air gap : エアギャップとは、コンピュータネットワークにおいてセキュリティを高める方法の一つ。安全にしたいコンピュータやネットワークを、インターネットや安全でないLANといったネットワークから物理的に隔離することを指す。
I unplugged everything in the room, and we're both using air-gap computers, like you specified. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You're always boasting about your dark arts. Use them. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I thought you said I was a shit. - Yeah. Well, benefit of the doubt. まだ議論の余地があるかもね。(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
He's offered to back me with lawyers. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
He is a proven editor with bite. A hard-bitten journalist with business acumen. (hard-bitten 1. 〈話〉〔人が経験を積んで〕頑強な 2. 〈話・侮蔑的〉〔人が〕非情な、情にほだされない) (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You should count yourself lucky. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
There's a chunk missing. A slice of our readership has disappeared. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Want to chip in? (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Your dad's called round to tell you something. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You want your son back from his clutches. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I'm having a clear-out. 辞める(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Your competitor, Herald, suddenly decided to give their paper away. - We take a dip, that's market forces. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
deep and meaningful : (informal, Australia) A heart-to-heart discussion.
You and Evans have had deep-and-meaningfuls. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
D-Notice : In the United Kingdom, D-Notices, officially known since 2015 as DSMA-Notices (Defence and Security Media Advisory Notices), are official requests to news editors not to publish or broadcast items on specified subjects for reasons of national security.
D-notice is confidential. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The D-notice committee have issued a "do not publish" on this. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
They have discretionary power. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You've been issued a D-notice warning. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Drowning your sorrows? (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Go on, I'm busy. The gin won't drink itself. はやくして。ジンを飲みたいの。(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Your personal life contrasts with the editorials you write. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Your reputation will be enhanced. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
It's a fraction of what I've got. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Stealing stories was fair game. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
If you make a mistake, if you fall out of favour. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You're no longer a good fit at this company. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Holly Evans's story in the Herald is a disgrace. It flies in the face of all official advice. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You're a grubby rumour-monger. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Duncan persecuted that boy into his grave. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come : This is a fictional character in Charles Dickens's 1843 novella A Christmas Carol. The Ghost is the last of the three spirits that appear to miser Ebenezer Scrooge to offer him a chance of redemption.
Oh, the Ghost of Christmas Future. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
1. 〈話〉〔人が経験を積んで〕頑強な
He is a proven editor with bite. A hard-bitten journalist with business acumen. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
2. 〈話・侮蔑的〉〔人が〕非情な、情にほだされない
Isn't there a line? いいことと悪いことの線引きは必要じゃない(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You got let off that story? (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Lawyered up. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
No lines you won't cross. お前はなんだってやるんだね(皮肉)(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You're a grubby rumour-monger. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The issue is oversight. 監視(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
He's asked me to stop it, I'm keen to oblige. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Precarious position at the top. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
praise be : (idiom) Used to say that one is glad or thankful about something.
We were not, praise be, required to join hands and sing songs.
Praise be, you'll never see him again. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Just keep a low profile for a while. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I hope that, underneath this whole pretence, you actually still believe in our profession. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
It will render the technology useless. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Your rep, my friend, is bad. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I've got people spending millions trying to scandalise me. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
He slept around, but he's open about that. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
This is your caring side? (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
In the spirit of offering you a carrot as well as showing you the stick. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
stand on the steps of ~の階段で足を止める
Do nothing and find your things on the step. 何もしなかったらクビだ。(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I give Edward a lot of stick. しごいている(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You and Evans have had deep-and-meaningfuls. I don't know whether that means tiddlywinks or sex. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Holly, are you willing to take this on? (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
A takedown piece. It'll describe me as a bully. 攻撃的な記事(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
tear a strip off〔人を〕こっぴどく叱りつけ
tear someone off a strip(人)を叱り飛ばす
You wrote pieces that tore strips off the Establishment. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Taking on this role is a privilege, and a responsibility. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I'm asking a favour, and you're wriggling. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Get the background watertight. 徹底的に情報の裏を取る(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
We're still going down that same avenue? (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
There were problems, we weren't addressing them. But now we are. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Go and work on this story. - Yeah, can I have an advance? 5,000. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
What's the difference between a buffalo and a bison? You can't wash your hands in a buffalo. (bisonとbasinをかけたダジャレ) (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
1. 〈英〉〔下院の〕後方席◆若手の議員が座る席。◆【対】front bench
2. 〈米〉〔連邦議会の〕新人議員団
That's back bench. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I'd love to put the Herald out of business. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I had this boozy lunch. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I'm sort of between places at the moment. I had this flatmate, but it didn't work out. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The headline was picked by the back bench. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The Chancellor of the Exchequer. 財務大臣(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Our front page may have been a contributing factor to his death. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
We've got clout and don't submit to the whims of the public. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Your collective opinion is noted, and rejected. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
There's a lot of competing stories. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
We covered him pretty comprehensively yesterday. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Pamina is an opera reference? It's a character from The Magic Flute. I don't know Do you think our staff are that cultured? (The Magic Flute『魔笛』(独: Die Zauberflöte)K. 620は、ヴォルフガング・アマデウス・モーツァルトが1791年に作曲したジングシュピール(歌芝居、現在では一般にオペラの一種として分類される)。モーツァルトが生涯の最後に完成させたオペラである) (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The Herald are ethically opposed. Oh, yeah, but here at the Post we're not so squeamish. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Our headline pushed him over the edge and he killed himself. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
She needs to be endorsing our campaign. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Tell him I know we're out of favour, but it'll do him good. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Punishment fits the crime. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Front and centre, no apology on the front page. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You froze in there. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Ferret-legging : This was an endurance test or stunt in which ferrets were trapped in trousers worn by a participant. Also known as put 'em down and ferret-down-trousers, it seems to have been popular among coal miners in Yorkshire, England. Contestants put live ferrets inside their trousers; the winner is the one who is the last to release the animals. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
reverse ferret : In British media, a reverse ferret is a sudden reversal in an organisation's editorial or political line on a certain issue. Generally, this will involve no acknowledgement of the previous position.
A complete contradiction with what you did yesterday, but do it loud enough and no-one will notice. Reverse ferret. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Fleet Street : (英)フリート・ストリートもしくはフリート街は、シティ・オブ・ロンドンの主要道路のひとつである。「フリート街」という単語は英国の国内新聞社を示す換喩としても使われており、かつてジャーナリストたちが足繁く通っていたパブは現在でも人気を誇っている。
A complete contradiction with what you did yesterday, but do it loud enough and no-one will notice. Reverse ferret. Right. That's what they call it on Fleet Street. You head so hard in the opposite direction that everyone's so confused, they don't notice. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Get her on Skype, FaceTime, whatever. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
He wants to groom you. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
No half-measures. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Look, induction. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I was thinking about doing an in-depth piece. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
It's a non-issue. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The main news on the website will continue to be free of charge, but for in-depth articles, people are going to have to start to pay. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
John Lewis & Partners : 英国全土に展開する高級デパートの英国ブランドで、アイルランドにも売店があります。
I call up John Lewis sometimes(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
We all want revenge on the blokes who stole our lunch money. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
He was the celebrity snooker player. Massive in the '80s. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You've had a massive promotion. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The Magic Flute『魔笛』(独: Die Zauberflöte)K. 620は、ヴォルフガング・アマデウス・モーツァルトが1791年に作曲したジングシュピール(歌芝居、現在では一般にオペラの一種として分類される)。モーツァルトが生涯の最後に完成させたオペラである。
Pamina is an opera reference? It's a character from The Magic Flute. I don't know Do you think our staff are that cultured? (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I just split up with my wife because I was sick of nagging. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The Night of the Long Knives : (German: Nacht der langen Messer) This was a purge in which Adolf Hitler and the regime of Nazi Germany targeted members of the Sturmabteilung (SA), the paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party, as well as past opponents of the party. At least 85 people were murdered in the purge, which took place between June 30 and July 2, 1934.
Do what I am telling you, or there will be an Afternoon of the Long Knives and I will stab the lot of you. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
He couldn't tell me openly. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Just head down in this direction in an orderly fashion, everybody. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
It's a week placement as an intern, but I hope if I get on, the company might ask me back. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Before I part with that kind of money. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
He's showing you the ropes, is he? Dishing out his pearls of wisdom. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I was a senior editor at the previous company. - Yeah, over there. Here you're just a plod. ひよっこ(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
They're all so petrified of you, they just tell you what you want to hear. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I want to write for a bigger readership. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You can report whatever you want within reason. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
He's showing you the ropes, is he? (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
A dwindling readership. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
We will pay you a retainer working as a reporter. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The Herald are ethically opposed. - Oh, yeah, but here at the Post, we're not so squeamish. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I soft-pedalled it for a while, but I think the time has come. ネタを追求しなかった(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Jools is doing work experience. She is shadowing me for the day. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I want us spinning this all day. 大々的に報じる Stoke it up. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I want us spinning this all day. 大々的に報じる Stoke it up. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You're not exactly tech-savvy. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
They've had the sign-off. Full backing. 承認(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The sex was just something we needed to get out of our systems. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
If you smoke, there's a terrace upstairs. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
It's a big turnaround. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
We make the trolls on the internet the enemy. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
She is exactly what we need. Herald through and through. 完全にヘラルドの精神を体現している(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Wendy, for all her flaws, is pretty good at judging people. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
little man in the boat / boy in the boat : (slang) The clitoris. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
All you're after is the occasional boat. 女遊び(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You don't blacklist us. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Former Prime Ministers have bent over backwards to indulge you. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Don't hold your breath. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I didn't do anything wrong. - The women involved with you beg to differ. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Break the story legally. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
It's the sales breakdown for the final quarter. 内訳(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You two cooking something up? でっち上げる(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
clickbait 釣り記事。ウェブ上の広告や記事などに、ユーザーの興味を引いて閲覧者数を増やすため、煽情的なタイトルをつけること。 ここで言う「ベイト」とは英語で「餌」を意味し、タイトルがユーザーのクリックを誘導する餌になっていることから名づけられている。 日本語では「釣りタイトル」とも呼ばれる。
You would never write something just to attract attention? - Never. - Good. I suppose we're opposite ends of the spectrum in that regard. Seeing as I'm queen of the click bait. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Well done on this, anyway. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I wanted someone incorruptible. Who drives to the heart of the story. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
A full front page apology? It's a bad idea to be on the back foot. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
He was always going to launch a full-blown legal battle. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
If you could write anything for tomorrow, anything. What would it be? - I'd follow up on Josh West. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Get on the front foot tomorrow. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I don't get off on having sex with vulnerable people. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I've got this report to be getting on with. 取り組まなくてはならない(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I’m proud as they get. Sorry isn't in my vocabulary. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
She's a hoot. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
home and dry : (苦戦のあと)目的を達成して、無事成功して
If he can ride it out one more day, he's home and dry. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You're being hounded by the paparazzi. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
hang one's head in shame 恥ずかしくて顔を伏せる[下に向ける]◇【類】hide one's face in shame
You're being hounded by the paparazzi, thrown out of your marital home, hanging your head in shame. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I wanted someone incorruptible. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The taxi couldn't make to the door because of road works so it parked round the corner and I had to walk. Two Big Issue sellers and 12 smokers later, here I am. 途中で2人のビッグイッシューと12人の喫煙者とすれ違ったわ。(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You're starting to lapse. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
These are accusations of something criminal. They are in fact libelous. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The Prime Minister won't be a moment. 総理にすぐ面会できます。(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You were thrown out of your marital home. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You've got an open door policy. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I'm overdue a trip to the dentist. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
We need to get off-stone. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You lot are feeling rather prickly this morning. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I wanted someone incorruptible. Who drives to the heart of the story and says it like it is. Who people respect. Who won't pull punches. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Did you see that TV conference he did? Real penitence. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Do you know what you're projecting to everyone out there? Shame. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
He's the most principled journalist at the Herald. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You got what you wanted. Something to pin on him. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Get Ed. - Righto. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
If he can ride it out one more day, he's home and dry. (home and dry : (苦戦のあと)目的を達成して、無事成功して) (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
It's an important part of being a journalist that you protect your sources. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Still or sparkling? - Just tap water's fine. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
That ship's pretty much sailed. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You can't be happy, where you are. Doing admin on a slowly sinking ship. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
All the shite that your paper's shovelling out. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
hang one's head in shame 恥ずかしくて顔を伏せる[下に向ける]◇【類】hide one's face in shame
You're being hounded by the paparazzi, thrown out of your marital home, hanging your head in shame. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You're a spanner in our works. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You would never write something just to attract attention? - Never. - Good. I suppose we're opposite ends of the spectrum in that regard. Seeing as I'm queen of the click bait. (clickbait 釣り記事。ウェブ上の広告や記事などに、ユーザーの興味を引いて閲覧者数を増やすため、煽情的なタイトルをつけること。 ここで言う「ベイト」とは英語で「餌」を意味し、タイトルがユーザーのクリックを誘導する餌になっていることから名づけられている。 日本語では「釣りタイトル」とも呼ばれる。) (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Sorry about the subterfuge. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You're in for a treat. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Where do they live? - Bolton. - Urgh! Awful place. What sort of house? Terraced, Billy Elliot sort of thing? (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You thrive on responsibility. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Power trumps everything. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Just touring my own company. I find it fascinating. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
He'll be on the phone right now to his lawyer, making every effort to undermine her story. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
She wanted to see James to vet him. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I’m proud as they get. Sorry isn't in my vocabulary. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Is this really how you warm up the subjects of your interviews? (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I know my way round. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Wait till the wind changes. 比喩(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I'll work my notice if you want me to, but I would rather just leave now. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
He made advances. She said she felt compelled to sleep with him. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Only going for his third front page in as many days. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I won it, fair and square. - Oh, I'm not arguing that. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Sometimes the stars just don't align! (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Benevolent billionaire. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
It blew their minds. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I'd not done brilliantly at school. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I drive a hard bargain. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Twice a week he sends me a present. Started as an umbrella, then a posh pen, then a weekend break away, now an iPad. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You said you owed me one, and I'm cashing it in. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
A photo shoot. A feature with a load of photos of you, your wife Jane and the kids, at Chequers. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I'm going to get the train. Choo-choo! (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
church elder 教会の長老
A church elder is a person who has spiritual authority in the church. In simplest terms, a church elder is a long-time church member, typically older, who is there to offer guidance and mentorship for fellow members of a congregation.
Since I am a church elder, I'll make the most of the privileges. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The two women mentioned in the story were both consenting adults. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
His apprenticeship projects that he runs for disadvantaged young people. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
He's a driven man. He gets what he wants. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
He decreed that we should come to him. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
News feeds narrow your world view. They work out what you like, and they give you more of that. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Forethought. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I won it, fair and square. - Oh, I'm not arguing that. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I've won a fair few awards myself. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Have you ever known them not to get back at all? 折り返し電話をかけてこないことで彼女たちは知られている?(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
women were groomed at courses that were created and run by Mr. West. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The sound is from TV. He must have hit the TV by accident, rolled onto it while sleeping. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I'd do it myself if I wasn't handcuffed to a desk. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You're well-liked here by everyone. Hugely respected. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
They want an injunction claiming intrusion of his privacy. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I'm granting the temporary injunction. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Peter's on the loose! (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Reporters as our mouthpiece, our heart, our public face. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I need stuff to pitch. 新聞ネタが必要だ(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
It wasn't phrased as a question. It was a fact. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You're very perceptive. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I used to read your pieces when I was a student. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
If this paper were to be in some way stopped, we would be hugely out of pocket. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Mr. West is happy to pay to pulp every single copy? (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The news was due to go up but it's all been paused. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Have you ever heard of a paper being pulped after publication for a reason like this? (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The rebel armed groups. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
There was a woman running the course. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
We can't run this unless we're absolutely sure. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
It would strengthen her story. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You're spoken for every other night you were there. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Not enough substance. ネタとして甘い(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
He's under siege by reporters. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Has he split up with his wife? (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
We're off stone in ten minutes. Off stone means we're printing. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I want the word "paedophile" inches from his face. That should get the paper flying off the shelves. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I've read the submission, I get the outline. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
My client is happy to underwrite any losses. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The website would all be unaffected. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
This training scheme for young people, validated by the company owner. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Have you guys worked through your problems? (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
There must be something in the water. : If you are looking at water and do not understand the surface ripples, you could say there "must be something in the water." This is an idiom that means something is happening a lot in a particular group. It is usually used when something strange or surprising is happening. For example, if everyone in a town wears the same purple hat, you might say ‘there must be something in the water’ because it’s not something you usually see.
How did you get the story at exactly the same time? - Something in the water, maybe. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I don't think - there's an angle there. 話のネタ(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I have to pick my battles. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
She likes boating holidays. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
They said that it's an anomaly. Are we buying that? (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I didn't have to brief her. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Your hospital had bid for the cleaning contract. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Here are the figures that I'm basing that on. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The sales figures are backed up by these accounts of the children working in the factories for criminally low or no pay. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
My son will be glad to see the back of me. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I'm looking for a new flatmate. My last flatmate died so the bar's pretty low. Stay alive, don't be a dick. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I want to be a credit to the entire organisation, like you were. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
In these cash-strapped times. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Big companies are crying out for the opportunity to associate their brand with ours. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Her auntie had cerebral palsy. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The whole story we're printing is about you being caught out. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Our paper isn't cheap, so to have it encased in an advert, as well. We can't do a wrap-around. (wrap-around advertisements : In the advertising industry, the wrap-around, also known as “spadea” or “spadia”, provides advertisers with an opportunity to compete with front-page news for the attention of readers. ) (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
It's an exclusive about St Margaret's hospital. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The children that your company is systematically exploiting. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Fundamental flaws. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
We can't carry on as we are. Something's got to give. (-) (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Not partying, head down. 浮かれていないよ(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You're in with a chance, but good luck with that. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Every leader needs their quirks. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I've got to find a launderette. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Do you know what will outsell anything? (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Son of Ivan Bagrov, the oligarch. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Are you the organ grinder or the monkey? - I'm the monkey. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Her auntie had cerebral palsy. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
He demands tax money to prop up his failing industry. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I went over that piece I wrote about you. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Firstly, it's hard to break out of children's presenting work into adult presenting. You get pigeonholed. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Every leader needs their quirks. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
We moved back to Reading when I was seven. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
There's questions raised about their practices. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I slept my way into the industry. 枕営業した(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You really are blowing smoke up my arse. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The work is done to a standard. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
They still want a splash tomorrow. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
One mistake like that can sink a story. Not to mention get me fired. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You strike me as someone who wants to be on their own. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Have a think. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
It's the thought that counts. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I'm trending, more famous than ever. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I'm on try-out at the moment. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You're unfired. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
wrap-around advertisements : In the advertising industry, the wrap-around, also known as “spadea” or “spadia”, provides advertisers with an opportunity to compete with front-page news for the attention of readers.
We can't do a wrap-around. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
There's no money, it's stressy. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You are a remarkably able speaker. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
An office job, essentially. Admin. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I have an array of drinks in the kitchen. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Bearing the brunt of criticism. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
So just bear with me, OK? (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Barring an international atrocity, this is on our front page tomorrow. 大事件でも起きない限りこのことは明日の一面に載ります。(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
His being a gay may have been a contributing factor to him taking his own life. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
First death knock? - Yeah. - And you got in. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
De facto spokesperson on women. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
deadwood 【名】 枯れ枝、枯れ木 〈話〉無用[不要]な人々[もの
You're exactly where one finds the dead wood! (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
This isn't usual journalistic practice, door-stepping the editor of another paper. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I have very deep pockets. 大きな資金(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You've driven out a rather competent minister, who I liked. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
death knock : (journalism) The journalistic practice of visiting people related to somebody who has died, to gather information about the deceased and the killing.
I did my first death knock today. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You've got it front and centre yourself. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Front-line politics. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Slammed the door in your face? (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Glass house. 不覚でしたね(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I've got this bottle of grappa. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You're in a kind of hinterland between where the work happens and management. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
She's a provocative 21st-century icon. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I'd gone for a lie down, and I woke up (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
It's lucky I looked. 調べてよかった(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
It's like musical chairs here, everyone's trying to sit down all the time. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
A feature about misogyny. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
A misogynist, overbearing well-oiled bully. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Just because I'm in a state of mourning doesn't mean we can't fuck. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Objectification and exploitation of women. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The government called all the news outlets in a panic. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
off stone : In the United Kingdom, off stone is the moment at which an edition of a newspaper is finalised for printing and no further changes can be made. "Off stone" comes a short time after the final deadline for submission of images or articles for editing. The term comes from the early days of printing when an imposing stone, a slab of stone or metal on which the type was set into a layout, was used to align the text.
Sunday's first edition is off stone early on Saturday evening.
Let's go. - Yeah, we're off stone. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Long service as an MP, married, very principled. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The link is currently prominent on our website. リンクは注目されている(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
You can quote it. よく記憶してるわね(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Our job is to deliver the news, very much in our remit. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Serialise her new book. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Shall I find someone less busy? - You'd struggle. それは難しいだろうね。(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I get a semi staring at a picture there. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
If we splashed on you, we'd sell more papers. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I mean splish splash. 新聞の一面のことだ。(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Things the police were sorely lacking in. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
style it out : (informal) To behave confidently in an embarrassing situation so that people do not notice it:
I fell over during my last song but I managed to style it out to look like a dance move.
There was me styling it out, pretending that I knew what they were talking about.
Then he'll put your scandal on the front page. So style it out. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
She's a toxic, right wing troll. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
She was walking back to the Tube after a night out. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
The article would be a tribute feature. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
I forgot to tell her that I wasn't coming home, and she just kind of took it. It’s not a good sign. (単に受け入れた。) (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Do you have a thriving personal life. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
all talk and no trousers / all mouth and no trousers : Someone who is all talk and no trousers, talks about doing big, important things, but doesn't take any action.
They have no instinct for news. All principle, no trousers. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Tender my resignation as minister. (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Top up? もう一杯 (プレス 事件と欲望の現場)