一話完結型で全4シーズン。ただの誘拐事件かと思いきや黒幕が、アフリカ臓器売買をしていたりとスケールが大きくそして急な展開がおおいので、先が全く読めない。これってサスペンスドラマの醍醐味ですね。今回のドラマ全体にわたって、 控えめで荘厳な印象をうけました。 北欧に行ったことはないのですが、
It is as it is. (ヴァランダー)
He was a brooder. (ヴァランダー)
A weak link in the chain of command. (ヴァランダー)
drink at [in] a [one] draft 一息にぐいと飲む
take a long draft of ... …をぐっと(長めの)一息で飲む.
Even the ghosts take a draft. (ヴァランダー)
The Navy sent a team to dredge the lake. (ヴァランダー)
Yes, personal number is 400117-5498. (- dash) (ヴァランダー)
That's something I could do with forgetting.
They docked your salary. (ヴァランダー)
Support for the East dwindled away to almost nothing. (ヴァランダー)
More acute episodes. (ヴァランダー)
We suspect foul play. (ヴァランダー)
Oh, my goodness me. (ヴァランダー)
Because you're relatively young, the disease is likely to take hold more quickly. (ヴァランダー)
Be my guest if you want to look into it. We're not a big station. Another mind on this would be helpful. (ヴァランダー)
Perhaps I misremember. I tend to muddle things these days. (ヴァランダー)
Be methodical. (ヴァランダー)
Money clearly still talks. (ヴァランダー)
That's mighty kind of you. (ヴァランダー)
The government had purposely let the Russian submarines go? (ヴァランダー)
In a rape field. (ヴァランダー)
The soles of her feet weren't dirty. (ヴァランダー)
Stasi : シュタージは、旧東ドイツの国家保安省の通称で、秘密警察の役割を担っていた機関です。Stasiの本部だった建物は現在博物館となっており、盗聴器や隠しカメラ、隠しピストルなどの展示品を見ることができます。
It's the same kind of film the Stasi used. (ヴァランダー)
The truth is often just staring you in the face. (ヴァランダー)
Her walking shoes are gone. (ヴァランダー)
She gave this almighty hug. (ヴァランダー)
110k an hour. (ヴァランダー)
She suffered from severe post-natal depression and was institutionalized briefly and compounded by alcohol dependency problems. (ヴァランダー)
She tried very hard to bring charges against them. (ヴァランダー)
You don't seem concussed. (ヴァランダー)
I thought you could do with a hand. 助けが欲しいと思って。(ヴァランダー)
There are also six or seven deep defensive wounds on her hands and wrists. (ヴァランダー)
Are you gonna stay for din dins tonight? (ヴァランダー)
Why was she fostered? - The mother had severe post-natal depression. (ヴァランダー)
We were fostered together, Hannah and me. (ヴァランダー)
We all have our furrows to plough. I go for the same walk every day. Drink the same coffee. (ヴァランダー)
As far as Hannah goes, maybe she was spooked. (ヴァランダー)
I better get my children fed. (ヴァランダー)
They're going to take some getting through anyway. (get through試練などを切り抜ける) (ヴァランダー)
She became obsessed by it. She was very heavy-handed. 手におえなかった。(ヴァランダー)
We don't know that she's necessarily come to any harm. (ヴァランダー)
They argued like hell. (ヴァランダー)
She was sobbing her heart out. (ヴァランダー)
She would've yelled it through their letterbox. 苦情を送り付けたに違いない。(ヴァランダー)
I was light-headed for a couple of minutes. (ヴァランダー)
There is not much love lost between ~ お互いを嫌い合っている「lost love」は「失われてしまった恋(愛)」を意味する表現で、日本語の「失恋」を字面通り再現したような言い方
There is not much love lost between John and Maryでジョンとメアリーはお互いを嫌い合っている」という意味になる。
There was never much love lost between her and her birth mother. (ヴァランダー)
The more, the merrier. (ヴァランダー)
We know you didn't mean for it to happen. (ヴァランダー)
Now then. それでは.
Now then, who's next?
Now then, what will we have? (ヴァランダー)
Get your Ouija board and ask her. (ヴァランダー)
We have a warrant to search your property for evidence pertaining to the killing of Erika Hjelmqvist. (ヴァランダー)
If you try and pin any of this on him, I'll hunt you down and I'll kill you. (ヴァランダー)
Were you there at any point between the 10th and the 16th of October? (ヴァランダー)
It was a point of principle. (ヴァランダー)
Hannah pitched up at mine last week. (ヴァランダー)
I'm going to have to suspend you pending an internal affairs investigation. (ヴァランダー)
We will absolutely run some tests, but I am sure you'll be fine. (ヴァランダー)
The weapon used had a serrated edge. Bread knife, maybe. (ヴァランダー)
Let's step up the alert for finding Hannah. (ヴァランダー)
It was an accident waiting to happen. (ヴァランダー)
Can people know about that in advance? - No, but it's a small town, Kurt. They probably had some idea which way the wind was blowing. (ヴァランダー)
Don't work yourself up. (ヴァランダー)
You do understand that his wife is missing, so we're not closing down certain avenues 誘拐の可能性(ヴァランダー)
The ANC has forgotten its principles. (ヴァランダー)
Get Max off my back, for God's sake. (ヴァランダー)
We'd all like to put it to bed. (ヴァランダー)
Just bear with me one moment. (ヴァランダー)
Could I see the case notes? 捜査記録(ヴァランダー)
I've seen the case notes. (ヴァランダー)
I need you to chase up an information request. (ヴァランダー)
detachment force 別動隊◆【略】DF
We take a detachment out there. (ヴァランダー)
There's never a dull moment with you, is there, Kurt? (ヴァランダー)
It's a disused military base. (ヴァランダー)
We are equipped to make that choice. (ヴァランダー)
Firebrand, freedom fighter, (ヴァランダー)
This is a faith-based program. (ヴァランダー)
holding Company「持株会社」を意味し、他の会社の株式を大量に保有して、その会社を支配することが主な目的の会社です。 持株会社には、次のような特徴があります。
Max Khulu set up a trust owned by a holding company. (ヴァランダー)
A white student tried his luck. (ヴァランダー)
I'm just not quite sure how to pitch it. スピーチ(ヴァランダー)
We did put in a request. (ヴァランダー)
Rich foreigners can line their pockets with your money. (ヴァランダー)
It'll quadruple in value, making him a very rich man. (ヴァランダー)
How much would he get for killing a person. Next to nothing. - Ten thousand rand? (ヴァランダー)
Borrowed millions of rand. (ヴァランダー)
How many million rand has he got invested in this? (ヴァランダー)
He is something of a legendary person. (ヴァランダー)
shebeenシビーンは、違法なバーやクラブなど、無許可で酒類を提供するもぐり酒場。 シビーンという表現は、アイルランドに由来するが、各地に広まっており、スコットランド、カナダ、アメリカ合衆国、イングランド、ジンバブエ、英語圏のカリブ海地域、ナミビア、南アフリカ共和国でも使われる。
He hangs out at a shebeen. (ヴァランダー)
I will not be silenced by a white man with a gun. (ヴァランダー)
I've got his sat nav. (ヴァランダー)
Your trust owns a stake in the company. (ヴァランダー)
Umqombothi :This is a South African traditional beer made from maize
Easy on the Umqombothi. (ヴァランダー)
The bible has been annotated in Danish. Mostly the Book of Revelations. (ヴァランダー)
All alibied. (ヴァランダー)
She's been a volunteer with an outreach group. This was a group that was attached to an Evangelical church. (ヴァランダー)
It's the same accelerant that killed the woman. Same petrol can. (ヴァランダー)
alternative medicine代替医療は、「現段階では公的に通常医療と見なされていない、さまざまな医学・健康管理システム、施術、生成物質など」を意味する。自己判断・自己責任で行うもので費用は全額自己負担であり、米国の国立補完代替医療センターでも民間療法と同義としている
They seemed normal enough. An alternative health group. (ヴァランダー)
We all need to make atonement for our own sins. (ヴァランダー)
They need to reboot the system. (ヴァランダー)
She went ballistic. (ヴァランダー)
cultural geography : This is a subfield within human geography.
She's a cultural geographer. She makes maps of old pathways. (ヴァランダー)
We implemented the ban on teaching creationism. (ヴァランダー)
What if she was being coerced? (ヴァランダー)
Don’t defile yourself with their idols. (ヴァランダー)
She had some digs there, I think. (ヴァランダー)
So she might have digs there. (ヴァランダー)
I tried to have as little to do with her as possible. (ヴァランダー)
She's been a volunteer with an outreach group. This was a group that was attached to an Evangelical church. (ヴァランダー)
This is a faith school. A Christian school? (ヴァランダー)
They'd all been involved with fundamentalist churches. Cultural Christians. Anti-gay, pro-life, anti-Islam. (ヴァランダー)
All the birds gorged themselves on the flesh. (ヴァランダー)
We implemented the ban on teaching creationism. (ヴァランダー)
The call was logged 17:52, Monday night. (ヴァランダー)
I'm not really minded to help the police. (ヴァランダー)
She used to help with the outreach group. I run a mission for homeless people. (ヴァランダー)
My conviction was overturned. (ヴァランダー)
A few outbuildings. (ヴァランダー)
It's a psychiatric unit. (ヴァランダー)
I run a mission for homeless people. Drugs, alcohol, psychiatric problems. (ヴァランダー)
They had a retreat somewhere in the forest. (ヴァランダー)
There's not as much room as there was. 胎児が大きくなった(ヴァランダー)
sleep rough野宿する
There might have been anyone sleeping rough there. (ヴァランダー)
Did you ever see her here with a man? - She's saving herself for Jesus. 純潔を保っていた。(ヴァランダー)
The fiery lake of burning sulphur. (ヴァランダー)
Join the group and do what? - Make a stand. 抵抗する(ヴァランダー)
Being a policeman keeps me on my toes. (ヴァランダー)
Walking my daughter down the aisle. (ヴァランダー)
My father just whinged about me being a policeman and never coming over to play cards with him. (ヴァランダー)
Narcotics Anonymous. (ヴァランダー)
If you take the DNA sample without proper permission, it's not admissible. (ヴァランダー)
We have to agree terms with the lawyer. (ヴァランダー)
Bronze Age. (ヴァランダー)
How old the blackcurrant bushes are. (ヴァランダー)
They were bidding on the rental house. (ヴァランダー)
We're sorry we brought all this down on you. (ヴァランダー)
Make a clean breast of it? (ヴァランダー)
We'll have to bail the father anyway. (ヴァランダー)
I planted the blackcurrants over her for remembrance. (ヴァランダー)
We should cross-reference missing persons. (ヴァランダー)
This was quite a low-rent on this place before it was done up. 改築前は安い借家だった。(ヴァランダー)
She thinks I should leave things at the door a bit more. 仕事を家に持ち込むべきではないと彼女は思っている。(ヴァランダー)
I'll get six months maximum for the illegal act. Water off a duck's back to me. 楽勝(ヴァランダー)
I've excavated most of the cat hairs from the coffee. コーヒーから塵を除いておいた。(a joke) (ヴァランダー)
She was floating around the hostels. (ヴァランダー)
I think you buried her in your garden, let weeds grow over her body. (ヴァランダー)
We'll all be out of your hair in a few hours. (ヴァランダー)
Always hired out the house. 借家にした(ヴァランダー)
Do you want to take prints? - Yeah, it can't hurt. (ヴァランダー)
Just some journo. (ヴァランダー)
Log it as a false alarm. (ヴァランダー)
This was quite a low-rent on this place before it was done up. 改築前は安い借家だった。(ヴァランダー)
The logging wagons. 丸太を積んだ車(ヴァランダー)
Muster passengers and do a roll call. (ヴァランダー)
We should check the manifests as well. (ヴァランダー)
muster station 緊急時や非常事態時の「避難場所、共通して集う場所」
muster station : The place on a ship where passengers should assemble in the event of an emergency. (ヴァランダー)
How far out were you? - 12 nautical miles from the coast. (ヴァランダー)
Don't stick my nose in. (ヴァランダー)
I've pulled up missing persons 1970 onwards. (ヴァランダー)
The passengers are mostly Poles. (ヴァランダー)
This is round about where she would have been. ここが彼女がいたであろう場所だ。(ヴァランダー)
I recognised you when you came up with your removals. 引っ越し(ヴァランダー)
She dropped off the radar in 2001. (ヴァランダー)
He'd run the girls as prostitutes. (ヴァランダー)
He went round the ports and stations, looking for runaways. If he got lucky, he'd run them as prostitutes. He ran his own daughters. (ヴァランダー)
I planted the blackcurrants over her for remembrance. (ヴァランダー)
He always calls when he gets in range. 航海から帰ってきて携帯がつながる範囲になった時(ヴァランダー)
Stowaway? - It's very hard to stow away these days. 密航者(ヴァランダー)
She went to America. - When was that? - Years since. (ヴァランダー)
How many years since? (ヴァランダー)
I'm not 100% thick. (ヴァランダー)
My promotion is through. うまくいった(ヴァランダー)
Somebody tampered with the passenger lists. (ヴァランダー)
They both have vice arrests. (ヴァランダー)
She's got a vice record. (ヴァランダー)
She's willing to talk to you, provided you take a view on the charges against her father. 彼女の父に対する容疑を再検討してくれるなら。(ヴァランダー)
I know you just want to get this out of your world. (=get this out of your system) (ヴァランダー)
He'd been keeping us at arm's length. It's hard to know where he hid it. (ヴァランダー)
You ever been the man to blame for something like that. (ヴァランダー)
My husband, a policeman gave me so much grief just to protect me? - It's bred in us, I'm afraid, policemen. それが警察なんだよ(ヴァランダー)
Who do you think that man on the causeway was? (ヴァランダー)
I wouldn't want to deprive Mr. Eckers (of the chance). (ヴァランダー)
The drunk tank. (ヴァランダー)
When did they die? - Well, it's hard to tell, with the sun and the gulls damaging the corpses. (ヴァランダー)
He was in way over his head. He looked scared. (ヴァランダー)
He seems to find it harder and harder to believe there's not someone higher up. 高官が関係していると確信するようになった。(ヴァランダー)
He did all his reports longhand. He didn't like computers. (ヴァランダー)
A life raft. (ヴァランダー)
Nobody mourns these men. (ヴァランダー)
He did it to provoke something, to nudge someone into showing himself. (ヴァランダー)
It's ongoing. (ヴァランダー)
I would hide it in plain sight. (ヴァランダー)
I'll be on the east quay. (ヴァランダー)
So is there a detective from Riga on his way? (ヴァランダー)
What I'm after is the names and addresses of the recipients. (ヴァランダー)
It was sulphuric acid. Concentrated. (ヴァランダー)
stand on someone's shoulders
1. (人)の偉業を重んじる、(人)を手本にする
2. 〔組み体操などで〕(人)の肩の上に立つ、立った姿勢で(人)に肩車される
We didn't stand over his shoulder. (ヴァランダー)
Torturers have signatures. (ヴァランダー)
She was a well-presented, attractive woman. (ヴァランダー)
There are small abrasions to the back of his head where he struggled. (ヴァランダー)
The fact of his death is, I'm afraid, rather less affecting. (ヴァランダー)
I know this must all come as an appalling shock. (ヴァランダー)
I didn't notice anything was amiss until this morning. (ヴァランダー)
They had a row. They were always bickering. (ヴァランダー)
Dark, short, cropped hair. (ヴァランダー)
We're now as certain as we can be that these killings are linked. (ヴァランダー)
I need you to drop whatever else you're doing and find out who that woman is. (ヴァランダー)
Dust for prints. (ヴァランダー)
We're looking for somebody who fits her description. (ヴァランダー)
Just for the purposes of elimination. (ヴァランダー)
He chases after any woman who takes his fancy. (ヴァランダー)
I've found an old foreman who worked at one of Eriksson's garages. (ヴァランダー)
A grouse. (ヴァランダー)
You should've heard him go. 怒る(ヴァランダー)
go off on one (idiom UK informal) : To suddenly become very angry and start shouting or behaving violently:
He went off on one because he thought I was threatening his dog. (ヴァランダー)
He'd get angry? You'd get him off on one. (ヴァランダー)
Some pictures with a grouse. (ヴァランダー)
The business has changed hands three times since. (ヴァランダー)
She was nursing her. She wasn't going to let her mum go into a home or anything. 介護施設(ヴァランダー)
Fingernails were ingrained with dirt. (ヴァランダー)
He didn't think that was the kind of inner life you had. (ヴァランダー)
She'd have to have ice for blood to behave the way she's behaving. (ヴァランダー)
Could they all have been in on it? Orchestrated it in some way? (ヴァランダー)
Should we get her in for an identikit? (ヴァランダー)
The body bag was submerged. I think it may have been dropped from the end of the jetty. (ヴァランダー)
An intruder laid out one of the midwives. (ヴァランダー)
Fresh evidence has come to light. (ヴァランダー)
We should be quiet. My son's a light sleeper. (ヴァランダー)
I'll let myself out. ドアを開けてくれなくても大丈夫です(ヴァランダー)
Bang in with a mallet. (ヴァランダー)
No women? - He didn't keep them in the house. - Meaning? - Said he used to nip over to Poland when he felt the need. Cheap and cheerful and it made for a nice trip. (ヴァランダー)
I had a missed call. (ヴァランダー)
No women? - He didn't keep them in the house. - Meaning? - Said he used to nip over to Poland when he felt the need. (ヴァランダー)
Something niggling away at me. (ヴァランダー)
She was nursing her mother. 介護している(ヴァランダー)
Magnus was on that. マグナスがそれに取り組んでいるわ(ヴァランダー)
Punji stick / Punji stakeパンジ・スティックまたはパンジ・ステークは、先端を尖らせた竹や木の断片で、簡易なブービートラップや障害物として用いられる。日本でも似たように木などで作られたものが弥生時代や江戸時代に使われ、乱杭、乱杙(らんぐい)と呼ばれた。
It's called a punji pit. Vietcong used to use them. (ヴァランダー)
These murders are premeditated, planned. (ヴァランダー)
piece of piss《a ~》〈英俗〉とても[非常に]簡単な[易しい・容易な・楽な・たやすい]こと[仕事]、楽勝(なこと)、わけないこと、朝飯前(のこと)、ちょろいこと、お茶の子さいさいのこと = easy as ABC / easy as pie / like falling off a log / like taking candy from a baby
Rollerblading is a piece of piss if you know how to roller-skate. (ヴァランダー)
You could just pour it out, you know? It helped. 感情を吐露する(ヴァランダー)
Let's run through all this again. (ヴァランダー)
The supports for these planks have been sawn through. (ヴァランダー)
The guy has done a bit of a swerve. Peaceful break from his work somewhere where nobody can find him. (ヴァランダー)
Our forensics team are really stretched. (ヴァランダー)
His face. The stubble. (ヴァランダー)
He threatened that if I ever left him he'd see to it that I didn't get a penny. (ヴァランダー)
I used to get summoned to the house. (ヴァランダー)
I saw another side to him. (ヴァランダー)
He could tie up any deal he wanted. (ヴァランダー)
Her father died when she was younger. Her mother took up with another guy. (ヴァランダー)
Who else was in this group? - It varied. Three or four. I think we got up to seven at one point. (ヴァランダー)
Honestly? Like a great weight has been lifted. (ヴァランダー)
She is a willowy girl. Lovely smile. (ヴァランダー)
Adzuki bean. (ヴァランダー)
She was four years above me. (ヴァランダー)
All of the law, Inspector, is not in a book. 不文律もある(ヴァランダー)
A couple of things that didn't add up. He asked me to look over it. (ヴァランダー)
You should keep your staff alerted until we sort this out. (ヴァランダー)
In some probably appallingly egocentric way. (ヴァランダー)
get on someone's back(人)をいじめる、(人)にうるさく指図する
When the teacher talks to me, I feel she's getting on my back and I just have to get away from her. 先生に話しかけられると、怒られているような気がするので、先生から逃げるしかない。
Mom get on my back all spring about going to medical school. おふくろときたら、この春中ずっと私に医学部へ行けってうるさく指図したんだ。
Give me a shout if she gets on your back again. (ヴァランダー)
Who's your best friend? - My best friend? What, my bestest bestest? (ヴァランダー)
You can't go around blubbing. (ヴァランダー)
I've got the prosecutor on my back. 責められている(ヴァランダー)
He heard the horse bolt. (ヴァランダー)
You blabbed, did you? (ヴァランダー)
He can’t have stolen the car in the middle of the night under a row of blazing streetlamps. (ヴァランダー)
You've been brooding ever since. (ヴァランダー)
There's no way you can breeze in here and take over someone else's investigation. (ヴァランダー)
He will brief you in an hour. (ヴァランダー)
Bills of lading, shipping regulations. (ヴァランダー)
Children, civilians bear the brunt of endless conflict. (ヴァランダー)
Forms are at the back, if you want to join the mailing list. (ヴァランダー)
I was a crap dad. (ヴァランダー)
I'm your girlfriend's dad. You're meant to curry favour with me! (ヴァランダー)
Anyone in the vicinity please come forward. (ヴァランダー)
The guy in the chandlery thinks it could be a sailor's knot. (ヴァランダー)
put in a call 電話をする[かける・入れる]
I've put a call in to the port authorities. (ヴァランダー)
We had a perfectly cordial relationship. (ヴァランダー)
He came clean. (ヴァランダー)
I've had to confiscate your gun. (ヴァランダー)
It's how we deal with it that counts. (ヴァランダー)
The larynx and the windpipe were both crushed. Obviously, you'd expect severe constriction injuries. (ヴァランダー)
He had a vertical drop by hanging himself, which would dislocate the upper vertebrae of the spinal column, resulting in death. (ヴァランダー)
Too much of a coward to die. 自殺するには臆病すぎた。(ヴァランダー)
comings and goings 到着と出発 〔人の〕行き来、出入り 活動
Comings and goings. Mail vans, laundry. (ヴァランダー)
Customs and Excise designates the organ transplant plastic containers as medical equipment. But by redesignating the boxes as soft-drink coolers, Torstensson avoided Customs and Excise scrutiny. (ヴァランダー)
I am done for. (ヴァランダー)
We were working on that dope-smuggling racket. (ヴァランダー)
Draft in more people. 人員を増やせ(ヴァランダー)
Way out of his depth. (ヴァランダー)
rough deal《a ~》不公平な仕打ち
I always thought you got a rough deal. (ヴァランダー)
I expressly said not to tell anyone about it. (ヴァランダー)
In some probably appallingly egocentric way. (ヴァランダー)
The envelope has an embossed mark. (ヴァランダー)
It's like we're out there somewhere, way out on the edge of your life. わたしたちは蚊帳の外なのね(ヴァランダー)
You can't keep fobbing me off. - No one is fobbing you off, Mrs. Hillstrom. (ヴァランダー)
You think this is a fitting way to find out about your cousin's death? (ヴァランダー)
I've got diabetes. - Well, it's not full-blown. (ヴァランダー)
You'll have to hold the fort. (ヴァランダー)
They're holding firm on the "foreigner" thing. 犯人は外国人説を撤回しない(ヴァランダー)
Are you in a fit state? (ヴァランダー)
feed road幹線道路や主要な道路につながる支線道路を意味します。交通を主要な道路に導く役割を果たします
There are no feed roads between the castle and the site of Torstensson's death. 脇道(ヴァランダー)
I always thought you got what you saw. (ヴァランダー)
Their daughter lives in that gazebo while the parents are away? - Yeah, they don't let her into the main house. (ヴァランダー)
It's as if the closer we get to the killer, the more he wants to goad us. (ヴァランダー)
She had a gag in her mouth. (ヴァランダー)
Get out an alert. (ヴァランダー)
The incident finished my career. Then the booze got me. (ヴァランダー)
These postcards are cheap. They are generic, so there's nothing to narrow them down. (ヴァランダー)
He was an old client with a grievance of some sort. (ヴァランダー)
knock ~ on the head
1. (人)の頭をコツンとたたく、(人)の頭を殴って気絶させる
2. ~をたたきつぶす
3. 〔病気を〕治す
4. 〔迷信などを〕打ち破る
5. 〔計画を〕やめにする、中止させる、ぶち壊す
I thought we'd knocked this on the head. (ヴァランダー)
The hyoid bone. (ヴァランダー)
A fractured hyoid that's usually caused by a blow. (ヴァランダー)
Hyoid fractured in four places. (ヴァランダー)
Picnic hamper. (ヴァランダー)
I know this must seem intrusive and I do apologise, but I have to know who the father of your son was. (ヴァランダー)
This room was full of icons. 聖画(ヴァランダー)
We in the West have become inured to these horrible images. It's called "compassion fatigue". "Victim overload". (ヴァランダー)
Gustaf was in on it. (ヴァランダー)
Svedberg doesn't seem to have done much entertaining. Kept himself to himself. (ヴァランダー)
He thought the man was kosher. (ヴァランダー)
Was he very wealthy? - Not to my knowledge. (ヴァランダー)
Men of our age must beware the lactic acid build-up. (ヴァランダー)
This woman is looming larger and larger. (ヴァランダー)
The dementia will only get worse. His condition is progressive. He'll level out for a bit and then crash again. (ヴァランダー)
Where does that leave you? どうするつもりだ(ヴァランダー)
The larynx and the windpipe were both crushed. Obviously, you'd expect severe constriction injuries. (ヴァランダー)
I though in your castle, there'd be.. - What, lackeys? (ヴァランダー)
She last saw her daughter and these others on Midsummer's Eve. (ヴァランダー)
They always do something crazy Midsummer holiday. (ヴァランダー)
He meant us to find that picture. (ヴァランダー)
Merc = Mercedes.
It was a Merc. An old Merc. (ヴァランダー)
The guy's mega-loaded. (ヴァランダー)
You people have a hell of a nerve, coming around here and dragging all this up. (ヴァランダー)
You had this one big question nagging away at you. (ヴァランダー)
You going to nail him? I'm going to nail his henchman. (ヴァランダー)
They've all been off. 外出していない(ヴァランダー)
He orchestrated many of the recent attacks on foreign workers. (ヴァランダー)
His car skidded off the road, and he got killed outright. (ヴァランダー)
I can't let you have any more time off. We're pushed as it is. (ヴァランダー)
Paisley sheets. (ヴァランダー)
Want to put out a description? (ヴァランダー)
The dementia will only get worse. His condition is progressive. (ヴァランダー)
A pram or a pushchair. (ヴァランダー)
in proportionつり合いをとって
Let's get this in proportion. (ヴァランダー)
I heard that you'd packed it all in. (ヴァランダー)
We will need to try to plot his movements, if we can. (ヴァランダー)
I'll pass on your thoughts. (ヴァランダー)
He was taking pay-offs to cover something up. (ヴァランダー)
We should have brought the ram. In case we have to smash the door in. (ヴァランダー)
I just want to check the rotas. (ヴァランダー)
I resected the hyoid bone. (ヴァランダー)
Is your father still alive? - Yes. - Remember us to him, won't you? (ヴァランダー)
You've got so many questions haven't you, rattling around inside your head? (ヴァランダー)
Your daughter's really sorted, isn't she? できた娘(ヴァランダー)
The bullets were definitely fired through a silencer. (ヴァランダー)
We have a couple of sightings. 目撃(ヴァランダー)
They wanted it kept secret. (ヴァランダー)
The sorting office? 仕分け室(ヴァランダー)
stand-in skipper代理の主将[キャプテン]
use a stand-in in an exam 試験に替え玉を使う
We use reliefs. We've got a couple who do most of the temporary stand-ins. (ヴァランダー)
Was his wife a signatory on this account? 妻も使える口座(ヴァランダー)
take a spin(目的地も定めず)軽くドライブする
I'll take a spin around the town. (ヴァランダー)
I want the suspect staked out 24/7. (ヴァランダー)
He was driving too fast. Lost control or skidded off the road. (ヴァランダー)
I'm not so grand I can't answer the bloody door. (ヴァランダー)
Well, we don't think the deaths are quite as they initially appeared. - Isn't that just police-speak for "murdered"? (ヴァランダー)
I'm lucky. I'm stinking rich. (ヴァランダー)
I know, it's easy to sneer. (ヴァランダー)
He got an 18-month suspended sentence. Got slung out of the force for that one. (ヴァランダー)
I need a bit of air. It's a bit stuffy in here. (ヴァランダー)
For visa details and suchlike. (ヴァランダー)
You and he had a bit of a shouting match. (ヴァランダー)
Who actually gives a toss? (ヴァランダー)
He always said you're a man he could trust his life to. (ヴァランダー)
trouser suit : A trouser suit is women's clothing consisting of a pair of trousers and a jacket which are made from the same material. (ヴァランダー)
Svedberg was shagging a trannie. (ヴァランダー)
I asked around a bit and put two and two together. (ヴァランダー)
I made sure he never met his father. I didn't want him tainted with the fact. (ヴァランダー)
Mr. Harderberg is a good man but a hard taskmaster. (ヴァランダー)
He drove an unmarked car. 覆面パトカー(ヴァランダー)
Unfounded allegations without a shred of proof. (ヴァランダー)
I have waded through some shit for this envelope. (ヴァランダー)
I heard the horse whinnying. (ヴァランダー)
Whereabouts was the car parked? (ヴァランダー)
You're not wired up. 盗聴器をつけていない(ヴァランダー)
Put in a word, bend an ear for me. (ヴァランダー)
He got pretty antsy about him. (ヴァランダー)
He wants to bury an axe in your skull. (ヴァランダー)
That's some kind of serious anti-depressant. (ヴァランダー)
A slight abrasion from the fall. (ヴァランダー)
He used to have a girl delivered each week to some secret bolt-hole. (ヴァランダー)
The Indian brave offers up the scalp as a gift to free another soul. (ヴァランダー)
I used to go blundering in to these places. (ヴァランダー)
He said he needed a breather. (ヴァランダー)
He was cultured. He liked to be seen among the wealthy art collectors. (ヴァランダー)
Well, when all's said and done, he was your dad. - Doesn't always cut it, though, does it? 死んでも悲しまない子もいるよね。(ヴァランダー)
Did he come on to you? (ヴァランダー)
The actual confirmation's just been made about her death. (ヴァランダー)
How did she die? (ヴァランダー)
Total cock-up. (ヴァランダー)
Useless donkey! (ヴァランダー)
He got drunk at a dinner once, and launched into a diatribe about the world having reverted to chaos. (ヴァランダー)
Disaffected kids were promised some kind of a better future. (ヴァランダー)
Dementia is eating into me. (ヴァランダー)
I enrolled you for internet dating. (ヴァランダー)
He was just on edge so much lately. Nervy. (ヴァランダー)
He died from an embolism in his brain. (ヴァランダー)
Look no further than a painter. (ヴァランダー)
We might get over to see Grandad today. (ヴァランダー)
I’ll get a small holding somewhere for carrots. 借地(ヴァランダー)
It's a hollow-point bullet. (ヴァランダー)
Practically brought the country to a halt. (ヴァランダー)
Money? - Yeah. 300 krona. (ヴァランダー)
He'd laid into his wife, beat her up when she was pregnant. (ヴァランダー)
What's your father like? - How long have you got? 話せば長くなるよ(ヴァランダー)
I can't see a woman landing those blows. (ヴァランダー)
I feel a bit guilty about leaving you in the lurch earlier. (ヴァランダー)
Multiple stab wounds. (ヴァランダー)
That's not massively helpful. (ヴァランダー)
The name "midsummer" mainly refers to summer solstice festivals of European origin, especially those in the Nordic countries. (ヴァランダー)
Something mundane. (ヴァランダー)
I'll nip out tomorrow. (ヴァランダー)
He was always phoning the police about people pestering him. (ヴァランダー)
A real old piss-head. (ヴァランダー)
2,014 permutations for what those letters might mean. (ヴァランダー)
The prosecutor is going to want to get a profiler in. (ヴァランダー)
In a state of prolonged trauma. (ヴァランダー)
Her own father, for God's sake pimped her out to the man. (ヴァランダー)
I used to like power cuts. They were cosy. 停電(ヴァランダー)
This is pushing it a bit. (ヴァランダー)
There's a trail leading through the rape to the barn. (ヴァランダー)
She escaped from custody earlier. She's on the run. (ヴァランダー)
God, this place is squalid! (ヴァランダー)
It's like these kids who self-harm now. (ヴァランダー)
Sweden stands for a little more than just Bjorn Borg, Abba, and skinny-dipping in mountain lakes. (ヴァランダー)
I wouldn't want to be the schmuck who has to trawl through that database for abbreviations and acronyms. (ヴァランダー)
He was scalped. (ヴァランダー)
He was a shit! A shyster! (ヴァランダー)
When all's said and done, he was your dad. (ヴァランダー)
The mother got really spiky. 嫌がった(ヴァランダー)
They used to ship girls in. Prostitutes. (ヴァランダー)
I paint a seascape. (ヴァランダー)
This morning, I'll paint a seascape. This morning I'll do a still life. (ヴァランダー)
His heart is sound as a bell, blood is fine. (ヴァランダー)
I don't mean to sound off. (ヴァランダー)
sound off〈話〉〔意見・不平などを大声で〕はっきりと[ずけずけと]言う
I wouldn't want to be the schmuck who has to trawl through that database for abbreviations and acronyms. (ヴァランダー)
He knows he's not traceable. (ヴァランダー)
This connection between him and the suspect sounds a bit tenuous. (ヴァランダー)
He's done time. He was accused of forging cheques. (ヴァランダー)
He'll have covered his tracks. (ヴァランダー)
What's to stay for? いても意味がない(ヴァランダー)
What is it with that elastic band on your finger? Is that some sort of strange love token? - No. It's just to remind me to get some food for my cat. (ヴァランダー)
A bank in Turin. (ヴァランダー)
We've fallen by the wayside. (ヴァランダー)
He took him under his wing. (ヴァランダー)
He just gets a bit worked up sometimes. (ヴァランダー)
The doctor said that she's willing herself to die. (ヴァランダー)
A manhunt is under way. (ヴァランダー)