BBCのコメディドラマ『The Office』で空気の読めない嫌なボスを演じた リッキー・ジャーヴェイスと強烈なスコティッシュアクセントがとても魅力的な 『アグリー・ベティ』のクリスティーナ・マッキニー役の アシュリー・ジェンセンとのコンビでシーズン1はしがないエキストラ役。空気の読めないことをジョークにしている点は 『The
Office』と同様で、なんだか終始ニタニタしながら視聴しました。 『The Office』 ではガレスを演じたマッケンジー・クルックがさらにコメディースパイスになっていましたが、今回のエキストラでは
一つのエピソードが30分弱でシーズン2までと短いのですが、内容が濃く弾丸トークに加え、イギリスの著名人の名前がビシバシ出てくるのは正直つらい。主人公アンディが28歳の時に初めて性的な関係を持った女性が Ronnie Corbettに似ていると揶揄されてそれがまたジョークなのですが、肝心の Ronnie Corbett て? いったい誰やねん!! いったん視聴中止、ネット検索。
Ronnie Corbettという方には失礼ですが、笑いのツボに納得。そんな具合でドラマとネット検索行ったり来たり。今回はたくさんのイギリス著名人を知るには良い機会かもですが、自分の無知に疲れはててしまった。
I'm still surrounded by the D-Team. Not the A-Team. (エキストラ)
I've been admiring you from afar. (エキストラ)
What're the ambitions you have above this? Do more of the same or branch out? (エキストラ)
It says here I'm gonna meet a handsome man, with "bags of personality".(エキストラ)
Nip that in the bud. (エキストラ)
The two actors address those unspoken feelings that they've been bottling up. (エキストラ)
A skinny little bent fella. (エキストラ)
You do hang around with all the butch boys, don't you? (エキストラ)
He dropped that bombshell on me. (エキストラ)
A bird in the hand. = A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 物事を欲張って不確実な話に乗るよりも、小さな利益でも確実に手に入れたほうが賢明である
Why did she choose you over me? She was intimidated by my presence. And she caught bird in hand thinking I'll definitely get a yes from a nobody like you. (エキストラ)
She does use a cap. But sometimes I pop a johnny on as well. Just to be safe. Belt-and-braces. (エキストラ)
His comedy was sexist, misogynistic, Neanderthal garbage. It was nothing but really nasty sub carry-on innuendo. (エキストラ)
Actors always pretend Shakespeare was their first love, they do a bit of theater, and it gives a bit of cred. (エキストラ)
I'm really conscious of time, I've got to get back on the set. (エキストラ)
The whole centerpiece of the play is the emotional confrontation. (エキストラ)
cold sore : An inflamed blister in or near the mouth, caused by infection with the herpes simplex virus.
He must kiss you on the lips. - He can't. I have cold sore. (エキストラ)
Don't go on the pill, danger of thrombosis! I always use a cap, didn't I, dear? She does use a cap. But sometimes I pop a johnny on as well. (エキストラ)
For the duration of the film. (エキストラ)
It's like Deliverance in here! (エキストラ)
Look at his face! Dumbstruck. (エキストラ)
I'll text you the deets. (エキストラ)
Why did all these feminists burn their bras? - It was a symbolic gesture to suggest emancipation from a patriarcal society. (エキストラ)
everything butありとあらゆる物、何でもかんでも、一切合切、思い付くもの全て
try everything but it doesn't work あらゆる手を尽くしても駄目である[功を奏さない・うまくいかない]
Sometimes you do everything but for sex. An orgasm is an orgasm is an orgasm! (エキストラ)
I prefer that edgy stuff for the comedy on BBC2. (エキストラ)
We might do a little workshop for some of the lines in the play to get it up on its feet. (エキストラ)
Your agents fob you off. (エキストラ)
We should hook up, 'cause I've hardly seen you. Not in the flesh. (エキストラ)
You'll love this. This anecdote has people on the floor at any function, any dinner party. (エキストラ)
They were getting off on each other. (エキストラ)
How did you get on with my meeting Robert De Niro ? (エキストラ)
Whose go is it? - You have a go. (エキストラ)
Can we concentrate on the matter at hand? (エキストラ)
If we're talking about the honeys, there's a chick I've got my eye on, actually. (エキストラ)
Oh, he's got the hump. (エキストラ)
I will hook you up with De Niro. (エキストラ)
We should hook up, 'cause I've hardly seen you. Not in the flesh. (エキストラ)
If, heaven forbid, Joe did pass away. (エキストラ)
It's mad to hold someone to plans that far ahead. そんな未来の約束をさせるんなてばかげている。(エキストラ)
If you were hacking at him like that, he'd be dead. (エキストラ)
The Ivy : This is a British restaurant founded in 1917 known for its popularity with celebrities. (エキストラ)
She does use a cap. But sometimes I pop a johnny on as well. (エキストラ)
I'd been living a lie. (エキストラ)
Break a leg! (エキストラ)
It's your fault for leaving your erotic material lying around. (エキストラ)
He's mental enough sober. (エキストラ)
You're a man of the world. (エキストラ)
His comedy was sexist, misogynistic, Neanderthal garbage. (エキストラ)
Would you like to come back for a nightcap? (エキストラ)
I've outgrown you, I don't know what you're for. (エキストラ)
A one hit wonder. (エキストラ)
Operation : This is a battery-operated game of physical skill that tests players' hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.
I'm just on my way to the hospital to see the boy. I'm taking Operation. I thought it seemed appropriate. (エキストラ)
critically panned 〈話〉批評家に酷評された[こき下ろされた]
D'you know how exhausting it is, getting panned by the critics every week? (エキストラ)
I pretend to be the person I'm portraying in the film or play. (エキストラ)
A kiss would be a sort of physicalisation of this emotional liberation. (エキストラ)
I've gotta pop downstairs. (エキストラ)
Would you pop in and say hello? (エキストラ)
You're a prick-tease. (エキストラ)
We don’t have to have penetrative sex. (エキストラ)
like Picadilly Circus (英)これは人びとがとても忙しそうに動いている場所や状況を指して用いられる。
It's like Picadilly Circus in here! (エキストラ)
go down the pan〈英俗〉〔計画・努力などが〕お流れになる、水泡に帰する、水の泡となる、失敗に終わる、無駄[駄目]になる◆【同】go down the drain
What if your career was down the pan? - My career is already down the pan. (エキストラ)
Stop picking me off! (エキストラ)
You find the idea so repulsive? (エキストラ)
I think "Rent" boys is gayer. (エキストラ)
She's hit rock bottom. (エキストラ)
Being a gay is all the rage. (エキストラ)
I was still repulsed. (エキストラ)
It's the end of the run. ショーは終わり(エキストラ)
He was racked with guilt. (エキストラ)
I can't really feel anything because of the morphine. - Rather that than terrible pain. (エキストラ)
With their boobs all saggy around their ankles. (エキストラ)
Let's keep it subtle. (エキストラ)
Sod's law. (エキストラ)
You're no spring chicken. (エキストラ)
It's all really snowed under. (エキストラ)
All systems go, mate. (エキストラ)
Poufters at twelve o'clock. 前にホモがいるぞ(エキストラ)
I didn't think ahead. The moment took me, I just went crazy. (エキストラ)
Tossing off over a pen with nudity on it. (エキストラ)
Don't you turn it round to me. それを私のせいにしないで(エキストラ)
No understudies, I'm afraid. 代役(エキストラ)
If you two get up to anything tonight, can you keep the noise down, dear? (エキストラ)
I produce an ungodly amount of semen. (エキストラ)
Can you get us some vaseline? (エキストラ)
Whilst he's in the hospital. (エキストラ)
You look like you know your way around. (エキストラ)
Oh, fuck off! The Kid is a waste of space. (エキストラ)
Were you having a wank? (エキストラ)
Amazon is a woman who is physically larger than average, powerful and muscular. (エキストラ)
Blow as I might My flute makes no sound. (エキストラ)
Thanks for covering my ass earlier. (エキストラ)
Annoyingly, the media didn't go with the "giving the kid an X-Box" angle. (エキストラ)
Statistics prove the work is much more productive with musical accompaniment. (エキストラ)
1. a soft shoe, typically a knitted one worn by a baby.
Little toy bear's booties. (エキストラ)
2. a woman's short boot.
If she's into short men, you could bear with a chance. (エキストラ)
He blasted a Down syndrome child. (エキストラ)
BAFTA :英国アカデミー映画賞(British Academy Film Awards)またはBAFTA映画賞(英語: BAFTA Film Awards)は、英国映画テレビ芸術アカデミー(BAFTA)が主催する年に一度の授賞式で、英国および世界の映画への貢献を称えて贈られるものである。授賞式は当初、ロンドンのレスター・スクウェアにある旗艦映画館「オデオン」で開催されていたが、2008年から2016年まではロイヤル・オペラ・ハウスで開催され、2017年からは、ロンドンのロイヤル・アルバート・ホールで開催されている。
You've been nominated for a BAFTA. (エキストラ)
The most coveted of awards, the BAFTA mask. (エキストラ)
You're the new kid on the block, aren't you? (エキストラ)
The cox is a little fella who sits at back of boat shouting stroke. (エキストラ)
Wanna clear up all this nonsense about you having a go at Down Syndrome people? (エキストラ)
In a chippy. (エキストラ)
He is successful, and he wanted to go to a classy restaurant. (エキストラ)
A charity of her choosing. (エキストラ)
I'm gonna cut to the chase because I respect you too much to bullshit you. (エキストラ)
You've been chatting up my girlfriend, she just told me! (エキストラ)
You're going full time at the Carphone Warehouse. - I don't work at the Carephone Warehouse anymore. (エキストラ)
The critical respect you wanted. (エキストラ)
They are trying to crack Japan. 日本に進出(エキストラ)
Sorry, did I ask for a critique? (エキストラ)
Was it before or after you lost your virginity to the one that looked like Ronnie Corbett? (エキストラ)
The most coveted of awards, the BAFTA mask. (エキストラ)
I'm actually here in official capacity for the Best Drama nomination. (エキストラ)
A man that didn't lose his virginity 'til he was 20 and that was to a woman who looked like Ronnie Corbett. (エキストラ)
Commiserations again, Andy. 残念だったな(エキストラ)
It's not called a johnny there, is it? - Durex? - No, that's a brand name. Say"May I have my prophylactic or sheath?" (エキストラ)
When's that due out? - It's coming out on the 17th of this month. いつ発売されるのか?(エキストラ)
She just looked at me like I shouldn't be there like I was a piece of dirt. (エキストラ)
You do well! - Yeah, all downhill for me. もう落ち目だ(エキストラ)
I don't normally tolerate foul language. (エキストラ)
Half of your film fee. 映画出演料(エキストラ)
I could come on your show. - That'd be fab! (エキストラ)
Oh, it's just flattering to be nominated. (エキストラ)
You're the new kid on the block, aren't you? How did you fall in with this crowd? (エキストラ)
Wanna clear up all this nonsense about you having a go at Down Syndrome people? (エキストラ)
He had been glugging red wine with his girlfriend. (エキストラ)
Never glug. Always sip a lovely wine, never glug it. (エキストラ)
He's paying through the nose for this grub. (エキストラ)
know that going in : It’s the potential consequences before entering into a hazardous situation.
I can understand investing in BitCoin, but some of those others are shady as heck. You could lose everything. - Yeah, I know that going in. I'm willing to take the chance.
It's over between us. I don't want tears. You knew that going in. (エキストラ)
She was trying to have it off with me. (エキストラ)
He's doing my head in. (エキストラ)
They were ruining his dinner at a 100 pounds a head restaurant. (エキストラ)
A harrowing report. (エキストラ)
I reckon I could've had him in a fight. (エキストラ)
I know you wanna get to movies from comedies, so this could be a good in. (エキストラ)
Then give me a cup of joe. (エキストラ)
Can I have my johnny back? コンドーム(エキストラ)
It's not called a johnny there, is it? - Durex? - No, that's a brand name. Say"May I have my prophylactic or sheath?" (エキストラ)
Knockety-knock-knock? (エキストラ)
You're on your knees, and then you burst into tears. (エキストラ)
knockabout comedy : [mainly British] This is lively and often involves people doing funny things, rather than saying them.
He gave one of his best knockabout performances in a long time.
It's a knock-about comedy. I'm not into high arts. (エキストラ)
He uses the powers to get women out of their league. (エキストラ)
That gives a whole fresh new light to the story. (エキストラ)
He is trying to shamelessly prop up his lame duck of a sitcom. (エキストラ)
One of these Mongoloids. (エキストラ)
She went nuts. (エキストラ)
He's paying through the nose for this grub. (エキストラ)
On a personal note, thank you to my partner. (エキストラ)
I'm just watching a little portable. (エキストラ)
It's not called a johnny there, is it? - Durex? - No, that's a brand name. Say"May I have my prophylactic or sheath?" (エキストラ)
What else can you say about this piece of work? (エキストラ)
There's no such thing as bad publicity. (エキストラ)
Pick on someone your own size. (エキストラ)
You can help put an end to that terrible risk by pledging just five pounds. (エキストラ)
He is trying to shamelessly prop up his lame duck of a sitcom. (エキストラ)
I had a call from a toy manufacturer, and they're quite keen to put out a Ray doll for Christmas. (エキストラ)
Diana Riggダイアナ・リグ(本名:Dame Enid Diana Elizabeth Rigg DBE、1938年7月20日 - 2020年9月10日)は、イギリスの女優。
Lots of stars. Dame Diana Rigg's in it, all sorts of people. (エキストラ)
So what happened? - The Down syndrome's making a racket, you tell him to shut up. (エキストラ)
He complains to the mother, and they get into this ruck. (エキストラ)
This is something to remember me by. (エキストラ)
His comedy show sunk even lower in its desperate attempt to appeal to as many of the great unwashed as possible by roping in the services of rock star Chris Martin. (エキストラ)
A bit stodgy, innit? - Honestly, I'm sick of this food. (エキストラ)
The offer still stands. (エキストラ)
It's not called a johnny there, is it? - Durex? - No, that's a brand name. Say"May I have my prophylactic or sheath?" (エキストラ)
She stitched you up. (エキストラ)
You speccy little git. (エキストラ)
You've made quite a splash again. (エキストラ)
His comedy show sunk even lower in its desperate attempt to appeal to as many of the great unwashed as possible by roping in the services of rock star Chris Martin. (エキストラ)
wear rot : Damage done to clothing due to excess sweating specialty under the arm
Just normal Wear and tear. The Sweat rot under the old armpit. (エキストラ)
Sorry, did I ask for a critique? It’s like coming round to the store and me saying you ain't swept up right, mate. (エキストラ)
stick it on 〈俗〉法外な値段を吹っかける、ぼる
Can you give me 1% discount? - Okay, I'll do you a 1% discount. Not worth it. I'd rather you stuck it on, if anything. (エキストラ)
The three Stooges. (エキストラ)
Specialist Factual : The British Academy Television Award for Best Specialist Factual Programme is one of the major categories of the British Academy Television Awards (BAFTAs), the primary awards ceremony of the British television industry. (エキストラ)
See? There's the temper. ほら怒ってる(エキストラ)
None taken.「その攻撃受け取ってないよ」つまり、「大丈夫だよ」「気にしてないよ」という意味
Here I am with you in a nice place, instead of a proper man. - None taken. (エキストラ)
He let off a tirade of abuse at the innocent child. (エキストラ)
His torrent of hate. (エキストラ)
I guess only time will tell. (エキストラ)
Don't slag it off, those people spend a fortune on this sort of tack. (エキストラ)
Tacky shit! (エキストラ)
She might have turned lesbian after you slept with her. (エキストラ)
You unravelled it? (エキストラ)
You are trying to undermine me. (エキストラ)
unwashed (軽蔑的)〔人が〕下層階級の
Appeal to as many of the great unwashed as possible. (エキストラ)
You can never attend any of our varied events. (エキストラ)
I was wiring up TV. (エキストラ)
As Oscar Wilde so wonderfully put it, "we're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. - It was probably about men's trousers, the old puff. (エキストラ)
Just a bit of whizz you know, to blow away the cobwebs. 気つけ薬(エキストラ)
no account取るに足らない、つまらない
Ratings in the end are what count. - It's no account to me, alright? I wanna write a good credible comedy that will stand the test of time. (エキストラ)
Nice aftershave. (エキストラ)
Artex : This is a surface coating used for interior decorating, most often found on ceilings, which allows the decorator to add a texture to it. The name Artex is a trademark of Artex Ltd., a company based in the United Kingdom.
He said guttering. Now it's Artexing! (エキストラ)
A&Rアーティスト・アンド・レパートリー(Artists and repertoire)とは、レコード会社や音楽出版社において、音楽アーティスト(歌手、演奏者、バンドなど)や作家(作詞家、作曲家、ソングライター)の才能を発掘し、彼らの芸術的発展を統括する部門である
An A&R man from Decca Records. (エキストラ)
You were just a fuzzy blob in the background. (エキストラ)
If he's late one more time, he's gonna give him the brush off. (エキストラ)
You burn all your bridges with the BBC. (エキストラ)
A comedy has to be as broad as possible so you take everyone in. I want the whole families to like this. I want the four-years-old to like this. (エキストラ)
He'd only give the money to you begrudgingly. (エキストラ)
There's a couple of birds over there without drinks. (エキストラ)
The script is not funny, it's crass, it's lowest common denominator. (エキストラ)
I'm not carrying the can for him again. (エキストラ)
Caress her hair. (エキストラ)
A case in point, look at his role. On "Eastenders", they started to turn his character into a joke. (エキストラ)
Cutting a bit fine aren't you? - I know, I'm sorry I'm late. (エキストラ)
You all succesfully clocked in on time. (エキストラ)
claw your way / claw your way up/along/back : To try very hard to reach a place or position, using a lot of effort and determination. (エキストラ)
He clawed his way forward inch by inch.
Benson clawed his way back into the lead.
I'll just spend years and years trying to claw back credibility by doing anything. (エキストラ)
You've just made a camp, catchphrase-based comedy. (エキストラ)
The BBC have interfered and sort of chased ratings and made it a lowest common denominator sort of comedy. (エキストラ)
The script is not funny, it's crass, it's lowest common denominator. (エキストラ)
Put it in your diary. (エキストラ)
That must do your head in. (エキストラ)
It's doing my head in. (エキストラ)
What were you rolling your eyes at? (エキストラ)
My ears are burning? (エキストラ)
The overheads are probably extortionate. (エキストラ)
I don't think you can equate yourself to David Bowie. (エキストラ)
Girls are all fawning all over you. (エキストラ)
They ran to me like flies around shit. 俺の周りに人が寄ってくるんだ。(エキストラ)
Men have knobs. Women have fannies. Pop, knob in fanny. (エキストラ)
Here's how I see things going forward from now on. (エキストラ)
The offers would come flooding in. You said the phone would never stop ringing. (エキストラ)
I'm actually flicking through the phone book. (エキストラ)
Let's not bring the mood down. You're ruining it again. I'm still in the frame. 女の子との雰囲気を悪くするなよ。俺はまだチャンスがある。(エキストラ)
He's banal and facile. (エキストラ)
Pint of Fosters. (エキストラ)
I'm going, "It's Johnny Depp", and they go "Pff, who cares?" (エキストラ)
That grotty little council place. (エキストラ)
at the top of (one's) game 「絶好調で、絶頂期で」
He walked away at the top of his game. That's called integrity. (エキストラ)
Life as a single mum getting to you? (エキストラ)
The TV programme makes you want to gouge out your own eyes. (エキストラ)
Barry and I were scouring the internet and we found a glowing review of your sitcom. (エキストラ)
You did my mum's guttering. 雨どいの修理(エキストラ)
I wanted to write something real. - I'm hearing you. 分かるよ(エキストラ)
There is just one teeny itsy wincy little hiccup. (エキストラ)
Don't change the rules half way through. (エキストラ)
She's been up all night, trying to get her head around some fella called Alexander. - Lucky beggar. (double meaning : blowjob and understanding) (エキストラ)
Heat : This is an English entertainment magazine published by Bauer Media Group. Its mix of celebrity news, gossip, beauty advice and fashion is primarily aimed at women, although not as directly as in other women's magazines. It also features movie and music reviews, TV listings and major celebrity interviews. (エキストラ)
He reads heat, does he? -Everybody reads heat. (エキストラ)
I'm getting a bit of hassle out here. (エキストラ)
Weren't for me, he wouldn't last five minutes. (エキストラ)
I walked away with my integrity and my pride intact. (エキストラ)
What I meant was we could buy the birds some drinks. That's an in, isn't it? To start a conversation. (エキストラ)
Keith Chegwin?! Can he act? He's a TV presenter, isn't he? - We thought it would add a nice little bit of extra kitsch value. (エキストラ)
This charming story of lovable, larger-than-life characters will please all the family. (エキストラ)
I always know when to cut your losses. (エキストラ)
You're well, though. Well, that's the main thing. Even if you've got nothing else, at least you've got your health, eh? (エキストラ)
She is in her late thirties, early fourties. I'd say mousy. (エキストラ)
If God had wanted a cock up an arse, he wouldn't have given us minges. (エキストラ)
mash(chiefly UK) Mashed potatoes.
In the mash. (エキストラ)
You're not manning the phones at the Samaritans tonight? (エキストラ)
I'm not made of money. (エキストラ)
He blows his stupid brains out. -But the twat'd probably miss! 死に損なう(エキストラ)
I’ve got to get my nose plucked out of the cesspool. No disrespect. (エキストラ)
Good. That's me making notes. It's all good advice. (エキストラ)
Do your one-man version of Romeo and Juliet! 一人二役(エキストラ)
The overheads are probably extortionate. (エキストラ)
You're out and about, you know, no guys with you in the pub. (エキストラ)
If you were the prop boy, you'd just get ignored. (エキストラ)
You're looking for a podgy fellow. (エキストラ)
I'm not gonna prostitute myself anymore. (エキストラ)
Too long a pause. If you're gonna lie, lie well. (エキストラ)
I'd rather win the respect of my peers. (エキストラ)
Things aren't quite panning out as I'd hoped. (エキストラ)
See his pug-nosed face. (エキストラ)
Gay. Not meant to say "queer", are you? Suggests something abnormal. (エキストラ)
So, just to recap. (エキストラ)
What he has cleverly done with recourse. (エキストラ)
This is a delightful woodland romp with many of the best scenes featuring a roly-poly toad. (エキストラ)
This is a delightful woodland romp with many of the best scenes featuring a roly-poly toad. (エキストラ)
rumble (informal British) discover (an illicit activity or its perpetrator).
It wouldn't need a genius to rumble my little game.
Rumbled! (エキストラ)
I've got more in common with David Bowie than this rabble. (エキストラ)
Just riff-raff everywhere. (エキストラ)
Stoney face. (エキストラ)
Swap Shop. (エキストラ)
Don't slag'em off, it's their opinion. (エキストラ)
Women's Top 10 Fancy Snogs. They're all subjective though, those lists, aren't they? (エキストラ)
He splat with his wife a while ago and he's back on the market. (エキストラ)
It's a shit sitcom. -It's a shit-com. (エキストラ)
Don't pop it in the scrapbook. Put good ones in the scrapbook. (エキストラ)
A big fat hairy silver-backed gorilla. (エキストラ)
This you're keeping shtum about? (エキストラ)
I'm appalled. This is scandalous. Such a slap in the face. (エキストラ)
The cat's just shat out the worst sitcom of all time. (エキストラ)
If I want an opinion, it won't be a snotty little reviewer. (エキストラ)
A couple of sorts like this are up for it. セックスやる気満々(エキストラ)
Meet a couple of players like us, ships in the night. (エキストラ)
seminal : (formal) Containing important new ideas and having a great influence on later work.
She wrote a seminal article on the subject while she was still a student.
He played a seminal role in the formation of the association.
He's one of the seminal artists of the last 35 years, doing work tantamount to genius. (エキストラ)
I think I've sold out, to be honest 身売りした(エキストラ)
He's a fat waste of space. (エキストラ)
I wanna write a good credible comedy that will stand the test of time. (エキストラ)
three-dimensional character : A "three-dimensional character" in storytelling refers to a character who is complex, nuanced, well-developed, and portrayed realistically.
My character on "Eastenders" was an interesting three-dimensional person. (エキストラ)
He transposed the meaning “spanner” into the vulgar slang definition of "tool".(エキストラ)
This abysmal time-warp comedy. 超古臭い(エキストラ)
The operating theatre. (エキストラ)
Look at that face. They's a sort of undercurrent of tragedy to it. (エキストラ)
This vision walks over. She says "Hi, handsome. Wanna buy me a drink?" What do you say? (エキストラ)
I spoke to her earlier. I think there's a bit of a vibe, right? (エキストラ)
Name me one occasion when you sent me flowers. A wreath doesn't count. (エキストラ)
Try the glasses on. - A bit whacking, aren't they? - Big glasses are funny. (エキストラ)
Maybe waggle the glasses. (エキストラ)
How do you work that out? (エキストラ)
I don't know you from Adam. (エキストラ)
That's as may be but..(なるほど)それはそうかもしれない(が…)(may に強勢を置く)(エキストラ)
You're a child. - Yeah, well, that's as may be. (エキストラ)
I just generally think the best things are auteured. - Turd? (エキストラ)
Baying for blood. (エキストラ)
So I big up my chest and I'm going to ride this horse. (エキストラ)
How best to explain it? (エキストラ)
There's a lot of buzz. (エキストラ)
I belted it out, just like that, in front of what, 140-odd people. (エキストラ)
You need someone to bounce ideas off. (エキストラ)
You're not funny. - Well, the BBC beg to differ. (エキストラ)
I'll take it on board. 検討しとくわ(エキストラ)
Water under the bridge. (エキストラ)
Let’s get the ball rolling on his project. (エキストラ)
You don't have a malicious bone in your body. (エキストラ)
I have taken on board all that stuff that you were saying. (エキストラ)
I sat through a whole evening of Comic Relief once. (エキストラ)
I can't go out like a chump. (エキストラ)
Ronald Balfour Corbett CBE : (4 December 1930 – 31 March 2016)He was a Scottish actor, broadcaster, comedian and writer. He had a long association with Ronnie Barker in the BBC television comedy sketch show The Two Ronnies.
You lost your virginity to a woman that looked like Ronnie Corbett? (エキストラ)
Why did you tell him about the Ronnie Corbett woman? (エキストラ)
You are celebrating. What, a wealthy old relative popped her clogs, has she? (エキストラ)
crumbs from (one's) table : An insufficient or unfair amount of something provided by one when one has a sufficient or abundant amount.
I know he can afford to pay me more, so I refuse to accept crumbs from his table.
I've got the bottle for you, just to say thanks for all the great times. Just a few crumbs from the table. (エキストラ)
Oh, you cow, I love your bag. - Oh, thank you. (エキストラ)
Why does he have to be that camp to be a gay? Screaming and clapping. (エキストラ)
You might want to just tone it down a little bit. - Tone what down? - Well, you're quite camp, which is great, but I think maybe sometimes you're too gay. (エキストラ)
That's three years of drama school for you. (皮肉) (エキストラ)
Why don't you just tell him you don't want to be his friend? - It's too damning. (エキストラ)
like a rat up a drainpipe : (informal British) Very quickly or eagerly.
I shot up the ladder like a rat up a drainpipe.
I know you're married, but if you wanted to, you could be up her like a rat up a drainpipe. 彼女とだったらすぐやれる。(エキストラ)
He's doing my head in. (エキストラ)
I'm sort of the only person you know. - You win by default. (エキストラ)
His bandaged, frazzled, useless eyes. (エキストラ)
I'm just getting my face around in anything I can. I suppose I'm networking. 顔を知ってもらおうと努力しているんだ。(エキストラ)
Just tidy up the script. I think it's a bit flabby. (エキストラ)
I thought I'd put my foot in it. (エキストラ)
You're not just frittering your life away, would you? (エキストラ)
float through life : The phrase "floating through life" typically refers to a state where an individual lacks a sense of purpose, direction, or active engagement.
I want you to stop living like a child, floating through life like everything's okay. (エキストラ)
I've hit gold, eh? (エキストラ)
gift that keeps on giving
1. (idiomatic) Something with continuous (typically positive) consequences.
2. (slang) A sexually transmitted disease.
Still, it's a wonderful gift that. Laughter. - Yeah. The gift that keeps on giving. (エキストラ)
Are you going back on your promise? (エキストラ)
You said that we were going to go for a nice meal. Then you went back on that. (エキストラ)
The greengrocer. (エキストラ)
It's just a golliwog toy. (エキストラ)
Mr. grumpy pants : A moody man, who is often rude and blunt with his interactions with others.
You really are Mr. Grumpy Boots tonight, aren't you? (エキストラ)
I'm not having a go at you. (エキストラ)
If you get the most amazing, gorgeous, good looking black guy in the world back at your house, don't leave your golliwog lying around. (エキストラ)
Give Us a Clue : This is a British televised game show version of charades which was broadcast on ITV from 1979 to 1992.
If I was doing Give us A Clue and the clue came up "A gay bloke", I'd do him. (エキストラ)
I've been grovelling all day at the BBC. (エキストラ)
Whitehall's running around like a bunch of headless chickens. (エキストラ)
He'd have me in hysterics every time I saw him. (エキストラ)
He could hear his wife upstairs with another man having it off. (エキストラ)
What are you gonna do? - The only honourable thing I can do. Add him to the long list of people that I have to avoid for the rest of my life. (エキストラ)
Tell him you had a hate rating of 9.8, one more than Hitler. (エキストラ)
That big fat hippo. (エキストラ)
I've really had it with all this. I am so fed up. (エキストラ)
You're hustling. (エキストラ)
I've been busy as well generating a lot of heat about your sitcom script. (エキストラ)
This script is piping hot. So we're looking for big bucks. この原稿は高く売れるはずだ。(エキストラ)
I think structurally, we're all higgledy-piggledy-pew. (エキストラ)
It's not homophobic. (エキストラ)
Do you think you could put your hang-ups and your neuroses on hold? (エキストラ)
Come on, silly. Huggy Bears. ハグしましょ(エキストラ)
If you can find it in your heart to forgive him, then please make it so. (エキストラ)
identity parade : A row of people, including a person who is believed to have committed a crime, who are shown to a witness to find out if the witness recognizes that person.
We need an officer in an ID parade in the drama. (エキストラ)
It's too inane, even for you. (エキストラ)
You lost a kooky broach? (エキストラ)
He used to run the launderers. (エキストラ)
I only used to hang out with him because he was a laugh. (エキストラ)
So how long have you been in this lark, then? - I've only been acting for a couple of years. (エキストラ)
You're 52? - Don't look it one bit. (エキストラ)
Took the liberty of sending the script. (エキストラ)
Are you having a laugh? (エキストラ)
laughter trackラジオまたはテレビ番組のサウンドトラックに加えられている予め録音してある笑い。
I don't want a laughter track. (エキストラ)
He's lying through his teeth. (エキストラ)
Mr. Samuel L. Jackson in our midst. (エキストラ)
Do you like taking the mickey out of me? (エキストラ)
I love dancing, me. (エキストラ)
Andy is not man enough to apologise himself. (エキストラ)
I'm mortified. (エキストラ)
Work your magic. (エキストラ)
Is there a narrative at all? Is there like a story in the film? (エキストラ)
I think the obvious choice is right under your nose. (エキストラ)
Oh, note to self. (エキストラ)
You stuck your nose in where it wasn't needed. (エキストラ)
Just let's do something out of the ordinary once in a while. (エキストラ)
partridge in a pear tree : The partridge in a pear tree represents Jesus, the Son of God
I've got two dead diplomats and a partridge in a bloody pear tree. (エキストラ)
Going to put my pumps on. (エキストラ)
I've found the joker in the pack. (エキストラ)
It's like that whole racism on a bus incident all over again. - The Rosa Parks incident? - It wasn't in a park, it was on a bus. (エキストラ)
I'm not the joker of the pack. (エキストラ)
I took pity on you. (エキストラ)
Don't pander to him just because he's black. (エキストラ)
The plot thickens. (エキストラ)
He turned up for this gig, there was no PA system. (エキストラ)
A pilot for a sitcom. (エキストラ)
I'd like to shoot a non-broadcast pilot with a view to making a series. シリーズ化を視野に見本版を作りたい(エキストラ)
Everyone gets wound up with the people they work in close proximity with. (エキストラ)
They may pull the plug. (エキストラ)
The reconstructions on Crimewatch. They always need black actors. (エキストラ)
I'm out shagging, regular as clockwork. (エキストラ)
Just give us a call to put our minds at rest. (エキストラ)
You want to have a stab at that? (エキストラ)
I think I'm going to shoot off. 帰るよ(エキストラ)
Sasquatch... – He is Satchmo. Louis Armstrong. (エキストラ)
While you were at school swotting up on Shakespeare, I was out living a real life, shagging birds. (エキストラ)
I'd love to show him. (エキストラ)
All her clothes fall off? - Yes, and she's scrabbling around to get them back on again. (エキストラ)
Just having a little sing-song. (エキストラ)
I prefer a nice little saveloy. (= cock) (エキストラ)
on the wrong side of (an age) : older than a certain age.
Why is she dressing like a teenager when she is clearly the wrong side of 40?
I get sore after every workout now that I'm on the wrong side of 30!
I knew I was on the wrong side of 20 when started gaining weight from my usual diet of junk food.
What do you mean, women like me? - Wrong side of 30, six out of ten for looks. (エキストラ)
I'm not sharking, I've got a bloke. (エキストラ)
If a bloke comes up that you fancy, you go, "Oh, him? He's just my gay friend." Perfect. It's a safety net. (エキストラ)
Living in squalor and dying a spinster. (エキストラ)
make a song and dance 〈英話〉〔不必要に〕騒ぎ立てる、大騒ぎする
You're aware that I'm gay? - Well, no, you don't make a song and dance.
That's not my cup of tea. (エキストラ)
Lost both his legs, you see. Thrombosis. (エキストラ)
Still, it's a wonderful gift that. Laughter. (エキストラ)
Well, this is my thinking. (エキストラ)
laughter trackラジオまたはテレビ番組のサウンドトラックに加えられている予め録音してある笑い。
I don't want a laughter track. (エキストラ)
You might want to just tone it down a little bit. - Tone what down? - Well, you're quite camp, which is great, but I think maybe sometimes you're too gay. (エキストラ)
Tell him Uncle Sam's in town. (エキストラ)
He's really versatile? (エキストラ)
Whitehall's running around like a bunch of headless chickens. (エキストラ)
I've got to go and slash my wrists. (エキストラ)
You did me a favour, which I thank you for, but I don't think it warrants a whole evening out, a candlelit meal with you. (エキストラ)
I wet myself laughing. (エキストラ)
You've got to really water it down. (エキストラ)
Look me in the eye and say six out of ten. - Shall I look you in your wonky eye or your good eye? (エキストラ)
Everyone gets wound up with the people they work in close proximity with. (エキストラ)
I've been working up to saying hello to him for the last couple of days. (エキストラ)
That's agnostic. (エキストラ)
Honesty is a cornerstone of the Catholic faith. - Amen to that. (エキストラ)
Cost me an arm and a leg. (エキストラ)
The burden of proof is not on me. (エキストラ)
The burden of proof is on the people who say there is a God.
I'm sweating like a bastard. (エキストラ)
If you're not into it, so be it. That's cool. (エキストラ)
We can banter all we like. (エキストラ)
If you insist on remaining a blob, could you maybe at least get a tan? (エキストラ)
It's the first time he's treaded the boards. (エキストラ)
Don't want to blow my own. 自慢するつもりはないが(エキストラ)
I'm trying to find my way out of here. It's like a blooming maze. (エキストラ)
I'm bent out of all recognition. (エキストラ)
I'm not interested in birds anymore. They just bleed you dry. (エキストラ)
Would you rather have a bionic arm or a bionic leg? - Good question. Bionic leg so I could hop to work. (エキストラ)
clunge (UK, vulgar, slang, chiefly Internet) Vulva or vagina
This is riding up my clunge. この服だとあそこが見えちゃう。(エキストラ)
I've got cerebral palsy. (エキストラ)
Carphone Warehouse : This is a mobile phone retailer based in London.
I'm going to have to go full time at The Carphone Warehouse. (エキストラ)
That has got to be a record for you. - Cheekiness. (エキストラ)
She was quite a classy, stylish. (エキストラ)
Who was your confirmation saint? (エキストラ)
Honesty is a cornerstone of the Catholic faith. - Amen to that. (エキストラ)
Have you been confirmed? Have you ever taken Communion to be a catholic? (エキストラ)
Which comedian is going to land on his feet and get his end away with an absolute cracker? (get one's end away 〈英俗〉〔男が〕セックスする ) (エキストラ)
celebrity spotted / celebrity sightings : Seeing a celebrity.
I just spotted him shopping in New Bond Street. (エキストラ)
up and down the country 国中で
Oh, well, theatre. It's where it all started for me, up and down the country. (エキストラ)
Family Fortunes loser Les Dennis is on the comeback trail. (エキストラ)
You're on chat shows. (エキストラ)
You look quite dapper. (エキストラ)
I've got to get out of this clothes. It's doing my back in. (エキストラ)
He likes to talk dirty on the phone. (エキストラ)
Must dash. I'll catch up with you later. (エキストラ)
Olivia Newton John wouldn't be seen dead in that costume. (エキストラ)
What does that entail? (エキストラ)
get one's end away 〈英俗〉〔男が〕セックスする
Which comedian is going to land on his feet and get his end away with an absolute cracker? (エキストラ)
Might have been entertaining for you, but I was at my lowest ebb. (エキストラ)
I've got to go and see my fool of an agent. (エキストラ)
fudding : the act of self pleasuring for a woman
I gave myself a right good fudding last night.
I'm fudding myself stupid. (エキストラ)
Laughing in the face of adversity. (エキストラ)
What faith are you? - Catholic. (エキストラ)
People say priests are paedophiles and kiddie fiddlers. (エキストラ)
Turn that frown upside down. (エキストラ)
Tell your face. 誰かの顔と台詞が合わないときに言う。 例えば嬉しいと言いながら辛そうな表情をする相手に それを「嬉しいと」自分の顔に言ったら?
Tell your face. : It is usually used when someone reacts using a facial expression different to what she suggested.
You lot enjoying yourselves? - Yeah, well tell your faces. (エキストラ)
Joseph Goebbelsパウル・ヨーゼフ・ゲッベルス、1897年10月29日 - 1945年5月1日)は、ドイツの政治家。 ナチ党政権下では国民啓蒙・宣伝大臣を務め、強制的同一化を推進した。
Anne Frank and Joseph Goebbels. (エキストラ)
I can get on to that. (エキストラ)
A couple of friends of mine are having a get together tonight. (エキストラ)
Oh, condoms. Do we need them? I don't think so. Let the free seed of love gush forth. (エキストラ)
If you're asking to see some official documentation, you're going to be gutted. (エキストラ)
I wouldn't get off with you anyway. I don't believe in sex before marriage. (エキストラ)
Let me just go over some highlights for you. (エキストラ)
Now I'm back on the up and up. The papers is just the beginning. I'll be in the full glare of the media spotlight again. (エキストラ)
Safe hands. (エキストラ)
I think my sister might like you a bit. - Really? She's only human. (エキストラ)
Who's that stunner? I'll make her mine. - Hands off, she's taken. (エキストラ)
have someone up : (UK informal) To take someone to court for a trial.
He was had up for burglary.
You have me up on sexism charges. (エキストラ)
I want to do something more high brow. Oscar Wilde or something. (エキストラ)
ride high好調である、うまくいっている
In economic news today, the housing industry continues to ride high. 本日の経済ニュースによると、住宅産業 は引き続き好調を維持している。
You won't always be riding high. (エキストラ)
You're going to have an amazing time, you'll love it. Be like lbiza or something. (エキストラ)
How long is this going to take, out of interest? 好奇心からだけどあとどのくらいかかる?(エキストラ)
jammyイギリス英語のスラングで、「幸運な」「簡単な」という意味があります。 "lucky"や"easy"と同じ意味合いです。
This is a jammy job.これは簡単な仕事です
Jammy bastard. 幸運な(エキストラ)
Come and check this out. I just typed in 58,008 into a calculator and if you look at the number the other way around, and lo and behold, amazingly, it comes up "boobs".(エキストラ)
I don't want to go out with a psychopath. She just cuts you if she forgets to take her lithium. (エキストラ)
Last of the Summer Wine : This is a British sitcom set in Yorkshire created and written by Roy Clarke and originally broadcast by the BBC from 1973 to 2010.
They are old friends. - It looks like the cast of Last of the Summer Wine. (エキストラ)
You do look like the cast of Last of the Summer Wine. (エキストラ)
1. 〈話〉〔身なり・服装が〕こぎれいな、粋な、あか抜けた、こざっぱりした、スタイリッシュな
It's a bit natty, though, isn't it? - Natty? (エキストラ)
2. 〈話〉器用な
She is a pissed up nutter. (エキストラ)
There are nonces everywhere. (エキストラ)
Oompa Loompa :ウンパルンパ『Charlie and the Chocolate Factory』に登場する小人。
I'd love it if you stuck your Willy Wonka between my Oompa Loompas. (比喩)あなたとセックスしたい。(エキストラ)
I've got a question about your props. (エキストラ)
dirty pillow : (plural dirty pillows) (slang, generally plural) A breast, especially a woman's breast.
I'm playing with my dirty pillows. (エキストラ)
Do you want to put another meeting in? (エキストラ)
Do you fancy panto? (エキストラ)
penny-farthingペニー・ファージング(英)あるいはハイ・ホイール・バイク(米語: high wheel bike)とは、19世紀後期に盛んに製作された自転車の形式のことで、前輪と後輪の直径が大きく異なる設計のこと。(エキストラ)
Dennis is clearly punching above his weight again. (エキストラ)
If you're worried about the audiences, don't be. They're always a bit thin early on but they'll pick up as we get towards Christmas. (エキストラ)
You are quite a nasty little piece of work. (エキストラ)
This is riding up my clunge. この服だとあそこが見えちゃう。(clunge (UK, vulgar, slang, chiefly Internet) Vulva or vagina) (エキストラ)
Then I have something for you that will make you roll in the aisles. 笑わせる(エキストラ)
lose your rag (idiom UK informal) To suddenly become very angry:
He said one too many stupid things and I just lost my rag. (エキストラ)
What are you doing with this reprobate? You two an item? (エキストラ)
The crime rate's through the roof. (エキストラ)
It's actually very slimming that. (エキストラ)
A 30 foot swastika. (エキストラ)
Giving the car headlamps a good soaping up. (エキストラ)
Giving them a good seeing to. (エキストラ)
Who's that stunner? (エキストラ)
I was at my lowest ebb. The shit that was flying around. (エキストラ)
I even considered suicide. I'm thinking, "I'll do it here, live on telly. That will show them." (エキストラ)
Smarties : In the United States, Smarties are a type of tablet candy produced by Smarties Candy Company.
Ho, ho, ho! Smarties. Yum, yum, yum. (エキストラ)
I saw her getting off with the stagehand. (エキストラ)
I'm not about to have a one night stand with a pissed up slapper. (エキストラ)
What is the point in getting all tarted up like this if you're not going to make it to the scene? (エキストラ)
It looks like a thingy. (エキストラ)
Overcome the difficulties thrown at you. (エキストラ)
The world's tempestuous sea. (エキストラ)
Ding, top answer! (エキストラ)
If you're worried about the audiences, don't be. They're always a bit thin early on but they'll pick up as we get towards Christmas. (エキストラ)
She's quite nice underneath. (エキストラ)
Now I'm back on the up and up. The papers is just the beginning. I'll be in the full glare of the media spotlight again. (エキストラ)
Is that good? Is that good? - I don't really know. If it's up there, I'll give you the money myself. セックスがよかったら金でもくれてやる(よくない)- Get off me. (エキストラ)
Turn off the phone. - Okay, I'll put it on vibrate. (エキストラ)
Oompa Loompa :ウンパルンパ『Charlie and the Chocolate Factory』に登場する小人。
I'd love it if you stuck your Willy Wonka between my Oompa Loompas. (比喩)あなたとセックスしたい。(エキストラ)
womb ferret: the penis .
I'm aching for your big purple-headed womb ferret. (エキストラ)
I haven't done it yet. I'm working up to it. (エキストラ)
Perverts are in all walks of life. (エキストラ)
All the cards and flowers from all the well-wishers. (エキストラ)
I'll have to check with the first AD really. (エキストラ)
If you're above it, go for it. (エキストラ)
If Vinnie Jones tried his antics on with him, he'd rip him apart. (エキストラ)
bollocks on a bulldog : Something that stands out and is very visible. The bulldog's testicular region is extremely prominent and hence the reference.
We had sex five times. Nearly wore me out. By the end of it, bollocks like a bulldog, I tell you. (エキストラ)
He's not going to be a barrel of laughs. (エキストラ)
Boots? - Oh, it's a chain of chemists, high street pharmacy. (エキストラ)
Are you a film buff? - I adore films. (エキストラ)
There but for the grace of God go I. (諺)神のご加護がなければ私も不幸な目にあっていただろう;まったく運がよかった -
Why is he the star and not me? There but for the grace of God go I. (エキストラ)
What I'm no good at is, you know, breaking an act. (it means successfully promoting an act (entertainer) to get them a started in the business.) (エキストラ)
Having a dog and barking yourself springs to mind. (エキストラ)
He wants to batter me? (エキストラ)
I command you both to be there and I won't take no for an answer. (エキストラ)
coq au vinコック・オ・ヴァン(仏)とは、雄鶏の赤ワイン煮込み料理である。 日本語のカタカナ表記としてはコックオーヴァン、コック・オー・ヴァンなどもある。 フランス・ブルゴーニュ地方の郷土料理であり、代表的な料理の1つである。(エキストラ)
costume drama = 歴史ドラマ(historical drama)歴史劇(period drama)、時代物(period piece)
Oh, you look like you should be an actress. (エキストラ)
- Costume dramas or something like that. (エキストラ)
The aesthetics are completely different. Chalk and cheese. (エキストラ)
It's a big clumpy shoe. - Don't say clumpy. (エキストラ)
You've shown your true colours. (エキストラ)
I was going to ask you about this film. Are there any parts left to cast? (エキストラ)
I've kissed Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore. I slapped Jennifer Aniston's butt. - In films. - It still counts. (エキストラ)
Something will crop up for the future career. Stiff upper lip. (エキストラ)
You didn't think on your feet quickly enough? (エキストラ)
Get out of my face. (エキストラ)
You get on well with Ben. (エキストラ)
You're gutted. (エキストラ)
Don't have a go at her. (エキストラ)
We'll get out before that fat little extra gets his face in. あのデブエキストラがしゃしゃり出てくシーンをカットしよう。(エキストラ)
There's a light flickering in the gents. (エキストラ)
Your heart's not in this, is it? (エキストラ)
That's what I'm hanging on for, really. (エキストラ)
If there's a hag, a washerwoman, toothless wench to be had, it'll be me. その役柄は私よ。(エキストラ)
I head-butted a horse once. (エキストラ)
ITV : abbreviation for Independent Television. A group of British television companies that earn most of their income from advertising:
There's a good film on ITV tonight. (エキストラ)
Jam her in the mouth, break her jaw. (エキストラ)
Jim'll Fix : It is a British television series broadcast by the BBC, presented by Jimmy Savile and running for almost two decades, between May 1975 and July 1994. Devised by Bill Cotton, the show encouraged children to write a letter to Savile with a "wish" that would come true at the end of each episode, upon which the child would be granted a medal.
Acting is Andy's dream. If you can make that dream come true, please, please call. - I mean, it's like he's writing to Jim'll Fix It. (エキストラ)
Jiffy bag 《主に英国で用いられる》【商標】 ジフィーバッグ 《柔らかい詰め物をした郵送用の封筒》.
Did I get these muscles lifting jiffy bags? (エキストラ)
In relation to the kineticism. (エキストラ)
I've just got to get the new CV knocked up. (エキストラ)
He'll see things in the movie he didn't see the first time. It's layered. (エキストラ)
Well I'd better get this food down me. Line my stomach. (エキストラ)
A dog got his lipstick out. : When a male dog gets excited, his penis will poke out of its protective covering. Because a dog’s penis is pointy, wet, and a bright pink, it resembles lipstick.
A Rottweiler with lipstick. (エキストラ)
life and soul of the party : 《the ~》パーティーの主役、場を盛り上げる人[人気者]、座を楽しませる人
Greg is always the life (and soul) of the party, so he is quite popular. : グレッグは、いつもパーティーの主役で、とても人気がある。(エキストラ)
Look at him, everybody loves him, life and soul of the party. (エキストラ)
And lo! The cheque doth cometh in the post. (エキストラ)
You got off lightly. (エキストラ)
Why don't you give up this acting lark? (エキストラ)
Me in prison, face like this. Pretty boy. I'd be in the shower just lathering up, a couple of guys would come in wanting a bit of my arse. (エキストラ)
Live and learn, don't you? (エキストラ)
Well, I'm actually older than you. - Well, you don't look it. I thought you were in your 20s. (エキストラ)
So you're a mug. (エキストラ)
The Munsters : Herman Munster is a fictional character in the CBS sitcom The Munsters, originally played by Fred Gwynne. The patriarch of the Munster household, Herman is one of Frankenstein’s monsters, created in a lab in Germany in the nineteenth century.
It's a big clumpy shoe. - Don't say clumpy. - It's like a big Herman Munster. (エキストラ)
That was a wee bit much. あれは言いすぎよ(エキストラ)
Husband material? (エキストラ)
You got something a bit more. Bit meatier, bit more substantial for the line. (エキストラ)
Ross is sort of mud with Barry. (エキストラ)
Come on, love, you're like a dead horse. Put a bit of minge around it. もっとセックスに腰を使えよ(エキストラ)
I played a narc in The Bill, that was a recurring character, that was three episodes. (エキストラ)
Bullied? - People calling me names and that. (エキストラ)
I'm owed some money. (エキストラ)
Laurence Olivier: ブライトンのオリヴィエ男爵ローレンス・オリヴィエ(Laurence Kerr Olivier, Baron Olivier of Brighton OM, 1907年5月22日 - 1989年7月11日)は、イギリスの俳優、映画監督、一代貴族。アカデミー賞を受賞し、シェイクスピア俳優としても有名。20世紀の名優として多くの映画人から称賛される。本名はローレンス・カー・オリヴィエ(Laurence Kerr Olivier)。愛称はラリー(Larry)。
I remember Laurence Olivier having a rant in Richard III because they wanted to use stunt testicles and he said, "Listen, these gonads are going to be seen because they went to RADA. You either use the Lord Olivier plums or nothing at all." (RADA王立演劇学校(Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts、通称RADA)とは、ロンドンにある役者、ステージマネージャ、ディレクター、デザイナー、舞台芸術の職業教育を行う演劇学校である。1904年に演劇プロデューサーのHerbert Beerbohm Treeによって設立された。3年制。ロンドン中心部のブルームズベリーを拠点としている。イギリス国内でも最も有名な演劇学校の一つとして知られ、入学するのは非常に難関とされる。plums : (vulgar, slang, usually in the plural) A testicle.) (エキストラ)
Oh, be warned, Jackie Greer's on the prowl. - Why? - She's having a birthday do. (エキストラ)
plums : (vulgar, slang, usually in the plural) A testicle.
I remember Laurence Olivier having a rant in Richard III because they wanted to use stunt testicles and he said, "Listen, these gonads are going to be seen because they went to RADA. You either use the Lord Olivier plums or nothing at all." (RADA王立演劇学校(Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts、通称RADA)とは、ロンドンにある役者、ステージマネージャ、ディレクター、デザイナー、舞台芸術の職業教育を行う演劇学校である。1904年に演劇プロデューサーのHerbert Beerbohm Treeによって設立された。3年制。ロンドン中心部のブルームズベリーを拠点としている。イギリス国内でも最も有名な演劇学校の一つとして知られ、入学するのは非常に難関とされる。) (エキストラ)
It's not a pube, it's a dog hair. (エキストラ)
He owns his own house. Doesn't have to pay a mortgage so he can afford to live on a pittance. (エキストラ)
Back at quarter past, thank you. 15分後に再会(エキストラ)
RADA王立演劇学校(Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts、通称RADA)とは、ロンドンにある役者、ステージマネージャ、ディレクター、デザイナー、舞台芸術の職業教育を行う演劇学校である。1904年に演劇プロデューサーのHerbert Beerbohm Treeによって設立された。3年制。ロンドン中心部のブルームズベリーを拠点としている。イギリス国内でも最も有名な演劇学校の一つとして知られ、入学するのは非常に難関とされる。
I remember Laurence Olivier having a rant in Richard III because they wanted to use stunt testicles and he said, "Listen, these gonads are going to be seen because they went to RADA. (エキストラ)
Rainbow : This is a British children's television series, created by Pamela Lonsdale, which ran from 16 October 1972 until 6 March 1992, made by Thames Television. The series was originally conceived as a British equivalent of Sesame Street.
He looks like Vin Diesel? Sorry, are we looking at the same bloke? Have another look, right. Look at him there. He looks more like Zippy from Rainbow. (Zippy : This is a fictional character on the British children's television programme Rainbow. Zippy is a 5-year old brownish-orange puppet with a rugby-ball-shaped oval head, blue eyes and a zip for a mouth, hence his name. ) (エキストラ)
In five years' time, he's still going to look pretty rugged. (エキストラ)
I played a narc in The Bill, that was a recurring character, that was three episodes. (エキストラ)
All his life he's had to deal with people that are so shallow that they can't see beyond his disable foot. (エキストラ)
Starsky and Hutch『刑事スタスキー&ハッチ』は、アメリカのテレビドラマ
Who am I? - It's either Starsky or Hutch, I can never remember. (エキストラ)
She's like sticking her tits in his face. 胸を見せつけている(エキストラ)
I was in the SAS. (エキストラ)
stripped to the waist 上半身裸で
Put the baseball bat down, it's just you and me, skin on skin. Stripped to the waist. (エキストラ)
What you doing here? Still scavenging the bins for food, are you? (エキストラ)
I've been slagging him off? (エキストラ)
I hear you slag me off. (エキストラ)
Topshop : A chain of shops in Britain and some other countries selling fashionable clothes for girls and women. They are owned by the company that also owns Topman. (エキストラ)
It's time to just throw in the towel. (エキストラ)
There's a light flickering in the gents. Could you have a tinker with that? (エキストラ)
I tell you, if there's a hag, a washerwoman, toothless wench to be had, it'll be me. I'm never the one that gets to wear the taffeta dress, it's not fair. (エキストラ)
If Vinnie Jones comes near me looking for a fight, I will unleash hell. (エキストラ)
When is it? - Friday, after we wrap. 終える(エキストラ)
And lo! The cheque doth cometh in the post. It keeps the wolf from the door. (エキストラ)
if you could put a word in. (エキストラ)
They weren't winding you up? (エキストラ)
Zippy : This is a fictional character on the British children's television programme Rainbow. Zippy is a 5-year old brownish-orange puppet with a rugby-ball-shaped oval head, blue eyes and a zip for a mouth, hence his name.
He looks like Vin Diesel? Sorry, are we looking at the same bloke? Have another look, right. Look at him there. He looks more like Zippy from Rainbow. (Rainbow : This is a British children's television series, created by Pamela Lonsdale, which ran from 16 October 1972 until 6 March 1992, made by Thames Television. The series was originally conceived as a British equivalent of Sesame Street.) (エキストラ)