (リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Dursley could have disembarked here, sir, and cut down Commercial Street to his work. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is a current upon which they both float. 共通の趣味があった(リッパ―ストリート)



You fed them, madam? - No, sir. This is no chop house. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'll sweep and scrub the floors, change the girls' linen, cook for them, do whatever you ask of me. - Lucy. You, a char? (リッパ―ストリート)


Their childlike minds. (リッパ―ストリート)


Christ on a pony. / Christ on a bike. :  This is one of many expressions used to express shock or exasperation.

Christ on a pony! (リッパ―ストリート)


Give the man a cigar. その男の通りだ(リッパ―ストリート)


A slum clearance. スラムの解体現場(リッパ―ストリート)


She seemed calmed by the girl's presence, sir. I thought it conducive. (リッパ―ストリート)


Does she have any children? - She has not been confined for over 10 years. 10年間は行動が制限されていなかった。つまり出産していなかった(リッパ―ストリート)


Mr. Bone's vision of a liberal city commune is of little bearing. (リッパ―ストリート)


You think me callous. (リッパ―ストリート)


There was tell he had a woman cached away somewhere, and a set of bastards too. (リッパ―ストリート)


This underground railway is the capstone of all that we your grateful servants would build here. (リッパ―ストリート)


The thief cuts the man's tongue out, yet disdains a year's worth of picked pockets sat right in his face. 強盗は舌を切り取るのに犠牲者の金歯はとらないでおく。(リッパ―ストリート)


I choose to deny you this. (リッパ―ストリート)


Cholera bacillus loves dirt and dank earth. (リッパ―ストリート)


Word comes from the dispensary. 診療所(リッパ―ストリート)


I was excited at how the women bend to a fist driven hard into their kidneys. (リッパ―ストリート)


drawers : old-fashioned underwear that women and girls wear between their waist and the tops of their legs. = knickers

Susan found the girl lifting her drawers for the men. ストリッパーをして稼ぐ(リッパ―ストリート)


They're for your dead room. 解剖室(リッパ―ストリート)


You discern the details. (リッパ―ストリート)


I heard you speak last month at the college. - A man I know told me I droned that day. (リッパ―ストリート)


Get both these bodies to my dead room. (リッパ―ストリート)


They were flattening the place. He wanted his dues before they did so. (リッパ―ストリート)


This man draws close. (リッパ―ストリート)


We at the Manby Emporium. (リッパ―ストリート)


My duty was to fetch the lad here. All else is for greater men than I to settle. (リッパ―ストリート)


The pointed lust your briefly-enriched patrons in the gamble exert upon the girls. (リッパ―ストリート)


To what end do you bother me? (リッパ―ストリート)


The tongue's engorged. うっ血(リッパ―ストリート)


He had no other effects on him? - He was scavenged by thieves. (リッパ―ストリート)


You have heard of ergotism? It is a fungal infection on the rye grain. (リッパ―ストリート)


My fingers are aflame! - Burning sensation in the extremities. (リッパ―ストリート)


It tests positive for ergotism. (リッパ―ストリート)


I considered your proposal perhaps worthy of endowment. (リッパ―ストリート)


In a body that's recently ingested the poison’s first dose, an enema or lavage might remove it. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was swearing to end her if she didn't pipe herself down. (リッパ―ストリート)


She is epileptic? She is ailed by that. (リッパ―ストリート)


Justice may not make friends 正義の道はつらい(リッパ―ストリート)


I forensicate myself. (リッパ―ストリート)


The faithful falling to their knees. (リッパ―ストリート)


Fair dos! 公平にいこうぜ (in British English)

Fair dos, then. Your go. お前が言う番だ(リッパ―ストリート)


Where you go to, all you've yet known will seem no more than a Sunday fair. 今以上の試練が待っている(リッパ―ストリート)


Men, women and child rotting. Food for flies. (リッパ―ストリート)


The truth will flush you out. (リッパ―ストリート)


raised flag : when a guy has a hard one

Look, whatever raises another man's flag is no business of mine. (リッパ―ストリート)


There are fibroids in her womb. It's like cankers. Overtime they deform the uterus. (リッパ―ストリート)


The pleasures of a home life forgone in pursuit of others' happiness. It must ail you, sir. (リッパ―ストリート)


They were flattening the place. He wanted his dues before they did so. (リッパ―ストリート)


The electric age forges on. (リッパ―ストリート)


A city that, though it rises from dank and fetid earth will gleam. (リッパ―ストリート)


The tongue you speak with is forked. (リッパ―ストリート)


A usurer? - Who kills for monies left unpaid, then gulls and fits young boys for his own violence. (リッパ―ストリート)


Throw out the Gentiles. ユダヤ人に絞れ (throw out 投げ出す, つまみ出す, 摘み出す, 摘まみ出す) (リッパ―ストリート)


No good ever came from moping. (リッパ―ストリート)


Get gone. = Away with you. (リッパ―ストリート)


He may moon at my girl gratis. (リッパ―ストリート)


The lawyer and his ham-heads have served an entire hymnal of guilt and the world has sung from it. (リッパ―ストリート)


The lawyer and his ham-heads have served an entire hymnal of guilt and the world has sung from it. (リッパ―ストリート)


It will be on your head. (リッパ―ストリート)


Hell rises up! (リッパ―ストリート)


My husband was held as a good man. (リッパ―ストリート)


I don't know him from a hole in the wall. : The origin of this saying is not definitively known, but it likely stems from the idea that a person is so unfamiliar that they are akin to an inanimate object, such as a hole in the wall, with which one would have no personal connection or recognition.

There is no sign or record they knew one another from a hole. (リッパ―ストリート)


A hand lens. 拡大鏡(リッパ―ストリート)


Hell's bells. (リッパ―ストリート)


He collected rents hereabout. (リッパ―ストリート)


A honed switchblade. (リッパ―ストリート)


Corruption and sex. Surely it does not come more honeyed than that. 話のネタとしてそれ以上のものはないだろ(リッパ―ストリート)


You halt for the police! (リッパ―ストリート)


Curved indentations to the cheek and to the forehead. (リッパ―ストリート)


If matters weren't so grave, I'd be inclined to enjoy your comedy. (リッパ―ストリート)


I bring my girls into your service. Their encouragements inflame men in the gambling. (リッパ―ストリート)


He instructs you in the killing of them. (リッパ―ストリート)


What's his name, the man that installs you here? 住まわせる(リッパ―ストリート)


The fat man, his insides have a story to tell. - But that story ain't cholera. (リッパ―ストリート)


How unlucky we were not to be blessed with children. The imputation being how unlucky he was to find himself burdened with so barren a wife. (リッパ―ストリート)


The body absorbs the poison in increments, becomes weakened. Can't fight and then death follows. (リッパ―ストリート)


We must find the place at which their lives intersected. (リッパ―ストリート)


These workmen will stand idle on full wage while on investigation. 調査中は現場で労働者に仕事していないのに毎日の賃金を払わなきゃならなくなる。(リッパ―ストリート)


I am sorry, I come to impose on you once more. (リッパ―ストリート)


He has a company name of Roach Collections. - Imaginative. 架空の(リッパ―ストリート)


One little Christ-killer. - What d'you call him? - Saw his little prick when we scrubbed him. He's cut. 割礼 It's a Jew-boy. (リッパ―ストリート)


Off him, you jackals and vermin! お前ら、彼にたかるんじゃねー。(リッパ―ストリート)


Everybody will travel for the cost of half a pot of jam from one end of our city to another. (リッパ―ストリート)


You jibed about his bachelor status. (リッパ―ストリート)


I know her not. (リッパ―ストリート)


Knave is a house-break. 空き巣(リッパ―ストリート)


kidsman : (plural kidsmen)(dated) An adult who recruits children to train them as criminals.

A murderous kids-man. (リッパ―ストリート)


You know me not but I've come to know you, sir. (リッパ―ストリート)


She was keening after her dead mother. (リッパ―ストリート)


Drew the line at murder, however. 悪さはしたが、殺しはしたことがない。(リッパ―ストリート)


Do you give your name only to the farm animals you lie with? 自分の名前を家畜のような奴にしか名乗らないのか?(リッパ―ストリート)


That ship's sprung a leak. (リッパ―ストリート)


The dead will line the streets. 死者であふれる(リッパ―ストリート)


Whose lurk is this? だれの家だ - Whose lurk is this? - Mine in name. His in spending. 名義は私。実際に払っているのは彼。(リッパ―ストリート)


Whitechapel laneways. (リッパ―ストリート)


Still lurking by your door? (リッパ―ストリート)


In a body that's recently ingested the poison’s first dose, an enema or lavage might remove it. (リッパ―ストリート)


Lead on. (リッパ―ストリート)


This is a lancing. Just one precise thrust. (リッパ―ストリート)


I would lodge her in my care. (リッパ―ストリート)


I shall ask Mr. Bone my questions of how he feels, four months into its life,

our new county council proceeds. (リッパ―ストリート)


The mortis is set in. (リッパ―ストリート)


Been gangs on these streets as long as there's been horse muck on them. 昔からこの道にはギャングがいる(リッパ―ストリート)


Have a Maria readied and dispatched for Newgate. (リッパ―ストリート)


Keep your men off my manor. (リッパ―ストリート)


It is a fungal infection on the rye grain. It's milled into the food chain. (リッパ―ストリート)


Have a Maria brought here. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have a mind to take you from here. (リッパ―ストリート)


Then this is not contamination by misadventure. It is poison. (リッパ―ストリート)


Then milled into flour. (リッパ―ストリート)


Some muslin. The remaining hair on the muslin was dark. (リッパ―ストリート)


We fight with all the skills we may muster. (リッパ―ストリート)


Take a Maria to Sergeant Drake. (リッパ―ストリート)


He may moon at my girl gratis. (リッパ―ストリート)


I could no more shoot you than I could shoot my own mother. (リッパ―ストリート)


Three days hence, you will be taken to the gallows at Newgate. (リッパ―ストリート)


Get yourself to Newgate. (リッパ―ストリート)


Whose lurk is this? だれの家だ - Whose lurk is this? - Mine in name. His in spending. 名義は私。実際に払っているのは彼。(リッパ―ストリート)


These nippers? I have an idea where they may rest. (リッパ―ストリート)


It must ail you, sir. It must play on those finely tuned nerves of yours. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have a notion of what may have passed here. (リッパ―ストリート)


This girl was diced, separated and put into the river in order to obscure her murder. (リッパ―ストリート)


For those of who the poison has already taken its grip, science, medicine, they only take you so far. - And then they drop you like a stone. (リッパ―ストリート)


The omnibus stations. (リッパ―ストリート)


in short order〈米〉すぐに、迅速に

Well, I can fix that for you in short order. まあ、すぐ直せるよ。

I will have you returned to them in short order, Mr. Reid. (リッパ―ストリート)


You make a practice of cutting men's tongues from their throats, do you? (リッパ―ストリート)


We're at a pass, you and me. 膠着状態(リッパ―ストリート)


A parlay, sir. 取引をしよう(リッパ―ストリート)


It will be my Passover! (リッパ―ストリート)


Provenance, Reid? Where she came from. (リッパ―ストリート)


Off your patch. (リッパ―ストリート)


pit dog闘犬

What is it your pit-dog says? (リッパ―ストリート)


A poker up our arseholes. (リッパ―ストリート)


The gastric collapse that preceded his death. 死ぬ前に胃が弱まった(リッパ―ストリート)


Do you not wonder at the reason for this curse? At my husband and his prowling through your Whitechapel laneways. At the dripping pinchcocks with whom he lay. ホワイトチャペルをうろついて女を濡れたチンポで犯すから呪いがかかってるんだ。(リッパ―ストリート)


There are two men I would seek your help in placing. (リッパ―ストリート)


He was swearing to end her if she didn't pipe herself down. (リッパ―ストリート)


We three, we take one more pass at this place together. 調べてみる(リッパ―ストリート)


You get your skinny prick out of here. 粗チン(リッパ―ストリート)


pronounce on~について意見を述べる(リッパ―ストリート)

You have the right to pronounce on that, do you? (リッパ―ストリート)



1. 《植物》メグサハッカ、ペニーロイヤル

2. ハッカ油

Pennyroyal, when brewed strong as infusion, may bring on miscarriage. (リッパ―ストリート)


Then you hurried after the girl, pennyroyal in hand to tell her that were she to find herself free of

her burden (the baby inside) she might once again be welcome. (リッパ―ストリート)


You produced your blade. And you cut from behind. (リッパ―ストリート)


More's the pity.〈話〉ますます残念である

More's the pity if you don't take advantage of this opportunity. あなたがこのチャンスを利用しないのならば、それは残念です

Did you find them? - Never could, Mr. Reid. More's the pity, eh? (リッパ―ストリート)


Reformation be damned. This child, we shall make an example of him. (リッパ―ストリート)


You rest easy with that? (リッパ―ストリート)


Vicious little runt! (リッパ―ストリート)


Ready them. (リッパ―ストリート)


These children run riot over him. (リッパ―ストリート)


Any losses you suffer will be recouped. (リッパ―ストリート)


As recompense for my actions (リッパ―ストリート)


Man retches. (リッパ―ストリート)


Raging all night about his head and his belly in pain. (リッパ―ストリート)


There are many still live. If you decipher this poison, they may remain so. (リッパ―ストリート)


a run on something : a situation in which lots of people suddenly buy a particular product. Rush. There’s always a run on roses before Valentine’s Day.

A pity for you that we have had a run on our stores of anaesthetic. (リッパ―ストリート)


The rookery off the back of Cable. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do you offer your home to those here rendered without? (リッパ―ストリート)


I did a round of the asylums. 検査(リッパ―ストリート)


For how long has Miss Eames been a patient of yours? - A little over two years now, but she is not permanently resident with me. (リッパ―ストリート)


This is private land. Remove yourself or Inspector Reid shall do so with his boot. (リッパ―ストリート)


She was watching the sea roll in. 波を眺めていた。(リッパ―ストリート)


A slum is razed to the ground. (リッパ―ストリート)


Whatever it is your men do in that rookery, it stops by end of day. (リッパ―ストリート)


I heard glass break. The bottle against his head. The reports of a revolver. Lucy screaming. (リッパ―ストリート)

〔銃の〕発射音 report



He was one of the first raised up in January by our new council. 新議会によって選出された。(リッパ―ストリート)


Stanley Bone, secret slumlord is exposed by the actions of a whore-runner. (リッパ―ストリート)


I will not allow you to make a ruins of the life I have built for you. (リッパ―ストリート)


Jaw flattened and the skull stoved in. (リッパ―ストリート)


A cop shop in East London. (リッパ―ストリート)


A sight longer. (リッパ―ストリート)


You vigilantes were stood down. (リッパ―ストリート)


You vigilantes were stood down. - On whose say? (リッパ―ストリート)


street arab浮浪児(sometimes offensive) a homeless boy who has been abandoned and roams the streets. 捨てられて通りを歩き回る、家のない子供。

We will string up every street Arab. つるし上げる(リッパ―ストリート)


There's an army out there ready to roast you on their spit. (リッパ―ストリート)


The speedy delivery of sound verdict. (リッパ―ストリート)


He is capable of the savagery brought down on that man? (リッパ―ストリート)


He'll never squeal on us. (リッパ―ストリート)


see off撃退する、追っぱらう、出し抜く

He'd see me and my kind off if we loitered too near. (リッパ―ストリート)


Perhaps the recruiting sergeants were the saving of you. 警察に加わったことで改心したんだろうね。(リッパ―ストリート)


Those sewer rats seek reprisal. (リッパ―ストリート)


scotch : To prevent something from being believed or being done.

Her remarks were intended to scotch rumours of imminent job losses.

Have you lost the last of your Scotched brains? (リッパ―ストリート)


May a woman ask why? - If she swears to serenity. (リッパ―ストリート)


The streets sing with rumours of your folly. (リッパ―ストリート)


Some kind of Scouser. (リッパ―ストリート)


What work does he set you to? (リッパ―ストリート)


These walls and doors are sturdy enough. We are secure. (リッパ―ストリート)


I am a secular woman. (リッパ―ストリート)


We ain't supposed to take none their belongings. Save for their tongues. Save that. 殺した証として舌を切り取る意外はなにも盗らないことになっているんだ。(リッパ―ストリート)


Save but one life and you save the world entire. (リッパ―ストリート)


Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire. (リッパ―ストリート)


cut a swathe through something : (idiom)  to destroy a large part of something or kill many of a group of people.

The storm cut a swathe through the village.

The Ripper cuts his swathe here. The City and the East. (リッパ―ストリート)


He had no other effects on him? - He was scavenged by thieves. (リッパ―ストリート)


I suffer no obligation to you. (リッパ―ストリート)


The dead body is on my slab, grey and stinking. (リッパ―ストリート)


Puked and shat themself to death? (リッパ―ストリート)


skillet 【名】 スキレット、小鍋可算長い柄のついたやや深めの鍋 〈米〉フライパン(frying pan) (リッパ―ストリート)


Will you do me a service? (リッパ―ストリート)


His temperature soars. His pulse too. (リッパ―ストリート)


He strips himself? - On his chest, yes. His legs are also stripped so. 脱毛する(リッパ―ストリート)


The poison is synthesised as a liquid. Much faster in its actions. 効き目がもっとはやいぞ。(リッパ―ストリート)


Stand your man down. (リッパ―ストリート)


To sate his madness. (リッパ―ストリート)


Word of advice. This work we perform, it does not serve to look backward. (リッパ―ストリート)


This city, wickedness will ever leave its spores here. (リッパ―ストリート)


The house takes 60 percent of all earnings from the sex workers. It is a good sight less than most brothels. (リッパ―ストリート)


You take note of any other person? - On this day? Amongst this exodus? Satan himself could have sauntered through and no man remark on it. (リッパ―ストリート)


This wound, the skin, subcutaneous fat. (リッパ―ストリート)


She stabbed him with that broken bottle, the work would be jagged and the flesh scragged. (リッパ―ストリート)


He falls with the stripe of blood towards Lucy. (リッパ―ストリート)


Have Captain Jackson return with all speed. (リッパ―ストリート)


His blood was shed all upon you. (リッパ―ストリート)


Not another soul? - No one. (リッパ―ストリート)


Thank you for responding so speedily to my invitation. (リッパ―ストリート)


She appears this morning at my station, striped in blood, keening after her dead mother. (リッパ―ストリート)


You best tend to that, Susan. A bullet wound might soon go septic. (リッパ―ストリート)


The man had killed the woman, was set to do the same to Lucy. (リッパ―ストリート)


Not a solitary clue as to whether she lived or breathed. (リッパ―ストリート)


A slumlord ape was set on murder. (リッパ―ストリート)


Stanley Bone, secret slumlord is exposed. (リッパ―ストリート)


You will let me pass or you will suck on this iron. 銃をくわえて撃たれるぜ(リッパ―ストリート)


The stammering lunatic of your youth. (リッパ―ストリート)


How do you find the boy? - Guilty, your honour. - That'll teach ya! (リッパ―ストリート)


The boy is of tender years. (リッパ―ストリート)


Is the Jewess on your ticket, is she? 君が雇っているのか(リッパ―ストリート)


tuppenny-ha'penny (not comparable) (UK, chiefly derogatory) Very cheap.

That tuppenny-ha’penny old watch of his.

Murdered for that and tuppence ha'penny. (リッパ―ストリート)


Where do you suppose he found the wherewithal? - He wouldn't take from my daddy's till. (リッパ―ストリート)


throw outつまみ出す, 摘み出す, 摘まみ出す

Throw out the Gentiles. ユダヤ人に絞れ(リッパ―ストリート)


You're touched or you're drunk. 気が触れている(リッパ―ストリート)


Add your names to the tally of those who have wandered after Jack the Ripper. (リッパ―ストリート)


Pull the tongue and the trachea from the dead body. (リッパ―ストリート)


We step out of our jurisdiction now, Sergeant. Tread carefully. (リッパ―ストリート)


Mrs. Reid must be a woman of great sense and clarity. - She is that, yes. (リッパ―ストリート)


You best tend to that, Susan. A bullet wound might soon go septic. (リッパ―ストリート)


A dog unable to question the pain or motivation of the man that it tails about the place. (リッパ―ストリート)


There. Tuck down. 毛布を掛けて寝て(リッパ―ストリート)


The only trustee of the Stickleton Trust is Mr. Stanley Bone. (リッパ―ストリート)


There was tell he had a woman cached away somewhere, and a set of bastards too. (リッパ―ストリート)


The truth, toffer. (リッパ―ストリート)


She too may find the temperance you've led me toward. (リッパ―ストリート)


We cannot build a railway without that we demolish a slum or two. (リッパ―ストリート)


The switch is thrown. (リッパ―ストリート)


A usurer. (リッパ―ストリート)


I have the lies allowed to go untested. (リッパ―ストリート)


She is all used now. 使用済みだ(リッパ―ストリート)


Vanity case? (リッパ―ストリート)


You have whored through it. (リッパ―ストリート)


関係代名詞 what

God sends his confections for the poor boys what's incarcerated here. (リッパ―ストリート)


The lad what robbed and killed our toy seller. (リッパ―ストリート)


Where do you suppose he found the wherewithal? - He wouldn't take from my daddy's till. (リッパ―ストリート)


Name the man who would work you. (リッパ―ストリート)


This is a whale, not a man. I'm going to need a hand in here move his body. (リッパ―ストリート)


Do you not wonder at the reason? (リッパ―ストリート)


My God, am I forsaken? - I'd wager so. (リッパ―ストリート)


That doesn't wash. (リッパ―ストリート)


Will you keep watch over Mrs. Reid? (リッパ―ストリート)


This web of streets, a convergence where they meet. (リッパ―ストリート)


That slum's due to meet the wrecking crew today. (リッパ―ストリート)


Those are her children that wail out there? (リッパ―ストリート)


You keep no watch over her? (リッパ―ストリート)


Allow me to weary you with some details. (リッパ―ストリート)


make heavy weather of something : to find something hard to do and spend a lot of time on it, although it is not difficult:

She's making such heavy weather of that report she's writing.

You made heavy weather of matters that relate closely to Mr. Bone's personal status. (リッパ―ストリート)



A yard back from the line! 線から下がれ(リッパ―ストリート)


Away with you. 帰れ (リッパ―ストリート)


You spoke to Fred Abberline? - Your boss, as was. I have. Yes. (リッパ―ストリート)


Chief Inspector Abberline. (リッパ―ストリート)


The man and his works abide. 奴の犯行は続く(リッパ―ストリート)


You place his word above mine. (リッパ―ストリート)


I think you would have her Ripper above all else. リッパ―しか眼中にない(リッパ―ストリート)


Her skin, nail beds, the essential health of her apparatus. 性器(リッパ―ストリート)


Are you fit and able? (リッパ―ストリート)


You may want to avert your eyes. (リッパ―ストリート)


a boot fitting : Your bootfitter will check the shape, length, width, instep height, and arch length on both of your feet.

Mr. Gladstone himself only last week found himself fitted for new boots. (リッパ―ストリート)


Our men in blue are still cloaked in ignorance of Jack. (リッパ―ストリート)


Falls when he's bid? 八百長するのか - Money's right, he'll give you his mother and his sister, too. (リッパ―ストリート)


They'll know he's blue. 警察(リッパ―ストリート)


Don't book her in, tell no-one. 記録に残すな(リッパ―ストリート)


Do you think me some bone-headed flatfoot? (リッパ―ストリート)


A letter I never credited as bona fide. (リッパ―ストリート)


Our men in blue are still cloaked in ignorance of Jack. (リッパ―ストリート)


You cannot simply intrude here any time of your choosing. (リッパ―ストリート)


Till I get to certain. (リッパ―ストリート)


graffito 岩や壁に彫られた粗い装飾a rude decoration inscribed on rocks or walls.岩や壁に彫られた粗い装飾。

This graffito. (リッパ―ストリート)


This is Best's contrivance. (リッパ―ストリート)


clap-doctor : A physician who undertakes the cure of venereal diseases; hence, formerly, from the fact that such professions are often made by ignorant or irresponsible persons, a quack.

Yankee clap-doctor! (リッパ―ストリート)


He was a Pinkerton. Pinkerton? That's right. A chartered mercenary with a badge! (リッパ―ストリート)


His connivery. (リッパ―ストリート)


I place her no younger than 28. Her skin, nail beds, the essential health of her apparatus. By that age even the more costly are worn through. より値段のかかる高級売春婦でもその歳までには摩耗が進んでいるものだ。(リッパ―ストリート)


Has the Pinkerton been conferring with spirits? (リッパ―ストリート)


The lady taught fiddle. You see this moon-like impression in the clavicle? Her fingers worn and puckered by strings. (リッパ―ストリート)


Business good? - Never better. So long as we don't get copped, 逮捕される(リッパ―ストリート)


Charabanc (British) an early form of bus, used typically for pleasure trips.

A toff took two of them away in his great charabanc. (リッパ―ストリート)


Down on whores. (リッパ―ストリート)



Don't dance around on the issue. We need to tackle the root of the problem. 争点をごまかすのはやめよう。問題の根本に取り組む必要がある。

Enough dancing, Detective. (リッパ―ストリート)


If there's a diced up girl in this shop, she's mine. (shop〈話〉会社、事業所、職場) (リッパ―ストリート)


The throat is a post-mortem injury. - Then what did for her? (リッパ―ストリート)


You delivered her. 救った(リッパ―ストリート)


What kind of fire will not be doused? (リッパ―ストリート)


These streets demand your vigilance. (リッパ―ストリート)


You will take a fall. 八百長(リッパ―ストリート)


Your sudden passion for the furtive? なぜこんな隠れた場所を選んだんだ(リッパ―ストリート)


Do you think me some bone-headed flatfoot? (リッパ―ストリート)


He finds himself in agreement with me. (リッパ―ストリート)


In our fervour, we fill the streets with uniform hunting for him. (リッパ―ストリート)


You need to start frisking men for knives. (リッパ―ストリート)


The door is bolted fast. (リッパ―ストリート)


Fluid movement. (リッパ―ストリート)


You can take your instinct and you can shove it up this animal's fundament. (リッパ―ストリート)


Graffito : a rude decoration inscribed on rocks or walls.


This graffito. This is his contrivance. (リッパ―ストリート)


I had no grounds to promise her those things. (リッパ―ストリート)


The haunts of Jack the Ripper. (リッパ―ストリート)


Hell rises again. (リッパ―ストリート)


Our past has come to say how-do. 元署長がお見えです(リッパ―ストリート)


Her hyoid bone is broken. (リッパ―ストリート)


They're drunks and incompetents. (リッパ―ストリート)


The moment they knew that was it, breathing this air was up? (リッパ―ストリート)


Put the irons on him. (リッパ―ストリート)


Water only inflames the fire. (リッパ―ストリート)


every man jack : (informal) each and every person (used for emphasis).

They're spies, every man jack of them.

You're blue? Buckle me? You need to put the irons on every man jack in east London! (リッパ―ストリート)


I charged him but a man from such a family as like to do jug as Victoria herself. そのような貴族の男はビクトリア女王同様刑務所には行かない。(リッパ―ストリート)


How am I to know yet? (リッパ―ストリート)


You little streak of piss! I've gutted younger for less, do you hear? (リッパ―ストリート)


You stop lavishing your care and attention on him. (リッパ―ストリート)


Which of the girls has a leaning to smut? (リッパ―ストリート)


Lighting the customers up in Blackpool. (リッパ―ストリート)


magic-lantern-show : An old name for a slideshow, often using an early form of slide projector that could achieve simple animation by moving and merging images. (リッパ―ストリート)

He has been experimenting with photographic images that move. - Like a lantern show? (リッパ―ストリート)


Undress her dead body. - Are those hands or meat hooks, really? It's no wonder to me at all you're a bachelor. (リッパ―ストリート)


Chief Inspector Abberline. What merits such a visit? (リッパ―ストリート)


He's of a mind to murder someone. (リッパ―ストリート)


The counterfeit money would make them a mint. 金持ち(リッパ―ストリート)


This is next to useless. (リッパ―ストリート)


Please don't go out after nightfall. (リッパ―ストリート)


On the Stepney omnibus. (リッパ―ストリート)


You little streak of piss! (リッパ―ストリート)


This populace, still without a culprit, it is to our uniform that they direct their fury. (リッパ―ストリート)


We can't keep 'em penned in much longer, sir. (リッパ―ストリート)


They need their fears pacified. (リッパ―ストリート)


The hand that penned that letter. (リッパ―ストリート)


Our past has come to say how-do. 元署長がお見えです(リッパ―ストリート)


The man was a US Army surgeon and he was a Pinkerton. (リッパ―ストリート)


These slits in her eyes and her face, with Kelly and Eddowes, they were a postscript, an afterthought. This girl, they're top billing. 傷には重大な意味がある。(リッパ―ストリート)


I place her no younger than 28. (リッパ―ストリート)


The lady taught fiddle. You see this moon-like impression in the clavicle? Her fingers worn and puckered by strings. (リッパ―ストリート)


From a peeper's dry plate?

peeper :  A “peeper” was Victorian slang for a mirror, but also (as today) for anyone who might be engaged in voyeuristic activities, such as a photographer of smut. A “dry plate” is an improved photographic plate, using gelatin, that was invented in the late 19th c., and which had many practical advantages over the “wet plate.” (リッパ―ストリート)


The illicit profiteering from proscribed and rigged fights. (リッパ―ストリート)


The illicit profiteering from proscribed and rigged fights. (リッパ―ストリート)


You come here to rattle me. (リッパ―ストリート)


Hunt our Jack down dockside and rookery. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'll pull rank. (リッパ―ストリート)


Send the runner to Mr. Reid. 使い(リッパ―ストリート)


This relates how? つながりは(リッパ―ストリート)


It's unwise to rile him. (リッパ―ストリート)


Where would be the sport in that? 退屈だ(リッパ―ストリート)


The severance of the left carotid. (リッパ―ストリート)


Get that to press, quick sharp. (リッパ―ストリート)



If there's a diced up girl in this shop, she's mine. (リッパ―ストリート)


This is my shop now. (リッパ―ストリート)


I would have my innards served to me cold if I thought it would show Jack to us. (リッパ―ストリート)


Then he was caught short. (リッパ―ストリート)


She had been serviced, recently and vigorously. - So she was a tart? (リッパ―ストリート)


Is that maniac on the strut again? (リッパ―ストリート)


This was the kind of lawless shit swarm that we could hide ourselves in. (リッパ―ストリート)


She was no streetwalker, but so recently and energetically squired. (リッパ―ストリート)


You tell me which scratch Drake has taken his fall in tonight. (リッパ―ストリート)


This scratch is over. Corner. (リッパ―ストリート)


Come to, gentlemen. Fifth scratch. 5ラウンド(リッパ―ストリート)



1. (countable) An underhanded, tricky person given to sharp practice; a sharper; a cheat.

2. (uncountable) Counterfeit money.

Counterfeit currency. I shall send

You down for snide, too, Joe. 偽金でも刑務所に入れられる。(リッパ―ストリート)


shank it

1. To travel (to some place) on foot.The front tire of my bicycle was totally smashed, so I had to shank it all the way back home.

2. In golf, to strike the ball with the very back of the club rather than its face, causing the ball to veer off in the wrong direction at a sharp angle.He had set himself up to win the tournament, but when he shanked it on the last hole, he new his chance was gone.

3. By extension, to cause any ball to travel in the wrong direction as a result of a misplaced kick or strike.It should have been an easy field goal, but I saw the defensive player rushing toward me and I ended up shanking it to the right of the goal post.

You're just shanking it. You got to aim right. (リッパ―ストリート)


You squire her one day and then you daddy her the next? (リッパ―ストリート)


What's worse, they paid me in snide. (リッパ―ストリート)


All that we can hope for now is that he is gone and stays gone. (リッパ―ストリート)


All of this parish know little else but thuggery. (リッパ―ストリート)


put someone on the ticket(人)を候補者に立てる

Who is it has paid for your time here? - Mr. Best at The Star newspaper, who else? - Well, you're on my ticket now. (リッパ―ストリート)


This is all topsy-turvy. (リッパ―ストリート)


top billingとは〔演劇などの〕主役の座【語源】ポスターなどの最上部に名前が書かれることから。

Marlon Brando received top billing in "Apocalypse Now". : マーロン・ブランドは「地獄の黙示録」で主役を務めた。

These slits in her eyes and her face, with Kelly and Eddowes, they were a postscript, an afterthought. This girl, they're top billing. 傷には重大な意味がある。(リッパ―ストリート)


The lad might come to terms with the device sooner, sir, if you weren't stood so close. (リッパ―ストリート)


Two men boarded a coach with some toff. (リッパ―ストリート)


I'll tend to her now. (リッパ―ストリート)


I need this place uncorrupted. (リッパ―ストリート)


I just underlined what's plain. (リッパ―ストリート)


Their guts, it's what Jack always wanted the most. To open them up and see the viscera in his hand. (リッパ―ストリート)


We will find a mob whipped into a fear and rage. (リッパ―ストリート)


That this house thrives and your girls are not walking the streets this night is at my whim and indulgence. (リッパ―ストリート)


Worth our while to check. (リッパ―ストリート)


Two finer police the world has not yet made. 世の中にまだ知られていない2人の刑事(リッパ―ストリート)



I'll get word to you if I'm to be gone all night. (リッパ―ストリート)