
ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち(原題『We Hunt Together』)はその名の通りロンドンを舞台。初回エピソード1はドラマのカット割りが左から右へとスクロールする演出で紙芝居の印象を受けた。今回の主人公フレディとババが恋に落ちるシーンも全体的に学芸会のような演出でいまいち感情移入できない。カット割りに関しては不評だったのかその演出はエピソード1のみ。話が進むにしたがって主人公の心に闇を抱えたフレディはサイコパスな面を小出しにしてきますが、サイコパスにしてはあまりにも美人すぎてそっちに気が散ってしょうがない。フレディの闇に感情移入できずオスである自分が情けない。全体的には消化不良です。発音に関しては非常にオーソドックスで前回のSSGBと比べると天と地ほどの差を感じました。


Do you mind if I lower my hands now? They're getting a bit achy. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


All shall be well. And all manner of things shall be well. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I hold myself to account. 責任は取るよ(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


take a beat on ~に狙いを付ける

We just need to take a beat, Lola. We've got to have something. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Everything was just a blur after he hit me. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


A brood of children. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Are you gonna clear it with him? 許可を得る(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


We did ID the car from the vehicle number on the chassis. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


She's patting me down. I'm shitting my little pants. I'm thinking, "Just clench, Lola!" It's all about these pelvic floor muscles, man. I'm serious. I clenched for my life. Can't get unclenched. ヤクをアソコに隠し持っていたので。(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


You're from DRC, right? - Gambia, myself. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Do you have a death wish? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


He is being held hostage in the house. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


A truck driver handed himself in last night for the hit-and-run case. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


It'll be my job on the line if he gets away. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Baba came with me for moral support. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


All shall be well. And all manner of things shall be well. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


They don't send the cavalry for a fucking nobody, do they? 奴は凶悪犯だ(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


prequel 前日譚


Lola, are you receiving me? 聞こえるか(無線で) - Roger. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Roger that. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Please go back to the RV point. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I'm so sorry about this, sweetie pea. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


as soon as notどちらかといえば, むしろ.

I would go there as soon as not. どちらかといえばそこへ行ってみたい.

He'll fuck you up the arse soon as not. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


slip road〈英〉〔一般道路と高速道路の間にある〕出入道路◆【動】〈米〉ramp

It's just these fields here on the map. They lead all the way down to this slip road just there. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


The eyes you drew. I wondered what the symbolism was. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I'll blow your fucking head off, mate, I mean it. Smithereens, man. Seriously. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Bullet wound sustained to the shoulder. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I was gonna do a little breakfast spread. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I became sullen and withdrawn and distant. let's just say I acted in and my wife acted out. (=cheated on me) (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


You'll sleep when you're dead, right? まだ起きてるのか(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I was hoping to talk him round. 説得する(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


That's very tenuous. It's nonsense. 根拠が薄すぎる(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I have you to thank. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)



This weight had been lifted off me. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


You've changed such an awful lot. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


things that go bump in the night: (idiom, humorous) Used to describe anything unknown that might be frightening, especially a noise.

From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggedy beasties and things that go bump in the night. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Talking to you would have dragged me under like a stone bust. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Your silence would be construed as obstructing a police investigation. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


The floor was covered with clotted blood. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Martin's car's been clocked on the road near the school. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


It was clocked this morning. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


The road comes to a car park in about a mile's time. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Wait until the cavalry get here. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I'm strangely drawn to this. 魅力を感じる(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


You have damned us both. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


dirt track

1. 〔レース用の〕ダート・トラック砂利と石炭の燃え殻を敷いた、オートバイなどの競技用コース。

2. 未舗装道路土を固めているが表面を舗装していない道路。

You want roadblocks on every single little path, and dirt track. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


We haven't quite closed down the Matt Bowers case in its entirety. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


The darkness of a life in ruins that threatened to engulf me. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Foreboding music. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Those damn Gideons. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


The old git's house. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


We're investigating a hit-and-run incident. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


They had him staying in some halfway house. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I didn't have the heart to say no to her. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


The road ends in a car park in two miles. There's no other way in or out. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Church jumble sales. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Long-leggedy beasties. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I was in loco parentis, that was my job. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Within a one-mile radius. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Mowgli『モーグリ: ジャングルの伝説』(原題:Mowgli、別題:Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle)は、2018年のイギリス・アメリカ合衆国合作の実写冒険・ファンタジー映画。インドのジャングルでオオカミの群れに育てられた人間の子供モーグリは、クマのバルーや黒ヒョウのバギーラのもとでジャングルの厳しいルールを学んでいくにつれ、周りの動物からもジャングルの一員として受け入れられていく。

You spent the whole day wandering around a forest like fucking Mowgli? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


You've outdone yourself. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Really rolling back the years. 昔を思い出す(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


When forensics came up short, we were going to go nationwide with the whole missing person search. 死体の身元が分からないので身元不明人として全国に配布した。(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


What did you do last night? - Sat about. Ate some nachos. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


He will have to give me a big slobbery kiss. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I would never do anything untoward or that would undermine you. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Whoo-hoo-hoo! - Why are you whooping? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Grease the wheels on the situation. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)



I fought every single day to keep my head above water. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


She killed Matt straight after? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


autostereogramオートステレオグラム◆従来のように2枚の画像ではなく1枚の画像だけで、しかも機器を使わずに裸眼によって立体視ができるステレオグラム。点をランダムに配置しているように見えるランダム・ドット・オートステレオグラム(random dot autostereogram)や壁紙の模様のように見えるウォールペーパー・オートステレオグラム(wallpaper autostereogram)がある。

An autostereogram is a two-dimensional (2D) image that can create the optical illusion of a three-dimensional (3D) scene.

Magic Eye is a series of books that feature autostereograms. You stare at the same thing for long enough and hard enough, and an entirely new image will appear. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Auguries of Innocence無垢の予兆は英国の詩人ウイリアム・ブレイクによる詩。

To see a world in a grain of sand

and a heaven in a wildflower,

hold infinity in the palm of your hand

and eternity in an hour.

一つぶの砂に 一つの世界を見

一輪の野の花に 一つの天国を見 




I told her I was pulling an all-nighter. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I felt his breath leave his body. I felt him die in my arms. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


He was baring his soul, crying like a child he was. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Auguries of Innocence無垢の予兆は英国の詩人ウイリアム・ブレイクによる詩。

To see a world in a grain of sand

and a heaven in a wildflower,

hold infinity in the palm of your hand

and eternity in an hour.

一つぶの砂に 一つの世界を見

一輪の野の花に 一つの天国を見 




blood brother 血を分けた兄弟. 血盟者,兄弟分.

It's like we're blood brothers. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


What does the slang word bobble mean?

bobble : make a mess of, destroy or ruin

bobbled balla ~》〈米話〉《野球・アメフト》とり損なった[ファンブルした・お手玉した]ボール

You've been bobbled, mate! (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


We’re meeting his boyfriend in ten minutes in a caff. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Just for a little chinwag? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I had a few drinks when I got home. Conked out. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I started taking codeine for the pain. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Christ alive(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


cogs : mental gears or waiting for the gears to turn [in your head] are more common ways of expressing this analogy.

He could almost see the cogs working under Uncle Vernon's thick, dark, neatly parted hair. (ハリーポッター)

Tell us about the cogs. What makes you tick, what makes you turn? What do you do for a living? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I've got a cracking story for you. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


You walk around on cloud fucking nine. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Down by the Banks of the Hanky Panky : This is a simple and fun song that is generally sung as part of a circle game. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Del Boy : Derek Edward Trotter, more commonly known as Del Boy, is a fictional character from the BBC sitcom Only Fools and Horses and one of the main characters of its spinoff series, Rock & Chips.

Proper little Del Boy. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


DRC コンゴ民主共和国(Democratic Republic of the Congo)の略称

Where are you from, Baba? - DRC. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


She was my daughter's dorm mate. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Would you mind giving us your fingerprints? Just for elimination purposes. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)



1.      a (comparative more fuck-off, superlative most fuck-off) (UK, Commonwealth, Ireland, vulgar, slang) Vicious, aggressive, intimidating. Dissuasively or intimidatingly large; massive.

He was a fuck-off brute.

My dog got scared by a fuck-off rat in my basement.

Matt was at home on Sunday night with a fuck-off dirty cold. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)

2.      Adverb (UK, Ireland, Commonwealth, vulgar, slang) An intensifier.

He was fuck-off smashing it out of the park.


He doesn’t keep a promise. Matt is flaky like that. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


She'll flaunt in here. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I'm fit and that. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


You are essentially an angel walking the earth in human form. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


How far does that gets you? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


You're off gallivanting. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


She spent five years in juvenile detention from 12 to 17 for GBH. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I think we should do a grid. 手分けして探す??(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Lily and Frederica were best friends. They were joined at the hip. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Do you know what you're in for with this one, pal? こんなこと俺にしてどうなるか分かってるんだろうな。(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


She spent five years in juvenile detention from 12 to 17 for GBH. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Lemsip は、イギリス、アイルランド、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドなどで販売されている風邪やインフルエンザの症状を和らげる薬のブランド

There's fucking Lemsip wrappers in the bin. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


New evidence has come to light. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


He was just tying loose ends up. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


That lettering on the ground wasn't made with a finger. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


She lashes out, I withdraw, and then it's just back and forth. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


You didn't charge a membership fee, so how did you monetise your internet site? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


She told us as much. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Magic Eye : This is a series of books that feature autostereograms. An autostereogram is a two-dimensional (2D) image that can create the optical illusion of a three-dimensional (3D) scene.

Magic Eye. You stare at the same thing for long enough and hard enough, and an entirely new image will appear. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


You look mint. 最高よ(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Did he like feet? - No more than the next person. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


He's a nippy little fucker. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Bank accounts, phone records, employment, home address, none of it goes back past 2013. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


He's not going to keep paying you if you don't put out. (have sex) (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Where did you grow up? - Why do you want to know that? - Just trying to build a picture. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I don’t feel good to work today. - When did feeling great become a prerequisite for doing some bloody work, huh? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I could finish it in three days at a push. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


They pat you down. 身体検査(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I secreted it about my person. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I'm paid a retainer. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


A man who drinks rose. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Do you still have the letters? - I'd have to have a rummage. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Why is he stumbling around a forest? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Matt Bowers is 14 stone, so how on earth did a woman the size of Freddy hang him in that tree? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I'll string you up in a tree myself. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I secreted it about my person. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I've never seen anyone as under the thumb as you. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I'd like to thank you for making my transition into the department so smooth. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I couldn't trouble you for a glass of water, could I? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Truth or dare? : This is a mostly verbal party game requiring two or more players. Players are given the choice between answering a question truthfully, or performing a "dare". The game is particularly popular among adolescents and children, and is sometimes used as a forfeit when gambling. 若者たちが軽い気持ちで始めた「Truth or Dare」ゲーム。そのルールは、「指定された人がTruth(真実)かDare(挑戦)か選び、Truthの場合は正直に質問に回答、Dareの場合は言われた通りに行動する」という単純なもの。(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


He's a wiry little fucker. 頑丈な奴だ。(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)



She still wet the bed at 11 years old. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


have your head (stuck) up your (own) ass ばかばかしい、愚かな振る舞いをする

She was up her own arse, all right. Doesn't mean she's killed anyone. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Do you remember that time we got stoned and shot apples off each other's heads with air rifles? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Only adds on five minutes to my journey, so I may as well come and pick you up. 通勤に5分加わるだけだから、車で迎えに来ました。(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


box set : a set of related items, typically books or recordings, packaged together in a box and sold as a unit.

It's box set. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


So you do have a home. I was beginning to think you lived in the broom cupboard. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I broke his nose with the butt of my gun. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


The whole case is tied up in a neat little bow. この事件はまとまりすぎているわ(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Or you can and work for us. It's your call. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Two days and no police. Do you think we're in the clear? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


ID on the guy from the club has just come through. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Dispense with the bullshit. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


This mouse trap fries mice, does it? It's painless, though, right? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Better not to seem impatient. It puts us on the back foot. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


So what do you use for the rat bait? - Uh, peanut butter, apparently. Wouldn't get me. I can't stand the stuff. じゃあ、何を使うの? - ピーナッツバターだよ。私は使わないよ。あのバターには耐えられない。(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


GPS confirms that he was at the Limehouse Bar on the Friday night, and his service went out about 1 a.m. ケータイサービスが終わった。(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Aren't you hungry? - It's okay, I sort of grazed. つまみ食いをしたから(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


That was a nice little Houdini act you pulled at the club. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


if it's a green tea, I'll take one, thanks. - Man after my own heart. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I would hate for you to think I didn't care. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Do you like to feel intellectually superior to them? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Simon gets jumped in an alleyway. 襲われた(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


You were messaging the man. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


As much as I'm enjoying this conversation, I would like to know what's going on, please. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


It's all very meta. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


in one


It will solve all our problems in one.



She poured another glass and downed it in one. : 彼女はもう一杯注ぐとひと飲みに飲み下した。(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


You reneged. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


If there's anything at all you don't like, we'll be more than happy to substitute it for you. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


He comes stumbling out of an alleyway covered in blood. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


He agreed to loan me ten grand to get myself set up. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Are you taking the fucking piss? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Can you do me a solid (favor)?お願いを聞いてくれる

Do me a solid (favor) and ~

Do me a solid (favor) and take out the trash. ゴミを出しておいてくれたら嬉しいな)

Can you do me a solid (favor) and go get some milk? 牛乳を買ってきてくれる?

Could you do me a solid and give Dominiqu a quick call, please? Thank you. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Who says "do me a solid," anyway? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


You'll just have to give your daddy a little tinkle, won't you? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I don't like twist endings. 意外な結末(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


A tune transports you back. 音楽は昔を思い出させるよな。(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


(She has a) Valid point. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Tell me what you find, okay? - Will do. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Excellent. Lead the way. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Just try not to be you, okay? At least for today. いつもみたいに振舞うなよ。(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)




Young people can be so apathetic. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


The thing about cats is they're not aloof as people think. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


It's none of your fucking beeswax. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Baking soda and liquorice for the heartburn. It works a treat. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


You think all coppers are upstanding boys in blue? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I was thrashing around this garage like a bull in a china shop. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


B&Q Limited : A British multinational DIY and home improvement retailing company.

In B&Q, you can buy these little lockbox things. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Be the change you want to see in the world. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I've arranged the data in chronological order. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I was consumed with anger. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


DI Jackson Mendy. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


DS Franks is up there. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


See if Simon was checked in at any of hospitals in the last week. -Will do, Sarge. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I had a bit of fender bender a couple of months ago. I mean, nothing serious, just a little dink. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Debilitating heartburn. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


You're already sorted in that department? その分野(恋愛)は問題ない(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


There are some bad eggs on the force, and they should be punished. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


My eyes are on you. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Stay for Evensong? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


He still had time to beat me unconscious, though. Break my face up. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


You think I'm a rat. A snivelling, good-for-nothing rodent. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)



I don't I don't think this woman on the list a goer. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


This restraint for the SM is serious kit. Heavy-duty stuff. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I got my head kicked in. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


They volunteered to house me. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


ID on the body? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


What did you tell the police that you saw, out of interest? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


It's just better to keep the police out of it. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Are you talking about are we nature or nurture? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Did he have a girlfriend, do you know? - Oodles. He was very handsome. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Why did you join the police force? - To stop bad people doing bad things.Old school. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


We're to partner up for this one. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Looks like the wounds on his face predate the murder. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Put a call out to hospitals. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


You're really putting the hours in. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I make a conscious effort to remain philosophical. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


pasta bake (plural pasta bakes) : A dish of pasta, baked with sauce and topped with melted cheese.

Do you like pasta bake, Lola? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


fit on the back of a postage stamp : To occupy only a very small space when written down (because there is very little content). Said of information that is very small, finite, or limited in amount or scope, usually someone's knowledge about something.

I am definitely going to fail this test. What I know about Victorian poetry could fit on the back of a postage stamp!

How on earth can I get a job when all of my work experience fits on the back of a postage stamp?

What human beings know about the brain, we could fit on a postage stamp, right? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Every decision we make is preceded by so many thousands of tiny factors that are completely

beyond our control. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Every decision we make is preceded by so many thousands of tiny factors that are completely beyond our control that when we do finally arrive at that moment of decision, our actual, conscious role in the process pales into mathematical insignificance. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


The world doesn't revolve around you. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I was getting my fucking head rolled over, but even I caught a little glimpse of the guy kicking my head. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I raised the issue. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I'm not one for pulling rank. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


All the restraints for SM. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


I've got bloody mice in the house. I hear them scurrying around. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


The rats will just die behind your fridge and stink out your house. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Cause of death was a penetrating wound to the spinal cord. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Lola, we can cut the whole "sir" thing for starters. ファーストネームベースで呼び合おう。(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Nine o'clock, does that suit? (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


In the spirit of new partnerships, I think there's some merit in sharing it with you. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


One tiny setback and I completely lost control. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


A few salacious messages were found on the website. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


The toxicology report. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


My idea was voted down! (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


Baking soda and liquorice for the heartburn. It works a treat. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


All the restraints were wiped clean.  そのSM拘束器具には指紋が残っていない(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)


We'll start at the top and work our way down. リストの上から対処していこう。(ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)