
刑事ジョン・ルーサーは 2010年から英BBCで放送された全5シーズンのドラマ。 ルース・ウィルソン演じるアリスの口角が忘れられない。こんなきれいな口角があるのかと、改めて世界は広いなと感じるくらいな美貌です。 エリザベスを演じたケイトブランシェット同様、  神々しい美しさに畏敬の念を抱きました。 そんなアリスですが彼女は両親と飼い犬殺しに加えてサイコな殺人鬼。 ジョン・ルーサー の刑事としての血が揺らぐのも分かります。 このシリーズで描かれたロンドンの凶悪犯たちですが、簡単に殺人しまくっていて、しかもピカリズムなど異常な人たち。円安も相まってロンドンは再訪しないでしょうね。以前ゴッドファーザーの見過ぎでニューヨークに行くのもやめました。 ジョン・ルーサー演じるイドリス・エルバは身長189センチで大男と思いきや彼をとりまく役者も身長において見劣りしない。そんな巨人たちに囲まれては国際的に低身長の私が行っても首が疲れてしょうがないし。


It was such an anticlimax. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Acute lack of interest. 全く興味がない(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


ANPR : Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) is a highly accurate system capable of reading vehicle number plates without human intervention.

I'll dig up CCTV within a quarter-mile radius and find out what time she left with an ANPR. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'm not buying what you're selling. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Vivien Lake and James Hauser in a psychosexual jamboree. A big old bag of wrong. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The mental patients are like battery-hens shitting out identical neuroses. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It's baffling. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


pump your brakes : The phrase "pump your brakes" is a colloquial expression that is often used informally in various English-speaking communities. It is a metaphorical way of telling someone to slow down, calm down, or to be more cautious in their actions or behavior.

Just stop, just pump your brakes, and let it go. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


have a bear by the tail非常に厄介な問題を抱えている

I've had a bear of a morning. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It sounds difficult to believe at first blush. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


on the back of something : (idiom) Soon after an earlier success, and as a result of it.

The advertising agency secured the contract on the back of its previous successful campaigns.

Profits have increased on the back of improved international sales.

The company has achieved record profits on the back of cheap labor.

I was looking through the file last night and I saw something. Just a small thing, really, but on the back of it I got some analysis done. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


come back from the brink崖っぷちから生還する〔危機を乗り越える〕、窮地からの生還[復活]を果たす、ピンチから立ち直る、九死に一生を得る

pull back from the brink of economic collapse経済を崩壊の瀬戸際から引き戻す

You bring it back from the brink. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I take you down. I take you, your family, everything. Brick by brick. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


A bag lady. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Open the boot. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Sorry, old bean. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We found a disposable phone in the glovebox. Most likely any calls were made to another burner. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Baked Brie and raspberry jam. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


BDSM : In BDSM culture, a play party is a social event in which attendees socialize with like-minded people and engage in BDSM activities. Generally there is an area for drinking and socializing, an area for changing into more appropriate attire (such as fetishwear), and an area for "play" or sexually arousing activities. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You really are a bourgeois little prince, aren't you? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You crack me up. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Hauser spirals out of control. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


A chip on his shoulder. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Vivien is my wife, not my chattel. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Your catastrophically poor judgment. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


old chap : (plural old chaps)(UK, colloquial Synonym: old fellow) The penis.

Breasts, buttocks, rusty old wires down the old chap. Is that a thing? - No, not in my house it's not. (Not in my house. : Usually when said this way, the person is speaking about something they won't allow in their home.) (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She's in my care. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I had time to chew things over. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Cheerio. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She's chirpy. Must be insufferable. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Coercive control. You led your life in fear of him. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We're breathing down his neck and he's decided to go all carpe diem on us. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I can't have that coming back on me. - It won't come back on you. それが君の害になるようなことはない。(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Data is all in the cloud. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)

cloud storage = online storageクラウドストレージとは、オンライン上でファイル共有ができるサービスです。 インターネットなどのネットワークに接続されたコンピューター(サーバー)にあるストレージ(保管場所)にファイルを格納でき、どこにいても同じファイルにアクセスできるのが特徴です。


What I'm trying to do is handle the situation so that your name is clear. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Let's not be coy. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I got called away to something that didn't pan out. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I've been called away. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


See if you can find any CCTV footage corresponding with the time and place of that. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He can have the police run around in circles. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


A cup of tea and a chocolate digestive. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


do over〈英豪俗〉攻撃する、傷つける、ひどい目に遭わす、たたきのめす、打ちのめす、袋だたきにする、だます

Kidnapped his son and tried to do him over. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Some of these people would still be alive if I was there. - Well, as untestable hypotheses go, that's a doozy. 検証不可能な仮説としては素敵ね。(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You're not developing any problems with impulse control. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


My car is double-parked outside, so best crack on. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I will do something absolutely dastardly to Person X. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Only the good die young. - Well, then, congratulations. You can expect to live forever. - Well, I'm certainly gonna give it a whirl. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He has a non-operable tumour on his frontal lobe. It could be affecting his his behaviour, his judgment, disinhibiting him. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


His brain condition disinhibiting him? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He is dead? - As a dodo's granddad. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We did catch you in a plastic-lined room getting ready to disarticulate Penny Leyton with surgical tools. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Her state of delirium. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We'll have to go through due process, get a warrant, it'll go on and on and on. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You become enraptured with her. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We entered into a contract. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Sex police. Erecting an edifice of speculation, a foundation for puritanical distaste. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It's an explication of Jeremy's fantasy life. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He employed a cipher text in the diary. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I only gave him a small sedative, but he's still away with the fairies. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Is there anything that I need to know about? Anything I need to follow up on? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


fit-and-flare : Fitted through the waist and flaring out at or below the hips

I swear you were wearing flares. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Foster Grant / FosterGrant : This is an American brand of eyewear founded by Sam Foster in 1919.

You were wearing a sheepskin coat and a pair of Foster Grants. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Do we have the faintest notion where DCI Luther is? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


That'll be your fancy lady calling you in for tea. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


If you would hold the fort, please? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He said that he's got some news, something he wants to tell you. - Fair do's. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Took me months to lay the groundwork. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She was there, wasn't she? Last night at your gaff? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Dear God above. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


How'd you get on? どうだった(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She's being treated at the hospital. - I don't care. Wheel her in in a gurney if needs be. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Your husband is gravely ill. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Jeremy Lake's gone to ground. He's holed up somewhere. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Household sewing needles. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


In all honesty, I'm not sure his dad wants him. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


This is some hole you've dragged me in and I've just dragged us out. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Not in my house. : Usually when said this way, the person is speaking about something they won't allow in their home.

Breasts, buttocks, rusty old wires down the old chap. Is that a thing? - No, not in my house it's not. (old chap (plural old chaps)(UK, colloquial Synonym: old fellow) The penis.) (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'll hand myself in. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


His obsession with suicidal ideation. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Household sewing needles. - Who put them in the body? He did. The oldest of the needles has been in situ for some time. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I think I've caught that norovirus. I've basically been up all night turning myself inside out. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I don't mean to be ill-mannered. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She's chirpy. Must be insufferable. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I was there to do her ill. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Vivien Lake and James Hauser in a psychosexual jamboree. A big old bag of wrong. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Some masturbating oddball who got his jollies by jamming pins into his testicles and threading rusty wire down his urethra. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


That's why I'm back to rap his knuckles. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


"K-I-S-S-I-N-G." :  It is a popular children's rhyme or playground song that is often sung by kids. The lyrics of the song go like this:

"(Name) and (Name) sitting in a tree,


First comes love,

Then comes marriage,

Then comes baby in a baby carriage."

This playful rhyme is used to tease or embarrass the people named in the song. It is sung in different versions, but the main theme remains the same. The purpose of the song is to create a light-hearted and fun atmosphere among children.

He thinks we're up a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Why don't you just go on and dig into that surgeon. He feels wrong. - Yeah, like a kitten kebab. したくないけど(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Knock yourself out, break legs, but no one dies. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Go home and get some kip. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


If we want to disappear, we need to liquidate these. 換金する(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Knock yourself out, break legs, but no one dies. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


This isn't a situation you can leverage. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I learned my trade noshing off Tory MPs in public lavs? (nosh off : (UK, slang, vulgar, transitive) To give oral sex to usually a male recipient.) (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Did you know that Jeremy kept a diary? - Bit of a leap to conclude that's a diary, isn't it? It looks more like a sketchbook to me. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Lambs to the slaughter. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Mr. Hauser seems quite accustomed to various levels of self-mutilation. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You have a condition known as mitral valve regurgitation. The valve inside your heart isn't closing properly, so blood is leaking back. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The Munich Agreement was an agreement reached in Munich on 30 September 1938, by Nazi Germany, Great Britain, the French Republic, and Fascist Italy. The agreement provided for the German annexation of part of Czechoslovakia called the Sudetenland, where more than three million people, mainly ethnic Germans, lived. The pact is also known in some areas as the Munich Betrayal, because of a previous 1924 alliance agreement and a 1925 military pact between France and the Czechoslovak Republic.

I'm Adolf, he's Neville, you're the Sudetenland. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It feels wrong. - Great minds! I'm on my way to find out now. (Great minds think alike. ) (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


meme「ミーム」の意味は”面白画像”や”動画”のイメージ 「ミーム」面白い画像や動画が拡散されていく文化のことを指します。

There's a phenomenon known as Stockholm syndrome. I expect you've heard of it in a meme or something. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'll dig up CCTV within a quarter-mile radius. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The diary is an explication of Jeremy's fantasy life. An outlet. A masturbatory aid, nothing more. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You don't understand love. You know, you can mimic it, you can recognise it in others, but you can never understand it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She's got nerve. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Something's been needling at me. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


nosh off : (UK, slang, vulgar, transitive) To give oral sex to usually a male recipient.

I learned my trade noshing off Tory MPs in public lavs? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


National Trustナショナル・トラストとは、歴史的建築物の保護を目的として英国において設立されたボランティア団体。

This isn't the militant wing of the National Trust we're dealing with here. It's George Cornelius. You don't go up against him. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


His Nibs all right? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I should have nicked him when I had the chance. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We're breathing down his neck and he's decided to go all carpe diem on us. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


get on someone's last nerveとは(人)を非常にイライラさせる[完全に我慢の限界に追いやる]get on someone's nervesが極まった状態。

You're getting on my last nerve. そういうことされるとすごくイライラするんだけど。

The big boss he's on his last nerve. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Something's off. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


There's a deep, obliquely-placed incise neck injury. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Did you know the observable universe got bigger? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Some of these people would still be alive if I was there. - And you don't think this assumption of omnipotence is a touch narcissistic? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We were out from under it. We were clear. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She'll strangle you with your own ovaries. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


A non-operable tumour on his frontal lobe. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Mark tried, but he oversold the lies. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The One Show : This is a British television magazine and chat show programme. Broadcast live on BBC One weekdays at 7:00 pm, it features topical stories and studio guests.

Do as I say, and he gets to go home and watch The One Show. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I came to off you. 殺す(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Jeremy's most outre fantasy. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You wanted it old-school. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I want my life back the way it was until you pitched up. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Oh, pish. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


George Cornelius put paid to that. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I found 39 needles embedded in the lower abdomen, the perineum and the testicles. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Your heart is surrounded by a membrane, called the pericardium.


More to the point, where is she now? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


That's more a kind of sanctimonious provincialism. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


No prevari-fucking-cation. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


pica : This is an eating disorder that causes someone to crave and compulsively eat things that are not food, such as paint chips, dirt, paper, or hair.

No instances of pica or unusual cravings or anything? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We did the killing spontaneously, spur of the moment. - But it was still within the parameters of our agreement. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It belongs to a person of interest. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I haven't heard a peep from him. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He was a patsy, and I think they've set him up to look responsible for the crimes committed by somebody else. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You can't, John. Not in the way you'd like to. We're past that. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


How lovely of you to put in an appearance. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We've put out an urgent appeal. His face is all over the media. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'm inquiring about the availability of Illeana. This evening. Overnight, for preference. 売春で一晩を希望。(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Peace for our time. : This was a declaration made by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in his 30 September 1938 remarks in London concerning the Munich Agreement and the subsequent Anglo-German Declaration. The phrase echoed Benjamin Disraeli, who, upon returning from the Congress of Berlin in 1878, had stated, "I have returned from Germany with peace for our time." The phrase is primarily remembered for its bitter ironic value since less than a year after the agreement, Germany's invasion of Poland began World War II.

Peace In Our Time. I'm Adolf, he's Neville, you're the Sudetenland. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I got called away to something that didn't pan out. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You might wanna get somewhere private. 周りの人に聞かれない場所に行ったほうがいい(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


play party : In BDSM culture, a play party is a social event in which attendees socialize with like-minded people and engage in BDSM activities. Generally there is an area for drinking and socializing, an area for changing into more appropriate attire (such as fetishwear), and an area for "play" or sexually arousing activities.

You met at a play party, basically a fetish club. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Sex police. Erecting an edifice of speculation, a foundation for puritanical distaste. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


So, quiet as a mouse. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We had a chat like this off the record, on the QT. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You kicked that Somali rent-boy half to death. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


A rounding error. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


About half a million people are murdered every year. That's about 10,000 a week, 1,400 a day. One per minute. That's rounding the figures. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He must have called the paramedic cruisers. He must have done a ride-along. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


If you hurt them, I swear to God I will rip your fucking heart out. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Don't you give me the runaround. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I saw the murder report. The body on the slab. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You're going to need a bucket. - Er, for what? - To be sick into. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'm going to saw through your sternum. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I told you I'd sort it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Where is she now? Give her to me, and you and me are all square. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)



Slut-shaming. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


spud (slang, usually in the plural) A testicle.

You've got a pair of spuds on you, I'll give you that. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We did it spontaneously, spur of the moment. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Looks like your mate's come through, old sausage. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


squizz :  A look; a glance.

to have (also take) a squiz (at): to have a look (at someone or something).

Do you think I could just have quick squizz around. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Good morning, sleepyhead. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It's a fire drill. We'll go when the hair on your bollocks starts to sizzle. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He was a clever old sausage, but not bulletproof, as it turns out. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


As you speak, so shall it be. 仰せの通りにします(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The Munich Agreement was an agreement reached in Munich on 30 September 1938, by Nazi Germany, Great Britain, the French Republic, and Fascist Italy. The agreement provided for the German annexation of part of Czechoslovakia called the Sudetenland, where more than three million people, mainly ethnic Germans, lived. The pact is also known in some areas as the Munich Betrayal, because of a previous 1924 alliance agreement and a 1925 military pact between France and the Czechoslovak Republic.

I'm Adolf, he's Neville, you're the Sudetenland. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You were wearing surgical scrubs. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Stays schtum. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We struck up a conversation at a dinner party.  (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


How was I to know you're basically the Tasmanian Devil? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


just the tip : This is a line that men say to partners who are not yet ready to have sex with them. It is their idea of a compromise, where males are allowed to insert the tip of their penis into a vagina or anus.

tip (thieves′slang) To give, pass. [from early 17th c.]

I'm going to have to tip. やっているゲームをパスしなきゃ(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Am I warm? - Toasty. 答えが近いかしら 近い(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)  


I think I left my glasses in here yesterday. They're roundish and tortoise shell. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Confirm transfer. 送金を確認してくれ(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You okay? - Tickety-boo. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'll make sure everything's tied off. (no loose end) (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Thought police. Sex police. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I didn't come looking for joy unconfined. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Her defences are up. 警戒を強めている(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Some of these people would still be alive if I was there. - Well, as untestable hypotheses go, that's a doozy. 検証不可能な仮説としては素敵ね。(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Some masturbating oddball who got his jollies by jamming pins into his testicles and threading rusty wire down his urethra. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'd have thought it fairly unambiguous. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Your lad's a wrong 'un. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He started vivisecting the victims. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Your hope was to deploy vapid innuendo. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Some valedictory advice. Don't let John Luther back through your door. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The happier the marriage, the easier it is for us to weaponise. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It's quite an endeavour to take a scalpel to your own throat and kill himself without wavering. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's a bit woozy, but he'll live. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It must have been quite the wrench losing somebody she became so close to. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)

wrench〈米〉レンチ、スパナ◆ボルトやナットなどを締めたり外したりする各種工具の一般名。イギリス英語ではspanner。日本語では種類によってスパナまたはレンチと呼ぶ。スパナはオープンエンドレンチ(open-end wrench)を指し、それ以外は何々レンチと呼ぶことが多い。


Only the good die young. - Well, then, congratulations. You can expect to live forever. - Well, I'm certainly gonna give it a whirl. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She's being treated at the hospital. - I don't care. Wheel her in in a gurney if needs be. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Damning evidence and whatnot. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Good luck with your whatnot. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The Cynic of the Year Award goes to you. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


yea big : Approximately this size. Said while using one's fingers, hands, or arms to visibly demonstrate size. ("Yea" is a variant of "yay" and is pronounced the same way.)

"I'll have a small glass of wine, only yea big," he said, holding his thumb and index finger about an inch and a half apart.

"Fish have to be about yea big for you to keep them," she said, putting her hand up to her sternum.

It's basically all I've ever thought about since I was about yea big. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You assert a fabulous moral conscience. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You assert a fabulous moral conscience, John. This adherence to unwritten law. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Question my allocation of resources. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


What does he want? - To avenge his wife. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You can't hold me accountable. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I can hold you accountable, me being a copper and all that. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I apply pressure just here. There's a good chance that you'll live. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


arrondissementアロンディスマン(フランス語)は、フランスの地方自治制度における行政区画単位のひとつ。 ただしフランスの周辺諸国や、フランスの地方自治制度を採用している国家、例えばフランスの旧植民地などでも、行政などの地域区画単位の名称として用いられる場合がある。

Small time hoodlum from the 18th Arrondissement, Paris. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


How did you know Alice? - I don't. So, what, she just appears to you? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


How are we doing, Ben? - Like an anxiety dream. I have to keep checking if I'm still wearing trousers. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Can you get your arse off the sofa? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Alistair, the older son, that washes, washes the money for you. - Allegedly. 証拠はない(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It looks like an acute case of wrong place, wrong time. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


As his fantasies became more extreme, he became too ashamed to articulate them. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


What about your responsibility to his victims? - Well, I'd imagine it's alleged victims at this stage, isn't it? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Do be serious. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You'll be bored silly by the end of the week. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


What's going on with this Alice Morgan thing? - Hang on a minute. I'll give you the bones of it.

to throw a bone to:  (idiomatic) To provide support or assistance to, especially in one particular way or to a limited extent; to make a concession to. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Like a phone. A burner. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'm playing catch-up with some bedlamite. Following his spoor back to source. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Cool Britanniaクール・ブリタニアは、1990年代のイギリス文化の盛んな様、クールな様子を表すためにメディアが使った用語である。1990年代半ばに造られ、1990年代末に流行した言葉だった。また、保守党からの政権交代を果たしたトニー・ブレア首相の労働党政権(ブレアは労働党右派の政治家)やその政策と密接な関係を持っていた。1970年代後半から1980年代にかけての、サッチャーその他の政権による停滞や混乱の時代の後に来た90年代の空気を表す言葉である。もともとは愛国歌『ルール・ブリタニア』("Rule, Britannia": ブリタニアよ、世界を治めよ)にかけた駄洒落であった。日本の行政機関、特に経済産業省では、「クール・ブリタニカ」と誤記されることがあった。

You've been a snitch since before Cool Britannia was all a thing. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She's got these uncut diamonds, blue ribbon merchandise worth a lot of money but difficult to shift unless you've got the right connections. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


bent as a bottle of chips : 1. Homosexual. 2. Crooked, dishonest.

I give her the name of a contact in the trade, bent as a bottle of chips. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The burner? Why'd you steal the burner? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


block of flatsa ~》〈英〉一棟のアパート

A large explosion in a Central London block flat. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's not gonna booby-trap his own place. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


on the beat

1. 〔演奏などが〕調子が合って

2. 〔持ち場を〕巡回中で、パトロール中で

Back on the beat. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


There's a data list of bolt-holes. Places all over London he could hide out in. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I need you to go through that list of bolt-holes. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


A list of those bolt-holes. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


This puts it to bed? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Babylon the Great / the Whore of Babylon : This refers to both a symbolic female figure and a place of evil as mentioned in the Book of Revelation of the New Testament. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I need a favour. An off-the-books-type favour. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We'll make sure you're looked after until this is all put to bed. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Bring her in, push her buttons. See what pops up. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You're bang on the money. その通りだった(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


John's as innocent as I am culpable. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Trail went cold in Madrid. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She was concussed after the car crash. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He was crushed. 気持ちが落ち込んだ(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


chain of evidence :  A process and record that shows who obtained the evidence; where and when the evidence was obtained; who secured the evidence; and who had control or possession of the evidence.

He would've logged it for chain of evidence. - Yeah, 'cause he's squeaky clean, isn't he? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'll let you crack on. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


ching chong : It's gibberish. It has no meaning whatsoever other then being used by low educated racist ignoramus mocking a language (thus the race) that they have a deep unfounded hatred for.

Ching Chong is neither Cantonese nor Mandarin; it is an American slang. Growing up in San Francisco in the 40s, the white kids used to shout that slang at me all the time. Many a times when they shout the slang they would also pull up the corners of their eyes. The white kids would do this on the streets, in the stores, at school, in the playgrounds. At the time as long as that is all that is done, what the hell, that is life. There are other more important fights in life, such as getting into a good university.

Recognise her? - Nope. Wouldn't mind though. Chung, innit? 中国人?(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


All I know is that the killing was contracted out. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We might as well crack on. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I was thinking of leaving the country. Well, I was until you put a crimp on it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


They clocked your face, they clocked your car. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Never cut corners. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


All that time spent running around in circles. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Put this woman in the car and cuff her. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Cotard's syndrome. It's a delusional mental illness, and the patient thinks that he's dead and decomposing. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Clairvoyants are confidence tricksters, aren't they? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Wicked little cow. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You ever hear of the confirmation bias? - I beg your pardon? - We all do it. Sort of see things in a way that support what you already believe. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Conspiring to sell uncut diamonds. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


What's your knowledge of crime-to-journey stats? - Uh, stats say that the less familiar an offender is with a given area, the closer to home he'll commit his crime. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'll meet you there, close of play. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You're coming across as a bit clammy, to be honest. - Yeah, I'm just, just sweaty. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You've opened up a can of not worms. I don't know. Geese. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


James Hauser's phone has just come on. He's in Hampstead Woods. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


By walking in the police station, you have, by default, surrendered your liberty. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He intends to commit suicide by cop to die a martyr to his own cause. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's a bit of a dick, but he means well. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Dictate what I can and can't do?! (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Everything's tickety-boo. Totally disco. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


At the end of the day, I'm a thief. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Can you talk? Sorry to impose. I need a disinterested ear. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'm honestly down in the dumps about it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


This psychic drivel. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The police will do her for intent to supply. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'm just doing due diligence. Making sure you're not part it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


This isn't our boy's first disco. I mean, even Jack the Ripper had to work up towards what he did to Mary Jane Kelly. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


They'd end your days on earth. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


EMT : abbreviation for Emergency Medical Technician :

After 11 years as an EMT, she is used to working long hours.

EMTs took me out of the destroyed building. I'm fine. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Exigent circumstances. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Back then, no one was paying attention to me, I was still wet behind the ears. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Money has an elevating effect on my frame of mind. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


His condition's been escalating. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


What a needy little fishy. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


With leverage. Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I can move the world. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


How are you filling your days? Days seem to fill themselves, really. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I think he's like a feral dog right now. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You form an opinion and then you create a theory. And then you work hard to prove it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We isolate the properties that fall inside that radius? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We've got history. - Not that kind of history. - Says the bloke who kidnapped me and cuffed me to a radiator. - Yeah, fair dos. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


This Direct Entry thing, head-hunting people from the public sector. Fast-tracking them through the ranks. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We're going after him in full force. We've got aerial units, ground units. Dogs. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She thinks she's saving him from the Filth. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Goodness gracious me. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The old-school geezer. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


This is your gaff, is it? 住みか(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Her and some geezer are running away to Sao Paulo. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)



1墓から死体を盗み、解剖のためにそれらを売る人(someone who takes bodies from graves and sells them for anatomical dissection)

2墓場や地下室から金目のものを盗む人(someone who steals valuables from graves or crypts)

Well, clairvoyants are confidence tricksters, aren't they? Grave robbers preying on the lonely and bereaved. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


if you've been green-lit, every would-be hitman in London would be after you. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Green-lit is green-lit, I'm afraid. It's out of my hands. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'll make good on my promise. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The half-goat, half-demon creature who punishes naughty children. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


good and〈話〉非常に~、とても~、すっかり~、十分に~、すごく~、ひどく~、猛烈に~◆andの直後に来る形容詞または副詞を強調するために用いられる

We're good and ready to sing karaoke.  ええ、カラオケに行く準備はすっかりできています。

good and angrybe ~》猛烈に怒っている、カンカンに怒っている

She's good and primed. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She's good and spooked. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Detective Ripley has been hailed a hero by his colleagues. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's got a hero complex. He needs public opinion to justify his actions to himself. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He is dead at the hands of Tom Marwood. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He won't know what hit him. 奴をすぐやっつける(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


That man's death is on your head. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


knock ~ on the head

1. (人)の頭をコツンとたたく、(人)の頭を殴って気絶させる

2. ~をたたきつぶす

3. 〔病気を〕治す

4. 〔迷信などを〕打ち破る

5. 〔計画を〕やめにする、中止させる、ぶち壊す

I think it's time we knock this on the head. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


What's this, busy work to keep me out of your hair? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Here's me thinking.. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We've got history. - Not that kind of history. - Says the bloke who kidnapped me and cuffed me to a radiator. - Yeah, fair dos. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Someone's got George Cornelius on the hook. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Single and ready to mingle. - What does that mean? - He used a number of online hook-up sites. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Then you leave me no alternative but to huff and puff and blow your walls down. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I want this place watched, like a hen night in Saudi. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She would be dead had I not intervened. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He was intensely intellectual. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Interpol caught her scent in Berlin. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Of course you need to know. It would be inhuman not to. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's a very troubled man, dealing with a number of intersecting paraphilias. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


All right, John, you're still with us then. - Just about. One of your boys had a pop at me. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Do you have any idea where he might be? - Well, I'm hardly his keeper. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's trying to lure us out of here. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Lean all your weight on the door. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I suppose you're gonna have to live with the never knowing. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We were hoping you might shine a light on that. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Do they like anyone for it? それをした犯人の目星は?(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You walk away from this leave-of-absence thing. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Is he having a laugh? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You having a laugh? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Got a body in the bath. Dissolved in lye, apparently. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You find a body dissolved in lye. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


How many people are you gonna let near your computer? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I am tempted to let it lie. そのままにしておく(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I think he's like a feral dog right now, trying to find a place to hide. I think we lean into that, I think we go public. Put his name and face in the media. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Just lay off. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


What'd you want? - Cocaine, heroin, pills. Whatever's lying about. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It's not how we do things in the civilised world or what's left of it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Do you like her for it?  彼女は事件に関係していると思うか(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He was over the limit, high on meth. He was banned from driving. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


How goes it? - Fair to middling. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Vivid misdeeds. 惨殺体(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


That chap in the manger. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You look a bit militant. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


They broke the mould. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Is this another appeal to my maudlin heart? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Spread over 600 square miles of Greater London. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Isolate a two-mile radius from this point. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We're the dinosaurs and she's the meteor. (比喩) (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Self-mutilation isn't uncommon when people are struggling with extreme desire. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


That's no skin off your nose. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


To rub my nose in it? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You need to get CO19 down to Paragon Towers right now. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She pushed her nan down the stairs. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Do you mind if I nip off for a bit? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I've got a nutjob running around London eating people. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I had them nosy around Megan Cantor's financials. nosing(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Show her how it's supposed to be done. - Noted. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'm just gonna have a little nose about? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Get SCO19 to Hampstead Woods and have them take up position. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


SCO19 are in position. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Got a body in the bath. Dissolved in lye, apparently. - Very old-school. 古いやり方(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We're old school, right‘? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


There's nothing massively out of the ordinary. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


What if we were to arrest you? - On what grounds? - Obstructing justice. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He has been shot point-blank in the chest. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Why not pop him here? 撃つ(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She's a pixie. - A what? - A pixie. A sprite. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


In principle, I pity her. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Push comes to shove, you can trust her. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I didn't put her down or have her put down. 殺す(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Let's see who's been poking around Dressler's private life, shall we? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


That pervy lad died years ago. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You like to think about her when you have a little play with yourself? (自慰をする際に)(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


pop out = go outside for a short time.

pop in = go inside for a short time.

You popped out. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Too petrified to sleep. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'm arresting you on suspicion of perverting the course of justice. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Prototypical first love thing. Back when summers were endless and whatnot. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We find ourselves in a pickle. - We are! We're in a pickle. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You're looking a bit peaky. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's a very troubled man, dealing with a number of intersecting paraphilias. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Paraphilia means sexual fetishes. Abnormal sexual impulses. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


piquerism : (derived from the French piquer—"to prick") refers to a sexual interest in penetrating the skin of another person with sharp objects (such as pins, razors, knives, etc.). Sometimes, this is serious enough to cause extreme injuries or even death. Piquerism is a paraphilia as well as a form of sadism. The most frequently targeted areas of the body are the breasts, buttocks, and groin.


Jack the Ripper : Dr. Robert D. Keppel and his colleagues concluded in an analysis of London's Jack the Ripper murders of 1888 that "the injuries sustained by the victims displayed the signature characteristic of picquerism."

Andrei Chikatilo : A Soviet serial killer who operated in the late 70s and early 80s, the Rostov Ripper experienced erectile dysfunction his entire life until he murdered his first victim, 9 year old Yelena Zakotnova. Afterwards, he was able to achieve erection and orgasm, but only upon the stabbing and slashing of women and children to death.

Frank Ranieri : A 25-year old American was arrested in June 2007 for bribing multiple young females with large sums of money in exchange for poking their buttocks with sharp objects.

Abnormal sexual impulses. And the nature of his impulses. Piquerism. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Can we do that? - Within parameters. 規定の範囲なら(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Which makes me wonder what was the quid pro quo? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I should report to work tomorrow. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She's a pixie. - A what? - A pixie. A sprite. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Never let it be said that you are less than audacious, Miss Morgan. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


For starters. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He then fled the scene. 現場(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


What do you stand to lose? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Interpol caught her scent in Berlin. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


scheme (Informal Scottish) an estate of social housing.

The whole scheme is plunged into darkness, bar the light in Victor's house.

We found her in the Scheme. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


SOCO's left? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's squeaky clean, isn't he? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'm playing catch-up with some bedlamite. Following his spoor back to source. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She's got these uncut diamonds, blue ribbon merchandise worth a lot of money but difficult to shift unless you've got the right connections. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


SIO :  The Senior Investigator leads as the Senior Investigative Officer (SIO) on specified crime investigations.

SIO had the killer down as Brian Elda, local sex offender. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


slam dunk. : Slang. something regarded as certain to occur or be accomplished, typically something desirable that requires little further effort.

The election is starting to look like a slam dunk for our side.

Jonathan Black, March 1999, is lured into a park, suffocated. We had the killer down as Brian Elda, local sex offender. Next day, Brian Elda drowns himself in the canal. Jonathan Black's underpants in his pocket. Slam dunk. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It was a shame about my brother. 残念(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You're asking for stay of execution? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Bolt holes spread over 600 square miles of Greater London. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


What's your knowledge of crime-to-journey stats? - Uh, stats say that the less familiar an offender is with a given area, the closer to home he'll commit his crime. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Tell the Spice Girls to back off. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You talked me into it, you silver-tongued devil. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


That's LEDs sewn into his hood. It confuses CCTV. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You're on the skim. ピンハネしている(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Everyone keep your wig on, keep schtum. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


not to have a Scooby / not to have a Scoobie : This means to have no idea at all. Synonyms: not to have a clue, not to have the foggiest.

In this phrase, scooby, or scoobie, is short for Scooby Doo, the name of a cartoon dog which features in several U.S. television series and films; rhyming slang for clue. This, incidentally, shows that rhyming slang is not restricted to Cockney.

This goes to show you really don't have a Scooby about what's going on. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'll sort it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He was the victim of profound and systematic childhood abuse. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She's good and spooked. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


If he gives us the slip there, we'll never find him again. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Time and again, it devastates the people you claim to hold dear. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Does it add a tingle of the illicit? - It's adds a tingle of disbelief. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)



Trail went cold in Madrid. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Everything's tickety-boo. Totally disco. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You're a dead man walking. Toodle-pip. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


on the other side of the tracks : The phrase "on the other side of the tracks" is a common idiom in English that refers to an area that is perceived to be less desirable or less affluent than another area. The phrase likely originated from the literal presence of train tracks that divided different parts of a town or city.

I'll see you on the other side of the rail. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Steven Rose has been keeping tabs on over 200 people. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The thing of it is

the thing of it : (idiomatic, colloquial) The important point to consider

I think the thing of it is that he's come back to get what he's lost. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Right, off we toddle. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You little tinker. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It does happen sometimes between patients and their therapist. They call it counter-transference. It can get intense. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


This really is a tawdry form of manipulation, isn't it? Frankly, I expected better. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She's got these uncut diamonds. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Seems a bit unseemly when you put it like that. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Let's see if there's an uptick on people being assaulted in public. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Viz : This is a British adult comic magazine founded in 1979 by Chris Donald. It parodies British comics of the post-war period, notably The Beano and The Dandy, but with extensive profanity, toilet humour, black comedy, surreal humour and generally sexual or violent storylines.

Biffa Bacon :  An icon of Viz, featuring Biffa (shortened from Bifferidge) and his family – Mutha and Fatha (real names Vermintrude (née Haystacks) and Billy or Basha Bacon) – hail from the Tyneside region of North East England and speak in the Geordie dialect.

You and me, we're old school, right‘? We're on the same page when it comes to dead kids. - What's this? Billy Bacon and the Self-Centered Cockney Villain? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)




I love people who have some va-va-voom and intelligence. : ワクワクさせるものと知性を併せ持っている人が好きだ。

He just wants me there for bit of extra va-va-voom, that's all. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Wotcher. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


A search is underway. - Then widen it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


wotcha exclamation (UK informal) (also wotcher) used as an informal greeting, especially between friends:

Wotcha, mate! (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Wotcha. - Wotcha, boss. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


With you in five. あと5分で会おう(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Whoopsie daisy. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He washes the money for you. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Everyone keep your wig on, keep schtum. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It's way past time you went home. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I've got bullets but no gun. That's quite Zen. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Jon's owlie. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It's like he's training for the zombie apocalypse. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We turned up no her name in their ambit. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


To administer a bit of personal justice? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I died the day I came home and found my wife's corpse stuffed into the airing cupboard. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Scramble ARV now. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


A gang beef. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He was the tabloid's favourite bogeyman. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


bite for bite : "Bite" really means that one is comparing the quantity of antioxidants by volume.

Bite for bite, berries offer a higher concentration of antioxidants than most other foods.

I'll match you bite for bite and, in the end, we'll see who's still standing, right? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


One out of five murders are committed by men on bail. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


So what is this, like a Derren Brown thing? Mindreader. Mentalist. Reads minds. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He walks up to Butler and Meredith with a gun. Blam. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


They are known to be BFFs. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Career burglar. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


collate all the cards全てのカードを順に並べる

collate ~ serial number~を連番[シリアル番号]の順に並べる

We collate nature of offence against the volume of press coverage. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I didn't know he'd be here. Swear to God. I didn't call him or anything. - He cloned your SIM. He's a clever boy. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Sees himself as a champion of freedom. Ungoverned by religion or law. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I've shown no contrition. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Got it down to about 14 possibles. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We find the ten most debased scumbags in London. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We're down to 263 potentials. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I might have taken a wrong turn somewhere along the way. - Surely not. - That wasn't exactly the disarmingly gallant reaction I was hoping for in my heart of hearts. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I need to know, John. All of it. Every last drop. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Domestos  : This is a British brand of household cleaning range which contains bleach.

Then, all of a sudden, boom. He's energised. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'm not your mate. I'm far from your mate. The sight of you makes me want to wash my skin with Domestos. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Corran's a paedophile. Did 15 years for false imprisonment and rape. 監禁(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Fish out your wallet and your phone. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We're the filth.警察(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's off the grid. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Glaswegian dick had done his dirty business. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I might have taken a wrong turn somewhere along the way. - Surely not. - That wasn't exactly the disarmingly gallant reaction I was hoping for in my heart of hearts. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


What were you hoping for in your heart of hearts? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I spent 15 years in prison for the heinous violation of young children. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Where's your head at? 君の考えは(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


This is your fault. This is on your head. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He is a paedophile. Did 15 years for false imprisonment and rape.  Went on to self-publish poems and essays about inter-generational love. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Joins a gun club, takes lessons in Krav Maga.(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The man who has Terence Corran in his keeping. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


There's a lock-up. - A lock-up? 車庫(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


fair to middling : Mediocre, pretty good, so-so, as in I asked them how they liked their new home and John answered, “Fair to middling . This phrase, often a reply to an inquiry about one's health, business, or the like, is redundant, since fair and middling both mean moderately good.

How the devil are you? - I'm fair to middling. まあまあだ(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


A nonce, a Gordon Murray, was in breach of his parole, associating with known sex-offenders. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Your mate, Terence Corran. King Nonce. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


CO19 are en route. ETA 13 minutes. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Mr. Knizac had been classified as "medium risk" by probation staff. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's making a play for public sympathy. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


What's the point of knowing your weak spot if I don't get a chance to poke it a bit? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The proactive strategy seems to be working in principle. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Plop down the bag, put your keys on the table. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Lynchings, pogroms. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


There's nothing more potent than private pain made public. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I want you to plead for his life. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He puts the sawn-off to his chest. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She left him. Shacked up with another man. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He is killing predators, isn't he? The people the justice system spat out. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Depravity is hardly in short supply in this city. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


This isn't some pre-match symposium. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He is a paedophile. Did 15 years for false imprisonment and rape.  Went on to self-publish poems and essays about inter-generational love. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


People have been tweeting the address since about 5:00 a.m. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I might have taken a wrong turn. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I've been trawling the list of his known associates. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's tweeting the address! (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The upshot is, is that there's no way. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Sees himself as a champion of freedom. Ungoverned by religion or law. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The way I see it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


If you sow these seeds, I reap the whirlwind? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You've spent your life thinking you're the whirlwind. - Well, you're not. Because I'm the whirlwind. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I saw how you waded into that mob. That was brave. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)



His whereabouts are currently unknown. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


All it is is Justin and Erin Gray have been seeing each other. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Her feet look lovely, don't they? Do you see the arch of the instep? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


So what time's Ayesha home, then? - Half an hour ago. 遅いわね(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The thing about love is that it brings out the best in you but it can also bring out the worst. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He was bludgeoned to death. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Ronnie Holland sends his regards. - Does he? What, from the land beyond? あの世(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You got this ball rolling. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I love this guy to bits. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Ronnie Holland's phone records. Checked, double-checked, cross-referenced. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


These are cold case files pertaining to the Shoreditch Creeper murders, circa 1979 to1983. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


April was a prostitute working out of a council flat in Camden. 公営住宅(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You've got to make a full statement, on the record, today. Catalogue everything Luther ever did. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


clay figure塑像【塑像】粘土など、可塑 (かそ) 性のある材料を用いて造った像。 簡単な心木 (しんぎ) にわらを巻き、上に厚く土をつける方法と、粗く彫刻した心木に薄く土をつける方法とがあり、奈良時代に盛行した。 現代では多く、ブロンズ像などの原型として造られる。

All I did was shape the clay. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We seem to be crossing messages. メッセージがすれ違っているみたいね(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Get this to Forensics double-quick. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You dredged it all up. 蒸し返した(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


devil forbe a ~》~に対して非常に熱心であるその熱心さが問題やトラブルを引き起こす可能性があることを示唆する。

He used to like to call me, you know, when he'd had a few. He was a devil for it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Divisional surgeon. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She was a deranged slut. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


DSU George Stark. 警視(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Don't mess around with it. It'll blow up in your face. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Jamal's fit. - I don't know about "fit". I wouldn't give him a "fit".(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I consider this investigation to be little more than a fishing expedition and a witch-hunt. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


If you and your ghouls find anything. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You see quite a lot of dirty old men and whatever. You catch them glancing at your boobs and stuff. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Did you get hard? (勃起) She was a bit nice, wasn't she? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I read a magazine article about foot-binding in China. They swathe a young woman's feet in strips of cloth, bending the toes under the foot, breaking the bones. The way the women were forced to walk resulted in hypertrophy of the hip muscles and the perineum. It gave them very muscular vaginas. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Oh. Holy crap! (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Was he in the cold cases? - Isn't he just! その通り(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We are gonna take lumps out of each other. 一戦を交える(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


My wife has MS. If she loses me, she's lost everything. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's had his meds. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I asked you to trace. Anything? - Yeah, it's been on the move a lot. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


So nick him. 逮捕する(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Nicely done. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She's stopped off to see what's-his-name? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Get out of here. - Or what? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


My mind was all over the place. I was at sixes and sevens. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I read a magazine article about foot-binding in China. They swathe a young woman's feet in strips of cloth, bending the toes under the foot, breaking the bones. The way the women were forced to walk resulted in hypertrophy of the hip muscles and the perineum. It gave them very muscular vaginas. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I've seen him cut procedural corners. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Are you coming for me? - With relish. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She should be at home round about now. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It's like the big red book. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


My mind was all over the place. I was at sixes and sevens. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We should really get a shift on. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The subsequent murders of Dani Lane. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I read a magazine article about foot-binding in China. They swathe a young woman's feet in strips of cloth, bending the toes under the foot, breaking the bones. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


What do you want? I'm not your performing seal. I'm busy. サーカス(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's had his meds. But the minute he becomes symptomatic, I'm pulling him out of the interrogation. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


spag bol (Informal British) spaghetti bolognese. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Secret Squirrel : This is a cartoon character created by Hanna-Barbera for The Atom Ant/Secret Squirrel Show, which debuted in 1965. The character was given his own show in 1966, titled The Secret Squirrel Show.

This is where it all goes down. Secret Squirrel Central Station! (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I need you to trawl through his browser history, all right? Phone records. Whatever. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I trawled Ronnie Holland's phone records. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


There was another number which stuck out. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


This Is Your Life. : This is a British biographical television documentary, based on the 1952 American series. It was hosted by Eamonn Andrews from 1955 until 1964, and then from 1969 until his death in 1987. Michael Aspel then took up the role of host until the show ended in 2003. It briefly returned in 2007 as a one-off special presented by Trevor McDonald.

Do you remember that show “This Is Your Life”? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We tend to underline observations that confirm our view of the world. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She was a working girl in Liverpool. 売春婦(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Do you need a wee? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'm enquiring about an advert you put out on a hotel keycard. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


There's an advert on there. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You apprised me that DCI Luther used the fire alarm the other day to distract others. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


What angle are you trying to work, Erin? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You'll be charged as an accessory after the fact. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Then he just stops, drops off the grid. - Not of his own accord. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The AA have got my number on speed dial.(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She was in the sixth form. Four A-levels. She wanted to go to Oxford. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


His wife alibied him. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


What's in my boot. Open it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Assuming he maintains general bearing, we need roadblocks here, here, here. このまま移動するなら(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Are we done? Bar what I suspect will be a lengthy debriefing. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I think he's pushed some bone into me brain. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Sickness beneficiary. 生活保護の受給者(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Are you a homosexual? Like that's any of your business. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I totally swear. Completely and totally. On my sack, blood. - I'm not your blood. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


So who did it, then? - Anyone, really. Throw a brick. なげりゃあたる(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Loads of piles of bin bags. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The killer makes a break for it and gets away. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The fingerprint on the SIM card, that's got Barnaby bang to rights. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Help me carve some time to think this thing through. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Hacked into the database, cleared all the history on Schenk's computer. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I can make you regret the day you ever came across my path. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Tell him to go over cold cases, anything pertaining to Emily's death. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Common denominator? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Luther? It's a good name. - Well, can't take the credit for it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Squalid little business. Small cheese (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We're under the cosh to clear this up quickly. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Good copper, Ronnie. Long since had his clock. ずっと前に引退したよ(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The neighbours thought the stink came from the communal bins. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The garbage chute. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I want this chute emptied and searched. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) is an organisation that advocates unilateral nuclear disarmament by the United Kingdom, international nuclear disarmament and tighter international arms regulation through agreements such as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

The lodger comes home from a CND rally. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


duty solicitor 当番弁護士

Tell the duty solicitor to call me and I'll come get you. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Front door was deadbolted(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I don't think you're a donkey. ばか(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Do you remember the Shoreditch Creeper? - Er, yeah, dim, distant memory. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Her memorial site. It was defaced. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It's a sort of a tally of experience points. - Experience points? - Yeah, a way to measure your progress through a game. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Easy on the accelerator. All right, go on. Put your seatbelt on! (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Best I can do is keep my ear to the ground and if I hear anything, I'll let you know. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I do know you were totally epic. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Re-enacting an old murder? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He assaults eight women in an escalating pattern. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He'll be in his element. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Are you saying you'd fit me up? はめる気か?(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I don't need to fit you up, do I? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You shouldn't joke around like that. - Like what? - About fitting people up. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Can't you fast-track it? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The protesters are all fired up from this rally. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Players graduate to better weapons in the game. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Gideon's Bible. There's one of these in every hotel room in the country. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It's my work gear. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The ginge. 赤毛(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Post-punk. - Oh, uh, goths. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He graduates to killing three times. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Then he just stops killing, drops off the grid. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I want to get off this grubby case as fast as I can. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'd argue it into the ground. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I need you to get out of the flat, keep your head down for a while. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She had IT crawling all over Schenk's computer archives earlier. (IT部署) (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


How's life in the Judas division, ma'am? 皮肉(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


If you want to help your mum, you need to keep it together and do as we agreed. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I've got a fetish killer on the loose. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I know this might sound a bit mental. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Police marksmen have you in their sights. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


This is a revenge killing. Meat and potatoes. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It's too cold for any of that malarkey. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He allegedly escaped from a prisoner transfer van after overpowering a guard. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Thinking he's got one over on you. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


They are twins with a shared psychosis. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


What happened to your pet polecat? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Warm off the press. プリントが出来立て(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Are we prepped? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Back door was point of exit. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Three pillars. Means, motive and opportunity in the criminal investigation. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You made yourself prime suspect number one. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Cathy's face, photoshopped onto obscene images. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It's a non-repeating, randomised sequence. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He is racking up a great score. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Run it past me. Exactly how do they communicate? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


RSS feed : RSSフィードは、ブログやオンライン マガジンなど、お気に入りの Web サイトの最新情報を常に入手できる簡単な方法です。 サイトが RSS フィードを提供していれば、投稿があると通知が届き、投稿の概要または投稿全文を読むことができます。

Nicholas'll have an RSS feed on his phone. So as soon as a new comment's posted, he'll receive an alert. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I had IT run a report on Schenk's computer. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Once we've posted a comment, his alert comes in on an RSS feed on his laptop or his mobile. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Given the bulk of that vest, we're looking at a hundred-foot kill radius. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Rooting out dirty coppers? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I just rummage around the cupboard. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'll meet you back at the shop. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He had a drink and decided to screw himself into a coma. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'm gonna go now before you embarrass yourself with another senior moment ぼけ(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The way you stitched me up. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You really believe he's so spotless. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


waste of semen : Insult used to describe someone especially inferior or stupid.

The blonde cheerleader was such a waste of semen

DCI Luther will be taking on a case of a waste of semen called Jared Cass. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


If he breaks the law, I want his head on a stick. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He liked to sit in a room and slag people off on the internet. Guy was a troll. ネットを荒らす人(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


kicking the Sandman in his sack : Staying up really late doing stuff that keeps you awake.

I totally swear. Completely and totally. On my sack(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He slagged off loads of people online. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Mind if I shoot off and look into it? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


A subset of "possibly related" files. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


So the men get stuck into the intruder. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


beat with an ugly stick : This process would make anything or anyone very ugly.

slapped with the silly stick : This means something looks ridiculous.

Cf. fall out of the ugly tree (and hit every branch on the way down)".

Jeez, who beat him with a grumpy stick? なんで奴は機嫌が悪いんだ。(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You rolled over and let him tickle your tummy. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


twist in the windいつまでも悩む

Don't let me twist in the wind. Tell me my test score! 気を持たせないで、私のテストの点数を教えてくれ。

I'm twisting in the wind here. I don't know what to do. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You solve your problem? - I'm on top of it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The most boring blog in the world. All but guaranteed to attract no traffic. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


They tagged the walls. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Guess he liked to sit in a room and slag people off on the internet. Guy was a troll. ネットを荒らす人(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


All right. I'm going as fast as I can. - Did I say anything? - You were thinking it. 心でそう思ってたでしょ(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


beat with an ugly stick : This process would make anything or anyone very ugly.

slapped with the silly stick : This means something looks ridiculous.

Cf. fall out of the ugly tree (and hit every branch on the way down)".

Jeez, who beat him with a grumpy stick? なんで奴は機嫌が悪いんだ。(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Carpet underlay. It's got this man's blood on it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Barnaby is a vigilante killer. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Tell her to be back here in ten minutes or I am gonna go to work on you. 暴力(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She is gonna come for you with the wrath of God. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You going to waterboard me? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Zip the bag open. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)



Your romantic yearnings are clouding your judgment. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Uniform were dealing with an altercation outside a pub. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


See if there's any white-power faction affiliated with that. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You know the fire drill. Let's all meet at the assembly point, please! (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Scramble ARV. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Access to the database is audited. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


damaged goods

Has he got a thing for sullied goods? 奴はお前のようなキズものが好きなのか(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Brace it! (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


A job job. - Like flipping burgers? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


bomb dot com : Another way to express when something is awesome/cool/amazing. bombcom が韻を踏んで語呂がいいことが、流行った大きな理由

Damn that burrito was bomb dot com. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)

Completely bomb dot com. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Don't butt heads with him. OK? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's a man over a barrel. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Bringing home the bacon. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I could have you bent over this table. (セックス) (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Better get canvassing. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I say we get CO19 ready. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


A motorcycle courier's bike. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He was a depraved old monster. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


sexalicious : (slang) very sexually attractive


lushalicious : Something that is beyond delicious. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I think he's making his decisions on a roll of a dice. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You want me to dismember your whore. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's being disappointingly tardy. Yeah, definitely more dial-up than broadband. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


There's a man on the forecourt. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


There's been this global downturn, whatever. So it's all quiet on the job front. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


On the face of it, it looks odd. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


How are you on the money front? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Being on the hook and that? - Is that what I am? On the hook? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Make sure you hit the Jobcentre to look for a job , right? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Acid in a water pistol. Probably hydrochloric. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


What's a Bedlam Axis when it's at home? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


sexalicious : (slang) very sexually attractive


lushalicious : Something that is beyond delicious. That roast beef was lushalicious.

Cup of tea. Totally lushalicious. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We need to do a quick head count. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Where is he? The man of the house. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Nazis do love an insignia. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Get on to intel, see if they can ID that. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I checked the compass design against local gang insignia. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Johnny on the spotは急を要することにうまい具合に対応できる人やサービス(being ready to person a service or respond to on emergency)のことです。 機転の利く人や腰の軽い人。 つまりできる人を指す表現。

So the police officers were Johnny-on-the-spot. They were here two minutes after the 999 call came in. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Any joy? - Completely joyless. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


sexalicious : (slang) very sexually attractive


Lushalicious : Something that is beyond delicious. That roast beef was lushalicious.

Cup of tea. Totally lushalicious. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We go in loud and heavy. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's merging smaller operations, clubs, trafficking, girls, protection, all the rest of it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


London's got, what, six thousand 999 calls a day? But 70% of them are time-wasters, cats up trees. Most of the rest is meat and potatoes. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Look, just dial 999. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


See if we can't put a name to that face. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It's brilliant! Oh, and it never gets old. 飽きないね(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'm partial to a graphic novel. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The job is like, 2p an hour. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's merging smaller operations - clubs, trafficking, girls, protection, all the rest of it. I'd like to know the extent of his market penetration. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Picket now refers to a unit (either naval or army) maintaining a watch. This may mean a watch for the enemy, or other types of watch e.g. fire picket.

Who's fire picket? - Guv, that's me. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I've come to you for help. And this is it? Platitudes and denials and puppy-dog eyes? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Run it by intel, see if there's any gang association. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Resolution's pretty low. 画像(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It's used a lot in RPG, role-playing games. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He'd have dumped the courier rig. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You go into stand-by mode. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


sexalicious : (slang) very sexually attractive


lushalicious : Something that is beyond delicious. That roast beef was lushalicious.

Cup of tea. Totally lushalicious. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's going to torch the car! (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Your turf wars are your business. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'd tread carefully with that sort of thing. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The message never felt like tagging to me. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)



He's being disappointingly tardy. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


If I was your adversary then, I'm not your adversary now. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She's got an ex-boyfriend, was done for affray. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I could step outside, make one phone call and have a thousand coppers abseiling through your windows. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I wish to amend my statement. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Two barrels of his own shotgun. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It ties in with a specific belief system. 宗教(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


What was it like being bumped back to uniform? - I was never ashamed to wear a uniform. 刑事から警察官に戻されたときはどうだった?(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'm hitting the talk boards, see if anybody there can ID it for us. ネット掲示板(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Best not patronise me. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


get a bead on〔銃で〕~に狙いを付ける

draw [get] a bead on

Did you get a bead on that DNA? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Until I can confirm this has blown over? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Full bespoke service. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


over a barrel無力な状態にされて、人の言いなりになって

We can set the price as we have them over a barrel. : 彼らは言いなりだから、私たちの方で値段を決められる。

I'm over a barrel. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


There's a market for the mask like that. Problem is the internet. Collectables flow back and forth over international borders, barely leave a trace. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Companies House : This is the official registrar of companies in the United Kingdom and is responsible for the regulation and administration of Public Limited Companies (PLC) and Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs).

Green Valley is registered at Company House, but it's a shell. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


That's just a cuddly thought so you can sleep at night. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I need the coinage, rent to pay. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'm arresting you on suspicion of possessing a controlled substance. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


This cretinised culture. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Are you cribbing your ideas from penny-dreadfuls? ペニー・ドレッドフル(Penny dreadful、直訳で「1ペニーの恐ろしいもの」の意)、19世紀のイギリスで発行されていた安価なシリーズものの小説(大衆文学)の通称。(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


OK, copy that.(無線で)了解だ(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


customer〈話〉〔相手をしなければならない〕やつ、相手◆通例、tough customerのように特徴を表す形容詞と共に用いられる。

He's a noisy little customer, isn't he? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Commer : This was a British manufacturer of commercial and military vehicles from 1905 until 1979.

We're talking one car, one Commer-style van. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You can get righteous kettles these days, all chrome and whatnot. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The drug makes you smell like a dog's arse. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


early doors (British informal) Especially sport at an early stage.

How's this looking? - It's early doors. We'll get him. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She's got an ex-boyfriend, was done for affray. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Degrading him in public, humiliating him. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


do the dirty on〈俗〉(人)に汚い[卑劣な・不当な]ことをする

How many times did you do the dirty on her? 裏切って不倫をする(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'll do you for false arrest. 訴えてやる(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Do you want out? - Of what? - Of this. - Dream on, dreamer. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


totally disco : This typically refers to something that is completely or wholly related to the disco music genre or the style and culture associated with the disco era of the 1970s. The phrase often implies a strong emphasis on the music, fashion, dance, and overall aesthetic of the disco era. It can be used to describe music, parties, fashion, or any other aspect of popular culture that is reminiscent of or inspired by the disco era.

Everything is tickety-boo. Totally disco.

You're just totally disco. - Yeah, he is totally disco.

So let's disco. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


early doors (British informal) Especially sport at an early stage.

How's this looking? - It's early doors. We'll get him. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I design a print that somehow evokes London. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Then in 1830, they tried to change the name. "Petticoat" was considered too raunchy for the Victorians. But it didn't work! Petticoat Lane endures. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


DNA analysis has been expedited, imminent danger to life and so on. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It's all just breathtakingly unerotic. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It's a long story. - So give me the edited highlights. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He slashed a load of paintings with a flensing knife. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


filth : Normally "The Filth", UK, the police. Inspiration for the Irvine Welsh novel Filth. Also common in Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Good heavens, no. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


At 8.00 in the morning, I am grizzly. 機嫌が悪い(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Sunrise imagery seems general to just about every religion or cult. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She's no different from the freaks that get off on these films. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


gavver (plural gavvers) (UK, slang) A member of the police.

How do you know him? - That gavver? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Boss has got his game face on. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Always on the go. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


What happens to Ripley, if you ignore me, will be on your head. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


If this situation was turned on its head. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'm not on their hook. 奴らの言われるままにはにはさせない(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Thin, IC1, brown hair.  白人男性(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The building is iconic and I grew up wanting to see it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He gets a huge cash injection. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Any idea? Any inkling? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Think he's still got the juice for this sort of thing? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Ouch! Sorry. Mouth on me sometimes. - That's all right. You weren't to know. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Ka-boom. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He was absolutely livid. We had quite a tiff. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)



One of our licensees. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Pell leased the place from a contact of Bryson. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I've got nothing to leverage. No kids. No family. No wife. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You're not going to penalise John for my misdeeds. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


What about working for His Satanic Majesty? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She was self-mutilating at 14. She cut herself with a razor. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The people around you are vampires. They'll suck your veins dry, crack open your bones and lick out the marrow. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


In a millisecond(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Ouch! Sorry. Mouth on me sometimes. - That's all right. You weren't to know. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Speculation mounts as to why the search for the missing officer has been so quickly scaled down. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The micro-expression. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


This kettle's minging. It's got miningitus. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It makes them feel omnipotent. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


A foreign registered offshoot. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'm opening up a dialogue here. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


If I was presumptuous, overstepped the mark, I'm really sorry. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I have a new job to do, and part of that job is to police you. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You know the pitfalls, you can tell me what to look out for. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Most of the people in here are women. Not that I mind, per se. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Listen, one more peep out of you, and.. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


What, and now you're mates, and everything? - Well, mates is probably pushing it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Are you cribbing your ideas from penny-dreadfuls? ペニー・ドレッドフル(Penny dreadful、直訳で「1ペニーの恐ろしいもの」の意)、19世紀のイギリスで発行されていた安価なシリーズものの小説(大衆文学)の通称。(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Our anger's got no place here. I need you to be functioning fully. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


How did the lead pan out? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


That's evil at its most pure. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I need every policeman, every armed response, every helicopter, PCSO in that area looking for that van. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Run background on the victim's friends, acquaintances. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I know you had great loyalty to Rose Teller, and rightly so. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


They tried to change the name of the place. "Petticoat" was considered too raunchy for the Victorians. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He'd hang around the refectory. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Significant resources are being employed to find 32-year-old Detective Sergeant. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Fake referees. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's got a face on like Wayne Rooney's smacked arse. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You can get righteous kettles these days, all chrome and whatnot. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


simpatico 【形】 〈イタリア語〉同じ気質の、うまが合う

We were simpatico. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It's all very soul-destroying, isn't it? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'll source the sunrise chant. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'll source the chant and the mask. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She was selling herself at 17. 売春(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


If there's a revenue stream, there's a paper trail. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I went to Saint Martin's.. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You can feel the time here, like layers of time, strata of time. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


scout out〔~を〕探す、〔~を〕見つけようとする

scout out a good restaurantいいレストランがないか探す[探し回る]

scout out a good viewing location〔撮影などのために〕(眺めの)良いロケーションを探す[探し回る]

scout out for~がないかと探す[探し回る]、~を探しに出る、~を探し出す

scout out new planets to colonise

scout out new planets to colonizeSFなどで〕入植するための新たな惑星を探す[探し求める]

scout out new talent for the labelレコード会社のために才能ある新人を探す[探し求める]

He had a getaway route scouted out.逃げるための出口もすでに探してあった(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


A load of bullshit that people shove down each others' throats about love and marriage and monogamy. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Stitch me up? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


smurf : Slang, sometimes derogatory or vulgar, literally meaning "Smurf". Spanish slang referring to a member of Cuerpo Nacional de Policia. Originated in the 1980s when police uniforms were changed to blue. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's this random smurf popped up out of nowhere. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


They're totally indifferent to the spectre. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Spring Heeled Jackバネ足ジャックは、切り裂きジャックが出現する数十年前に出現した都市伝説である。切り裂きジャックに並ぶもう一人の『ジャック』である。切り裂きジャックと同じく、史実の事件が元になって生まれた都市伝説的存在であるが、こちらはより幻想的な存在である。

Have you ever heard of Spring-Heeled Jack? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Spring-Heeled Jack? I've heard of Spring-Heeled Jack. Victorian bogeyman. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Don't squander it now. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Sundry violations. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


If I do help? - Slate's clear. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You've been telling stories out of school, haven't you, Andrei? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I understand you like to play cards?  Have much luck? - My share. それなりに(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The staggering tonnage of shit that's about to plummet onto your head. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Huge amounts of sodium hydroxide. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Checking this sat nav will give us a record of his movements. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Green Valley is registered at Company House, but it's a shell. (Companies House : This is the official registrar of companies in the United Kingdom and is responsible for the regulation and administration of Public Limited Companies (PLC) and Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs).) (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Bert and Ernie (or Ernie and Bert) : They are two Muppet characters who appear together in numerous skits on the PBS/HBO children's television show, Sesame Street.

Yin and Yang. Bonnie and Clyde. Bert and Ernie. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He was absolutely livid. We had quite a tiff. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Getting Ripley back on track. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


When they tried to throw him out, he's gone completely Tonto. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's taunting us. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I fought tooth and nail to get you back into the fold. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Got any temazepam? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


three-point turn : 三点旋回は、前進と後進のギアを使用して、限られたスペースで反対方向を向くように車両を回転させる標準的な方法です。これは通常、道路が狭すぎて U ターンできない場合に行われます。

 I was doing a three-point turn. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The staggering tonnage of shit that's about to plummet onto your head. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You've got a telltale heart. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


John had any number of vexations. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You've worked vice. 売春捜査(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


They do tend to veer on the mentally ill. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Very Large Array :カール・ジャンスキー超大型干渉電波望遠鏡群(カール・ジャンスキーちょうおおがたかんしょうでんぱぼうえんきょうぐん、英語:Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array, 略称VLA)はアメリカ国立電波天文台が持つ電波望遠鏡の一つであり、米国ニューメキシコ州にある。宇宙からの微弱な電波を捕らえる等するための施設である。

I've always wanted to go and see the Very Large Array in New Mexico. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'm working off my sins, aren't I? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He panicked. Cut her up and whatnot. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Put all the bits in wheelie bins. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I can't have the wheels coming off this thin. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You can get righteous kettles these days, all chrome and whatnot. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


They're Wile E Coyote and I'm the Roadrunner. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


About ten zillion times. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


How you feeling? - Like a freshly squeezed zit. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)



Yin and Yang. Bonnie and Clyde. Bert and Ernie. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He smashes things when he's angry. All of which tends to align us in Luther's direction. この実況証拠はすべてルーサーに容疑がかかる。(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


How apropos. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I was so bent on making it work. I just so wanted to make it work! (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


blues and twos : (idiom UK informal) The flashing lights and siren (= loud warning noise) used by a police car or other emergency vehicle when it is travelling somewhere urgently:

We're in a police car, blues and twos going, in pursuit.

Walking home on Tuesday evening I was alarmed by the blues and twos coming from a string of fire engines and police cars.

The police officer admitted he had not used his "blues and twos" so the suspect driver would not flee.

We can get there before them as long as Schenk doesn't use the blues and twos. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Was it him? - On balance, I'd guess so. Yes. おそらく(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You didn't come alone, did you? Wouldn't have the balls. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The last thing I need is for this operation to be hindered by your celebrated loyalty. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Sorry, it's a bit clattery over here. Can you repeat that? (電話での対話で) (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It's a nine millimetre Beretta. - Pass it to me, I'll clear the chamber. - Chamber cleared. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


That makes us comrades-in-arms. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


This doesn't fall within my compass(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The flush in the toilet is broken on the cubicle nearest the wall. トイレ(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She told me I taught her how to really come. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


What's happening to you is called a dissociative state. It's the mind distancing itself from things that are too much for it to process. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We could arrange an escort, a protective detail. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Any info at your end? (電話の相手に対して)(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He said he didn't do it. - Well, I suppose all things are possible, although not equally. 彼がしていない確率は低いが(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It’s your funeral. は「(悪い状況に陥っても)それはあなたの責任だ」「勝手にしろ」という意味

Go ahead. It’s your funeral.(どうぞ、勝手にすれば)

How close did you come to getting shot for it? - I didn't get shot. - Fine. Your funeral. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Do I pull the trigger or not? - No! Alice! - Well, I'm in favour. Which leaves us 50-50, with one vote left to cast. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You need one of us there on the ground to advise. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We've got a clear shot and good to go. - On my order. Not before. - Received and understood. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I can't undo it. All right? I wish I could. Hand to God. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Whatever happens is in your hands. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Head him off! Stop him. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


They view themselves in implausibly positive ways. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Prison would be worse. The beatings, the rapes, the incessant fear for your life. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


kitted out withbe ~》〈英〉~を備えた、~を装備した

CO-19 are Kitted and ready to go. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We keep an airtight lid on this until it's resolved. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I didn't think you slept. - Oh, only lightly and not for very long. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We have a live situation right now. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Sorry, I'm miles away. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Luther set the meet here. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You're putting Reed at very considerable risk. - I'm mindful of that. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Police marksmen don't shoot to wound. 殺すために撃つ(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Do you know what you've done? - Yes, I do, ma'am. - Don't "ma'am" me. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's nitro glycerine. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


kitted out withbe ~》〈英〉~を備えた、~を装備した

CO-19 are kitted and ready to go. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You came with CO-19, who, right now, have their assault rifles trained on my centre of mass. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's a damn sight better-placed to be non-partisan. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Why would he project the killing onto me? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


If we can pin this mess on mental illness, then I can't be held accountable and the unit might survive. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)



I'm going to need a brief precis of what you've got. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You prod me. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


First responders found a woman dead. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I will not rest until I see him punished for it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Can you run the details by me? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We've got a clear shot and good to go. - On my order. Not before. - Received and understood. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It feels unseemly to keep probing such a raw wound so soon after your wife died. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Can you run me a trace and track? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She had a few good rides left in her. セックス(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Don't speak up for him, Justin. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's a damn sight better-placed to be non-partisan. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You've changed your tune since the last time we spoke. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You came with CO-19, who, right now, have their assault rifles trained on my centre of mass. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I can't undo it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It feels unseemly to keep probing such a raw wound so soon after your wife died. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We need to find him. Most urgently. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's in the wind. 消えた(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


If circumstances warrant, you won't hesitate to give the kill order? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You wind me up. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)



There goes your problems, all out of the window. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


There was no screams, no sign of any altercation. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You have quite the reputation, but not above the odd selling fakes to Russian billionaires. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Apologies in advance. これから拷問するけどゴメンな。(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


give someone the all-clear〔検査・確認などの結果として〕(人)に対して何も問題はない[危険はなくなった]と請け合う

Doctors gave him the all-clear. : 医師たちは、彼の健康状態について異常なしの判断を下しました。

They're supposed to call us with the all-clear. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


A two kilometre bull's-eye zone. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


b-day誕生日を意味する birthday の略語になります。–(ハイフン)を抜いて bday にもなります。

Happy B-day!

So did you get anything nice for your b-day? (birthday) (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Blitz attack. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


breakdown and recovery service : When your mechanic arrives, they'll try to fix your vehicle there and then (otherwise known as roadside assistance). If they can't, they'll tow you to a garage (also called 'recovery') for repairs, so you won't be left stranded at the roadside.

He worked nights at a taxi breakdown and recovery garage. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)

He works at an all-night recovery garage. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Batches of forged passports. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The urge builds again, becomes uncontrollable. The cooling off periods get shorter and shorter. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Blitz attack. He jumps out, clubs her, drags her into the van. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


But the timing, you see, the timing, it chafes my brain. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I need you to stay in this building until you're cleared to leave. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


give someone the all-clear〔検査・確認などの結果として〕(人)に対して何も問題はない[危険はなくなった]と請け合う

Doctors gave him the all-clear. : 医師たちは、彼の健康状態について異常なしの判断を下しました。

They're supposed to call us with the all-clear. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Decoupage. The cut-up technique. randomise the relevant pictures, make new text. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


dogs' home 犬の保護施設[収容所]

Come Christmas, give five quid to the dog's home for me. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The killer is one taxi driver and 20,000 others. Trusted by default. He might as well be invisible. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Linda, if you'll excuse me, uh...I've got to dash. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You're all done. (=Finished) (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Subjects approaching drop point. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I think we both knew that deep down. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


When's he due to call? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Her value to me diminishes sharply. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


No violence, no bloodshed. That is a deal-breaker. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


This is your fault, John. This is your doing. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It’s near trading estates. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Empty threats. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Get yourself an exorcist. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Early on, we must have been married, what, a year, 18 months...He used to nick handbags. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The last phone number from a Dennis Keaton is City Chic Escorts. 売春(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


No matter how much he's earned it. It's not worth it. 死に値しようがそれに値しない。(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's on a feeding frenzy. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Form? - Uh, none. 前科(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Foster relationship between negotiator and hostage-taker. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Returning the favour. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Oh, goodness gracious. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I have finished an enormous introductory chapter, or preamble, call it what you will just to show the reader that the text as it goes.

He's a money launderer, basically. Bit of a gent, as it goes. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You think they'll make good on their threat? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Then grass him up? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I can't do this any more, not while this thing is hanging over my head. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It's inadmissible. Hearsay. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


go hot and cold〔恐怖・心配事・ショックなどが原因で〕体が熱っぽくなったり寒けがしたりする、体調が変化する

run hot and cold〔人が考え・気持ち・意見・計画などを〕コロコロ変える◆【語源】蛇口から出る水が熱くなったり冷たくなったりして、温度変化が激しい様子から。◆【同】blow hot and cold

There's hot and cold running police. 警察がうじゃうじゃ追ってくる(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


hand to God : Used to emphasize that one is telling the truth, typically when their words are likely to be met with skepticism or disbelief.

If you don't do this, hand to God, I'll kill you myself. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You have to get this into your head, all right? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Anything he might say means nothing. It's inadmissible. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Cabbies who've been sacked, invalided off, retired. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You already know. - Yeah, pretty much. Well, it hardly takes an intuitive genius, does it? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


My life was in imminent danger. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Jack the Lad (Informal British) A brash, cocky young man.

A cocky Jack the Lad who neglected academic study.

She's not about to get into a white van with Jack the lad. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The Knowledge / The Knowledge of London :  The Knowledge of London, also known as 'the Knowledge' or 'the KOL' for short, began in 1865. It is the process by which a KOL student learns the streets of London, thousands of routes through those streets and thousands of buildings and landmarks on those streets. This is widely acknowledged as the most comprehensive local knowledge test in the world.  The dedication, discipline and perseverance required to become a London taxi driver is what makes our cabbies the best in the world.

Cabbies who've been sacked, invalided off, retired, plus a list of drivers who've tried and failed the Knowledge over the last 20 years. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Failed the Knowledge three times. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Our man is locked into a pattern of rapid escalation. He's going to kill again very soon. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


This is a different lot. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


This cash was liquefied in the form of 18 cut diamonds. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Unless we find a way to open up lines of communication with the kidnappers, they're going to kill Jessica. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Are you sure you're all right? Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. You don't look it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Well, I've never killed anyone, have I? - Yeah. Not for lack of trying. 殺そうとはしたことはあったよな(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


They cut out her tongue. - Oh, sweet Mary. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I need a moment. - I can't. It's a madhouse today. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Have you eaten? - What are you, my nan? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I had to give her one for her birthday. 一発(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Add to the suspect pool. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You'll review all existing case evidence pertaining to the previous victims. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's in our database somewhere. We just have to prise him out. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We'll just have to put that down to a big mystery. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He was the one that procured the diamonds. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'm peddling thin air like Wile E. Coyote. (Wile E. Coyote : Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner are a duo of cartoon characters from the Looney Tunes. いつも腹が減っているワイリー・コヨーテが、フルスピードで走るロード・ランナーを捕獲して食べてしまおうとずっと繰り返しているが、毎度のこと成功しない) (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)




How many people are running around in these cabs? - There's no database. But it runs into the high hundreds, early thousands easy. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


breakdown and recovery service : When your mechanic arrives, they'll try to fix your vehicle there and then (otherwise known as roadside assistance). If they can't, they'll tow you to a garage (also called 'recovery') for repairs, so you won't be left stranded at the roadside.

He worked nights at a taxi breakdown and recovery garage. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He works at an all-night recovery garage. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Do you want me to go out there, see if I can round him up. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


There'll be no recrimination, no blame, no nothing. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


What sets him off like that? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


His alibi sticks. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Put them on speaker for me. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Anything in the evidence safe is sacrosanct. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The evidence won't leave our sight for a second. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I told him I knew a copper who could smooth things over for us. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You ever have one of those days you wish it would end, but somehow it never does? - More than my share. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Insight into his tortured soul. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She's on home turf. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Just triangulating the mobile phone signal now. We've got him locked on. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


thruway : A wide road for fast-moving traffic, with a limited number of places where drivers can enter and leave it.

Broughton Row used to be a through-way but when the hookers moved in, they locked it off. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


There's phone traffic between us to prove it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Buy one under the table. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I time that all right? - Perfect. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None (German: Also sprach Zarathustra: Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen), also translated as Thus Spake Zarathustra, is a work of philosophical fiction written by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche; it was published in four volumes between 1883 and 1885. 『ツァラトゥストラはこう語った』(ツァラトゥストラはこうかたった、Also sprach Zarathustra)は、1883年から1885年にかけて発表された、ドイツの哲学者フリードリヒ・ニーチェの後期思想を代表する著作。『ツァラトゥストラかく語りき』、『ツァラトゥストラはかく語れり』、『ツァラトゥストラはこう言った』などとも訳される。全4部構成。

Thus spake John Luther, gentleman of the parish. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He used to sniff them and touch himself. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Throw accessory to multiple murder, kidnap, extortion. In the face of that, he'll give it up in five minutes. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


This is not a tactic. 駆け引き(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Chain of evidence is like the Ten Commandments. It applies unto time and all eternal. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We risk voiding active cases. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She's verging on worthless. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's working his way towards killing her. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


That's the way these things have worked since I was a woodentop. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Wile E. Coyote :  Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner are a duo of cartoon characters from the Looney Tunes.


I'm peddling thin air like Wile E. Coyote. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None (German: Also sprach Zarathustra: Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen), also translated as Thus Spake Zarathustra, is a work of philosophical fiction written by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche; it was published in four volumes between 1883 and 1885. 『ツァラトゥストラはこう語った』(ツァラトゥストラはこうかたった、Also sprach Zarathustra)は、1883年から1885年にかけて発表された、ドイツの哲学者フリードリヒ・ニーチェの後期思想を代表する著作。『ツァラトゥストラかく語りき』、『ツァラトゥストラはかく語れり』、『ツァラトゥストラはこう言った』などとも訳される。全4部構成。


Thus spake John Luther, gentleman of the parish. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)

He'd be an acolyte, follower, a submissive personality. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


An apostle that betrays his master to the police. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I've called this press conference in anticipation of my arrest. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's born with bad blood. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We don't so much as cast a glance in his direction until we've got something bulletproof. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Now that he knows we're on his back like this. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Put this silliness to bed. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Within the boundaries of the law. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Platform 2, north bound, half an hour. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The clock is ticking on her. 彼女には時間があまり残されていない。(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You've already come close to one suspension. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Cravat pins. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I fought your corner and I fought it hard. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


There are caveats. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I cross-referenced the names against the history. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's looking more credit crunched by the hour. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's got his own little black magic cult derived on the writings of Aleister Crowley. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He'd known I was police from day one. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


To confess he's a dick? ばか(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


play a double game 裏表のある行動を取る、裏表のある手段をろうする、二心を抱く

How do I know you're not playing a double game? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She'd been completely exsanguinated. He had drained her blood. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'll take my time entering the paperwork. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You are trying to make me speak carelessly in order to entrap me. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We'd call the police in. Claim exigent circumstances. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I was just trying to empathise. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Burgess favours the right. Whoever wrote on the walls favours the left. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We caused a full-blown media and political shit-storm. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The man is a fantasist. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The more depraved the killer, the more women fawn on him. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Exsanguinated and genitally mutilated. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Beware of Greeks bearing gifts. : Do not trust enemies who bring you presents. They could very well be playing a trick. The saying is adapted from the words of Laocoon in the story of the Trojan horse.

You take care, now. Beware of geeks bearing gifts. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


These, these hoodies, these kids. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


hand-drawn 【形】手描きの

A poem hand illustrated by the Yorkshire Ripper. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)



It's called hybristophilia. Sexual arousal from thoughts of violence. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


My heart goes out to her and to her family. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He wants infamy. He wants to humiliate the police. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I was just immersed in the world of King Crimson. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


See if you can ID these girls. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


If I thought you were about to lose interest in me, I'd be inconsolable. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


My recommendation will be that you are suspended, immediately and indefinitely. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Good day's work? - Goodish. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


only just ()

1 やっと,たった今

He's only just got up. 彼は今起きたばかりだ

I tried that with you and it failed. - Only just. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)

2 かろうじての[で](barely

I only just finished my first year, almost failing. 落第ぎりぎりで2年に進級した


I'm on the floor having the shit kicked out of me. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It's a kink. A sex thing. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Slightly kooky. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You brought luminol to look for blood traces. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We don't so much as cast a glance in his direction. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's got to make it look like a normal day. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


narrowboat: イングランドとウェールズの狭い運河に合わせた特徴的な設計の船。

Claimed for a stolen narrowboat. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Burgess runs a little occult bookshop. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You came of your own free will. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We set you up, Lucien, you've been outplayed. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I pray that this time the Police Service can see past its own prejudice. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He used a proxy to get the licenses? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The case gives you pause to question his decisions. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Mark North put in a call. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Are you superstitious about that sort of thing? - Not so much, no. Not as a rule. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You are radiant. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I ran the blood from the Grace Allen cold case. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


if I sign this book, its resale value increases hugely. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Burgess takes the rap for it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Then sells his story to the tabloids, richer still. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Grace Allen's body turns up right next to a railway siding. 線路わき(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)





形 腕を真っすぐ伸ばした

They walk from up the street, but it's the stiff arm by the side. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We've got SOCOS at the house. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Every copper in this shop knows that. 署内(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Sutcliffe or Sutcliff :  A surname, originating in three locations in Yorkshire, sometimes spelled Sutliffe or, unusually, Sutliff. The name means south of the cliff/hill

Sutcliffe snuggling up to a woman. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Snuff boxes. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Change the state of play. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Forget the rule book. Change the state of play. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'm not asking for your approval, son. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Let's keep the train moving!「今日は前進し続けます」ということ。 止まらず進み続ける。ニュアンスは「ドンドン進める」に近い

Keep the train moving. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Chasing our tails around. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I want your unadulterated impressions. - Unadulterated by what? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He said all bodily fluids were powerful. Semen, vaginal secretions, blood. Menstrual blood was best. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You did something valiant. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I won't volunteer any information. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


he's looking more credit crunched by the hour and mortgaged up the wazoo. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He'll wriggle out of this. Again! (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


There's another lane. Gives out onto allotments, gardens, a canal. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


When did Terry lose his appeal? - Uh, about a month ago. 上告(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The thing is about little boys is that they worship their dads like gods. The more arbitrary in his punishment and rewards, the more they crave his approval. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We can't act on this information. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Many of us are bedraggled old fossils. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


My dad was defending himself from a belligerent arrest. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Tea. - Tea? Builder's? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


bolt-hole 【名】 ボルト孔 〈主に英〉〔動物の〕逃げ込み場所

A decent bolt hole. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Lead story, main bulletin. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I need you to leave her alone. - Brownie's honour. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The police officers would attend this call-out. 通報(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


How many views so far? - Thirty thousand and counting. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The Specialist Firearms Command (MO19, previously SO19, CO19 and SCO19) is the firearms unit of the Metropolitan Police.

CO19 were in the building. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


They were very aware of his character flaws. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He knew what it was costing him. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Get CO19 out there. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Where does he go? - Um, ducks behind shops 消えた(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


That's me done for the day. 今日はこれで帰ります(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She'll be disinclined to chat. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


A security detail. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I got life for murder. It should've been five years for manslaughter, with diminished. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Ambulance en route, ETA four minutes, over. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Where was the shooter? - As far as we could establish, he turned the corner. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


No negotiations will be entered into. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


trading estate : (in British English) A large area in which a number of commercial or industrial firms are situated. Also called: industrial estate

That's a vacant property, overlooked by a trading estate. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You going back to the factory? 署に戻るのか(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Many of us are bedraggled old fossils. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He was a freak of nature. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She loves you a great deal. - Well, she has a funny way of showing it. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Flattery to appease a malignant narcissist, that's a frivolous tactic. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I think you gave in to your true nature. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You gave in to guilt and self-loathing. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Lynch glassed him. Sorrel bled out. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The police were heavy handed. 高圧的(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Suffered at the hands of the police. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He was forced to leave under "administrative discharge," which means he had mental health issues. Army left him high and dry. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


So, let's get out there and get him. Let's have it, then! 動いて(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


As ready as is humanly possible to be. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


All personnel will be issued with bullet-proof vests. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


If there's one thing you learn from being in Iraq, it's how to make an IED. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He's inside. "Life without possibility." (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The killer had to be close by, watching. I mean that puts him within 500 metres, line of sight. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Lace your hands on top of your head. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The ultimate responsibility for the death of these officers lies with your dad. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Half a dozen names hit key markers. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Flattery to appease a malignant narcissist, that's a frivolous tactic. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Owen was never soldier material. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It's niggling me. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


On a day like this, if all you've got is a niggle, you're laughing, mate. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We've got a nut job out there gunning down our uniforms. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


There was Terry Lynch the hard man. But now there's Terry Lynch the nunce. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Owen had an impressive number of kills to his name. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


DCI Luther is facing a charge of assault occasioning actual bodily harm. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He gave you a pass. 罪に問わない He's not pressing charges. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We'll broaden the search parameters. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


All major news media outlets have picked up on it. It's out there, it's not coming back. もうニュースは公になって取り戻しがきかない。(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Owen found it profoundly stressful. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


A pay-as-you-go. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The operation was passed up to Anti-Terrorism. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


See if we can't find our man on his recce. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


All right, everyone. Roll up, roll up. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Hey, listen, I don't respond well to threats. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Rescind the order. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I need a reduction in sentence. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'm gonna strip you of that dignity and make you the most reviled prisoner. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


No more CCTV? - No. Coverage is spotty at best. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Look at him, square shoulders. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Alice, I know this is just a sport to you, but you need to stop. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Sniff out this bastard. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


His life's in shreds. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


That's gonna be a damn sight more than you're gonna get. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Do you think I can't take a slap? - Oh, I'm sure you can take a slap. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Your skull goes splat, straight out with the shot. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I know a lot of people in this prison. Lot of screws, lot of inmates, lot of nasty people, really. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'm gonna strip you of that dignity. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You ex-services? You look it. 元軍人(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I threw the first punch. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He was shot at close range. Double tap to the chest. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We've triangulated the signal. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Am I being transparent, here? 私の言っていること理解できた?(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


We need a first response tactical unit to the Kings Hill Estate. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He was targeting the uniforms. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I've received a viable threat. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I'm secure enough to weather any comparison you care to make with your ex-husband. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You wonky bastard. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You're yesterday's news. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)




Nothing in her affect points to survivor guilt. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


So her affect's off. It could be medication, shock. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


That's pretty atypical. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


These child prodigies, they're not one thing or the other, they're sort of freaks 天才は皆変だ。(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I don't see how it's possible to arrive at that conclusion. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Find another angle. There are no other angles. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Things look bleak, and you must be feeling very alone. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Are you trying to beguile me? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


He used knives. A blow torch. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Contract killer, maybe? - Well, it's workable. 委託殺人(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


low-calibre handgun 小口径の拳銃(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


The Board of Inquiry's came down on my side. - Oh, John! Oh, really good news, that's great. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


CPS : Crown Prosecution Service 検察庁

There's no forensics, no witnesses. Timeline alone gets laughed at the CPS. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Don't you believe in evil? - I have to. I've seen it. Henry Madsen. Henry and others like him. - Me? - Conceivably. かもな(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You committed a crime that will cost your job. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


No grounds for disciplinary action. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Will Luther drag us all down? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You'd degrade the law you serve just to protect some woman. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


A comprehensive investigation under your edict cleared him of any wrongdoing. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


evidence of absence : This is evidence of any kind that suggests something is missing or that it does not exist. What counts as evidence of absence has been a subject of debate between scientists and philosophers. It is often distinguished from absence of evidence.

Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. 証拠がないのは、なかったことの証拠にはならない。例:医学に当てはめれば「効くというエビデンスがないことは、効かないことの証明にはならない」(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


She's a research fellow. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


How fatuous they look? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


turn one's face from ~から目をそらす

Why did your wife turn her face from you? 裏切る(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


garden leave / gardening leave : ガーデンリーブとは、在籍期間を延長し、その期間の就労を免除したうえで、給与の支給を行うことです。 昨今、外資系企業におけるガーデンリーブは、会社側が退職勧奨をする際に、労働者が応じやすいように、転職の便宜として設けられることが多くなってきました。 しかし、本来的には、一定期間、企業機密に触れられないようにして、競業避止義務を課すことによって、企業秘密を保持することを目的として用いられてきたものです。 ガーデンリーブの平均期間は3か月程度

This is where you spend your gardening leave, is it? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Got myself together. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I've got myself together. All right? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Glasgow Coma Scale(GCS)(グラスゴー・コーマ・スケール)とは、1974年に英国のグラスゴー大学によって発表された意識障害の分類で、現在世界的に広く使用される評価分類スケールである。日本では主に脳神経外科領域で用いられることが多い。開眼・言語・運動の3分野に分けて記録し、意識状態を記録できる。しかし、日本では、Japan Coma Scale(JCS)が広く用いられている。

The only other witness is in a coma, measuring three on the Glasgow scale. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


honor killing名誉殺人◆家や親族の名誉を守るという名目で、夫・父・兄弟などの男性が、家族である妻・娘・姉妹などの女性を殺すこと。女性の婚前性交渉や不貞により、あるいはレイプの犠牲になることなどにより、家や親族の名誉が汚されたと考え、名誉回復のためにその女性を殺害する。イスラム教圏などで古くから慣習的に行われてきたが、21世紀に入っても一部で慣習は残り続け、非合法ながらも多くの女性が犠牲になっている。パキスタンではその慣習がKaroKariと呼ばれている。

Honour killing. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I feel sick. I've got this permanent knot in my stomach. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I've lobbied to be stationed with you. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Possible vantage points, any hiding places. Good line of sight. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Are we being listened to? 盗聴されている(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


That must get monotonous for someone as brilliant as you. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You do know the man is nitro-glycerine? すぐ爆発する(刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


All those years spent up to your neck in malignancy. All those months looking for the killer, Henry Madsen. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Are you familiar with Ockham's razor? - "All things being equal, the simplest solution is the best solution." (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


There's got to be something we can find to charge her with. - Such as? Being a space oddity? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Some woman who cast you aside like offal? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Behind the plasterboard. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Observe case management protocol. Any pro-active strategies are to be signed off by me. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I put in the request nine months ago. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Point of entry. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


People slip up. Happens time and time again. - Well, that's just faulty logic postulated on imperfect data collection. What if you only catch people who make mistakes? (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Polymer frame. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Why the overkill? - Perversity. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


You can revel in your brilliance. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


This is professional ruination. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


I've lobbied to be stationed with you. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Something didn't sit right. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


That would skew the figures. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Bring me something of substance. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


T'Pau : トゥ・パウは、シンガーのキャロル・デッカーが率いるシュロップシャー州シュルーズベリーで結成されたイングランドのロック・グループである。1980年代後半にイギリスで一連のトップ40ヒットを記録した。特筆すべきは、「China in Your Hand」「ハート・アンド・ソウル」「バレンタイン」

Do you ever get a song stuck in your head? And it just keeps going round and round and round? - T'Pau. China in Your Hand. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


A sense of unease. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


It seems unduly pitiless to me to burn someone's dog. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Four bullets in the dog to maximise the mess. To make the cause of death unambiguous. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


In that urn. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Possible vantage points, any hiding places. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)


Contract killer, maybe? - Well, it's workable. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)



Way to get me sacked. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)