これはおすすめできない。主人公のオオカミ女がオオカミをを無事出産して警察が到着し、それからの展開に期待値マックス。ここまでひっぱっておいてなんと終了!!! シーズン2までしかない。 誰かちゃぶ台もってきて! ひっくり返してたるわ! ディズニーに家族連れで行って、中はいらず入り口で引き返すようなもん。最後、出産前、オオカミに次第に変身し、手に汗握る展開だけに、なおさら腹立たしい。
Aunty Sarah. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I'm an acquaintance of Mary's. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Now you and I couldn't be more alike. とてもお互いに似ている。(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
A homicide investigation has been active for the last six months. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
You guys were further along than Anna. 私の妻アナより妊娠が進んでいる(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
A baby shower. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
The intellect is only a bit and a bridle. はみ(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
You want me to run you a bath? (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
We took the birthing class. 出産について学ぶクラス(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
There's a couple of odd details we're still trying to get to the bottom of. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
baby brain :「赤ちゃんを産むと、脳が自動的に赤ちゃんを優先順位1位にしてしまうため、他のことを忘れがちになってしまう」現象「momnesia」とも呼ばれ、医学用語ではないため明確な定義はありません
Baby brain. I wasn't thinking straight. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
black spot《テレビや携帯電話などの》受信困難地区, 難受信地帯 (=dead spot).
It was a bit of a dead spot. 携帯の圏外(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
If you eat me, so be it. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Craigslist: クレイグスリストは、アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコのCraigslist Inc.により運営されるクラシファイドコミュニティサイト。1995年にクレイグ・ニューマークにより開始し、サンフランシスコ・ベイエリアのローカル情報を交換するためのサイトとして開設された。 その後、ボストン、シカゴ、ロサンゼルス、ニューヨークなど他の都市向けのサイトが次々と開設され、2009年4月現在、およそ世界50か国、570都市向けのサイトを擁している。
How did you find us? On Craigslist? (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
We consummated our attraction? - You fucked each other, yes. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
We were coitally entwined. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Acute stress and chronic stress can both be contributing factors. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
We had an early call-out. 警察の早朝勤務(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I could cut you a deal. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I was worried that the guilt you felt for David's death was going to drive you to your own. (death) (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
The universe can go and eat a bag of dicks. 運命なんてくそくらえだ。(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I can't do dairy. 乳製品は無理(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I can't do butter. Butter gives me the squirts. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
dead spot《テレビや携帯電話などの》受信困難地区, 難受信地帯 (=black spot).
It was a bit of a dead spot. 携帯の圏外(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I had to put aside my own ego to see things from her perspective. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
The name completely escaped me. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Eating a fucking enchilada. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
The floor is yours. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Your gorgeous ex-boyfriend with the faultless dress sense. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
pull one’s head in : Primarily Australian. Usually used in an annoyed or confrontational manner, meaning both shut up and/or mind your own business. It is a warning that you are perhaps over reaching and courting disaster. Think driving through the scrub with your head out the window. It might feel fine to have the wind in your hair at the moment but there are a thousand tree branches that could quickly appear to wipe the silly smile off your face.
You better pull your head in.
Pull your head in
Pull your fucking head in! (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Hon? You OK? (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
How insecure my ex might make you feel. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Induction at around week 39. 出産の誘発(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
if that
1. 十分に多く見積もって(も)、最大で(も)、せいぜい◆前述の数量・時間・頻度・距離などに関して用いられた場合の訳例。◆【同】at most ; at a maximum
It only takes 5 minutes, if that. : その所要時間は、せいぜい5分です。
How long will that take? - 45 minutes, if that. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
2. ~ですらない◆文末で用いられた場合の訳例。
You've put your daughter’s mental health in jeopardy. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
You had to have made a bit of an effort to come to Adelaide from Chicago. - Don't I know it. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I love her so fucking much it hurts. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Why did you get a loaded gun? (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
When a labour goes on this long. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
$25,000 for it? - OK. Who am I making that out to? (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
momnesia :「赤ちゃんを産むと、脳が自動的に赤ちゃんを優先順位1位にしてしまうため、他のことを忘れがちになってしまう」現象「baby brain」とも呼ばれ、医学用語ではないため明確な定義はありません
Baby brain. I wasn't thinking straight. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I was mourning David. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
You had a full-on fuck marathon with your ex. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
You're not getting an out. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
So forensics are going to give your vehicle a once-over. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I couldn't have prepped the meal better myself. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Mary, you were a wonderful student. A protégé. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I was having a psychotic episode. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I don't fight my primal urges. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
He kept staring at me with those piercing grey-blue eyes. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I tried to reason with her but she didn't want to hear it. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
See you at recess. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
RAA didn't end up sending anyone out there, did they? (R Double A) (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
This is an abandoned mine shaft. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Seeing as I didn't bring any gift to the baby shower, I feel the need to say something if that's OK with you. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
You fell asleep with him spooning you. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I can't do butter. Butter gives me the squirts. 下痢(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I'm actually finding it insulting that you would make up something as ridiculous as Mary turning into a wolf. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
What's the soonest we could bring a newborn baby back home? (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
This is a big thing for people to take on. 理解する(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
It threw me! (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
He just literally shows up unannounced. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
How hard it was for us to wrap our heads around this? (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
It would make you too sad. I found a way that you could listen to it without that happening. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Breeding occurs between the alpha male and the alpha female within the wolf pack. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I find that pretty admirable. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Can you leave the bassinet on the lawn? (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
babymoon (informal)
1. a relaxing or romantic holiday taken by parents-to-be before their baby is born.
On the eve of my third trimester, we boarded a plane for a week-long babymoon among the quiet canals of Amsterdam.
Have you guys got your babymoon planned?
2. a period of time following the birth of a baby during which the new parents can focus on establishing a bond with their child.
A babymoon is regarded as a crucial time for a family to establish itself. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Tara and Kat are off to Port Douglas for their babymoon. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Some of us don't inherit bags of money. We inherit bags full of shit. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I'm setting boundaries for myself. You have to respect them! (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Emma's got zero friends, to the best of my knowledge. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
We could book a C-section? (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I was able to coax the rabbit back into its box. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
It always comes crashing down. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Three o'clock on the dot. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Don't let your past define you. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Savoury pancakes and Danishes. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Lisa was just explosively sick over me. リサが私の服に吐いた。(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
There's no foreseeable reasons. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Our furry friend. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
They were ganging up on her. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
What's a pregnant lady need a Glock for? 銃(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
This house is sort of haemorrhaging money right now. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
A woman after my own heart. とてもいい人だ(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
My girlfriend is six months pregnant. Oh, wow! Oh, congratulations. Do you know what you're having? どっちの性別(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Don't split hairs. - How is that splitting hairs? (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I'll get out of your hair. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
in over one's head〔問題の解決方法などについて〕自分の思考[処理]能力を超えた状況で、どうすればよいのか分からずに、完全にお手上げで
I am worried that one of the investors in this project is in over his head. このプロジェクトの投資家の1人が借金で首が回らなくなっているので、心配です。
I'm way in over my head. : 私にはあまりに難し過ぎる。
You think that you're in over your head. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Do you want a tea? - Oh, ah, I don't want to impose... - Definitely not imposing. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
It’s a bit of a complicated system. Still figuring out the kinks. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
It was a lot for me to come back out into the light. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Wolves have a litter of pups. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
lunch duty monitorランチデューティモニターとは、学校でランチや休み時間に生徒を監督する役割です。cafeteriaやplaygroundなど、広い範囲の生徒を学校スタッフと協力して見守ります。
She is one of our lunch duty monitors. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
We're just going through the motions. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
lunch duty monitorランチデューティモニターとは、学校でランチや休み時間に生徒を監督する役割です。cafeteriaやplaygroundなど、広い範囲の生徒を学校スタッフと協力して見守ります。(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
In a matter of no time. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Give her the meds. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
You got your meds, right? (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Your 10 o'clock has come here. 10時に予約のお客さんがお見えになったよ。(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
OB? - Obstetrician. He's the best. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
What hormone relates to the birth and sex? - Oxytocin? - It does. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I'm giving you an out. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Soft, plushie wolf. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
They'll pick on her again. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
You are entering a new phase of your life. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
What kind of precedent is that setting for my boys? (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I got some pastries from the bakery today. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Do you know what to do if you get caught in a rip? 海の潮(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Where's Abigail's dad? - Oh, he did a runner when I was pregnant. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Who's going to be at the ultrasound? - Just the sonographer. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Scaredy cat. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
You didn't just shove it all into a closet? (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I snore after drinking shiraz. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
That's a cool track. 曲(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I'm putting Vegemite on everything. Mt husband was horrified to see me eating it out of the tub. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Everyone at this school is very aware of how seriously we take bullying. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
It's a pity you're taken. あなたに彼女がいるなんて残念だわ(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Uber : Uber(ウーバー)とLyft(リフト)は、アメリカで生まれ、世界中で利用されている配車サービスです。 一般の方が運転手を行い、スマホアプリを通じてマッチングした利用者が乗車するというライドシェアサービスです。 タクシーとは違い、アプリであらかじめ目的地を指定し、事前に所要時間や料金を確認した上で配車します。
I'll Uber home. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
We just need the baby out somewhere in this window. この時期に出産したい。(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
They are artisan sausages from our mate. He's a chemist. He makes them on the side. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Could I possibly drop my daughter off at your place for a bit? (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
What's the harm in letting the heart take the lead for a bit? したいことをするのはどう?(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
In the grand scheme of things, we're nothing but a momentary, meaningless blip. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
If he can't handle sleeping with a chick, he's even more screwed up than I thought. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
He wanted to call the trip off. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Your doctor came highly recommended. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
There's a big problem waiting for us around the corner. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Why don't we just enjoy each other's company? (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Did Uncle Gary drop a C-bomb? (=C-word) (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
You dog! (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Why don't you eat my dick?! (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Could I possibly drop my daughter off at your place for a bit? (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I myself have a step-child. I had to respect his boundaries when I was courting his mother. It's never an easy dynamic. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Arthritis-encephalitis. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
What if we were to entertain the possibility that this happened for a reason? (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Telling your daughter my secret is gonna be the thing that just tips us over the edge. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I'm wearing florals. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Filofax : (trademark) (also personal organizer) a brand name for a type of small book in which a record can be kept of phone numbers, future plans and visits, business meetings, etc.
Can you bring the Filofax in, please? (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
It's not a foregone conclusion. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Gerberas. Oh, I love those. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
In the car park of the Holiday Inn. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Just hear me out. - I've already heard you out. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
It will inevitably lead to pain and hurt. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
What if we were to hold off telling Emma? (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I wouldn't want to jeopardise what we have. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
If somebody comes out here, they can jump-start our car. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
You better be back! Or I'll send the boys to break your legs! (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
What's the harm in letting the heart take the lead for a bit? したいことをするのはどう?(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Emma told us you were vegan. - Oh, I am, I am. But you better listen to your body. でも今は肉を食べたいわ。(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
There would obviously be a lot to take into consideration, a lot to think about. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I'm gonna give the vegan food a miss. I'm craving meat at the moment. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Sorry. I was miles away. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
The difference is like night and day. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I mean I need to go to the toilet. - Is it a one or a two? (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
That was a one-off. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
This is a lot to process. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
It's the path of least resistance. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
RAA : これは南オーストラリアにある古い組織の名称としても知られています。1903年に設立され、現在では自動車、住宅、旅行などに関するさまざまなサービスを提供しています。(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
The RAA don't come out this far, mate. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
This is getting us nowhere. - No shit. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
swear jar / swearing jar / cuss jar / swear box / cuss bank : This is a device intended to discourage people from using profanity. Every time someone uses profanity, others who witness it collect a "fine", by insisting that the offender put some money into the box.
Gary! Shit! - Swear jar! (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
In the grand scheme of things, we're nothing but a momentary, meaningless blip. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
You murdered a poor Italian family? - I never said they were poor. - Circumstantially, not socio-economically! (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
In the grand scheme of things, I'm not sure if you're the right person to be handing out advice. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
What the fuck is wrong with you? - Swear jar! (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
They are artisan sausages from our mate. He's a chemist. He makes them on the side. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I’m glad to see her get this excited about something as simple as going camping. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Can you go out to the garden and pick a little basil for me? Also, maybe some parsley? A little thyme. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
The universe throws things at you for a reason. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I don't want this to be the thing that undoes us. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I'm going for good! - Where? - I haven't worked it out yet. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
It’s good for you to go camping especially for someone as outdoorsy as you. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
You're antiquated. - I'm antiquated? (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I'm having a really hard time articulating myself right now. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Perfect doesn't exist. Perfect's the armour we wear to stop ourselves from being seen. Break yourself open - it's how the light gets in. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
It's time for you to put on your big-boy pants. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Hey, bubs. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Bumble : This is a platform for connection -- not just for those looking for their honey on Date mode, but those seeking new friendships on Bumble BFF, or looking for a new business mentor on Bumble Bizz too. Bumble is a great way to find the people in your area that may just bring the energy you’re looking for!
Her Bumble profile says she's studying English. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
We've got your back. 応援しているわ(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
close-up magicクロースアップ・マジックとは、マジックの形態のひとつで、少人数の観客に対してマジシャンが至近距離で演じるものをさす。1930年代からこの用語が使われるようになった。テーブルマジック(table magic)とほぼ同義である。
I spent a full year doing close-up magic to entertain at the nursing home. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
What if she's so terrified about losing someone again that she would rather check out first? (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
This clicker thing is never gonna work. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I find it very easy to be in your company. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I just kind of draw on my life experience. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I haven't day-drunk in a really long time. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
empath : (chiefly in science fiction) a person with the paranormal ability to perceive the mental or emotional state of another individual. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I'm an empath. 人の気持ちがわかる(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
This is eucalyptus oil. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
She keeps having these full-on panic attacks. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
A flaming meteor. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
She's built this fortress around herself, so that nothing can hurt her. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
We're all feeling our way through the dark. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Fluoxetineフルオキセチン は、選択的セロトニン再取り込み阻害薬(SSRI)に分類される抗うつ薬の1つである。 商品名プロザック (Prozac) としてアメリカ合衆国のイーライリリー・アンド・カンパニーから発売され、後発医薬品も存在する。
Certainly wouldn't have tried to kill yourself if the fluoxetine had worked. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I don't know how much longer I can keep up this façade. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
They have great gluten-free pizza. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Perfect doesn't exist. Perfect's the armour we wear to stop ourselves from being seen. Break yourself open - it's how the light gets in. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Strip away the layers and break yourself open. That's how the light gets in. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I'm a three? - Usually, I'm a seven. But when I'm with you, I'm a nine. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Can I maybe take you out to dinner tomorrow? Oh. I'm so sorry. I did not mean to overstep my boundaries. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
The drink this hot is so bad for your oesophagus. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
Our daughter was so beautiful. It was as if my baby had been plucked from the universe and given to us as this gift. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
That voice melts spines. いい声しているわ。(ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
After Lisa died, I spiraled. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I'm not going to sugar-coat it. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I need to be a source of stability for my daughter. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I do topiary. - You make topiaries? Like, building things out of trees? (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I don't think I can handle an eating disorder on top of everything else. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
We're used to it by now. As used to it as you can be, I guess. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
I can't believe I just unloaded all that on you. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)
You're my entire world. (ウルフ・ライク・ミー)