先日 夢を見た。 焼肉食べ放題でしこたま牛肉を食べていた。
Even I was astounded. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You're always apprehensive, Charlie. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Avis : Avis Car Rental, LLC is an American car rental company headquartered in Parsippany, New Jersey. I'm renting my goats out. They have become Avis goats. (クラークソン、農家になる)
To ascertain the quality of what we'd harvested. (クラークソン、農家になる)
In UK tipping is discretionary and given for exceptional service, not demanded as par for the course. (クォーラ)
That's the deer catching us. He's busted us. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Lisa made a beeline for the roller machine. (クラークソン、農家になる)
For belt and braces, I then buried the equally mouldy filter deep underground. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This has been the bane of our lives. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It'll take a little bit of battering. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We then had to break off from pig midwifery. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Literally a butterfly can flap its wings in China and you go bankrupt. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Big C (Informal) Cancer.
I decided I was going to beat this monster, the Big C.
He beat the Big C. (クラークソン、農家になる)
What is the CCP? It says it's the Chinese Communist Party. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Our cut-price car park. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Lisa got a crash course on how to operate the 14-tonner. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Coupled with the fact. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A very strong crosswind. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There's been a massive cock-up. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He'd been too conservative with the nitrogen fertiliser. 化学肥料の量が控えめすぎた。(クラークソン、農家になる)
Now we're cooking! (クラークソン、農家になる)
You're just a contractor. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I immediately wanted a catch-up on the crops. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Lisa had commandeered one of the fields. (クラークソン、農家になる)
have another crack at making crisps. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Your durum wheat is exceptional on some counts. (クラークソン、農家になる)
She's quite a character. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Depending on the state, you may see people walking around with guns. It can be disconcerting. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The summer heat descended on Diddly Squat. (クラークソン、農家になる)
If you move your whole digger. ショベル
I'll stay on the digger. マシーン(クラークソン、農家になる)
They've known each other for donkey's years. (クラークソン、農家になる)
With the pig men dispatched, I then turned my mind to the next farming the unfarmed scheme. (クラークソン、農家になる)
If you're going to kill a deer, you may as well eat it. I mean, it's daft not to eat it. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Digging a drainage ditch. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You dingleberry. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Doncastrians : People from Doncaster.
I look after fellow Doncastrians. He's from Donny, I'm from Donny. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Dealt the killer blow. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The durum must make pasta grade. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I may have got my decimal point wrong. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The finished mustard had been decanted into jars. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm not in full despair of this yet. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This dire forecast. (クラークソン、農家になる)
In UK tipping is discretionary and given for exceptional service, not demanded as par for the course. (クォーラ)
The bags of mushrooms I'd originally bought were exhausted and needed to be cleared out. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The erratic weather had ruined this crop as well. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Your durum wheat is exceptional on some counts. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It gives it a nice elasticity. So, stretchy dough. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Coca-Cola doesn’t taste as good, if you’re of that ilk. It’s made with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) instead of sugar. (クォーラ)
Night began to fall. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It falls on us to manage the deer numbers in this country. (クラークソン、農家になる)
flat pack (plural flat packs) : (Typically with regard to furniture) the pre-cut kit of sections used to make a piece of furniture.
With the flat-pack gun assembled, we set off for some target practice. (クラークソン、農家になる)
After a lot of faff. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That's fuck all. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I thought they were fracking. (クラークソン、農家になる)
She is farrowing outside. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The seed, ferts and sprays. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This woman however decided this was a gross violation of her civil rights and sought to complain. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Go in top gear. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I can barely hold my finger up in this gale. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Pig grunting softly. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The durum, that must make pasta grade. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The winter wheat is milling wheat. Yeah, it's made the grade. 合格した(クラークソン、農家になる)
The barley. Well, it won't germinate. 発芽する(クラークソン、農家になる)
The grand finale. (クラークソン、農家になる)
In the first year I went, "Shall I go back to London or shall I stay here?" (クラークソン、農家になる)
The details might be a little hazy. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Your hi-vis 蛍光福(クラークソン、農家になる)
In as humane a manner as possible. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Oh for Heaven's sake! (クラークソン、農家になる)
Hey-up. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Nicholas Ponsonby Haslam : (born 27 September 1939) He is an English interior designer and socialite, and founder of the London-based interior design firm, Nicky Haslam Studio.
Who's done your interior decoration?
Nicky Haslam, is it? (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's on my head. If you injure yourself now, do you know whose fault it is? Mine. I go to prison. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Haylage field. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Hard Rock Cafeハードロックカフェは、ハンバーガーを中心としたアメリカンレストランである。1971年6月14日、ロンドン在住のアメリカ人、アイザック・ティグレット(英語版)とピーター・モートンによって設立された。アメリカ料理に馴染みがなかった欧州ですぐに話題になり、ロンドンの新名所になった。(クラークソン、農家になる)
Coca-Cola doesn’t taste as good, if you’re of that ilk. It’s made with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) instead of sugar. (クォーラ)
You've got an intelligible, if uninteresting, question. (クォーラ)
The rubber tyres will insulate me from the electric shock. (クラークソン、農家になる)
jobby / jobbie
1. A job, or piece of work that has to be done.
I’ve just got a couple of wee jobbies to take care of around the house and then I’ll be right with you.
2. A thing for which you have forgotten (or never knew) the name.
Where’s the thingumajig? You know the doohickey, the wee electronic jobbie that fits on top of the whajamacallit?
3. A piece of excrement, a turd or an assemblage of turds. Although it does mean “shit” - you would never use it as an insult (unless you were trying to be funny?) “You shit!” can be an effective character assessment, whereas “You jobbie!” would just make you sound like you were 5 years old.
What dirty bugger has gone and done a jobbie in my running shoes?
You make your jobby in the loo. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Our most jinxed crop. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The electricity will knock out your signal. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Joseph Kevin Keeganジョゼフ・ケビン・キーガン(Joseph Kevin Keegan OBE、1951年2月14日 - )は、イングランド・ドンカスター出身の元サッカー選手、サッカー指導者。現役時代のポジションはFW、MF。バロンドールを二度受賞している
Doncaster has given the world Kevin Keegan, Diana Rigg. (Diana Riggダイアナ・リグ(Dame Enid Diana Elizabeth Rigg DBE、1938年7月20日 - 2020年9月10日)は、イギリスの女優。イギリスのテレビシリーズおしゃれ(秘)探偵(1965年-1968年)でのエマ・ピール役、007シリーズのボンドガール役(女王陛下の007(1969年))、近年ではゲーム・オブ・スローンズ(2013年–2017年)のオレナ・レッドワイン役で知られている。) (クラークソン、農家になる)
If you absolutely need to approach a US police officer, don’t be surprised if they are leery, look at you with suspicion, and even move their hand towards their gun. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We need about 2.4 by 4.8. for a car space - 4.8 m? - Longways. 縦はね(クラークソン、農家になる)
Get lambasted by everybody for harming the environment. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Do you wanna shoot a muntjac now? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Such a muppet. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We then gently mocked one another. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Let's not muck it up. (クラークソン、農家になる)
So now we'll go into the Met Office. They're saying 10 o'clock tonight rain. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's going to get medieval on our bottoms. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It loses the milling quality. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We then had to break off from pig midwifery. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The good news. My wheat made milling. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Oats made milling. (クラークソン、農家になる)
How many cuts did you get, in the end? - Three. But it didn't make any hay. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Why doesn’t Britain use 911 instead of 999? - Because back in the days of rotary dial phones when the UK introduced the first emergency call number 999 was the easiest number to dial in an emergency even if you couldn't see the phone. (クォーラ)
Diddly Squat had been overrun with deer. (クラークソン、農家になる)
overflow car park : (British) An area providing additional space in which to leave vehicles if the main car park is full.
Talks are underway about overflow car parks if required.
If you wouldn't mind moving your car to the overflow car park? (クラークソン、農家になる)
I have no idea what you're on about. (クラークソン、農家になる)
oo-ar : "oh yes", "oh right", "oh yeah" A sentiment of agreement. More likely to sound like "oh ah" in real conversation locally. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We got the burger van. Yeah, we have an outlet for our meat products. (クラークソン、農家になる)
When did the US allow the UK in on their US Harrier program? Were the UK Harrier copies as successful as the American originals? - Try interchanging US and UK in your question, together with one other tiny change - amend “American” to “British” in the penultimate word and you've got an intelligible, if uninteresting, question. (クォーラ)
Some provisional sums. 未定の額(クラークソン、農家になる)
Do we have to dig the soil in a bit or just plonk the mushrooms? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Take care of some pressing matters. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It pains me to say it. (クラークソン、農家になる)
An opportunity suddenly presented itself. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A pause in proceedings was coming. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He's patented this idea. (クラークソン、農家になる)
At the end of play, the car park still wasn't finished. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Eventually, the penny started to drop. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This year's an absolute pig. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Pitter-patter of the rain. (クラークソン、農家になる)
problem child 問題児
This meant we could turn our attention to the problem child, the oilseed rape. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Now my heart's really going to pitter-patter. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Charlie retired to his office to get quotes for building our new farm-shop car park. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I had three quotes back for the car park. (クラークソン、農家になる)
If my experience was representative. (クォーラ)
I'd just explained so rivetingly to Annie. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That was the best bit of reversing 見事な車のバック(クラークソン、農家になる)
The ring I’m going to design for the pigloos is retrofittable to what you've already got. (クラークソン、農家になる)
What am I shooting now? The roe's heart? (クラークソン、農家になる)
It was the news running alongside the other important stories of the day. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Some of the rinds I just cut up. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The weather reared its ugly head. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Diana Riggダイアナ・リグ(Dame Enid Diana Elizabeth Rigg DBE、1938年7月20日 - 2020年9月10日)は、イギリスの女優。イギリスのテレビシリーズおしゃれ(秘)探偵(1965年-1968年)でのエマ・ピール役、007シリーズのボンドガール役(女王陛下の007(1969年))、近年ではゲーム・オブ・スローンズ(2013年–2017年)のオレナ・レッドワイン役で知られている。
Doncaster has given the world. Kevin Keegan, Diana Rigg. (Joseph Kevin Keeganジョゼフ・ケビン・キーガン(Joseph Kevin Keegan OBE、1951年2月14日 - )は、イングランド・ドンカスター出身の元サッカー選手、サッカー指導者。現役時代のポジションはFW、MF。バロンドールを二度受賞している) (クラークソン、農家になる)
I like a little bit of a run-out. 遠出(クラークソン、農家になる)
What a rotten bit of luck for the Finns. (クラークソン、農家になる)
While sunning myself. (クォーラ)f
Leather soled dress shoes. (クォーラ)
The drainpipes froze and the slops from the afternoon service backed up in the pipes and sink. (クォーラ)
How are you? - I'm very well. Er... - You don't sound it. - Well, it's not great news. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You scrape the soil off. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I set about filling in the necessary forms myself. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Piglets were being squidged. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The caps for the bottles aren't on sufficiently well. (クラークソン、農家になる)
At the bottom of the bottle, there's a white sediment. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The rings for the pigloos have arrived, yeah. Well, they're more sturdy than I thought! (クラークソン、農家になる)
My income stream had been hit hard by the mould. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm loading the crop while stationary (not moving my vehicle). (クラークソン、農家になる)
We couldn't savour the normal joy. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's now putting up all these little shoots here. 芽(クラークソン、農家になる)
Canada's having a shocker again. It's really hot. (クラークソン、農家になる)
How we stood financially. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm properly stumped on that problem. (クラークソン、農家になる)
screwdriver : Orange juice mixed with vodka.
There were screwdrivers at the party
Theres's drivers and there's screwdrivers. And you're a screwdriver. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I set about turning the few seeds into a delicious mustard. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I decided it was time to spring a nice surprise on Lisa. (クラークソン、農家になる)
snub : (of the nose) short and turned up at the tip.
She's got her little snubby face! (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm in the fortunate position of having other income streams. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The summer visitors had arrived and were whiling away the hours up there, tucking into burgers
made with our beef. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You've gotta put the small bucket on there for the trenching 小さいショベルカーのショベルで掘ってくれ(クラークソン、農家になる)
You are Irish. I'm not typecasting, but it'll be in the blood to do so. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I totted up the damage. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You've got a washing machine and a tumble dryer. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It had been yet another tumultuous year. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Charlie's in the U.S. of A. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The upshot is, it didn't lose money. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A 30% uplift on farming the unfarmed. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We'd been valiant. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We reached a suitable vantage point. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That's the trouble with rape. It's a volatile crop. (クラークソン、農家になる)
virtue signalling : an attempt to show other people that you are a good person, for example by expressing opinions that will be acceptable to them, especially on social media. Virtue signalling is the popular modern habit of indicating that one has virtue merely by expressing disgust or favour for certain political ideas or cultural happenings. Virtue-signalling is often used as a pejorative, seeking to characterize expressions of morality as disingenuous. One example often cited as virtue signalling is "greenwashing" (a compound word modelled on "whitewash"), when a company deceptively claims or suggests that its products or policies are more environmentally friendly than they actually are.
I don't wanna sound like some virtue-signalling idiot on Instagram, but I do care about the soil. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A long haired wastrel. (クォーラ)
The summer visitors had arrived and were whiling away the hours. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I did the wording myself. (クラークソン、農家になる)
what3words :(ワットスリーワーズ)は、ロンドンに本社を置く位置情報テック企業。および同社の提供する位置情報サービス、ジオコーディングシステムである。 what3wordsを使えば、正確な位置情報を電話口で相手に伝えたり、自動車の音声ナビゲーションシステムやタクシーアプリ、またはウェブサイトのチェックアウトページに簡単に入力できる。
Have you got What3Words on your phone? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Whisk away the blend in the bowl. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Let's put them over yonder. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I shall correct the allegation. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You can't go and farm your own farm nowadays. A, they're so expensive. And B, everything's in a scheme. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The machine of destruction. Look at it. Mincing. Atomising. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Do your friends eat this shit? - Anyone who's everyone takes lion's mane mushrooms. (クラークソン、農家になる)
cover your ass (British: cover your arse) : abbreviated CYA, is an activity done by individuals to protect themselves from possible subsequent criticism, legal penalties, or other repercussions
That covers my arse? (クラークソン、農家になる)
We're back in business. (クラークソン、農家になる)
box : the male genitals. A term occasionally used by British schoolboys (influenced by ‘cricket box’, a protective shield for the genitals)
You need a cricket box. (a protective shield for the genitals) (クラークソン、農家になる)
Do you want a lunch box? (a protective shield for the genitals) (クラークソン、農家になる)
This involved wrapping bales of grass in plastic sheeting. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Brokeback Mountain『ブロークバック・マウンテン』は、2005年のアメリカ合衆国の恋愛映画。監督はアン・リー、出演はヒース・レジャー、ジェイク・ジレンホール、アン・ハサウェイ、ミシェル・ウィリアムズなど。 原作はE・アニー・プルーの同名の短編小説。アメリカ中西部を主な舞台として、1963年から1983年までの20年間にわたる、惹かれ合う2人の男性の姿を描く。
Brokeback marriageブロークバック結婚◆配偶者の片方が現在か過去に同性愛者である結婚。◆【語源】映画『Brokeback Mountain』
It is "Brokeback".(クラークソン、農家になる)
Lisa had had a brainwave. (クラークソン、農家になる)
play ball
1. ボール投げをする、球技をする
2. 行動に移る
Then, let's play ball back in the office. : それではオフィスに戻って仕事に取りかかろう。
3. 〈話〉協力する
4. 《野球》プレーボール、試合開始
play ball with
1. ~とキャッチボールをする、~と野球をする
2. 〈話〉(人)に協力する、(人)の意に沿う行動をとる◆【同】cooperate with
Put simply, the weather had not been playing ball. (クラークソン、農家になる)
If the weather plays ball, we've got half a chance. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's offensive, the French are not as patriotic as you think and even less chauvinistic. (クォーラ) (クラークソン、農家になる)
Christ Al-bloody-mighty. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There was something I needed to clear up with Lizzie. はっきりさせたいこと(クラークソン、農家になる)
If you get the fencing wrong, it's carnage, because you'll never keep the goats in. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Butt-crack. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This meant getting cracking with the car park. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The poison will slowly make its way through the dermis. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Kaleb and Charlie were being told off by the Downing Street door police. (クラークソン、農家になる)
dock leaf (plural dock leaves) : The leaf of the dock plant, traditionally rubbed against the skin as a remedy for the sting of nettles.
Goats have really eaten all the dock leaves and what have you. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It can be downright annoying. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Charlie's gloomy arable forecast put something of a dampener on proceedings. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A hastily erected mushroom stall. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Elvis, her absolute fave singer ever! (クラークソン、農家になる)
They'll think you're a fruitcake. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Fenland / the Fens : An area of low-lying land in eastern England.
We've got a Fenland Flag sausage. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Lisa and I had gone up to the mushroom bunker to see if any more had fruited. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Forth Road Bridge : The Forth Road Bridge is a suspension bridge in east central Scotland. The bridge opened in 1964 and at the time was the longest suspension bridge in the world outside the United States.
This is the Forth Road Bridge I've created. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It can be downright annoying. A point brought into sharp focus when Kaleb and I decided to resume work on the dam. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I shall go and flog the mushrooms. 売る(クラークソン、農家になる)
Kaleb and Charlie were having a much grander day. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Bringing the country to a grinding halt. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Goldilocks temperature. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Glyphosate used to be £40 for a 20 litre can. 除草剤(クラークソン、農家になる)
I would go back in a heartbeat! (クラークソン、農家になる)
A harried mom. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Now that we were heading into high summer. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Having boxed up the mushrooms, I high-tailed it over to the farm shop. (クラークソン、農家になる)
"I Heart London." Fuck that. (I-Love-London T-shirt) (クラークソン、農家になる)
In a highbrow think-tank discussion. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Bringing the country to a grinding halt. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I was now hawking the mushrooms round local pubs. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I didn't put my indicator on in this junction here. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That's juicy. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We could be over in a jiffy. (クラークソン、農家になる)
After that letdown. (クラークソン、農家になる)
lunch box (British slang) The male genitals when enclosed in clothing. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We were newly liberated from their council shackles. (クラークソン、農家になる)
the mains : (in British English) The place where the supply of water, electricity, or gas enters a building.
If you're given warning of a flood, turn off the electricity, gas, and water at the mains.
That's plugged into the mains, yeah? (クラークソン、農家になる)
make a meal ofを実際以上に大げさに見させる
He made a bit of a meal about getting to the point. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The extraordinary lion's mane mushrooms had started to appear. (クラークソン、農家になる)
At Number 10. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The NSF record book. That's great. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Okay. Onwards. I shall go. 私は行くよ(クラークソン、農家になる)
There's still enough oomph in the soil. (クラークソン、農家になる)
So we're selling them by the punnet. - How much do you reckon for a punnet? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Wellness props. 健康の道具(クラークソン、農家になる)
This is a porker. 太っている八木だ(クラークソン、農家になる)
Goats would certainly go through your polytunnel. Horns in a polytunnel wouldn't be a good mix. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Given the importance of the meeting, they met in a café for a pre-match chat. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm plotting. (クラークソン、農家になる)
My incredibly varied sales patter was shifting some decent quantities of mushrooms. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There was still time amongst all the madness to pause for the occasional treat. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Charlie's gloomy arable forecast put something of a dampener on proceedings. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's like going to a casino. If it's a £2 minimum bet, you'll have a punt. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He released the raptors. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Squeeze and retract the shoulder blades to open up the chest. (yoga) (クラークソン、農家になる)
Well, so rewind. もう一度先ほどの話題に戻りましょう。(クラークソン、農家になる)
It was time for the annual Red Tractor inspection, where we have to prove the farm is clean and well run. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've won the appeal. - Shut up! (クラークソン、農家になる)
A spot of goat. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They're on solids now, aren't they? 子ヤギたちは離乳した(クラークソン、農家になる)
Goats went for all our sapling trees. They went through two fields to get to the sapling trees. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Nothing is sacred (to him/them etc) : He, they etc have no respect for anything.
The goat likes you a lot. Literally nothing's sacred. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Stalag Luft IIIスタラグ・ルフト III(第三航空兵基幹収容所)は第二次世界大戦中にドイツ国防軍空軍が運営していた捕虜収容所であり、捕虜とした敵国の空軍軍人(航空機搭乗員)を収容した。この収容所は、ベルリンの南東100 ml (160 km) の低地シレジア県、ザーガン(現在のポーランド、ジャガン)の街の近郊にあった。この場所はトンネル掘削による脱走が困難なことから選定されたが、この収容所はトンネルを使用した有名な2つの捕虜の脱走で最も知られている。この脱走は、映画『大脱走』(1963年)と『木馬』(1950年)に描かれた。
The goats then use that as an escape. - What? Like Stalag Luft III? (クラークソン、農家になる)
The goats are clever enough to short out the electric fences. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Rishi Sunak : (born 12 May 1980) He is a British politician who has served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party since 2022. (クラークソン、農家になる)
President Ricky was in full schmooze mode. 社交モード(クラークソン、農家になる)
silage : grass or other green fodder compacted and stored in airtight conditions, typically in a silo, without first being dried, and used as animal feed in the winter. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I went out there and started mowing for silage. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Life on the farm was a smorgasbord of busyness. (クラークソン、農家になる)
So we're collecting silage, yes? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Silage, is grass that has been put in a bag which is wet and it's gonna ferment with all the sugars that naturally come off the grass, which is good for the cows with high sugar content. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Correct signage. 表示(クラークソン、農家になる)
My incredibly varied sales patter was shifting some decent quantities of mushrooms. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I was still barely scratching the surface. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Put some posts in. You slot one in, then another, then another. 杭を次々と立てていくんだ(クラークソン、農家になる)
It's like having spearmint through your head. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It might stuff your malting barley. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We had to get a shift on. (クラークソン、農家になる)
make a thing about ~のことで大騒ぎする、~のことで大げさに[ぎょうぎょうしく]騒ぎ立てる、~を大げさに言う[言い立てる・考える]、~のことでガタガタ言う、~を実際よりも深刻に受け取る、~を重大視する
Grey oyster mushrooms. I've made a thing for them (クラークソン、農家になる)
That told us. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Their escape plans are in tatters. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There's still enough oomph in the soil to throw out these little tillers. 土壌に力がありこういう芽がでるんです(クラークソン、農家になる)
Unmarked police car.
He's given us the whole shebang? (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'd bought goats to lay waste to my brambles. (クラークソン、農家になる)
with the best will in the world : (idiom UK) Used to mean "I would like to if I possibly could", in a situation where you cannot do something:
With the best will in the world, I can't employ him in the shop unless I can trust him.
if goats do keep getting out, best will in the world, what damage is it going to do? (クラークソン、農家になる)
We were now well into June. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Nothing of any great worth. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The arcs. 豚小屋(クラークソン、農家になる)
A government inspector had arrived to adjudicate on our appeal against the enforcement notice. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Without more ado, we began the inducement procedure. 出産を促すこと(クラークソン、農家になる)
Aga : An Aga is a range cooker that originated in Sweden in the early 20th century. An AGA is a heat-storage stove as well as a cooker.
I've moved the dying piglet away from the Aga and brought her next to the stove. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I drove away feeling like one of those Apprentice candidates that get fired in week one. (クラークソン、農家になる)
How the machine works is ad lib. As soon as it gets to a certain point, it automatically refills. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You've got the all-clear? That's the main thing. 癌が完治(クラークソン、農家になる)
Well, you haven't got the all-clear yet. 癌が完治(クラークソン、農家になる)
Hovercraft are making a bid to be the farmer's best friend. (クラークソン、農家になる)
My bespoke fertiliser tanks. (クラークソン、農家になる)
She's birthing well. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Then you break off. 中断する(クラークソン、農家になる)
I had a brainwave, which I was keen to share with Charlie. (クラークソン、農家になる)
barrel arch : An arch resembling a segment of a barrel in that its length is considerable compared to its span.
That old barrelled arch. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Our security needs beefing up. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I reckon we can sell them for a fiver each. – Easily. - You reckon? - Oh yeah. Big time. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You'll need to put a "best before" label on it. (クラークソン、農家になる)
bath saltsバスソルトとは、入浴する時に風呂に入れる入浴剤のこと。 塩化ナトリウムなどの砕いた水溶性鉱物などから作られる。 美容、入浴の楽しみの増進、清潔度の向上のために用いられる。(クラークソン、農家になる)
Best before date issues(クラークソン、農家になる)
We were ready to take delivery of the first batch of the mushroom. (クラークソン、農家になる)
My beloved robo-mulcher couldn't reach. I mean, that's the thickest brambles on the whole farm. (クラークソン、農家になる)
My bit is 500 acres. And about 490 of them are covered in brambles. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He was casing various houses in order to come back later and rob them. (クォーラ)
Bottle feeding the piglets with some colostrum. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I don't want the pig to die and just be all crumpled up and alone. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The woods were literally carpeted with nettles. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Pay them £8.50 an hour. But that brings me onto the costings. (クラークソン、農家になる)
charm offensive〔特に政治家が〕自身のカリスマ性を強調して支持者を引き付けようとして行う広報活動、お色気攻勢◆ユニバーシアードにおける北朝鮮の美人軍団の活動についての報道で使われた言葉。
I had to go on a charm offensive with Lisa. (クラークソン、農家になる)
chapter and verse事細かに、正確かつ詳細
Not to make a mistake, the policemen wanted to know things chapter and verse. 失敗をしないために、警察は状況を詳細に把握しようとした。
Come on. Chapter and verse. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Did you have a catheter? (クラークソン、農家になる)
The durum wheat is our big money crop. (クラークソン、農家になる)
If she's not going to get better and she's suffering, it's Dignitas time. (クラークソン、農家になる)
So if you want me to do the deed, then I'll sort it out. (クラークソン、農家になる)
When would you do the deed? (クラークソン、農家になる)
The site I'd earmarked for my mushroom operation. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Epsom salts : crystals of hydrated magnesium sulphate used as a purgative or for other medicinal use. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They must be sold by the end of play tomorrow. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He just brings me these soups with his eejit face. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The poor piglet can't open her mouth. Her head's flopping around on the nipple. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've got a feisty piglet. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The second time mushrooms flush, So you get more than one harvest. (クラークソン、農家になる)
In the first flush, the profit of mushrooms. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A fogger fan. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We roll a fag. 紙タバコを丸める(クラークソン、農家になる)
So much aggravation on both the economic and domestic front. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's not survival of the fittest? (クラークソン、農家になる)
shit gimp : Loves wearing a leather gimp suit and mask while being voluntarily chained to a basement wall and joyfully begging for more of master's feces in which to consume like the fuckboy slave he is.
Tell you what, you look like a shit gimp. (クラークソン、農家になる)
gimp suit :A rubber suit covering the entire body except the mouth, with a rubber cock in the appropriate location. A woman will then have sex with the suit while the man (or woman) is wearing it.
I've got to spend 8 hours in this gimp suit. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've got a gilt who's given birth to one piglet. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's also been quite useful for the pheasants that I rear to shoot at Christmas time, but we'll gloss over that. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Grow bags? (クラークソン、農家になる)
£3,620. It is impressive. This is minusing the costs of the bags to buy the grow bags. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This meant Kaleb had to get into another gimp suit. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The subsidies are going. なくなっている(クラークソン、農家になる)
How many bags a week do you think we're gonna get through? 使い切る。(クラークソン、農家になる)
These are your handlebars. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The most hard-hearted farmer. (クラークソン、農家になる)
One of the things I can't get my head around. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Give me head space to dream up new ways of farming the unfarmed. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's basically like a hedge clipper. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Holy cow. Holy Moses. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Give her an anti-inflammatory, give her an antibiotic. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Of equal importance was the future of the burger van. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Without more ado, we began the inducement procedure. 出産を促すこと(クラークソン、農家になる)
So, thirty goats. Kids. Just for you. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Have you got any lube? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Lisa will have some lube. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Did the piglets get laid on by the mother and died? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Another sow started giving birth. But this time to a litter of only three. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Her breathing is laboured. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Up and down hills and it's all a bit lumpy bumpy. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The arrival of spring gave everyone a much-needed lift. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Linda Lovelace リンダ・ラヴレース、本名リンダ・スーザン・ボアマン(Linda Susan Boreman, 1949年1月10日 - 2002年4月22日)は、アメリカ合衆国ニューヨーク市ブロンクス出身の女優。1972年のポルノ映画『ディープ・スロート』で有名となり、その後ポルノ映画に対する反論者になった
There is no pump for the milking machine for the baby goats. - So it's just them sucking? - Yeah. And it's gravity. - Well, they're gonna have to be Linda Lovelace to suck it that far. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You've got the all-clear? That's the main thing. 癌が完治(クラークソン、農家になる)
With a Maccy D. (クラークソン、農家になる)
She's come out for a Maccy D. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Then Nathan arrived and started to work vet miracles. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We'll make it our life's mission to make that piglet survive. (クラークソン、農家になる)
£3,620. It is impressive. This is minusing the costs of the bags to buy the grow bags. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Lion's mane. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The sexual reproductive organ of the mycelium is the mushroom? (クラークソン、農家になる)
My beloved robo-mulcher couldn't reach. I mean, that's the thickest brambles on the whole farm. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The baby goats are just on milk at the moment. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The woods were literally carpeted with nettles. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You've never had nettle soup? - I've never had nettle soup. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's a need-to-know basis. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We went into overdrive to make sure everything in the farm shop was super local, council compliant and completely above board. (クラークソン、農家になる)
What's he on about? (クラークソン、農家になる)
While out and about in the wildflower meadows. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The only way of selling our beef and pork at a profit. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I need a burger and a truffle and parmesan for this, chef. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Admittedly, when it first started, we were taking the piss slightly. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Having followed proceedings closely. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I've seen you hold a pram. ベビーカー(クラークソン、農家になる)
Hello, darling. Hi, sweet pea. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Easy repair job for you. - Fucking hell! Not a prayer. ムリ(クラークソン、農家になる)
Why is the land so patchy? (クラークソン、農家になる)
The product must be sold by the end of play tomorrow. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I ain't taking the piss. (クラークソン、農家になる)
£70 a bag of milk powder. It is like liquid gold. You will be very protective of your milk powder. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That's as straight as a roundabout! 皮肉(クラークソン、農家になる)
She's got a rasp in her breathing when you're listening to her lungs. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The pheasants that I rear. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They all run on electricity. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I think our football team could be relegated. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Ryan Rodney Reynolds OBC : (born October 23, 1976) He is a Canadian and American actor, producer, and businessman. As a businessman, he holds an ownership stake in Mint Mobile and is a co-owner of Welsh football club Wrexham A.F.C.
You may as well join Wrexham. Get in for the fame. Ryan Reynolds. (Wrexham Association Football Clubレクサム・アソシエーション・フットボール・クラブは、ウェールズの都市レクサムを本拠地とするサッカークラブである。) (クラークソン、農家になる)
let rip : (Informal) Do something vigorously or without restraint. Express oneself vehemently or angrily.
The brass sections let rip with sheer gusto.
Charlie felt he had suffered enough insults and suddenly let rip.
let rip 1. 〈話〉〔感情などを〕吐き出す 2. 〈話〉言いたい放題言う、やりたい放題やる
Let rip. (クラークソン、農家になる)
roll cageロールケージとは、事故による横転(roll over)などから車内部のスペースを保護するため、車両のボディ剛性を上げるための自動車や農機等に組み込まれる鋼やアルミ等のパイプで作られたカゴ状のフレームである。
It's to hold the roof up. It's a roll cage. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Can I interest you in the new Diddly Squat range? 商品(クラークソン、農家になる)
a bit of skirt : British English informal not polite an offensive expression meaning an attractive woman
You can always get one of those hover trucks with a bit of skirt. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The hovercraft is your lift engine, that fills the skirt with air. (クラークソン、農家になる)
If the piglet is sideways in the mother, we've got to give the vet a call. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Come here slithery girl. (生まれたばかりのpigletに対して) (クラークソン、農家になる)
She's obviously squidged the piglet. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Streaming television to watch. (クラークソン、農家になる)
SMA : Simulated milk adapted, an infant formula
Have we got any pig milk? Like SMA? (クラークソン、農家になる)
I don't know if you're up to speed on our sickly sow. (クラークソン、農家になる)
God, strewth, that's brilliant. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You can see the pig swaying from side to side. She hasn't eaten. (クラークソン、農家になる)
All over the farm, there are splodges of land. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The mushroom spores. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The sceptics will have overdone it. アメリカ人(クラークソン、農家になる)
Chicken stock. だし(クラークソン、農家になる)
It's a good, thick soup, so with some of our sourdough, it'll go great. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm gonna spray them all off. 除草剤をまく(クラークソン、農家になる)
I stuck at it until my ageing body could take no more. 鞭うつ(クラークソン、農家になる)
We'll do a sap test, which is kind of like a blood test for a plant. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Oh, God strewth. (クラークソン、農家になる)
What if we squirted a fire extinguisher down the pipe? (クラークソン、農家になる)
You've got a three-day shelf life. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Speckled chestnuts. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Local sawmills. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You're gonna have more mushrooms than Sainsbury's, I'm telling you. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's not survival of the fittest? (クラークソン、農家になる)
We had to sex-split the weaners. which, in English, means separating the boy piglets from their sisters. (クラークソン、農家になる)
How does anyone sex-split a weaner? (クラークソン、農家になる)
The piglet was not finding a teat to drink from. (クラークソン、農家になる)
How many teats has this one got, 16? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Lisa can give unborn piglets a bit of a tug? (クラークソン、農家になる)
If you can feel legs or head in the mother pig, you've got to try and tease out the piglet. (クラークソン、農家になる)
360-degree feedback : information that someone gets regularly about how well they are doing their job from each group of people they work with, for example their managers, the people they manage, and sometimes also their customers:
Provide leaders with 360-degree feedback for improving their leadership abilities.
Seeing me, there was a gasp around the room. - 360s. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The piglet is in there just looking for a teat. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We're having a really tottering time with the piglet births. Really tottering. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We'd turn this round in a week, wouldn't we? この状況をかえる(クラークソン、農家になる)
You're no one to talk. You can't say this to me. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'll lift the machine in there for you with the telehandler. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A unitary confederation. (クォーラ)
the Universiade swimming meetユニバーシアード水泳競技会
Japanese University Sports Board〔【略】JUSB〕日本ユニバーシアード委員会
Bigger events were unfolding around us. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We'll have you up and about in no time. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We'll have you up and running. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Vomit, what's it like? 全部言ってくれ(クラークソン、農家になる)
Hello, veterinary clinic. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Well and truly stuck. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You look at my workings out. - I'm not gonna check your workings. 計算(クラークソン、農家になる)
You wanna give it a whirl? (クラークソン、農家になる)
West Bromwichウェスト・ブロムウィッチは、イングランド中部、ウェスト・ミッドランズにあるタウン。サンドウェル最大の町である。バーミンガムから北西に8キロメートルほどの距離にあり、都市圏に含まれる。歴史的カウンティとしてはスタッフォードシャーに属する。 町を本拠地とするサッカークラブ、ウェスト・ブロムウィッチ・アルビオンFCが有名。レッド・ツェッペリンのボーカリスト、ロバート・プラントの出身地としても知られる。
Who've we got tomorrow? - Is it West Brom? - No. Who, Chelsea? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Wrexham Association Football Clubレクサム・アソシエーション・フットボール・クラブは、ウェールズの都市レクサムを本拠地とするサッカークラブである。
Cf. Ryan Rodney Reynolds OBC (born October 23, 1976) is a Canadian and American actor, producer, and businessman. As a businessman, he holds an ownership stake in Mint Mobile and is a co-owner of Welsh football club Wrexham A.F.C.
You may as well join Wrexham. Get in for the fame. Ryan Reynolds. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That would be wishful thinking. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We had to sex-split the weaners. which, in English, means separating the boy piglets from their sisters. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I love the pigs. They've been my favourite animals that we've had on the farm by a long way.
You're aiding and abetting him. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We can't give them any more ammunition. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Did you manage to get across to her, the importance of not selling the goods. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I got back to my winter jobs, which alternated between tedious and unbelievably rewarding. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The Boxing Day telly. (クラークソン、農家になる)
My first thought was it's been taken by a Red Kite, a Buzzard or something, (Kite 鳶) (クラークソン、農家になる)
Let's be brutally honest. (クラークソン、農家になる)
With these crayfish burrowing into these banks. (クラークソン、農家になる)
quite a complex set of burrows. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Get the ball rolling. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That's bang on. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Bed it with clay. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm going to small bale the hey. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You carry on selling stuff that is in breach of this enforcement notice. (クラークソン、農家になる)
With me in a rented Bobcat. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The boar I'd rented to impregnate the lady pigs. (クラークソン、農家になる)
In a bittersweet way it was time to take the first batch of pigs to the slaughterhouse. (クラークソン、農家になる)
After they are slaughtered, I'm assuming you want everything from the pigs bar the squeal. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Some crayfish. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Crab steering : Also known as sideways driving or crabbing, is a technique used in some vehicles to move in a direction that is diagonal to the orientation of the vehicle. In crab steering, all the wheels of the vehicle are turned in the same direction, causing the vehicle to move both forward and sideways simultaneously. This technique is often used in heavy equipment such as cranes, forklifts, and some off-road vehicles to maneuver in tight spaces or to align the vehicle precisely. Crab steering can be particularly useful in situations where traditional steering may not provide the necessary precision or maneuverability.
Can you put it on crab steer? (クラークソン、農家になる)
You're not in crab steer. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You've got to get it in crab steer. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Colostomy! (クラークソン、農家になる)
Cock! (クラークソン、農家になる)
How much was it? - £1,050 !! - But I think that can be cancelled out by how happy it makes me. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It'll be me in The Daily Mail. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They're the grey squirrels of crayfish. - Yeah effectively. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We can effect a repair. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Fetching little pond down here. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I am flabbergasted at this. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You know sometimes you're quite firm with me. Could you be that firm with Lisa? (クラークソン、農家になる)
That's a bit flash. 驚きだわ(クラークソン、農家になる)
Do you know for every middle white pig in the world, there are 3 giant pandas. ミドル白豚はジャイアンントパンダよりも希少よ。(クラークソン、農家になる)
The gravel has all been washed away. (クラークソン、農家になる)
gray squirrel : a common light gray to black squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) that is native to eastern North America and has been introduced into Great Britain and South Africa
American crayfish have killed all our English crayfish? - They're the grey squirrels of crayfish. - Yeah effectively. (クラークソン、農家になる)
How do you get on with them? (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've got the message through. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Praying that Charlie had got through to Lisa. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Lisa has screwed me on this one, I'll grant you. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The annual Christmas tractor run heralded the start of the Yuletide festivities. (クラークソン、農家になる)
a deal and a half : quite a good deal
You've had a deal and a half then. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They could have had HS2 built in about 20 minutes. 鉄道(クラークソン、農家になる)
Does it keep me out of your hair? (クラークソン、農家になる)
In their snazzy new jumpers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Rupert using his JCB. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The kingfishers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
At the knuckle. 枝(クラークソン、農家になる)
You're going to have to get a chainsaw and lop that branch off. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Then Rupert tried to pull the tree up on his lonesome. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Look at the micro pig. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He's on the mend. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Jesus, got him manhandling me. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The radio-controlled robo-mulcher. (クラークソン、農家になる)
What manner of thing is this? (クラークソン、農家になる)
I have put a moratorium on selling the goods. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Mincing. Minced. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This mountain of bills. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The Oxford Sandy and Black : This is a British breed of domestic pig.
The pig’s father hadn't been a pedigree Sandy and Black. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We had to start by trimming the overhead branches of the tree. (クラークソン、農家になる)
With Tom's advice about not using heavy machinery taken onboard, トムの重機を使うなという助言を踏まえて(クラークソン、農家になる)
The overflow pipe. (クラークソン、農家になる)
February was now upon us. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Now the pigs were here, my outgoings were also on the rise. 支出(クラークソン、農家になる)
Feeling peckish? (クラークソン、農家になる)
The pigs had sticky up ears. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Into the pigloo. 豚小屋(クラークソン、農家になる)
I went back to installing the new fully insulated pigloos. (クラークソン、農家になる)
To prep his field. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We're going to pollard it. We're going to take off all the weight at the top of the willow. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's pollarding. It's going to maintain the tree, make it last longer. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Prune the tree of excess weight. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The pointy-eared mongrel piglets. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There's always a runt. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The next day, little runt piggy went missing. (クラークソン、農家になる)
My first thought was the piglet been taken by a Red Kite, a Buzzard or something. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You're gonna have to seriously reprimand him. (クラークソン、農家になる)
How are we going to rectify this mess? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Five railway sleepers(クラークソン、農家になる)
Possible prison, of course. Depending on the scale of the situation. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Everything went swimmingly. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We dug through the subsoil. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The squabbling got worse between me and Kaleb. (クラークソン、農家になる)
strewth : (UK, Australia, New Zealand) A mild oath expressing surprise or generally adding emphasis. Corruption of God's truth.
God strewth. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's a statutory requirement to notify the local authority. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They're snuffling around. - Have they started truffling? (クラークソン、農家になる)
They are shitting themselves laughing at the notion that I know Joe Wicks. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The shop had to be squeaky clean. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Hydraulic secateurs. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Just waiting for the cable to snap and scythe through the cab, severing my abdomen. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I don't think the piglet has been suckling his mother. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The blue ears of the piglet is he's probably got a bit of septicaemia. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A piglet tsunami was on its way. 子豚がたくさん生まれる予定だった。(クラークソン、農家になる)
You were tethered. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'd behaved more like a farmer and not had any unmanly moments. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Nice south-westerly blowing. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Joe Wicks has moved up here apparently. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They are shitting themselves laughing at the notion that I know Joe Wicks. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The annual Christmas tractor heralded the start of the Yuletide festivities. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We're at about 250 regular customers, and that spreads from small artisan bakeries to Marks & Spencers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Kaleb was conspicuous by his absence. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This bit isn't in the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. (クラークソン、農家になる)
What I think we should do is put our views across in a sensible, logical, objective way. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He's bewildered. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You were missing boron, or magnesium or something specific. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Boutros Boutros-Ghali : (/ˈbuːtrɒs ˈɡɑːli/14 November 1922 – 16 February 2016) He was an Egyptian politician and diplomat who served as the sixth Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1992 to 1996.
I then put on my 'Boutros Boutros' hat. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There was only one man pig left. - Boar? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Lisa's beside herself! (クラークソン、農家になる)
A sow, a gilt and a boar. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You see the boar mounting that sow. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You blithering idiot. (クラークソン、農家になる)
In the hope he'd get the birds and the bees sorted out. (クラークソン、農家になる)
What we've got to get away from is monocultures. 単一栽培は避けるべき(クラークソン、農家になる)
CF Industries Holdings, Inc. : This is an American manufacturer and distributor of agricultural fertilizers, including ammonia, urea, and ammonium nitrate products.
You're not having to give Mr CF Industries £1,000 for your fertiliser. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Corrugated iron. (クラークソン、農家になる)
So those pigs are how old? - They're coming up to a year now. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It was then time to put the young piglets in their compound. (クラークソン、農家になる)
When the sun shines on them, The pigs look metallic. - Chestnut. They're like conkers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
If there's a big 'clonk', I could squidge a pig. この重りを落としたら、豚はつぶれるね。(クラークソン、農家になる)
I cracked on with farming life. (クラークソン、農家になる)
clearing shower : the final and usually heaviest shower of a storm.
It's just a clearing-up shower. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Judith Rosemary Locke Chalmers OBE : (born 10 October 1935) is a British television presenter who is best known for presenting the travel programme Wish You Were Here...? from 1974 to 2003.
Judith! You're back! - Judith? - Judith Chalmers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
George had dropped round to talk about their big idea. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Doubly thankful. (クォーラ)
You carry on using the same extractive system based on chemicals. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Then came the really enticing bit. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Eejit. (クラークソン、農家になる)
ESG : Environmental, social, and governance is a set of aspects, including environmental issues, social issues and corporate governance that can be considered in investing.
Allocated a certain percentage of their income to environmental, social and ESG governance. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Can we edit this out? (クラークソン、農家になる)
I don't think 'fight' is necessarily the right word. It's the emotive word. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's got us in a bit of a fix. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A moment only slightly spoiled by a social faux pas. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The young filly. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Are they what you call weaners? Or are they gilts? 離乳豚それとも未経産豚(クラークソン、農家になる)
stand your ground : (idiom) To refuse to be pushed backwards, or to continue in your beliefs in an argument.
The battalion stood its ground in the face of repeated attacks.
Clare stood her ground in the meeting and refused to be intimidated even when Michael got angry.
They'll stand their ground. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You will be able to hold your ground and resist the enemy's attack.
A sow, a gilt and a boar. (クラークソン、農家になる)
So sows had babies before? - Yeah. - A gilt hasn't. (クラークソン、農家になる)
One of the gilts. (クラークソン、農家になる)
With their corrupt governments running everything into the ground. (クォーラ)
He's got wheat and beans in his hopper. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The pigs have got their hackles up on the back of their neck. That's how you know they're getting a bit grouchy with each other. (クラークソン、農家になる)
How were the hols? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Their inept system.(クォーラ)
Ooh, that was juicy. (クラークソン、農家になる)
jacked up
1. physically or mentally stimulated from the effects of a drug or stimulant.
A racing car driver, jacked up on amphetamines.
I probably looked fairly drunk or jacked up. (クォーラ)
2. (of a person) having very well-developed muscles.
Back in his wrestling prime, he was nicknamed the 'Anabolic Warrior' for his jacked-up physique.
You can't put the pigs on a lead. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The long and the short of it is we could put those into a herbal ley. 牧草地(クラークソン、農家になる)
Annie Lennox : (1954–) a British singer and songwriter from Scotland. Before she began singing on her own, she had been the main singer in The Tourists and The Eurythmics with her former partner Dave Stewart.
Here comes the rain again. Now... - Okay, Annie Lennox. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There's some nodules on the plant. And that's the bit that the magic happens in the legume where it makes nitrogen from the atmosphere and stores it in the plant. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Pigs have litters of, like, 10 to 14 piglets. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The soil microbes. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We're at about 250 regular customers, and that spreads from small artisan bakeries to Marks & Spencers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
So your flour that you sell us can be going into M&S. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Mills-and-Boonin (British English) of or relating to novels by the British publisher Mills and Boon, esp in being romantic or sexual in nature
A Mills-and-Boon romance(クラークソン、農家になる)
a slushy Mills-and-Boon heroine
There was no time to enjoy this Mills & Boon moment. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Kaleb is still being a Millennial. ヤワ(クラークソン、農家になる)
Net-margin-wise, at the bottom line. 純益(クラークソン、農家になる)
No man's land
He's probably on Boy's Land. This is Man's Land. 彼はアマチュアだ。(クラークソン、農家になる)
There's some nodules on the plant. And that's the bit that the magic happens in the legume where it makes nitrogen from the atmosphere and stores it in the plant. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It made running the farm shop nigh on impossible as well. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There's been pig orgy going on. 乱交(クラークソン、農家になる)
Don't be petulant like a child. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Steer the pigs in the paddocks. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We have to put in a shift. 仕事しないと(クラークソン、農家になる)
He's going to pork her. The big sow wants to be porked. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I’ll hammer the council into the ground like tent pegs. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We put in a robust, objective response. 強固で客観的な対応をする(クラークソン、農家になる)
I know it's called regenerative farming. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The gangs throw the enemies into a ravine in the movie. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We filled a sprayer up with gallons and gallons of chemicals. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This is the Diddly Squat Heavy Machinery Unit swinging into action here. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Shandy sounds like a sort of thing a northern woman would drink in a pub. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Swivel it round. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This is a breeding sow. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The pig is nowhere near as stocky as I thought he'd be. (クラークソン、農家になる)
If there's a big 'clonk', I could squidge a pig. この重りを落としたら、豚はつぶれるね。(クラークソン、農家になる)
This week included one of Charlie's skull-numbing catch-ups. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I had to send the precious spelt wheat off to the mill. (クラークソン、農家になる)
My plans had hit a snag. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We got all the pigs sexed. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The council make that enforcement notice stick. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You were really drunk or strung out. (クォーラ)
We've got a tine drill. It moves the stone out the way. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Planting with a trowel? (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've gotta thread this through here. (クラークソン、農家になる)
When I drive forwards, it's going to tension the net strings on the fence. (クラークソン、農家になる)
throuple【名】〈話〉スラプル◆恋愛(または性的な)関係にある3人◆【語源】three + couple
We had to get the throuple's pig house built. (クラークソン、農家になる)
How did the world work without telehandlers? (クラークソン、農家になる)
This is like Tetris. Where does this go? (クラークソン、農家になる)
One burger, two truffle, one chilli. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It shows that you've uprooted a perfectly healthy plant, thus depriving me of some cash. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Our soils have been pounded and poisoned to a point where they're within a few decades of giving up. (クラークソン、農家になる)
If there's any pig farmers watching who wanna write in. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Are they what you call weaners? Or are they gilts? 離乳豚それとも未経産豚(クラークソン、農家になる)
They winter up here. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Lovely, romantic, it's Barry White. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've got the weaners there. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Diddly Squat is mainly an arable farm. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm gonna put you on the arable. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm a car-park attendant. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Does it contain any allergens? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Douglas Adamsダグラス・アダムズ(1952年3月11日 ‐2001年5月11日)は、イギリスの脚本家、SF作家。ファンの間ではBop Ad や Bob、もしくはDNA(フルネーム "Douglas Noël Adams"より)と呼ばれている。存命中に全世界で1500万部売れた『銀河ヒッチハイク・ガイド』の作者として知られる。
In a certain Douglas Adams book, the word “fuck” was replaced with “Belgium” in the American edition, a change which was required by the American publishers. (クォーラ)
Many stupid questions and comments from our cousins from the other side of the Big Pond. (クォーラ)
Barmaid’ was sexist, and should be ‘barkeep’ ! (クォーラ) (クラークソン、農家になる)
I've gotta back this out. バックする(クラークソン、農家になる)
You've wrapped a load of wire around the bearings of the trailer's wheel. 足回り(クラークソン、農家になる)
Alan's team were back at the site bright and early. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We'd opened a restaurant in the face of such a relentless barrage of opposition. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Everybody's going home with a suntan, a little bit of a beer buzz. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The helicopter just bobbles about. - Why does it bobble about? ヘリコプターが揺れる(クラークソン、農家になる)
We'd opened a restaurant in the face of such a relentless barrage of opposition. (クラークソン、農家になる)
In terms of a beefer. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Bucolic and wonderful. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The crops are taking a battering. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We could extract the latest batch of honey. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Do you mind backing up? 車両をバックさせる(クラークソン、農家になる)
You start bucketing that. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Bubble them away for half an hour or so. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The hedges would become bereft of fruit. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I will be bigging-up British products. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There's going to be a burgeoning pork market in China. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You'll have the local kids in there with their BMXs cycling around. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Boris Becker : Boris Franz Becker (born 22 November 1967) is a German former world No. 1 tennis player. 2015年10月に負債超過状態に陥り、ロンドンの破産裁判所に申し立てた負債支払い延期の要請が却下され、2017年6月21日午前11時23分に破産宣告された
Looked like Boris Becker's bank statement. (クラークソン、農家になる)
a brace of something : It refers to two of something rather than any other number of things
We've got a brace of Lamborghinis tractors on the job. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Challenge Anneka :This is a British entertainment reality programme that originally aired on BBC1 from 8 September 1989 to 15 October 1995 and is hosted by Anneka Rice.
You remember Challenge Anneka? -Yeah. - It'd be a bit like Challenge Anneka. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The next day I was collared by an excited Kaleb, who had some more good news. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The foxes have destroyed our chickens in that coppice. (クラークソン、農家になる)
croquette コロッケはフランスの多くの人々がよく知っていて料理にとても似ています
Korokke, which is like a Japanese croquette.
A deep-fried croquette. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Simon Philip Cowellサイモン・コーウェル(1959年10月7日 - )は、イギリスのソニー・ミュージックエンタテインメントの音楽プロデューサー。オーディション番組『ブリテンズ・ゴット・タレント』『The X Factor』などの審査員でよく知られている。出場者を酷評することで有名。コーウェルは音楽界とテレビ界の両方で働いており、パワーレンジャーなどの音楽もプロデュースした。日本語では、姓がカウエルと表記されることもある
Are you ready for the VIP suite? - This is when David Beckham comes, or Simon Cowell. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We are clearing now. Clear, everyone. 撤退する(クラークソン、農家になる)
The hardest thing was getting the germ wheat from Italy, as the seed, through customs. It sat at Calais for ten days. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's quite amazing to see it all come together. (クラークソン、農家になる)
She is not in calf. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Cease use of any part of the land. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We're going round and round in circles, wasting a lot of fucking good money. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I put my thinking cap on. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Rather craftily. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I insisted on British spelling for my book but was told that my ‘cowboys and Indians’ should be translated to American ‘cowboys and Native Americans’ and that ‘barmaid’ was sexist, and should be ‘barkeep’ ! Needless to say I did not allow such doggerel. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Otherwise we're done for. (クラークソン、農家になる)
double-O flour : This is simply flour that's been very finely milled.
They've got a special double-O flour thing. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm particularly proud of the durum wheat. (クラークソン、農家になる)
All we had left of the departed. 去った者の遺物 (クラークソン、農家になる)
Donbas : An industrial region in the Ukraine.
The battle of Donbas was a military offensive that was part of the wider eastern Ukraine campaign of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The offensive began on 18 April 2022 between the armed forces of Russia and Ukraine for control of the Donbas region.
Ah, well, unfortunate, isn't it? - It's like battle of Donbas. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You'd properly get people to duck! (クラークソン、農家になる)
Kaleb was getting a drubbing over his plans to plant oilseed rape. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Damsons in vodka. Leave it for a couple of months. And then, sell that. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The pollen-rich echium. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've got an empanada with, um - [Jeremy] We're calling that a pasty. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This is quite literally as far as the eye can see. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I did roll my eyes. I take it all back. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That's elderflower. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Pigs are foragers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
To get my "Farming the Unfarmed" project off the ground. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I am flabbergasted. (クラークソン、農家になる)
As a kitchen fitter you will be responsible for installing and fitting kitchens.
We can get the kitchen fitters in. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He ferried the guests to the site. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Basil Fawlty : He is the main character of the 1970s British sitcom Fawlty Towers, played by John Cleese. The proprietor of the hotel Fawlty Towers, he is a cynical and misanthropic snob, desperate to attract hotel guests from the British upper class. His inept attempts to run an efficient hotel, however, usually end in farce.
Our guests to our restaurant have the accompaniment of me in Basil Fawlty mode. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I only farm about 500 acres. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I wonder if you could farm the unfarmed? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Make the most money out of unfarmed land. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I then got a first-hand demonstration. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The man can hardly farm the farmed, let alone farm the unfarmed. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I assumed there'd be no opportunity for finger-wagging. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We fence that bit off. フェンスで囲む(クラークソン、農家になる)
They'd get it on. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The work finally kicked into gear. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Every builder's gonna go, "What were you thinking of? (go=言う) (クラークソン、農家になる)
When I'm in a car my other half doesn't go, "There's a car to the left of me." 妻は俺が運転しているとき左に車が来てるなんていちいち知らせないぜ。(クラークソン、農家になる)
We can get away with charging more. もっと値段を上げてもいいんじゃない。。(クラークソン、農家になる)
My heart was in my mouth. 心がハラハラ(クラークソン、農家になる)
header tank : (in British English) A reservoir, tank, or hopper that maintains a gravity feed or a static fluid pressure in an apparatus(クラークソン、農家になる)
Well, all hands on deck. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've showed our hand, haven't we? (クラークソン、農家になる)
There was one heart-in-the-mouth job that need taking care of. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He's got a good head start? (クラークソン、農家になる)
I needed to hoover up these. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Eat your heart out. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Can you hear me? - Yeah, loud and clear. (クラークソン、農家になる)
hell-for-leather(形) 猛スピードの◆【語源】19世紀末に最初に記録された乗馬に関する表現で、インド駐在のイギリス軍内で生まれたとされる。leatherが何を表すのかは、はっきりしないが、乗馬用のむちまたはくらではないかと考えられている。
A hell-for-leather chase
(副) 猛スピードで
We will then need to go hell for leather to get the restaurant built. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A lot of people just paint the wall with lime wash. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm sending a tweet about the restaurant opening. I'm four letters over. 4文字おおすぎ(クラークソン、農家になる)
I'd laid on a rapid-response delivery system. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He was entirely nonplussed by the mirth the comments had caused. (クラークソン、農家になる)
marine-grade plywood : This is a high-quality hardwood plywood made with waterproof glue. Though marine-grade plywood is not waterproof wood, it is water resistant, lightweight, strong, and virtually free of defects.
Put some inch marine ply. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A fox can't get through here at all. A mink can. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Mutchmeats Ltd. : A cow, bull, calf, goat, sheep, lamb and other mammal slaughterhouse in Oxfordshire.
Shall I ring Mutchmeats then? (クラークソン、農家になる)
He was entirely nonplussed by the mirth the comments had caused. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Send an email notifying the council of our plans. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The village nimbies. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Some years ago, we paid a visit to both the Shetlands and Orkneys. (クォーラ)
We then need to have it fully operational in two days. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Jersey Royal : The Jersey Royal is the marketing name of a type of potato grown in Jersey which has a Protected Designation of Origin. (クラークソン、農家になる)
JCB : (Trademark British) a type of mechanical excavator with a shovel at the front and a digging arm at the rear.
The work involved using a JCB to dig a trench eight to ten feet deep.
They're more like a JCB, they're earth movers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The bees would knock off for the year. 休止する(クラークソン、農家になる)
I leafed through Mrs. Beeton's old cookery book. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That plant would net me a fortune if it grew well. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Planting next year's oilseed rape was a non-starter. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Autumn was now upon us. (クラークソン、農家になる)
prêt-à-manger : fast food [noun] food that can be quickly prepared, eg hamburgers etc
(also adjective) a fast food restaurant. (クォーラ)
A long pregnant silence. (クォーラ)
Can you wear PPE? (クラークソン、農家になる)
We'd have had a Pole here. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've got an empanada. [Jeremy] We're calling that a pasty. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Then, having taken a calm pill, I came back. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I kept pinching myself that we'd actually done it. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Well, everybody's money is just being...Pissing it up against the wall. (比喩)
That smell is pungent.
What pH is it?
Keep it rustic. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The annual inspection needed to renew my Red Tractor certificate. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I wasn't 100% sure I'd get my Red Tractor stickers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Gordon James Ramsayゴードン・ジェームズ・ラムゼイ OBE (1966年11月8日 - )は、スコットランド出身の3つ星シェフである。性格は短気で、歯に衣着せずスタッフたちを罵倒したり、物を投げたりする。そんなキャラクターが受けてテレビ出演も多く、彼自身を追ったドキュメンタリー"Boiling Point"や、様々な問題を抱えるレストランを立て直す"Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares"、無名の若手シェフにお題を与え、彼らを叱咤・罵倒しながら料理を競わせる『ヘルズ・キッチン〜地獄の厨房』などは有名。
At this point, I realized that my inner Gordon Ramsay was doing more harm than good. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Alan, you're a rock star. (クラークソン、農家になる)
"Were you even taught the Ten Commandments?" she asked in a superior tone. - "In two languages, including the original," I inform her. "I was raised Jewish." I can rattle them off in full on demand in Hebrew and English. (クォーラ) (クラークソン、農家になる)
That is just rammed full of honey. たっぷり(クラークソン、農家になる)
I was being bashed on the rocks. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Some years ago, we paid a visit to both the Shetlands and Orkneys. (クォーラ)
We had to resort to stealth and secrecy. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've had a bit of a spillage. It's gonna want a sweep-up. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've had a bit of a spillage. It's gonna want a sweep-up. (クラークソン、農家になる)
swipe right直訳すると「右にスワイプ」。出会い系アプリTinderの画面操作において、相手の男性/女性を承認する時は「右にスワイプ」、断る時は「左にスワイプ」をすることから。『swipe right』とは、「承認・了承・OK」などを意味する英語スラング。反対に「swipe left」は、「却下・拒否・NO」という意味で使われる。
swipe right : (on the online dating app Tinder) indicate that one finds someone attractive by moving one's finger to the right across an image of them on a touchscreen.
I swiped right, but sadly for me, she swiped left.
So far, the bull had managed a bit of drinks-party chat with the heifer. But that was it. The rest of the time, he was swiping right elsewhere. 通常ならメスの牛に発情するのにな。(クラークソン、農家になる)
Kaleb, who'd really smartened himself up for the big day. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've got two sittings. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He's talking shit now. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A steady stream of guests came and went. (クラークソン、農家になる)
like stink (idiom UK informal) If someone works like stink, they work extremely hard.
They're open May, June They work like stink in the summer. (クラークソン、農家になる)
To spring a little surprise on Kaleb. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm just shitting it. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The skin is set. You know, new potatoes, You could rub the skin off. ジャガイモの皮が固い。(クラークソン、農家になる)
spelt wheatスペルトコムギ。 約7千年前に栽培されだした小麦の一種である。
One field of spelt wheat. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We're back on square one. (クラークソン、農家になる)
These are sloe berries. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You have to get that arch to straddle this wall. あの機械の局部がこの壁をまたぐように進まなければならない。(クラークソン、農家になる)
The blackberry-picking machine is like an arch. So I've gotta get my blackberry-picking machine to straddle this wall first of all. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This spreader. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Minor setbacks. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Stock-car track. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I set to work. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Servicing the Lambo tractor. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I decided to fire up my newly serviced tractor. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I recently went to a play, a major theme of which was racial inequality. After the show, there was a talkback with the cast. The facilitator of the talkback asked the audience if they had any questions or comments about the show.
They turfed the rooves of the buildings so they couldn’t be seen by the enemy from the air. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This is gonna be turfed. (クラークソン、農家になる)
tip (in British slang) A dump for refuse, as that from a mine. Informal. an untidy place, especially a room.
They must have packed and left in a rush because the place is an absolute tip. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It was just beyond a tip ten minutes ago とっちらかっていた(クラークソン、農家になる)
There's a constant throughput of people. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Working in tandem. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We had to lift the machine off, using two telehandlers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Pigs can truffle about and they just turn over the soil. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Why have you got all the steak tartare? (クラークソン、農家になる)
We'll be up and running.
I've never been in the air. You're effectively gonna take my air virginity. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The walls have ears. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They really were on the war path. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The bees will have to do a waggle dance here, won't they? - Well, they do waggle dance when they find source of nectar. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We need a fucking wand. Oh, a magic wand. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Let's have a wager. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The westerlies / anti-trades / prevailing westerlies :These are prevailing winds from the west toward the east in the middle latitudes between 30 and 60 degrees latitude.
There's a westerly blowing, in which case everyone gets drenched. 偏西風(クラークソン、農家になる)
We cannot have that walk-in fridge down here. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Somebody's gonna go whoosh. 暑い(クラークソン、農家になる)
wooden sleepersまくら木(クラークソン、農家になる)
Watercress. (クラークソン、農家になる)
the way forward : If you say that a particular type of action or development is the way forward, you approve of it because it is likely to lead to success.
Young players have got to be the way forward for every club.
It's the way forward. (クラークソン、農家になる)
No way! -Yes way! (クラークソン、農家になる)
Allegro :アレグロは、イギリスの自動車メーカー、ブリティッシュ・レイランドによって、1973年から1983年にかけて生産された小型乗用車である。
The Midlands made the Austin Allegro and the Morris Marina. (クラークソン、農家になる) (Midlandsミッドランズはイングランドの一部である。イングランド中部に位置し、ウェールズ、北イングランド、南イングランド、北海と隣接。ミッドランズはウェスト・ミッドランズ、イースト・ミッドランズ2つのリージョンを含める。ミッドランズは18世紀から19世紀にかけての産業革命において重要な地域である。最大都市のバーミンガムはイギリス第二の都市である。Marina :マリーナは、イギリスのブリティッシュ・レイランドのモーリス部門で1970年から1980年に製造された乗用車。イギリスのカーメディアでは同時期にデビューしたオースチン・アレグロなどとともに同国自動車産業低迷期の象徴として批判にさらされることがある。さらに製造品質水準の悪さや防錆対策の不備などの風評から、本車を「ワーストカー」であると酷評する声もある。BBC2で放送されているテレビ番組『トップ・ギア』ではマリーナがギャグとして頻繁に壊されるため、一部のマリーナの愛好者から抗議を受けることもある。)
The feed costs are astronomical. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We're buying in wheat at these astronomic prices to feed the pigs. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Sir David Attenboroughサー・デイビッド・アッテンボロー(Sir David Attenborough OM, CH, CVO, CBE, FRS、1926年5月8日 - )は、イギリスの動物学者、植物学者、プロデューサー、作家、ナレーター。デイヴィッド・アッテンバラなどの表記もある。ロンドン出身。兄は映画監督のリチャード・アッテンボロー。
This is kind to the environment and kind to animals. Sir Attenborough would like me for doing this. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The country's finest competitors are each allotted a nine-metre section of unkempt hedge. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The building, I take it, was built in accordance with the plans? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Apache : AH-64は、マクドネル・ダグラス社(現ボーイング)が開発した攻撃ヘリコプターである。アパッチ(Apache)の愛称は、アメリカ先住民のアパッチ族に由来する。
I can see two things at once like an Apache gunship whatever. - Like a goldfish. (皮肉) (クラークソン、農家になる)
Having absorbed the fact, she'd be cooking in a shoebox. 狭いところ(クラークソン、農家になる)
I braced myself for the customary bollocking. But amazingly, it didn't arrive. (クラークソン、農家になる)
If we've ticked the box with the roof of the restaurant, I'm really hopeful they turn around and say, "Yeah, great, have your car park." (クラークソン、農家になる)
Registering the numbers with the cow police would be a breeze. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Bottom line, though, the fire inspector was happy. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We're going to have a landscape bod. We're going to have a transport bod. We're going to have a planning bod. We might have a farm business bod. 専門家(クラークソン、農家になる)
Broadly speaking, how much does it cost? (クラークソン、農家になる)
1. 《法律》弁論趣意書、訴訟事件摘要書、準備書面◆法廷のさまざまな段階で提出される、訴訟の論点を明らかにして自らの立場を有利に運ぶための書類。なお、法律事務所内で訴訟の準備のために作られる書類を指すこともある。内容によりtrial brief, appellate brief, memorandum of lawなどと呼ばれることがある。◆【同】legal brief
The lawyer prepared a brief for his client. : 弁護士は、依頼人のために裁判の準備書面を用意しました。
There'll be a larger brief for you. (クラークソン、農家になる)
2. 〈英話〉法廷弁護士
binocular rivalry両眼視野闘争とは、2つの目でそれぞれ異なる視覚図形を見た場合、どちらか一方の図形が知覚され、時間が過ぎるとともに知覚が切り替わる現象。
I've got binocular rivalry. I can see two things at once. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The boisterous teenagers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I think you betta set this up here, hadn't ya? (クラークソン、農家になる)
What a banger this music is. とてもいい(クラークソン、農家になる)
Andy Garcia does our butchery. (クラークソン、農家になる)
build out
1. ~を増築する
The hotel manager planned to build out over the river. : ホテルのマネージャーは川向こうに増築する計画を立てた。
Are you building out? (クラークソン、農家になる)
2. 〔キャリア・システム・ネットワーク・関係などを〕築く、構築する
I braced myself for the customary bollocking. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A bit of Diddly Squat teamwork had saved my vegan bacon. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You're bang on. (クラークソン、農家になる)
If he can't make the heifer pregnant by IVF, [sighs] you fill in the blanks. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I've never had beer bread before. (クラークソン、農家になる)
People are parking on the verge and chewing them up. (クラークソン、農家になる)
My crisps are carcinogenic. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Can we put composite slate on for the roof, which is light? - No. Gotta be proper slate. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The delinquent calf was finally corralled into the field. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Do you know what this calls for? Cup of tea. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A cheeky plan to solve our car-parking issues. (クラークソン、農家になる)
God knows what came over me. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You could get probably forty-five covers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The cow can't get in calf. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Vegans won't eat cod liver oil or fish oil. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Have you seen the cock-up in there? (クラークソン、農家になる)
culter : Obsolete form of colter.
On the culters. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I kept cocking it up. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The farm track was coming along nicely. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Roger Daltrey、CBEロジャー・ダルトリー(1944年3月1日 - )は、イングランドのロック・ミュージシャン、俳優。ロック・バンドのザ・フーのリード・ボーカリストとして最も有名である。俳優としても積極的に活動し、数多くの映画や演劇、テレビドラマに出演した。
I've had one from Roger Daltrey saying, "Welcome to the land of no”. This is the lead singer of The Who. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Two of the cows were due to be dehorned. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That's one done. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Charlie dropped round with the planner's decision. (クラークソン、農家になる)
But it wasn't all doom and gloom. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Finally she was up the duff. (クラークソン、農家になる)
DIGNITAS : ディグニタスとは、安楽死による死ぬ権利を訴え、実際に医師と看護師により自殺を幇助するスイスの団体である。医師が作成した診療録をスイスの裁判所が許可した場合に、対象者への自殺幇助を提供する
At the dignitas pen, I met the abattoir boss. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Planting a crop called echium. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Let's grow echium. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The bees absolutely love echium. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The good thing about growing echium is that it rarely needs to be sprayed with chemicals or fertiliser. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Lisa and I were discussing the fallout. 結果(クラークソン、農家になる)
Even people on their side of the fence agreed with me. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This ginger beverage was specifically formulated in 1903. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Can you finish him off, please? - I'm not gonna finish him off! 殺す(クラークソン、農家になる)
customer footfall 客数
If you have evidence on footfall, on usage, on turnover. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Where's the nearest footpath. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Fiddly adjustments. 微調整(クラークソン、農家になる)
The good thing about growing echium is that it rarely needs to be sprayed with chemicals or fertiliser. So there's no need for fiddly tramlines. 微調整が必要なトラムライン(クラークソン、農家になる)
See you on the flip side. あの世(クラークソン、農家になる)
go-faster stripe : (in British English)(informal) A decorative line, intended to be suggestive of high speed, on the bodywork of a car.
I put a go-fast stripe on the bonnet of the tractor. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The fire burns the germinal layer of the cow horn. (クラークソン、農家になる)
£300 a ton, give or take? (クラークソン、農家になる)
That's hard. I'll give you that. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The gigolo has arrived. (クラークソン、農家になる)
How to get it up in the morning. (クラークソン、農家になる)
hardstand / hard standing / hardstanding (in British English) This is a paved or hard-surfaced area on which vehicles, such as cars or aircraft, may be parked.
Can we have permission to put some hardstanding down so that visitors can not chew the fields up? (クラークソン、農家になる)
hedgelaying / hedge laying : This is a countryside skill that has been practised for centuries, mainly in the United Kingdom and Ireland, with many regional variations in style and technique.
The wonderful hedge-laying weekend. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Robin is a scout for the British Hedgelaying Society. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We're going to lay this hedge. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The shop was a ship holed below the waterline. (クラークソン、農家になる)
hopper : (farming) A wooden trough through which grain passes into a mill or a vessel in which seed-corn is carried for sowing.
We filled the hopper with vegan gold dust. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Your shop is visibly intrusive. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There was no cunning way of reigniting the restaurant. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The last round of IVF had worked for the cow. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We're desperate, on our knees. (クラークソン、農家になる)
KC : (UK) abbreviation for King's Counsel. a British lawyer of high rank who is allowed to represent a person in court. Cf. KC
Sir William Garner, KC(クラークソン、農家になる)
kphは「kilometer per hour」の略称で、速度を表す単位。 一般には時速~キロメートル(km/h)と表記しますが、アメリカやイギリスなど英語圏ではkphと表現。 つまり、1km/h = 1kph。
Ten KPH. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I was left to reflect on what was actually at stake. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I decided to take a leaf out of Putin's book on COVID precautions. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A microbrewery. (クラークソン、農家になる)
How many tons of Melody potatoes. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Does the big lunch tend to be in the house or do we put up a marquee? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Today was yet another milestone in their adolescence. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The Midlands made the Austin Allegro and the Morris Marina. (クラークソン、農家になる) (Allegroアレグロは、イギリスの自動車メーカー、ブリティッシュ・レイランドによって、1973年から1983年にかけて生産された小型乗用車である。Marina :マリーナは、イギリスのブリティッシュ・レイランドのモーリス部門で1970年から1980年に製造された乗用車。イギリスのカーメディアでは同時期にデビューしたオースチン・アレグロなどとともに同国自動車産業低迷期の象徴として批判にさらされることがある。さらに製造品質水準の悪さや防錆対策の不備などの風評から、本車を「ワーストカー」であると酷評する声もある。BBC2で放送されているテレビ番組『トップ・ギア』ではマリーナがギャグとして頻繁に壊されるため、一部のマリーナの愛好者から抗議を受けることもある。)
Maiming just about all of us. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We're gonna have to live in a murky grey area of loopholes. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A manly job. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Nigh on a quarter of a million pounds. (クラークソン、農家になる)
nose to tail (idiom)
1. one closely behind the other:
The cars were parked nose to tail down the street.
2. The use of as many parts of an animal as possible in cooking, so that none of it is wasted.
Nose to tail requires that even the unpopular parts of the animal be used.
Chris followed his nose-to-tail philosphy and cooked a pig's head as his main course.
I think you can use all the produce, from nose to tail of all the animals as well. (クラークソン、農家になる)
My nonsensical movie “Babe” and Subaru brief. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Everyone in the village literally does nothing but spy on us. (クラークソン、農家になる)
With the runners-up sorted, Kaleb and I then had to announce the overall winner. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It was great to have the animals out and about. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The barn is not in particularly good order. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It will be thirty years before we turn a profit. (クラークソン、農家になる)
His piddly tractor. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We can use any parcel of land for 28 days as a temporary car park. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Use a barn for a pop-up shop. (クラークソン、農家になる)
prep cook : A junior cook in a restaurant kitchen who prepares food, for example by cutting up vegetables, for other cooks to use:
I worked for him as a prep cook for a year. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Some restaurant owners would be happy to work their prep chefs into the ground.
This is where we put the prep kitchen. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We are profiteering from veganism. (クラークソン、農家になる)
QC (UK) abbreviation for Queen's Counsel: a British lawyer of high rank who is allowed to represent a person in court, or the title given to such a lawyer when a queen is ruling. Cf. KC
A QC is a senior barrister.
Charles Gordon, QC
So QC, us, and then the witnesses. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Look at what we're doing here, quarrying! (クラークソン、農家になる)
These simple beams and rafters of the shop aren't strong enough. (クラークソン、農家になる)
With the runners-up sorted, Kaleb and I then had to announce the overall winner. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've then got a row of third parties. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Then you have more refreshers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We can repurpose the burn for the restaurant. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The barn is quite rudimentary. (クラークソン、農家になる)
My refresher course. (クラークソン、農家になる)
rpm英語の"revolutions per minute"または"rotations per minute"の略で、1分の間での回転数である。 日本語では回転毎分と言い、回毎分、回転/分 や r/min などとも表記される。
Fan speed, thirty-nine thousand RPM. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Our new rent-a-bull was on its way. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I've gotta get these signs up on the fence, telling ramblers this is a public footpath. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This is a ribeye. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A bit of rosemary and butter. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The council had decided that its traditional green-tin roof was an eyesore and that it must be replaced with slate. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Can we put composite slate on for the roof, which is light? - No. Gotta be proper slate. (クラークソン、農家になる)
To service the needs of the farm shop. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I've gotta see it being done. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Robin is a scout for the British Hedgelaying Society. (クラークソン、農家になる)
sloe : Another term for blackthorn. The small bluish-black fruit of the blackthorn, with a sharp sour taste.
The sloe gin. I mean the sloe berries. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's a little shrew or something. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We were very slick. (クラークソン、農家になる)
When all is said and done, it is going to be half a million pounds, isn't it? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Spring had sprung. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I had to swerve a bit right. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm shit at this. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The customers are Subaru drivers. That's who I'm aiming the restaurant at, people who don't want three chips cooked three times and they don't want fancy. (triple-cooked chips : They are a type of chips developed by the English chef Heston Blumenthal. The Sunday Times described triple-cooked chips as Blumenthal's most influential culinary innovation, which had given the chip "a whole new lease of life".)(クラークソン、農家になる)
Having absorbed the fact, she'd be cooking in a shoebox. 狭いところ(クラークソン、農家になる)
My snazzy new box. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've gotta swath it. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There'll be a squelching sound if I run him over with the tractor. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They're just sussing out. They're sussing each other out. (クラークソン、農家になる)
She'd come up with some offerings she hoped would hit the spot. (クラークソン、農家になる)
slimming : The act of trying to become thinner by eating less food:
With all the diet-food and books on the market, slimming is big business these days.
slimming aid
slimming clubs
slimming magazines
It's in all the slimming magazines. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That's spectacularly good. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The snowflake generation. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The hens were still toughing it out in bird-flu quarantine. (クラークソン、農家になる)
These are the taggers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
If I roll back the tractor a millimetre, the mouse is toast. そのネズミはつぶされる。(クラークソン、農家になる)
That's the ticket. これで良し(クラークソン、農家になる)
They toiled away. (クラークソン、農家になる)
three-phase AC《電気》三相交流
three-phase AC [alternating current] (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've got three-phase over there. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm actually becoming a human tripod. (クラークソン、農家になる)
triple-cooked chips : They are a type of chips developed by the English chef Heston Blumenthal.
The Sunday Times described triple-cooked chips as Blumenthal's most influential culinary innovation, which had given the chip "a whole new lease of life".
The customers are Subaru drivers. That's who I'm aiming the restaurant at, people who don't want three chips cooked three times and they don't want fancy. (クラークソン、農家になる)
With that valuable information tucked away. 胸に秘めて(クラークソン、農家になる)
The good thing about growing echium is that it rarely needs to be sprayed with chemicals or fertiliser. So there's no need for fiddly tramlines. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He's right, this is transformatory. maにアクセント(クラークソン、農家になる)
jizztrumpet (slang, vulgar, derogatory) An obnoxious or contemptible person. = fucktrumpet
fuck trumpet : what you refer to your ass as if you fart during sex.
I was so gassy the other night, I was banging this chick and I couldn't stop my fuck trumpet from playing.
There you go, Fuck Trumpet. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The country's finest competitors are each allotted a nine-metre section of unkempt hedge. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He's in his seventies, corona positive, up and about. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's not considered reasonable and necessary for agricultural purposes within this unit. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Vegetablist : A vegetablist is someone who eats foods from all food groups, but makes a conscious effort to think about and incorporate vegetables in their daily lives.
We've got vegetablists. (クラークソン、農家になる)
visual receptor視覚受容体
visual receptor : Any of the rods or cones in the retina of the eyes that function as sensory receptors by converting light stimuli into nerve impulses. Also called a photoreceptor.
There is no footpath. So the road, the visual receptor would be the road. 目に入るのは車道だけですね。(クラークソン、農家になる)
At the moment there was neither a farm shop nor a restaurant in which to sell that beer. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The shop was a ship holed below the waterline. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The bird police said avian flu was on the wane. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Cunning wheezes is what we're gonna have to do. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The cow looks a nice wedge of meat. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The wheels of the restaurant were now well and truly turning. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The wheels of the restaurant were now well and truly turning. (クラークソン、農家になる)
whipped butter : A form of butter aerated with nitrogen to make it more spreadable.
This is whipped pork? (クラークソン、農家になる)
There were certain people that obviously went in with an agenda. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm left with a load of stuff and nowhere that I can sell it at anything approximating to a profit. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The cows had been a very pleasing addition to Diddly Squat farm. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Shall we try and bring them on one more time for A.I.? (クラークソン、農家になる)
If we do another A.I. (クラークソン、農家になる)
all very well [fine] (, but…)[不満の表現で] まことにけっこうだが(…).
That's all very well, but I will stand it no longer. それは大変けっこうだがもうこれ以上我慢できない.
It's all very well saying there's rape growing in it. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The Vanity Fair after-party. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You make a beer with a lot of maize or an unmalted adjunct. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Ay up, cows. (クラークソン、農家になる) (クラークソン、農家になる)
From the point of view of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, there's a lot of real concern here about how your restaurant fits into that. (クラークソン、農家になる) (クラークソン、農家になる)
Arabica coffee. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A flood-alleviation scheme. (クラークソン、農家になる)
H5N1 - 5N1, yeah. Avian influenza. (クラークソン、農家になる)
She keeps arching her back. 背を丸める(クラークソン、農家になる)
Only being kept afloat by selling milk and milk shakes. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Shall we let mum at her calf? (クラークソン、農家になる)
AONB特別自然美観地域(Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty)は、イギリスのイングランド、ウェールズ、北アイルランドのカントリーサイド(田園地帯)の中でも、特に重要な景観価値があるとされた領域を指定し景観保全を行う制度、およびその領域。
The transport network harms the AONB and its tranquillity. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Then there's environmental health. And the AONB. So the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It strikes me as not being appropriate in the AONB. (クラークソン、農家になる)
My surface-to-air missile battery. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I was buttering up the locals. (クラークソン、農家になる)
it won't be a blot on the landscape. 景観を損なう物(クラークソン、農家になる)
On that cheery note, I bid you goodbye. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Deadly bovine tuberculosis. (クラークソン、農家になる)
badger-baiting : This is a form of blood sport in which badgers are baited with dogs. A baiting session typically results in the death of the badger, and possibly serious injuries to the dogs. Badger baiting was outlawed in the United Kingdom as early as 1835, with the Cruelty to Animals Act.
Badger are a protected species since mid-1980s. To stop badger baiting. (クラークソン、農家になる)
boss hog : To take over something, to steal the show, or to take what one wants.
Man, that mother fucker came in here and just boss hogged all my beer!
I was up early, planning a bit of boss-hoggery. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I decided to break out one of Georgia's badger bags. 出す(クラークソン、農家になる)
Chris Bonington(Sir Christian John Storey Bonington、1934年8月6日 - )は、イギリスの登山家。生涯でヒマラヤに19回遠征。遠征隊長として、イギリス隊のエベレスト南西壁初登攀、アンナプルナ南壁初登攀を成功に導いた。
Oh my God. One of the cows is a mountaineer. It's Chris Bonington the cow. (クラークソン、農家になる) (クラークソン、農家になる)
You've had your first warning. - Oh, have I? Did I miss that boat? (クラークソン、農家になる)
You see how she's just starting to bag up? 牛の乳房が張ってきた(クラークソン、農家になる)
The birth of my first calf. but then, over the next few days, I missed the next batch as well. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Bond Street : Bond Street in the West End of London links Piccadilly in the south to Oxford Street in the north. Since the 18th century the street has housed many prestigious and upmarket fashion retailers.
This is the outfitters department. This is where This is Kaleb's wardrobe. This is his Bond Street. (クラークソン、農家になる)
bob-on : (UK English slang / dialect) Basically it means "great", or "slightly better than great", but falling slightly short of absolutely perfect.
Was the film good you saw last night at the cinema? - Yeah, it was bob-on. [i.e. it was a great film, not perfect, but very good]
How was your meal? - It was bob-on. [i.e. the food was very tasty, not perfect, but well worth recommending]
A high-tech alarm system. I saw this on YouTube. And I thought that's just bob-on. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Broad beans. ソラマメ(クラークソン、農家になる)
Here's a massive backup. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've already started talking to our neighbouring farmers, the idea being that we do the beef and the potatoes and somebody else does the chicken, the milk. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The footie players cracked into the energy drinks. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've got to put a little car-wash thing so people have their wheels washed before going back on the roads. (クラークソン、農家になる)
She's not in calf. 子牛を妊娠していない。(クラークソン、農家になる)
Set up some Claymores. (クラークソン、農家になる)
cockend : A variation of the old British favorite bellend, cockend is most commonly used as a random meaningless insult delivered in jest whilst in the company of peers.
The cockend? (クラークソン、農家になる)
It was time to crack into the day's jobs. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The cowshed was coming along nicely. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It sounds Cotswoldy. (クラークソン、農家になる)
crap oneself
1. (mildly vulgar) to soil oneself.
2. (vulgar) to feel extremely frightened or apprehensive. = shit oneself
I'm crapping myself 心配だ(クラークソン、農家になる)
A planning contravention notice. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The consultees really being by the book. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Cow calving is so much different to sheep. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Smoke canisters. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Charlie was crossing the Ts on the restaurant application. (クラークソン、農家になる)
cover : A cover refers to a single serving for one guest at your restaurant. In the context of restaurant management, the term “cover” is also used to describe the number of guests served or expected to be served. For instance, a restaurant with 100 covers in a night has served 100 guests.
If we've got sixty covers in the restaurant. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Courgettes. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Form a sort of cooperative. 協同組合(クラークソン、農家になる)
She's gonna be up the duff. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Now I’m talking drivel. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Emirates Clubエミレーツ・クラブは、アラブ首長国連邦の首長国ラアス・アル=ハイマにホームを置くサッカークラブである。
If you ran Emirates. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's a hideous eye-sore at the moment. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, you know. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That's the most important thing. To engage rather than confront. (クラークソン、農家になる)
How’s everything on/at your end?
Everything is fine on/at our end. (クラークソン、農家になる)
on the front footイギリス英語で、「積極的、自発的に行動する」という意味で使われる。「何かの問題や課題に対して待ち構えるのではなく、積極的に取り組んでいく姿勢を示す」時に用いられる。
After receiving negative feedback, the company was on the front foot, quickly implementing changes to address customer concerns. ネガティブなフィードバックを会社は前向きに受け止め、顧客の懸念に対応する変更を迅速に実現した
I decided to get on the front foot and call a village meeting. (クラークソン、農家になる)
When I did get a spare moment Charlie always made sure he was there to fill it. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We fired up the drill. (クラークソン、農家になる)
As darkness fell, we arrived. (クラークソン、農家になる)
So we were on the front foot with the badgers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Do you know how many bags of crisps we'll get from these potatoes? - A fair few. (クラークソン、農家になる) (クラークソン、農家になる)
Novak Đoković : ノバク・ジョコビッチ(1987年5月22日 - )は、セルビア・ベオグラード出身の男子プロテニス選手。(クラークソン、農家になる)
Just light drizzle. 小雨(クラークソン、農家になる)
dust bathing : (also called sand bathing) This is an animal behavior characterized by rolling or moving around in dust, dry earth or sand, with the likely purpose of removing parasites from fur, feathers or skin.
You've gotta make sure that these chickens have got lots of bedding so they can dust bathe. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The price is dictated to you rather than you being able to negotiate or set a price. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I have actually dug out one of my Who Wants To Be A Millionaire outfits. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The dwindling government subsidies. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He dropped his pants to reveal his equipment. いちもつ(クラークソン、農家になる)
On that front, Charlie was on the war path. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We're low on flour. - Yeah, we are low on flour. It flies out. 飛ぶように売れる。(クラークソン、農家になる)
My Lambo tractor gulped through fuel. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Our little Diddly Squat world was now under the glare of public scrutiny with my activities the subject of national debate. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There's a lot of requirement for diversification going in. 増えている(クラークソン、農家になる)
up a gum tree
1. 〔逃げる動物や人が〕木に追い上げられて
2. 〈比喩〉身動きが取れなくなって、進退窮まって、お手上げで
If we don't get planning permission, I'm left up a gum tree, a proper sticky gum tree. (クラークソン、農家になる)
get through〔話・意味・メッセージなど〕通じる、伝わる、分からせる、理解させる
When his zipper was open at the party, his friends kept sending silent messages, but nothing ever got through to him. : パーティーで彼のズボンのチャックが開いていた時、彼の友達は沈黙のメッセージを送り続けたが彼には分かってもらえなかった。
I've told her several times, but I just can't seem to get through to her. : 私は彼女に何度も言いましたが、分からせることができないようです。
This one got through. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We need to behave here. We can't load their gun any more. 攻撃内容を加えてはいけない。(クラークソン、農家になる)
Let me know when I can get me a go. 見ても大丈夫な時教えて(クラークソン、農家になる)
We'd been invited to the British Farming Awards in Birmingham to receive a gong. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Ghastly animal. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've gone down with TB again. It's not good. It's a bit rubbish. 確認された(クラークソン、農家になる)
What do you have to do when it goes down with TB? - They'll put them down. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Gandhi's flip-flop : Extremely dry. Lacking any moisture.
The chicken I ate from that Japanese restaurant was drier than Gandhi's flip-flop and made me choke. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Do you think this will win hearts and minds in the village? (クラークソン、農家になる)
hand-to-mouth operation自転車操業
hand-to-mouth operation [business]
The Diddly Squat Farm Shop, the originally small-scale setup has turned into a hand-to-mouth operation struggling to cope. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The alarming spread of deadly bovine tuberculosis in the area. It's like a hotspot in this part of the world. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Red flags hammered home the problem. あの赤旗は問題を痛感させた。(クラークソン、農家になる)
hold /put your hands up : (idiom mainly UK) To admit that something bad is true or that you have made a mistake.
I know I'm bossy and I hold my hands up to that.
If I missed it, I'd hold my hands up. (クラークソン、農家になる)
My inaugural match as a club sponsor. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The cows are quite inquisitive. So basically when they have a badger walking across the field, they'll go up and sniff that badger. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Vernon Charles Kay : (born 28 April 1974) He is an English broadcaster and former model. He presented Channel 4's T4 (2000–2005) and has presented various television shows for ITV, including All Star Family Fortunes (2006–2015), Just the Two of Us (2006–2007), Beat the Star (2008–2009), The Whole 19 Yards (2010), Splash! (2013–2014), and 1000 Heartbeats (2015–2016).
We sat down for the awards, which were being hosted by none other than Vernon Kay. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I've been doing this calving for years and it still gets you. It really gets you. It's amazing. 感動する(クラークソン、農家になる)
People have got too much time on their hands. (クラークソン、農家になる)
list of issues《a ~》問題(の)リスト
There's a big wall with hats. -[Lisa] Of issues, yeah. -[Charlie] T-shirts Yes, of issues! (クラークソン、農家になる)
She's blinking. He it. - [Dilwyn] It's an "it" for the time being. 子牛の性別はまだ分かりません(クラークソン、農家になる)
It indicates a give me an inch and I'll take a mile attitude. (クラークソン、農家になる)
If we don't support initiatives like your new restaurant, then we're going to see the local farming disappear. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You muppet! (クラークソン、農家になる)
You don't sound moronic at all. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Look at that manky hay bale. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You're such a muppet! (クラークソン、農家になる)
Mootiful : A Beautiful cow (or my friend Amy)
The cow was very Mootiful!
mootie : A Beautiful cow
Come on, mooties. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Are these Melody? (potato) (クラークソン、農家になる)
That's a mandoline for chopping potatoes. (クラークソン、農家になる)
My thumb was on the mend. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We decided to let mountaineering cow tire herself out. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It is nerve-wracking. (クラークソン、農家になる)
nuclear option
1. 核[核兵器・原子力]オプション
2. 《the ~》〈比喩的〉〔戦争における核攻撃のような〕最後の手段、最終兵器、非常手段、強硬手段[措置]
The nuclear option, which isn't quite so popular, is that you eat the heifers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
In this neck of the woods. (クラークソン、農家になる)
NFU : (in British English)National Farmers' Union
My NFU rep, Georgia. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Neolithic people. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I was bandaged up and nagged out of the door by Lisa. (クラークソン、農家になる)
With autumn upon us, that meant getting next year's crops into the ground. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Used to be. Those are the olden days. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We're low on flour. - Yeah, we are low on flour. It flies out. 飛ぶように売れる。(クラークソン、農家になる)
Council planners can be a law unto themselves, (クラークソン、農家になる)
Mystic Meg : Margaret Anne Lake (27 July 1942 – 9 March 2023), best known by her stage name Mystic Meg, was an English astrologer who had a regular astrology column in The Sun and the News of the World. A British clairvoyant (=someone who claims to know what will happen in the future) who used to appear on the National Lottery television programme. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Don't get medieval. (クラークソン、農家になる)
militate作用する、影響を及ぼす◆【用法】直後にagainstが来て不利な影響を与える場合がほとんどだが、forやまれにin favor ofが来て有利な影響を与える場合も多い。
The deeply embedded discrimination against women militated against his promotion. : 女性に対する根深い差別が彼の昇進を妨げた。
The city council militates strongly against the grant of planning permission for the restaurant. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This is the outfitters department. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Then the naysayers opened up. 口を開いた(クラークソン、農家になる)
You are quite pudgy. - What do you mean, pudgy? - Porky. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The restaurant was plonked in the middle of the countryside. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You're not a farmer. You're a media personality. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I proper get into it. 本当にそれが好きになった(クラークソン、農家になる)
Remember all that fuss and palaver with the lambing? (クラークソン、農家になる)
The final piece of the puzzle to fall into place. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Charlie and I had a pre-match meet. 打合せ(クラークソン、農家になる)
parlous condition危険な状態
parlous economic climate危険な[切迫した]経済状況
parlous financial condition切迫した財務状態
parlous situation危険な状況
parlous state危険な[危なっかしい・危険に満ちた]状況[状態・情勢]
in a parlous state不安定な状態で
sign of the parlous state《a ~》危険な[危なっかしい・危険に満ちた]状況[状態・情勢]の表れ
fail parlously大失敗する
The parlous state of their finances. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I did a test of 400 animals the other day, and I found a reactor on the last animal. 陽性(クラークソン、農家になる)
He was a ray of sunshine. 笑顔(クラークソン、農家になる)
TOE CAPトゥキャップ(Toe-cap)飾り革。つま先を覆う飾り用の部品。
Is that a steel toe cap? (クラークソン、農家になる)
That's twenty-two steaks from each rump. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Her herd had been ravaged by TB. (クラークソン、農家になる)
caught with their pants down : Said to mean that something happens that someone is not prepared for and that reveals an embarrassing or shocking fact about them. In British English, you can also say that someone is caught with their trousers down.
His pants are definitely down tonight. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I ploughed through the endless list of jobs that farming throws at you. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Clarkson has had to placate the locals. (クラークソン、農家になる)
To make that eco project pay its way. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He put me firmly in my place on the issue. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The ground gets poached. The heavy cattle ruin the ground? (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'd do a Q&A. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I just hoped my investment would now bring a return. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This machine is a heavy rig. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I've got too many revs. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He got a little bit of a roasting at the beginning. 非難(クラークソン、農家になる)
He is on his little ride-on Mower. (クラークソン、農家になる)
With the old cultivator brought out of retirement we eventually got the job done. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Battle of Rorke's Driftロルクズ・ドリフトの戦いは、1879年1月22日から23日にかけて行われたズールー戦争中の戦闘の一つである。イサンドルワナの戦い(英語版)でイギリス軍を破ったズールー戦士約3000 - 4000名がロルクズ・ドリフトの伝道所跡に築かれた砦のイギリス軍守備隊を襲いかかったことで、起こった。イギリス軍守備隊は、圧倒的に不利な兵力にもかかわらず奮闘し、2日間持ちこたえ、イギリス軍の増援が到着したためズールー軍は撤退した。この戦いののちに守備隊のイギリス兵11名がヴィクトリア十字章を授与されたことで有名な戦いである。
My poor herd was clearly in the cow equivalent of Rorke's Drift surrounded by badgers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
ramming speed : "Ramming speed" is a nautical term that refers to the maximum speed a ship can achieve just before it collides with another vessel or object. The term is often used in a historical context, particularly in naval warfare when ships would attempt to ram each other in battle. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Charlie and I had to work out where we now stood. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There was a decent turnout to see the new strip. 試合???(クラークソン、農家になる)
Looking like someone out of Slade there. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The parish council has quite a lot of sway. (クラークソン、農家になる)
An official snap check. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I was hoping my opening words would soothe the waters. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You're planning on turning the lambing shed into a cafe/restaurant/whatever. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm just swamped. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The dog shat on the carpet and I had to clear up the dog shit. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Kaleb needs to give the land a damned good soaking with the weed killer. (クラークソン、農家になる)
sett / set : This is a badger's den. It usually consists of a network of tunnels and numerous entrances.
We've got a big old sett entrance here. (クラークソン、農家になる)
How big's a badger sett under the ground? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Don't disturb the setts. (クラークソン、農家になる)
subsoil下層土は、地表の表土の下にある土の層です。表土と同様に、砂、シルト、粘土などの小さな粒子のさまざまな混合物で構成されていますが、有機物と腐植の割合ははるかに低く、少量の岩石が混ざっています。その下層土は B 地平線とも呼ばれます。
I could take away the subsoil they were digging up to make the site level. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'll give him a shout. 呼ぶ(クラークソン、農家になる)
session beer : “Session” is basically an adjective used to describe a beer, that is, lower in alcohol (generally under 4 or 5% ABV) and high in refreshment.
A session beer? - I haven't heard that for a while. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Dead body of a badger. Look at it. Fresh, look, still squidgy. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Soul destroying. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The stat that Charlie told me the other day? (クラークソン、農家になる)
The stratospheric rise in fertilizer prices. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I nearly shit myself. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Another piece of technology swung into action. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Nineteen stone of Kaleb. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Sod the restaurant! (クラークソン、農家になる)
My staunch opponent. (クラークソン、農家になる)
My plan for the year is in tatters. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm the chairman of the trustees to the hall. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Top of the Pops、TOTP『トップ・オブ・ザ・ポップス』は、イギリスの放送局BBCで放送されていた生放送音楽番組.
Tiger Feet : This is a popular song by the English glam rock band Mud, released in January 1974.
You look like, "I just did "Tiger Feet" on Top of the Pops. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Tiger Feet : This is a popular song by the English glam rock band Mud, released in January 1974.
『トップ・オブ・ザ・ポップス』(Top of the Pops、TOTP)は、イギリスの放送局BBCで放送されていた生放送音楽番組.
You look like, "I just did "Tiger Feet" on Top of the Pops. (クラークソン、農家になる)
In the second half of the soccer match, the action came thick and fast. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I should have been doing some more soil titivation. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I ploughed through the endless list of jobs that farming throws at you. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Take that!(略式)これを受けてみろ,この野郎
Take that! : Exclaimed when hitting someone or taking decisive action against them.
You lowlifes! Take that! And that! And that!
Take that, badger! (クラークソン、農家になる)
He says he can tweak it, that's what brewers do 微調整する(クラークソン、農家になる)
If it was about 90 degrees out there our beer would go down a treat. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They will cough tuberculin up and spread it from one to the other cows. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Give the calf a bit of a tug and see. - Are you just attaching the rope? (クラークソン、農家になる)
This is creating untold social traffic and environmental problems. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Awards given out to unsung heroes. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The angry locals had vented. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Please do not park on the verges. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've got the new signs now to go on the grass verge. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The Vanity Fair after-party. (after-partyアフターパーティー、2次会◇コンサートやダンスパーティー、何かの式や会といったイベントの後のパーティー。)
Not currently viable as a business, really. (クラークソン、農家になる)
My lips are very dry. I need some Vaseline. (クラークソン、農家になる)
In the event of a tie, I upcast the votes. (クラークソン、農家になる)
vegetablist : A vegetablist is someone who eats foods from all food groups, but makes a conscious effort to think about and incorporate vegetables in their daily lives.
We've got vegetablists. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The puppies're gonna need worming. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You know what a village can get like when it all whips itself up. Come up the drive with pitchforks. But I'm trying to I'll hopefully calm it down. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It'll probably be better to cut off the part and re-weld it back on. - How good are you at welding? (クラークソン、農家になる)
You wrote the machine off! (クラークソン、農家になる)
Whitehall nonsense. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's a wellness beer. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A double XL. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Oh, stressy day today. (クラークソン、農家になる)
whisperer : a person skilled in taming or training a specified kind of animal, typically using body language and gentle vocal encouragement rather than physical contact.
He's reportedly set to quit show business to become a horse whisperer.
The beef whisperer was giving his predictions about when the cows would give birth. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Are you allowed to sell wonky vegetables? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Great weight should be given to conserving and enhancing landscape and scenic beauty. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I just hoped that common sense and logic had won the day. (クラークソン、農家になる)
All the autograph hunters. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Alloy wheels. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'll grant you it's not aesthetically pleasing. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Artificial insemination (AI) : This is the process of collecting sperm cells from a donor male and manually depositing them into the reproductive tract of an ovulating female to achieve pregnancy.
that'll bring them on heat and then
You can serve the heifers with AI. (クラークソン、農家になる)
As we now had to wait a week until the artificial insemination could happen. (クラークソン、農家になる)
AI gun. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The whole bloomin' lot. (クラークソン、農家になる)
With a bag of ripened Nagas in the boot. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Lower supporting bails are stabilized. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You've never experienced boating in the Mediterranean. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I did it rectally. -So you've got to go up the back door? (クラークソン、農家になる)
All the brambles! (クラークソン、農家になる)
You started as a cowman? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Cow pat. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Chili chutney. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Completely volcanic Carolina Reapers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I once saw it on the internet. - I hope you cleared your search history. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You've got a cockerel shed as well. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Why am I having cockerels when they don't produce any eggs? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Our new early morning alarm system was actually coming in useful. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A contraption called a "crush".(クラークソン、農家になる)
We don't want the fence too spaced out. You want them all crunched together. (クラークソン、農家になる)
George is going to be dead chuffed. (クラークソン、農家になる)
10cc is the average amount a man ejaculates. That's why the band was called 10cc. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I've got the cervix in my hand now. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They smell divine. (クラークソン、農家になる)
How are you? -I'm doing fabulous. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The cow dung. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Mild, Hungarian habaneros and eye-watering Nagas. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Shall we put the extractor fan on? (クラークソン、農家になる)
The cockerels were incredible escape artists. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'd come up with the idea of selling the meat in my own restaurant. And on that front, I'd had another brainwave. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Kaleb suggested I fire up the farm's scissor lift. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Have you seen the amount of sex that's going on among the cattle? It's like being at a sixth form party, this is. 高校3年(クラークソン、農家になる)
Gandalf : He is a protagonist in J. R. R. Tolkien's novels The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. He is a wizard.
It's like working with Gandalf. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The herd instinct. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's hardwired into the cattle. (クラークソン、農家になる)
HS2 (High Speed Two / High Speed 2) イギリスで計画されている高速鉄道路線
Every bit of concrete in the country is currently being used by HS2. They're building a railway that goes from London to Liverpool or Manchester or something. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It was just the two young heifers that Dilwyn would be artificially inseminating. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm bringing them on heat, basically. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That'll bring heifers on heat. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Holy mother. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The heifers were now on heat. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It was just the two young heifers that he would be artificially inseminating. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That's spicy. Bit of a kick, hasn't it? (クラークソン、農家になる)
The feathers are everywhere. It's like the killing fields. (クラークソン、農家になる)
bring ~ to life ~に生命を与える、~を生き返らせる、~を生き生きさせる、~を活性化する、~に活気を与える、~を活気づける
I am sure that a couple of beers will bring him to [into] life. : ビールを2~3杯飲めば、彼は必ず生き生きしてくる。
This is going to be my new soundtrack to life, isn't it? 毎日のBGMになりますね。(クラークソン、農家になる)
Let's see what the levels do. 角度を確認しよう(クラークソン、農家になる)
You reckon that's too much of a lean? 傾きすぎだと思わない? (クラークソン、農家になる)
That's not possible. -Prove it. Have you lived me? Have you been me? (クラークソン、農家になる)
You need the loader. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm going to use the loader this morning. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The cows are being driven mad by lust. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Next we erected the fencing, which is essential in a mob grazing enterprise. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Max Mosleyマックス・ルーファス・モズレー(Max Rufus Mosley、1940年4月13日 - 2021年5月23日)は、イギリスのレーシングドライバー、弁護士、実業家で、国際自動車連盟(FIA)の元会長。ロンドン出身。 2008年3月30日、イギリスのタブロイド紙「ニュース・オブ・ザ・ワールド」がモズレーのセックス・スキャンダルを報じた。同紙は、モズレーが売春婦に鞭打たれるなど、ナチス風の服を着た5人の売春婦とのSM乱交プレイを行っているビデオを入手したことを伝え、続いて、同ビデオをインターネット上に公開したため、一大セックス・スキャンダルに発展した
Max Mosley would have paid a fortune to have a go in this contraption. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Has the fox spotting camera got laser targeting on the fox? - No, that's over to you. あなたに任せる(クラークソン、農家になる)
It's an orgy! (クラークソン、農家になる)
I think we're onto something there. 好感触(クラークソン、農家になる)
I was hoping this would be a one-off incident. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That's on. I'm on. 部品がはまった(クラークソン、農家になる)
This will cause the ovulation to start? (クラークソン、農家になる)
They all know where they are in the pecking order. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I built two polytunnels. (クラークソン、農家になる)
So habanero is not completely pureed. So there's a crunch to it. (クラークソン、農家になる)
How many Poles do you get through in a year? 何人のポーランド人を一年でここでは雇っているのか(クラークソン、農家になる)
He pitched up with a mobile henhouse. (クラークソン、農家になる)
a bag of frozen peas 緊急用の保冷剤としての例え(クラークソン、農家になる)
Do you want me to ring Lisa for a bag of peas for your injured leg? (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm gonna put a progesterone-releasing intra-vaginal device into the cow’s vagina. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This is like a prostate. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I go in rectally. And I can feel the uterus of the cow from the outside. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This is a habanero, which on the Scoville heat scale scores between 150,000 and 325,000, which means it's pretty damn hot. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That's pretty nice and spicy, actually. Now that was 150,000 thereabouts on the Scoville scale. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've taken the jars out of the oven and they're nice and sterile now. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Tread it, squidge it into the soil. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Fields we are ripping to shreds. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Kaleb suggested I fire up the farm's scissor lift. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We don't want the fence too spaced out. You want them all crunched together. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A habanero is 150,000, thereabouts on the Scoville scale. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Stop being a twat. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That's me sacked then. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The eggs were coming thick and fast. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They'd be just as unruly as the sheep. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The unruly hedge. (クラークソン、農家になる)
My beef supply was now up and running . (クラークソン、農家になる)
Making the soil healthy and vibrant. (クラークソン、農家になる)
All the veals. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That's the veal in a neighbouring farmer's field. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He is walking the walk. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Old enough to be weaned off their mother's milk. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Sort of zebus jumping off a cliff. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It turned out the calves were even more escape-y than the cockerels. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The all-important moisture test. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's the A Team now. 精鋭(クラークソン、農家になる)
Big up your chest. 胸を張れ(クラークソン、農家になる)
I get my back into my living. (クラークソン、農家になる)
break the back of
1. (人)の背骨を折る、(人)に過度の重荷を背負わせる
2. ~の基盤を破壊する
3. ~を弱らせる、~を弱体化する
It took much fighting to break the back of the rebel forces. : 激しい戦闘の結果、反乱軍の勢力が弱まった。
4. 〔仕事などの〕最重要部分をやり終える、ヤマを越す
The goal was to break the back of the barley today. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That's the bund they burned last year. (クラークソン、農家になる)
baddy : (mainly UK informal) (also baddie)A bad person in a film, book, etc.:
In the old cowboy movies, the baddies always get beaten in the end.
They could chase baddies. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The issue now facing me and every other farmer in the UK, which had been brewing. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The government may be big on ambition. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Post-Brexit. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We'll get across that bridge. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Don't big them up. 褒めないで(クラークソン、農家になる)
Batten it across. (クラークソン、農家になる)
In amongst the familiar comings and goings, there have been a few changes. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I hope that this time there wouldn't be the usual cack-handed palaver. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We're using a crowbar. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We need the cows that we start to get pregnant next spring. They'll be calving next spring. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We're gonna have to clad it. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Castle board. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Poshest combine driver. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He once went into McDonald's, and asked for the cutlery. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You're carted off to the flour mill. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm getting fully gloved-up for this. I do not like creosote. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Durum wheat, which is used to make pasta. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've got durum wheat so we can make our own pasta. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It may contain trace elements of earwig. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That's what we want. Friesians. (クラークソン、農家になる)
at foot近くに[で];(ゼロ歳馬が)母馬のそばに[で]
cows with calves at foot. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Eight cows here with calves at foot. (クラークソン、農家になる)
As evening fell, we finished gathering in the last of the wheat. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I needed to fence off a field for the new cows. (クラークソン、農家になる)
My gramp, who suddenly passed away. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I can't get it up. I don't mean I can't get it up, I mean I can't get the barley up. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's getting on for 750 quid's worth of barley just sitting here, being ruined. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Are they gonna ban glyphosate? (クラークソン、農家になる)
This barley has been sitting here and it's started to sprout, germinate, grow. (クラークソン、農家になる)
No good can come of that. (クラークソン、農家になる)
All the glass has to be double glazed. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm getting fully gloved-up for this. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Oh bloody hellfire. 困った(クラークソン、農家になる)
These promises have so far rung hollow. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We might have some heifers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The weather held. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That is one hell of a machine. (クラークソン、農家になる)
ITV : Abbreviation for Independent Television. A group of British television companies that earn most of their income from advertising:
There's a good film on ITV tonight.
You said on ITV the other day you were the boss. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This is his tune. He got me into it. 彼の影響で俺もこの曲を好きになった。(クラークソン、農家になる)
Love Island : (originally Celebrity Love Island) This is a British reality television programme that was aired on ITV in 2005 and 2006. In the show, twelve single celebrities spend five weeks on an island in Fiji. The final couple remaining wins a combined £100,000.
I don't do Love Island. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The lambing barn. (クラークソン、農家になる)
To effectively line a barn. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I just don't have the mentality to be a farmer. 性にあわない(クラークソン、農家になる)
mob grazing : This is short duration, high density grazing with a longer than usual grass recovery period.
It's a mob grazing enterprise. (クラークソン、農家になる)
How much is a heifer? - Those heifers? Round the £1,800 mark. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They do their number twos, which is good for the soil. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The 20th century is 2000 onwards, isn't it? - No, we're in the 21st century now. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Wheat and rapeseed had earned me the principal sum of £144. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We let the government potter. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I hope that this time there wouldn't be the usual cack-handed palaver. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We pushed on. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's like being in a public convenience. トイレ(クラークソン、農家になる)
Pleasantries over. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Get into your S Class. Potter home. Well, I say "potter", your driver takes you home. (クラークソン、農家になる)
sharpen the pencil は「値引きをする」という意味で、ビジネスにおいて価格交渉の際などに用いられる表現。直訳すると、「鉛筆を削る」となりますが、エンピツの芯を何回も削るほどに計算をする様子が、値下げを検討しているニュアンス
tweetup : (in British English) slang A meeting at which people who communicate with each other via the social networking platform Twitter meet face to face.
We may have to sharpen our pencils to win this deal. この商談に勝つためには値引きを必要とするかもしれません
It is a problem, it's a lot of money. - Yeah, it's gotta be Tweet it up, sharpen the pencil, go through it properly. Let's get it to a right figure. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He came to put in his shift. 仕事しに来た(クラークソン、農家になる)
PPE : Abbreviation for personal protective equipment: equipment and clothing that protects people from health risks at work.
PPE must be worn when working with compressed air.
Use protective gloves and other PPE, for example when sharps are involved. (クラークソン、農家になる)
After getting the machine into position and putting on some PPE, we began. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The ruinously expensive sheep. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I took another reading. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Our storage area annoyingly had received yet another visit from the local vandals. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Rain stopped play. :(idiomatic) The cessation of an activity or operation due to rain (by analogy with cricket).
We pushed on. And in the next couple of days managed to get the remaining barley harvested. Before rain stopped play again. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Making that racket? (クラークソン、農家になる)
How much is a cow? - Cow and calf units like this have gotta be in the region of 2,200. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Building reg safety. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A lot of ramblers are killed by cows every year. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The crops are getting soggier. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They weren't slicks in the winter. タイヤの切れ目(クラークソン、農家になる)
Silverstone Circuit : The Silverstone Circuit, the current home of the British Grand Prix. (クラークソン、農家になる)
What's a steer? - It's a male with no bollocks. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm not just saying that. 口先だけで言ってるんじゃないよ、本当にその通りだよ
I'm glad I have a friend like you. I'm not just saying that. あなたみたいな友達がいて嬉しい。口先だけで言ってるんじゃないよ。
This shorthorn cow basically, not just saying it, but it'll be some of the best stuff you've eaten. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Alfa Romeo 159. How can you live in Silverstone and not know what? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Let's shake on that then. I don't know what we're shaking on or what I've just bought. (クラークソン、農家になる)
All I can sense is my insides shrivelling. (クラークソン、農家になる)
S-Class : The S-Class has ranked as the world's best-selling luxury sedan.
You drive round the corner, get into your S Class. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Tech-savvy. (クラークソン、農家になる)
sharpen the pencil は「値引きをする」という意味で、ビジネスにおいて価格交渉の際などに用いられる表現。直訳すると、「鉛筆を削る」となりますが、エンピツの芯を何回も削るほどに計算をする様子が、値下げを検討しているニュアンス
tweetup : (in British English) slang A meeting at which people who communicate with each other via the social networking platform Twitter meet face to face.
We may have to sharpen our pencils to win this deal. この商談に勝つためには値引きを必要とするかもしれません
It is a problem, it's a lot of money. - Yeah, it's gotta be Tweet it up, sharpen the pencil, go through it properly. Let's get it to a right figure. (クラークソン、農家になる)
snowflake : This is a derogatory slang term for a person, implying that they have an inflated sense of uniqueness, an unwarranted sense of entitlement, or are overly emotional, easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Such a snowflake, it's just unbelievable. ヤワ(クラークソン、農家になる)
Oh wow, snazzy lorry. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I just didn't think it through. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A timebomb was ticking. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Load from tip. 運ばれた分(クラークソン、農家になる)
The tumultuous event. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We spread the crop all out on the concrete pad, using the telehandler. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A turret of a castle. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The harvest may contain trace elements of earwig. (クラークソン、農家になる)
More tricks up its sleeve. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There's a lot of vagueness in those announcements. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Today would be another write off because of the bad weather. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Me aircon stopped working. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I've seen powerful adverts. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You've made £144 profit from the arable farm. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Put your arm round him and buy him a pint. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The plants are looking at their best. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There was a glaring reminder that I really was the new boy on the block. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Has he briefed you on how to do this? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Adrenaline's buzzing, I am buzzing. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The sky was overcast and that didn't bode well. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Don't give him a big head. 奴を褒めるな(クラークソン、農家になる)
We'd have little bays with rape. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The moisture level of the wheat was bang on. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We beavered away. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The bulletproof reliability of the Lambo. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The fields were now taking a well-earned breather. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We were waiting for Paul's bread boffin to do his thing. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Can we have a caption now, saying, "Several hours later"?(クラークソン、農家になる)
I need a combine harvester. (クラークソン、農家になる)
get caught out 見破られる、窮地に追い込まれる
If you get short, let me know, all right? -You've actually brought bog roll? -Yeah. Wouldn't be the first time I get caught out. ピンチに備えて(クラークソン、農家になる)
Here we go, coat on. 出発しよう(クラークソン、農家になる)
Rearrange his coiffure. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He's combined this farm every year for 50 years. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Charlie is now crunching the numbers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I caught up on the post. 郵便物を確認した。(クラークソン、農家になる)
It's a question that crops up almost immediately at our picnic. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He wants me to stay. Because I am a cash cow to him. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Put the cultivator on it. 耕運機(クラークソン、農家になる)
I'd get top dollar for it. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There were thousands of earwigs. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It’s epic. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The fields were now taking a well-earned breather. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That task fell to Kaleb and me. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I know there's two fire engines going to it now. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We were finally starting to see some fruit from our labors. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I was playing footie with my mates. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There was a glaring reminder that I really was the new boy on the block. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I can get mine done this evening. And then get up to you tomorrow. 君の所に行くよ。(クラークソン、農家になる)
All work ground to a halt. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I get up at 6:30 and have a hit of coffee. (クラークソン、農家になる)
be hanging : (idiom informal UK) To be suffering from a hangover (= a feeling of illness after drinking alcohol some time previously)
I'm hanging this morning.
Come three 'clock tonight, in the morning, I'll be still going. You're gonna be hanging. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Coming in hot : This is an idiom meaning that something/someone is approaching with great speed.
Not hot, no, not coming in hot. スピードは控えめに(クラークソン、農家になる)
I was now in a tractor holding up traffic. (クラークソン、農家になる)
With the weather holding, we worked as a team to cover as much ground as possible. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He won't be finding that in a hurry. すぐにはそれを見つけられないだろう。(クラークソン、農家になる)
I got a terrible hot-neck feeling. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The most dignified hearse. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm really useless at haggling. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It was imperative I got the seed unloaded quickly. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The idyllic working conditions. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Kaleb hit the jackpot. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I head to the lambing barn. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We had to leave my only remaining ram to his grief. (クラークソン、農家になる)
His long-awaited visit to the barber's. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Has he briefed you on how to do this? Are we doing this on the move? (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's like a tractor meet. 集会(クラークソン、農家になる)
You're playing music in my ear. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We're looking at good, well-meated, lambs. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It had to pass muster with Paul the miller. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Manchester City F.C. / Man City
We'd like a Liverpool here, you know, top of the league. Man City at the very least. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The make-or-break number would be the percentage of protein in the grain. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You're going to tell me the figures. You're going to give me the moment of truth. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There was a nagging issue on my mind. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The National League : (named Vanarama National League for sponsorship reasons) is an association football league in England consisting of three divisions, the National League, National League North, and National League South. It was called the "Alliance Premier League" from 1979 until 1986. Between 1986 and 2015, the league was known as the "Football Conference". Since 1984, the National League has been publicly known by the names of a succession of official title sponsors. The name was officially changed from Alliance Premier to the Football Conference in 1986, and to the National League in 2015. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Happily, on my next run there was no onanism. It all went well. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The sky was overcast and that didn't bode well. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm on it now, just bear with me. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It was the year of my O Levels. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Is it a year and a day since we started farming? - It is. Just over. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The plow is now fitted to the front of the tractor. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He'd filled up with two payloads from the combine. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I was psyching myself up for my first run. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's crucifying. I was now in a quandary. (クラークソン、農家になる)
My worst fears were realized. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We headed off to the farm shop to rendezvous with him. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I want £200 a ton. I think that's a nice figure, isn't it? Sounds round. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Oil seed rape. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You hadn't had a row or anything? (クラークソン、農家になる)
I add a few chilies and some fresh coriander and leave it on a low heat to simmer. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Sourdough toast. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I hit the sack. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm not a seasoned old farmer. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There's some toilet roll. - All right, if you get short, let me know. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This is like being nine, playing sandcastles. 9歳(クラークソン、農家になる)
I had to get to the farm shop sharpish. (クラークソン、農家になる)
scrag〔羊の〕首肉◆スープやシチュー用として使う骨の多い部分。◆【同】〈英〉scrag end
The breast part is like your scrag for just roasting. (クラークソン、農家になる)
In my old barn we hang a wheat sheaf on one of its oak beams. It's like a celebration. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Scabbing over now, look, the pellet from the air gun is still in my shin. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There's gonna be a sea change to the countryside. There'll be 30 percent less farmers, probably. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There's some toilet roll. (クラークソン、農家になる)
So that's a ton to the acre. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I was getting pretty good at my tractoring. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Total viable count (TVC) : This gives a quantitative estimate of the concentration of microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast or mould spores in a sample.
The water is not in a sellable state. For your reference, the TVC count should be zero and they were found to be 10,000-plus. (クラークソン、農家になる)
To top up the income. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Wetherspoon / Wetherspoons : (colloquially known as Spoons) This is a pub company operating in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
What I've got in the trailer right now will keep Wetherspoon's going for about a year. That is beer seeds. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Will it weigh what we put in there? そこに積載した重さをはかりますか(クラークソン、農家になる)
You weigh it up. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Agri-yobs had burnt the old hey. (クラークソン、農家になる)
discuss among yourselves 内輪で議論する
Talk among yourselves. 私のことは気にするな(クラークソン、農家になる)
This isn't how Asda is run. They don't ask the customers how much they'd like to pay. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This route avoids congestion on A40 in London. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A Hollywood A-lister. (クラークソン、農家になる)
With the sun continuing to blaze down from a cloudless sky. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The first batch of honey. (クラークソン、農家になる)
His Cheerfulness arrived. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's stung me right in the arse cheeks. (クラークソン、農家になる)
She just happened to capitalize on an argument and now she's getting that honey for £6. (クラークソン、農家になる)
In the cab. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Watch out, Chippy! (クラークソン、農家になる)
The good thing is, all the restaurants recently re-opened and the chancellor is even paying people to go and eat in them. (クラークソン、農家になる)
If you get stabbed, right, they won't have that on CCTV. You make a cheeky left on a street in London, they will. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I've had an annoying email from the council. (クラークソン、農家になる)
What does a combine do? - It comes on, cuts it there. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You've got to do it to four decimal places. 小数点以下4桁まで(クラークソン、農家になる)
Let me digest that and I'll give you a call. 検討する(クラークソン、農家になる)
The barley looks pretty good. Given the year it's had, you know, it was late drilled. 土に植える(クラークソン、農家になる)
We just drive a harvester through it? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Charlie then had a quiet word with me out of Lisa's earshot. (クラークソン、農家になる)
However, these ventures were all sideshows compared to the main event. The engine room of the farm. The crops. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The seed's encapsulated. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Let me just show you how it finishes off. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Like your hat. - Groovy, right? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Why did the bonnet catch give up? 壊れた(クラークソン、農家になる)
This is a GT car. A Grand Tourer. A long-distance car. (クラークソン、農家になる)
God above! (クラークソン、農家になる)
With the all-hands-on-deck harvest frenzy nearly upon us. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Meet me halfway. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Sorry, are we holding you up? (クラークソン、農家になる)
You're fucking having me on! (クラークソン、農家になる)
The heron keeps coming in. (クラークソン、農家になる)
If you're wrong, they might implement a penalty. (クラークソン、農家になる)
£300 a kg? You're dreaming, mate. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Laden down with actual produce from my own farm, I proudly headed to the shop. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Lisa had landed a good catch. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This is a speed James May would call supersonic. (クラークソン、農家になる)
What about margins? We haven't really done a budget, have we? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Keep the water oxygenated. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Is there a moisture-o-meter(クラークソン、農家になる)
I love piccalilli. (クラークソン、農家になる)
On the subject of Lisa's plea for more farm produce, there was something I could do. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I have taken a brave pill. (クラークソン、農家になる)
My palms are really sweaty. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Our farm has five people on the payroll. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Poor fishy. It's got some puncture wounds on it. (クラークソン、農家になる)
revert to type元の状態[型]に戻る.
Garden plants sometimes revert to type. 園芸植物は元の野生種に戻ることがある
England reverted to type. (クラークソン、農家になる)
England reverted to type. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've had a run on the sausages. 仕入れた(クラークソン、農家になる)
They rust away. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Thanks to a brief respite from lockdown, more people were visiting the farm shop. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This is oil seed rape. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The fresh produce came from one of the shires. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It itched so violently I wanted to saw it off, my whole foot. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A slab of beeswax, which could be used as furniture polish, floor polish. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I was having a sulk. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This car design was your styling then. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Aided by his chatty satnav. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Based solely within West Oxfordshire's district boundaries(クラークソン、農家になる)
Turn my spare beeswax into scented candles. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Let that set. (クラークソン、農家になる)
These ventures were all sideshows compared to the main event. (クラークソン、農家になる)
When I got stung last time I was here, my foot throbbed for four days. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Madame Tussauds, they made all their waxwork models out of beeswax. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I had the car windows tinted as well. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'd decided were now ready to be turned into cash. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The recent heatwave had taken its toll. (クラークソン、農家になる)
My new farm projects were starting to tick over quite nicely. 軌道に乗り始めた(クラークソン、農家になる)
The weight is a little under. たりない(クラークソン、農家になる)
ULEV : If you are a driver of an ultra low emission vehicle (a ULEV), you do not need to do anything and are automatically exempt. ULEVs are vehicles that emit less than 75g/km C02 and includes all (100%) electric and hydrogen vehicles and some of the cleanest, least polluting, hybrid vehicles.
Have you got your ULEV? - What's that? - Ultra-low emission. - That diesel engine was made before 2015, yeah? Yeah. - So, you're gonna need to pay that congestion charge. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Put a man up to try and deter them as well. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Volkswagen Poloポロ(Polo)は、フォルクスワーゲンが製造・販売する小型乗用車(コンパクトカー)である。
Eating two of these does more environmental damage than driving a Volkswagen Polo for a year. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Vidal Sassoonヴィダル・サスーン(Vidal Sassoon、1928年1月17日 - 2012年5月9日)は、イギリス生まれのイスラエル人であり、ヘアドレッサー、実業家である。(クラークソン、農家になる)
Nature had been a vindictive bastard. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Wasp-Eze : Wasp first aid. Over-the-counter pain medication.
I am just applying Wasp-Eze to my own arse crack. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You are winding me up. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Cheese and what-have-you. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The whole point of this was wilding. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A few things to be wary. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Keeping an eye on over yonder. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Poor fishy. (クラークソン、農家になる)
When a customer goes out and buys something, if it's got a little red tractor on the package, that means that somebody's checked to make sure my farm hasn't got feces all over it. It's a serious accreditation scheme. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Alfa Romeoアルファロメオは、ステランティスN.V.傘下のイタリアの高級自動車メーカー。
Sorry that might be an Alfa Romeo. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Is this the first audit you've been involved with, Jeremy? (クラークソン、農家になる)
A generator that ran on the amber nectar that is petrol. (クラークソン、農家になる)
ash dieback : This is a disease that affects ash trees, caused by a fungus called Hymenoscyphus fraxineus.
Ash dieback from Scandinavia. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This is the exhaust pipe for the trees. So this is an irrigation and an aeration tube. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I've paid for the water bowser thing. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The next emergency beckoned. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Cut some hay, bale it, put it in the shed. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A blizzard of shearing began. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This is a bam business. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We're right behind you. その通り(クラークソン、農家になる)
Ellen and her mate blitzed through the sheep. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I had to cut to the chase. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Hay is worth a lot of money at the minute. Cut some hay, bale it, put it in the shed 'cause no one's had a very good cut this season. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Internal combustion. It's the solution to everything. Speed and power. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Solar power is no match for internal combustion. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The sheep rub against the catches until they've opened the fence. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Come on, clear off. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Start clipping them. (=shear) (クラークソン、農家になる)
You want to put that leg up your bum crack. 横たわっている羊の後ろ脚をあなたの股の間にいれて押さえつけて。(クラークソン、農家になる)
It was time to disengage. 撤収する(クラークソン、農家になる)
Monty Don : Montagu Denis Wyatt Don OBE VMH (born George Montagu Don; 8 July 1955) is a British horticulturist, broadcaster, and writer who is best known as the lead presenter of the BBC gardening television series Gardeners' World.
When Monty Don plants a tree, it always looks so incredibly easy. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Dutch elm disease (DED) : This is caused by a member of the sac fungi (Ascomycota) affecting elm trees, and is spread by elm bark beetles.
Dutch elm disease from Canada. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The debacle. (クラークソン、農家になる)
How did you spend the day, Jeremy? - Well ripping dingle berries out of shaved sheep's coats. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It was time to down tools and crack open a beer. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The newly trimmed sheep were now equipped to deal with the heat. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's a faux pas. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I have to roll up the fleeces. (クラークソン、農家になる)
After a fraught but visually stunning journey, the sheep were at their destination. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You got to get over that way. 行く(クラークソン、農家になる)
You need emergency facilities, which include sand, absorbent granules, a sump, an ability to retain a spillage. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Give Kaleb a hosepipe. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Dave made me jump through hoops. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'd be harvesting the crops in six weeks' time. And the big question was would they all just be shriveled husks. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm doing all this work for a bunch of ingrates and millennials. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That is just lamentable. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've got leeks. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Lanciaランチア(Lancia Automobiles S.p.A. )は、イタリアのトリノを本拠地とする自動車メーカーである。ランチアの最上級車はイタリアにおいて、ムッソリーニ体制の時代から現在まで元首の公用車として使われてきた歴史があり、伝統となっている。
Like a Lancia? (クラークソン、農家になる)
He was keen to hear how I'd got on with the lambing. (クラークソン、農家になる)
1. Term used to describe dogs that are generic labrador mixes. Also used to describe dogs that people claim are purebred labs but are clearly not, or if they are purebred, they are really ugly.
2. Every unidentified mixed breed dog that people just automatically label as a lab mix.
Go on, labradog. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm doing all this work for a bunch of ingrates and millennials. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Eventually Kaleb came up with a suggestion that was, in fairness, long overdue. (クラークソン、農家になる)
In the olden days. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You could piss faster than that. 水の勢いが弱い(クラークソン、農家になる)
That is payback. 仕返し(クラークソン、農家になる)
With the wetlands sorted, I plunged into my next project. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It was the same parched story everywhere. 干ばつがひどい。(クラークソン、農家になる)
A pastoral scene. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There's nothing pastoral about it. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I volunteered to take point and steer the flock from the front. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The whole driving of that was just ruthless. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Reverse back the way we'd come. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Red Tractor : The Red Tractor logo is only found on British food and drink products that have been certified to rigorous standards from farms to pack.
When a customer goes out and buys something, if it's got a little red tractor on the package, that means that somebody's checked to make sure my farm hasn't got feces all over it. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The Red Tractor examiner called. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Wayne Rooney, when he goes to the barbers, he normally comes out with more hair than he went in with. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Socialists. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A vacuum slurry tanker. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You snapped the gate post. -Have I broken a gate post? -Yes! Snapped it clean off, drove over it. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Ready to give the whole land a damn good soaking. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I had to sit an exam. (クラークソン、農家になる)
scissors jack / scissor jack : A horizontal screw that raises or lowers a hinged, diamond-shaped frame
That is a massive scissor jack. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You need emergency facilities, which include sand, absorbent granules, a sump, an ability to retain a spillage. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You need emergency facilities, which include sand, absorbent granules, a sump, an ability to retain a spillage. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Swiss chardフダンソウは、ヒユ科フダンソウ属の一年草 - 二年草。葉菜として改良されたビートの一系統(リーフビート)。
We've got Swiss chard(クラークソン、農家になる)
We've got swedes. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The dog contributing slightly to this. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The sheep has got me in the testes! (クラークソン、農家になる)
The ram is thrashing its head around. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Everybody wears tracksuits and football shirts. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They're just trampling the crop now. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It cost me a tenner in diesel. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They got unfeasibly large churches. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Soon there will be pumpkins growing in my wake. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm with him on this. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Where abouts are the sheep? (クラークソン、農家になる)
The afternoon wore on. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The ram writhes around. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We'll let Zeus do his job. お天道様に仕事をさせる(クラークソン、農家になる)
A40 : The A40 is a trunk road which runs between London and Goodwick (Fishguard), Wales. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It was all to no avail. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Brazilian wax : A style of waxing a woman's pubic hair in which almost all the hair is removed, with only a very small central strip remaining.
A massive Brazilian. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There's massive panic buying going on of food and bog roll everywhere. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Business was not what you'd call brisk. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I was trying to do my bit. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Some twats start the bales over there with a lighter. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Some old hay bales that we made into a silo. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Chutney. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Are you panic buying? - I bought five tins of sardines the other day. Does that count? (クラークソン、農家になる)
John Carpenterジョン・ハワード・カーペンター(John Howard Carpenter、1948年1月16日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国の映画監督、脚本家、映画プロデューサー。また、俳優、音楽家としても活動している。現在においてシリーズ化されているスプラッターホラー映画『ハロウィン』の記念すべき第1作を低予算かつ短期間で作成し、大ヒットさせる事に成功。
Not even John Carpenter has thought of anything that revolting. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Jeremy's got this to come. 自業自得(クラークソン、農家になる)
The lamb is now 22 minutes old and already walking. It's like watching a Ford Cortina start in the 1960s. Yes, urgh, urgh, urgh, urgh. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Of the 74 pregnant sheep, 49 had now given birth, so the maternity ward was getting a bit cramped. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm ringing tails, so putting a ring on their tail so that when they're a bit older and it gets hotter, they're not gonna get flies around their bum. - Okay, so docking their tails? – Yeah. (クラークソン、農家になる)
1. 〔食品などを〕急速冷凍する、冷凍貯蔵[保存]する
2. 〔活動などを〕凍結[無期延期・棚上げ]する
In the deep freeze for two weeks. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That one is defecating in the water bucket. (クラークソン、農家になる)
120 lambs had been delivered in just three weeks. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The expectant mums. (クラークソン、農家になる)
If you edge closer then, the sheep will get used to you. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Every Easter card made real. イースターカードのように幸せそうだ。(クラークソン、農家になる)
No epidural, no, no shouting, "I hate you” delivering the baby lamb. (クラークソン、農家になる)
All parts of the country are now on an emergency footing. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They will have fun times with each other. お互いに交尾をする。(クラークソン、農家になる)
I went out into the fields and fired up something called the roller. エンジンをかけた(クラークソン、農家になる)
February gave way to March. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There'll be a glut. Huge amount of product chasing a very small market. (クラークソン、農家になる)
So a week ago, a lamb was worth 100 quid and now it's 52, so it's halved. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The virus is indiscriminate. It doesn't matter who you are, where you are, or how old you are. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This idyllic moment was then interrupted. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Stop kids joyriding on this old airfield. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Little Bo-Peep / Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep. : This is a popular English language nursery rhyme.
Eager to escape from Little Bo-Peep's torture chamber. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Look at you lambers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I lit the stove. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The field is now littered with little testicles that have fallen off. (クラークソン、農家になる)
nerve center
1. a group of closely connected nerve cells that perform a particular function; a ganglion.
2. the control centre of an organization or operation.
Frankfurt is the economic nerve centre of Germany.
I headed to the nerve center. (クラークソン、農家になる)
oversteerオーバーステア 《カーブを曲がる時に運転者が意図する角度よりも大きく内側に曲がり込もうとする自動車の性質; cf. understeer》.
Power oversteer. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This was a one-off error. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We kept the temporarily orphaned lamb fed. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I haven't had my perm done. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Are you panic buying? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Pawing the ground is what they do when they're about to give birth. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He thinks his phone can pass the corona virus onto him 'cause he's not answering. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Some people plunder eggs during the shortage of food. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There's massive panic buying going on. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm gonna have my piece. 銃(クラークソン、農家になる)
It wasn't all peace and love between me and the locals. (クラークソン、農家になる)
On the plus side, it had been a successful lambing season. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We had been rendered completely deaf by the endless squeaking. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Roll home about 2:00. 帰る(クラークソン、農家になる)
The sheep will rear another sheep's lamb. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Rizlaリズラ は、1532年にフランスのピエール・デ・ラクロアによって創業された手巻きタバコの巻紙を製造する会社、および製品の商標である。
On the ground here, there are some Rizlas. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm ringing tails, so putting a ring on their tail so that when they're a bit older and it gets hotter, they're not gonna get flies around their bum. - Okay, so docking their tails? – Yeah. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Chinese authorities are stepping up efforts to control the spread of the virus. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We just had to wait for Mother Nature to roll her sleeves up. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Ellen schooled me well in all the jobs that needed doing. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I swear on my life. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Another sheep gave birth to a singleton. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Some old hay bales that we made into a silo. (クラークソン、農家になる)
SMA : Nestlé brand of baby milk. Simulated milk adapted, an infant formula.
He is shoving a tube down the sheep’s throat to deliver glucose and effectively, SMA. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He grew weaker still. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The A40 is a trunk road which runs between London and Goodwick (Fishguard), Wales
The lambs were jammed up on the way? - Yeah. - It's like that bit on the A40, where the two cars have to go into one. 2台の車が一つの車線に並んでいるみたいだね。(クラークソン、農家になる)
The most Thunderbirds-y farm machine in my entire arsenal. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Jethro Tullジェスロ・タルは、イングランド出身のロックバンド。
Jethro Tull's old planting machine. (クラークソン、農家になる)
thick and fast (idiom) : Quickly and in large numbers.
Distress calls were pouring in, thick and fast, from all over the area.
That evening, the lambs started to arrive thick and fast. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We were all hoping that Jeremy's TLC would have the little fella back on his feet. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The discarded testes. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Welcome to the brand new lambing barn we've built. The maternity ward, if you will. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Worryingly, there was no sign of the second birth. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Joseph Trevor Wicks MBE (born 21 September 1985), also known as The Body Coach, is a British fitness coach, TV presenter, social media personality and author.
Everybody's sitting at home watching Joe Wick. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We wheelied the machine to the field. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (often informally called Millionaire) :This is an American television game show based on the format of the same-titled British program created by David Briggs, Steven Knight and Mike Whitehill and developed in the United States by Michael Davies. The show features a quiz competition with contestants attempting to win a top prize of $1,000,000 by answering a series of multiple-choice questions, usually of increasing difficulty. The program has endured as one of the longest-running and most successful international variants in the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? franchise.
I used to get paid a bit more than that on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire," you know. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He might be having withdrawal symptoms. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm not some hairy-armpitted environmentalist on a rally, it's me. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I've aerated the soil. You haven't aerated it, you've compacted it down with the heavy machinery. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's only a few anthills got knocked over. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A rather boggy and sad place. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Bluebells, hopefully. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Bramble, fantastic for the warblers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You got nine meters of boom. ショベルカーの腕 cf. barrel(クラークソン、農家になる)
If you boom out now a little bit. ショベルカーの腕(クラークソン、農家になる)
The big burly Ukrainian. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We broke out the trap cameras that night, this is what we saw. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Thanks for being the bearer of good news. (クラークソン、農家になる)
More attractive to creepy crawlies. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Nature would throw one of its curve balls. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This is a complete cock job. (クラークソン、農家になる)
CLAAS : This is an agricultural machinery manufacturer based in Harsewinkel, Germany.
Come on, come on, the power of the Claas, come on. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Kaleb is nursing a semi in his Claas. (When a man is "nursing a semi", he has a half-erect penis. This can happen due to a stimulating situation that doesn't suffice for a full erection.) (クラークソン、農家になる)
I've aerated the soil. You haven't aerated it, you've compacted it down with the heavy machinery. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I should carpet bomb the whole farm with owl boxes, where they could live. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I commandeered some poles that had been left on the verge. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Now we're cooking. 成功だ(クラークソン、農家になる)
The pole is all cockeyed but this'll be straight, yeah? (クラークソン、農家になる)
cable tieケーブルタイとは、配線などを束ねるための結束バンド
Cable tie this to something. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We're going to attach this chute and we are going to chute the trout in. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Countryfile : This is a British television programme which airs weekly on BBC One and reports on rural, agricultural, and environmental issues.
That sounds like I'm on Countryfile. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He was dead chuffed. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I am going to leave chunks of the farm completely alone. I'm going to put Mother Nature in the driving seat. It's a process called wilding. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Sir Ronald Dennis CBE : (born 1 June 1947) He is a British businessman and an Official British Business Ambassador for the United Kingdom. He is best known for his former role as owner, CEO, chairman and founder of McLaren Group.
I thought Ron Dennis was coming. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Ecoists get their cocks out for this kind of thing. 興奮する(クラークソン、農家になる)
This would do as a follow up. 続編(クラークソン、農家になる)
Hawberries ready for the fieldfares and redwings. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Afternoon, Jeremy. - Greetings. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I set about my new project with gusto. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A family of otters gamboling here. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This has not gone down well on social media. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They're goldfinches. (クラークソン、農家になる)
God did a full Guy Gibson number on my dam. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I saved the planet, Nobel prizes. Greta Thunberg comes around. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Britain has lost 140,000 miles of hedgerows. (クラークソン、農家になる)
HSI【略】 =habitat suitability index生物生息地適正指数
Do the HSI calculations. (クラークソン、農家になる)
More chance for otters and herons and insects to come and live in it. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's Elton John's first hairpiece. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Hawberries ready for the fieldfares and redwings. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Kaleb was on hand to help out. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Hand-sowing some seeds. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Hercules《米軍》ハーキュリーズ◆Lockheed Martin社の大型輸送機
The photos of the Herculeses dropping trout into the Great Lakes in Canada. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That one has tractoritis, that's not good. そのトラクターはガタがきてる。(クラークソン、農家になる)
I will be jolly cross. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A kingfisher on that branch there. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Little flock, see them? And they landed in the knapweed. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'd made homes for owls and kestrels. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Waiting for a tasty morsel. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You'll see just how moronic these people are. (クラークソン、農家になる)
McLaren Group Limited : This is a British holding company based in Woking, England, which is involved in Formula One and other motorsport and the manufacture of sports cars.
Cf. Sir Ronald Dennis CBE (born 1 June 1947) is a British businessman and an Official British Business Ambassador for the United Kingdom. He is best known for his former role as owner, CEO, chairman and founder of McLaren Group. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Okay, the moment of truth. (クラークソン、農家になる)
God did a full Guy Gibson number. (クラークソン、農家になる) (Guy Gibsonガイ・ペンローズ・ギブソン(1918年8月12日-1944年9月19日)は、イギリス空軍の軍人。最終階級は中佐。第617飛行中隊の初代指揮官として有名であり、同中隊初の特殊攻撃任務であるチャスタイズ作戦(Operation Chastise)を指揮し、反跳爆弾を用いてダムを破壊するという劇的な戦果を挙げている)
Despite Kaleb's naked realism, I was loving my wilding project. (クラークソン、農家になる)
More chance for otters and herons and insects to come and live in it. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Break some eggs to make an omelette. : idiom saying. it is hard to achieve something important without causing unpleasant effects.
We're making an omelette and some eggs have been broken. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A family of otters gamboling here. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm not gonna have somebody with an O level in biology coming along, telling me, "Well, you've ruined the habitat. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Accusing me of being a one-man McDonalds, doing deforestation? (クラークソン、農家になる)
from the off〈英〉スタート時点から、最初から、初めから、当初から◆【同】from the start ; from the beginning
Roy was impressed from the off with what I had. (クラークソン、農家になる)
opencast coal mine露天掘りの炭鉱◆【略】OCM
opencast coal mining〈主に英〉=open-cut coal mining
Let's call it the Suez between the stream and the open-cast mine that I've dug. (クラークソン、農家になる) (クラークソン、農家になる)
André Previnアンドレ・ジョージ・プレヴィン(André George Previn, KBE、1929年4月6日- 2019年2月28日)は、クラシック音楽・映画音楽・ジャズの指揮者、ピアニスト、作曲家。出生名は、ドイツ名でアンドレアス・ルートヴィヒ・プリヴィン(Andreas Ludwig Priwin)といい、アンドレはフランス風の名乗りである
That is what you do like Andre Previn. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The bees would make honey and money for the farm shop when it finally reopened and they'd also help pollinate my crops. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The leaky dam was the only pimple in what was becoming quite a successful wilding project. (クラークソン、農家になる)
What I really needed was a pat on the back from Charlie. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I was stuck in a quagmire of my own making. (クラークソン、農家になる)
quids in《be ~》〈英話〉もうかっている、金回りがいい、望ましい状態である、有利な立場にある、運がいい
So long as nothing else goes wrong, - we're gonna be quids in. - Everything's going in the right direction. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Hawberries ready for the fieldfares and redwings. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I reveled in this historic moment. (クラークソン、農家になる)
My windscreen would be an opaque smorgasbord of dead insects. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The storks. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We could put a trap camera on this. - Yeah, that's a good shout. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's got a pointy nose, it's a shrew. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I've slithered down the steep bit of the hill and I'm at the bottom. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Swim-up bar means an area of a pool that includes barstool type seating, a countertop, and often a serving area where patrons can order a beverage without leaving the pool. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This is not gonna be like Ed Sheeran's pond, which is turquoise and has a diving board and a swim-up bar. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Just take the slack up gently. ゆっくりロープを引け(クラークソン、農家になる)
under your own steam : (idiom) If you do something under your own steam, you do it without help.
Do you want a lift or will you get there under your own steam?
This is probably me doing it under my own steam. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Nurse a semi : When a man is "nursing a semi", he has a half-erect penis. This can happen due to a stimulating situation that doesn't suffice for a full erection.
Kaleb's nursing a semi. (クラークソン、農家になる)
What you're seeing now is just the Somme. (クラークソン、農家になる)
scores on the doors : You may have read or heard about the SCORES ON DOORS scheme which will see all food establishments display a rating of between zero and five for food hygiene, which should preferably be shown on the front door.
It was time to put the scores on the doors. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I've smoked three quarters of a million cigarettes. I've had pneumonia, so my lungs are scarred. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Tic Tac : (stylized as "tic tac") This is a brand of small, hard mint manufactured by the Italian company Ferrero.
Can you see these droppings by voles here? And these are a kind of a Tic Tac shape? - That is feces, is it? - Indeed, yeah. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This is not gonna be like Ed Sheeran's pond, which is turquoise and has a diving board and a swim-up bar. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Let me talk you through my plan. (クラークソン、農家になる)
girl about town / woman about town : If you describe someone as a man about town or a woman about town, you mean that they are sophisticated, like to go out and spend money, and have a busy social life.
Girl-about-town Lisa arrived. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I hoped that was the end of the telling off. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Thin your eyes. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This is the bit of the forest that was thinned. (クラークソン、農家になる)
twitcher 【名】〈英話〉=bird-watcher
As a bit of a twitcher, I was especially keen to do things for the birds. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Between your tines. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He sinks telegraph poles for British Telecom. (クラークソン、農家になる)
telehandler/ telescopic handler: テレハンドラー(telehandler)、またはテレスコピック・ハンドラー(telescopic handler)とは、農業や産業分野で幅広く使われる荷役車両の一種である。これは外観と機能においてフォークリフトと同様であり、移動式クレーンのような一本の伸縮式ブームを中央に備え、車両の前方や上方にブームを伸ばすことが出来る。
Got the telehandler. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I had to rush off to tractor the crop fields. (クラークソン、農家になる)
All I had to do now was make sure the fish stayed alive which, given my track record, was not a certainty. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Kaleb decided to undo the tow rope. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There's a likelihood it could be water vole. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There's a high likelihood that this is water vole droppings. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's the Victoria Falls! (クラークソン、農家になる)
I am going to leave chunks of the farm completely alone. I'm going to put Mother Nature in the driving seat. It's a process called wilding. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'll have a wander over here. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Bramble is a fantastic food source for the warblers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
My plan to rewild parts of the farm was going very well. (クラークソン、農家になる)
My dry stone waller. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Part of my wilding project. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Despite Kaleb's naked realism, I was loving my wilding project. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We'll put an antibiotic spray on them. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've got an abscess there. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They take their animals to market. They take them to the abattoir. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You're going right up by that edge in the arm. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Away we go. はじめるぞ(クラークソン、農家になる)
Enjoy some al fresco dining. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Shit, you bolly. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I called in some locals with a bowser. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Having connected the bowser to what looked like the tank's outlet pipe. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've got to fill that tank up without using a bowser. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I've just seen the back bit. 例のあれ ちんちん(クラークソン、農家になる)
Big bale of hay. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We stopped for a breather. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's taken me the best part of half an hour. (クラークソン、農家になる)
B&Q Limited : (short for Block & Quayle after the company's two founders) This is a British multinational DIY and home improvement retailing company, with headquarters in Eastleigh, England.
This would be like B&Q. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I then broke off from farm shop jobs. 中断した(クラークソン、農家になる)
Charlie had been badgering me. (クラークソン、農家になる)
People are a bit bemused with the situation. (クラークソン、農家になる)
If the weather breaks. 雨が止めば(クラークソン、農家になる)
This bought me some time. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's that last little lip. There it is there. The burn. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Beat those Brexit blues. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Get the barrels out. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The sheep that don't fit the bill. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'd found a stream that fitted the bill. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Thirty years of Jeremy Clarkson bouting about in cars. (クラークソン、農家になる)
blue badge : In the UK and Europe, a blue piece of paper that people can fasten to the window of their vehicle to show that they are not able to walk easily and so are allowed to park in places where other drivers cannot park:
Disabled people receive a blue badge that gives them parking privileges.
I parked my car with the blue badge clearly displayed. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm gonna have a coronary. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The least dangerous field in Christendom. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Fuck it, go live in that field, get run over. See if I care. Fucking hate sheep. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Very old pipes crisscrossing this farm. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Measure its circumference. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Active cougars. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The sheep will need to be culled. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They're all culls as well. 屠殺用(クラークソン、農家になる)
The local television station sent a reporter to Chadlington to cover the story. I've got a clip of that here. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This is the kind of thing you get the CBE for. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Chequers : This is the country house of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. A 16th-century manor house in origin, it is near the village of Ellesborough, halfway between Princes Risborough and Wendover in Buckinghamshire, at the foot of the Chiltern Hills, 40 miles (64 km) north-west of central London.
They send a search party out from The Chequers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Holy cow. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Camber Sands : This is a beach in East Sussex, England, in the village of Camber
It was time to install the henhouses that Lisa had ordered. - It's good, right? - Well, they'd blend if we were in Camber Sands, or Tobermory. (Tobermory (/ˌtoʊbərˈmɔːri/; Scottish Gaelic: Tobar Mhoire) is the capital of, and until 1973 the only burgh on, the Isle of Mull in the Scottish Inner Hebrides. It is located on the east coast of Mishnish, the most northerly part of the island, near the northern entrance of the Sound of Mull. Tobermory is recognisable thanks to the brightly coloured buildings curving round its pretty harbour front.) (クラークソン、農家になる)
A positive coliform sample should be considered an indication of feces in your source. (クラークソン、農家になる)
There's a restrictive covenant. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You chuck potatoes at each other. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I was out of my depth, so despite the cost, I had to call in Delwyn the vet. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The crew photographer and part-time druid, Ellis, suggested I try water divining. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The crew photographer and part-time druid, Ellis, suggested I try water divining. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The druid also said that when the wires crossed, I'd be directly above a pipe. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He's always amusing himself down there with those diviners. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Are they all now up the duff? - Well there's 74 sheep have been topped. オスに乗られたメス羊は74匹。(クラークソン、農家になる)
They'll lie dormant. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The Diddly Squat farm shop would open, come what may, that weekend. (クラークソン、農家になる)
downward dogヨガで下向きの犬のポーズまたは下向きの犬のポーズ
Can I do a downward dog? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Had my social media shout-out been enough to draw any custmoers in? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Err on the side of caution. (クラークソン、農家になる)
ewe 【名】〔成長した〕雌羊
If you end up with thin ewes and, and they got lambs, then you're going to end up with all sorts of trouble. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Enough grass for 74 pregnant ewes. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Now they are enabled. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The chickens can exit on that side to run around in the wood. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's something, E.coli basically. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A Freesian Bull Institute? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Full of diseased feces. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I don't think you need to worry a huge amount on that front. (クラークソン、農家になる)
For no reason I could fathom. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The skin of the potatoes sort of firms up. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I've been drinking rotting animals and feces. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Fair weather Alan here. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's like Fortnum & Mason's in my mind. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The shop was heaving, and Lisa was run off her feet. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Ooh, am I gonna get you back. 仕返ししてやる(クラークソン、農家になる)
The sheep have the gum chewing insolence. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They come galloping up now. (クラークソン、農家になる)
With your gloominess. (クラークソン、農家になる)
gainful employment for the elderly. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The Gulfstream V (Model GV, pronounced "G-five") : This is a long-range, large business jet aircraft produced by Gulfstream Aerospace, derived from the previous Gulfstream IV. It typically accommodates four crew and 14 passengers.
If I can grow wasabi here, I'm going to be looking at G5 catalogues in no time at all. 自家用ジェット機を買うくらいリッチになれる。(クラークソン、農家になる)
My giddy aunt! [驚きを表わして] 《英俗》 おや!, まあ! (クラークソン、農家になる)
The drone can herd the sheep. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I knew public school education would come in handy. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Their woolly harem. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The freakish autumn rainfall had played havoc with my farming plans. (クラークソン、農家になる)
An old-people hiring policy. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Holy cow. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The honesty box attracted people who were honest. 無人販売所(クラークソン、農家になる)
That is 11 eggs. That is enough for a picnic, not for a shop. Having harangued the hens, I drove back. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Hordes of people were now arriving on foot. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The shop was heaving, and Lisa was run off her feet. (クラークソン、農家になる)
So each man sheep will impregnate 40 lady sheeps. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The sheep have the gum chewing insolence. (クラークソン、農家になる)
All the hens were safely installed in their new houses. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Jacket potatoes? (クラークソン、農家になる)
jumper : A “Jumper” is the word used to describe a large stone placed in a random coursed wall which “Jumps” two or more courses to give a new level to the course. (random coursed wall : This is where the stones have a variety of heights. So the builder makes a pattern up from the stone available)
That's all right, innit? Those jumpers and that. - Good. I like the jumpers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
When the boy sheep run, they knee their own big bollocks. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They lamb quite easily. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I don't want to be lavatorial. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Once they lamb. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Some major responsibilities lay ahead. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They start lambing. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Until lambing. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Come on, LOL. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I would have the last laugh. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's that last little lip. There it is there. The burn. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The day continued under the lash of the rural Ant Middleton. (Anthony Middleton : (born 22 September 1980) He is a British adventurer, television personality and former UK Special Forces soldier, Royal Marines Commando, and Royal Engineer in the British Army. He is best known as the former Chief Instructor on the Channel 4 television series SAS: Who Dares Wins, a role he held from 2015 until 2021.) (クラークソン、農家になる)
North country mules is a good sheep(クラークソン、農家になる)
North country mules would be best. (クラークソン、農家になる)
An erupting udder with severe mastitis. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They would mate three or four a day very happily. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You've got mastitis. (クラークソン、農家になる)
James May:ジェームズ・ダニエル・メイ(James Daniel May、1963年1月16日 - )は、イギリス・ブリストル出身のテレビ司会者、ジャーナリスト、自動車評論家、コラムニスト。もっとも有名なのはジェレミー・クラークソンとリチャード・ハモンドと共に出演しているBBCの自動車番組『トップ・ギア』の司会者(クラークソン、農家になる)
Look, that's old grease, that. All green and manky. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Anthony Middleton : (born 22 September 1980) He is a British adventurer, television personality and former UK Special Forces soldier, Royal Marines Commando, and Royal Engineer in the British Army.He is best known as the former Chief Instructor on the Channel 4 television series SAS: Who Dares Wins, a role he held from 2015 until 2021.
The day continued under the lash of the rural Ant Middleton. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Known as the NSA. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They'll follow their noses now. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The farm shop was nowhere near ready. (クラークソン、農家になる)
How many buckets of potatoes am I going to get from here? - We should be on between 14, 16 tons an acre. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Prolapsed vagina. Cervical prolapse. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The scrotal sacs are pendulous, aren't they? (クラークソン、農家になる)
The penny's starting to drop now. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Why can't these sheep stay in a little pallet somewhere with doves and rabbits? (クラークソン、農家になる)
These poxy sheep. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I go to the local farm shop to pick up a ploughman's. (クラークソン、農家になる)
All the produce that comes off the farm. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Then, it was time to install the henhouses that Lisa had ordered. - Well, it was this or pebbledash. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Some potatoes sort of have gone all pussy and horrible. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'll bring you some potatoes. - I'll put a few in for you. いくらか払う(クラークソン、農家になる)
Erect the portaloo. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We just plonk that up. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The customers piled in. (クラークソン、農家になる)
As the afternoon wore on, the punters kept on coming. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Pablo Emilio Escobarパブロ・エミリオ・エスコバル・ガビリア (スペイン語: Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria;1949年12月1日 - 1993年12月2日) は、コロンビアの犯罪者。「麻薬テロリスト」 (Narco Terrorist)、「麻薬王」 (Drug Lord) とも呼ばれた。「メデジン・カルテル」 (Medellín Cartel) の創設者であり、最大の首領でもあった。エスコバルは「コカインの帝王」とも呼ばれ、1980年代から1990年代初頭にかけて、アメリカ合衆国において自身の組織した麻薬カルテルによるコカインの取引を独占し、その過程で、死ぬまでに推定300億ドル(2021年の時点で640億ドルに相当)もの純資産を蓄えた、史上最も裕福な犯罪者とみなされている
Do we need one of those like Pablo Escobar counting machines? (クラークソン、農家になる)
The carpark was becoming a quagmire. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've got them a bit riled. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Ringing me up all the time. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You randy little bastards, you. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I don't want you driving over my rape as well. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They've been ruinously expensive. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Rookie error. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Whilst it does not read well on first inspection, I've addressed the concerns. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's like a rust bucket. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We reconvened. (クラークソン、農家になる)
random coursed wall : This is where the stones have a variety of heights. So the builder makes a pattern up from the stone available
jumper : A “Jumper” is the word used to describe a large stone placed in a random coursed wall which “Jumps” two or more courses to give a new level to the course. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Ready-made foods 調理済みの食料、レトルト食品(クラークソン、農家になる)
Alan Sugarシュガー男爵アラン・マイケル・シュガー(Alan Michael Sugar, Baron Sugar、1947年3月24日 - )は、イギリスの実業家、著述家、政治家である。1968年に家電メーカー、アムストラッドを創業した。1991年から2001年までトッテナム・ホットスパーFCの会長兼共同オーナーを務めていた。また、2005年からBBCで放送されているリアリティ番組『アプレンティス』の司会を務めている
I'm basically Alan Sugar in wellies. (クラークソン、農家になる)
In a very short space of time. (クラークソン、農家になる)
good shout : (informal UK) (also that's a shout) Used for saying that you think something is a good idea.
Anyone fancy a burger? - Good shout.
I really want to go clubbing tonight. - Oh, that's a shout!"
It wouldn't be a bad shout. (クラークソン、農家になる)
A self-assembly electric fence. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The drone going up, down, swivel. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I've completely mastered sheeping. (クラークソン、農家になる)
When I opened any of the stopcocks, no water was coming through. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Gotta hold the scrotal sac. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Alan Sugarシュガー男爵アラン・マイケル・シュガー(Alan Michael Sugar, Baron Sugar、1947年3月24日 - )は、イギリスの実業家、著述家、政治家である。1968年に家電メーカー、アムストラッドを創業した。1991年から2001年までトッテナム・ホットスパーFCの会長兼共同オーナーを務めていた。また、2005年からBBCで放送されているリアリティ番組『アプレンティス』の司会を務めている。
I'm basically Alan Sugar in wellies. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Those two sheep are starting to swagger. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He's a bigger shagger. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's like one of those shots in Oklahoma.シーン(クラークソン、農家になる)
There was one more surprise in store. (クラークソン、農家になる)
To scope out the site. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The small patch of experimental potatoes I planted on spec a few months earlier. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The potatoes sleeping soundly in the ground. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It seems the authorities can pipe what they like through to the village's taps, but short of forcibly pouring it down their throats, they can't make them drink it. (クラークソン、農家になる)
In this part of the world, where no one grows spuds. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That potato has gone black and a bit squidgy. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Square it up. まっすぐに??(クラークソン、農家になる)
Sorry for those that are squeamish. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I wasn't going to shift 16 tons of potatoes. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The sticks of dynamite(クラークソン、農家になる)
I can't sell the meat? No, not until you've got the sign-off from Food Hygiene. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You have got a salmonella test? (クラークソン、農家になる)
The ground is teeming with rare grasses, with flowers. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Safe trip. おきをつけてお帰りください(クラークソン、農家になる)
Are they all now up the duff? - Well there's 74 sheep have been topped. オスに乗られたメス羊は74匹。(クラークソン、農家になる)
Just tip that up there, just tip it. かき出せ(クラークソン、農家になる)
Trench foot. (クラークソン、農家になる)
With the build schedule now in tatters. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's just a torrent of turds. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Bring a few taters back. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Just tip that out there. 土を掘り出せ(クラークソン、農家になる)
Count the takings. (クラークソン、農家になる)
human tripod : To be so massively hung that it appears like you have 3 legs. Very difficult to wear shorts in public. Every smoking hot girl wants a piece of you.
Man, I had sex with Cory last night, he was a real human tripod! (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've got an abscess there. So, basically, the udders are shot. (クラークソン、農家になる)
These need unseizing. はずさないと(クラークソン、農家になる)
Variation of planning. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm basically Alan Sugar in wellies. (Alan Sugarシュガー男爵アラン・マイケル・シュガー(Alan Michael Sugar, Baron Sugar、1947年3月24日 - )は、イギリスの実業家、著述家、政治家である。1968年に家電メーカー、アムストラッドを創業した。1991年から2001年までトッテナム・ホットスパーFCの会長兼共同オーナーを務めていた。また、2005年からBBCで放送されているリアリティ番組『アプレンティス』の司会を務めている) (クラークソン、農家になる)
I had spent a whopping 11,000 pounds. (クラークソン、農家になる)
What have we got to do first of all? Worm the sheep? - Worm them first. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It is now full of diseased feces because the sheeps have been wormed. (クラークソン、農家になる)
He suggested I try water divining. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You haven't seen those two sheep in the Kamasutra? - No. Wheelbarrowing. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Barry Eugene White (1944年9月12日 - 2003年7月4日)バリー・ホワイトは、アメリカ合衆国の男性シンガーソングライターで音楽プロデューサーである。「ラブ・アンリミテッド・オーケストラ」を編成した。代表作にラブ・アンリミテッド・オーケストラ名義の「愛のテーマ」、本人名義の「あふれる愛を」、「忘れられない君」、「マイ・エヴリシング」などがある。
In my mind, we could now dim the lights, put on some Barry White. (クラークソン、農家になる)
aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)
I've probably got a bruise on my elbow. - Does that go in the accident book? - That's going in the accident book as well. - So it's a woke accident book? (クラークソン、農家になる)
fake woke〈米俗〉フェイク・ウォーク◆社会問題に対する意識が高くないのに高いふりをすること。
stay woke〈米俗〉〔社会的不公正・人種差別・性差別などに対して〕高い意識を持ち続ける◆【参考】woke
stay fake woke〈米俗〉社会問題に対する意識が高いふりをし続ける◆
The dry-stone waller. 石積職人(クラークソン、農家になる)
People from all walks of life. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Put some sandbags or something to weigh down the portaloo. (クラークソン、農家になる)
She sent me a Whatsapp back. (クラークソン、農家になる)
As the afternoon wore on, the punters kept on coming. (クラークソン、農家になる)
As zero hour approached, everything was finally in order. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You've got a tractor albeit too big. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We have a great line-up of arable kit. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The backbone of the equipment. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The auction buzz was building. 盛り上がってきた(クラークソン、農家になる)
I'll go and light the brazier. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Chippy born and bred. 生まれも育ちもチッピーだ。(クラークソン、農家になる)
It's almost as though God himself has beamed you down. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's all back up together. 元通りになった。(クラークソン、農家になる)
It started off bent there. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The brashy soil drains well. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Deluge disaster. Biblical. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You can't store a combustible such as hay, straw, or anything like that with fertilizer. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Hay doesn't spontaneously combust. - Well, it might do in the presence of fertilizer. (クラークソン、農家になる)
In the cab. (cabin) (クラークソン、農家になる)
Who put a door catch there? (クラークソン、農家になる)
Why don't farmers all have coronaries? (クラークソン、農家になる)
We got cracking. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You make a cock-up. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Did you see that bit he missed over in coordinates. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Well, neonicotinoids are you know, the seed coatings were banned in Europe. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Dralon : (Trademark British)A synthetic textile made from acrylic fibre and used for curtains and upholstery. Blue Dralon armchairs.
Button-back Dralon three-piece suite. (three-piece suite 《a ~》〔家具などの〕3点セット) (クラークソン、農家になる)
Through the dew on a beautiful autumn morning. (クラークソン、農家になる)
An even bigger issue was developing. (クラークソン、農家になる)
When Kaleb came back, the evening mood took a bit of a downturn. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Fortnum & Mason :フォートナム&メイソンはイギリスのロンドンを拠点とする老舗百貨店。しばしばフォートナムズ (Fortnum's) と略される。ウィリアム・フォートナムとヒュー・メイソンにより1707年に創業し、本店はピカデリーにある。ウィッティントン・インベストメンツが社を保有している。日本にも2つの支店を有している。
It's like Fortnum & Masons. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I have 40 forwards gears, and 40 reverse gears. (クラークソン、農家になる)
first up :(British English spoken informal) used to introduce the first thing you are going to talk about, or the first thing that is going to happen.
First up is the Blues song ‘Mississippi Lad’.
First up with an opinion was my girlfriend, Lisa. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I fired up the checkbook and went shopping. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Do you want to pull forwards. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We're just loosening the top, the sort of friable surface of the soil. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You'll get your own feel for it. Flying solo on day one. (クラークソン、農家になる)
You'll get your own feel for it. Flying solo on day one. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Forging a path. (クラークソン、農家になる)
In fact, the only irritation was having to faff about turning round at the end of every run in the field. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Despite much ferreting, we couldn't find the source of the problem. 探す(クラークソン、農家になる)
I had to get to grips with the fearsomely complicated seed drill. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The little black beetle must just foraged it. (クラークソン、農家になる)
They're goldfinches. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Greetings. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That would probably take me a good week. (クラークソン、農家になる)
saving grace〔悪い状況の中で神から与えられた〕救い〔欠点を補う〕取りえ
I can't say whether this is his saving grace or his deepest flaw. これが彼の取りえなのかそれとも致命的な欠点なのか、私には分からない。
You sound like just the saving grace. It's almost as though God himself has beamed you down. (クラークソン、農家になる)
grease up : Having sexual relations which can be moist.
We could grease up. Don't look at me like that. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I had to get to grips with the fearsomely complicated seed drill. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Greta Ernman Thunbergグレタ・エルンマン・トゥーンベリ(2003年1月3日 - )は、スウェーデンの環境活動家である(クラークソン、農家になる)
It is kinder to the environment. Greta Thunberg likes this. (クラークソン、農家になる)
As I'm familiar with stuff that has four wheels and an engine, I should have been at home driving a tractor. (クラークソン、農家になる)
make a Horlicks (in British English) To make a mistake or a mess
“Horlicks” did not come to mean “mess” until the early 1980s. Urban legend holds that the company itself is responsible for the slang usage. It once aired a series of TV commercials that portrayed a stressed-out woman enduring a series of mundane catastrophes. She ends the terrible day by relaxing with a hot nip of Horlicks.
His boss is making a horlicks of his job.
Now I've made a total Horlicks of this. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I've also got 50 head of sheep. (クラークソン、農家になる)
As a result of everything, there was now no hope of hitting Charlie's deadlines. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Make hay while the sun shines. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The rain has caused havoc not seen for almost a century. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I reckon these guys are gonna get itchy in a minute. イライラする
So we loosen it up now, jiggle it up a bit. (クラークソン、農家になる)
jack in : To quit or abandon (something), especially a career, endeavor, or enterprise. A noun or pronoun can be used between "jack" and "in." Primarily heard in UK.
We're going to have to jack this project in if we can't secure more funding. (クラークソン、農家になる)
After two years, Janet was ready to jack in her job at the firm.
I'm jacking it in. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Jesus wept. (クラークソン、農家になる)
With Charlie's tight timetable looming over me. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Lambo : This is a shortened version of Lamborghini.
Do you like cruising in your Lambo? (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm in a muddle. I'm in a proper, proper muddle. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The following day, mercifully, we were able to get back to work. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We were miles behind with the cultivating. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The Met office says. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's my farm in the Cotswolds. Nestling among the ancient stone villages. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Let's open it up. 加速だ(クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm pushing 60. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Ploughman's lunchプラウマンズランはイングランド料理。イギリスのパブでよく提供される料理。日本で言うところの定食のイメージに近い。特に定まった食材や調理法があるわけではなく、パン、チーズ、ハム、ピクルス、レタスやトマトなどの生野菜、リンゴなどをワンプレートで提供する。またパブでの提供であるため、ビール、エールと共に提供されることも多い
I decided to pull over and enjoy it some more with a ploughman's. (クラークソン、農家になる)
piccalilliピッカリリあるいは マスタードピクルスは、南アジアのピクルスを英国風にした、微塵切りの酢漬け野菜と香辛料で調理した付け合せ、あるいはソース。レシピは各地域でかなりの違いがある。
Do you want some piccalilli? (クラークソン、農家になる)
at a push
1. 〈英話〉うまくいけば
2. 〈英話〉いざという場合には、緊急の時には、必要とあらば
Been to London? - No. Didn't like it. Too many people. - Banbury? Banbury at a push. 必要とあらばバンベリーなら行くけど。(クラークソン、農家になる)
The pace picked up. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The roller on the back here will pack up with mud. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It had become a quagmire. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Let's go round up some sheep. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I then took one of his restored tractors for a test drive. 中古(クラークソン、農家になる)
What do you mean I haven't drilled it straight? - That's as straight as a roundabout. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Oilseed rape fields. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We've got nice rows of rape. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Across the country, warnings remain in place for severe weather. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Well sown is half grown. So if the crop is planted well, then actually you're halfway there. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I sprang into action. (クラークソン、農家になる)
With Kaleb and I operating in shifts, the pace picked up. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The rain did eventually slacken 48 frustrating hours later. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I've lost one of my nose tampons! (クラークソン、農家になる)
All I do know is it's going to involve some tractoring. (クラークソン、農家になる)
three-piece suite 《a ~》〔家具などの〕3点セット
Button-back Dralon three-piece suite. (Dralon : (Trademark British)A synthetic textile made from acrylic fibre and used for curtains and upholstery. Blue Dralon armchairs.) (クラークソン、農家になる)
We're gonna do a three-point turn. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I'm not gonna one of those three point turns. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It will leave two un-drilled sections which are called tram lines. (クラークソン、農家になる)
In under two weeks. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I ventured out again. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This is my wilding project. (クラークソン、農家になる)
This is not wilding. That's damage. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I had to learn my way around the equipment quickly. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I used to while away my evening hours reading car magazines. (クラークソン、農家になる)
It's reddy-orange. (クラークソン、農家になる)