SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界

今回はイギリスがナチスに支配された架空の中でストーリー展開していく。全体的に重々しい。ドイツ語と英語が飛び交う中、言語形態がにているせいか混乱するときも。主人公の ダグラス・アーチャーの苦虫を嚙み潰したようなだみ声。 天龍のまねか? 相棒ハリーは大柄な体型特有の聞きずらいこもった声に加え、スコッツ訛り。 ラッシャー木村のマイクパフォーマンスか? 今回はリッパ―ストリートのジャクソン医師を頂点として、聞きずらいリストの上位に来る難易度。途中リスニング放棄状態。聞くんじゃないんだ感じるんだぁと自分に言い聞かせてました。今回は想像力も活用して視聴したので非常に疲れ果てました。実は!!この点ネット界隈でも批判続出の模様なので、とりあえず一安心。!-why-some-tv-dialogue-is-so-hard-to-understand.html

Don't go thinking Roosevelt is some kind of fanatical Anglophile. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


He was acting on the intelligence that his resistance men have gathered. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The problem is you haven't behaved in accordance with our agreement with your government. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I had a spy who reported their assignations. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I like winners. That's my weakness. Like my bastard of a father. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


They're gathering people in warehouses then bussing them to Wembley Stadium. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


We're buggered anyway. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Most of the Auxiliary Units got blotted out in the first two weeks after the invasion. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


What's the catch? (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


C. in C. / C in C / C. in C. =《略語》 Commander in Chief,《主に英国で用いられる》 Commander‐in‐Chief.

the German C-in-C of Great Britain(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I don't give it much credence. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I vowed that I would never listen to any kind of political claptrap ever again. - Amen. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


It's criminal what they're charging. (very expensive) (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Without them, it could be a damn calamity. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


by a country mile 〔勝利が〕大差をつけて

Are you sure it’s this way? We’ve driven like a country mile.”

You're our best chance by a country mile. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


He's a creature of habit. 変化を嫌う人(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


If it comes off. うまくいく(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


He's come round. 目覚めたぞ(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


They are disinterring Karl Marx. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Dr. Huth seemed disinclined to help your Harry. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


You had a nasty little bullet down there that we took a dislike to. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


This house is mainly Elizabethan. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


We'll fly him out of a disused airfield. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


false bottom(箱などの)上げ底、二重底(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Well, we wouldn't want you to waste your rations on us. - No problem. "Times like these." "Fellow man" and all that. 困った時こそ同胞を助ける。(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


He was infirm. He would have cut a pathetic figure in Washington or anywhere else. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The clutch oof the car is going, I can't get it into gear. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Got anywhere warm we can take our guest? (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The game's all up now or will be. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I couldn't make head or tail of what I saw. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Resistance played right into the Germans' hands. Martial law is exactly what the Army wanted! (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Half of our men are in hiding now. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I thought I'd had it. もうだめかと(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The raid is on. Things are going to hot up. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


You have a hunt around. さがしてきて(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Do we have a hope? - A lot hinges on tonight. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


They're punishing villages for harbouring Resistance. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Iron Cross鉄十字(ドイツ語: Eisernes Kreuz)は、ドイツを中心に中世以来使用されてきた紋章であり、通常は鉄十字の意匠を象った勲章を指す。このプロイセン及びドイツで戦功のあった軍人に対して授与された勲章は、日本語では鉄十字勲章あるいは鉄十字章と称されることが多い。ドイツ語圏ではしばしば頭文字を取ってドイツ語: EK(エー・カー)とも呼ばれる。

You might get an Iron Cross for that one. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


He was infirm. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


We haven't got a bloody jack! (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


There must be a jack somewhere. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The Russians are even more long-winded than the Jerries. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Live to fight another day. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The German officer made out he couldn't understand him. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Well, that's a risk I'll have to take. - That's as maybe. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


M'Lud 【名】ミラッド、閣下英国の法廷で弁護士が発音するMy Lordの発音つづり(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Why should he be manacled? (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


merry hell叱りとばすこと、きつく叱ること

play merry hell with~をめちゃくちゃにする、~を台無しにする

play (merry) hell with

play merry-hell〈俗〉激怒する

give someone merry hell  1. (人)を厳しく叱る  2. (人)を不快にさせる

Here's to merry hell. 地獄に乾杯(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I'm up to my neck in the Resistance. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


(one's) opposite number別のグループ、会社、または国で、同じ、またはよく似た地位、役割、機能を持つ人、つまりcounterpartの意味。

Dan, here, has been my opposite number in Washington. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Go and find Harry. - You owe him that. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I wouldn't come into a notorious district like this late at night, without taking precautions. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I'm sick of peddling their propaganda. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


SS leadership is the only way the nuclear bomb will come to pass. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


He should not have been arrested, plain and simple. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I remembered you'd packed your son off. 送り出した(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


We've had some real pea soupers recently. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The best we can offer is brandy and pheasant. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Mayhew played me like a fool. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The repercussions would be felt all the way to Berlin. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


At least you weren't rounded up. - I'm American. We're immune. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Those bloody renegades set off a bomb. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


He ran rings round us. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


A raven-haired woman. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


A certain few will do everything they can to help, save getting into a fight. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


swordstick仕込みづえ 《ステッキの中に剣が入っている》

A swordstick? It's so British. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Squeeze the SS out by humiliating them. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


You mustn't let something as little as getting shot weaken your resolve. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


You're going to take a stand. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I had him squirming on the hook. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


We were all playing for high stakes. 大ばくちをうった(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


We're in talks. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The bastards can be thwarted. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


It looks like Joan's turned in for the night. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


You jumping down my throat. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Just a touch of influenza. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


What are the things that once said can't be unsaid? 一度口にしたら取り消せないこととは何か?

What have you said? - Nothing that can't be unsaid. 取り消しできないことは何も言っていない。肝心なことは何も言ってない(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Large-scale armed uprising. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


You could appreciate this place. - Actually, I'm not all that up on Georgian architecture. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


My vote is that we shouldn’t hang around here too long. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I had him in the vice. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


If you want my co-operation, you're going to have to woo me. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


He's a politician, and back home in US that means a wily bird. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


He's the focal point of the whole European wrangle? - Wrangle? Over here, we call it war. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The army will be keeping a tighter watch. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Why didn't he show them his warrant card? 警察の身分証(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Let the Gestapo have their way with me! ゲシュタポの好きなようにさせれば!(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The Army will be licking their wounds after the humiliation of the explosion. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


He took me under his wing right from the start. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Better it should happen now, what with the light outside fading. 日が暮れかかっているから(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The king was infirm. He would have cut a pathetic figure in Washington or anywhere else. Britain would have looked washed up. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


His bank accounts in Zurich. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)




Douglas acquiesces to a theory regarding Nazi infiltration into the Resistance. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


With Germany holding the super-bomb it will be an end to all war. The final phase of our ascendency. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The axe never mourns the tree it fells. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Are you an angler? (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Is it a confession you wanted, or absolution? (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


After Armistice. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


What caused those burns on his corneas. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


This is your doing! (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


He won no medals in the Olympic. But it is a distinction to compete? (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I thought the Germans had banned this music. - They have. They label it degenerate. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Dachau : ダッハウ強制収容所は、ドイツ・バイエルン州・ミュンヘンの北西15キロほどのところにある都市ダッハウに存在したナチス・ドイツの強制収容所。

You'll find yourself in Dachau. Do you know what Dachau is? - I've heard the rumours, sir. - They are all true, believe me. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


play both ends against the middle自分が有利になるように対立する両者を争わせておく、「漁夫の利を占める」

Don't try and play both ends against the middle. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


There should be an elbow-pivot. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Army being in control of a secret atomic programme puts them in front. 優位になる(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


A flicker of emotion. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Foot patrols on the clock. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


No feelers yet? 彼らからの接触はまだか?(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Feldwebel : This is a non-commissioned officer (NCO) rank in several countries. The rank originated in Germany

I got this from a Feldwebel. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


You can close the file now, can't you? 事件解決できるね。(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


An atom bomb really is within their grasp. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


To make sure this didn't fall into the wrong hands. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


This half-witted army officer. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Don't be irritable. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


A caution instilled by you. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


issuing department発行部署

You wish to visit the issuing department, that's correct? (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


All everyone told me was that you were incorruptible. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Get me the fingerprinting kit. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Lay off, will you. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


They see us working with the Germans and they lash out. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Do you think Marx's corpse will prefer the mausoleum in Moscow? (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


So, you put him out of his misery. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


How did you get onto me? (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Leave me in peace. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The elbow-pivot for your false arm. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Then the Reich will be truly invincible. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


reserved occupation / essential services :  A reserved occupation  is an occupation considered important enough to a country that those serving in such occupations are exempt or forbidden from military service. In a total war, such as the Second World War, where most fit men of military age were conscripted into the armed forces, exceptions were given to those who performed jobs vital to the country and the war effort which could not be abandoned or performed by others. Not only were such people exempt from being conscripted, they were often prohibited from enlisting on their own initiative, and were required to remain in their posts. Examples of reserved occupations include medical practitioners and police officers, but what is or is not a reserved occupation will depend on war needs and a country's particular circumstances.

Why didn't you sign up for the army, Mr. Archer? - I wasn't allowed. Reserved occupation. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


US government recognition of the Connolly set-up. コノリー政権(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


There's a standing instruction. All senior police officers provide a contact address day and night. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I'll go home and wait for a carrier pigeon! - Save your humour for Harry Woods. Sergeants have to laugh at their superiors' jokes. 部下は上司のジョークに笑うものだ。(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


It takes all sorts to make up the Resistance. There are those that put sugar in German petrol tanks, and those that scrawl anti-Nazi slogans on walls. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


That smart, does it? しみる(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Sickles and scythes are both agricultural tools used for harvesting. The sickle is the one with a short handle and a hook-like blade. The scythe has a long handle and a slightly curved blade. The Grim Reaper is traditionally shown holding a scythe.

Time is a sickle. 時間がない(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Only a bloody fool tries to jam the sprocket wheel of a Panzer. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


with a tyre lever. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


It takes all sorts to make up the Resistance. There are those that put sugar in German petrol tanks, and those that scrawl anti-Nazi slogans on walls. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Then you're a fool. And you're out of touch. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


These people will turn on anyone they start to doubt. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


They will kill you. You know too much now to be allowed to stay uncommitted. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I'd like to be kept up-to-date on all this. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


We have British and Allied officers of the rank of brigadier and upwards. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


How long do you plan on keeping up this vigil? (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Do you have a willing workforce here? (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)



I'll need you to make your confession in writing. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I'm not alone in misfortune. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


He can't abide the SS. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Addis Ababa : the capital and largest city of Ethiopia. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


All these bloomin' arrangements for the friendship ceremony. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Benighted Europe. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


block warden : (Blockleiter), Block refers to city block. It was from 1933 the title of a lower Nazi Party political rank responsible for the political supervision of a neighborhood.

If anyone thinks he can relax anywhere in this town without a block warden or a policeman listening to him, he's a fool. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Some charred remains in the grate. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Perhaps the celebrated policeman can explain. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


You may compliment me on the dress. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I have the character flaw of only enjoying cards if it's for money. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


With the Gestapo on their tail, they might have to be more circumspect. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


He's a cool customer. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


We just want to open channels. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Chacoチャコ 南アメリカのボリビア南部・パラグアイ西部・アルゼンチン北部にかけて広がる草原地帯。193235年にボリビア・パラグアイ間で領有をめぐり戦争が行われ、パラグアイが領土を広げた(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Draw a pistol and keep your wits about you. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


That American dame. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


He is disconsolate. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


She was modelling for this decadent? (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Don't let me detain you, then. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Divorcee. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


How do you find Standartenfuhrer Huth? - Enigmatic. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Such even-handed reporting. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Like coffee? I have real grinds. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


You expect him to find anything? - It would be easier to put Humpty Dumpty back together. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


He thinks you're in with the Germans. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The Resistance men are due to be hanged. Or not if I intercede. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Our host seems to be nicely in with the Germans. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


We're at the knife's edge. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Quite a melange tonight. Everyone is here except the Prime Minister. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Launch a mortar attack. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


To muzzle and bribe his opponents. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Murderers need catching. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The niceties of property law under military occupation. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I have to admit some of the niceties elude even me. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


have half a notion to leave home 半分本気で家出したいと思う

We had half a notion that Herr Himmler himself was going to grace us with his presence this evening. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


part number 部品番号、品番

Find out the part number. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


You're in a pickle all right. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The Shepherd Market murder seems to have piqued his interest. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


props (plural only) (slang) Respect for, or recognition of, another person; an expression of approval or a special acknowledgment; accolades; praise. "proper respect" or "proper recognition"

I've got to give props to Roger for the way he handled that situation. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


prop : (rugby) The player on either side of the hooker in a scrum.

He was a useful prop back when I used to play rugby. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Some of the army are anti-Hitler? - Prussians aristocrats, mostly. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


There's an SS Special Security Battalion that's been quartered at Hyde Park. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The Russkies. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The bastards are down at the school, ransacking the place. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


If you'd have just called me, we could have rolled this up. 丸く収める(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Your ration book taken away? (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Rear Admiral Connolly. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I wanted to set the world to rights. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The area is being secured. この場所は安全です。(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Smooth as silk and twice as slippery. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I'm afraid bridge isn't my strong suit. - Whist, then. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


That's less important than shoring him up for now. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Don't be such an English stuffed shirt! (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


talk around / talk round

1 回りくどい話し方をする、遠回しに言う

My boss talks around [round] about his plans, which drives me crazy. : 上司が自分の企画について回りくどい説明をするので、頭がおかしくなりそうだ。


Are you sure you're not talking yourself around so you can go and see her again? 彼女にまた会いたいだけだろ。(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


We have a tip-off. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Thank you for tearing yourself away from Miss Barga. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


You're probably the best-placed Briton in the country to have any understanding of this. - What a thing to be. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I'm guessing that the SS are trumps. SSには特権がある(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


With the Gestapo on their tail, they might have to be more circumspect. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


His position in Washington is tenuous. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I'm afraid bridge isn't my strong suit. - Whist, then. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)



The War Cabinet. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


A transmitter aerial. アンテナ(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


up someone's ass be ~》〈卑〉〔過度に・偽善で〕(人)を褒めそやす、(人)にお世辞を言う、

Right up my arse! (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Talk about a new broom. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The Germans are the ones with the right to be here and we're the intruders who have to bow and bloody scrape. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I thought you disapproved of consorting with the Germans. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Brand-new diploma, not a clue in the world. - You're choking me up, Harry! (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


They say he took out a Panzer with a tyre iron. Cost him his arm. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Don't talk daft. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Look, all I'm saying is, not on your own doorstep, not with your own secretary, for Christ's sake!近場で男女の仲になるな(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


That would've put the dampers on their friendship ceremony. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Weekly debrief. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


It's diseased. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Such dreary areas. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Fritz : (plural Fritzes) (UK, offensive, ethnic slur) A German person, usually male.

In the Fritz Ritz! ドイツ野郎のリッツのような高級ホテル(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


be in fear and tremblingびくびく,恐れ戦く

I've got friends who don't go in fear and trembling of the hunt. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


A team is piecing together these ashes you found in the grate. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


She's gone and done it. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Gendarmerie 国家憲兵 · 国家憲兵は、憲兵のうち、軍隊内だけでなく一般警察活動(行政警察活動や司法警察活動)も担当する法執行機関

Don't you know Whitehall has regular Gendarmerie patrols? (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Herbert : A male given name from the Germanic languages.

Those Herberts might act as if they like you just now, but they could turn on you any time. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The Herberts have decided we need to be examined by their doctors. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Care to hazard a time of death, Doctor? (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


He was what we call a hustler. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I guess dealers like him will be rubbing their hands at the thought.大喜び(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Dad! Was it an all-night party? - If only. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Lockable filing cases. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


You are having misgivings about this investigation. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


How near to death by liver failure was he? (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


That outfit's always going to get you noticed. 服装(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I'm not sure all policemen would be so observant. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


This place is very plush here. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


put it about / put yourself about : (idiom UK informal) To have sex with a lot of different people:

Have you been putting it about recently, then?

I heard she puts it about a bit. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


He was helping me on a piece. 記事(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


painted lady : (slang, dated or historical) A prostitute (in reference to their use of makeup)

You know, drugs, painted ladies. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


They say he took out a Panzer with a tyre iron. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The curfew will be relaxed from Monday. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


There's a reception at The Savoy in your honour. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


You will requisition a car for your permanent use. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


rail ambulance : A rail ambulance is a vehicle used for medical transportation services on railway lines.

Woman down the street saw an ambulance train going south. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The few surviving Spitfires. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


He gets strung up and his family sent to a labour camp. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The SS are using the police to chase Resistance fighters? (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Looks like our antique dealer had a couple of sidelines. 副業(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


That Resistance shooting caused a bit of a stink. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Puts us in a spot, doesn't it? (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


She saw the bobbies outside, then made herself scarce. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


The best place to buy Staffordshire china. (Staffordshire 今日もっとも有名な名産品は陶器) (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Four direct telephone lines that do not go through Kellermann's switchboard. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


You could get to Timbuktu. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


They say he took out a Panzer with a tyre iron. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I suppose you haven't twigged to Harry yet. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Weed out the undesirables. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


I gave her that smelly old sweater of yours to unravel for wool. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Is it clear? - Unforgettably so, sir. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


To the victor, the spoils. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)


Winston Churchill. The rumours, the V sign in the face of the firing squad Pure propaganda put out by your Resistance. (SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)



I'm just getting my second wind. おかわり(SS-GB ナチスが戦争に勝利した世界)